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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1938, p. 8

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- - ý , ý - -lk PAGE EIGHT THIE C.\N.\DIAN STATES-MA N BOWNfANVILLE, ONTA-RIO THURSDAY, JULY 21ST, 1938 SPORT ROYALS WIN WHEN COBOURG GOES ON RAM PAGE TUESDAY After playing errorless bail for five innings and holding tight to a tbree run lead, Cobourg Inter- mediates ran into a mess of wild throws and loose fielding Tuesday night bere to give Bowmanville Royals eight runs in one stanza and the game 9 to 4. Lefty George Phillips hurled good bail for the Royals. collect- ing 8 strike-outs and allowing î bits. For the visitors McFadden. portly right bander, started and slung perfect puIs until the third. when for some reason. bis control and speed drooped. He was re- placed by Landymore who finish- ed the game witb round bouse curves and slow balîs that. until the sixtb, did much damage. McFadden oper'ed the scoring! in tbe second, driving a sizzler, tbrougb Ted Bagnell at short for two bases. He wvas driven in by Reymes on a hit to right centre and the side retired witb two flies in the air to Petre on first and Cameron in left. Tbey added two runs in tbe fifth wben Reymes drove to cen- tre, advanced on a short hit to pitcher by Immell and one to first baseman by McCaig. He scored on a long drive to centre by Coop- er. McCaig also came across tbe! plate on the play. The fourth run for the visitors came in the sîxtb. McFadden it to centre, tbe bal itting the fence and rolling away fromn Colville, leaving Mac to romp around tbree bases and score on Teddy Rollins' fly. Just one run crossed tbe plate Tired, Aching Foot Relleved ]By Footpax - Wonder Supports Weak arches, ankles, strained muscles, are responsible for Tired Feet - alleviated by the use of this scientific support. -(No Y Corns - Callouses - Bui caused by pressure of sh edied by FOOTPAX holdi ln proper natural posit releving strain. Light - Comfortable -1 Unexceiled in aIl sp( Rccommended by Do Featured by: Alox McGregor -1 Phone 792 M!etais). anions arer ;hoe, rem-P ing bones ton, and Durable.jt orts. I octors. I Drugs ý Regent Theatre Thursday - July 21st 2 - Smart Features - 2 "The Saint in New York"p - And - I'Strm in a ea Cup' Fri- - Sat. July 22-23 Bob Burns, Martha Raye, Dorothy Lamour and Ray Milland "Tropic Holiday" - Revival - Friday at 10.30 p.m. "'Topper" with George Brent it' baving six strike-outs, but! HUGH DAVIDSON visit& Miss B. McIntosb eacb sum- allowing six walks. His controll ON E MN WCASTLE mer, for part of tbe year. M wasnot sa good as last gamne. !pAS ES Davidson continued as principa ~ ~IS en strThe N ewcandlgavedout dnlt TEACHER PSSSuntil the summer of 1908, bis sal- A AI AE three waks. Th death of Mr. Hugb David- ary stili being $800. The Board uy2 30 1 E WO ,Cobourg had only one earned The, e c s l n e e d n of Education at tbis time accepted Juy2-03 run in the game as the opening Phone Clarke 1114 ------sn BAatGogeonand is bis resignation but had to pay tbe ýfthe Royals before the sixtb came in the third stanza with MEET the opening of a beverage roomn last Friday cie ammm rib aay0 10.Ms althoughsat the olake.opThe twolnwere con-iroriesa ofl bisuandPrbismsfamllof sirendi-iJessiey'Daeidsonsiwhoavwasnengag-s CHIaAGCHICAGOONTREAL altoub sveal olen ppr-Zeaan tain fistona felersDicus Pobemsan ElctOffc tsieedsael. No ser o ob-dnin esl.Eery oedscbolat $50aceraothend-bl e TOT -TA tunities came to light. spaInttbe sec e-choice, advancingNewtasseconderonoa ol tnd.iie bietto igt fo thsc-w oicavncn cscodo rs at Harris Loi e- Fred jection was expressed as to the liked Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and ered ber35 r esg ation i n d-DTROTwOofW bags. madle hi ard orK e n s teal, going up ta third on a cat- Treleaven of "Trclwood" building and oeration if aidanc rbgoun de t ir, n Ken terechers error and crossing tbe plate New President habu t aop aion fari d nedfamily who ltvcd bere for over the fact that the family was Il WINDSOR - QUEBEC gruie afrt n tydteeon a pass baIl. Once again the 'jhl, u20nin aie nrgad.M . in the il Lt )for two outs. The third xvas even weak arms in the backlo posi- The Ratepayers of Newcastle- to the most suitabie location for 20 ears r Dvdonbg n gth viage. Laer Mr. David-SEANED AUR more heart rending. Two batters tion pîayed havoc. Aîmost every on-tbe-Lake, whose membership it. A dance hall might be a men- teaching in the Newcastle High son became principal of Alliston SE NED EUR went out in a burry. Ted Bagnell baerînrta okonyfrtcnît ageybtfo nieyace to the peace and quietness of Scbool in 1886 as assistant teacher High School whcre one of bis and Petre were banded walks. obs biethet toseond onfrte of sume r riebtnt edtir nearby cottagers. On the otber under W. W. Jardine, at a salary pupils was Fred Banting, now Sir Consult Agents for Fares, Hicks and Colville stopped two onext pitbwinttah cndifncutheoannualme eig n the EastheAs- and there migbt be danger in it of $500 a year. In 1888 be was Frederick Banting of insulin fame Trains to use, Return Limits beaves with their bodies to score Cobourg: Bowihno ss; Palyne f; embyalleeofgin hearrstLodg-,"being too far removed from pub- made Principal at a salary of $800 and known the world over. McFrad Iretire anbthe sd Zeaiand c; Campbell lb; Lucas summer home of the rctiring pres. lic view. If a dance hall were to a year, witb Miss McArtbur as Among those attending the late POUEHNBL o, dne rn re and e th e bse. -Jhs3; bec;Wosr:idnD.W Wlo-al n ecome indirectly responsible for assistant. Public scbool teachers Hugh Davidson's burial at Bow- Sciosed when Kent rudot Bateman P. Saturday evening, July 9. Therebetter lighting to and at the lake at that time were Mr. R. D. Coutts, manvilie Cemetcry was Mr. W. J Po .. third to first. Bowmanvilie: Mason f: Nich-,.was a good attendance of ladies 'front this wouîd be sometbing in principal, Miss Jessie McNaugb- Bradley, former P. S. princia, 1 na~a Train ,naon The sixtb opened witb Cobourg ols c, batted in Masons place after and gentlemen, and Reeve C. R. l'its favour. tne D rmmond;iit Miss oeyAnd woye asiat r. aviso nte ai evc aila 1 itn rtyand apparently in tb: Ames 2b; Graham rf; Witb- Carvcth, nephew of tbe founder 1Al opinion was opposcd to tbe tnat reseontvsitnMiss eyan-do wa asciMr atedsoranmber Pc c SvieN toa no danger. Colville drifted one eridge lb; B. Siemon p: Rice 3b; of tbe association, the late Dr. ,idea of a beverage room in a de- as isEaWlisn h ecsl ecigsaf to short that was fumbled. Bill Colville cf; Crombie c; K. Sic- Geo. H. Carvetb, was present and 'clared "Standard Hotel at the Bagneli, pincb hitting for Kent, mon ss. gave an enîxghtening tak n ake, with authority to sell beer naied neforth let fel feceScore by Innings: R H E municipal matters and policies of ýand wine. The meeting didn' for two bases. Cameron ground- Cobourg 101 000 1 - 3 6 1 vital concern to the lakefront res- think the granting of a beer and ed out. Piper made first on a Bowm'ville 001 001 0 - 2 6 3 idents and summer resorters. wine autbority in this area was in finl th throwth ome for t Umpîres: Jackman and Gîbson Dr. Walton-Bail, brothcr-in-law the rcalm of possibility or the irs th coter.Fome rthe n eda.o b ttre- ea fO-sccsflfnnigo Stand- ,fir___________________on i tario, Hon. Gordon D Coatlard Hotl in the field of practi- was plain saiîing.e Bates bit to .Cnnaiiy rîght, scoring K ent and Piper . presided and rcad an intercsting an e d a .o h t o n y G n r l o n ' cbi l ing o a " ndR George Pilips clipped te trees LATE RALLY GIVES paper, prepared by imslf, on1 Reeve Carvth delighted the the early settiement of Bond Hlead 'meeting witb bis statement re- inlftfora homer, scoring Bates LOCAL GIRLS WIN as this section of Newcastle was :garding police protection at New- SEI LNEAGl and Petre, Hicks and Coîville ý bougt i moe unsbefre hefirst cailed and wbich stili per-!castie-on-the-Lake, menti onin ig period closed. In ail. 12 batters A last minute, four run rally sists as the name of the cemetcry.1 that Constable Price Morris of the facd Lndyoreinthis nig brought defeat to Cobourg girls Mr. C. S. Horrocks read the min- Provincial Police frequently pat- The game concIuded with Phil- on Monday when they met Bow- utes which wcre adopted on mo-. rolled the section often after the lips striking out Cooper and manville on their home grounds tion of himsclf and Mr. Hudson residents wcre in bedl He intim-A tCroc ï Bç Johnston and Landymore drib_ and loist by one run 13-12. Stowe.: ated tbat the two bath bouses ad- bling out second to first. Near fights and a disgusting cx- The agenda of proceedings in jacent to Mr. Fred Wood's pro- 1Cobourg: Jobnston ss; Dufton bibition of crowd rowdyimwitb ciudcd the foiiowing tapics, each pcrty wouid be moved to the west 3b; Landymore p after 2 2-3 inn- one lady caimly tossing a bat at of wbich werc thoroughly dis- side beach. 1. Through the co-operation of the ings; Goody lb; McFadden p and umpire Tucker Davidson after a cusscd: (1) A possible reduction:' A vote of tbanks was tendered Hydro Power Commission, for the 2b; Rollins 2b and 3b; Reymes cf; qusinbedeiinwr a fewlof the rates for electric service inRevCaetfobiadrsanmohs fJuyadw nak a ImmellIif; McCaig rf; Cooper c. the~ highligbts of the game. 1 this area of the municipaiity. 1'clearcut answers to questions sub- N wmné fJl n August, emka Bowmanville: T. Bagneli ss; dddto this were severai errors (2) Milk Pasteurization. on which mitted. This was moved by W. J. special ofrg- no1vi oosts to Petre lb; Hicks 2h; Colville cf; and erratic bail playing by botb a number cxpressed their vicws. Eilbeck and supported by Dr. ntl oern wcricRnge h Kent and Bagneil rf; Cameron If teams, a surprising amount Of Ail services wcre satisfactory. Waiton-Baii. adapei n*salaMdm Eeti ag h Piper3b; atesc; Pillis p. heav (3)inTennis Bowcourts ()andnistennisandten as-pl A- voteeooftatban ndksprExtran EHradrociw Hylo allowlow$$0.00O towa cstdo Pipe 3b Bats c Philip P~ squad who came close ta driving ing. (4) Dance bail and hotel. tion for al bis valued services ~5V U Score by Innings: R H E W. Hoskin from the box. Asfrecti ihigR a iotnec rWio nstalling a Range for Rural Hydro Cobourg 010 021 0-4 7' 4' The ncxt thing toa aDonny- CAsrvh asbefuicl foingre rcduc- alons annned Dretirmnt sr n o hs pca ap nw Bowm'ville 001 008 - -9 8 2 brook occurred in the sixth whcn tion in ras i hoeunfora refuu:c.fronthprcsidency. M iemet - * an fo will ecal ca4. 2 4L f e Umpires: Trott and Tyson, Osh- Giihooiey with the tying run The nrae.n h ea uu.,Frmted Treiaencoy Tewo. - - -~ a.erbo eo awa. came tcaring to home plate. Judgee provincial auditor întimated M * MU M oM"rloo, wl o h rs f h wÏgfreo O'Connor's daughter hcaved a that this was probable. The localla scion of another pioncer familychre catcher Hoskin who promptly of putting ail Newcastle on the elccted president, and Cccil S.EC TI J NO S SPOIL same basis as regards service'Horrocks of "Haif-a-Hill", re-2 h ydoPwr omsin w JNO Sslappcd the pi11 onta the runner charges. There shouid be no dis-lcctcd secretary-treasurcr. 2.Te EymuPwe omisonwl PLAYOFF CHANCE and was calied out. Spectatorsrinain Atrenttos Mrs. W. H. Walton-Ball, assist- m u Eetn hog st ua yr st LOSE TO COBouRG sldîmrcefly n the gilwa afe, ang town and as f ar south as Mr., cd by members of the Association, E m .kternis as low as $3.00 per month with in- dh ungrau Manaun er E ai n Chaplins pay 33 cents a montlî serx-ed rcfrcshments and ail en-MUtrtchrda I40 -3yersa LinsJuiosspild ba hefu bga. Maagr rneservice charge; ail south of this joycd a pleasant social period. teremu chageda ony 4 -3yers chas JncersspedbacLfo Hunt rose to the occasion and de-haetpySi2. twster The geniai host and hostcss of R A N GaEf o wih t meager cace hy h framandcd justice whiic towering hcavea y$12.'twa HeiLod e" tdrd th. it pla-of crt b doppnga los oerthe dimininutive Tucker. m to rcmedy thîs dis- arî g rc ne e 3-2 fixture in Cobourg Tuesday who didn' give much ground and crimination. Mr. Horrocks, secre- thanks of the meeting for their night to dcfinitcly assure them a was supported to a man by- bis tars-treassurer, was advledto kindness and hospitality. celrpsto nth l Cbugchrs'wt h xe-%rite on behaif of the Association _________ FE An esèecially suitable range The deciding run of the tîght tion of the venerable Judgc E -t r efe.Cif'uiia FE battie came in the iast of the Connor who stood calmly by. Engineer. Toronto. Newcastle W. M. S. sevcnth wben two clouts by Possibly he shouid bave been on Mrs. O. W. Rolph broacbcd the for terrlhm Brown and Payne, a waik for the bench ready and able to gîve subect of a new tennis court that At the July meeting of the Wo- Zealand. and a bit te centre by the final decision. The game bel would be under the absolute con- mens Missionarv Society, Mrs. N. Campbell brougbt in the wînning gan with no interruption untîl a,, trol of the Association. She sug- Aluin. lst vice president, prcsided. run with tbree ieft on bases and bat, came sailing tbrough the air ,gested a corner of Mrs. Trcleav It was decided that as many T E C A E J W L O B N T O none out. tlibalitesotoDadonen s property on Boulton St.. as a ladies as possible attend the T E C A E J W L O B N T O Siemon did the pitcbing for Several good innings brougbt desirable location. The genceral School for Leaders, Whitby, Aug. Bowmanville and turned in a fair viclr for Bowm'anviile. The î public is rnaking full use of the 2.9 to Sept. 2. Mrs. N. Aluin and thir sa th ble rmpeed ea'court financed by mnembers of the Mrs. Hare were appointed to take nil er s aft ler topere euAr,£ssociation at the foot of M\Ill St.. charge of fruit sent to Victor Mis- Mlwîtb Isobel Bickeil sendu-.g one 1 u another one iS required tiîat, sion. Ail the Vice Presidents were to the outfield for a home run wil! be open te club rnerrnbers to be responsible for one Sunday with one on. She camne through -.0f The lcnared '%L. and service in Newcastle and Clarke mu-thenet sanz wth noterMrs. O. W. Rooh. r Fred i re- during the minister's vacation. .. Oshawa diet efttatcmeco e av andMr. WJ.Eibeck.. a Mr.J. C.Hancock was :amed as braknga ewwidolina nv ze os- ersnatv a te Officiai Mo.-Tus ouse nearby. Two runs fieacb sbit:*es of a r.ew e-- r.. r -ý or n bec f eu Mo.-Te.of the fourth and f ifth framel There ;ýva-rno cleaz irr:o- presîdent. Arrangements w er e uîy25 26brought the locals' count to 9 and to hand rea- *ne :rrected then made ta entertain the Baby 25 - 26thev entered the final with three Bad the lurc h urwnf.u o Joet"runs to tie and four to win. _Al 1to creak abo"' lowingd sc t e c re arisw ()Teaue waik for Jean Woodward started ore h ~res~~r ;cri Reports were given from fol- the f ireworks, f ollowed by an er- 1 the bases ;vîth gaay. sanýi.. six Mrs. Beman reported total money wihSmn ioDn rer te Anderson on third that left runners dernnng th~--e platter White on first. A bit te right. an- in the seventh. anid a ~r: ci, ",-n - frtsiiotsS3b2,a n Ameche Rober Young other walk and a fieldel choice ners scering in each o-ý the eîg-hth cireasx o hs54. ,anyar in-______ Amehe Roer Yong finisbed the fracas with Gibooiey and ninth. ______f__4.4_______t ear credited with driving in the win - Just te show that the v ere net (2) Correspondîng, Miss Fergu- ner. altogether poebed from their pre- so:(3Mhis t o ins n Seadbp Wed. - Thurs. Cobourgs runs were scattered vious exertiens. the rubber men MissiRobinsen.gIrofeig witb tivo in the first. one in the counted two runs in their baîf of Bsdsterguarfeig - ~third, a good counit of four in the the nîntb.LuRnd.brlat special offering was received tea I cti Juy27 -28 LuRnl.Coaln oerepne n oncinwih f e t i fourtb, one in the fifth. two in the centre-fielder of the Ail Stars. and coe epnesi onetonwt sixt, ad to inthesevnth Preidet Su. Jmesledthesbipment of baies. Mrs. W. Cow- "You and Me" wii nhseet.~~th fJames ic albb Prayers were offered by Mrs. J. _______ ______ good bal îbroughout. aided te the only dîfference being that Lou A. Butler, Mrs. Meilow and Mrs. ________ George aft andSylvia mendously by the fine efforts of was also brilliant in the field. Bea.Avcldt nte Sidney untîl the seventb retaîned perfect when the Goodyear tied the score MSssRiaCoendMrrt composure lAnd control. The sec- at ten ail in the fiftb, we thought PMare. hetaCopic andeMinisrt -Added- ond was pitcher Hoskin's best of maybe tbey would keep up the of ealing"T wa taen by Miss the evening. Three men covered good work but apparently the Ferguson. Just before the closing the sacks with one out, and it surprise was too great for theil yn r.R .Mro pk "HoId That Kiss' looked as though runs were due fele and decrepitt hearts toif ew words to the ladies. The te score, but a rise on the bail stand. meeting was then ciosed by Mrs. causes two pop fouis th êt droppcd Ail Stars - H. Gay, Courtice. N. Allun. ,nicely into the waiting hanids of lb; Werry, Salem, 2b: H. Wight, littie sister Hoskin, the catcher, to Providence and J. Gay, Courtice, la retire the side. Ibis is the first p; Dub Piper, Maple Grave, 3h; ioss league leaOers Cobourg red H. Cryderman, Maple Grave, and Newcastle United Church W. A. shirts bave sust îined this year. G. Pickeil, Courtice, ss; G. Rick- The ladies of the United -Cburcb Score by inning s: R H E ard, Providec, and Richards, W. A. were favored with a talk Cobourg 201 412 2 - 12 10 5 Salem, c; Blackburn, Salemn, rf; on Hymn Writers and Hymns, by P IC N I Bwmle 005202 4 -13 1310 McDonald and Welsh, Salem, If;M rs.Haol ibon h h nlmo biain ihasigeovntakswthete 1-l house .1 - and everyone Cobourg:O'Co nor cf, Baxter o orcrpy, - . op- _aumthrs an revewdayonefamous Stai-rspon àd cross ' eigb"t i lis 1.eacéh. ts more dîllîcuit tor a man to ithcir first turn at bat. The first series of the playoffs keep a secret after bis wîfe dis- ..... 2caks 14 Bu iii Orrmston regained bis wiii be staged between the second covers that be bas one.- olc-timne pitching form after that andi third teams. Courtice and___ M pkg. 5c ~and for the next five framnes heid Salem respectiveiy. The ____________________ pkg. SC hs oposiionto a pair of runs. will ho hased on a two out of And bis littie belpmates, after tbree game basis and the winners i t,.n, ftutile turns ut the plate. ho- xiii play Providence in a similar DnCr sin E [ L Eanid sent four runners scampering played Friday nigbt at Cream et wsh A reoo 50 years as a mnot catis-.o tN sa a-Poo8 B mnvle overî the plate, repeatedl the per- Bariey Camp. fatory trseirnient for piles or heworrhoid.. 38 Simno tyN sa a-P oe8 Bowmanville formane in the fourtb and added Ail home runs made during the 1you cau poitively depend on tnmore in the fiftb. But eut- piayofs xvil ho countcd for the ýDr. ChasWs Ointment cf-condlition muscles commenced J. W. Jeweli prize. "j PLAN A Some of these specials will youl find handy around th will save yo kRed Scal Coboc SALMON.......... Fruit COOKIES...... Gold Medal PEANUT BUTTER ... Hereford CORNED BEEF ..... Sweet and Juicy ORANGES......... Brunswick SARDINES........ Tomato JUICE ............. . Golden Bantam CORN ............ Lifebuoy H-EALTH SOAP... Handy AmMONIA ..... Phone 596 1

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