THURSDAY, JULY 28TH, 19.38 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN~qLLE. ONTARJO rAA.,t ININI LADIES LEARN Lockhart's School WELLS IS WINNER 0F ARMY WORM __ TENNIS TOURNEY Mebrso Hmtn ntiue Mr. Hubert Osborne was for- Membns f Hmptn Istiutetunate on Saturday night in sur- O. T. C. members tournament were guests of Orono Institute ati prising a thief or thieves in the .results held July 20tb are: a.picnic Friday in the Mem-pnial act of nemoving bags of threshed Singles Park, about 45 coming from peas from bis barn. Mn. Osborne FisRon:Jh Grd de Hmptosb. bs0nd arWAte had occasion te go to the barn to feaîed John Cornisb 7-5; R. Col- Mrs O.W.Rolpb had read twO1 see a sick animal and noticed the ville defeated Mac Smith I6-0; E. letters negarding the officens' rally1 bag of peas near the door. He Seymour defeated Dr. Colville and the speaker service on Ad- xent to the house and called the 6-2; A. West defeated M. Cowan ,,Lninistrative Leadership, botb in police and then reiurned to the 6-1; P. Spningham defeated P. Ucober, the ladies enjoyed the barn wbere the thief had a second Winter 6-4; D. Wells bye. aciolities of the park. bag ready. None of the peas were Semi-Finals: A. West defeated About 3.30 .Mrs. Rolpb express- removed as fan as could be ascer- P. Springham 6-2; R. Colville de- ed a welcome to the ladies, and iained. Despite tbe search of the feaîed J. Gnady 6-1; D. Wells de-, Mrs. Perrett acted as chairlady immediate vicinity by Mr. Os- feated E. Seymour 6-1; M. Smith for the programi which was put borne, bis brother and the police, defealed C. Knox 6-4. on by Hampton ladies. It opened the thief managed 10 get away Finals: D. Wells defeated R. with the Institute Ode and com- under coven of darkness. I Colville 6-2; D. Wells defeated A. munlîx- singing led by Miss Lottie Mn. Coombes, tbe newly Sp- West 6-2; Wells was therefore -1vrn wbho accompanied with the pointed principal of Newcastle winnen. arp. A chorus was sung by some bigb scbool, called at a number of Doubles f the Hampton ladies to the tune homes in this district on Saturday R. Colville and D. Wells defeat- ~f the Ode; a reading by Mns. to get acquainted witb students ed P. Winter and E. Seymour, 6-4, Yeo; vocal duel by Majorie and and prospective students of the 6-4; A. West and M. Smith defeat- Florence Allen, "Abide with me" scbool and thein parents. ed A. Cowan and P. Springbam,4 with guitar accompaniment; talk Some of the young people of 6-4, 6-3; R. Colville and D. Wells by Mn. E. A. Summens of Bow- the section enjoyed a weinen and defeated John Gnady and Ander- manville, reading by Mrs. A. E. manshmaîîow noast in Hubert Os son, 6-2, 6-3; A. West and M.1 Billett, Dnummond's 'Lil' Balise'; horne's woods by the cneek on Smith defeated P. Winter and Dr.1 and a monologue "Entertaining Tbunsday night. Colville, 6-1, 7-5; R. Colville and Sister's Boy Friend" by Doneen Visitons: D. Wells defeated A. West andc Perrett, all of wbicb wene much 's enjoyed. Mrs. Harold Gibson spent the M. Smith, 6-0, 7-5; R. Colville and1 Mn.Sumes asgongtoweekend witb hem mothen, Mns. D. Wells were final winners. N speak on Horticulture, but seeîng Aniafcroo il was a picnic he could not hring Mn. and Mrs. Harold Dean spent the slides that went witb the talk Sunday motoring in the notbern Enterpriset so bie changed bis subject te army district.-____ worms. He also outlined the Mrs. Harrison and family, To- Mrs. Harold Bull and family, work of the Institute in beautify- ronto, vissted ber parents, Mr. and Pont Hope, and Miss Mary Scott ing homes in Carleton county, Mrs. George Barchard. visited Mn. and Mrs. L. Ransherry. even paint being punchased in Mns. J. Smith, Cavan, bas ne- large quantities to get it cbeap. tunned home aiter visiting Mrs.v The army worm finst appeaned DIM AND DISTANT Gordon Moffatt.J in Pickering district and il was HAPPENINGS Mn. and Mrs. Dennison, Mrs. the finst attack in 24 years. It_____ Cooper and Vivian, Toronto, are has been serious, sometîmes as visiting Mn. William Wright. .t mayas10or 200 being found Froin The Orono News of Miss Patterson, Our teacher, is on neshafofgrain, but thanks July 17, 1913 spending ber vacation in Boston, t te quick work the outbreak is Mass., and New Hampshire. s now considered cbecked. Mr. Manried: Witheridge - Blue - Mn. and Mrs. Mervyn Gatcbell,a Summens described the jife bis- At Toronto on July 16tb, by Bey. Oshawa, visiteci Mn. and Mns. L. tory, sbowed a sheaf of barley Robert Herbison, St. Giles' Pres- Ransberry. wbi.çl? ad been attacked by them, bytenian Cbunch, Mary Ettie Blue, Mr. J. Moffatt is busy baving n told how to mix and apply the Kendal, te George H. Witheridge, bis barn raised.c masb te kill tbem wbicb is sure Toronto. v_________ > of a 90 te 100 per cent kill. He Successful students at tbe Pro- also described bis daily and nigbt- vincial Normal Schools include Sak il ly trips bithen and thithen because these namnes from Orono and dis- Sak il af the outbneak. -He closed by of- trict: J. Bidwell Tucker, Frank A. fering pamphlets dealing with Knox, Miss A. Muriel Hill, Miss An Ode ta the Old C.N.R. a maggots, etc., wich'he was going Elizabeth G. Burgess, Miss Bessie Once there was a fact, that gave t to use in connection with the pro- Walsh, and Miss Elma R. Keat. us great joy, posed talk on Horticulture. Canadian residents of Santa Big anticipation filled us, even t prciato hexref e the obachBabara, Cal., sixty in number, each girl and boy;t frcano the ogram a ndepchî celebrated Dominion Day and on- A railway, we'd have, to open oun fo ume ons' andial ganized a permanent socie.y for land, I Mr.n mr'tl. mutual pleasure and profit. A To carry oun goods - Oh, won't C Hampton guests were taken former Ononoite, Mr. J. G. Honey, that be grand.E througb the Forestry by Orono was chairman; another Oronoite, Along came the workmen, and r mien whiie the ladies prepared Mrs. W. L. Long, was chosen sec- material too,V tea. About 115 or 125 men wom- retary. Among those present were The surveyors and bosses ta seea en and cildren bad thein supper Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Honey, Mn. wbaîto do; in a secluded part of the park and Mrs. C. E. Potter and family, The counicil, the people, many on ~$tes urunigthmadand Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Long and hand, a al had of a brook addmng famiîy. T ac prtoso ign hantment 10 the scene. VWben Miss Esme Hooper is home fnom T th sand. so dggngf alhdpantaken of the good the city.'th ad phickls, riead -and buttecae, eds. H. Hilîs, Enniskillen, visit- Joy to our bearts, wben work was t, picles bradandbuter cae, dber father, Mr. John Buckley. complete, tants, and tea, Mn,. Billett moved Mn. Delbert Gibson visited In Trains running oven te station te P prompted by E. J. Hamm, men Miss Winnifred Williamson i, Many a dollar the people did F ai Orono, and Mrs. J. Richardson, visiting bier uncle, Mn. C. E. Cul- spend, H lst vice of Orono branch respond-i tell, Toronto. In travel and sbipping, both busi- ed.i Miss Kathleen Staples visited ness and fniend.A F Following this "Tbey are jolly Bowmanville friends. With courage and fervour, strongM good fellows" was sung by the Mns. <Rev.) Limbent and son with a will,H Oronoites, also "Ijappy Birtbday Horace, Oakwood, are visiting ber People worked bard, their busi- f to Yo.p" - the formenr in bonor Of daughter, Mrs. R. H. Brown. ness ta fi;M the 1ampton guests, the latter in Mrs. C. A. Johnston and daugh- The government had promised, honon of Mrs. E. J. Harin popu- ter Miss Dorothy, Bowmanviile, with words and *ith task, W Ian secretary of the Orono bnanch, visited Mm. J. J. Gilfillan. The nailroad was built for even te o it being ber birthday. Incidental- Mr. Gillis McKay holidayed in last. iy Mn,. O. W. Rolph, Orono presl- Northumberland County. dent, celebrated ber birthday the Mn,. W. L. Gerry was in Osh- AUl worked with pleasure, and ail fa day before. awa owing to ilîness of ber son beants were strong, & This concluded proceedings and Amberson. Now that the trains were lifting brought a very happy aitemnoon Miss Sexsmnith, Port Hope, a our burdens and moving Gi to a close. Young and old enjoy- former principal of Orono public along, W ed the facilities of the park. Thus school, visited fiends bere. Encouraging business, filling us another happy day is a thing of _________ with hope, b the past and all are looking for- Tempting our zeal, giving ernploy- M~ ward te another get-together at ESTATE 0F MARIA RAYMOND ment, to dlimh up the slape. a an eariy date. Atrtwnyfveyasafsr i .<Tune, Auld Lang Syne) Anyone knawing the where- aner tety-fie yaraWsrvc Forget your wark just for a whileabuso thhPndrilmWe were threatened with loss of Core il oubuy flk 'Pender, Mn,. Osborne, Mrs. Fen- aur noblest treasure, 01 Catrne aisloudluy falkigo ton and Miss Griffths (the last The Railway Co. by cutting thei It's limne that you awoke. mtn)reeseing frinds 0f M,. Sal service, doing ail il! their w There's music in the tree tops, and mn laecmuîaewt power, The streams are runnîng clear, Lennard & Leonard, 320 Bay St., To cul their revenues and lower hae Corne with the bees and butter- Toronto, Ontario. 30-2 their dower. Ho flies, Tepol ihsroaxeyA The sweet bird notes te bear. We've come fnom- Hampton Insti- Taedpeope t orw nit For Orono is an ideal spot, tute, aymen set tos nhoeu-l With park and flowers grand, Our neighboring finst et ness yet, M To spend the aiternoon today Wbose hospitality you'll find Te oitothefcsan ed M At a picnic tbey bave planned. lIs very bard to beat. , ointout thl facd, ad tneds ' _____________________________________________To Government and campany ai a raiiroad dernand. sr But, alas, came the order, igbtJO fromn the boss, in. In spite of circumstance and rea- la( son, the people must bear the noc I loss; The trains were ail taken, and sent dear knows wbere, 1as. ya..n197 .he -ckitwa t___________________________________________And___ j e the swager sVccess Iis wc ORONO NEW VICE-PRESIDENT 1 N. B. Walton Fonmerly Chief ai Transportt tion, Canadian National Railway wbose appointment as Vice-Pres dent in Change ai Operatiai Maintenance and Constructiai witb beadquantens at Montnea was announced by S. J. Hungei ford, Chairman and President the National System. Newtonville About one bundred men helpe with tbe barn raising at Mn. h J. Holman's. Mrs. John Jackson bas rente VIns. Westol Stringen's bouse i the village, formerly the bank. We beid aur finst Field DayE the Park Juiy 20tb. In spite a showens a good crowd turned ou and enjoyed the bahl games. Mr. and Mns. F. Nesbitt hav noved intobis father', bouse berg Congratulations ta Fred on wir ning the car at the Rotary Carni val. Mrs. G. W. Jones, Mns. Wili [ones, Miss Hazel Reid and Mi Melville Jones jounneyed ta 0,1 awa with the Horticultunal Soa iety Friday evening and viewe the R. S. McLaughlin Gandens. A large crowd ai Masonic bre bhren marcbed ta the Unite, Church Sunday evening wbe Rev. E. L. Beech addnessed thenr Choir sang an anthem, and Mn E.L. Beech and Miss Mary Lan rendered a duet. Visltors: Mn. and Mn,. Bruce Whitne: and farnily and Mr. and Mni Harry Wade and son with Mi and Mrs. George Wade, Kingstor Mrs. J. Wade and Jean wit] friends at Port Britain. Mn. and Mns. John Mitchell ani two children, Toronto, with he parents, Mm. and Mm,. J. Darcb. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Holman Part Bnitain, witb Mm. and Mm Harry Wade. Mrs. Jabez Bragg and daughtei dlie, Bowmanville, witb Mr. an( Mrs. S. Lockbart. Mns. Foster and daugbters, Mii [ibberd and 1vks. Nails, with theii lmilles, Toronto, witb Mr. an! .s. W. Stapleton. Mn. Blake Stapleton, Omonc titb bis sister, Mrs. Lanson Mill. ;n. eMm. and Mm,. L. Savery and amily with Mn. Arthur Weish ;alem. Mm,. Pym, Mm. and Mn. AUf Jearge, Mn,. Haskill, Port Hope 'ith Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Jane,. Mm. and Mns. Camnpbell, Camp. >llcroft, with Mr. and Mns. R dantan. Miss Marian Bruce with friendç tBancroft. Mn. and Mns. George Thompson vith fniends at Elmwood. Mm. and Mns. Edgar Pascoe, )shawa, with Mrs. N. Samis. Miss S. M. Jane,, Montreal, ith Mrs. J. W. Lancaster. Miss Jean Hotson, Simcoe, wltn ier cousin, Mn,. N. Samis. Miss atson's mather was formerly £my Allin, Bowmanville. Mm,. N. Samis and Mns. T. AI. , Mm. and Mm,. F. Couch and Gss Jean Hotson with Mr. and Irs. Howard Grills, Little Bn.- in. Mm. and Mm,. George Stapletor ;rwlth Mr. and Mn,. Alvin >nes, Port Hope. Messrs. G. Walkey and J. Rab- nson with Rev. and Mrs. T. Wal. ace, Greenbank. Mn,. Wallace is ow conflned ta ber bed. URBY BALL TEAM NEAR WHITEWASH Kirby was nearly wbîtowashed riday nlght by North Oshawa 3fbaîl teamn by a scoreeai 18-1. ýnly five innings were played, ut that was sufficlent for the mmrbytes. Patterson was the anly one te mre for Kirby, bis sole run being itbe 3rd when be bit a twa- aser and later gat borne. Na one [e gat ta 3rd and very few even )ist. Flys and strike-auts were rnmon ways for puteuts. The me was called by the Toronto ase umpire Ken Hall because af ppraacbing darkness, the Oshawa ste umpire being agreeable. mby's battery was Walker, pit- ie, and Lawery, catcher. Three ai the Oshawa runs were mers, and the team also bnougbt :wn with tbern a number ai )ters ai the faim sex whicb help- 1ta put them on thoir toes. [n fairness ta Klrby, it must be ated that three ai their goad lyens and regulars wene aut ai te game thmougb sicknoss, etc. .wev--, defeat.w.l21nat NEws Obituary SOCIALAND PERSONA 0.*.Snwn nt* - Seldom if ever did the communit of Northi Augusta and surroundin Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duckworth, Howard Linton and daughter couutrv receive so sad a shock ' Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Florence visited hier mother il îhat which came on Jujie 26th i ward Morton. Kendal. the sudden Passing of Edward Jamci Mr. George Smith, Tamworth, Mr. Stan Bruton, Toronto, spent Snowvdon, son of the late Jame visited here. the weekend here. Snowdon and bis wife, Mary Arn- Miss Norma Cooke, Toronto, Mrs. Fowler visited Mr. and strong, hoth of County Arnag] has been visiting Miss Myrtie Mrs. H. Murray. lreland. He xvas 68 years old. Smith.. Allison Cowan, Toronto, Nlr. Snowdon had been a member Dr. F. J. Cutteli, Buffalo, Ovisit- v Mr.he as fft ed bis parents, Mr. and Mr~vs -,. isited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowan. ft'LL o h atff ed hs paent, Mr an Mrs S. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis en- years aud members of that fraternity Cutteil while Mrs. Cutteil was in tertained about ten children Sat- miarched and led the funeral cortege Mr.w adorsk. Hnryu rday in honor of their daughter ftrom their lItc brother's home to Mr. nd Ms. HnryJunker, Lorna Jean who celebrated hier Gosf ord United Church. The L.O.I. Presonvistedreltivs hre. second birthday. A very happy als(J held its last rites at the grave. Mr. Eastwood, Toronto, was a afternoon was spent in gamnes and He was also a member of Patricia visitor at Mrs. M. Sisson's. refreshments were served. R.B.P. No. 88.3, New Dublin, and Mr. Wm. Robinson, Kendai, has o r his tonsils out. Midland Regimental Band gave of rtsal Fountain Masonic Lodg(, A fw By Sous fom orotoa delightful programn Saturday ev- North Augusta. Aewentingcints prk.Trot ening prior to the departure of Rev. G. W. Dustin, pastor of the are entig inthe ark.most of the band for Barriefield North Auzusta United Church, -as- Some marvelous àpecimens ofsitdb Re.GF.Wrno dahlias are on display these days camp h ui a Btil ise yRv .F arno a-one of which was a freak. It was appreciated by the large crowd. iýsliops Milis United Church, of- ta- ustas i a edim sie ad a The officiai board of Park St. ficiated at the funeral. Interment meiSie n Church meets Friday night. Nus'Ra-de iii Bishop's Milis Ceme- 'large size dahlia were joined to- Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Littlewood terv. The large attendance at the )n geth. Trynaueiwod- and son Manley were guests at a f tijiral auid the beautiful floral tri- n, fl. awn supper on Wednesday even- butes testified to the esteem in )n Mr. Wallace Sisson and party ing last of Group No. 2 of Park whiclî be was held. The laie Mr. r-, TefstormaTuPesay utate.el- t. W. A., after which the group Sowdon who moved to this viciity of- eictorm ua ut ofhorder members discussedi plans for the 20 years ago, was a widely kowr cei-ty utt picic wll behe> dfallwork. ad respecîed farmej-.having lived icneParkSaturday. T illbhe En- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thornton Previously ini Oxford and Wolford is heChrcare atring Toe ing-nd farriiy, Millbrook, w er e townships. Born St Snowdon's Cor. R. A.CFrhretern f amILwr guests of Miss A. Thornton. ner's. Wolford. on June l7th, 1870. at Lake Simicoe. Their daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. Rosborough He is survived by bis wife, the form.- Jean returned with themn were in the village Thursday, er Miss Florence Coaîham of Orono. Mre.J nxsuside o prior to leaving for a vacation. and two dauzhters. Mrs. William J. Mr. R. . Shrwnoxa week agd orn Miss Margaret Millson is holi- Dillabough. Newmanvilîe. and Mrs. day as. teaherwiofathe be cîSs,-aying in the States. Elliot Young, Ardoch. and one son. td wh a enM.and rsfherwbl las Mrs. Myles visited lier daughter John R Snowdon, at home. Three whn in.Hatnd visingheris ere Thelmna in Toronto who is pro- sisters and one brother also sur- austo vtin g iSboherwi. gressing favorably. vive: Mirs. Agnes Wilson and Mrs. M.Asi hri.Civjc Holiday is next Monday. J .Bgod crcvle n ot fMr.y arn ors. J D.Cooe nd. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Walter holi-Nlrs. J. H. Carley, Bellamy, sud ~f amly Troto sen Sndy dayed at Owen Sound. Eccles Snowdon of Snowdon's Cor- ut with Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Miss Marjorie Sisson bas re- es Semissh.AdmOeevst turned from Toronto. e. eds her. Aas Onfe vst r.M'm. Henry as returned -Relatives f ront a distance attend- ,e. d hee. f orn isiing ier iste -in-awIg the funeral Otto Coatham n- People are admiring the new Mr visi.ingoer sse-nlw of Oropo, sud Miss Lucy Dillabough, ii picket fence at the fair grounds raM.Coopr.Wi.SyorofTon. which looks lovely in its new coat Mrs.'Maud Hall, and Mr. Elgin lsof paint. Seymour spent Thursday in Co WM W TO GI N h- iie is othe, Mrs. J. D. Folern Lawrence Harris had his tonsils SOME PUBLICITY c- re tdhe wtm Mrs. D.Fweout Friday. retun d ome ith rs. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown, In the "2l1st Battalion Com- Eagleson accompanied 'themn to Hudson Heights, Quebec, visited munique" published at Peterboro eterbosr foGrne visit y n his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. this item of interest to Oronoites Mdtofiss , . visited Witbyart, Brown. appears written by a wandering d Majofriands vi.tedher arents Next girls' softball game is Au- reporter: ~ Maor nd rs. . C Gaey. d gust 8th, when Orono goes to ."Bill Watson of Orono is run- n. Rev. and Mrs. S. Litteo Newtonville. igoefthbs kppasI fS n or L eylake 0f twiîî Next boys' softball game is Fni- have seen in my ramblings around ie or akeofBays where they wl day night when Forestry pîsys the country. Bill was Allie Wood- spend August. Oshawa. row's pal in the 2lst. He was a Miss Edna Stutt is takîng an Next football game is August tailor and I tbink hie could sew ýy agriculture course at Guelph. lst when Orono goes to Courtice. stripes on upside down (wbich s. Sunday school teachers met af- Newcastle girls play Orono girls probably means that be made a r. ter church Sunday morning to ar- bere to-night. very good job of sewing some on n. range for Park Street S. S. picnic. Mr. Everett Porter will teacb for Andy>." th Mns. Wm. Stutt is again con- near Kitchener next termn. This piece of interesting news die brotber-law spent te ean- Mrs. C. Caverly, Montreal, Îis snt in to te Communique ,c rtend ih ber. th wek vsiig her father, Mr. W. E.- by Lieut. Lame Andy Anderson Mr A . avMrnd Mrs. e. Dvey. anMss C- and the part in brackets was prob- Mr.A.H.Day, Ms. Mrs. Adams adMs .Cb ably added by the editor. Orono- Kenneth Fr&lick and daughter bledîck have been holidaying at ites will be delîgbted to hear that n, Ruby, and Mr. W. H. Dunn, To- Havelock. Mr. Watson has been given credit '.ronto, vsted Miss M Davyan Congratulations to Orono play-ele erfohiwrk Mrs. L. FraIicJc. ers who won at Newtonville field __________fr ________k ýr Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Seymour, day. ýd Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seynmour Mr. Farncomb was guest ofG and children have returned to mrs. O. W. Rolph at the Institute GEORGE SMITH IS r.Coonci met. nxtTusdy. nic Friday. INJURED IN CRASH ir Mr aond lMres., Orono girls' softball players are Wdbriadeanr. nd mit,'mproving rapidly. Friday tbey George Smith, Tamwortb, for- ), Ross Balmer and two cbildrenls t1e1ate.y1nyon(u) elywt Orono Bank of Comn- - Toonto wee viitos wih Ms: ldo.merce Branch, is in Bowmanville Ricrdtowrtonitr t r. Orono Womnen's Institute are to Hospital as the aftermath of an Richad guests of Bowmanville Insti- accident near Enterprîse early d Congratulations to Roy Colville tut e today. Sunday morning. He is suffering and D. Wells on being winners of, Mrs. J. D. Brown had a quilting from injuries te bis neck and a andeD.tell nnni mngthduesen party Friday, with ladies from general bruised condition. an nis els s iningles.eMt.- Orono being guests. Louie Brown, Orono, and Ms Mr. and Ms Harvey Winter, ville, and ber grand-daugbter front seat, and Mr. Smith and -Toronto, visited bis mother en- fromn Milton were in the village Miss Marjorie Sisson the rumblec route to Haliburton for holidays. Friday. seat of Smitb's coupe wben it( Among the winners in the Star Miss Doris Wbyte bas returned skidded on fresb gravel and( SWeekly contest was Mr. Harvey from Bowmanville bospital where plunged into a ditcb.' The two1 Winter, a former Oronoite. she bad ber tonisils out. occupants of tbe rear seat wereg i As announced in our paper Abot1 is enjoyed a weiner tbrown from tbe car witb Miss1 three weeks ago, plans were be- ot 15h gier ri i> aefranoe i erieta heLk rdy niglht, Sisson being badly bruised, and1 ing adeforan pen ir ervce ithchocolates, etc., trown ini Smith receivlng the more seriousi in the Park Sunday, July 3lst. for good measure. Two of the injury. The front seat occupants 1Rev. S. Littlewood will preach, girls bad tbeir fortunes told. The were uninjured other than thro'1 and the music will be provided by sound of campers: songs sounding sbock. imembers of the Midland Regi- sweetly in tbe distance, the roll Dr. MacNeil, Pontypool, was smental Band. They will play from of tbunder, the flash of ligbtning called and attended the injured,i y6.45 to 7, and will also play for in thne sky reflectlng on the water, ordering themn remnoved to Bow- the hymns in the service at seven the sparks from the camp fire, manville Hospital. The car was o'clock. Everybody is urgred to the music and social chat among damaged considerably. Ioe theWyenRed ndfail i group islall united baive beWen o Rteid annufalyca- making the occasion a mem- tionverisenC.nGamey analvc-orable one. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Min r. Mr. itil~and Mrs. Archie McDonald, ýl rs.J. . Gmeyis ssitin tMiton, are vacationing witb ber Hampton football teamn defeat- i te ostofic whleth Maor'~mother, Mn,. Neil Smith. ed Clarke United 2-0 Saturday at camp. The Sîmpsons of Toronto are nigbt at Hampton.t Mrs. Charles Knox, wbo, witb boîidaying in the Orono Park., Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werry, Osh- Kirgston, was perated ong ast Mr. Wallace Sisson, Toronto, awa, and Mrs. M. Woodley, Santa weKinso,. soeae nls spent the weekend with bis mo- Monica, California, visited at Mr. MilndRgiet n bn ther, Mrs. M. Sisson. H. Curtis'. Other recent visitors Midlnd egient nd and Rev. and Mrs. Alex Edmison, were: Mr. and Mrs. David Steph- left Sunday for two weeks at Listowel, vislted ber father, Mr. ens, Lindsay, Mrs. Tom Slater and Barriefield Camp. Wm. Cornisb. Mina, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Tamblyn returned on Mr. and Mrs. Carman Inch and Wm. Stephens, Toronto. Tbursday from the bospital some- ber parents, from Miami, Florida, Miss Helena Waddell, Toronto, wbat improved. visited Mirs. S. M. Billings. is vacationing here. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hoy and MrCaec ln iteMr M.OmeAGmsypnso three children, Osbawa, visitedad r. CJahncRw e Alun vilteMr.tMn.dOre A.ngasbyplntor Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilroy. adMs onRwNwovle tedteKnso etnr 1 Mr- .vowrd Lintn, nd A Mr. M Frank Hall is in charge nf Celebration and wvill ha -et f ' THE NIEWS AND PERSONAL 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOý%",IANeILLE, ONTARIO DAf-17 NTTXT= BENEFIT DANCE FOR HARRY DAVEY TO BE HELD AUG. 5 ýiy A benefît dance will be held in ngthe Armouries at Orono, Friday, igAugust Stb, in the interest of as Harny Davey, injured football 'player with Clarke United, wbo was taken 10 Toronto General le Hospital. Mn. Davey is reponted In recovering slowly, but will be un- ,h able ta 3articipate in sports for some time. In the interim hospi- er tal expenses and bis inability to tY wok on tbe farm, have proven ty expensive, and the dance will be re beid in an attempt 10 offset some to ai these handicaps. Tickets will L. be distributed and Durham Coun- ,ty people are asked ta contribute ia fneeiy ta this, a worthy cause. Mn. id Davey is weii known in Clarke Township as an able man, and a fine sportsman. It is ta be hoped ethat no permanent injury wiii re- s- suit from the accident. , -PICK-UP TEAMS PLAY GOOD GAME Providence faiied ta show up Manday night for the éa<hibitian game, so two mixed teams played. yThe finst team up bad Neale as Ipitcher and Major as catcher. !They secuned eight nuns ain the "second, and three in the third. The other side's pitcher was -Myles and catcher Powers. They secured two nuns in the first, six an the second, and twa in the hast. J. Thus they lost 11-10. F. Woods was umpire. They had waited so long for the Providence teamn that only three innings could be played before it dgot dank. However, all enjoyed dthe game and it was good prac- tice. No explanation bas been given reganding the non-appear- ance oi tbe team fnom Providence. FORESTRY DROPS CAME TO ORONO Onono won over the Forestry 24-12 Tuesday evening, altbougb in bonesty to the Forestry teamn substitutions bad a lot te do with it. Orono went te bat first and cane strong the first innings with 7 runs. In second West got a borner. In third they got 10 more runs. Watson scored the anly run in fourth. In iifth they gaI 5 runs. Forestry got 3 in the second and i in thîrd. In fourth they got 7 runs. In the f ifth Kean's borner was the only score. Darkness was falling sa the garne was -called at the end vfthe fil th irnings. Battery for Orono was Jirn Wood pitcher, and Wat- son catcher. Battery for Forestny was changed in a desperate tny ta slow up the ranln'-to-ga Orano- ites. R. Wood pitcbed and Ogden caught first. Later Major pitched and Ogden caugbt, and later stili Ogden pitcbed and Major caught. However, it was no use, and the Oronaites were away ahead when the game finisbed. PARK ST. SERVICES At Park St. Cburcb Sunday rnorning Rev. Lttlewood chose as tapic 'Gad Leading His People." The pastar compared the children af Israel and ourselves with the yaung ai a wide-spread-winged, eagle and God with the mother eagle. Drawing a graphic picture of the mother eagle swaaping un- der the yaung to save them main danger aliter she lied sent them out on their own and disturbed the nest, the speaker sbowed that God was always looking ailten us although lie disturbed the even tenon ai our lives at limnes for our own good. Seemlng cruel, Ho yot was kind, and ail worked out ta aur bettemint. The choir rondored the anthem "Crown Hlm Lord ai ail." The evening: service was withdrawn. N. 0. N. SOFTALL LEAGUE The girls' softbail ganýe ho- tween Orono and Newcastle on July 22, was the closeat ai the soason, Newcastle winning: by just one run, 11-10, lndicating that Orono la icklng up. Battery for Orono - ilhlan Fowler and Alice McIsaacs ps, Olive Brown c. For Newcastle - Jean Bonathan p, Margaret Pearce è. Present Standing Won LoA Newcastle 5 0