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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1938, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TH E CA NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO VI-IURSDAY, JULY 2!ST, 1938 D >~C[YCTPI&,MARY ROBERTS efflG E J'W'1 vit j ri ÀR F< 1 you didn't Notice that!" L.111.'*She was like a cat, htn an and it xvas almost always raining CHAPTER XXX Suddenly lhe %vas profouridly sor- Take me xvth you. VIl look after that fali. Chrs tii anedtoshkery for lier. \ ou. I*d do anything. You don't III suppose there's no use ask- Kati, btihe modifedhi tonsae "You'll let mie take y'ou back. haive to miarry nie. Just let me go ing if we're going anywhere to- Katieabutow.ewont foe. hatieone along. If v-ou don*t, I'mi gone. I'ni night," she would say dully. "Thetaxiwillbe hre,-,amn-*t teli Miss Nettie-"1no uood wîthout you. Vm nothing. She had begun to sink into a "'il tae you baca mnd el isNet -you canit just go alvay and leave morass of self-pity. She had been see Miss Simpson. Thats al î*11a briot ab ou dtic 11jun o* cYo angay enough in Paris, but the old have time to do." a bridge.if yo1do that. h xas %vithin fifteen minutes of medieval city of Vienna frighten- Sh sifend tbbrnv Im 'Ntabout Dick. hiearg d train-tine then. He said nothing, ed lier. and Chris seemed detach- flo ting back, Chrisly. *I gravely. and lvas relievex I ed o z1and at the station hie got out and ed and far away. self first. Orgo on h streets.l m ie straigliten lier liat by the hall ;tioLi looking at lier. But she did There were better days, of "Don't talk like that."lhe said irrrwhnte'aiI'xerrm not iinove. course. Days when Katie wvent for a int. "YHe onsulted s thtch Ther --If %-ou leave me now, it's good- out to sit in some storeroom made for miute" H cosultci is atc. Terebye, Chris. I can't go on;flot into a movie. where men wore "I do mean it. I know the ropes "-vOuld be just timie to go to the alonýe. ' their hats and smoked, and be- now. Probably if's ah im good: hospital. and lie put lier in. the He %vas white to the lips when tween reels an usher went about for anyhow."; cab anid threw, in hus bags in a lie reached in and, taking hier with a spray gun, clearing the air. And in that, too, there xvas the sort of frenzied haste. But in the suitcase. gave it to a porter. Then Chris would go home Io find rin o dspirng ruh.Sh ~astaxi his anger returned. He sat in He sat up ail night in the srnok- the room lighted, and maybe some capabl of sanyting. rthi ShKaie. urious silence hardening hl ' ing compartment of the train, his flowers on th'e table, and Katie She as Hnry nd ily;and venheart against hier swýýollen e-es, !old pipe clenched in his teeth.hesfcafuydrse and a part of Dik M tred down h ler white and frightened fac. ai adhsbrh adwehrwaiting. at hr. Se Hevstbyndcquty.row and then hle îooked at his se lpt or not hie did flot know CHAPTER XXXI _______________________ ~atch again. calculating minutes, or care. Toward morning hie got I Iand once when she put hier hand ciout his book of German medical Shortly before Christmas Chris I'.over his. hie shook it off . termis and tried to forget that found himself, to his surprise, on Businssffrecto 1 "None of that, Katie. Youve once more life hadi trapped him. the executive counicil at the club. i Bsinss Fîrctoy jnearly, wrecked me, and you On the leather seat near by the and wvas asked to help prepare for novi'capotrset, and after a time the Christmas dance. Katie went LEGAL i Me left lher outside in the taxi the darkness outside the window to the Kartnerstrasse and bought anstrode bc to Miss Nettie's turned to gray and then to bril- a new evening dress. M. . . OUD.B...LLB. amla office. She xvas still up, liant daylight. Perhaps a man's She xvas wearing the dress, and M. G V. OUL. B...LLB. looking old and tired, and when life was like that. After ail, Bey- she and Chris were gayly dancing Barrister. Solicitor. Notary she saw him, she needed no ex- erly was gone, and hie stili had at the club, on the afternoon of Phone 351 planation. his work. Thank God for work! that day in far-off America when Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville 1"1 have tried and failed,' she He put dlown the book and slept Beverly took lier usual flowers to R.SRIEtold him. "That happens now and the sleep of profound exhaustion. the cemetery. She had hier own W.R.SRK then. I can't take hier back, He married Katie in New York key to the mausoleum, and she Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Chris." that morning, an hour before the opened the door and went in Solicitor for Bank of Montreal "lWhat in heavens namne am I ship sailed. He did not love hier, alone. It was bitterly cold inside. Money to Loan. Phone 791. to do with lier?" hie asked help-lbut almost in spite of himself, as and she drew a fur coat around Bowmnviie, ntaio. lessly. hie sat doggedly beside hier in the lier as she sat down on temrl "Let hier f ind hier, own way out. cab on the way to the ship, hie was bench.1 L. C. MASON. B.A. She surely cant be entirely aware of hier y'outh and hier soft After a time she slipped çlown Barrister - Solicitor friendless." young body. He didi not love lher, on lier knees and made hier usual Notary Public - Etc. "Not the kind of friends to help but hie would be good to hier. pae hrttGo an hi Law in ail ts branches. hier in a case like this. I dont a* * * * pray er mthere, hatGo and hi Office immediately east of Royal want hier to kili herseif or to go Probably Chris neyer really happy, and flot to let hier be alone. Theatre. on the streets." faced that marriage of his during Oh, neyer to let hier be alone. For Phones: Office 688; Home 553. "Oh, Chris, Chris!" said Miss those early months. Katie had she hadi begun to reahize now that Nettie helpiessly. "Why take on been for so long a part of his in some ways Annie hadi always DENTAL the troubles of the world? She's background that it was not strange been alone; much as she herseifE DR . ~ DVITyoung, and she's ambitious. She's to have hier continue there. Now was alone now. Not that she put DR. J. C DEVITTpractical, too. She has tried to and then hie heard some one cali that in hier prayer. That was1 Assistant: Dr. E. WV. Sisson scare you. thats ail; and shes .her Mrs. Arden, and it always done, and she was not whining. 1 succeeded." startled hum. He would iook a Graduate of Royal Dental Col-:ka h lcdlirfoeso h leg, Trono. ffie: uryJuble You're right. I am scared." hler quickly. She was his wife Sepae e foeso h Bhdg., Bowmanville. Office hours: he compromised finally, offer-1 Possibly even the mother of his tpo h abectflu n 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- ing to keep Katie for a few days1 children, although aireadv hie went out again. The car was wait- day. until she found something to do.! knew she would be an unwýilIing ing in the road, and a fine snow9 But Chrus, going out to the taxi, mother. was falling. Ail around hier werec Phone 790. House phone 883. buried lives and burîed hopes.t X-Ray Equipment in Office. faced a Katie who refused to doi "Not yet," she wouid say, and Ilk So anything of the sort. He looked shiver. "Give me a year or tv.o, Due n upon the Desert's a is watch and made a desper- Chris. Af ter ail, lInm young, and a sty Face . She shivered, re- FUNER L DIR CTORmembering. l FUN RALDIECT R eheffort to control the situation. baby-"0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS "Ail right," hie said., "Thený From the beginning she loathed She gave a dinner that night heres where you get out." 1 the pension in Vienna, small and for hier father's friends; and she- Service, any hour, any day. He swung hier bag onto the inexpensive as it was. It was in wvas sitting, dutifully smiling, over ri F. F. MORRIS CO. pavement and stood waiting, but the eighth district near the Aile- the flowers, the silver, and the she didi not move. gemeine Krankenhaus, and it oc- hothouse fruit, when the Votivkir- Modern Motor Equipment, Arn- I'm not going in there," she cupied the f ifth floor of a tail and Che with its twin Gothic spires pI Puhane 4ando I34vAssdsCar.' Ca3 said quietly. '*You can leave me dingy building on a side street. was acclaiming three o'clock of a0 Phne48 o 74,Asisan 53here if you like, but I'm not going There was a salon done in brown Vienna morning and the birthday t, back." phush with antimacassars, an up- of the Christ Child, and Chris, h. CONTRACTOR Her very quietness was alarm- right piano, and a center table having had too much sweet Cham- fi ing. Me stood on the pavement ruined from many beer steins. pagne. was taking home an irate h T. E. FLAXMAN staring at hier, at lier white face There was a dining room with a Katie. Builder and Contractor and blank eyes. Then hie slung long table, and a bunch of dusty "You've hadi too much to h Loyers' Lane - Bowmanville hier suitcase back into the taxi paper roses in the center, and a drink." nr Phone 318 and got in himself. sign on the wali which said, "It's Christmas only once a E ______________________ "To the station," hie said, and. "Nicht Rauchen." Aiso there was year, Katie." t3 sitting back in a corner, doggediy a bathroom with a water tank and "And don't cail me Katie. My 1< faced his problem. a smali coal stove under it, but as name is Katherine, if you can W "Lest We Forget" H e was savagehy angry - atbaths were extra, the stove was pronounce it." S Katie, at the hospital, at life itself ligh ted onhy when one of the "Merry Christmas, Katherine!" CI A. H. BOUNSALL ior this scurvy trick it had piayed 1 guests - usually an Anrican - Me fell asleep in the taxi, and D-,sign'pr and De.alerin on him; and hie knew, too. that1Iwantedi a bath. in his sleep hie was back in the N Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. there was but one thing to do , and 1 Katie ioathed it al:; loathed it Lewis house on a Christmas eve te n Granite and Marbie. that was to put the girl out of1 from the "Guten Morgen" xith long ago. Jake xvas dead, and te _______________________the cab and go on with his own iiwhich the overworked housemaid Staunton Lewis was slippingi _______________________work, his own life. He knew it brought hier hier Fruhstuck of tw'o away. going to the telephone. H~ even when she suid over to him hard roils. a pat of butter. and a Then hie was sleeping, and Beverhy cc ________________________ and put hier head on his shoulder. cup of coffee extract oord w\as trying to rouse him for hot di "I do love you so much. Chris.' raisins, to the cold nigt hn h coff ee. ENTERTAINER :'Dont be an idiot, Katie." crawled into hier narrow bcd and -Chris' What's the matter with b( 'And I have nobody else. No- pulied over hier the short square you anyhow? Get out and pay the st Secure RALPH GORDON, the I body in ail the world.' feather comfort which would cov- 'Cab driver." r< wondrfuly erstilee nt er- What am I to do with you. er either the lower part of hel r Teprier -ssivrnra et chiid?" the top, but neyer ail of lier at ighted the smahl candles which le tainer, for your next entertain-î "Take me along,' she whisper-'once. She would lie there, lsten- were to see them uip the stairs, MV men. llstatd crcla fee Ied. "Ilil kili myseîf if you don't. ing to Chris's hcavy breathing. and hie receivcd his ten Hellers- bE men. llutrtedciculr ree lIli do what mother did. l'mi noti with the feeling that in slecp lhe or twvo cents - with a mufflhed hE Address 628b Crawford Street, just talking. ll go to a drug- escaped hier, and that hie welcom- "Danke." t Toronto. store and-" 'cd that escape. Chris climbed rather uncertain- ar I Stop it! Stop it. I tell you." -Good-night, Katue dear.' ly behind Katie. She was a fcw er l 'l'Il love you ail my ife, Chris. 'Good-night, Chris." steps ahcad. small, indomitable in _________________________________________________ Then hie would be far away. be- her own way, ruthlcss. It seemtid wi yond hier; bcyond even hier genu- incredible that they should be g< une love for him. She would lie there. climbing that' staircase to- W awake and cry for vcry homesick- gether. There was somnething re ncss and helplcssncss. wrong about it, Katie carrying ai Nothing xvas as she had expeet- hier determined little candle and an cd it to bc. She had to sit in sil- he following it. He hadi neyer ence through the hcavy meals. mneant to follow Katie. He had B. The polyglot table chattered, neyer wanted hier. But at the top, Chris cheerfully practiscd his because hie had had too much Pe . IGerman, and she eould speak to wine and because hie was sorry sr cm ~no one. Then, the meal over, they hie had éver mnarried hier, hie took ou all disappcared. Chris would hur- _______________ _wi ry out, and the long hours faced foi hier, drcary and cmpty. She would ini ring for the maid, have the tali go i 'ile stove in the corner filled with fa, Supp se his erethe ead ng briquets, and sit over it alone, artclehour aftcr hour. When she went wi of a nerospaperaril out to walk, the rough cobbles o the small streets nearby hurt hier about your car ieet in their tight, high-heeîed wi shoes, and she would corne back. kr At night Chirus was tired, too tired LOCKUIG devices help, but you should to- take. her out.c and often impatient. to find her alone in that drearv room. "Havent you been out?" 61à r" in his means. Nothing was free, ne, cexcept possubly death! He was paying thirty dollars a weck for 9Katie and himself, with coal ex- e i 0 iI tra. Meals, too, sometimes, for he couhd not always get back to the . .. . . . er Au"- PAWMtwo oclock dinner at the pension.i G§4 bu» HMe wouhd go home to Katie tiredÉ Lsu ne frt, of course." Then when he attacked Fa- r-"l MHe was right to do that, Bey- y. It had to be donc. Have you ver thought of that?" But at such a time?" That was the only time, to be ýctive." Then and there she told Bey- [y of Chris's marriage; of that Id last night of his, with Katie denly on his hands and no hier in his amms and kissed hiem, "A Merry Christmas, darling She relaxed in his arms. S %vas not defiant now, nom det( mined. She was his and, for wl. it was worth nox'. and fomever, xvas hers. 'You looked very lovely1 niight." -Did 1, Chris? I thoughit y hadn't noticed." He did not go into their roc at once, however. Me wander, into the salon and turned on i light. The Christmas tree whi, had been Iighted earlier in t] evefifg was stihi there. It sat the center of the table, w-ith t] stein marks covcred now by plaster group: the Wise Men, tl Mother, the shepherd and h sheep, and in a smalh wicki cradie the Child Mimseif. But tf candles had melted and mun dow and some vandal had set a wini glass near the cradie. Chris cari fuily remnovied it. There wcre plenty of strawsj the wirid that year, xvith Euroî an armed camp, watchful au wary. German bands in the stree, of London' "Don't give them moi ey. They'rc ail spies." A sma secret cabal in Vienna, secret eve from the old man xvho drove oil daiiy from the Hofbumg in an ope carriage, wearing a cape and ru-iitary cap, and left behind hi: for that hour or two his dead sor -us dead wife, his dcad hopes. Plenty of straws, with a kindl littie man in Russia wearing beard to hide the weakness of hi chin; with the German Empero being deftiy shoved into action i prochaim his greatness; with Poir care going from France and beinj acciaimed as hie drove with th, King along the streets of Londor and with Prussian soldiers strul ung along the narrow streets c Berlin and shouldering off thi pavements the Englishmen an( Americans who iooked English The goose step, the tireless Frenc mraching step, the sturdy tramI f the British. And spies, spie! everywheme. Spies. Airpianes. Submarines Poison gas. War. Ridiculous Nevertheless there will be wau But why? Why in the namne of th( iood God a war? In America business was nol ,ood, with production stili over. oming consumption, and Staun- un Lewis fighting a strike now îcking his milis and sending mer n by river. The strikers discover- nd the boat that night and fired ru it, but the city wcnt on aboul ts business. It was that wintcr that the An- ie Lewis Research Laboratory as established, its pmimamy pur- se the study and possible cure ifcancer. Bevcriy knew nothing iit until she saw the stomies in .c newspapers, but it touchec ier deeply. She saw behind it heu ther's loneliness, pcmhaps ever s remorse. Bcvemly went reguiarly to the uspital for she had taken heu .other's place on the Wouwan's ard. The hospital seemed emp- yand silent without Chris in his )ng white coat striding along ith his head thrust forward. te wouid stir uneasiiy in hieu aur "I have to report from the edlework Guiid the rcceipt of ýn dozen rouler toweis, ten dozer ýa towels, tcf dozen .- . Why had he marricd that girl? [w could he? She was cheap, :mmon. The other nurses weme ifement, but she . - After the meeting there would etea. They wouid go down- airs to Miss Nettie's sitting )om, and the tea table would be iere: the big old urn, the sliced non. little cakes, sandwiches. ss Nettie in a black siik dress ehind the table, for she poured er own tea. Roses on the desk, lchatter of cups and sauciers, ,d, over ail, the hum of soft eld- -ly vouces. Tea over, thcy would rustie out, eil-dressed, wchi-bred womcn, ing back to thcir cars-to what? .re thcy happy? Was any one uhlly happy? She would smile them, hem xvide young smile, id they would smile in meturn. 'You are like your mother, vemly." "I wish I were." rhen one cold day when the iw lay heavy in the coumtyard tside the windows and the car .s late in coming for hier, she und herseif by Miss Nettie's fire a low chair, and ail the others ue. She turned suddenhy and ced the older woman. 'Why did he do it, Miss Nettie? uy did he ever marry hem?" 'Chris?" Yes, Chris. She wasn't the Eyesight Education And E ff iciency By r- C.FI.Tuek Eyesight Disney Bldg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 Number 42 Upon the acquiring of an aca- demic education we arc equippcd with a mental apparatus endowed with many sound theories meant for the success in our future life mentaily, physically, and spirit- ually but no man is so endowed that he can sit down and say it is now cnded. Life has now only begun and it is eseential that we add to the structure just begun. Reading is essential evemy day of your busi- ness career, to retain and to at- tain knowiedgc once gained. To prepare your receptive mmnd by reading that whichl will relax from what has beon a mental straif. The future life us geatiy out- livcd in eariy' life and unless we perfect the rnanv factors contri- butory to it like the whole chain of the fibre ut xiii be only as stmong as thie x'eakest point in its make up and in time grows weak- cm and wcaker. Be fit, keep fit. Don't negleet the eyes if any unexplainable symptom or defect arises. Sec your optometrist at once. (to be continued) place for hier, and his promise to Henry. Standing there at hier door, with his ticket bought and his ship sailing the next day anc that girl outside in a taxicab. "He xvent out to get hier, anc when he didn't corne back- IfI had known, Beverly! If I'd only known! If I had dreamed for a moment that hie w-ould do whai hie did-" "But why? Even then why marry lher?" "I think she had threatened something desperate. Probably to kili herself, or to go on the street for a living. Weil, it's done now. No use worrying about it. Once in a long time I get a girl hike that here, but not of ten. And she may be good for Chris. She's young and ambitious. She'll want things, and he'll have to work to supply them. That is better for a rnan than not being able to give a xvife anything she couldn't have uithout him." Beverly flushed. "I sec," she said slowly. '!.Even you didn't, think Chris ought to marry me." 'Me is a man, my dear. Me .vouhd always want to make his own way." She got up, drawing on hier ong gloves, picking up her hand- some fur coat. "Me must have camed for her. I still think that." 'Cared for hier? There are a lozen ways in which. a man can care for a woman, and not be in love with hiem. You know that." Miss Nettie hesitated, looking up .t the face out of which ail the arefree youth had almeady gone. I'm an old woman, and I've seen alot of living, Beverly. Let him go, my dear. Me has hîs work, nd he has a wife. Don't hurt hlm gain." "Ilil neyer hurt him again." One night as Miss Simpson sat alone in hem room by a dying fire, .er assistant came in. "Do you memember that Ursula Wartin who had a baby heme in xe fali? She's back. -It looks like neumnonia." Miss Simpson sat up suddenly. "Where is she?" "In C Ward. She didn't want a "Ilil go up."1 Ursula Martin lived for three lays. On either side of hem bed tretched a row of similar beds. Chey stretched on and on, thou- unds of beds, millions. They vent out the window and around ue womld. Sometimes she slept, )ut not often, and a time came hen hem bmeathing seemed to hem o fi the ward. She couhd hear. it urseif: breath, pain, bmeath, pain. ;e had none to spare for talk, so ie lay sulent, saving hem breath. umetimes, day or night-she did t know-she wouid sec a dark igure sitting erect beside hem, an ,derly woman with hem hair -ushed back fmom hem face, and xce day she found herseif shut in ith that figure, the other beds eiped out. They sat together in smaii white mushin womld, the« wo of them, and Ursula knew at the screens weme up, and ;hat that meant. She made a terrific effort and ihispemed, "Give my baby toi octom Arden." "Ilil find a home for him, Ur- ula. You can trust me." But she shook hem head. "To octor Arden," she persisted in at difficuit whispem. "You heard ie? " She died that night, and the ext day Miss Simpson wrotc to 'hrus. "I have the baby here," she aid, "and we can keep him.-for a rile at least. But I do feel, Chris, -at this at least is not your prob- in. 1 can find a good family to opt the child, afd I beg you let me do it. I must, however. ifili my promise to hem, and tell mu that she left the chiid to you.. (To be continued) Obituary Mrs. Wsilliam Magce, Myrtie Thie (bath of M,r. \illiani Mu. ýe. ',vdow of the late \Villiaii ugee. occuirred at tlue homne of lier ri lâeslie Nfagee. Mlyrtle, Ontt., ii v 7th, after a liiîgerinig illnes. Borni at Solina, Darlingtoni To,'. - pi) dauighiter of tic late NI r. arI j rs. XVilliatn \estlake, ilrliîas Township Council CARTWRIGHT (OUINCIL Cartwright Counci: met July 4, with members ahl present 'and Reeve C. Devitt prec-Îding. Communication from County Road Engineer intimnated that the road maintainers u,'ere available for the Township) if they wish, same.1 Dept. of Highiwax-s advised' ýcouncil no persOn shai1l ereot buildings, fences or plant trees orj shrubs along the King's Highway without first obtaining a permit. Grandstand wd be insured and the insurance on the storage building on the Agricultural grounds reneu-ed. Street Commîissioners were in- structed to repair certain portion of walk in Blaekstock. A motion unanimously carried stated that a rgsolution be for- warded to the Provincial Govern- ment requesting them to pave the road fromn Blackstoek to Caesarca man runtil -sheknoxv-s al about him - then the chances are she'hl not came to. ....Change the Piclure q, IoTHIS' DON'T go through an- other wxinter carrying %vxa- ter f rom an outside puump. NOW, xxhile prices are so favorable andW the cost can be spmead over a period of months or - years . . . have a DURO Pumping Systemn installed. A Duro System %'iII pump sufficient water to your home so thiat you may have running water to the kitchen, laundry, barn, etc. A modemn Emco Bathroom may also be installed. Emco Prices are modemate. The Snow-White 2O"lx42" Enamelled Sink only, including Faucet, ready for instal- lation, costs................................................. $31-50 Sink and Cabinet ivith Faucet, as illustrated... $6 1.30 Trap, Iron Pipe and Fittings Zxtra The Duro Special Pump, illustrated, bas a capacity of 250 gals. per hour-is supplied with a 30 gai. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle Motor, and costs only ... 90 Duro-Special malMontlaly Payunentil The Governnuent Morne Improvement Loan Act enables you to purchase Enuro fixtures fittings anud Duro Pumps on1 the n1onthly paynuent plan over a period of thîree years. Enquiri e s given pronmpt attention and estirnates supplied without charge. FOR SALE AND INSTALLED) BY BERT PARKER Phone 2684 BOIV3ANI'ILLE King St. Also supplied for Gasolîn. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Engin. operation London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury IseWinnipeg Vancouver PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOM'MANVILLE, ONTARIO -1-T-IURSDAY, JULY 21ST, 1938 lived the greater p)art of lier lifei when paving the road fromt Port hii, district, and xvas xvell and fa - Perry east. orabl'. knowîu 1w a large circle f~ These orders w'ere passed: friends, and aequainitaîîccs. Sile 1 as T. Perigoe, sheep damage $ 3.00 resided at Mvfrtle for the past 21 E. Stacey, i killed and years and preVious to tluat li' ed 011 1 damage 10.00 a farrn at Oslîawaioii-thie.lake 1er O. A. R. Municipalities 50 huubaud pedeeasd ler bou ~ membership fee 50 yeasago. eeese ie butsxL. Swxain, Sec.-Treas. yerSag. S.S No. 4 -- - 200.00 Slie iŽ, survived by four sons. \Vil- H.EP. Com. acc't. --- 10.32 liain, Gordon, Norman, of O. awa. ýM.F. Emerson, Sec.-Treas. and Leslie of Myrtle, Ont., xvîth S. S. No. 9 90.00 wîoini sle unade lier hi(4me iii '-ceont 0 . Wright. Rd. expend'ure 1630-70 years. Slue is also survived b three Durham County Plough- datighuers, Mns. Jolin Groat a' 1I M r-. ing Association 10.00 Herbert Richards, Oshawa, v IMrs. Counicil adjourned to meet Au- Elmer Cook. MyIrtle Stati. '. Two gust lst, 2 p.m. brothiers. William and Frati' ' t -______________ lake, Soliuîa, and onie su , rM . Joseph Hanna, Toronuto, 30.ý sur- It is difficult for the average vive. man to live up to the opinion he Tlhe funeraI Ivas hield. uI', 9tlu. has of himself. service being conducted b. Rev.'.\Mr. Not even an expert aurist has Honey, uinister of tT' îute ever discovered a woman who clîurch. -MN-yrtle. and ir ýrrncnt in a ef ofae the Unioni cenietery. Oq!i.îwa. wadeftfamc- - - A girl should neyer rrïarrv a

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