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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1938, p. 10

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THURSDAY, JULY 28TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATES.NAN, BOWXVMAN VILLE, ONTARIO - - - - - - - - IThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Kathleen Toms is visiting been hiolidaying with relatives in her sister, Miss Frances Toms, this vicinity ai-d visited Mr. and Montreal. Mrs. Norman Allun. Newcastle. Miss Lucy Brault, Toronto. s She is a daughter of th e former holidayîng with Mr. and Mrs. Wým. Miss Amy Allun, Shaw*s. Kenefick. Members of Durham Lodge, A.1 Miss Phyllis Gilmer, Starkville, F. & A. M. motored to Newton- has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. ville Sunday evening and attend- C. A. Cowan. ed divine service at the United Miss Sara Moise and a party of Church. A number of their wives friends are on a motor trip to the also.went down and attended the1 Pacific Coast. service conducted by Rev. E. Master Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone, Beech. has been holidaying withi his IMn. and Mns. J. H. Jose and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. sons motored to Belleville Satur-5 Lake.1 day m ith Reeve C. R. and Mrs.t Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and Ed- Carveth and visited Rossmore re- ward, Lindsay, called on Mrs. latives. The mep folk wvent f ish- Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs. Harold jing in the Bay of Quinte near Toms. ïMassassaga and got a good catch Miss Rosemary Dudley, Toron-,of bass. ta, is holidaying with her grand- In the report of the entrancer parents, Major and Mrs. H. W., examination results in JuIy l4thf Dudley. issue an omission occurred in re- Misses Helen Rickard and Eul- spect of Stella Grace Cotter. een Morrow, Tononto, were week- Grace was one of Principal Thos. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. A. Rodger's pupils and passed S. Rickard.i with honours, an H indicating thisE Mr. and Mrs. Wilbent Teeple was inadvertently omitted. and Miss Catherine, Bowmanville, Miss Edith Cowan, Reg.N., To-v visited hen parents, Mr. and Mns. ronto, has been holidaying withr J. C. Hancock. Mrs. J. C. Hancock and partici- t Mrs. Frank Hawkins and chul- pating in some of the local social( dren, Toronto, have been holiday- activities. On Thursday she at-e ing with her parents, Mr. and tended the afternoon tea at Mrs. Mrs. Benj. Moise. W. H. Cooke's and on Friday vis- Mrs. J. H. Gibson and son ited "Parkwood" gardens, Osh- Ralph, Oshawa, were in the vil- awa. lage on Monday anl called on Little Peggy Stephenson, young-v Miss Mary Breen. er daughten of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.C Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph and Stephenson, fell from a mnanureu their cousin, Miss Gladys Cayley, spreader and broke her forearm.a Boston, Mass., visited relatives in She was taken to the hospital tot Prince Edward County. have it set and is now gettingD Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen and along nicely. The children werev Miss Dorothy, Toronto, w e re playing around the spreaderj weekend visitors with Mesdames standing in the yard when ther Jno. Douglas and Ed. Brittain. mishap occurred.a Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Morton and Misses Betty and Doris Hele, i Laurence begin their holidays Oshawa, andi Misses Eîleen,1 Aud- next week and will spend them rey and Lorraine Farrow, Stark- at their cottage at Mountain Lake, ville, visited their grandparents, Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tebble. On Sunday, July 24, saw the big- July 20, Miss Leone Tebble gave gest crowds of the season to date a littie party for her nieces andc at Newcastle Beach. Several sail invited a few other chîldren ofs boats also came into the harbour 'the village. Ail had a merry time and added interest to the scene. with games and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwill, Mr. Alec McLeod, Federal Gov- Roy and Jean, Toronto, Mr. Ken-, ernment's Game and Fisheries De-t neth Pearce, Oakville, and Miss1 partment, Toronto, has been holi- Jean Cawker, Toronto, were Sun-: daying at bis cottage, Newcastle- day guests of Mrs. W. H. Pearce.1 on-the-Lake, and visiting bis mo- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton 'ther, Mrs. Mary McLeod. He also and family and Mr. and Mrs. visited Mr. Wmn. Kenef ick with Chas. Gibson and family, Third whom he was associated in thet Line, went on a motor trip to f ish hatchery business in bis Minden and visited Mrs. J. H.Iyounger days at the Newcastle Middleton. iFisheries. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Miss Mr. Ernest Alldread who sold Vera Baker and Miss Louise Ba- a John Deere threshing tractor to ker, Solina, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. the Shaw's Syndicate. bas sold a Spicer, Helen and Keith, Toronto, similar one to Mr. Frank Ovens, were Sunday visitons at Mn. H. Newtonville, who began th e R. Pearce's.l thresbing season last week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwill it at Mr. Nelson Nesbitt's, Port and Jean, Toronto, Mrs. W. H. Granby. Mr. Alldread also coin- Pearce and Mrs. S. C. Sculthonpe menced tbreshing last week as visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dix'manager of the Shaw's Threshing and Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. R. Clane, Syndicate. Little Britain. Mr. Geo. Farncomb had a bind- Mr. Jimmie Barr, Toronto, er at work in his field of fal spent the weekend with Mr. and wheat on his Coppen Beech pro- Mrs. Hudson Stowe and family. ýperty on Monday and a force of Mrs. Geo. H. Carveth. Toronto, iseven young men from tbeioats has been staying with her daugh- !and lake front cottages stooking ter, Mrs. Stowe. it. The threshed wheat will be A special train stopped at thetrucked to Mr. Fanncomb's Hamp- C.N.R. station Sunday morning to ton Milîs and made into pastry take the membens of the militia flour, bran and shorts. It is an to their training camp at Barrie- excellent crop and a good sarnple. field. Mr. Alf. Alldread was Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lake and among the local contingent. isons,* Billie and Donnie, Lake 1Mr. W. H. -Anderson, who un- Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth derwent an operation for hernia Neal and Jackie, Orono, and Mr. at Bowmanville bospital, is ex-:and Mns. Everett Brown, Hudson pected home this weekend. Mr.l Heights, Que., were present at a Hubert Anderson has been manag- family gatbering at Mr. and Mns. ing the store during his fathe's Albert Pollard's on Satunday ev- absence. ening, on the occasion of Mrs. Guest with Dr. and Mrs. Horace Pollard's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Walton-Ball at "The Lilacs" were Brown have since returned to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hamilton, and Quebec. Mrs. George T. Golby and daugb- Miss Ruth Honey assisted the ter Molly, Ward's Island, Toronto, United Church choir last Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Ham- morning and sang III Think when ilton, Toronto. I read that sweet story of old." Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laking In the evening Mrs. H. M. Alliri having returned from their holi- sang "The Highway ta Galilee." day in Parry Sound, motored to Rev. R. E. Morton preached at Haliburton where they met many both services. The choir is not of their oid friends and relatives, holding any week-night practices Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laking ac- during the sumrmer and in lieu of companied them. anthems a committee arranges for On Thursday the W. M. S. of special numbers at each service. United Church are entertaining The junior choir however will the members of the Baby Band sing on the last Sunday of each and their mothers. It ought to be month as usual and are preparing an exceptionally înteresting Meet- anthems for next Sunday. ing. Mrs. A. E. Melow is super- Newcastle welcomes as resi- intendent of the B. B. dents of the community Mr. Jack Miss Jean Hotson, Acme, Alta., Glover and bride, formerly Miss who bal a position in Simcoe, has Helen Darlîngton, who are oc- L /A 1>1if a AY N OR NTE MCi ONU,009 1'DOSOG NI RUO POISON SESS REA DOR PEETCT GAIN SAT DAN ifETFT ______________ AN! dry ucerti -iu FuseS listed berein wfll be awarded for whit wO judge to be the mnst accuratePR1 the neatest aad te Most attractivePRI »Jutions matled or brought to us with- las liv day following publication o1 $200 Free Lau a advertlmeent. Anybody, except Mri eDpI0yes, May compete. It là not $1 .00 Free Lau RUCUa% to ta ae afly purchase. Use 5eFeea thse foin aboie, or a separate qheet. 60 lieLa write yotir name and admr..s planlv. PORT HOPE BOWMAN VILLE cupying baîf of Mns. S. R. Bona- thans double bouse on Chunch 1 oc ftePol and Emnily Sts. Mn. Gloven of ic ofteP pl course bias for some time bec ____________1___ classified as a Newcastle boy. be- A euySo orBw avie ing an employee of the J. Anden- Make Bowmanviile More son Smith Co. Mrs. Glover bas' Beautiful hosts of fiends bene and ahl Dean Editor,- anound too, for she bas been one First I would refer ta theBRT of thc central girls aI the head grounds around the Cenotapb, __________________ office of the Port Hope Telephone whicb are very nice as far as they Ca. in Ncwtonville wbere the go. But they are not big enoughMRTOC -Jonad atee ta be of any more use than just MRLC onadKtlet members of the staff have always a Memorial Ground for the monu- annouince the arrivai of a baby given the best of service and have ment. Why could tbey not be brother. Thomas James, 10 Mn. been characterized by their ef- cnlarged? The property that lies and MnIr. B. H. Montiock. in Bow- ficicncy, caurtesy and cbarm of rirectly west of the town hall,.I mnv1938 husa. uy 1t would tbink, does not bring in 1938. _____________ manner and pensonality. New- much taxes ta the town, non castle patrons of the Pont Hope would il bning in much revenue the instilulionalization of profli- Telephane Ca. are delighted ta ta the owner. Could it not be gale bernies. sec Mn. and Mrs. Glover take up bought and jained up wiîh the Hence you will recognize Ihat their nesidence here. cenotaph park on the west, giv- "Pickism" is in line with the most ing us a nice civie park righî in modemn economnic developments Two Showers For Bride the centre of the town, bondering lin the civilization of bernies and On Thursday evening, July 21, on two sîreets, Temperance and lis not ta be compared witb the Mrs. Dave Gray, formerly Miss Churcb? It would also show up unscicntific and obsolete systtem Marjory Adams, was tendered a aur Civic Building ta much better of "Maulism." miscellaneous shower by ber girl advaiitage.Asacrbadasapwrt fnindsat he om ofMis Etel With a few Irees, flowers, and make or break "Pickism" I en- Wade. The commitîce in charge sbrubs il could be made a beauty join you ta carefully compare the was Miss Leone Tebble, Miss spot for Bowmanville - a place tl Murel hawandMis Magueitebigenogb or bad sand aCr* two systems and consequenity Murel hawandMis Magueitebigenogh or bad sand an lend your influence and support McKay. An enjoyable social ev- secluded enougb for tired peope ta the cause. ening was spent. ta resî if benches and the proper On Friday evening Mrs. Gray shade were there. Yours for the abolition of jaded was tendened a second shower by Perhaps the owner would think and depraved bernies ta the end relatives and a few fiends at the enougb of the îown ta pass it aven of making the wonld safe for home of ber sister-in-law, Mns. at a smaîl cost. "Pickism" through the Society for George Gray, North St. The ev- I hope the Civic Fathers will the Joint Protection of Bernies ening was cnjoyably spent with think seriously about this and the and their Consumera." believe me games and rcfresbments. Statesman will boost it ta the Yours faithfully, limit. For I believe it is needed A Tea at Mrs. W. H. Cooke's and wortb wbile. Associate member of the An afternoon and evening tea - A Citizen and Taxpayen. S. P. B. and C. was held at Mn. and Mrs. W. H._______________ Cookes on Thursday, July 2lst, under the auspices of the parson- I. r;n'q ma STARK TRAGEDY age commitîeand the wives Inf Theii S LUILUI Mail EOLL<OWS IN WAKE the elders of the United Cburcb. Membens of the farmer assising --- 0F EACH ACCIDENT were: Mesdames W. H. Cooke, J. uy1t,93 A. Butler, H. M. Allin, J. W. Glen-Juy1h,98 The following is a somexxhat ney, J. H. Jase and W. J. S. Rick- Scribe "G",danaidacunofaecna- ard. Wivcs of the elders serving Wboever be mîght be, cideint iii the ocaiî.oftais xntten- in vaniaus capacities were: Mes- Whereven he may bang out. oîulv ithe le pulic knoxv l itte a dames J. E. W. Philp, Fred Fligg, Dean Scribe "G" trauedy that is p)rescrit at sncb an Norman Allin, Fred Graham, A. Your portrayal of Mrs. Pick- accident and 10 iniprcss upion Ilueni O. Parker and N. L. Rickard. aven in your editonial fealure of the necessitv of being always on Mrs. J. W. Glenney and Mrs. W. June 3th offends a very large guard azaiitst unforescen cincuni- J. S. Rickard wcre present in both section of your readers. You!r ap- stances xvhethen driving an auto oir capacities. Mns. R. E. Morton as- parent dialike for Mrs. Pickovcr xalkiîug. sistcd Mns. Cooke in receiving, cvidently prejudices your othen- lttednn~ feeigawl and Mesdames J. A. Butler, Fred wisc estimable judgmnt known fariner lefI lite home of a Fiigg, Fred Graham, Norman Al- There are no such thinga as friend and started ta cross lte road lin and W. J. S. Riekard took "Berry Maulens". Wbat you mis- ohsoreadbgyHeitnd turna in pouring tea and coffee. take for sucb are none other than 1 i os n ug.H nete Mesdames Inwin Calwill, Ross the members of the "lSociety for 10 drive 10 Itis haine a -quarter mile Dickinson and A. W. Glenney and the Joint Protection of Bcrrics axvay. Miss Reita Cooke assisted in serv- and their Consumers" - of wbich As the old mail piodded along. bis ing the guests, numbering about Society Mns. Pickoven is t h e ucad bowed a litîle ta 'better xvatclu 120. It had bcen intended to bold Cbairwaman. bis step. two lights xith startling the function on the lawn, but 0w- This S. P. B. and C. bas no de- suddenness appDroached bim. At first ing ta the rainy forenoon and the lusions about the "innocence" of tîte silent. slow wxalker did not ntotice general dampriesa. lunch was ser- bernies, non about the motive of the glane, but as il caine nearen lie ved in the bouse whîcb was pro- the grocer who is responsible fan raised bis lbead and fean shot fusely deconated witb bouquets of launching tbem on their cancers. through bis mind. The liglits wcre lavely flawens from Mrs. Cooke's If yo have studied the bistory but a fetv feet axvay. Darkîuess. decp- and others' gardens, including a of bernies yau must know that er than before. îienced xith sharp genenous supply of Reeve C. R. they are punely the product of staî)5 of pain, caime over hint as and Mns. Canvetb's magnificent hcnedity and environment with- the car struck. He feil. rolliiu over sweet peas. out the modifying and corrective and over imto the ditch. a sîattered. rivili..-. %iinlurie f hiosr vblcediîtg. crumffled bit ofbunanity. Orono News Mrs. W. S. Ro ix sited aI et ton% tule. M.r. John Thoinpson lias puirchased a new car. The Trott famnily. Port Hope. were tua zuesîs of Nirs. WV. S. Roy 0on Wednesdav. Mrs. W. Harrison lias visitons froin the WVest. Orono Horticultuiral Societv tuî'nied ont in larze numbers 10 visit the beauitiful gandens at Parkwood. Oshu- awva. hoine of Col. and M.\rs. R. S. McLaughilin on XVednesdav nighit. A\s these zardens are descnibed cIsc- wlhere by our Newcastle correspon- dent. details cannet be repeated. Ncvertheless the Orono flower loyers were ainazed and delighlted with the mnagnificence of the gardens. What Others-Sa SEVERAL EDITORIAL PENS <Peterboro Examiner) Geo. W. James, editor and pub- lisher of The Bowmanville States- man, plans ta go ta Vancouver in August ta attend a newspaper convention. Each week he turns out a bnight and taîkative editor- ial page, but wben he is in Van- couver he does not wish ta be bothered sending matenial home. His method of filling in bas been ta ask the service clubs of Bow- manville ta supply the editorial material for a couple of weeks, That is why he wrote ta, the Town Couneil suggesting thal the mem- bers attend la supplying the ma- \ teial for Ihal issue. Judging ~swIm1 fnam reporta members of the Town Council almoat jumped at -TM[ TO11 AM i I he chance, for tbey namcd a WORDvu ACN ow, commitîce of tha, reeve and dep- E uty-reeve and one councillon with ESENE DV Mayor Joncs namcd in the ca- SHAWApacity as supervisar. MnLumya hl Apparently there are no restric- 1 lions plaeed on what members of service clubs or the Town Coun- cil can or may say when they f111 - up the columns of the paper. If they bave something pointed ta ~. TO , say about the editor or bis habits ZLL£ No.I.5 on bis loaks or about the way he efficient laun- Ireats bis family or neighbors the service jmost y way is open for lhem ta proceed. se.yWoth Il may be a good tbing la try ;e. out. An edilor is apt ta gel just a tnîfle cocky at limes and be- came possessed of the ides thal _____________ is bard is the anly collection of ~ E Sdigits in the eommunity whieh 1 z E Scan wilh intelligence and eapacity undry or Cleanlnîj shove along the editorial pen on wback upon the editorial type- undry or Cleaning writer. When Mn. James returns andry or Cleaning from bis Pacifie delibenations he may glance aven the pages pro- dueed during bis absence and discover a style of writing which be neyer befone suspected exîsted in bis communily and which may cause bis readers ta clamor fan more of the sainie stuif. On again he may find editonial opinions wbicb will starîle and annay him I but wiîb wbich he will have ta live and spend bis spare time dis- I laiming responsibilily for the views cxpressed. It's a good ex- PHIONE 404 periment and now and then we'll PHONE 419 i wrkngout.e o tetig and psycbology. Tbey just gnow and almoat neyer thînk. 1 should like ta point ouItae you that the benny aristacnacy, and ta some extent the boujeoisie is ne- pnesented by that section which is nurtuned by, and in, capalistic surnaundings and unspoiîed by association with the proletaniate berry with communistic tenden-1 dies (atherwise known as the for-j gatten berry) which later type is subject ta aill the cruel and unde- sinable influences of ils state. There are, as you younself ad- mit, bernies and bennies - there are good bernies and bad berrieî; full blooded bernies and anaem'ic bernies; well fed bernies and un-j derprivileged bernies; rich and1 poon bennies; dirty and dlean ber-i ries; healthy and sick bernies; self sustaîning and parasitic ber- ries; - and I arn not quite sure, but I think Conservative-Liberal bennies and Liberal-Conservative bennies. Do you honestly believe that Ibis beterogeneaus mess of bernies should be penmitted ta circulate withouî attempt aI same form of regimentation and selection. What we need la a Berry Immi- gration Policy. The idea of per- mitting all and sundry types of socially undiscriminating bernies ta invade the sancîity of aur al- ready much over-Iaxed stomnacbs la preposterous. The S. P. B. «and C. wbo you er- raneously refer ta as "Berry Maulers" (a most objectionable term) bampered by lack of proper legisiatian along these lines, have no alternative in the intereats of peace and family happiness, than ta, exercise their authanity ta foncibly eject the undeainables. Rather than emate aven the sad Ireatment of bennies, why don't you join your forces with the S. P. B. and C. and work for a bigger and better berry civilization. Did you ever think of bnanded bernies - or individual "Cellophane wrap- ped bennies" on "Moon-kissed Ber- ries", or atlîl better - "Vitamin impregnated Bernies" under a slo- gan "Bennies fan Heaven's sake." You sbould bave no end of scope for advertising your blushing ber- ries, or wbat have you - pnovided only you could guarantee selec- tiveness in the benny sebeme of 1f e. Think what a service you should renden the worid if instead of casting naaty aspersions aI the S. P. B. and C. (I cannaI gel aven the Ienm "Mauler"5 you used youn unquestianed talents, and dedicated youn kindiy, if mis- guided, -soul la the diasimination of the doctrine that aIl bennies are nol born equal, and that our civ- ilization can nal endure unles and until some thing is done about makîng them equal, s0 that we may at long lasI bave a co-opera. tive stale in wbich bennies will be assurcd of a higher standard of treatment and the S. P. B. and C. a new deal. Mrs. Piekover is definiteiy not a "Mauler." She is an avowed "Piekisî" wbîch you will recog- nize as a systemn of gastronomie supervision that is very fan sup- erior ta the baose and erazy sys- 1cm of berryocracy. Mns. Piekover stands for big- ger, better and firmer bernies; for berry slum clearance; for the de- struction of wild bernies; and for The car stopped. Three figure1s leaPete l the road and fearfullvnî to tce iniured muait. Neighbor ruslied froin their homes ini ansxven to the xarning of screechiug brakes aîtd shrieking tires oit the pavement. Evexoîue uvas excited - except lthe nalu lviîug in the ditcu. Sluxvlv lui,, yes opened aîtd as thex mnet thue borron filled eves of a nizh'i ur lie nietly suiggestcd tiuey caîl a doctor as lui, an %vas brokeit. He could itot sec the blood coursing fron a zash in bis foneliead, muor could lue knoxv that tîte anîn resting oit ii chuest aîud the leg twisted beuteatit bis body xvenc splintcred. A iteiglubajir took Itis head aîîd resîcd il on bis lap. The red life blood oozed slowly and drap)ped cru- imiously oi t he grounid. The driver of the car and luis two companions. one a girl, stood bv. aghast. uîuable 10 realize what had bappened to change their pleasamut drive iîuta a terrifying disaster. Police. doctons. an ambulance and a mewsPaper reporter toak but a few minutes ta' answer the caîl for aid. but il seemed hourï ta lthe stunned onlookers. lIt the ditch. the mari did nat groan. but stoicaîly took bis fate and lay waitiug for medical aid - an death. He knew nat xvbich would arrive first ta case bis pain- wracked mmnd. Tîte doctar and the amibulantce nien genîly lifted the victim to the slndt- cher and slowl' lowered hinu an the white sheets. The ambulance drave away. Interviews begaît xith the driv'er anud the passengers. '"How fast wcre vou goimug ?" "Wluen did vau sec the tnait?" *'Are yaun brakes good?" "Let nie sc youn drivers licetie ?" The dnixcer responded dciibenately 10 the questions, luis înd tluinkinz of îuaîbiîug but the mtaru îhcy ltad taken awav. Now ajud Iluen tlue girl sob- bed. At the itopital, iturses rusîtefi about with inustrumnitts, gauze. ait- tiseptics aîud hxypodenînic iteedles. Two doctors bent oven the still comu- scious figure aiuwering bis dazed question in mnosyllables, wltilc their skilled bands w'onked quickly la stop the f low of blaod and ta tuck the banc bones back mb oPlace. A bcwildered brother sat in the waiîiug noom.. having bhunnied there from bis fanm. The doctor camne in 10 telll bu the extent of injuries and the condition of bis ibrotîten: Two braken anms. ane a compound fracture: anc braken leg, alsa com- Puound; a sevene horse sboe-sluaped laccratiou of the scalp and sex'eraî cracked nibs. He would hav'c to 1X-ray iin the rmonning ta discaver what funîluen daige had becîn xvnougltt. The broîluer lefIta opaot- der lthe peculianities of fate. The driver of te car rctuncd 10 luis home 10 brcak the news 10 bis faîluernaud iotîer. The car was not in,,ured. No chuarges have becît laid bv police. Four davs laten the victini passcd awav. b Sîgnificant of the growing im- portance of the Canadian Nationaf Exhibition in the life of -the Em- pire is the fact thal the British Government bas taken over a wbole building callcd the United Kingdom Pavilion and is dcvoîing it la a buge prestige display feat- uring the miraculous develop- menîs of travel and communica- tions of the past century. MARRIAGE' LANGS-GARROW - At Islington United Church parsonage. Julv 7, 1938, by Rev. Mr. Miller, Mary Ada Garrowv. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Garrow. Chester- ville. Ont.. and Lester J. C. Langs. Bowmanvjlle. son of Mr. F. L. Langs and the late Mrs. Langs. Brantford. DEATHS GALBRAITH -. In Bowmaniville. on1 Saturday, Julv 23rd. 1936, jean Galbraith. daughter of the late Daniel Galbraith, in her 95th ycar. Intermeut Bowmanville Cemetery. HOOEY - Suddenly at Toronto Western Hospital, Fridav. July 22. 1938. John Edward Hooey, beloved husband of Margaret Johnston. eldest son o.f Mrs. Hooey and the late Albert Hooey of Blackstock. Ont.. aged 43 years. Iiiterment Mount Pîcasant Cemetery. JACKS - In Bowvmanville Hospital on Thunsdav. JuIv 21st, 1938, Sami- tiel Jacks, in bis 70th vear. Inter- nment Zion Cemctery. IN MEMORIAM REYNOLDS - In loving memony of our dear father. Samuel H. Reynolds, who passed away seven vears ago. July 27, 1931: Not zone from memnory, Not zone from love: Just Ronle to our Father's Home aWŽve. -Even rrembered by bis Daugh- ters and Son. CARDS 0F THANKS Thc family of the late Henry Carpenter wish to express their grat- itude for the manv kindnesses shownl theni and for thue beautiful floral tributes sent during their rccent sad bereavement in the loss of a bcloved hugband and father. The fanily of the late Edwin Rex nolds wish to express thcir sin- cere thanks for kindnesses shown durjngz the long illness of their father. also for expressions of shni- patbiv and floral tributes. For Sale FOR SALE - DOMINION OR- gan, hall trees. wardrobes, dif fer- cnt size tables, writing -desk. Also furniture and organs repaired. H. B. Creeper. Horsey St., Bowvman- ville. Phone 628. 27-4 BARGAINS GALORE IN SUM- mer cottage furniture: beds 98c; (lressers $3; dining nooni suites $12 ; chcsterfîeld suites 1 $11 ; kit- chen cabinet $5, tables, rocking chairs 99c; hutndreds of othen ban- gains. Wilson's Furniture Comi- pany, 20 Church Ste., Oshawa. 27-4* FOR SALE - DINING -ROONI suite. Finlay stove. chairs and other furniture. Also horse. buggy, cutter. cutting l)ox and othen gar- den iinplenuents. Phone 2169. 30.1* FOR CONSTIPATION A N D suegishncss try Kipp's Herb Tab- lets. Sold by McGregor's Drugz Store. 30-1* Beauty Culture ALL LINES 0F BEAUTY CUL- turc. Permanents $200 and up; machineless $5.00. Open evenings. Phone 2601. Iris Beauty Parlour. 30-1* Phone 834 LIMITED ENGAGEMENTS 11n and Mrs. Gordon Trevail, Courtice. announce the engagement of their eldest daughten. Marioni Lillian. to Normanu Aibin Clemens, son of Mn. and Mrs. Albin Clenmens. Hampton. The marniage to take place the middlc of August. Mn. and Mns. John S. Cawker, Port Penny. announice the engage- ment of their only daughter. Grace Leona. to Frank Charles Hastings, B.S.A.. vounigest son of Mn. and MNrs. Charles W. Hastings. Hampton. The marriage will take place ini August. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT - BRICK bouse with ail conveniences on Centre St. Possession Aug. lst. Apply F. C. Vanstone. Bownian- ville. 30-tf FOR SALE - LOT 21, BASE Line. Danlington. The propertv situated next to the school bouse consisîs of more than an acre of excellent garden land. a good f rame bouse, stable and dniving shed. Anply to G. Van Dvke. c/o Cecil Tcf fcrv, R.R. 3, Bowvian- ville. Phone 2169. 30-1* FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 ronnis.i acre land, snîall harn, fruit trees. 2 miles north of Bow- inanville. on middle road. Applv 1B. MacDonald. Manvers Road. Bowmanville. 30-2* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - FAT CATTLE suitable fçr beef ring; also inilk cows and' others due to rcnexv. Apply H. B. Fosten. Phone 745. 28-3 FOR SALE - 12 SIX WEEKS old pigs. Apply Mrs. Paul Havnal. sluggishiness try Kipp's Herb Tab- R.R. 3. Mapie Grove. Boxyman- ville. 30-2* FOR SALE - 8 PIGS 5 WEEKS old. Apnfly Charles Rundle, .\Maple Grove. Phone 2246. 30-1* FOR SALE - JERSEY COW%ý, due to freshien Aug. Sth. 7 vears old. WV. H. Nichols. Ebenezen. 30-1* FOR SALE - EIGHT YOUNG pîgs, six wceks old. Apply Misses Harnden. on Highway, Bowman- ville. West. 30-1 LOST-SMALL BLACK COLLIE doz. black with some white. f e- maIe. Finder pîcase Phone Jas. Oke 1r13. Orono. 30-1 To Rent TO RENT - FIVE-ROOMED APartnent. Apply Statesnian Of- fice. FOR RENT - EIGHT ROOMED bouse on the corner of Elgin and OdelI Streets, double garage su'table for transport truck and car. Appiy Mrs. J. E. AllUn, Bowmanville. Phone 2595. 25-tf FOR RENT - BRICK HOUSE on Division.St., four noonis and 3- piece bath, newiy decorated, built- in cuphoards, new hardwood floors, good garden. Phone A. H. Cie- mens. 2433. 27-tf TO R EN T - SIX -ROOMED house on Wellington St. Mrs. Geo. Mcivullen. 30-1 * WANTED TO noomed bouse. gzarage. Apply Bowmanville. R EN T - SIX ail conveniences. C. H., Drawer B.. 30-1 Bowmanville Milton Brown, Township of Clarke, was sentenced to ten days in the county iail and bis car was impounded for three months, when he was convicted on a drunk driving charge in police court Monday. A million dollars ta produce- admission a "quarter"! That's the story of the C.N.E. Before the thousands of exhibitors and , cessionnaires bave spent one c..N on their displays and booths-asîJu tbey ultimately spend millions annually - the Exhibition man- agement bas spent a m-4illion dol- lars, yet despite vastly increasedi costs the admission price is only 25c, the same as it was in 1879. A source of unfailing interest at the Canadian National Exhibtir is the flag pale near the Bani Sheli. Made from a single stic~ of Douglas f ir this pole soars 182' feet into the air and is a land- mark for miles airound. It is also a favorite rendezvous for thous- ands of Exhibition visitors. Notice Dr. Bell's office will 'be ciosed until Sundav. August 21st. 30-4 Public Libranv wilI be closed for holidavs August 4th to August lSth inclusive. Patrons wili trv and gret thieir extra books out this week for holidavs. Dr. V. H. Storcy's office will be closed -roin Julv 3lst to August 3lst inclusivc. 30-4* Cloelks Repaired OUR TRAVELING CLOCK RE- vair man is xviliing 10 cali and put voun îimcpieces in order. His 18 vears of exnience assures you of fine service at reasonable cost. He lias manlv good refenences and is tnustwortlhy. Enjov thie piý!pdre of hiavinz vour dlocks. wvatcl'is or îewelrv rcconditioned promptiy and cffectivclv bx' writing Mn. C. Mlilîs. Hampton. Phone 2689. 30-1 M iscellaneous WFST END 1.\RAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in mnaclhinerv nep)airs, generai gar- age rep)airs. wclding, towing ser- vice. J. L. Dcmenling Proprietor. Bownmanville Phione 781. 23-tf Men!l HERE IS A PRACTICAL PLAN thiat will enable you to build an indcpendent 'business of your own witlh due distribution of oven guaranteed products in select tnict. Evcrv day is pay day!1 R: tr peat t)rders on aIl goods. Position is permanen_ l ot onetime sale affair 0f fer open to honest, amn- bitions alcrt muen only. If inter- csted. write to Famulex Ca., 570 St. CIenient, \Iontneal. 29-2 RADIO SIERVI CÉ ALL MAKES Car Radios Unstalled and Repaired R. QUINN King Street Phone 575 VACATION NEEDSI HANDY SIZE 4 ,CENTS Odo-ro-no EMPECTIRfG Price - - 35c-59c HAY FEVER Seidlitz Pcéwders A i.w ftinTtbiets a day 01 15e - 2 for 25e flOVflHELP Nu-Feet FOOD will he.Ibl Price - - - - 25ec RES8ISTANCE Rex-EmeTO HAY FEVERI Rex-EmeYeur mon*y hack il Tube 29e - Jar 59e not îully sausfiledi Aise corrects. pre- Kottage Kit vente, 4=n.,,Id may Prico e --$1.49 hOm&i Gypsy Cream t hé.Start todayl Price - - - - 50e .s..9TiltI3 ais27 AIka-SeItzer Price-- 29c-57c STUFFNESS M um Pi.nty et Urn..,.ig WOU Price --33c-53c d, dmefl Pr Gypsy Tan 011 V3. wItm * yo Price --45c-7S Oi 0h ibru Bathlng Caps *j Price - - 15c-75c. PAGE TEN CENTSCUSTOMERS Appreclate the s u pe rio r quaiity of our deveioping and prlnting. That is why our photographie business steadily Increases. Jury &Lovel i , E WANTIOADS ? "~ -~ If . -_

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