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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1938, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO TT-TURSDAV TTTT.V 2RTT4 1O~o Katie. after a period of sullen si- better than Katje's simpler de- He might grin ail he liked, but she pe s ILJ~ ~ ~ l ence. Ivas bright and happy when rnands? Was 'lis ambition any bet- had got under 'lis s1kjp. He was stili th- M A RY RO E RRITShe came bomne one niRht. Apologetic. ter than hers? Hers the instinct of crazy about Beverly Lewis. Let ho LDoTR RNHATItoo, tryinz in a d::en ways to make the cat for the familiar hearth; his tlatgzet:out. and were were ail i1 amends for the Past week. the desire to rise above his fellowî, fine schemes 'for the future? That th, «bout aiggby- just -scared. nized. sougbt to hurt hlm when she could tai CHAPTER XXXII father is. Well. that's somiethiing." ousiv now. Everyt'ling was grist You don't hate me, do you?" One morning Chris was going îlot reach him urged her stili fur-a Three wecks later Chris received There was evidentlv to be no liel> tixat caine to 'lis iii. He ivas tak- "Of cus o.m er"h adt'lrough the Urocess of reQrienting ther.-aq the letter ini Vienna, anîd felt duil froni Katie. and in the days that fol- ing anr X-ray course, ail the surgery patientîy. "I'm Riad, if you are.", lîjuiiseif after a night's sleep. He ýTve been thinking. Chris, l'mn go- wo and dispirited for days. Ursula had lowed s'lc seenied to be oddlv jeal- le could find. even bronc'loscopY. Site crfawled into his lap, and 'lelad been doing that now for several ing to seli this furniture." pur deserved to live. She 'lad courage ous of t'le child and even suspîclous. He and Kati lad establis'led a 'leld 'ler there. He did not 'llate 'ler. das Sell it ?" hjç said blankly. cel and wil power. But she lad flot One day she said abrupltlv. "Chris m»odugs zk'cndi of sorts. The week It was not'linR so simple as that. Hesird sudnya rett cli'smesntttwotO lived. and she 'lad left ler child to is t'lis baby yours?" xvas his for work, but Saturday There were even tîmes when 'le was lie was occupying t'le center of the bring anything, but its disgraceful. m him. In tire end 'le wein to Katie "You know well enoug'l that it nig'lts and Sundays were hers. On fond of 'ler. He would corne home sagging bcd, and t'lat Katie was We oug'lt to have at Ieast a decent lez and told 'ler the story. isn't. 1 neyer saw the girl iimtil a Saturdav night 'le would get into to find 'ler struggling over 'lis lvimîg imt'l te edge. She did ftliot s. tc "She left it to You .ý site said in- few mnonths before 'le was borni.' îis worn dinnier clothes. and t'ley mending. 'ler mout'l set, the needle waken. and 'le settled dowyP to doing tcs credulously. T'len w'lo is tire fat'ler? Tell me would go to the Bal Tabarin or tiglt ini lier unaccustomed fingers, some sermons tlinkîng. It 'lad been "I cant furnis'l the 'busel and 'laii "SoMis imsn sys' hat ad 'i hlivevo."s<)ew'lere ýelse. It wvas for t'lese and she would look like a c'hld over a difficuit week. The 'bouse 'lad been 'lave a downtown office, too," 'e oft .So Mis Simson sys." hat. nd l'l beleve ýou."nights Katie lived. She would sit a lesson. "l'Il damn this if it kilîs, familiar- but trot welconjnpg, and ai- tl ir f "It's ridiculous. W'ly s'lould 1 'lavent any intention of telling a u al ipn lr we hn-m'tmuhit'a encendbfr "Then why 'lave a downtowmî of- she ?" vou. and I don't care w'let'ler voir wgne and stare round-eyed at the She was onlY twentY to 'lis ithev arrived. t'lere stili 'lung over itfce htud 'r. oferwihths h "God only knows," lie told 'ler believe nie or iot," boxes. filed witlî cocottes and gay .t'lirtv-two, and life 'lad flot been tire odor of dust and midew. But une ?" neel 'leavily. "I suppose îlot literally. Undouhtedly 1xh vas difficuit dur- %vitil flowers and unifornis. easy for 'ler. He would 'lae a le %vas gzlad to be back. "We've been over that before, ress Shementtha Iwa mre r es le tîoe a',. e va tiedwili The jewels and dresses made lier moment of real tenderness then. The hosuital 'lad welcomed ilm Katie. You trust do w'lat you lil<e, and to look after it." the endeavor to get ail bhenecded in fcel cheap and t'lwarted. And one would stooo ajid kiss 'ler s'lining %varmlly. of course." ra "No i ny bue! oudom' c- ashrtr ime tan'l 'ap lavn oe. Monday after suc'l a nig'lt s'le went 'lair. soft and young uner 'lis lips. \ell. w'lats new, C'lris? Got a CH PERX XIoia pect to hand me a baby like that, and tire courses wer yvgore boldlv to the Kartperstpassc and or- No reply 'lad comle from Jerr3: lot to show ils" C'lris looked at no offices t'lat do vor?' expenisive than l le lad anticipated. dered some expensive clothes. S'le Amnes about Ursula's boy, and in 1 Got a little beer fat lIlave to mnorning. Luckily 'le'lad calîs to S "No," 'le said. "No, I suppose N;ow le'lad! a baby on 'lis bands, îva- terrified afterward. but the April Chris wrote to Hiramn Morti- take off.", nake. for business was better thtan bui flot." and it annoved an(l irritated Iiiii. ti1 a oe e n i ie i "Anid you are to support it ?" One day 'le rote Jerry .Aines. ~thieoa on.mrad lswf:OnlIs a few of thein mentioned 'lis 'le'lad expected. His oid patients 'lir "I imagine the father will do that 'lusiness office of 'lis w'lere le Jve bought some clothes. C'lris.' "I 'lardlv know bow to mnake the inarriagç. alt'loug'l 'l did flot notice greeted i i'lappîly, and tbere were w'lr tlat." plaved at working: "Tlîat's rig'lt, if vou needcd suggestion, but I remember that at it. The senîsationmi Litjad caused was even one or two new ones. Clearly V 'Ohl! So vou kmow w'lo the "I 'la've, as voir knuw. no respon- thietn." omie tinie vour contemplatedi adopting ,ver. If tire inurses woildered about ejere wvas prestige about Europe. the ____________________ ibilitv- for this c'hld. Ursuila asked "But 1 mean clot/mes," s'le said a c'lild. 1 know of one now, a boy it amonz thenîselves, it was quietly, W'len 'le ent in for lunç'li 'le founid d ne to look after 'un. 'lut that is desperately. 'Good clothes. T'lev wim'l good blood on bot'l sideî but be'lind closed doors. Katie lad never Katie busv wit'l a second'land I vomir job, flot mine. In the ineantiine cost a lot."~ born last fîall of ai unmarried 'leen one of t'lem. dealer. S'le finis'led lier bargaining 1 sugîgest t'lat. if von 'lave notlîing T'ley 'lad, as a matter offct nother. There in the 'led wit'l Katie beside wit'l 'ii and came in tritmp'antly nvleîv. voi have lîinî Wlîere 'le st iv 'unre dllrs iaou a "He vas a wanted c'lh . 'ich'imo that morning 'le put 'lis ans to lunch. 1mîil I corne back. 1 kiov a c'lild- te"tlo liioa aptlwle nl îeans somem'ling, and due to tiretiiler 'lis 'lead and plamimed. He esarobr"se ad.Bu les couple in ttre coîntrv %v'ho left .\mçrica. He tried tlien to ex- miot'ler's deat'l is now alone. I1'le- wotild keep tlîis 'buse and this we 'lavýrtîvo weeks to get ready for iigiht ake 'limîl amd rear 'lim.T'le%- plain 'lis finaiîcial situation to lier, lieve a smaîî sum wouîd 'le paid office, for le would still 'lave to iii." are coussins of nmille and prosperoil-s 'lut shie omly cried. In ireli end 'le momlt'ly. alt'lough that may lot- carry 0n1 lu genieral work. But "I lope You reinernbered t'lat the farmiers. anîd thev have io c'lildreil. paid tire buils. not only because lenatter if vou later adopt 'lirn. M"lat «soniiwlmre inittre 'leart of towmi lie offices ue mine"' 1 doubt if nomev womld enter imto lîac,ý to, but because as the davs went could beý donc, if voi are interested îvotld blaye an office for comnsulta- 'Don't 'le idiotic. But I wis'l sic'l ail arrangemenit, bumt mY owmi omi.'le lîad tire imcrcasimîg semîse of mig'lt'le to take-'ii for a iew tions. Alreadv as le lav~ there lie vom'd do theni over. too. T'ley'rc i dca voum( le bctîat vouicontiume guilu toward 'ler tlîat 5lieinicamtitnont'ls iithouît ans' obligation. .Af- was imurmîslîîmîg it. Soîîm(s amnd tire terrible. Chris. could ve 'lave 'our I 'or îiont'llv chlecks, amnd tîat tire pracicallv mot'ing to liim. ter tlîat..." odor of bacon and coffee wcrecCoin- bedroom for a living rooni and use rnnev 'le 'aîikcd for 'l is cdumication J-lis workivas 'lis real love mow. He emded by telliîg t'lem wh'erci' ne fn'mîîtire kitchen, N~îvcr a Ieavy - Nothers room? We ouglît to 'lave amer." ~~~i To tlîat lie ga%:e ail lielad. Les- tie boy cotld 'le seemi. and sent off footed Gerniai girl lad scru'l'ldalimgroms ewec" He wrote the letter in a coffce- sons, climiies. lectures. operations. lus letter vitiiommu niuc'lthope. Hiraîî iii ~dirt\ tables mo tierev'litcmicss Yes, she oug'lt to 'lave ,a place to i nise im' irte .ls,'rstrasse late on1e.A'ldomnmal surgerv. Braimi surgerv. amnd Ani% were rio longer Young. and eOf - w lie liZcird lier omi the sec people, Just .%,Iiat peope li aftcrulon. '«rote it in luis sinallSml muttoi e'miue AIt ivas askimîg a good bit of themi> -stai'-s. uvomdered. He remembered t'ose ncat latid,. to tire mnoise of blilliard liew instrument for stones in the nig'lt even revive the old bittenmîc -'Bresakfa-:' rea(i:. Doctor. telemihone conversations of lers, tlhe Wrlgly's Gunshelps you keep fit! halls clickimîg, to file rustle of the kidmîey. Reading N-rai' plates or. of theit' c'ildlessness. Then lare ut \\'itv . ,:. arîl doesu't sîle teil girl wv'o 'lad 'leen with b'er at tire Releva hatstff felig ftr apers 'leimîg read about Iliii. tb thicprotected 'lv lead aprons anîd lead Na"egta nîe rn iauu," ~i ~:.y ku rtulv aîehl.But'le agnecd, and s'le eating. Cleansea crevices between j clatter of coffee cups and theuen îisereemîs, îorkiîig îitli tire machine '«e 'lave the boy. and Amyiv 1SI:::t~ car 'lefore voirw emît around the table and kissed teeth,too... .assures sweet breath. j of comnvrsation. '«rote it aw'av tself. A great day v'len Chnis used like-an oId htn îvitli a chick. He is iîimîî. Olga, coming in îvit'l the pota- usim e n owl Sall l ironi Klie and her jealoums ev es. the bronchoscomie and recovercd a a zood boy. and 1 rather like iiuiHii '"~a:'d dressed carefullv: tocs. stared at t'lem. Tliese Amer- Bu bl8 me nefit Smalnjoy t trdj laîg(roppcditim asetto wiisnefra acliu'sbomchaluvsl . uloksast'og' iasvH "t -t:': abucti aleu smi.memimien o aslycjoed! o bvry I eeils 1Endo! i ftrItier box. felt *somie'.liat relievedu bes. inkeep hini, and I'm goimîg to town t- ,: a:I_. svrt aie ieteGrnaî.Tireamai evr el milosdl 0-8Te ae nNac.%vt h nrri oscabQui the ncsaýtebd a mnai amd a woman lookcd fe AÂA AAA AÂA Winter lasted lonîg that %*car litiieltinz fromn the hînarv hîead o the stems." ' :t' ttoîniav. 'liat's imîîi and bore 'lis c'hldren. ~~~~~~ ~~Vienna. Chris ivas îvorking f iri- Jx'or anîd the grass growiîlg green i' For tl" first ime imi mont'lsChi a:, Bu Chris ia t'brto m _______________________________________________________ the Katie came to hlm îit'lfh ta eel vssBea at ~ 'et ' t oieofcs ii ut oîvmî wa H ghtubor vtoielt fli alumiicninttht uew t She nced neyer knoy; the '%ortiil*,er '~ atie.'lut lie îvould 'lot let lier de- 'lave a baby. aiid that le îvould hiave i farn ivas far avai'. And tire c'lild " .a iem'tvm ngl feat i tadtat ftrî ' VAmo do sonthinz abouti. vîd'esf.tO itimgbaki. ' ttr:" ':%%dsveueru! a%%,Grant anîd borroîved t001iroir Do O"0 soictliinig? Do wliat- ' his chair'lis long legs strctc'led )i He "t~' t~ksau uic( ismddlasfoihm w lou "Ymu noî Idot iau abab. n ron o ini. leu'og'ta"i f e:,'"' tce orwice îvile tey "I've rio collatera. no secuitv," I % iont have one. Doîî'timake me oId Dav,, aiud Letitia wîho 'a fl "a'r-ilua d se meitmcdlead. BmufIli,111pyt 'lave ome. Chris ! Domi't mnake ie lu lere. and of old Davc's di.- Bîcî u -ice7%rreurisebak 'a' IlIcm a. haveome apfoiiitmcuu t'lat nonre of 'lis soin- 'ldb g~lt lier up several tumes. He did mlot tell Katie, busi' fow Sile ivas so alarmed uhat 'le îad 'ladh fol hd ii along 'lis road. Eî dcitl%' lier iealously. latent wh'ile buving 'ler new fmmiue vaii to lîold lier until she stopped slîak- Perhaps this bov îvould do that. If Iai a dlisrauc la le rosd10w'e Veni lths oig .weitn ig. Themi lie tried un talk to 'ler. lie ivre to 'lave no son of 'lis owu 'at thie%-ivere 'lack on the sceie of air from siîop to shop. He took ilis "It vould 'le sometlimi to live T'e vn back to A merica ilit her defeat tîvo vears ago. dowvmtown offices, furnis'led t'lcm ami(l îork for. dear. Dont iou sec tire lame smring of that year. Kate 'I'avemit semu 'ler, Katie. I don't and one day installcd 'linscIf there. that, I'd like it. mýsscf. You wîould ivas relieved and happy to 'le goîng. -xpect to sec lier. And whîy s'louid Onlv when t'ley ivere neady did 'le 'Omcei o ovrcese sidt"ou' ss vassocarrC'le. S'ehe mrredI rnn aba'lugl se ccpte ad venadto. oceitiva oer" «'ltovauth gierb-ko.the "u vorv botnler" ocgremcd akehe i toseathem a adai let me go throuRh witli it wouldn't and dccided that it was merelv to ried.vo are-" rnired t'lem, s'le kîîew t'lat froni von?ý You dom't have to 'lave it. It's familiar things. familiar living: He 'As u'ouzh that counted !" that time on 'le wouid live a part of eayfo-ou. But I1îvon't do i.IIlislhia'e 'lad "Doesn't lu count wit'l you?" 'lis ife to 'liniseif. For once s'le 9o somewh'ere cisc if you wont 'lelp t'ling uo look forward to. work and She was silent. He always rnan- ivas beaten. me1nu ucs. But wa.s thuat any 1azed to silence ler. But she knew.. S'le took it 'letter than 'le ex- )ected. ..and later on 'le 'lad to admit mat she 'lad donce wonders wit'l the rînse on very little rnoney. Life was flot too easy for lier just li, struggling with lier furnis'l- g, with Olga, wit'l Cjris's uncer- in 'ours. wit' l al the probienis of Sdoctor's 'bouse. The doorbeil and lephone rang intcrrnina'ly. S'le vouid go up to the attie for sorne irpose. or down into the cluttered hlan, and 'le called for this on that. Iga's Englis'l wgs worthless for lessages, and 'ly evening Katie's Rs would ache, and she would 'le )o tîred to dress for dinner. S'le ruid was'l 'astily, brus'l back 'lier air. and go to the table. oniy too ten to have Chris detained in the ffice until the meai was spoiled. Not'ling rnattercd but 'lis work, le toid herseif angriiy. He did flot .d 'lier. Even 'lis occasionai ca- sses were furtive and half-as'lamcd id it was during t'lat period of mdjustment, too, that s'le staRed lof 'ler aiarms about 'leing pre- iant and was 'lysterical for days. Shle was concîliatory afterward, iC'lis was impatient. He lîated ngelf for it, but there were tumes en 'le felt that she lîad biocked ery road into the future, eî'en ehope of a c'liLd. and hie was epuy and siiently resentful. t ivas eanly summer 'ly t'lat (Contmnued on Page 8) ttime. One day the papers carried !an item staimg that the Jervis LArnese5 'lad taken a cottage at Bar »Harbor, and Chris felt that the city îîas suddeniy ernpty. He wouid sit aCross from Katie at the table w'lile the candies - s'le used candies now - f Iickcred ini the 1evening breeze. and try to talk, try to 'le kind and gentie. "What sort of day, my dean ?" Nothinir muc'l. Harriet Lee was She was striking up friends'lips 'lere and there. He could flot keep it up for long, 'lowever. The bell wouid ring and 'le wouid 'le wanted in the office or at the telep'lone. and I-Çaie would sit there in loneVy grgndeur, unden hem candles witi t twheavy-handed Olga to bring her f ood and the sur- reptitious cigarette. There was nQling to tel!l'ler, as she sat there, that in Bar Harbor. in a whlite'bouse facing the great bay. Beveriy Arnes was aiso sitting alomue in candlelight, whiie Jerry lived a life as surrePtitious as's cigarette. There were even- ings when jerry and s'le dined ont, I*omp~g and hîandsorne and Popular, among their kind; Beverly lin'ler DEAN HODOSON White Rose Service Station Bowmanville ANNOUNCEMENT The naithinsttuteBownanvllle MINERAI FUME DATHS ANO MASSADE In treating a number of Bowmanville and district patients Iast winter, also disappointing quite a few through being exceptionally busy at our Oshawa branch we made a promise that should the patronage from Bowmanviile and district warrant it, we would open in Bowmanville to accommodate the people of that district. This step has been taken and the Bowmanville branch is locat- cd at 16 Liberty St. With the supervision of Mrs. Jennings, Masseuse, under The Drugless Practitioners Act, she wili conduct. Minerai Fume Baths, shower and massage treatments beneficiai for the various ail- ments. Our business operations are being extended on the principles of Cleaniiness, Courtesy, Co-operation and Caution. Our disinfectants are expensive, powerful, and we use pienty. Courtesy in the sense we want you to feel at home - the branch accommodation la there for your use. and Mrs. Jennings will be only too wiiling to advise as to treatments necessary. Co-operation - we realize that the medical profession - your faniiiy physician - often stands be- tween you and physîcal caiamity and we have no hesitation in recommendlng that you consult hlm. There are however difierent Iiinesses for whlch hecivili recommend Minerai Fume Baths and Massage treatments. We wilI carry out rigidly as he Instructs. Caution - In the matter that any Iliness or condition that is beyond our range we Immediately re- commend to the famiiy physiclan. IDERI LODDANJ PROP.I The Health institute Minerai Fume Baths and Massage As an aid in conjunction with the treatment of ARTHRITIS CATARRH-OOLDS NERVOUSNESS UNDERWEIGHT LUMBAGO RATES $2.00 PER TREATMENT - 6 for $11.00 - 10 for $17,50 This card not transferable SCIATICA ITREATMENT - FUME BATH - SHOWER AND OIL MASSAGE I We co-operate with your PhysicianI TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION Gentlemen: Since the inauguration of our business about a year ago we have made it a point to closely co-operate with the medical practitiin- er. In the matter of post-fracture and dislocations, general debility, sprains, etc., we have worked with Doctors in Toronto, Oshawa and Montreal. We stili enjoy that confidence and intend retainitng same. There are convalescent cases that through massage recovery is hast- ened much to the good of ail concerned. In locating in Bownanville we in- tend camrying out thitt co-operation and to those of you for whom we have worked we thank you, and give you our assurance the same pohicy will be ni a lvif.airnnA ru I --*~--*-~--'.. K -q ____J -- Oshawa & Bowmanville Mrs. Jennings, Masseuse .-' <f lm -1 ---- - - -------- - PM 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'%N'IIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JULY 28TH. MIR OVERWEIGHT ri j STIFF JOINTS Oshawa Phone 2354 Bowmanville Phone 683

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