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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1938, p. 3

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THURSDAY, JULY 28TH, 1938 THE CNADIN STTESMA ltll'4KVIT F (,v'JT1.ANI(. 1 do flot izet a very large number of letters ini the course of a week. yet sometimes I get letters which are unusually interesting. So. in this week's contribution to, The Canad- ian Statesman I mnean to give ex- tracts from a few recent letters. One of these letters is from a corresPondent in japan - a man connected with the Canadjan Legza- tion in Tokyo. Thus he writes: "Various friends are leaviniz Jap- an and there has been a round of farewell Parties for them. somnetimes as mnany as three in one day - luncheon, tea and dinner. In addi- tion 1 have been so busy- at the office that 1 have little chance to count the hours or to take stock of how timne nasses. I merelv work on. sleen. and then Plunge ini azain for another day. One fine Party we had for the Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvile WV. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 1 Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. a 'Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. f DENTAL t DR. J. C. DEVITTk Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson i Graduate of Royal Dental Col- 0 lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. k Phone 790. House Phone 883. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTORaT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Sc Service, any hour, any day. d IF. F. MORRIS CO. ar Modemn Motor Equipment, Arn- bulance and Invalid Car. Calf Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. CONTRACTOR t T. E. FLAXMAN hn Builder and Contracter dr Loyers' Lane - Bowmanville tai Phone 318 D Tç M. "Lest We Forget" A.H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer ln Monuments, Tablets, Marker@,e n Granite and Marble. tc. M .% . . 's who are ieaving for way was a large staff part a f loatingz 'fkîwen boat.' with r ieisha 10 Play and singz. a ma -attenîd to our supper. and -boalamen 10 navigate the boat oi river and do the cookiniz Japv 1style. over charcoal brazuers. 1 toat was aimoal a barge, lit paper lanterna. and roofed over bamboo and lhaich. It was onite romantic. with four men four women in our parîy - beaide lapanese attendants. Some of fresh f ish we ate were caugi nets f row a f isherman's boat alonz aide us - 'fishing whiie wait 1' "The next day I had 10 go fareweh dance in Yokhama: catch an Il o'cîock train. and ai ail nigzhî in order t0 spend Su momnimîr viaiting the Grand Sh: of Ise (the Mecca of Tapan) Ted M . . . and the Mikimoto1 fishing groundsata Fobo in the a noon. and catch a return nmiglîî back 10 Tokvo, amnivimîg at .6.30 'Last w'eek I was inviled. as 1 ident of the British LeRion. 10 eral Pigzgoît'a tea Party 10 meel erai Sir Arthmur WamUChope. iý zov-ernor of Palestinie: and this% I wsvaainviîed 10 amiother amail demn Party- aI General Pigots tîsh militarv attache) 10 meet erai Sir and Lady Tw'jss of Indiami and Burmese armv. Ton 1 have been 10 a dance-necital Japanese and Europeamî pupilsc brilliamît Amenican dauîcer. For Garnett. "For the past three das-s w-e 1 hîad treenudousis- heavy raimîs, c; imîr flooda and inundations. cou1 of 'buildinirs amîd raiiw-ay uines. a uiumber of deaths. It is the of a sers- unseasonable typh (atutumui is their usual lime). few mintes ago. 10 add to steathier trouble. we hîad a fairiv limiet carthouake. -but 1 has'e Rot used 10 earthquakes - as ini ' kes- - thiat îhîey don't disîurb înuch. The more frequent thie sui onîes. the iess dangrer of a large 'erious on1e. and wse have had oq a mîumben of minon onea ini thet sen niomthîs. Wiîh ita raimîiuî b kets, a w-ind blowiuîg, and ami ca, utuake. il is neallv a 'dirty nigliîî' From Lonîdoni carne a letter fi a friend wsho is amn officiai of ['ower of London Improvem cheme - a proiect 10 have Tov Hll - along aide the Tow-er Li doui - cheaned of some uuîsigih and suPennumerary -buildingzsa 'eautified to make a "Pleasaun( on the dwveilens of East London.1 riemd writes: "I arn in the throies of having et out another souvenir progzramu to be soId at an exorbitant Price hne) by a bevy of societs- hoveli nd mv brain has Rone compleli mv. I trust that in the nol too d tnt future the Minisîrv of Trar Iot wili oul an Ai noad acr( o7wen Hill and SO put acroass laior Portion of pur stili uncoi leîed Portion of Tower Hilli lmption!" Accompanyingiz his letten we irPpings relative to the gzarden Par hîch was honoured by the aller mce of Qucen Elizabeth. The neit >apers which rnorîed Ihis gard, artv - heîd Julv 131h - told. Buqîness is a headache 4«a«y,14 HANDY SEAL-TIGHT POUCH 15Sc 60C also Pached in 9 Pochet Tins .n M. .Coe oeuu Of UNAM. UngTU Tihe lobby of tise - Bijou Tiseatre in Essex Centre was Papered with posters in wiich pretty gM d MWaa Pink colouring predominated. "Picture business," decared Olly bitterly, "la a bead- achse" He pointed to the display of posters wiidî ad engage Mr. Picobac's attention. «Here 1 book a suîre-fr picture wiicis bas lined diem up ail over tisa country, and ail 1 get la a sprinling i the cheap front seats." efOlIy," said Mr. Picobac, "thse public wua aways ficlcle. Disappointment and frustration is tise lot of mnan. But don't let business gel you down2' "Wisat would yosa do about it?"' asiced 011y. "I'd fil1 up my pipe witis Pscobac," replied thse phil. osophser, "and isave a nîild, cool, sweeî sînoke. Wisen eoulight up a pipe of Picbac your troubles fade away. Picobac la a mellow tobacco, Olly-dste Pick of Canada»a Burley crop, niatured for three years ln thse wood." eeo YOUR WORLD AND MINE (Copyright) By John C. Kfrkwood ______ her izoingz to it via the Royal barge. P. Coomnbe on "General Duties of care of properly. He distributed a special meeting of Council, called by "BUNMLITy" which carried in 1919, George V and Couricil and other Governing Bod- Pamphlet dealing with Wells, Septic the Mayor or Reeve. Que Mr. sthvwettoYm ies." The IMavor is the Chief Magis- Tanks. privies, etc. Well water is Byhe1.7Rvso aCrk r "I believe the first test of unction at 'Chelsea. This bargze. frite of the Municipality. and must cured by heating to boiling point or Treasurer can he Assessor. truly great man is his humility."- sapev ed. ni uen lzab ei uouse -, j %atch the interest of ail. Certain hy Chlorine. which is provided b3 Municipal funds must be depositedl Ruskin. istetepn-on shap. Ulti Quen lizaeths ueWerses canntbet elbe te releg hetedatmto. anyeomthee tDtheartmenotth.muiHeplreco-mmendedty s teHumilityton of the Roy-al barge to visit the other citizen. regzular collection of night soul every t o l credit of0th euciarsjty. to a high recognition of Deity."- Towe-no queen had ever used the Section 233 of the Municipal Act two weeks. by cans. The Depart- APî-a une50yrsma Mary Baker Eddy. Nor- barge for a like purpose since the By Geo. B. Blekie alws him to appoint anyone to aid ment will provide (Free) a Blue be $1.00 to $10-00. 'Humility is the solidi founda- .t 01tiewhn uenEizbehviiedhe whenfns alsto eayQucenoraSeti anaElie I dzabethstoaRoleer iviosited irus. Cn t the Tower in.1561. (Third Instalment) uis iito Bv the wav. the tickets for the Wednesday evening we spenta Cotincils should not over step their Sewer Systems cost f rom 7 to 10e piece should bc added. fucias.wih h hmbe three garden nartv -sold at 12s 6d! Most enjoyable and profitable time powers. He stressed the need of the Per foot Per year. Trunk Sewers What is definition for a good "God weals ieft the humble n the J CK at Har House, here Dr.Cody hadMatvor, Reeve and Councillors work- and Treatment Plants costs $250 to Auditor? He should have expemiencehervash sefttelwy îng together. He regretted thlait he $300 per foot of sewer to both in municipal affaira. should. know lonshedcoe i rw ig )aee Now I ouote fromn the letter of a provided a complimentary dinner for had found much antagonism between sides. Iron mains last 100 years. if a municipality has authority to tl e nes edsclos hies his gain The f riend resident in North Carolina - aIl the students of the course. About Counicils, School Boards and Com- Council passes ail bv-laws on Miik ievy and collect certain funds, and from the curious and the proud.' with a bachehor. living alone. aged 76 150 were present. After welcoming missions. Engender. he said, the very Control and licenses ail producers not add up figures only. -Thos. a Kempis. with vears. 0f this f riend and his life I us ver), heartily, he expressed his bcst spirit of co-ouçration. and act and distributors. It is unwise to AncJ so ciosed the course, after a__________________ realîv have written several times in these pleasure at the incrUsed attendance, as a body and flot as an individual. charge a fee of $160000 Per wagon, great deal oj valurabie information 1and contributions. Here is what McFall and greater interest in the Course-, lr eod Qinol. btrcmeddjutanmnladisrcinhdbe ie u s th, writes : evidenced by the larRest enrolîment NA)Cle erdis moiiosdfon - but rccommended sft a nonal and inhestruction had ben grieou t the "I am slii parceptibly, partic- il, the tbree years. N)mmbriExcsdfomvtTeeEIRy-as(f hsnaue o h tdetb tevrou e. it in uiarlv as regards strength and en- Among the many facts concerning ing (rio fençe sitters) and a Mfayor must be submitted to the Minister turers.EN RT N R ight ergvy. You are right in vour suspic- the University of Toronto, hein- should insist on aIl Councillors vot- of Agriculture. Mifllýanîd cream Secure RALPHGODNth vou ion that 1 ar nfot izetting a great formed us the grounds comprised 80 inst. except if personal interests in- Must be nasteurized in ail townsGRDN te daeout o Ifam cofidenthmefo acres. covered by 59 buildings, in terferc. when th.e Department savs so. Re- f"Hurnility that iow sweet root, wonderfully versatile en t er- to are which1800mstudensdaretbengtafgh Treat ratepayers as part of your fuse collection and garbage costs from which ail heavenly virtues tiefryu etetran mv hastvears Ihave0cosen adised-arener, or yournext -Mertae. thien lsteaInd havie cmost suitied t this vear. H~ urged that freedom meeting and co-operatç iiq every way. $250 a year per house, and is done shoot."-Moe ;i up mv temperament and my situation. of speech be defended in our land. Counleillors serve to benefit evemyild"emetuyfl h nm- inavEenifm man erite i He gave us a very instructive ac- ratepaver. and their duties are clear- individual. DisposaI bv dumping. or self I arn nothing, and at once, Address 628b Crawford Street, ith cud otedr aborig osecounit oL Hart House (the gift of ly defined by the Statutes. Torornrtos$15 hertn hmuhevr nlto m ol wit coldnotendrea ýoarinz 1000IO of a population makes 1 ton God cornes in, and is everything Trno or hotel. The one thing I longr for Mr. Massev to the University). A good efficient Cierk means a a day. A by-law for dumping can in rne."-W. Mountford. Pearl rnost is a bit of land. 1 love to He then introduced Hon. Eric gzond( condition of municipal affairs. be passed with the approval of the______________________________________ fter- dabble in the soul. and to Puit on Cross. Minister of the Department Evert Council shouhd have mules and Il.0.H. nly. Street sweeping costs tam. stonle on another in building a waîî of Municipal Affairs. who spoke on b-a, 0tathbuies ayle$23.00 per mile of paved street. a..for rock Plants to creep over. I the general work of his Department. d-one quickly and wehI. Pres- want and need that kind of physicai Thursdav' morning, Professor W. It sometimes becomes a question, The rest of thie afternoon was de- Gen- labour. It would add irnmensely to S. Ferguson lectured on "Municipal "Shouldwepsabyawoar- voted to a Question Box. Mfr. Gray J Gen- mv contentrnent. It would give me Revenue Accounts." He stressed sgluti)n ?" A iJv-law i5 a permanentadMrCom anwedte an ' lateiv that particular satisfaction t hl a t the great need of some preparation itemi lot a lot of red tape, but drawn qtuestions asked. How to collect ,veek cornes f romn doing work that is per- and fitness for issuing reports. The and iiiîderstood by each councilior. fines? A Mfagistrate should give a jW a e gar- petualhy visible, tangible. useful. My revenue accounit showjs the income Tiiere isln casting vote in munici- full list of ahi fines. A Council de- dur, e* * w aster Bn- loneliest hiours are at night and they of the Town for the year, and the pal aiffqrs. AIl counicillors vote first cides when penalty cornes due (that Geîi- are mv happfiest hours. 11y books expenses fitted to our revenue. He and then the 'Mavor. It is a courtesy is on arrears of taxes). No Coun- No matter if it's tire cheer and comfort me. just now I pointcd out the difference between for hini to vote- hast. A Msayor has cil should enter into any by -laws for cran gsoi , igzht arn readinizibabbling Montaigne. and receipts and revenue, and between onlv on1e vote ..A majorily of Coun- costs of instalation, without refer- baighto e lof wvith fresh delight. Surelv ie must payrnents and expenditur.u. The tax cil is a quorumn. Ahi members of ence to the Ontario Board. bI~ng ot rbe ofa have been one of the most lovable lcvv is Our revenue, cash received is CQuriciI should bc f ree to sit on anry Can a Council hold meetings af- low zero. . . water rrest men that ever lived on this earth. our receipts. If we borrow from corninittce, but flot take any part nom ternioons or evenings? Yes, anytime i boueyncs He ivas tolerant. truth lovîii. Iust. a bank. that is flot revenue, but a vote. .\h1 matters be weîî except the annuai meeting. aytoesxi- have sornetinles eloouen.t, always thouzht- roceipt. V1-Qn wd repay, that is discussed. Forzet municipal gîory Only a church is exempt from tax- -fsayt ,aus- fu n d witty. and often coarse. flot expenditure but a payment. and w0rk- for the good ofail, heato.fta nserrsinc. -n's xs- laes 'Probablv vou could îlot bear the If vou purchase $100.00 worthýand sai<î. Yes, Police and Boards of Health long*%......! er e. ut i t o and lif e Iarn living. 1 arn utterly alone îltpv ti tl n xedtr. ASlolBor sms motn ounl.suippl monthly reports to carry it f rom the old edge as regards acquaintance withIutur- Those facts are of great importance. in evcrv wvav. About 50 per cent. of Caia. kueLos efS-fshioned up h0011 cd p)eoiple. 1 do îlot take aiî kiîîd Revenue anîd capital should be kept taxes g0es to Sehool Boards. Cer- Ct lr s os ef5_____________________prp tlî A n niew biaieoroks dca. and sedrnse an separate. A debenture is not a e- tain hl"wcrs are given by the Stat- stemn? No. Sec. 231,. Sub. Sec. 1. dis- printed inatter that I hîave boughît venue. AIl operation costs are met utes. Couîîicj]Jrs are responsibie Is it the dut% of Auditors to re- A DURO ,s( within thirt%, vears past. 1 hear ri u of revenue. The one question for tax collecting. School Boards Port al] irregularities, and suggest U IP N l'ti- radio. and two or three rnonths aRo s-is revenue suifficient to meet al governl tenâlv£s.If is the Cour] ans- helpful recommendatiotîs toPU P N 'nle in%" atchi stopped running. so that demanids upon it? cil's diit% to raise' funds. He again Council ? Xes. S S E îall iv onilv reminders of the flight of Tax rate is set to ineet estimiated stressed thîe necd of co-operation at \Wheîî to coilect Dog Tax? Sec. S S E and time are vhieîî hunger or sleepiness expeuîses. aîd flot onlv debenture in- ah iie. A MNaà,or can sit on a 7 Sub. Sec. 5 savs "Paid with other wl upyalteiae luit whispers to me and jogs me if whis- terest but also for amounit of prin- 5chîool Board. He said, dont abuse taxes," a Council c ati appoint a Col- ilspyalth wte Pering is not enough. Yet I love cipal. Pavrnî of debenture is flot each o'4lîr, but trv to understand lector. youm home needs, at the b tic- nîv mode of living. 1 ive wvithî a capital accounit, but a revenue ac- onle ilother. The Statutes show the A Mas-or. Reeve or DepuIs-- turn of a faucet. rthî- nature anîd speîîd mucli of ms- lime couint. To set up a fund but flt-etSchoni Boards duty. "To buildRee avataaJsicofPce in iust lounging about. watchiiigtie aside the cash for samne, is wrong. sciiolni îd educate childremî. The CQjmîty shîould appoinît a com- In addition, it will sks's creatiorîs in cloud aiid mnst. Schioni levies are îlot municipal He reinuîîded us that System inittee to co-operate sith a Coutîcil make it possible for you roi" and the earths ever-ciiainiggar- revenue at aIl. Boards of Educatiori Change. but inust be taken care of in sett ing values on1 lands, etc.. for to modef-nize your home the ment of verdure. So if I do not see are separate institutions f roni Counl-ii a reasonable time. He suggested Coulît.- purposes. A Counîtv Assess- ient inuch of the elemerîts of which thev cil. and municipal machinery is used thiat flic Educationiai and M1unicipal or anîd a Town Assessor should use with Emco Fixtumes, so on- I r îare oret oi sec re t lîat to collect oniy. Associations get togethier anîd bring the saine basis for taxation. necessary these days to .o-Ia eae otresceMier f Nr. H. H. Walker took the sub- ili recoiirendations for the bte Air indigent patient should apfflv hat n onot and CK jeet "Financial Retumns and Re- ment of conditions. On the Schooi oaMO .woshudivStigte Ice" I have but littie space Ieft me for great improvement in the reports for should insist that everything neces- part, have him sigii an agreernent to ounQutations from a letter f rom a cor- 1937. M.\anv municipalities had stead- sarv be plainiy sholwn. pay in a certain tirne or period. the minute, mechanically perfect and finely finished. They respondent writing about a Y.W.C. ilv reduced their debenture debts. A Council cannot refuse to îevy aMIake doctors feel their responsibil- wili give years of satisfactory service and treatly im- n. cîlce atene bn etten 3.5condr Section 216 cj The Municipal Act rate, but must refuse any amounts îtv to the communitv. prove the appearance and comfort of your home. meI 4.000 tedegat es M correspondnmowv requires it shown where de- îlot clearly Set Out in the School Bell Tehephone poies are assessed (1 4,0 deee 30 orepodn bentures are payable. School debts Board's estimates. as land under Assessmenj Act. The four pieces îllustrated -Built-in Bath, Shower, meetings! Th and Utilities are guaranteed by the A Council has no voice in per- Can a Chairman vote twice? Each Toilet and Lavatory -with ail Trimmings, ready for is- ienerai vastness and seething crowds rnunicipaiiîv. He had 938 audits to formaîîce of duties. Te Saue ebr a n oeadcairman intlaocst ny. .........$ 425 m-were somewhat overwheiming. The inspect each year. He showed us regulate Schooi Boards. A Council one. oniv. he has no casting vote. If (Sad Pipe, Iron Pipe and Patnga extra) $ 4 5 »Ol resuit was a tendency to throw us air AI report and one vemy poor, should however examine well the a tie, a motion is lost. he even more ciosely toward the People according to his requirements. estimates, and if according to Stat- Al accounts shouid be in detail Other comp;ete Bathroom equipmentas Iowas $ 8 8 )_we knew - sort of self-protection. He said a local auditor is not re. rites. council must Ievy for the for aIl counciiiors to peruse and re- ~îmtn e ned. spQji5ible. whiîe a professional one auJqunts. onîy passed and paid when satisfac - The Duro-Special PuMping System, complete with Contrast this extueience with the is. An ajditors duties are regulated In closing he mentioned the Hydro tory.-0gl avnzdTn,2 r6 yl oer a ere Diaciditv of McFall's lot and life i by the Department. A schooi audit Commission. wliose duties are de- What rate of interest is faim? 4%. capacity of 250 gais. per bour and costs only...9.00 rty j C K siot4ld show what educalion costs fined in part onjç of Public Utilities Is it possible to refund a. Debenture d- The gzeogzraphical distribution of per pupil, flot merely how much a Works, Debt at a Iower rate of interest ? 'vs these four correspondents is some- teacher is paid. "Accounting for Tax Arrears" No. What is the definition of a le thingz to remark on. he next lecture was by Mm. J. was next dealth with by R. j. Ratepayer? The Public School Act of ___________________________________ oore. Anything in the Statutes sa>'s: "Any pemsbn estered on lists mus Îbe done, he said. Aller Jan- as a Voter." BULLETINS rltfrii Fr uary la, haif o n e et e Cati a Council reject a Schooi B L E ISmonth nust be chasged on ail un- ~37siae ulcSho c The Stateaman paid taxes. The arrears at December Se.37-u Sec. 1 reads: "Coun- Tk datg fti oen from By 3lst eacti vear, shouid be carried to cil shaîl levy and colect for SchoolmetPa o odri yu BIRDLAND Wlnifred E. Wilson "Tax A-Xmears Ledger." Four per Board. irrespective as to their thought etPa idmieyu cenît. of levy is flot compuhsory it 0on estimates. (See aiso lecture on borne wiîb Emco equipment. THEAMRIAN ITER _____________ nas le levied. ' General Duties of a Councii and Write for free bookiet or see- THEAMEICA BITER -- 1--1. -- - ý The mext subject "Consolidation of Other Governing Bodies" by J. P. Our nearest neigh- 1revouslytsighted wiîî almost ai- Sehînni Areas" was taken by MfA.Coombe). - ~ boum was a fammer, wy be tken for just another Camipbell. He stated that' there 'a're Can one insure with a member of with bis bouse o eeda bach. ticking up on the 95 Househoid Science and 92 M~an- Council ? No. r on 1 y aa ual Training classes operating at Hos manv Town 'Managers ar BERT PARKER rocky point nd 1The American Bittern, the only ireseuît. He songy r nened hMiand a oe oer.B, picturesque w i nd- specles that nests in Canada, is lange areas anîd unified Boards for I-dadadoeohr ySc O M NEL milI which lifted the water. One yel1owish-brown, more s o 1 i d i y eccnuîomuV in buying supplies, equal- Town Cemetery BogLrd rernains in Phone 2684 King St. June evening I heard what seem- buil Ian the Great Blue Héron uzîmîg Of schooi attendamîce, and for force. Dr-pca ed te, bea pump going vigorously. and nytenyegtnted ftheraîenotacrs InYk A Hydro Auditor might save Dr-pca What hadi gone wrong with the forty-eig9yht inches long. Neyer- Tow'-nship, Il school sectionîs under momîey, if one uniform syssem of EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. windrnill? "Punk-eriunk, punk-Itheless, in fiigbt these two, with onue Board of fis'e members (now a auditing were in force. It is so re- Allio supplied for Gasoline London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury eriunk, punk-elunk." The pump-l necks drawn in and legs stretched Board of Educatioui) admnmistrates commendtçd. Engin* operafion rnio Vacue ing went on and on. I stood on1 out behind, rnay be confused if 18 Public schoois, 3 cohiegiates, 351 Is if lezal t0 exclude anvone f rom 238 Wni. acue the verandah and gazed acmoss the sur *is i the wmong direction public and 99 secomîdarv teachers; council meetings? Only' from a the bay. Suddeniy the noise ceas- and the istance too great to dis- 12,0ff) public anîd 3,400 secondarv________________________________________ ed, and up fmom the shore rose a tinguisb size. tumpils. anîd has a budget of aroutnd Bittern! Then something clicked -You will not be liable to see the $90(0Mhper amînum. nr. Campbell un my brain; in a foggy way I e- Bitlern often in the eariy surn- defiiîed thle Statures pros'iding for membemed having ead that a Bit- mer. Il is busy with famiiy dut- fourmmaion o(f a Municipal Board of ./ l j . tern sometirnes makes a Sound lies The nest, made of grass or Edulcatiomi. if andI shemi affirmned by likepuming.Rusing ntothereeds, is piaced on the gound in a vote of the electors.4e house I grahbed rny bird book or near a marsh and may contain Fri(lav, the closiîîg da% svas open- and excitedly lurned over the three or four bmown eggs. Ail day cd b-hy rof. Ferguisomi, oui the aýub_ pagei. Yes, I was ight. i on g this bird haunts the swamp, led '-Muniicipal Balance Siîeets." A Many, many limes since then Il iooking for the fmogs, snakes, aac.letsiudsos albl ! h av e h e r d M m . B t e m ' o e1m- -i s , i s c t n s m t ms. .c .i . m î r d i , t i n e s î u d ii cnc, in was g,;...Dy 1,,. . D-... Mvr. Carpenter was -borîn in Funeral services were held on Samitary Supervsor of the Dep't. Mariposa Township, Vict or ia Mou¶day, Juiy 111h, fromn his home of Municipal Affaira. County, on August 10) 1868. He on Ontamio Street. Many friends Thiere are îwo fadtons in Sanita- was a son of Henry and Mary attended, and the service was con- tuon. iiameiy, Public Heaiîh and Carpenter, For many years he ducted by bis pastor, Rey. Sidney Better Lising Conditions. Public was a successful farmer, moving Davison. Palibearers were H. J. Healîhli e said, is purchaseable in 10 Bowmanviîîe about 17 years Babcock, H. Moyse, T. Bookham, a certain sense. conîmolled by proper ugo. He was empioyed for a few T. Prouse, Grigg Morden and D: expendilures. Living Conditions areONAI years by the Highways Depart- R. Alidread. Many beaulifui flor. betten îodav than years ago. Im- ARMN ment and 14 yeams ago joined the ai tributes expressed the sympatisy provement is the motto. Public RCWY Goodyear staff where he remain- of friends, relatives and Goodyear Healîh is for the local Board of DPRMN ed until bis deatb. organizations. 1 n t e r mi e n t was Heaith, but a Council should see Motor Vehicis Brands Mm. Carpenter wus fond of flsh- made in Bowrnanville Cemetery tlat aIl conditions are being taken '----- - - -' -- -.---.----.-,------.---. .- -- - a ae 1 ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO

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