-- -1 ý THIE CA-XA-DIA-N STATESNIAN, BOXYMANVILLE, ONTARI O THURSDAY, JULY 28TH, 1938 Salem Rev. A. W. Mardi . is îvng a vacation at Boston. Nass. and the Sunldav evenirîg service svas con- dîîcted lb% Rcv. Storie (if Toronto, whio served for a nunîhber (if Nsars as nlissionarv in South Amcerica. Those who attended were verv iltclit Pleased with his discourse. On Tires- dav cvcniniz Rev. Storie gzave anl il- lustrated lecture on South Aincrica and its rieofle. whichitîdeed svas a treat and a Christian as svell as a çecular education. It svas regret- ahle that more of the conziregatietî did iot turn ont te hecar it for thecir own benlefit andt< lili iheudfit NIMr. .Storie ini the gzreat work lie is do- iîng. Mir. and 'Nrs. E. Silver anidNMas- ter Il. Locklîart nîeotored te \tis' tà. spenld the Nweekcnd w itlit NI r Silvcrs sister. Nîrs. Nlav antd fatu- ilv. Tîte NMisses \Xcrrv. ltethlestia. acconi panied thic . .\AHlre iort a iileasatît t rip antI vis it. NIrs. \V. Nîoffat one MXiss..R. Suair) i, qilte iii at lier flieIl Corn Qratil at ion,; te Nl is sA. siîîitli antd NIi s i. NcNw mantii npi..'ne i ici r .NIr. ain I ' rs.S. I lt ters a11 fa n ilv sot-ut the sveckelit witlt Mr. atï Nîrs. WX. A. Loeklîart. Niaizara Falls. N. Mîr. and i Nrs. .E. l3Doizie det , cil The SCHOOL ONTARIO HOSPI announices the opening of th and WOMEN, who have co are desirous of entering pro: Pearl Sha.rpe, Reg. N., Princ HOLIDAY NE) REMEMBER - No Brej Be sure to order enough you over ivic Holiday. extrai - friends might di For your holiday picnic roils, pastries. and Ging CORBETT'S Phone 890 HEIN The name that identifi in Food Pri Miss Hildz I-ome Economist and t- is at our store for the bi She most cordially invites: Heiz Products witl C.ream Celery HiE u Onion ~ Oft Spinach 5 Your Choice 2 tins 25c'T CANADIAN HEINZ 99c SPECIAL Tour choice of One Dûren of the assortment you desire - SmaII Sou hetti, Kldney Beans;, Mî-dium Tnji tard - Doxen HEINZ SPECIAL $1.41 Choose a dozen of these product, home for only $1.49. 'MNediurni:i Spaghetti. M.acaroni. Vezetariin iB Mato Julce. Small Peanul Butter Keinz Strained Foods fc Keioz Ketchup........ fIARRY' GROC Phoos 3M7 - M6 GRO( att afîertiot'sý outing on Fridav. go- buîsiness Part. It sas decided te svlo celefrrated his IMIh birthday on ini te Orotto Park wiît the 1lanto- M on ave a chicken supper, a bazaar andl Ha pto Saîurdav. at his son's, '.Ir. Irwin to V.whcre the secct were vu- a nlav ini the faîl. Programn was in Bragg, Providence. t crtaitted ai a pici jc hvt lie Oretît charge of Mrs. W. D. Freguson and Mr. Harold Taylor. Toronto. at1 Soit.Rectîit Visiiors. cbnsisted of iîterestînz readings bv Recetît Visitors: 'Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Nîrs. G. A. Sti)tlienis lias retrîcd NIr. andtiNIrs. F. B. Glaspel and Irs. Bell. Mariorie Galbraith, Leah NIr. and Mrs. J. T. Mollon, Tom Mr. and Mfrs. Sau~Bray, Enfield. homtîe safeiv after lier long triv o t iiss .Noiutt.îGiaspcl at Mr. Gco. \[cQtade and Mrs. A. E. McGill. ANI,11n. Misses Gladvs. Greta and NMr. and Mrs. Geo. Bray. Oshawa, tlhe Wcesîte atîtndtlte fultîrai î't Ili5s, laîteroft. tlelicious lunch was served and a Beatrice Mollon, Toronto. and Miss called on friettds here. Sundav. lier sister. Nirs. Craie. Miss..Nortua1 Glaspel is stavinz a social time enioyed. Rubv Jewvell. Oshawa. at Mr. C. .1. Mr. aud Mrs, Don Vanderhoof. Ir. antd Mrs. G. Corilisli atd Ir. svock eaiiiîîe ith NIr. antI Mrs. ir s. Gerald Wilson,. Marilyn anI Kcrslake's. Rochester.,NMr. and _Mrs. Bill Hoar. Mrs. R.Coriiisi atteded theGeogirlltfrineRutharer. anitrsn EMrs. RWilsonn andI N rsaRit iîshatttivieheI cottasgite. 'Mth Nr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant, Gary i.adNr.EwvRie n Jebnls-XVeods picîtic ai Oronio antd on Nlss. haitNiîîve Coluimbuts, a ~eîs te and Carol. Miss Nora Kerslae and family. Orono, ait Mr. E. R. Tav- Stîîidav te%-svstct tîte d.îv sith NIr. o Nvi II 'sIliervI Giaspel. Mr. Fred Dickinson. Toronto. at Master George Spice with Mr. and lor's. \V. Veîîds ai Newtoiiville. 'Nî1randîl Nîr.-at'î1 Nîrs. Herb Rîtndle. Alma M.F...Msn'.Irs. Miarshall at Oak Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds NIr... \V. Fitzc. lanetile. aise al-atd Floretnce. H ampt~îon, Niss Louise Mir. and irs. Nfervin lvountjo3 Ir n r.C .Krik.an os hldpi.Mse lu coîtttattiedtrl tentteNestetville. N r.;11r' Fiees. ffeGrve NsIapl ttnddth Grrl fth vteWn. Mr nNlisC.J.KrsakEthels hiadp andise Mu G.attcnded thes funeran ofetilellate Wm.kGeorge and Vera with NMr. and Nirs adStella Revnolds. Bowmanvîlle. G. orîi.i h' ect ntlie .îk i.t.XViis. Oshawa. ut NMr. J. XVt . Bal- Neals at Betlianv. F. R. K Mlk.Boîayll .Nr. anîd Mrs. Lumb. Tampa, Flor- sonlias.t atNIr Mr. Howard Challis. Toronto, at çr adrs. c aker, knti ie. ida. Mrs. Will Leask and Donald Nîr.J. ~\.f. Go. lac's.aîd Barbara. Mliss Elsie Nioore, To- called on Mfr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker. Burk tonSoltia Mr.Balon s silironto. with Mr. and Mrs. Harrv During the sev(jre electrical storm urketon ~~ ver,,il. Sii.Nr ast Dozens of military bands-gljt- lîlwell. Miss Dorotliv Holwell re- %%Illich passed over the village Tues- .li. and iNrs. Clarenîce Tiîîk and tering scarlet and goldi-martjai tîîrîîd with them f romn visiting in day morning '.\r. Jack Bakers d;i.îig Iticr..I lHatmptoni.NIfr. and Nlrs. music such as brings a patriotic Toronîto. bouse svas strîîck but neot mttcb kccett isîtr.he itî , k. Solitia. Nr. and Ni\rs. surge to the hearts of everyone- Nr ri aeTrtt.witlî daniageil. A post iin the yard splini- Nîr'.. .NaV..ev. u\\*tt, inWi. Siues, COshawa. ai Nir. Frank this is the Military Tattoo, one of Mîr. EHoelBkrrot. tered and a shock of grain across .i-. andtîl Xi. FIl. Ceîeîil.l'a.e the outstanding attractions at the Ir. a.d irsl.J..Kioese the road buri. Tîte hydre tratîs- NIr.aid ir.Johin Nallestil M r. anîd Nrs. Luthîer Pascoe. Nr. Canadian National Exhi b it ion.aîîd Betty. Ni.ad r.L . former atiNMr. Tues. Bakcr's wsa f,înii. ktcbeo. tiit lr:îîui liîîk ia..cîicand ldaugbters. NMisses held this year on SaturdiaY, Aug- vz, El.. r and 'iss Knoîx atib 5t et XI,, '. 1. Recuitnlcieandtl Aîa l'ascoe ai the Awde ust 27th only. iîîl dthe sseddinz of Miss Ger-l Nir. attd irs. Charieton NiefBride, NIr.Glîîv Iiî~îitt Ii .. iecTcait H iglitPa rk. To ronto, ii_________________o__________nrtueKî\o eîglat i.Burton ajud NarN, Peterboro. a i \r. li ick. Nlihîeîk sitit Nr. and lNîr>..Sattrdas Bustrton iRoberts of Toronto, fuis- Geo. NVhie's. Tri ie.N .att is e lHoskitî atnd 2'.\ Ir. and Nirs. Alex XWilson atnd Nîr... Il. t ;.iîev si'ias lî,îiîcî i.f.iîî l'îr*tsCorersat 'Ir. ____________________________ es. anîd Nrs. Franîk Crvdcrnîat fanîilv. Toronîto. irs. WilsonNViî- itin wiîiî Nirs. F. Cîtîglitili lias .i'tiBlo'.anid baîbv IoaN cv York, sviître- hi. atiNr.. .L. Pascoees andl Nr. NîIttllil irhieaiNivrýIrs. 1. \V. NieNaster andI .lex ai _______________________ltives and friends here. Rov Lattgmaid's. Fllis. T lri t I r. Harrv C.sslttgToronto. ai II.adMs V olii d NIlr. las. NîcNaster, NMiss Naîîcv hotme. fil1 itl(,( th \,((Iols1la4ia[NIqv oota I .\.y ANIlrs. C. Joints and NMiss Natîcv T r n [ien al()roittttPark, on Titsl. k * Ilttt..le fitin Wctlsdslasi to visit Il r. ,andi Nirs. Isvatt Cochîrante, * the joritters nepiîess. Ir. aii(i Nrs. ___________________________________ IBotiaivil.ai NIr. Rav Cailer-* Albeîrti .\ii ai Port A-rthuîr. iraveil- Sirîdas- School 10. i ni Chiîrch onLkr' tlt. K leit. . a ' itie hs boat frein 1PrtN [cM l ervce. Il a.m. Re v. A , NiIlrss m C. \\. li. '. Ca es altîl ation. 'I s rd 11tiii,. 0 h w , ai -,ii%; rret Irietei te l en oiSîttîtaN Tv relie XV. 1. m t nid t iils 2îhlh at O F N RS Nli. Rît...ei I sta intîthn. h iiu, te hlie eo f Nir. Ed. Cooke- Nii itihe URS N rtballarvsvii frieth j I E A T R E \\- It.r oIiLlas Ni~ts iTe- t Presidetti chtarge. Rol alNa 10.iîs. I tîari u 12 d sII t:tt' xiili is couisint. NI i.s .-cs atîssered sih suggetiîons tor thc 'IA , Il 2 ;t1 -Bvix taîtsilie itn Oshawsa jultixBOWMANVILLE hiro. - Ceirîtunits FPark -. A sileiîdidipro)- F îuucrai f lie lau Satttîci .w i. s Ilr. ail Nir..;. Co'îvlink, vss t i-l f roît eviîtî-ie ct1siii 't he fail term. Young MEN stas l areeaiîded oit Sttîcias-*. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. t-stii. i-li, a.two solos by _NIi.sNiariotn i Dîle mpleted hi.gh schooi and Ni r.. Alati Fishier antd baly)\- i UL 2-2o3 Nîr. atîlsi î.. L. Tritllat t and a so lo bs- Nrs. Ross. Grat: liseeîrîtc filtfrotîî BosyttiatiJY282-30s ii fi idi in Peterboro. Nr.X.B olr ~canaical )fessional life, -,;rite Miss sliIh'.îi.l Ii....Elcta N idderv. Torontto. ivith t îaik on tue homie. takinz Ouir iii île ,ipal, for f ull information, b ler si tîcr. NI r.. R. Xiddicotith aîd fer ~Houlte aîîd Coitintr\-' as lier oui- 1t'ler. Nîrs. L. Nidderv.fine. SIte siressed thie fact tuai as Kendal 01' NIrs i ne. Colsvil ii i frietîds aittirmes are advattcing the hotciîk e Fît f ied. er ut ie an alerit stîdettt as te aS ~~~~ Nî~rs. Editlt Black, Bowntaîille îîîerc eetso hetaxti Recetit Visitors s~itiiilier pareiits. NMr. anîd -r. X-tithebite>fidas-.Nirs. 1. Nîr. Fred Robinson. Toronîto. vitht .a hikot ititPeieî.gv rs Mltn'tbi Ir. and NirI. Fred XVilsott. To-i talk oti thte C-prto Programi NI r. atdlNior. NI i£o.t Rrsttsoui ..ýjrs. Rov Keanie anîd soit. Brant- - :tt'ýtNî.SKrsls ttd ru tlte Intîernationîal Pece Gar- ierd wit Mr.andMrs.MarqiI r. Shltka. 'Z:arkviilç. ivitht his detîs anud ai..o oiltihie Ideai Nienîber - (T ONDAYton. iitt Nr. uîdNir. Mrats a~jr Montlvstakirwtb Ce ltters of ideal te asaî; Youg its ttîa-Schtool Class DelieraiotirEn *d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nii' Deier ht a ebln pete ti - . s Sîdav., il beitIe strsîck b\ tit.iasm. \'px a n îd Loi aits- Pak-hileie in,-îerded across t tak-iîza tetcnIistiiuîe atnd abet- Nii.s.-sutîbcîe etdr- V hto re- . h -) ljiwas- froiitue u'a..îître. rcsîîiniîîe er ctilruî s. Cienîelis on this weekend t-o carry 1ieîîcid frointNIcLeai's sctool hias i hdsfr ltc~ie. te , fT ttcadies vie Better order a little t eitappitiiteil teachier of Poittvpol ,~$<s Nr udNr.F .Coehv ot t.rîx~t : iîlrîks to thie Botv- chol.ibteirfiartît and lias e 4iivto 0Ille îî:vtrý1ýv after 'shich -i plea- trop in.ŽsMr. itî]Nirs. Jack Glov e iv- siat.t e.d s-î is o .-: .... .oris .re:vitb M .lc sit Irs.. s D riîgct. ' "toter. XI rý.. a.. i n ..M - . ...îsCtr esir li:c get sandwich bre'idNlr.\aitui A. arit oelaîdnhtiffi.tetisr.o a t .: 't _ýZ,!- er;ý t' ii. anei.d rNfrtuiai a f..si naM BellS tas'ntî ýer Ale this weekend.,îîl.CalifflIellcrott.ai Nîr. andti:1ad a.t..o, IteC3 1!r P. N'74> P_ Prt . S i 1ir ). L . IlleUs. lll, , s wee l - lie Ht: e î. Nir. adsii r.. Etltraiit Evas it. e Ifranîrîila a i'cc i ii tîeir na::- Nk it. I r. li-. i -rn. IL Nîr. antd Nîr... Iiiîî'î Rob- tai n îî Frikla.. a fturitooiwlictiial: itizh.o. r ero it ilî i tfr. WnVj B A K ERY101 t.etS. I a.îil,~ ciii t ialetlimrie. Htei-i BA KiYi ..Fih tR 0ieie shtawa, i-itRek \V, - at.klaitt isa.. ileîl Nr. Hizlit ICi!te' i-.. ii Ttrtîrie. 11h-iii.. froit XNlIIs...îTiIiI,îiI ,sa e \i-ltt nie NlCîlo Ir. - Ha ai-r..1 ut Bownuanville alI - tutI Nr. . tî.ettlt .Austinî. INr. t- île ileatît --f Nr. SaIIiuî ls totl. ai ir. R.NeCil'teî. XX-IX i.. -andtîlNIr. ailn i r,. 1Johnti 5'.ltet. filit.1ali itîk ithace f i eut ii r Xr.,and il Xii. ...NI r-io i - a 's un 'i rt'îie andîlfatîtils- iutl XI r. and Iboi ue ti Sîti.îî .s \ fi irit 'î, îti nd a.. XI r..ANtnu tr Ha rhîr. Nlit... C. NI ac - 'tIr.. I.1). hil. larzels aiteitl Sittcre IIs itiitNi keitzie attlnId..Tîirti cr auNIfr. R. ______________________ lr... Roi Keatte andî sotu. Branît- ii t..u.îîene tttt1iti Jlack-s. i amis irB. Setti MNr. \V*.NMalDiaitîl i otr \ i ut NIMr. attd ir. Iarîtîti..icir hi-reas ît Ii I iss NIacken-izie reitai:teîi for a S~ tiser.Ni r. F. XV. Lewssi. . Torontto. re- s î't. S prtc.itiiiethe Teittîraiie e Fee- Ni r. attîl Nrs. cita.. V-uc Enniskillen BAR A RAevelinki ait îave a ..irriiie adires.. cock. NîItt7ra. ss it Xi- . Xi onatîtthe cteitiýecti uespttion.Stîtas ile..-.N.aîdNr.Fe ib Z__5__7_S TA N W YCK "5on tc eniksoni-thce % qi. Iti ta.ic lss ~ ~~N!à,eD.. 'ald.C bu.r Receti Visitors: JOHN BOLES bcginitig Goa," les the very finest 1rttnto. twifi I r. andNlrs lIberî N ESiLYM pl r v N T E -oducts. Mn..îatd NI r.. C. GraithtanitlRELLASED tNRU UNM ISTU fatîtiiiv. Oshtawsa. Nirs. Ridge. Ilas -\tntiîal N.I.atndNi-:. V ~~~doIt %iitti r. C. Bovds. v ietie xviil he ltid on XX -.j..- U U à Y o u n lg M r. aut(] Is. XV. H. '<ale, T-T E B M RA aftertott. A n.. 3rd. at .-,-y j leinz Demonstrator Met-le viie friendsi Belleville EPISODE 5 ladies are sPel iiitu,11i Ialance of this week. IMsssWinie auiçI MNi.îeTnwui. wàff!Ài& II~~ Lotndon. ont._sitt Mt-- :- you to Ieely Xi.FodPttc.NisVnaNr udNn.Ca-e ,~- Sample H.axdout. ai Nîn. E. C. Ashîcî't. MeI Folev X hout obligation. Fethltk.Torconto. ai Nir. S. R. PetIt- ID YRIT RC B IMiss Atudresl G. uaîs - - icks. LA 1""'RA S Nichtîts attended the funei-a~î M tr. att!nd in.. Goront. Rtchtester. Sîce hr latters ibrotbcr-iîi-law. Nir. T . soti.Tonoto. utd ShortsII Try ' Nii-' i Nîîdaî. Orillia. at Nîr. R. o.loonoioiona Tordtîs Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Nir. R. R. Stevetts. Mn. H~- INîrs. i. Hobbs witht Mr. I. Brooks aîteuîded the double ---a i P I OUPS Hhs t Fridav loi the formern.s ,, i M tr.-satd Nîs. R. Gordont sviîîî lier Mon. - Tues. - Wed. 1laýw ad rotdhreer-iiî-iav. NI-. ýc 1W Bean I sister. Nîrf. Beatty. Litîdsav. A GS --3Ms n n. h omas inefb-i .- Nîn. autd NI s. R. XVriitadfanAGUTi23Nr.FatkHfodii I." ý i\.PNrçne.aiMr \ .tîte soîttht farun iii.. c hîî lu i; Fr.- Noodie tix I otre BNr. NVm. XVrilsselilives. s\-as s'iiîtk hv ie-t:er Chicken-Rice lai NIitriie un x t niti' Tue.dax- tni-iieand bî:ircd Corn t Nrs. las. Curtis. Hamcpton. Nr. L-reitd alotte w-it-i..inî; ue Cbowder Iix ' . ositat ic.siîli l...and ti hie scas scu t .. e,.f ba%.- Ox T1. ~Ps... Nîr.. I.. 'C. Sitesideti. NI i t:z s ~'E MONx atl îTaHiltits silî fi- . -Stsdc aen o iittiici N sd iiir tettci- N r . ti e. * loti. r Nir-R. 1leari. Xoodvile ssili ~ 'DO AMI' 'Ir.nl. are Ni P x i.- h Ra rs Choieeta- N itur EN atei a nd Mceaîciss Iic ~SM N iO ~ ~ P~u~ i atttîîît IIIROER YfhuaSli, ina OnJy One tIo Av à uàtomear - ASSORTMENT Sprodurts in any ups. Beans. Spag- nalo Juice. 'Mus-99 M ASSOMTMENT Ls and take them 'e Soups. Beans. A eins Large To- 49U Dozen or babies doz. 1.10 2 Ige. botties 35c ALLIN 'ER MER Bovwmanville School Report HAMsNPTON SK. ROONI Grade 7 t.. Grade ,Z-Eveett .\lliîî. Mi ai-tsi- Ailiit, Pl'csAlîtru. I)oroili Pinzte, Bîuu i Fitgi. 1etîs Rogers. 1 .,u-atle Ot) ti rade 7-Joltti Hos.: IIiilKcrses Garti 'erretî. Ketit . i. 5 t Grade î-Fltreit.ce.Al- j eaut . Amhistîe. David Craie, Glâhds .Kc.\.i-s Naltcr Milis. Stella BbieStainitit. Kath-lveit Cadnius Ni-s lBu-due Fallis. Oshais a. t - J ýti . x anti fatîils- aI itî1i Ml-.stiNIt.Cîtarlie Peansali anti ii ,tIrMi-. A XX- sicfeare spetit- :nse artidais it rto W ds-sX. A. meti i te home M rI:-\V. D. FerRusomi oin Tues- c'a\ In tlie abs.enc-e of the Presideurtu \Ir-.-\N F.NieGil c ttductud the BETL I - JOAR DAVIS ' Oth C@ntuy-i0, Peck~,, Selected Shorts Matinees Monday 2.30 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. COMING SHORTLY JUDGE IIARDY*S CHILDREN KIDNAPPED THREE BLIND MICE EBBTIDE THE THREE CRNIRADÈS WVELLS FARGO LORD JEFF. vale. a fiotrmur a 7 . w Y r-.. r i.1 0utr stîccial r.. u i..rs srsce arsd lft nîîtisui.. iîtg î'tos c-idcd b.--7tt choir imeinhben,. Thete wL 1'- n Stndav Sqcb. tIi service. E\-et- -t us lokît oîrm-ard t - -u . reuîîiontt(:),U Sàturdax- ai-d sn Thete ulpit 1hast SurdpýA-as tc- cittiieti b'Mn. Lt w is ,-ifT-r- n-it'a is-Io spoke vers accùc-aiý- i.thalf of the Teiperlance Federatton. Mi-. Gi-o(rgze XVerrx axeui-d itha Ni eSl stolo. RucetitNiîtr .Nîr.. K 'ltird I'- Va in. li Nîar% î.ai-n. Mri. 'il] S vmen-s and .Nîr E\%lre-i > .T n-t..ai Xli- Harrv Ta% h--r- Xli- titi M r> i.--isi -s tafk anti fîtt 'itl: fi7:.d, ai i-X-hca et-n. Dr . àtd NIt- E:hI is cnît.ýd. His- biirkz. NIr-,'A I Rs n..tds. Muii-cal. aîîcutded t1îe funi-nal.c4 NIr. Edwii:. R&-v% hild. B -milautlte,y,, Fi-idas - ai,,! sÎ:- ttialiss- Mai-v lT..tàrtlt, XIî.-I'vai-i artd J..ait iLeach îîiti theirn i t'ait14t. Xii- anttiXli-. Nînman ixaci. Taîîîtt ît. NI-. Chtf u-isircsm.td. Xihstk iuit Xli-. George XNcrry. \1 r. ar- id . Jack Baker antdi fanîîiv lL aîd Mms Maurice Bak- er atd laîtuce attrîded thc birîhdaN isaniv iii liotour of Mr. \V. .1.Bnaize Worth at Least $ sviîh ber brother, N.Ir. NV. MacDoni- ald. Res-. A. W. March is visîting re- latives in Boston. NVe hdpe he wiill bc much improved in health ont bis return. .Nir. and Mrs. Herbert Camneroît, .Mr. Robert Cameron. Nirs. Woods atttnded the Xalters Reutiioti ai Owietn Soutnd and visited Nir. L. Kis'- ell's. lZas Burgess and Laltra Bîurgess, Long Saultt wiîh their grattdmothen. Nfrs. Viola Smith. Mrs. Dudley Bradd. Oshasva, vis- iîing Nrs. James Dudlev's. Nirs. Chtas. Bigelow is home after spending several weeks in Bossmatt- ville Hospital. Nir. and Nfr. A. W. Annis. Mn. Lonne Atinis sith Mr. Allan Anutis at Iackson's Point. Nir. Robt. Buîrgess is confitîed ti lis bed. Dr. Storev. Toronto, took, charge cf the chuîncb service Sîttîîav mcm- mei and also presented bis lanternt slides of South America Mntday eveniîtg in the vestrv of the cbunch. Tsio heavv clectrical storms pass- cd oven our commuuits caris Tues-i Nir. atîd Nis. F. L. Bvauîî .\NIr.i ;PECIAL ,LE CLOTHS Linen -aC Size 68x86 $1.00 More SALE STubfast Colorfast PRINTS 15c yard A Regular 19c Value Wide choice of colors and patterns. atnd Nins. W. F. Park attenîd Ile oetitie of the "French Village' ilt the cîilliseum ai the Exhibitieut, grounîds, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and famiiv .Nirs. WVilson, Sr., Toronto. calieti oui Mrs. James Storie. Nir. Jack Yeo went te Toroto Hospital on Nionday where ut us ex- .ected he w'iIl îuîdergo an 00cer- atiefl. WILKINS PICNUC The Wilkins family held their att- mutaI picmic ai Cream of Bariev oni Juulv 2lst. when 45 wcre presett ivitît the veumeesi niemben. litîle Ruth Wiukims, daughter of NMr. and NI rs. Theodore XVilkins of Oshawva. celebratitte ber finst hirthtda.v. -' suumptuueuîs sîtoper wsas served anI the electioti of officers ivas conduci- cd. The littie folks wene etertaitteu with races, cames and a peamti seramble whtile the eIder folks pilav- cd bal] tilI dark xvhem aIl depanteil for thein homes leokimg forsiard te tiexi vcan's picnic. COWLING SEILS THE BESI And Serves You WeII When IVe Test Eyes You Are Assured Entire Satisfaction in Fit, Style, Quality and Prîce. SPECIAL 2 Tubes 25e Listerine Tooth Faste 26c 10 Cakes Castile Soap - 25e Vacuum Bottles - - 29c Nova Kelp Tabs. 79e - S1.39 Pablum-------------45e Flit - - - 19 33c -55e Fly Fume - - 29e- 49c - 89e Kleenex - - - 15e - 33e Cushioned Facelle - - - 20e Dry Hoir Becomes Monageable, Ra* dioet Aller Slion- cuooing Wth SliwiC*iD R ENI FOR DRY HA«R 7 q.99C 4«ýgn 59C HERE'S A SNAP English KITCHEN TOWELS lOc each Size about 15x30 In a variety of color stripes A Regular 15c Value An August Clearance IN JULY SWIM SUITS ALL WOOL LÂDEIS' BATHRERS $ .9Reg. $2.98 PURE WOOL BATHERS Reg. $1.98 $1.49 Value KIDDIES' BÊATHERS B9 ere's Real 'LQALKER STORES, IMITED Phone 451 Bowmanville PAGE SIX 'I Use Kerslake's Sweet PickIe Mixture for Beets, and be sure of good results 1 Gal ................ 35e FREE 1 Glass Tumbler with om! 1 hb. English Health Salt Make your fee happy -itth NU- 39c of foot do,- Pe per 2 c D d' iî 7 a s y - N Uus' S r p 7 h l.lA sor ent 29 Art Border Priintseostno oethnoiaypitrs Try us wt our De pinendPint ing P~eetP.er.O Wing, Druggistg R BIG WALKER OFFERING 0F and Bargains t--- -g s --t-- -'-w--. i