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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1938, p. 2

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i.,,' THURSDAY, JULY 21ST, 1938 Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the town of BowmanvilIe and surrounding country, isqued at Kilng Street, Bowmanvllle. every Thursday. by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canada Statesman is a member softthe Can adian Weekl~ Newspapers Assocation. alsothe Class 'A" Wek ,es of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere ln Canada $2.50 a year; when Paid ln ad- vance $2.00 a year; 50e extra in United States to cover postage. Slngje copies, 5c. THURSDAY. JULY 21ST, 1937 Orangeismn and DemnociracY Tlic celebratioi of the Glorious 1i2tli at Oroîîo last wveek %-a's of ttrcater sigîîlifieaîîee this s-car thau k it hs heen for iianiV veat's. The gat.lering of the Orai eîneî. ]lot as somne peopile' soeei t o suppoise. a gai leringo of Protestatiît igots -11o walit to set flicir views againîd anothler elînr1eli itIliwhlni ftie ord' li ,iglt 1 itaîzethle'. Tee lh e OaîeOrîler ik aiîî a laîizatt buoftpeopie 4)andcd togetiiet' to re7et've eeita iii esseni- tial'. ofthie Britit sh em.wilîi lîeir for- licarls foliglit anid died for. Th'le esseitials blilidi<ftlie (rîicOî'er are h valtY to Kîig ý,anti Empiîre. treedoinof reliuliouî antid equal îi-iîs toalal. Tliese are eomicnilaie and as long., as Orani1eînen reinini)er t bat these are the prineiffles of their- order. tliey- mi 'luit iii ne ta grow and ci an influence in Canada. As wîe sec it. the greatest gyood the Orange Order eau do for Canada at. tis tirne, is iot so imucili ta battie the lhaif- bakzed theories of Fascisrnansd Conimnisrn, but rather ta educate voutig Canadians iu the henefits that accrue to tIiose who live iiiider the British sYsfem af deniocracy, liberty and justic ' . As we recenfly drew ta our readers' attention, Col. H. R. Aley, lead of tlic Ontario Comnmand of flic Can- adian) Legrion. believes fliaf those of us who see in denocracy a superior mode of living muîst eclucate thie young people ini this tsuperiority. Communists and Fascisfs con- stantir ipoint ta the evis of the deinocratie systeni. It is the duty of Oratîgeineii, and ail loyal Britisliersi, ta point with equal fer- vaurt t the good that is in democracy, and ta so tise anîd preserve deniocracy. that it will do wliat Abrahamn Lincoîni once said democracy would do - give ta us goverii- ment of the people, for flic people, and by flic people. Every Farmer is Affeeted Ontario farmers are up ini arms. and very riglIl~ly so, at tlic discrimination shom-n li the Canadian Raîlways toward foreign wheat beiig 'shipped titrougli this provinc'e at rates far below those paid by flic Ontario farmer wlio exports his wheat. t is per- haps flot generally known thaf Canadian Railways haul Arg-entine and Southi Afri- can corn from Monfreal fa Westcrn Ontario points for 13-, per hundred pounds. while the Ontario farmner must pa * for shipmenf of his wheat, caris or wlicat prodiiefs at tlic rate of 21c per liundred pounds fa Mont- real. This discriinsation of more flian 501 per cent., wiv hee fi saine ralling stuick anîd im rails are îîsed is îiot onlv tunfair, but is decidedly depressing ta flie fariner. If meanis in reality that leic ust pay tis add- cd rate onf of thc price of lis wlieat. and is then exl)ectc(l ta o opete iin world niai'- kets. It also ueans fliat the Ontario farmner who exports wheat, even if iiî<iretly,. k helpiiig ta sustain flic fariner of the Argeni- ie and of Soufli Africa. Thiîs reeiproeity sigh lie a good tliing- if it did iot lut tlic Ontario farmcer's pocet ta the extent that le must find if difficuit to carry on. It apparentlv is inot tlic goveî'nmeîîf 's duty ta set railway rates. but rather tlie duty of flic Dominion Railwav Board. Conl- siderable pr'cssure how'cver 'c(atic tîmade on flic Board b' he ic uit.ed action of farmn- ers througli approachiûig their federali nn- bei'. Tihe fariner wlio belicres lie is tiot interested is aulx' fooliîîg liînself. Ever-, farmnci who lias grain fa seli is initei'ested. He bics îlot kîîoiv whcf ler fliegr'ainî lie selîs ta a dealer bs. f0 lie expaî'tcd or naot. but anc tliiing is certain fliat a.i long as flic dealers anid cxpoî'ters are facecd witlî tIi is unfair eoîipetitiaîî. tie farîi'ren if lus grainl is n(ît exported is gigto stîffert' t the extcîît of severa l ii s 01, ver vluîshi as a resîîlt of tliis. Thc differcuice ini these freiglit* rates is 5 ('ciiis per biîslel. wlivihl mneanis )i a il Oiitario eri of '20 rniliiat ally intcrested li in li5il'. Aiil 'ef on thle other liand Port Hope and if etivirons liavc' always provided sanie of thea'lilîlilts of the festival. Brilliaiit i îîdi% vlid Ipcrforin- ers and fine choirs have always miade a fine showing from tIat seetion, but stili tlic same vital interest does itat svecuta lie ap- parent witls their cifizens. Perhaps aine reason for Ifia greater Suce- cess of the festival in this seîtiais is Ihat greafer harmony'and co-operatiail is ýsioNvn. We have a feeling, too, that no aiater wliat fihe 'esilt, niisie teaclicis îssîîst aeecpt the' 'uî iug <iof flic adjuiiiea i ais sitls gî'at', ansd îîuîîýst'i î'arîi frîiisthliu. 'rhe uiiusie teadci' whola aiiot ae'f'[t tu adj îîdieutîîr 's decis- iinsbolîud liit eniter' aleîîittst, for' oui%- hie lîest of -oua pa'snaisipslould lie cx- lîecttd. The festival k ani edueatioiiîl iin- kt itîttioii. ()uîeî'it 'eascs tii îîi'vide w'avs aîîî thueieaiisigîr. lîin t ceases t.o le a îîsî'ful t iia grfoi' tlue oiiiiitit. Tlue fact tlutt (lie teaiier 's pujiils siiottîl ciiolietter tlianiiohse of aiet lier teaelier usî'îves fliat aIl teaciiers hsave îîît the saisie iiietlsads tif reach iîîg thec tesired s'esults. Onec of tise iuaiii ouI &'tts oîf tise musical festival is fa t eauli lîît i tlie teisclier' andtltise ptpii tise 1îi4s i ai deasiî'st svîiytoa aeuire ablity ut uisit'. It is îlot a15 iiuletitiaus itn uviiels fei liers andlpiup ils vie agaiîîst (lne anttuer wit lu lie 'pupi st of slsiwiuig I nst uvo is ilt, u'lst teauluer ot' u-liais flic hest pupil. llte siouiet' ni]Iri'aîize fuis, flic greater pro- c uc".. thle fe'stiusali itîa îlîl usak e. 4 Quebec lids the Whip Fland Fortssie easoit s c dais t -et ail hiet ii or eutlidsiastie oever tIse lreseuît lratd of liatty politics beiîsg- densonsfrated ils par- li aiiiscîit or exlilited ut tnationsal eonvcui- tiouss. Maybe fIat 's uiv ive are iii aceord uith fliauglits expt'essed in tise Estes'au (Sask) îiercuiry wlen if says îssslr flic iseadiin, 'Quebece \ins": "TIse'iscli lieralded Cotiserx'ativc snat- iotsal consventioni is over the qtsery 'Whaf is Cousesvatisns?' reiniaîîss utsatswcred and ail but uuîdebated. Assembled from ai quar- fers of tise Dominion, rcpresesîtiné, ail sitades tof Conssrvatismn couceivable Cand usuiel fliat migîf be t.loughf strangeir rad- ical, tise delegates face hoînewards carry- ing lîut otne cstalilished auJdtlcnsonssrafed fuet int îeir heads. fliat Queliec îolds the whp batnd over the Cotîservafive party. jîsst as sust'ly as if his loing couîfrolled fise Liberal party. Obedieitly cdiseardisg flic chanmpions of traditional Toryism wîo strove liard fa lierpettiate tise iead and spirit of Macdonald and Tuspper. fisc cous- veistiaut soft-pectalIedthefIc priticiples oui whisiifonsce flourisiscd ausd conspleted flic 3ui'reuider byý accepfiitg tise leatder'ship tIie.tated blivQusdbec.- Henry Ford's Philosophy of Life Desîuite whiat saine si) called lalior lcatd- ers nîay sur of itiiîî. we stili tlîiuk thtat Hen's'Fortd isoui' of tise lîtiisatis of ftic gteaf inusstrialists of aur day. Mr. Foîrtdis isat a iivcrsitv cediteated mn.He us a îssait ediîcatcd iii tIc lîroatîe field oif experîcîsce. and as suds auythiîg lie issay say is iviii'fly of special considei'atiîu. Tlie tiser day Mr. Ford. ouitise eve of lus 7.tis iî'tlday. macle a few' observations aiid as usual tiîey are wîell m'ortis repeatiîsg. Uiiderthefliseadiîsg "If You Ask Mýe."Mtr. Foîrd lisas tls ratîser pointed refereusce to isake ta poîssibleh dictatiirslsî isntisis sitle of tIse Atlaiutie. -If a dtatorsluip causses lisre. ' lie says, "if is lîceause tIse upeople lsav' e'uî asleep oinsthecjli ii îd lioamse tluîv dt'servi' it. 0f catîrse te)ihavea (ictatorslsu:p van iiust have tw'iithiîgs. a muaiulîbig ecîuîglute)uiduttatî'. ausîltut' peoplîe lîînslî ciiotigistii le diî'tatei \Vc are leartily lsaî'ess's vii1\t Forid su'Iuîse argiuni'îtit s soiîue'u'lat filic sain iluî ,; we i'have aîlvaiieliuiaust iv ises, tlînt if pecopule'atre îut iiiteri'steuleîîtgi t preser'~v<' tlhe.%.deser's"tii lo!ie flueir lilîcuties. We liril a yîîîîîg îmailîtIic otfe lie' bis efî'î'fito lueMagnîa ai'ta si'rv'i'" ield lirý, wsiliîlit' did ii ît at tendu. Tii pu if iii uiîlî't lausgîîtage-' liati lie tsed lise said, "tiitheiu' îlu"u itil a (ala. sluat lias fliat gîît to Iiodi ithl eî." If siîiiilati'ls' uîiîsde flfîIk sva it tii nia iita iiithlat att itudet' tseti of c'ulouse tliiv have ionslvthls'selvs fil Ilaîust'if thIex luise t lîui ifi'eidouîs of siuu'chlu.of r'iiîîaîîd of tlîî' uiglît fi, lis e theu' i]ivs 'sas theîv sec fit sîit liii thei Iw If the v sialît te)i ivii seoiiveeutî'atiiiu <aiips. audlid bv tîîlil îtiat f ilîîtst tio, takiuug usîl iite'i'st iii tlue lii'u'si'i'stiaii of ilcuiieuaî". If aou tut' îtlie'î'lialiiiitlv Io"<i appriueiuîte oîîîîî' lîsîî"atiî' s.steul o f Iiviîu t1lîî' ist ithe'îv 11h <doiis s1liw(iiivuîoîglu iii- ti'i'ist iti)îîî'î'sî'îsibfis gi'i'ltli'itg. prî'îleh'uîs îî'vî'î, lic said, -P'liaîît moreîae îîîs atlid ss'riî'l< f i iuîl iglîl i11i tii 1iw lui'tiuii î'îîî., (hl îtîîe îî'îîîî't 11-i ii' Liua'k't il ('55 anud iiii îstry, titat theii lîîst menseîisuîk t lieirit'Iife 's w'rk iîî fluuse 'iuaîn'ls. Moîst inn ouf toias' svauut seeurity' auid lI lsîy dlo no il kt apal ifical earcviî' ith luIl ifs sun- u tit's w'ieniiieisîuuîîît"otff'rs theiucîa lsîtl <r apîsortîlîlity. rflil is w'îy Si r W il- fî'î'ulfîi f as lue îid, tfiit flie <iual ity of statesýiiiisisip in carlier days suas lieffer i liatiit ifis faday. MAKJNG CANADA 'A Better Place inWhich to Live and Work A Sertes of Letters from D!sUtiushed Canadians on Vital Problems Affecting the Future WeIf are of Canada Specially Wrltten for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association - LETTER NO. 22 ___________ Dear Mr. James: are only one or two generations In asking me ta offer any sug- removed from early pioneer life. gestion that would assist the rural Our ideals are stili largely close weekly newspapers in making to the pioneers. Our poîxcies tend Canada a better place in which t0 to lag behind, yet in reality we live and work you are giving me must work out our destinies in a a rather large order. 0 Localism is perhaps one of the besetting sins of the weekly news- O M paper, as of most of our local communities. If would seem to m~e thaf one of the greatest con- tributions that a wýeekly could make would be to give the people a better undersfanding of the world in which we ail must live. (a) A better understanding of people. We in this country are coming to be quite heferogeneous. If is very easy to play up the native-born and to play down for- eign immigrants, very easy f0 set Orangemen againsf Cafholics and visa versa; not so easy ta get each group to undersfand the other. Further the world today is shrink- ing. If took some of aur ances- tors neariy three months ta cross% the Aflantic, now it can be crossed in about a day. Our knowledge of the variaus nations has not kept pace with this grawing proximity. It is stili easy f0 sfarf up racial J. S. Woodsworth, M.P. animasity that may lead ta war. (b) We need a better under- highly camplex industrial sociefy. standing of modemn movements. Surely every citizen should have political and ofherwise.* If is per-I some littie knowledge of the ac- haps inevifable that in the heat1 tual world in which he lives. I of an election campaign the rival sometimes put it that there are parties present fheir awn pointsitwo questions we could aîl learn of view as strongly as possible. ta answer-"How did we get this Surely between elections there! way," and "Where do we go from ought to be some opportunify for here"' an OPEN FORUM in which vani- I would suggest that without aus groups will have the oppor-! attempting anything sensational tunity of presenting their distinct- or spectacular you could carry out ive policies and points of view. my suggestions, ta use your awn We cannot get rid of movem'iérts phrase "in a auie fectiv..,a A SUMMER JOY The summer's here in joyfyl mood with birds and flowers, fao, The trees are ouf in blossom novi, tefelds are rich fa view, One joy there is above them al fIat drives away my dread: I do flot have ta fixe fhe fire be- fore I go ta, bed. I like fa go in swimming novi - fIe water's nice and warm- I like ta fake an oufing far awuy from city's larm; I may came home exhausfed, but ta cheer I'm almost led: I do flot have fa f ix fhe fire be- fore I go fa bed. I like ta go for pienies in some woods or in some park, I like fa sfuy and romp and play unt il if's neariy dark, One joy there is thaf swells my heurt, as I above have said: I do nof hav-e ta fix the fire be- fore I go ta bed. For seven maonths I sfoked fIat blaze, fîroughauf fIe winter drear, And soon the joys of summer pusf, IIlsfoke ugain, I fear, Soon I shall heur my wifey caîl as up the sfuirs she'11 freud: "Be sure and fix fIe furnace, deur, before yau came ta bcd." And now anofler fhought las came tofa ljl me full of fear, (I wish if would sf uy summer- time througlouf fhe live-long year!) But this new floughf is usvful, fuIs my hearf with horrid dread: I wonder will I have fa f ix the furnace when I'm dead? -Ralph Gardon. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. By Geo. B. Biekie vo-. "ý. tiýUL erecxie, natSeconsd Insalment) iýtat wedo mof like-sim ply-by ig- practicul way." noring or dienounicing them. Weý Cek'Rtri, a h lx musf understand them.1 Yours sincerely. stîbject. amîd uas takeis by H. H. (c) We slould have a better J. S. WOODSWORTH, \Valker. tise Statisticia,> of tise De- underslanding of modemn econ-1 Leader, Canudian Common- parînsemît of Miuii. Af faims. He ad- aomie devetopmenfs. We Canudians weltl Federafuon, Ottawa. msitted tlsc t-cie rather diffictîlt, - ------because af the- iack ofuniifarmîs Forîss. He foîuîsd saine reteiîs nIs lý ami attempt at keeping books. Chansges have liad ta lbc mîade amnd a uniforni CECI JOH RHO ESfarm adoîuted by each of tise 939 CEILJO NheOESmîuite of tise euiswa By Scribe G fuir tsehe sefit of the in 'estams amnd Despite fIe feeling vie have re- Peace an~ indusîrial common ratepay crs, ta stimniate interest in I welfh nstad o a mîifry canputbhic af faims.. Ail stutcmeîîts shauld garding intellectual decadence wat nta famltr lnbc giscmî tîscn. Treasures, Dcîsuty Canada is producing some bright or a figîting Empire. Treasurers amsd Coliectors nisit be young men. One lately produced Then le said fa himself, "Whaft honded. He aîlvised businîess prac- race should pramote these mnOsf tice ansd comnîssm semse is ail mat- is Alan Jarvis . .. a University Of effecfively?" . . (Yellow, brovin, ters picrtainiiig ta Mlunicipal Govcmn- Toronfo student wha las been black or white). If you fake num- ment. Tise Tuesday afternoomi ses- awarded a Rhodes Schaiarship n; bers info account, the yeilow siami vas ouîcmscd bv Mmr. J. E. Havies Phloopy.cames first. If you cansider the of tise Citizemîs' -Recarch tistittîte He las jusf drapped in ta say 'race Ihat contrais the grealesf of Caînada. t-iso spoke on tIc "Fea- good-bye before sailing ta take uP! arcu on Eurfh, the wihite race turcs ofNiunsicipal Systenîs iin lis fufure studies at Oxford. This î'cames firsf. Suppose tIen we put tePrvns. brings ta aur mind fIe name of if fa a vote. And suppose eacîh erPo-es Cecil John Rhodes who left a race votes ifself first (which if lis Saskatchscwans, a Board of Ex- legucy of over Twenfy-five Mil- would do) but is obliged ta make aminers pass on tIse Clerk and Trea- lion Dollars ta f urfher fhe eduéa- a second vole. Mr. Rhodes was sumer. Assestments ini ail are on lion of specialiy qualified seholars'forced fa conclude fIat English- mtuch tise same basis. Ili Alberta viho live in Brifish Counfries, the 1 speaking whifes would gel fIe ausd Mansitoba land at ils faim value U.S.A., and Germuny. Most. is tise basis. Businsess Tax is based If you have naf seen more of Rhodes being Brifish himseif, ouissu. fît. occupied. Rates s'amy. Ilus Rhodes flan fhe mos'ie fIaI de- decided fa, devote lis life ta Mauituiba inspraveuîscuss ta agrictîl- pîcîs him as the Empire Builder, painting as muel of fIe map red tomai landî arceusai taxcd. Qîebcc you may be inleresfed in some af as possible . . . fIat is giving if a îolaows Ontlamraou'ry nîncl. tle secret flougîts thaf engaged: British complexion. He did a His lecturme vas folloîved hy Pro- the mmnd af lhts sermons man of great deal af work on Africa's fessor R 'M. IDawson, an "Deinac. purpose. 'make-up' and changed 1er ap- as nts uaem al. r While le vias borna aclergy- rpearnanceNlcdrnsiderably.Dr man's son, he vias in facl ait Ag- 1He was greatly impressed and DCo tai tSskathanult rf noslic . . . fIat is ta say "I do not 1no doubf influenced by a close -sîsfrnSaaceinUier know." The only religions fhing friend . .. W. T. Stead, vilo vas sits' ta take tmp the importanit uî'ak le feit sure af was fIaI flere is edilor af a radical English jour- teaciigtegctîs n rîd no hell save vilaf se encounler nul, The Pull Mail Gazette. Mr.etir of f)emnocracs- ta the studemsts, lere. He did nol like the Chris- Stead held fhe same opinion as (5(0hîttys andîl300m) girls) ilsis year. tian 'sel-up'. He figured fIat if Rhodes lIaI fhe Engiish-speaking Il tas a thrilling and inssîiriîîg dis- we are ail God's chidren and Gad peopies are fIe anc race marked course omi Iacisuss andt.Comuisisins. loves us ail, then there is fao mucl ouI unmisfakabiy for the leader- cuumamared tuitis Deuaocracv, as prac- importance piaced upon sectur- ship aofIe world. tised hi- Great Bmitaius. Franîce, tIse uunîsm . .. fhis belief and tlaf be- Rhodes died in 1902 but Slead Unmied States and ailier siailcr lief . . . and fIat none afi us are iived fa ga dovin on tIc Titanic caîmuriis. He clased bv saviusg. ve divinely dignified because of the in 1912. Il is interesfing f0 know fîtiloî thie mîsutto. "Lise amnI let live." cuit we choose fa cuit aur ovin. fIat Sfead laler clangcd fIe idea Wýednesday norniusg Mr. J. Fiusk- Wlen Mr. Rhodes vias an un- le Ield in cammon wifh Rhodes. leunan deait suitîs the suîljeet. '*\'ai- der-graduafe ut Oxford le vias A year aiter Rhodes died, Steud iditv af Nftiiiiciial Bu1--Laitýs." lHe impressed witI Aristofies ides spent considerable lime on tle f irsî uîuiuted atut tIse failuire uf fIat your aim in life slould be Confinent. In December 1903 le Coiscits ta recagusize tIse paoter ai. ioffy enougl ta justify you spendi- confessed ta tle loss of anc great ltîuueîl thsemsin'ytise Acttîmîter vhicis ing your lic toauclieve if. Sa le illusion and suid le did noftIen thiey moly act. W~e liai-e Mamdaliri- said ta liniscîf, "Wlaf are fIe believe fIat ANY ONE RACE sias anîd lirectuîrv Adis. Cotîms are îlot most important fhings in thc unmistakabiy cul ouf fa lead fIe guuglscnld I csaedre wori?" . ad leconiudd iworld in tle way of Jusfice.. Li- tors. Itsut cil ho nake sure tisai ait tley viere: (i1) Justice . befsveen berty . . and Peace. iiîtuissiehcsobrvd Al man and man. . fuir play foaail. Wc are svandering wlut the-se "niin aebe bevd i (2) Liberty . for witloutfiree- fsso dislinguisled fhinkers would action ius ivaiid if Cutmmcil lias iîeeîî dom flere can be no justice. (3) 1sua s'. re tîey alive ta day, Iîs"r ei îflt'iiceîl. tir miifsaî faitlis us iii euiîlenee iii îassiisg ais- hi -lait. For lîriherv or carrîmîti it-actice hi- a ri-atý'er(,scmti euieuli, tîsere is a ueialis îrescrîhed ii Se- BY T EO D B X TO E ii ts301 if Nlllmuslic il)al Statt ulc. B Y Ih~ OLD DUA STOVE Ilie ii<e!auîaiuist iiass.ngi ah.a li t.e int t - i f a favsart-ilf<'ut' aind usuHramltini the iiiei-esýt utf the gt-stiuul 1 y lramlic. Iu i î s finud i lai a C i. îîîîe Back on the Seventh Concession ili-udtou ii uit-fit teub iiilîicin Siintiiiie- ane lias tii ovîindur if luttait tIl t iaimi. tas-iisg ? lii i d elel4<ýl ut-v iîuîi L~-Ilds \euî l t' t us-e are is cii ilizeul tr cliti i'.iaiiizt'd tiRsu' caillera meni knuitit - iîi it 1uatl% An I Ies as. uic cluinsi ht-b. \W - e c miu - lid omeiiu 'ut- ctinmiitid r -tt'ling theiii i tsii . aia --,ietu stamtIs îumtacliuictht'e t 4 ikindI. \\'uIl% - a> the train is su- 30 i i.uaN(, C (tiiciilir stîouîii ld,t'euon uie-s. toieramice ansîu fair tiu-;uiiic butI ticts a amt it 30 i it--uthu u-r-î t b -laitw u uIsiu u itusiiil -u' aut tlite, it lîiukS as if ue tii-tfer oniu-ittiI ii it5 suNas îuiîhlîîît tiroiiiur f. - If lwie < lac i d he iyiu- i la ku- it ionti iii treacisiîîg andniim t in ii edicai tare ? \\'il tuas ri ausi I fcul li- lii id e e ssuiiId cu iiractisiulc. iliaitelîcen uaitiumg ta for tisiare iis iîte e liere i'îut de-g st-t- iif ;u mi ntmie toil ns nak- soîîseiT' , 'Vu i liiIt~ t- -h sun %lit're tises% \c ]r isi nt ii rst isîlîl su) h' ia <i < ii t uit'it i ii iat convsicIt train a f - - i iii li lit-les c- tcls wa s lii aî-.c riAiii i tii l iii s-tt ui l ' h i ute io i faiti-, hut it t emss s to a vase iassed to i mihîîîîl tli-i îî tsiumm ut- au tu-as .tisas . ti otîser voi tuas- mît, s it lis ili--ea l su :cît u tt'k fi -gttus %'ii t Iiit iais am i iii cl artu ei1 i mruisissihle. H is stas a -t- y imter- In th ii> i mii i of te catsg tiere u ltiui i-ilr îelc cr ta-estic amduinusstrîuct ives e ccture. i,, soineî s thin î t-î-il u hc saloî d U n iel. 'îtit ' x t snîjecetus - Th'ie lii ,aiui s uti cu [iit hîlieut'ut in aiîy. aratituis of ais AssesiiuIt Ral." inmcerîîmîîtis aid the (fich)e aîmd 1A WORM IN Tise lecîsîrer said. tise Assessuir \I ai li.,i saidt iat o ftcmî.huitutc edo DURHAM COUNTY slîoîîll as.sess imuiler Seetut Ils 59 ai, bliiv-s inIlluiniuuue t rutirîuî'ît andsil6.3. He stubiitle(I a saiussul tf Rt il tusat as.ý is tise daim of aur inurîl- The army worm las been la- for gtuidansce of .Assessors. iîi,r mui b utit iluas a slicek iiisece cafed tn Durham Couify wifl anc The Act pros'jdcs for a Caut-oîf tii, saine palier giviîîg sucîsicpromî- severe infestafion near Part Hope. Res isiomi of fis-e msemlîtrs tic le ami iîenîe t tise cailera miais s-liotuas lEvery farmer is advised f0 cx- poimtcd Ii' Cotmucil. A nensbe of liasimeçl iiitise lîead (aisd mct lisard amine lis grain and corn cos Cîmsil-ramvueelghe ta i ciuîuî.'i îc- i-iig u tkemudîîrsCommi is cspecialiy susceptible iff cîîîci-o i bc ieaîpoiîmîcî. lie of tse hiain amnI its l)asi'segcrs. is close fa a grain field fIat lus sti-aiguv reccaimendstheita C. of R. T'iesc ete arceitavi ig tise lelit t ' been uttacked. ic auts ide of thue Coîumîcil . Noîtice tu tat TIc first indications in a grain tic giu-ci 14 îlays after Rail is de- us- pteotple uai-c îlcamdeîi amnd tises'field fa look for are, fIe icuves a lrd.CofR.fnpstin are liai uic it the uiard tuay; asd tîscre fIe grain wuîî tic cufen uround fIe cadjou C.s ofy apuca f tior cat o, is usa cal foruirts ta titi neccssamily edgcs, the green droppings aofIe îaî'ilice mîsuste giiefof curts 1 inakei i hardeîr. Stirely a; respiectable inseel viii be scen on fIe ground. dv oiems cvvno or' uamer <lies îlot deîîemsd îoîîicictures By sluking tle plantfs one often meeting. After evidemîce, tise Couîrt cf thiat kinîl for its sticeess. ansd ils finds sanie of tle worms an fIe msay determnîe amsd comfirîi or a commn sopiunion tisaI camseramalci ground. TIc worms resemble a amemsd Assessmeust RaIl aîsd f ix of tisaIttyue are nuit i-ciy higlisiii a tent euferpiluar somevilat. amnaumsh. A C. of R. shouîld ucccîîh moîral or a clîristia sesus. TIse iiI Sîouid you discover fIe army ail fachs asd tic faim ta ail. Il is boîx stave ganmg (Icio nI bliese is worm in uny af your crops get in its dnty ta equalize flic burden o<f lotîîîdiîmniz coD)le ikç tîsat. foucl wif I your agriculturul mc- taIxaliols. oms ai aepayers. A rate- Tiiere is mare tii bc said aboîut presentufîve uit once. payer can uppeal ta tise Connty tihe affair..s. Who let tise secret ont E. A. Summers, Judge, over tIe decision of tIe C. HOW FAR CAN TAXATION GO? -- - ---- --- (Globe and Mail) If a centrai body independent of î?oitics w'ere set up ta collect and disburst. the funds needed for ail public services tihe taxation qunestioni would lie more casily understoad. Let uis say the Banîk of Canada is autbarized hi' geîîerai agreemenlt ta handie the vearly re- (luiremnents for Federai, Provincial and Municipîal administration, biiiing cach residtnt, voung anîd aid. for the cost equally, according to Government jurisdictioii. For thie last fiscal year ever resident wouid have been asked ta pay $4639 ta îîake up the Federal1 revenue of $510,299,000. Provincial and municipal dçmîands vary according to local conditionis. Each Ontario residtiit wouid bc billed for $23.86 mîore aîîd cach Taronsto rcsideiît for $51.28 for nmunicipal expenses. Every nman, wonaan and clsild ini this city votid be calied onî ta pay $12154 for tihe priviiege of having the Ilîrce branîches of governinent. If the ilil had ta bc mset iike the accaunts of the grocer aîîd coal dealer there %vould be nio danbt about its size. Becatîse the înoney is cxtractcd under a mnultitude of disgulises the ienaîd per capita 15 îlot for any icis. Consider this iintihe light of the Domsinion Bureau of Statistics estimiate that tise 1er caîlita inconie throughout Canada iii 1937 was ý4,38. How' mucli of a liersonis carniîsgs sliiuld go ta Government maintenance and the mnalil services the Gî)\:crilnsieiits adiiiister ? This is ançther tva%.aof asking: How far caîl taxation go.- WX\lNovan go to the i)iteiser, gracer oir clothier vou decide Wlsat vanl wish aund can affard ta have. You wouidnt thiîsk of lettiiig the mnerchanit deliver vihat ani w lien lie liked. anîd inake a peremptorv deiiand for part payîsîeît once a vear under threat of taking 0ou chacis wiiî he riilege of pilaciiig a martgage ais aur haine for tise halanice. You would sec red at once if hutcher, baker and gracer ail announced thiey had nsortgaged vohîr ilroiierty ta gel mnneyfor goods deiivered anîd intciided addiiig thle iîtercst chsarges ta aour vearly bis. yet ibis, iin effeet. is what Gaverninent, (Io. Warse still, they keep on hiring mare clerks. eniargiiig thecir îîiaceýs of businesci gaging tlîeir frjends ta do jabs ai ou xpiîe mtphrialyten hum tise midnight ail figurisg liait to load mare goods on vNo and make van îhink you need them:; evers' year dcînanding more revenîue aind iQcreasing vour martgages. And vant appiaud most vigorousiv. dont yon, the Govemiment which does tîsis inost lavishiv? of R. (C. of R-Court of Revision). The rest of the mnornîng session svas taken I1w Mr. R. J. M.\oore.ý whose stitjecî vas, 'The C ii-i-cnt Tax RoIl. its Preparation and tht Accotuntinz for it. He stated. the time is past wlhen a irantîlot quai-1 ified 'cat i ta. job as officiaI in a tintitiicipalitv. One tsjiuld fit h. seilf for the position. Public service is like a savings accouint. voit nust puit inini order ta take ont. A ta'x rail shotild beiniade tii cor-ectlv. The descript ion on the raIl slîauld be nlIaùi and correct. It should set ont ail the amionu1its îîeded for the year. The Cauiîcil sliould pass a bv-la%% to fix the Asscssmnent Rail . À v- lawt of a tawn. shotuld have a titie. a dcfiîîitioîî and a preamibie. It shonld show what a bv-iaw is for. The Clerk ilelivers tihe Assessiiîent R'oll ta the Collector, wlîo iîsust de- nosit ail (tindsinii the Toin's Batik. The Coliector shahl retti-ni Roll ta thec Cierk at a stated time. He îîointed out that a by-iaw mntîst state the time, ta lic a legai .Act. Public Utilities. Public Sehool Board and High Schoal Board Debetures; arc ail Couincil's obligation anda slîouid bie set out on the Roli. H urged a coîîtrol accouint be kept, aindj b)ooks mun ta tell van ail abiont saur1 business at ans' time. He recoin- mcended a zencral casiý book, a cash boo0k for tax arrears. and a çurrent cash book kt'pt separatelv%. \\*edniesdav- afternoon %ye were gieia %verî ntercsting trip around the city. First we called*at the new we'st end incincrator îvhich cost haîf niiilli'ii. X'Çc saw themn burning tIhe gai-lage at the rate of 100 large truck toa<ls a day. (10 horse carts each. or 1000 per day). A titile to ibe %west. we called at tîhe York Township Sewage Disposai Plant. This is ait open, aîîd sewage froin ail plarts of the Township runs inta tIhe iurifiers. Air and îva r butt no chemnicals are uscd. It e's ziving splendid service. One liaIftumile further wesf vie rt'ache(l thte tibicoke deep-wvell w aterivorks. These sveils are 100 ft. (lecl). Tw() puiisps lift 500 gais. eacls :er inute. The viater is rather liard, but is softexmed by a' sand draiiiing svstcni. It costs 104 per 1001) gais. to p[)i) and supplies 3200 users. (Continued next weekc) The man viho wastes his time doesn'f seem fa realize that he xill need if all before he dies. Cleave ta the good and use a cleaver on fhe rest. The man viho gets the most of if seldomn gefs the besf of if. Bargain Excursions JuIy 28 from Bowmanville To C.N.R. Stations in Maritime Provinces Frov. of Quebee; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Nova Seotia. '1 iceus, Farts. Transit Limits and Information front Agents. CANADIAN Ak for C AN A DIA N NATI ON AL Handbill P ACI1FI1Cýrf- 0 SALE 0F 0 ~21Summrer Dresses Amazing Values TEN SMART COOL DRESSES Regular Nowt'Only $2.95 on sa'e $1 .48 Better Dresses Clearing At Hait Price And Less Included in these groups are Orepes, Silks, Sheers and Printed Rayon~s. Size range includes those from 14 to 46. - More Than 30 Dresses Sacrificed in These Two Groups. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 LIBUTED Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESIMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWO

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