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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1938, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JULX' 28TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATES.MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO iAri pTtTr JOF INTERESTTOWOMiI W eddMr. George McCulloch, brotheri Weddin s thebride. The reception was held uncg Moebs.~.Mccuîoch a marquee on the lawn at tl Moebu-MeCuloch home of the bride's parents. Ti Jean Isabel McCulloch, Reg.N. bride's mother wore flowerE daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh chiffon with picture hat an McCulloch of Columbus, was un- brown accessories and a corsaý ited in marriage with James How- of sweet peas. The groom's au: ard Moebus, B.Com., son of Mr. Mrs. Foster, wearing flowere William Moebus and the late chiffon with white accessories a: 0Mrs. Moebus of Toronto, at a sweet peas, assisted in receivirj pretty ceremony in Columbus After the reception thte youn United Church on Saturday after- couple left on a honeymoont noon, July 23, at 3.30. Rev. R. Gaspe and the New Englan Wylie was the officiating minis- States. The bride's travellin ter. Miss Ida McCulloch, cousin costume was a natural colore Of the bride, played the wedding uncrushable linen dress with hE music, and Mr. Lloyd Hale of to match and maroon accessorie Lindsay sang "Until" during the She wore a carved gold lockE signing of the register. The and chain, the gift of the groorr church was decorated with ferns, On their return they will livei palms, lilies and gladiola. Lindsay on Bond Street. Given in marriage by ber fa- The bride is a graduate of Ros ther, the bride wore a white satin Mernorial Hospital, Lindsay, ai, gown made on princess lines with the groom is a graduate of th a train and with stand-up lacef University of Toronto and is o collar and lace inserts on the the teaching staff of the Lindsa, shoulders. Buttons extended to Collegiate. the waist on the front of the gown. Guests attended the weddiî, .She wore a fingertip veil of silk from Toronto, Oshawa, UxbridgE net and carried a shower bouquet Lindsay and Bowînanville. of Pink roses and baby's breath. _*__ Mrs. Walter Pascoe of Bow- manville, the bride's sister, was Glover-Darllngton matron of honor. She was attired in a lilac chiffon with deep violet Kendal United Church was th trim and a halo of violet tulle. iscene of a pretty wedding on Jul Miss Marjorie McCulloch, an- l6th, when Helen Boaden Dar other sister of the bride, was lington. daughter of Mrs. Willian bridesmaid. She wore pink silk Darlington and the late Willian chiffon with pale blue trîm and iDarlington, of Kendal, was givei halo. The attendants c arr i ed in marriage by her brother, Mi nosegays of mixed sweet peas and Bert Darlington of Toronto, t baby's breath. Mr. Guy Nowers Jack K. Glover, only son of Mr of Toronto was groomsman, and and Mrs. Stanley Glover, New the ushers were Mr. Russell Moe- tonville. bus, brother of the groom. and The church was beautifull. Whitby Street 1 1 Fair under auspices of Rotary Club and Canadian Legion Whitby Town Park Wednesday Ev'g., August 3rd In aid of Local and District Charities Grand Prize - Plymouth Coach - 5 Special Prizes of $500 Each - Calithumpian Parade -:- Street Dance "A Big Show for a Good Cause" WHY PAY THE PRICE FOR PORK? -I z m uu <1> pi "I o lu o M HOLIDAY SPECIALS Round Steak --- 22c Sirloin Steak--25 Leave your order in the afternoon and get an early morning delivery. T. W, CAWKER Bowmanville Phone 382 WHY PAY THE PRICE FOR PORK? TRY TRIIS TODAY! Carters New Potato Scone Loaf Here's sornethlng you'll really lîke. A new loaf containing 120/ potato flour. ht keeps fresh longer. It bas a more de- strable taste. It la a fine text- ured loaf. It's something you'Il reallY like - and yet it costs no more than ordlnary bread. 10e Loaf The Carter FamiIy The wagon ia on your street every day. Phione 855 Bakers for 2 Generations 1er the ,he 'ed nd ige nt, 7ed ýnd îg. ýng to nd ng -ed at, es. -i BABY This little poem is lovîngly dedicated by the author to Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock on the occasion of the birth of their first baby boy, Thomas James, July 2lst, 1938. There's a heap of buman sweetness Nestling in its fluffy bed There's a halo soft and sootbing Dropping 'round its tiny head; There are smiles like new moon's crescents Tipped with dainty dimples, twvo, There are twinkles like sunned ripples In two laughing eyes of blue. Two fat chubby feet are kicking Back the downy blanket spread, i COMPLETES 60 YEAR8S For two little tos.nbed i n Neyer instrument made music inHaîf so sweet to human ear, Henry J. 11nighis )SAs that low sof t baby gooing Who recentlv completed sixty nd That filîs daddy's heart with cheer. years in choir work. For the ie No world-sorrow yet has crinkled greater part of this time Mr. on Tat mooh, elve bay bowKnight bas been actively connect- ay ~And no care has corne to sadden e ihBwavlecor n ngYour sweet life right up to now;. is still a member of St. Paul*s tgHow your little face does mirror United Churcb choir. le, AI your mother's charmn and grace, You, a joy-fruit of our life-love, You, that nothing can replace. PRODIGY AT NINE There's a mighty heap of heaven A IN U I In your presence, baby dear, he And you've changed our whole life's vision, -Clet egsn aetdnn ly Snceyou'e crne o carm s hre;year old daughter of Lieut.-Col. r- To an off er of a million and Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson of lm I'd turn down with ail it dlaims, Bowmanville. who in June last Lm You're the climax of earth's blessing, year passed Grade V piano in enYou, our wee sweet Thomas James. connection with the Toronto Con- r. 628 Crawford St. Toronto -Ralph Gordon. servatorv of Music with first-class r. honors. bias md great strides in Sdecorated by friends with hy- Swain. Percv Werrv : bovs and men music this year and as well was drangea, phlox and delphiniums. open. Harold Swain. Percv Werrv: promoted to Grade VI at public Iy The ceremony was conducted in Ladies oveîi. Heleni Werrv. Norris sehool. SIte is setting up new re- the presence of immediate rela- Rutledge; Shoe scramble open. Hel- cords for a girl of her age, said tives by Rev. E. Beech, Newton- en Sluzgett. Margaret Reid: Three- her parents and teachers com- iville, and the wNedding march was legged race. open, Janet Swain, Win- menting on ber accomplishments played by Mr. Neil Stewart, Ken- nie Swain: Wbeelbarrow. open Neil during the past year. dal. Werrv, Weslev \Verrv; Needle and Sînce starting piano lessons she The bride was attractively thread. open. Ernest Werry and Mrs. bas passed ail examinations with gowned in shell pink triple sheer p. Vanî Camp;: married ladies run - hon ors in ail grades. In February over matching taffeta with large ning. Mrs. H. Swain. Mrs. A. this year she passed hler grade VI white picture hat, and carried an Tewell: grandD)arents walkinz race,.orsand in June thîfis yearasseon old fashioned nosegay of pink suni- W. .. H. Philp, Jas. A. Werrv; rad inJ theory on piano an kist roses and blue sweet peas. dinner callinz contest. Mr. and Mrs. Grade 1 violin. At thanourhd She was attended by hier sister, Angus Jewell; oldest Person Green deContyMic FesAttvalDinhay Miss Georgina Darlington, Al- Mr. Robt. Philp). Burketon; younR- this year she came first in tbe monte, frocked in delphinium est Person nresent. Eleanor Mav blu crpe ithlare pctue at owa. Bthav: ostrecntv piano class for girls nine years of and car ied aeafofpincamé a- moaied coupl 'mr. nd r.Angusage, there being 19 entrants. Be- an crreda hefofp bb'ara-maee rs ngssides ber musical ability this tions, blue sweet peas and bay's ,,. Lorneville. .. yugld a ae ntuto breath. Mr. Bill Darlington, bro- WahrclYeouatfle ii i angad in elocuinuto ther of the bride, was best man. atiîer ettigfr e etuveing mca] in__dancing__andin ___________ For the wedding trip by motor abflel e set te accommodinate to Ottawa and eastern points, the 150abls5 r e t comd bride donned a tailored dress of had at once. and tîte 30 to 40 wlîo u;. r L1 brown wool Tahiti cloth with h toe sit back and be patient are Hniii Fr r omeuoules white coat and matching accessor- . iecomiended for their spirit of îes. On their return Mr. and Mrs' faîth and optimismn in the face of Written for The Statesman Glover will resîde in Newcastle. rapidlv disappearinz delicacies. How- b ______________ever. cveîî the ice creamn held otteseAle rw and ail were miore than satisfied with Jsi le rw F'anii R unins the provisioni macle for the phvsical Too Many Visitors Family R unions he t was a real pleasure to ilotee interest of the older people To the woman in a summer cot- Trul AnualRe-uion ýs hevtalkd o a ost f iterst-tage or on a farm, summer brings Trui Annual Re-union as t e ncale o a-ot of eest-hits problem of casual visitors. me z eoplr iences - trosme theToo many people are thoughtless Thîe TrulI family picnic was held vonpolewibig uoead and forget that they are not the in Hmpto Par on aturav, ulyambition ennoblinz tlîeir f ie fea- nyfidswom bvstng inh.Th Ha pnicPark o Satd. ulturcs: and the merrv laugliter anîd onl fietwo myb iig lSth Thepicnc w~ orgiîîted h appv co-operation of the youne e aihie t Mr. Jesse TrulI inî 1894 and withl set asthvcad each other down seburtfiendse Sfew exceptions bas been beld an- th, slide. kept swings and teeter-tt u hnw mixallv. There were about 70 pre- ters busv was a 10v to bebold are worked to senît.hl. deatb trying to The President. Mr. Lorne Tril., Amonk, tbose pîreserit wre: -'%r- feed them, tbey of Trono, cndutedthe usîýssand Mrs. A. B.,\Verrv. Ebenezer: are not so pop- paof Trîte.cogncThtlîe uinss(who were conzratulated on bavine' ular. There are par oftheprgraîî.Th elctîiîcelubrated thuir Golden \\eddineL friends we are of officers for tîte îext vear werc dtiriiig the vcar) ;:'Misss Esther andi always glad to - as follo,,ws: Prusident. Mr. Wle Lena Elford. Mcssrs Ambrose and see but others TrulI, Oshiawa; Sec.-Trcas.. Mrs. Chas. Elford. Woodville; 'Mr. aid we sometimes Harrv Stafford. Oshawa; , Mrs. N rs. John Larmer. MNr. and NMrs. vonder wbe- fedgar Mre L. TrulI ofîther. If- olui Wrightt. Mrs. Stanford Swain. ther it is us fre A~u ae oneiios f te df-Blackstock: Miss Dorecît Werrv. they want to i iretît comînîttees. DI)uîdalk: Ms Ethel Hockridzc. see or wh er Jessie Allen t tssa dcde teofiers Mfrs. Wilbiîr 'Moore aîîid Jeanî, Mrs. they want a Brown tîtat tîte 1939 1icîîic would bc heid Len M'%orrow and Audrev. 'Mrs. \Vil- day at the beach. If it is possible, at Oronio Park. te first Saturdav kiiisoi. Stuart and jean, Mrs. W. W\'. do flot come uninvited for that ioliowiig lui\- l2th: Stinson. Toronto;: Mrs. Lena Shueg- special time or at least do not _______ectt anîd Helen. Liitdsav: 'Mn. n corne unannouncedi. Tltere are Mrs. ene R bt. r.) Brkeon ,Msome very thoughtful visitors and Wery Fcnc (es Dr) s. Philp). Calgarv:r.1- 1bave had my share of them. aiid MNrs. W. J. H. PhilQ. Mrs. >os. One such would write me, "We On Wediîesdav. JlIs2tlî. Eliott Pril. Mrs. H. Drew. Sunîderlanid are coming to see you on Sunday Mleniorial Park. Hamptont. again .1Misses Lillie and Faimn- Pbilp, Cao- and I will bring a cooked roast becaine the reiîdezvous of the Werrv ninejton: Nfrs. Thos. WVilliams. Caes- and a cake." I knew then I did conînection. Over 70 were Presenlt area: Mr. and Mrs. . F. Werrv, not need to prepare meat nor for tîhe mid-day muaI wlîicb wasM",r,. R. J. Luke. Kedron. cake. Most people bring along sitbstantial aîîd temptinz witît an a- Ittndance of potato Pies and bcrrv ' Ctrs of regret at inabilits' to bec something but you never know pie wit al te tcteas bih o resent werc receivcd fromnl essrs what iti o ave to get things pie wih al he tceers wich90Luther H. Clarke. W~inidsor: Os- ready just the samie. Another witli these delectable dishes anidj mond Sonlev' Goderich; Harold frîend neyer knew beforehand rounîd out a favourite menu. T rebl e. Ottawa; W. J. Bassett. just when she could corne but she Aftur the ladies lusd cluared the Auirora: Fred Hobbs. Carmn always brought along a picnic tables. Presiderît. Fraiîk Werrv. Man..~ and indirectle, many others. supper. Often she did not know Bethesda. called tlîe conîpanev to or- ____________ - herself in time to make any spe- dur anîd the Secretarv. Mirs. Eltoît cia] preparation but she would Wýerrv. Bownians'ilIe. read the *in The largest open air dance pa- pack cans of salmon or tuna and ites. Miss Florenîce Wýerrv. Trea..- vilion intewrd is being rapid- have lettuce and tomatoes and, tirer. »resented lier report. Tlîe. re ly pushed to completion at the some sweet biscuits. Sometimes Port of tlîe Nomiiîating Committee Canadian National Exbhib it i on, she brought weiners and rolîs but \\* G.Werv nd as.A.Werrs. where three ou tstanding dance it was always something that %vas preseiîted anîd tliese office'*bad, alfaoies of radio and provided a quick, easy, substan- ior193-.1 elctd: re'idet-screen, will be heard. These tial meal. Supplies are not ai- Frauk Wrrv.Bctiesd: Sbrenrds are Guy Lombardo and bis ways easy to get and the unex- Miss Bernice Werrv, Oshawa. R. R Royal Canadians and the Bennv, pected guest is a worry. I say 1: restier.\issFlrecc er 'Goodman and Tommy Dorse' 'guest" but it is usually a car- 13owiaanv.ille.: Corresooidilig Sucre- uis fuIl. The farmer's wife bas the tarv-Mliss Nora Werrv. Oshiawa, ________ samne difficulty. There is always R.R 2: Coinmittee of Naniazenienti the other side too. Many a To- -Nîr. anI Mrs. Wmi. .I. Pliiij>. Carl- ronto family does not corne home nuis : Ni r. and M rs. Lewis SNvainî until after the Exhibition to avoid Bfiirketon: Mr. and 'Mrs. Cari a ltouseful of country friends. Wright. Blackstock. Visiting is easier in this day of It wss decided to lîold the Picnic -ars and we sbould ail be careful lext vear on Jiulv lStb at Hamptont not to impose. Park. subiect te the pîcasure of the .. Miniature Tolletries iictitj xctv.A vote of bqL A woman seems to need s0 tbauîks ivas tendered the retiinig Sec- manv things to go away even for retarv for lier splleiidid services for a week-end that the packing is the past fivee Ncars. Brief messages often a problemn. It is a good idea and greedines were brougzht to tbe to assemble your toilet needs in zatberinz bv Mrs. Ethel Hockridge. the small sized packages avail- Toronto; Messrs A. B. Werry. Eben- able. The drug stores or the five- ezer; A. L.. Pascoe. Solina, and Miss and-ten carry wbat are known as NoaWrv Shoes Rebulit trial-size. Many of thern are put Noa \Ver ad. ene h u nboth tubes and bottles and Ci' lots ats hercaddsred tthe And RePalred for travelling tubes are more conifoUi of the compaie and wve ev- We guarantee our worlkman- convenient. Collect the things cil welcomed a couple of liehit shlp and inaterials. Try our you need in these small sizes and slîwes drig t-1ftenoîî.Th-qu-ly ilk-oyfti- aseblethm 1- abo . It of company may arrive just be- addIiirn ii AI.\r. FlooIs liolise at tI hu ~.Toronto. visiting 'Mr. and fore dinner and you have that west end and a sun-roorn to the hoitte Mrý. L. Lansink. awful sinkîng feeling of knowing of Ml.r. and Ml,,ý,rs. Young, \I,, Gretta Huintenyý lias returned there is just onie chop apiece and Cga ttons"to Entrance 1)t"l)ilstu bhr lh nie iii Oshaw'a after a very 1wonder whatever you are goinglfroni N.1 who passed: Ruth Pen- ' a'anît wudek isi1inz NMr. an(I Mrs. to give them to eat. A few cans fudAeaie Wilson and lR'hert TF,(î tr, of sausages are a great help to tr have on hand. You may use them Symipathy is cxtended to relative., jr .Ia~in m rs.M.J lalone and have themn browned by ofhFaeMs JmsHnok al ;ui<l sons. Llov(l and Les are the time the table is set. If you m.tHughes and want a real hearty meal, open a *Mrs. W . Huhes ad soit Blsl. îis Nflcohniiandi Mr. Doolev, can of baked bas enad Ih e a Toronito, visitc(i Mliss Mlarv Mal- sausage, and gherkins, with toast durig the absence of their mother colii. and coffee tastes mxighty good at Kitclîçer.NIr. R. Wik-n n cni.t of Kit- when you are tired and hungry. . . gâephý Grills, New idagtrMr.R And it is a meal that is s0 easy %vith Mr. Wm. Stacey. Other visit- Brvden and Mr. Bry(leîî îho are to prepare. When the meat on ors who remembered Mr. Stacev speîi(îing their vacation at WViliiam's hand is not enough for the unex- around his birthday were: Mr. andPonwr etsoManl r. pected company just add some MNrs. J. johils and family and Mr. Perintdergts f .a( Ms sausage as they are good miùxers Glen Stacev, Raglan; Messrs Wilson Ms uhG aý1j Djtls and go well with any other kind Richards and Wm. McAdam, Osh- Mrs. Huehn G. aylor speni last of meat. If you have a summer awa: MNrs. Samuel Preszcator, s'- azhe and husband, Mr. and Mrs. cottage, have canned sausages al- ter and Miss Betty Harness, grand- Russell Morden. ways on the shelf. The fish you icce from Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tîtonpson expected to catch proved reluet- Mrs. G. Revnolds with friends in visited ai Thurstonia Park and Fen- ant or the butcher wagon is late, Oshawa.eon als but it is an easy matter to sub- MrnFl. s alradMs et stiut te susge Itissu~prs-Ne Li L flWarburton. Lindsay. visited the ing the number of womnen who Netlto have neyer used thern. If you are former's D)arents. Mr. and Mrs. H. one of these, try them and see if G. Taylor. you too do not find themn a help Mrs. R. J. Harrison, Rocanville. Bethany defeated Nestleton 5 to 1 in an emergency. Sask.. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert in second izame of Northî Durham Dickev. play-offs. Thtis leaves both teams Toasted Onlon Sand-.iches 'Miss Florence Venning and new- ticd for championship. Onions aren't everybody's disb but I always feel sorry for the person who does not like them. Sometimes I think this dislike is just a pretence - tbey are too, too, plebian. One of our friends who says she cannot eat anytbing with onions in it, always remarks on our salads and cannot see why tbey always taste better than bers. It is the dash of onion that does it, but if she knew the onion was there, she could not eat it. Onion sandwiches have always been a favorite around our bouse when wtt are specially hungry, but the other night we tried them made with toast and they certain- ly were good. Just separate thin- ly sliced Bermuda or Spanisb on- ions into rings, saît and pepper themn generously and place be- tween slices of buttered toast. You can use the slice witbout be- ing separated into rings of course, but it makes it a bit onîony. Cucuniber Sauce Beat t,à cup whipping cream until stiff, add ¼/ teaspoon saît, speck of pepper and stir in grad- ually 2 tablespoons vinegar. Pare, cbop and drain a cucumber and stir into the cream mixture. Serve with fisb. Enfield Recent Visitors: Mir. and Mrs. Earl Bowman. James and Vincent, Kitchener, are visitiuîg at Mr. T. Bowman's. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Sarginson. Mrs. Heven and 'Mr. Carl Hewei. To- ronto. Mrs. J. Sanderson andI'Miss Miuinie Argue, Peterboro, .\Mrs. T. Arguie. 'Mr. and Mirs. W. Wright, autd Mr. J, .\MeGil]. Jauîetville, have buen visitirie at 'Mrs. J. and Mirs. H. stiîisouis. -Miss Verna Ormiston. Oshawa, at MNr. H. Smitb's. Dr. and Mrs. Wt. M\cCuillocl, of Oroîîo. at Mfrs. John ,%cculloclls aîd MN. L. C. Pascoe's. Courtice Rev. W. C. Smith of Ebenezer Unîited Chîirch is loldiiiîg Siiday eveîîing services at No. 8 school bouse for a few viecks. MNr. Edwini Pidduck, lias a verv effective touri st attraction on lus lawn in the fort of a iten of four pure hred FuiglislhbuIli(log pupis Local iinplro-emieiits iîclude an SALE 0F i~:iSummner Dresses Continues ANOTIIER TEN SMART COOL DRESSES $2.95 on sale $1,.48 Better Dresses Clearin g And Less HATS 49c MEN SUMMER SUITS - Greatly Reduced Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 LUMED Bowmanville -OIN~i(INSTI' (S)a WILST CANADIAN MMD EVAP. MUILK » BUfLAcK STEA - UNETANG FACIAL SOAP WOODDURY'S S MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES » M'RACLE WHlIP 3' .25 %:-34 "t.,29 2 0.15 \ %&..18 Golden Ripe BANANAS ............ 3 Ib. for 230 LEMONS ................. Doz. 24) CELERY HEARTS ........ Head.5C IL- ý 'm'a PAGR FTVF. At Hait Price Regular Now Only mmm 25C

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