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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1938, p. 10

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THURSDAY, JULY 21ST, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 ---- Me. and Mes. Wallace Gibson Sunday guests witb 'Me. and spent the weekend with friends in Mr. W. J. S. Riekard, Meadow- Minden and Haliburton. lark Farm, were Mr. and Mes. Friends were pleased to note Jas. Swarbrick. Kendal, and Mis- that Mr. Jas. Haugh is impeoved ses Helen Rickard and Eileen and attended church on Sunday.l Morrow, Toronto. Miss D)qrothy Trenwith is holi- Newcastle Intermnediates tied daying'in Muskoka with Mr. and Bowmanville 3 al in the July l2th Mes. Oowans, and ber sister of game on the local diamond. the Bewdley. game being called on accounit of Mr. and Mes. Gordon Laking darkening twiligbt. Newcastle bas spent their holidays in Parry now won one and tied one. Sound and ending their holiday Army woems, ,wb-ich are a spe- in Haliburton. icies of cnt woems, are damaging Mrs. Bradford Kay, Mes. LeRoy ý grain on many faems. They seem HalTner and Mes. Wm. Turner,,t attack the lodged spots first, N. Y., are visiting their mother. wbeee the heads are dloser to the Mes. Geo. Eilbeck. geound and more accessible. Misses Dorothy Henning ai-d Sunday week guests with Mr. AudeyBonthn sen thir110_,and Mes. J. A. Awde were: Me. AdeyBoathaon*sPnttei L-eand Mes. Albert Moore, Enniskil- iays ,adJacksonh Poit. Lake, len. Me. and Mes. Luther Pascoe. Sioead rvehrsMts Solina, and Me. Frank Pascoe and Mioka. nbleHedy h sister, Miss Pascoe, Taunton. Mss bAn tabelle sHndry who Rev. R. E. Morton peeacbed on bedl as en ehingsehoos neae '*Neigbborliness" lu the United Kc dabah e e ftejnengagedastea-Churcb Sunday moening. basing cher to h unoroom unhol Pooty- bis sermon on the story of Thet Miss Ethel Webber. Hilliaedton, brick, Ken. r.dedabass Who bas been visiting ber sister, soloiO, he lesings tat Hes Mes. H. C. Allun, bas gone to To-'soo 0 h lsig htH ronto to be with ber sister Mes. gives you and me." In the even-S Kerr, wbo returned to ber home ing Me. Morton spoke on "Man"s in Toronto from Lindsay hospital stressing the value of manhood. wher shewastake afer bingHis text was, How muce then is a badly injueed in a motor accident. man better than a sheep Matt. 12: Me. W. E. Beman bas sold bis 12; or anytk ing else lu tbe woeld farm "Bayside", now occupied by ýupon wbicr a high estimate can Me. and Mes. Wm. Hanna and be put. At this service Miss Ber- famiy, t Mr.Chas Giles o nice Gilbank sang a soprano solo, fantl, on. Me.s Chota.les ofBecause I love Him so, and Me. Cu aon. is isnot a lbage farem and Mes. Sawrbrick contibuted bt bas ben lorn cleeatdor 1a bass and alto duet af ter the of- ards. Me. Hanna is seeking a ei larger faem. After a prolonged illness fromi Girls' Softbaîl Standing a tooth infection Miss E. L. Tren- The next game in the NON.q with is now able to be out again. Girls' Softball League will be f She attended the Horticultural played here witb Orono this Fni-d meeting on Monday evening when day evening, July 22. Presentq plans were completed for the standing:a holding of the District Flowee Won Lost t Show lu the community hall on Newcastle 4 0 Friday, August 12. Feiends were Newtonville 3 2 0 also pleased to see ber at St. Orono 0 5 George's garden paety and tea at Miss B. Mclntosh's on Tuesdayh aferoo.NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURHr Ex-Alderman Raymond C a e e S. S. PICNIC S and Mes. Care, Belleville, cele- brated the twenty-fiftb anniver- United Cburcb Sunday School r sary of their wedding July llth. pîcnicked at the Ontario ForesteyC On Satueday evening a number o f Park, Orono, on July lSth, wbenb friends gatheeed at their home, 22 pupils, teachers, parents and fri-v Chatham Street, and presented ends turned out in large numbees. themn witb a bandsome silver tea Tbey went eaely and stayed late service as an anniversary remem- and enjoyed a il the park's facili- brance and also as a token of es- ties for amusement and recreation fi teemn, before their departure this 1 for at least seven houes of fine c summer to reside in Hamilton. July weatber. Me. Stanley Rick- J The peesentation was made by ard, teacher o! the young men'sp Ex-Alderman C. R. Clapp, wbo1 class, conducted a program of a expeessed the congratulations and ýsports and contests in whicb near- good wishes of the gathern on ly everyone could find sometbing d the silver jubilee. He spoke of the to participate lu suitable to bis or y sincere regret feit at their intend- her age and capabilities. Stanley e ed departure feom the city. A so- was given valuable assistance byS cial evening was enjoyed and re- Supt. Thos. A. Rodger, Rev. R. E.S freshments weee served. The Morton, J. H. Jose, T. W. Jack- b, beautiful wedding cake was made son, Miss Jean Clemence and oth- b by Miss Doeothy Care, daughter ers. Prizes were awarded to the r o! Me. and Mes. Care. Mes. Care ýwinners. Four or five softballE was formerly Sarah Hunter, dau- Igames were played, the team ghter o! the late Mrs. Wm. Hun- membees ranging from six toH tee. sixty. The ladies seeved a picniec(c Me. Lloyd Hancock spent the lunch wbich everybody belped to 0 weekend witb fiends at Norbam. peovide. There was an abundance 1Me. and Mes. A. W. Glenney Of good things with plenty toM visited at Williams Point, Lake sPare wben the meal was over.a Scugog. To the igbt of the Newcastle a Miss Louise Hancock is. visiting crowd as tbey sat at table wereK the Camerons at Golden Valiey, , a group of ladies, the RehekabsY Paeey Sound. from Bowmanville, and tbrough ti Me. and Mes. Morton and fam- * the trees on the left the United ily, Tbornhiil, viiedRv.adChuech people and their minister ti Mes. R. E. Morton. ifeom Bethany, ail partaking joy-v Miss Dawn Moffat, Orono, has ously of their picnic luncheons. o been bolidaying witb ber 'aunt, Acquaintances from the tbreeC Mes. W. F. Rickard. . buegs were happy to observe the Shaw's Scbool Trustees bave amenities of chance meetings. 1 engaged Miss Eleanor E. Ceonk, Bloomfield, as their teacher. NEWCASTLE-ON-THE-LAKE 0 Miss Jean Rickaed is convales- - cing at "The Grange" following:Historical Sketch PreparedîBy Dr. ber operation for appendicitis. w.H atnJaî-Ra t i Mes. Jas. Spicer and childeen, Ratepayers' Meeting 0 Helen and Keitb, are holidaying at Me. and Mrs. W. J. S. Riekards. The Township of Clarke was S Master Bill Quinlan. Toronto, surveyed lu 1797 and named fora has been holidayiug xith bis cou- the Hon. Alured Clarke who badE sin, Master Paul Wise, -Pier- been appainted Lord-Lieutenant 4 view.'" of the county by Goveenor Simcoe. Me. and Mes. Ernest Crabtree. The Governor was anxious that a Toronto, were guests of Dr. and landed gentry sbould beetb Mes. Horace Walton-Ball at '*The lished in this new country similar Li1acs.'" (o that at home in England and Newcastle Horticultural Society land aa e pe uCak visits Me. R. S. McLaughlin's Township for clergy reseeves.v "Paekwood" Gardens on Fidav This provision for the establish- F evening, July 22. ment of a state cbuech was later li Me. and Mes. W. J. S. Riekard. to cause so mucb bitterness and i Mrs. W. H. Pearce and H. R. steife. Pearce visited Me. and Mrs. Erie The Avery family at one timE Pearce, Claremont. undal h ad tBn ed Master Donald Lewis. Hamil- Here Col. Cozens is said to bave0 ton, is visiting bis grandparens. cleared the first two acres lu theu Me. and Mes. Jno. Robinson, and township of Clarke. The father, f his cousin, Harold Smith. John Avery, came of an old Eng-h Miss Helen Lycett, %vho is tak- lish family. Richard, the son, ing a summer course at Toronto sold 48q acres ta Chaeles Clark ini University, spent the weekend 1838. ShsCakws orltv with ber grandfather, Me. Thos. *ta the Hon. Alnred Clarke. Moffat. Me. Clark expended $25.000 in _Mr. and Me.s. ,Everett Brown, building a whaef--and. construct- PRIZE WINNERS PUZZLE NO. 15 1. Mrs. E. E. Roberts, Port Hope, Ont. 2. Mrs. Win. Montgomery, Codriiigton, Ont. 3. Mrs. Mountjoy, Burketon, Ont. For the Summer mnontbs (bis contest will appear every iveek only. PORT HOPE RnWMAN VILLE second1 - - - -PHONE 404 - - - -PHONE 419 Followiug arn illness o! about five yeaes, Minnie Loretta Han- cock passeh away on Wednesday, July l3th, at the Woodstock Hos- uital. She was born July 28, 1872, at Tyrone, Ontario. Miss Hancock had been a resi- dent o! Oshawa for about tbirty years and was a member o! sev- eal local associations. She was a Sunday school teacher at King Street United Church for a num- ber of years and also was a mem- ber o! that chuecb. She was a member o! the local Daughters o! England lodge. The late Thomas and Sarah Hlancock, parents o! Miss Han- cock, peedeceased ber. Suevivors of Miss Hancock are: Two sisters, VIes. T. H. Coey (Hattie), and Mes. W. J. Wood (Della), bath o! Osh- awa; and five beothees, Herbert and Harold, o! Oshawa, Frank o! Kitscoty, Alberta, Edward o! l'orkton, Saskatchewan, and Lu- bher o! Roland, Manitoba. The funeral took place !rom the residence o! ber sister, Mes. WV. J. Wood, 156 Elgin St. East, mn July l6th. Interment in Union .emetery, Osbawa. Mrs. J. W. Brooks, Bowmanville Florence Swales Brooks, widow of the late John Wesley Brooks, Solina, passed peacefully away on July 1 lth, at Bowmanville Hospi- tal, after a long illness extending over the past four years. Mes. Brooks was boru lu luger- soi on January 13, 1873, and was i dangbter o! James Swaies and Elizabeth Garbutt. On December 4, 1894, she was married to John Wesley Brooks wbo predeceased hee 22 yeaes ago. Me. and Mes. Brooks made their home at **Rockwell Geeen," Sauina, until a!ter Me. Beooks' death, when VIes. Brooks moved to Bowman- ville and lived on Beech Avenue. For the past seven yeaes she bas lived with ber daugbter and son- in-law,, Me. and Mes. W. F. Quick, Elgin Street. Mes. Brooks xvas a member of Trinity~ United Churcb. She was of a veey quiet and eetieing nat- ure, beloved by ber family and feiends and best knowu lu ber home. She beaves ta mouen ber passiug, L. J. Brooks, Oshawa, Samuel W. and Harvey J., near Bowmanville, Mes. H. E. Gr9omns (Effa), Toronto, Mes. S. E. Wveeey (Myrtie), Sauina, and Mes. W. F. Quick (Gladys), Bowmanville. The funeral, beld feom the home o! ber daughter, Mes. Quick, was iargely attended on July 13, and the floral offerings were nu- merous and very beautiful. The service was couducted by ber pas- (or, Rev. S. Davison o! Trinity Cburch, who was assisted by Rev. W. F. Banister o! St. Paul's Churcb. Palîbearees were Dr. J. W. Langmaid, Oshawa, Ra y Brooks, Couetice, botb nepbews; ,and four graudsons, George and Wesley Werry, Solina, J o hn Grooms, Toronto, and Glen Brooks Bowmanville. Interment W a S made un Ebenezer Cemetery. It wili come as a surprise to thousands o! regular visitors ta the Canadian National Exhibition to know that Exhibition Park in- cludes a rose garden o! exquisite beauty. This lovely gem o! floral artistry la unfortunately missed by many Exhibition visitors. At nigbt concealed lights lend a faiey-like encbantment (o the scene. A mean man always measures the world bv' bis own standard. Wben a man puts bis foot lu it he feels like kicking himsel!. Every woman should let ber busband have bis own way once in a wbile - for a change. G. S. Boulton and Me. Mnes S treets here in the village still bear their names. They subse- cjuently sold out to Robinson Bros. of Toronto. One of these brothers afterwards became Sic Hon. Beverlv Robinson, Bart., of Beverly House. Toronto, and later Lieut.-Governor of Ontario. The Robinson Bras.. after careying on the business for some time, trans- ferred it to William Mclntosh who the owner of the mill in 1875. In 1857 a new charter was ob- tained and the name changed from Bond Head to Port New- castle, and although it is 8Q years since the change the old name stili persists. Mr. John J. Robinson succeeded Mr. Boulton as president of the Harbour Comîpany. The Directors were Messrs. Mcîntosh, Lovekin, Wellington Foster and T h os. Tamblyn. With Me. Francis Nich- [oison, wbo was harbour master for many yeaes, acting as secre- tary of the Harbour Co., Mr. Farn- comb of Eber House was Collector of Customs. After 1860 the Port of New- castle lost much of its former shipping trade owing to the ex- tension of the railways, just as now the eailways are losing the business theough the motors and trucks on the highways. There was an early Indian set- tlement in Clarke near Bond Head. Most of these Indians are said to have died away in a smallpox epidemic. Many Indian graves have been found in the past and also numerous relies picked up from time to time. The Massey family began the manufacture of farm implements at Bond Head in 1847. Obituaries John D. Fletcher, Toronto John David Fletcher, with the Toronto Waterworks Department for twenty-five years, died Mon- day at bis home, 145 George St., Toronto. He was taken iii a week ago while on a two weeks' vaca- tion. He was in bis eighty-fourth ioeae. Born in Bowmanville, son of Gordon D. Fletcher, he came to T'oronto in 1900. Survivxxg are is widow, Katlarine Harvey Flietcher; two daughters, Mrs. M. Miller and Mes. T. Greer, and two sons, Mort and Arthur, ail of To- ronto; one sister, Mes. Robt. Greenfield, and one brother, Her- bert Fletcher, both of Bowman- v'ille. Minnie Loretta Hancock, Oshawa .S. S. No. 6 Daelington. Names in Davey, ta Raymnond Herbert Arum- aiphabeticai order. togso ofIr.Amton Entrnce Magart Cmpblliand the late Charles G. Armstrong. (honors), Lorraine Smith (hion- Orono. oes), Lillian Snowden (pass). _______________ To Grade 8: Roy Bothwell, PalCollacutt, Marion Foley, Card of Thanks Dorotby Snowden._______________ To Grade 7: Lenore Collacutt, Reginaid Evans, Audrey Green- Ianakgtisopmutrf ham, Ronald Smith, Reva Sykes. xtendimmg my thaiuks and apprecua- To Grade 6: Stewart Jarvie, 1tiouu ta al l tose rhmo w reresaon- Billie Smith, Stanley Snowden, isiî! o u mi ra cmetcd riî Doris Stevens. ytîme Benefit BaIl Gaimne schia To Grade 5: Ellen Abeenethysae atFia îgt-osE James Colliss, Doreen Jefiery, Rihrs John Morton, Belford Panke. ihrs To Grade 4: Wallace Bothwell, Jack Munday, Ray Munday, Mar- janie Rundie, Bert Snowden, o igE e t Haeey Snowden, Harold Stevens, Co ng E e t Loryne White, May Wright. Theme iwill be a Spiritual Healing To Grade 3: Joyce Abeenethy. and NMessazes Service iin the .0.E. Cheistena Campbell, B a r b a r a Hall everv first amîd third Nloiidar- Panke, Bille Skelding, V ere a .n, esvey Fridav at 2 p.mi. Smith, Bob Sykes. To Grade 2: Howard Brown, Rcgular mieeting of the \Vonens Eddie Colliss, Everett Finney, Bil Instituite irill be lheld ou Thnrsday lie Jay, Kay Lycett, Lewis Run- afternoon. fIs 28th, at 3 p.m., iii die, Raymond Rundie, Ruth Snow- the formm o a picmic at the Creamn den, Joy Sykes, Eileen Twist, of llarley- Camip. Please note the Yvonne Wood. claulge iii the place afi neetiuug. Mrs. Wm. L. Lycett, teacher. Lyle and Mmrs. Mahood. convenors. SON 0F FORMER Miscellaneous TRINITY PASTOR WEST END GARAGE AND '\A- WINS SCHOLARS'HIP chimie Shop - We specialize lu JohnC GMooe, sn o niachinerrepairs. general gar- JohnC. . More so of age repairs, sreldimîg. tossing ser-, and Mes. S. C. Moore, f ormerly o! vice. J. L. Demnemling. Proprietor. Trinity United Cburch, Bowman- ville, is being congratulated on Bosymanville. Phunie 781. 23-tf the occasion o! his recent gradua- tio; irom __me-orma-11u-g TT-i--- é . fune'. ,sumwa .;.ega versity o! Toronto. Me. Moore during bis second' and (bird yeaes in Un4versity, won the Powell-McCullough, and the Regent's soholarships. Hle now graduates in Arts with f.v-st clams honoues lu Geolo>gy and Miner- ology. and as Colonial Gold Med- aUist in GeologY. With a fellow- student he shares the Regent's Gold Medal, and shares honours o! first place in the final ists of special courses. Prior bo entering- University, Mr. Moore was a successfUl stu- and Vooational Institute, fol.ow- ing a creditable course in public schools in Bowmanvilie, Coîborne, and Belleville. Following four months in New îOntario as a ýmember o! a Geo- logical Survey-Party, under the Ontario Department o! Mines, Mr. Moore vill enter Cornell Univer- sity in the United States on a Fellowship whioh. bas been offer- ed hlm. Here he will pursue post- geraduate studies. as well as act as im'structor in the Geo1ogical Lab- ra.tory. MOLIJED DEUGHT FROM GELATIN AND POUND CAKE S EASY and Inexpensive ta serve as fruit gelatin and pound cake ýA l this regal dessert, namned '7Molded Dellgbt." It la made as foUlows: MOLDED DELIGHT (Serves 8) 1 package raspberry-tlavored gelatin 1 cup boillng water 1% cups crusbed Ie 3 cups mlxed fruits (freah or canned) 2 bananas (dlced) 8 marshmallows (quartered) % cup nut meata (broken) i1lb. pound cake Dls.golve gelatin ln bollng water. Add crushed te and stîr untîl melted. (This Is a bandy short-cut ta speed up the settlng process and does not impair the flavor when one uses (ho pure, taste-free tce de- livered by the tee service man.) Pour a 1/4-ncb layer ot gelatin ln the bottoma of a loaf pan and chili untîl alrnost firm. Combine the dralned, cuL fruits (any type except fresh pineapple) with te banana,. marshmaliows and nuts. Place % of !thîs mixture overte gelatin and top with a %-nch layer of pound cake. Add another layer of fruits, another of cake and the remalnlng thîrd of the fruits. Pour over ail the remaining, whlck la of the conslstency of a thin Jeily; Insert a spatuia around the edges ta allow gelatin ta reach the bottom layer. Chili until firm ln modern alr-conditîoned Ie re- frigemator. The coid, molat, dlean- washed air wiii guard Lb. dessert against any posslbillty of picklng up th. flavors of otier foods. Un- mold, garniah with fruits and whipped cream. School Reports S. S. NO. 17, DARLINGTON Successful Fifth Class and En- trance candidates of Union S. S. No. 17, Darlington: Fifth: Ruby Griffin - Art, Gram- mar, Social Studies (History and Geography), Agriculture 1. Entrance: R u b y McLaughlin (honours), Harold Avery, Harold McLaughlin, Jean Knapp, Aileen Rahm, Kathryne Moore. Doris R. Milîson, teacher. BROWN'S June promotions of S. S. No. 5, Clarke. Names in alphabetica] order: Entrance: Richard Rolley. To Grade 8: Harold Wright (Hon). To Grade 6: Pauline Beanch (Hon>, Joyce Eddy, Archie Wu- pori. To Grade 5: Martha Van de Belt. To Grade 3: Betty Stephep- son (Hon).0 To Gradè 2 Sr.: Hermon Van de Beit. To Grade 1 Sr.: Russell Brancb, James Mainwaring, Bobby Ste- phenson, Garhard Van de Beit. Beginner: Sam Turner. Ethel M. Simpson, teacher. MAPLE GROVE .Births FISHER - In Bowmnanville Hos- pital on Fridav, juIv lSth, 1938, to Alr. and Mrs. ,AIIaiî Fishier, Taunton. a son. MOFFATT - lui Bowmanville, on JuIy l7th, 1938, to NIr. and 'Mrs. Allen E. "Moffatt, a son (Leon Ray). 'MOORCRAFT - Ini Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday, July l7thi, te Mr. and %fr$. Herbert W. Mloor - craft, a daughter. Donna 'Marie. Marriage ARNISTRONG-DAVEY-On 'Mon- day, July 18th, 1938, at Park St. United Chiurch parsonage, Orono. bv Rev. S. Litlewood. Mary Promtionlis, Male rove DLen DavevdaQ lterJofehE Deaths REYNOLDS - In Bosrmuammilîe, oui Tuesdar. JuIv I9th, 1938, Edivin Rcyneolds, aged 87 vears. Ftmmmral frein Tiniitv U nited Church. on 1-ridav. Jcly 221ld. at 2..30 Imterred Boîsimunvilîe Cemlnter) HANCOCK - hI Darimmgteim. omu Meumclda-. J uly Bih. 193, Ellemi Ellins Hatucock, belovcd w i feof the late laines Haucck. iii ler 87th vear. Inmterineuut 1Ebeiezer Ceneterv. F-LETCHER - Suddeml au his laie reCsidetice. 145 George Street. Te- remue. jutlv l8tlm. John David Flet- cher. beloecd husband of Catherinme Harver amnd father of NIrs. Thos. Mtiller. iii lis 84th vemr. late of the Toronie Water Workzs. rîar- int:, sectiomn. Intermnent Basymnamîville Ceîmîetemv. OSBORNE-lu Toronîto amn Thurs- day. July 7, 1938, Eva C. Osborne, daughier of '.%m. amnd Nirs. Corni- clius, Osborne. Intermnemut Boss- imans illa. Cnetery. In Memoriam GiJBSO.N -IlIoving ruenory ai mmi%-cear Husbamîd, Evereet L. Gibisouu. sslo passed aavrJuIr 20, 1935. at bis haime, 193 Doîvling Avre..Toronte. Imtermed in Omommo1 Ceiuieters-: A\s long as lufe ny hcart shal hQld Thy inemors' ever dear. And o'er Thy grave iin loving grief Shaîl faîl a silemît tear. ROBERTS - Inlu orug imemiomy of aur belored daugbter Ina. isba passed asvav July, 1935: Olm for the tonch of a vanishied 1 baud. Amnd tîud sond of a voice thats dear. -Sadîy missed fby Mather, Dad and George. Also. Auntie Lillie, April, 1937; Auumtie Rutb, JuIy. 1937; Auntie Louie, July. 1938. Till the Day dawn and the sha- dows fIee away. XVELSH - In loving miemory of Edib MNary Chapmnan, beloved wife of Artbur Xelsh wbo passed asvay jnIy 21, 1937:- 1 caunot say, and I will not say, That she is deadl She is Iust away Xith a cheery smilci and a wave of the baud, She bas wandered into a better land; And lefi us deamning bow vemy fair. It needs must be, since sîîe limuers theme. Anîd you Qh I you, who tlmc irildest yeýarn For the old-time step amnd the glad returu, Think of Item farîng on, as dear Iu the love of there. as the love of here. Think of ber still as the samne. I say: She is, îot dead - slîe is just araî'. -.ovimmglr remnenbemed bi' Hus- banmd and Famiîv. Are Made On 1 111*1 1 KODAK FILM Dry Hait Becomes- There's a Kodak Film for Sllky SuMoothi every pîcture takîng need. MianogAeroRa '-~ Accept nothing but the film oing i t Irnhm in the familiar yellow box. Slmaac<- D R ENIEENLARGEMENT FOR DRY HNIR Special 99C Only IOc e Eaoh With every film developed 4le~~n. 9eand printed by us you may regular 25c Enlargement made for only 10c. Take ad- vantage of this generous of- fer wltb every film you have STIF NESS developed. =Iayet M leW eil inuB oo l ma$*e spou "b= IMU 1ecSALE rouIl »On llmbevuop 1 Listerin. Tooth Paste Extra Tube le TUMBLER FREE 'Wlth Enlsh style Fruit Saline. Contains ne epsom salis. Priced - 29e-59c Price - 39e BATHING CAPS 19C to 59C Phoi For Sale FOR SAL-SEALED TEND)ERS wijlIl)e receîved for the hiall at Enfield until julv 30thi. 1938. Ad- (lress letters te L. C.,1'ascoe, Binrkcton. 28-2w FOR S.\LE - DOMINION OR- gail, hall trees. wardrolles, di f er- eut size tables, writing desk. Aiso furiîiture andi organs i epaired. Hl. B3 ee. I tersev St.. Bowian- vuie. Piohne (b28. 27-4 13.l«i.\lNS GALORE IN SUN!. mer cttage f urîitutre: heds 98c; ilressers $3 il i inig re iii Suites $12; ceieterfîeld suites $11; kit- ciil cabinet $5 ; tablhes, rock i ig chai rs 90e huitndreds o'f ettier bar- gains. XiseîsFtriiîre Coin- pan' , 20 Cli trch St., 0 sliawsa. 27-4* LI VER TROUBLES ANDIIIEAD- aches disappear Nsvlieiî yen take K ipp's lerh l'ablet . Sod b% NlcGregor's l)rtg Store. FOR SALE - FRAMIE HOUSE and barnu. 4 acres lanid, more or Iess ; large cistern ;id liard water svell .. \vpv te \V. S. Leckweod, Box 90. Newcastle. 29-1 FOR S.ALE- GURNEY ELEC- triC Range, four burners and oven: bargain for qtiick -sale. Appîy F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanvilîe.99-1;h Cultivator For Sale FOR SALE-YOUNG COW, AND mare and colt. Appîy Mike Panas, R.R. 2. Bownmanville. ' 29-1* FOR SALE - EIGHT YOUNG pigs, six wvceks old . Apply Misses Harnden. on Highway, Bowman- ville. West. 29-1* PIGS FOR SALE - 10 SUCKING pigs, 7 weeks oîd. Apply Herb Burgess, Tyrone. or T. W. Caw- ker. Bowmanviîle. 29-1 HEEI RATCLPA that wiII enable you to buiîd an independent ibusiness of v oue own witb the distribution of over 200 guaranteed tîroducts in select dis- trict. Every day is pay day 1 Re- peat orders on aIl goods. Position is permancn~. l ot onetime sale affair! 0f fer open to honest. am- bitious, alert men only. If inter- ested. write to Familex Co., 570 St. Clement, 'Montreal. 29-2 Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Sitting of the Court of Revision for the Tow'nship of Darlington will be held at the Town Hall in the village of Hampton on Thursday, July 28, at the hour of 10.30 oclock in the forenoon, Daylight Saving Time, to hlear and determine the several com- plaints and omissions in the Assess- ment Roll for the said municipality for the year 1938. Ail persons hav- ing business at the Court are e- qucsted to be present as aforesaid. 1. D. HOGARTH, Cîerk. 29-1 Farmers Attention! SEE THE MNASSEY -HARRIi; "Reaper - Thresher" Demonstration at Mr. WV. H. Littlefield's, Curve Inni. Newcastle, during the week of JuIy 25th and juIv 3th. W. S. Staples. Massey - H-arris Dealer, Bowmanville. 29-1* E HPE CT IhG R? HIIY FEVER A Iw tiny tablets a day of KOVRe HELP * FOOD, wifl help build TO HAY FEVERI Your monoy back il flot fuUly saisfied! * Alzo corrects, pro. venits, acn. and many * nervous. glandular, * and r heumnatt troubles. Stan todayi, HANDY SIZE 47 CENTS Jury & Lovel me 834 LIMITED Bowmanç rifle PAGE TEN -r-- r i a GREAT PICTURES READt; dUSE m WA T-BADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0s H LÀUWI)RYi&DRYCLEANING Co. 4ý6 CENTRE ST LýiMlTýD TELEPHOME 1520 0 Lu C ' 'l ONTARIO AWA , , 1 1 1 uqu FOR SALE - 20 SUCKLING pigs. ApVly S. W. Brooks. Phone 2227. 29-1w FOR SALE - FAT CATTLE suitable for beef ring; also millk cows and otblers due to renew. Apply H. B. Foster. Phone 745. 28-3 Summer Resort FOR RENT-SUMMIER RESORT on beautiful Salmon Trout Lake, fnrnished log cottage; beds for seven. Available from August 14. C. A. Bartîett, phone 2626. 28-2 Lost LOSI - TIRE AND REM, SIZE 37 x 4, between Newcastle and Bowmanville. Metropolitan Trans- port Co., Oshawa. Phone 62w Oshawa. 29-1* Car For Sale CAR FOR SALE - 1930 FORD Coupe, 1938 license, will seIl for $110 cash. Apply XVm. Barrett, King St., WVest, (near Osborne's Service Station). 29-1* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - 1 HAND CULTI. vator. l'steel wheelbarrow, 1 hand seeder, 1 180 egg Buckeye incuba- tor. Apnîy R. Punnett, 'Maple Grove. 29-1* Notice Dr. BelI's office Nv1l b e closed frein Sunday. July 24tb. until Sun- las..ugiist 2lst, inclusive. 29-1 Dr. Slemnon's Office will be clos- ed from July 1 îth to July 31st, inclusive. D)r. Boenu'castle's office wiII be cîe)sed frei Juy l8th to, August lst. 28-2w To Rent FOR RENT - EIGHT ROOMrED bouse on the corner of Elgin and Odeli Streets, double garage suitable for transport truck and car. Apply Mrs. J. E. AllUn, Bowmanvile. Phone 2595. 5t FOR RENT - BRICK HOUSE on Divisio n St.. four roomns and 3- piece bath. newly decorated, buiît- ini etîphoards, nes'. hardwood floors, good garden. Phone A. H. CIe. mens. 2433. 27-tf TO R E NT - SIX -ROOMED lieuse on Wellington St. Mrs. Geo. NlceMullen. 29-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - ON Highway, 2 miles west of Bow- manville. six--room brick bouse, electrie,.aIl modern conveniences, hardwood throughout, double gar- age and chicken bouse. 4à acres of land. furnace. Apply R. Pun- nett. Maple Grove. 29-1* Wanted WANTED - HIGH CLASS Salesman uscd to dealing direct w.ith farmers to sclI High Quality MineraI Feeds. Apply 'C.P.M.";, Statesman office. 28-2w Men! a

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