TUE ORONO N ]ws Institute Members'Are Entertained At CampBy Bownianville Ladies A very delightful afternoon was spent in Cream o! Barley Park on Thursday when members of the Orono Women's Institute were guests of Bowmanville branch. Following a hearty welcome the Sprogram started with the singing o! the Ode. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, District Sec- retary, and presiaent of the Orono branch, spoke briefly, compli- menting the Institute on their last month's program and thank- ing them for the invitation. She aiso discussed the officers' rally at Tyrone on October 26th, and speaker service at Solina October 18, 19 and 20. Mrs. J. Thickson, District Presi- dent, spoke brie! ly, extended a welcome to Orono members, andi took charge of the program in the absence of Mrs. F. Lyle. The program consisted o! three thought-provoking papers.by Mrs. Thickson on three different phases o! Institute interest. The first was on "Friendship", the second on "The Peace Garden" and the iast on "The Ideal Member." The lat- ter began with a poem, and con- tained the thoughts that an ideal member should be individual, de- liberate, enthusiastic, appreciative and loyal - the first letters speil- ing out the word "ideal" - and that all should strive for four- fold development. Mrs. Brown, of Bowmanville took charge of the foiiowing sports, prizes being given to the winners. Time race-ist, Mrs. H. G. McDonald, Orono, 2nd Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono; Shoe kick- ing-Betty Bettles, Bowmanville; Threading the needle-Kathleen Stark and Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono, first, and Hazeu Wood and Mrs. Northcutt, Bowmanville, second; 11ttle rolling race-lst, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, 2nd Mrs. Fred Cowan, Orono. A delicious supper was served under a shelter as clouds were rolling up, and after ahl had par- taken o! the good things provided, a number had their fortunes told by tea cup reading. Mrs. E. J. Hamm, secretary o! Orono branch, thanked the Bow- nianville friends for the wonden- ful time, after which a pair o! pil- low cases were drawn for, Barbara Rolph o! Orono drawing out the lucky ticket which went to Mrs. Barton, Bowmanville. A peanut and candy scramble foluowed, and~ a prize was given to Mrs. Mutton zî o! Bowmanvilie whose guess of 1500 beans in the bottle was ex- Sactly right. Mrs. Rodgers and Mrs. Todgham, Bowmanvîlle, were awarded the pnizes for odest members present. Orono members made a hasty exit for home as the eiements wene becoming more disagree- able. All proclaim it a most wvonder- ful a!ternoon, and their thanks go out to the Bowmanville mem- bers for their hospitaiity. Starkville r. William Robinson is home )rom the hospital wheeh n derwent an operationonhi throat. Miss Meda Hallowell won a prize in the amateur contest at Kendal on field day. Rev. H. W. Foley, Bowmanviile, preached an able sermon on Tem- penance at Shiioh on Sunday. Mn. William Savery took in the soldiers' ne-union in Toronto. Visitors: Mn. Ralph Bougen spent the weekend in Toronto. Master Wilfned Waiken, Toron- to, at his aunt's, Mrs. S. G. Hallo- well. Miss Majory Farrow, Newcas- tle, at home. Mrs. Fox has returned to To- ronto a!ter visiting her sister, Mrs. Siuver. Miss K. McKay. Newtonville, Miss Muriel Morton, Orono, at their grandmother's, Mrs. John McKay. Rev. and Mrs. E. Beech and family at Mn. S. G. Hallowell's. Mn. and Mrs. William Haliowell at Mn. and Mrs. Os Cowan's, Or- ono. Mn. and Mns. Mike Trimble at Mn. Shutka's. Mn. Allin o! the Bell Telephone, 'ronto, and his wife and child 5 th Mn. and Mrs. Lew Halowell. V ]Mn. Stan Falls, Toronto, at Mn. Tom Falls'. Mr. Gordons Clysdaie, Lindsay, was home for the holiday. >f Mn. Delbent Hallowell and lady friend, of Toronto, with his mo- ther, Mrs. Jacob Hallowell. Mr. and Mns. Amrbrose Robin- son at Bert Trim's. Mnf-.-AndMrs. Ros Huo 1l Cowanville Friends atteuded the funeral at Newtonville o! Henry Casement wbo died at Westou. The flowers were lovely, sud the bearers wbo carried him ta bis ast resting place were the boys be bad work- cd sud played with wben he lived in Cowanville. Miss Flossie Graham accomp- auied Mrs. Bennett sud frieuds ta Caesarea by moton. Miss Deyell and relatives, whom we tbought were bere ta spend the summer, have gofie back ta Toronto. Mn. sud Mrs. Cheese- boroansd !amily, who lived ou the Base Line some years ago, are now living lu the bouse. Master Francis Cowau had bis tonsils removed at Port Hope Hos- pital sud is recovering uicehy. Miss Mary Heuderson, Mn. sud Mrs. Wes Stinger accompanied Mn. sud Mrs. Percy Edwards ta Behmont Lake. Mn. aud Mrs. W. A. Reid sud Barbara spent a pleasaut day at Gares Landiug. Messrs. Herman sud Morton Heudersan a! Morrish visited Mn. and Mrs. Bert Crassley. Mn. sud Mrs. Raymond Bruce sud Isobel with Mn. sud Mrs. J. J. W. Stninger. Mn. Norman Westhausen, To- routa, with Mn. Al!. Perrin. Mn. Leslie Reid wîth frieuds lu the community. Lockhart's School Last week Mn. Austin Turner sud Mn. James Dicksou had a numrber o! sheep kilied by dogs, Mn. Turner beiug the beaviest laser. The culprits wene not caugbt. Some o! the farmens in the dis- trict have begun their tbreshing. Visitons: Mn. sud Mrs. John Winuett, Toronto, with Mn. sud Mrs. G. Barchard. Mn. sud Mns. Austin Turner sud Helen, Lockhant's, with Mn. sud Mns. Clarence Turner, Newcastle. Mrs. Daoley, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. Austin Turner. Miss Alma Reddick, Toronta, witb Mn. sud Mrs. Hubert Os- borne. Miss Lottie McLaugblin sud Mn. Ernest Anuabie, Oillia, with Mn. ard Mns. Cccil Mailey. Mn. sud Mns. J. W. Linehan sud Miss Helen Murphy, Ottawa, witb Mn. sud Mrs. F. W. Bowen. Miss Donothy Gibson, Bramp- ton, with Mn. sud Mrs. Harold Gibson. Mn. Ahdeu Gibson lu Toronto atteuding the Canadian Conp Re- union. Mrs. Gilbert Rayuon with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. D. J. Gib- son, sccompauied by daughten Buuty sud Mrs. Rayuor Sr. Mn. Russell Osborne sud dau- gbter Betty, in Toronto, attend- ing the Osborne Clan Re-union Picnic. Miss Anlis Walken, Scarbono Junction, with Misses Vivian Duck sud Dorotby Gibson. DIM AND DISTANT Fno m The Orono Newvs o! July 24, 1913 Mn. James Cuttehl bas returued from the city. Mrs. Electra Eddy visited rela- tives at Witby. Mn. Charles Miller, Toonto, .was home aven the weekeud. Miss Nanie Hoaper is visiting at Mn. Robt. Coliacott's, Darling- ton. Miss Kate McKay is boidaying at Pont Elgin. Mn. Thos. Hill, Pontypool, visit- cd Mn. W. E. Davey. Mn. sud Mrs. L. W. Buckley vis- ited at Mn. Fred Tamblyns. Mrs. W. Caldwell, Bowmanville, visited ber niece, Miss A. Thorn- tan. Misses Leta sud Edua Stutt are visiting thein aunt, Mns. Berule Williamsau at Jauetvîlhe. Miss Onchard o! Oshawa vislted at Mn. Ed. Mortau's, Sixth Line. Mrs. W. Drew sud !amîly sud Miss Drew, Oshawa, wene guests at Mn. T. Smith's. Mn. sud Mrs. Arthur Fauis sud Miss Rapen, Millbrook, visited at Mn. T. H. Powens'. Mn. Andnew Polhafd a! Rich- moud, Va., is visitiug bis brother, Mn. George Pollard. Mn. sud Mrs. McKeen are hall- dayiug at Toonuto sud Georgian Bay. Mn. Douglas Thompsou and sis- WIND BLOWS TREE THRO' MYLES ROOF A bsd accident was narrowly averted eanly Monday marning when the top o! a tree, broken by the wind, crasbed through the roof o! the residence owned by Charles Awde and occupied by the Myles family. One at least o! the family narrowly escaped in- uny, but the bouse was not 50 for- tunate. A hole lu the roof, the !alling of plaster and a covering o! branches for some time was the net result o! the rather night- marish episode but repains have since been begun and are no doubt now completed. BABIES AND MAMAS GUESTS 0F W.M.S. A delightful a!ternoon wa s speut Tuesday wbeu members o! the Orono W. M. S. entertaiued members o! the Mission Baud, Baby Band, and their mothers. Following the singing o!f'"Jesus Loves Me." repeating of the Lord's Prayer lu unison, and the singing o! "Jesus Bids Us Shine," the following program was eujoy- ed: Reading "Mothen Love" by Mrs. Charues Wood; vocal quar- tette by little Misses Dswn Mo!- ýatt, Jean Moffatt, Patsy Mo!fatt and Eileen Allin, "Listen ta, the Voice o! Jesus", with Mns. W. C. Lynch at the piano; recitation, "Grasshopper Green" by Manjonie McLaren; vocal solo unaccorupan- led by Joyce Sutton; reading, "The Little Pilgrim" by Mns. W. H. Rowe. Miss M. Davy, president, wel- comed the little fouks and their mothers, mentioned that their pennies this year would go to a bospital in British Columbia, and called on sîl ta sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Suubeam." Four or f ive o! Uic Mission Band girus passed ice cream and cake and this brought the pleas- ant afternoou to a close. Clarke Union Mn. James Nixon bas started his tbreshing machine. Mrs. Dawson sails for Eggland this week ta, visit ber son whomn she has not seen for twenty years. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Power and daugbter visited bis mothen at Oshawa. Miss Ada Holingswortb is holi- daying at home. Miss Elleen Soucb is eujoying a motor trip with three lady fri- ends !rom Bowmanville. Tbey expect to go as fan east as Mon- treal and home by Ottawa. Mn. H. C. Ricksby, Oakviile, R. P. Rickaby, Toronto, visited their mothen at Mn. H. J. Souch's. Miss Joan Rickaby who bas been spending ber bolidays here ac- companied tbem home. Mn. James Rickaby and Miss Margaret Turnbull, Toronto, visit- ed Mn. and Mrs. Bailey. Railways, steamboats, steamer and bus lines are once more an- nouncing excursion rates to To- ronto, the home o! the Canadian National Exhibition, during the period o! that izreat "Show Win- dow o! the Nations." "There is a miajesty in simplic- ity wbicb is fan above the quaint- ness o! wit."-Pope. SOCIAL ANI Miss Gloria Richardson is home from Newcastle. Mr. Art Smith, Oshawa, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Row- land Smith. Mrs. H. Flintoif and family are vacationing at the Morris cottage, Lake Scugog. Miss Erma Fuller was here on the holiday visiting her sister, Mrs. Ervin Rainev. Civic holiday passed very quiet- ly in Orono. Mrs. Wm. Staples and Mr. J. B E. Staples, Toronto, visited Mr and Mrs. A. J. Staples. Mrs. Sta- pies is remaining for a visit. Fontypool f ife and drum band drove through the village playing merrily on Monday on their way to Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whyte and Doris and Mrs. H. Murray attend- ed Decoration Day services at McCrae's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Neals, Co-« bourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Neals and Phyllis, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sey-1 mou r's. Miss Doris Wannan, Bowman- ville, spent Sunday at home. Congratulations to Misses Kath-« leen Stark, Eileen Jones and Inez Morton, all of whom got subscrip- tions to magazines at Millbrook Saturday in conriection with their Achievement Day. Mrs. F. Lorri- man, leader, accompanied them. Mr. Elgin Seymour, Toronto, spent the weekend here. Miss Pearl Brooker, Toronto, visited Miss M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hewitt and son Leslip aid Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. 0111e Çooper, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish and their familles spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Flin- tof f and family at the Morris cot- tage. Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowden. Friends were glad to see Mr. Fred Honey, California, here on Saturday. Toronto Boy Scouts who have been camping in the park have "folded their tents like the arabs and as silently gone away." Mr. Bert Dent, who was injured in an accident down East, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent and then went on to Toronto to attend the Canadian Corps reunion. Mr. Allison Cowan, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowan. Mr. J. J. Mellor will take the Sunday morning service at Park St' Church during August. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Beech and two children. Newtonville, at- tended Park St. open air service Sunday. Miss A. Thornton had visitors from Sunderland Sunday. Mr. Wallace Sisson, Toronto. visited his mother, Mrs. M. Sisson. Football game August lst was cancelled. SOCIAL &i PERSONAL Counties' Tax Rate For Clarke Reduced More Than Three Milis )PERSONAL Miss Mildred Henry, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. J. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. 'Sandy" Sommer- ville visited here during the week- end. Mrs. J. C. Gamey spent the weekend at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Allun, Newcastle, spent Sunday with Misses Laura and Isabel Allun and Mr. Clarence Allun. Ruth, who has been visiting here, returned homne ith them. Master Douglas Lycett, Oshawa, is \visiting his grandmother, Mrs. I. Winter. Miss Lois Wood has been visit- ing in Oshawa. Miss Dorothy Henry spent the weekend in Montreal. Mr. 0. W. Scott fias returned from Minden. Mrs. J. Middleton and family visited in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reesor and fam- ily. Markham, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter, Bowmanville, visited rel1a ti ve s here. Mrs. Fred Lycett underwent an operation last week. Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., Oril- 1 lia, visited her parents, Mr. ai-d Mrs. Charles Lowden. Next football game is Tyrone at Orono, August 8th. Milt Green is on duty at Rice & Co. store, Bowmanville. A number attended Civic holi- day celebrations at Newcastle and other places. Mr. Jim Wannan had a quantity of rye burn Thursday, being struck by lightning. Mr. Geo. Morton goes to Niagara Falls to attend S. 0. E. conven- tion. Mr. M. Cowan hias been on houi- days. Next girls' softball game is Or- ono at Newtonville, August 8th. Miss Jean Rainey has been vis- itlng Miss Barbara Rolph at the lake. Mrs. A. Henry and Mrs. H. H. McDonald had a pleasant trip to Caesarea. Congratulations to Orono boys who won in softball at Kendal on their field day. Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood and Manley are holidaying at their cottage at Lake of Bays. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph and cousin enjoyed a trip to Prince Edward county. Girls' bail game Thursday night was postponed because of rain. Misses Marion and Margaret Dickson have been on holidays. Mr. R. R. Waddell and Mrs. R. Fairbairn attended the Conserva- tive meeting at Toronto. Miss Betty Rowe, dietitian, Pet- erboro, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Miss Lillian Allen has been on holidays. A number of ladies quilted a quilt at the church Wednesday afternoon, 27th. Orono girls attended Achieve- ment Day at Millbrook Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mowat and Miss Gilman, Oakville, visited Mr. R. Z. Hall and Miss Minnie Hall. Congratulations to Margaret Flintoif and Enid Bowen on win- ning a prize at Kendal amateur contest, Wednesday, 27th. They danced the Irish Jig. Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans are en- joying a motor trip in Quebec. The young people of Park St. Union are planning a weiner roast for next Monday night, pro- viding weather permits. Listen for general call. Mr. Keith McElroy, grandson1 of Mrs. D. Noble of Orono, has returned from a tour of the Brit- ish Isles and Europe. He reports1 a most interesting holiday and his many friends here are hoping to! get a first hand account of it f rom Keith himself. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey spent Monday in Oshawa. Master Denny Lynch is having' his tonsils out. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn's were Mr. and Mrs. B. Annis, Detroit, Mrs. Gedrge Rowe and Hillard, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawrence and John, Toronto. Birth: Pollard - At Glendale, on Tuesday, August 2, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pollard, a son. Misses Marjorie Adams and Marjorie Sisson and Mr. Louie Brown were in Kingston over the weekend visiting George Smith who was injured in an auto acci- dent last week. Mr. Smith is now in Kingston Hospital suiffering from a fractured vertebra and jaw bone which necessitated his neck being placed in a cast. Dr. Mackenzie of Toronto has moved to, Orono and will open a medicai practice. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, and Mr. Jim Gilfillan, London, holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. Jim is staying for his vacation. Frank Mcllveen spent the week- end with his parents in Bowman- ville. Mrs. G. Rossiter, Weddington, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson, Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Lattan, Peterboro, were hol- iday visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson. Miss Hazel Wood, Newcastle, spent a few days with her parents here. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Mrs. Percy Morgan and daughter were in Kingston this weekend. Messrs. A. Manning, H. Mur- ray, McKinnon, W. Jordan, W. Watson and L. Hooper and James Middleton attended the Corps Re-union at Toronto iast week. From ail accounts they had a, wonderful time although it was jokingly intimated that one was lost and one or two had to, remove their shoes to relieve their dogs. Glowing accounts of the re-union have appeared in the Star and have no doubt been read by ahl. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter, dau- ghter- Shirley, and Joyce Lowery visited in Bobcaygeon over the weekend. Shirley and Joyce are remaining for a month's vacation with Mrs. Oliver. Messrs. Jim Wannan and Art Hill left for Leamington Tuesday where they have secured posi- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett Jr. and family of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whyte. A number attended the dance at Newcastle Monday night, some being in the orchestra. Mr. Ervin Rainey is having his residence painted. Master Ronnie West visited fri- ends in Fenelon Falls. Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Cuttell, Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe, Toronto, visited at the cot- tage at the lake and at Mr. and Mrs. S. Cuttell's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, Fenelon Falls, were here during the weekend. A large number from here at- tended the big doings at Port Perry Monday. Miss Doris Whyte is visiting in Toronto. Lights were on the blink for a few minutes Monday night leav- ing the village in total darkness. Mr. and Mrs. Ab West and family visited his relatives at Beaverton this weekend. The once-noted bail player Jack Cornish showed at Port Perry Monday that "there's life in the old dog yet" to, use a common ex- pression. (We hope this little quip won't make him growl). Orono team is to be congratulated on their showing. Mr. E. Annable, Toronto, and Miss McLaughlin, Orillia, visited at Mr. Chas. Wood's on Sunday. The Patterson, Berry an d Jons fmiles a er njy Miss Laureen McCullougb with IIr goblu t two Win the fcKIrs Miss Jean McCullough. Port Hope. oetyg w ith frs Mrs. Rov. Orono. with Miss Ber- innings, one in the second, six' in the fourth, and five in the seventh. tha Thomo)son. . Oshawa obtained five in the ,,Ir. and Mrs. Edgar Wh'tae first, one in the second, five in and two daughters, Hamilton. with the fourth, one in the fifth, and Mrs. Wm. Whittaken. one in the seventh. Mn. and Mrs. W. Chester, Osbawa. Neale is ta be congratulated on with Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknapp. his pitching, and Ogden on bis MNr. and Mrs. F. C. Butler. Well-1 catching for the Forestry tcan. inion. Mn. and Mrs. F. Paton. Mrs. The team, too, deserves credit for Rutherford and daughter. and Mn. its performance. West, o! Orono, Gordon Tamblyn, Toronto, with Mn. was plate umpire. and Mns. C. Morris. Miss M. Cable, Rochestern. NY. with ber aunt. Mrs. Perci' Snell. PARK ST. SERVICES Fniends vathered in the basement of the United Chunch, Tuesday ev- At Park St. Church Sunday eninz and tendered a miscellaneous morning Rev. Littlewood spoke shower to Mr. and Mrs. Jack on Power, the power through Glover. conversion to become sons of God, Miss Musselwhite. Toronto. Mn. and the need o! alI Chnistians ta and Mrs. Gray,. Port Hope, with Mn. become worthy o! God and of and Mrs. 1. E. Anderson. their name. After pointing out Miss Elsie Wallace at her home. that machinery, etc., has power, Greenbank. he showcd that there was also Mrs. Gi and Miss Ethel Stone. power in the spiritual realm. Toronîto, with the former's sister. The choir, assisted by Mr. Har- Mrâ. Frank Law. old C. Allin, Newcastle, rcndercd Mnl. and Mrs. Thos. Hill and two the anthem "His Name Is Excel- children. Toronto, witb ber par- lent," with Miss Laura Allin and ents. Mn. and Mirs. J. Darcb. Mrs. Charles Wood taking the Mn. and Mrs. Willis Jones and duet. faimily with ber parents. Mn. and In the evening the congregatiori Mrs. D. Mernill. Warkwortb. held an open air service in the Mrs. Wolsley. Toronto, witb Miss park in spite o! the ligbt ramn fromn lennie Tbompson. which they sought shelter by get- Mn. and Mns. Wm. Stapleton. ting under the trees. Members o! Betty and Elgin with Mr. and Mrs. the Midland Regiment Band, led John Morris at their cottage, Scugogz by Mn. A. J. Knox, were in attend- Lake. ance and played several selections Deconation Day will be obsenved at before the service, duning the of- our cemeteri'. August l4th. fertory, and for thc two hymns. W.I. met July 22nd wbeu they bad In his sermon the pastor com- as guc5ts Kendal W.I. After the parcd two neighbours berng ne- general business was finished a fine conciled after a disagreement with program was given hi' the Keudal any person asking God's fongive- braucb includinR a "Book Review", ness and being reconciled to Hlmn on King George V by Miss Jean a!ter doing wnong. He pointed Stewart. After the progzram lunch out that certain men la the Bible was served. Next meeting will be were men after God's own beart at the home of Mns. W. Clemeuce. flot because they did no wnong Newcastle,.or. August 24th. Note but because they sought fongive- change in date. Mn. E. A. Summers ness and were truly repentant. will Rive an address. The roll caîl Benediction was pronounced by will be "A Ganden Pest." Committee Rev. E. L. Beech,-Newtonville, af- in charge will be: Mrs. Clemence, ter which the band played a verse Mrs. Holmes. Mns. Glesxney. Miss o! "God Be with You tilI wc meet Rowland, Mrs. C. Hancock Mrs. Again." Honeywell. Mrs. Jack Gloven. Thanks wcre extended to thc The grain is ripezing fast and ai- band and the comn,ittee in charge thouizh the straw is short the gano! the service by the pastor on promises a fair sample. gri behalf of the congregation. Miss Kathleen Kaufman, Hawk- esbury. who is attending a summen ESTATE 0F rMAfflA RAYMOND) course at Oueeu's, with Mr. aud Mrs._____ D. Kaufman. Anyone knowing the where- Mn. and Mns. D. Kaufman at abouts o! Bcthiah Pender, William Kingston. Penden, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Fen- Mn. and Mns. Percy Snell at ton and Miss Grifftths (thc last Burlington. thrce being friends of Mrs. Sal- Mn. and Mrs. Dan Cunraus and mon) please communicate wlth daugbtcr. Doris. Miss Lorraine Mdil- Leonard & Leonard, 320 Bay St., ligan and Mn. Jack MacLean, Lind- Toronto, Ontario. 30-2 say, Mn. Keunetb Taylor and sister. Miss Phyllis Taylor. Little Bnitain. Mn. and Mns. Scott Pollard, Bow- manville. witb Mn. and Mrs. Wmi. L n a Milligan. Miss Audrey JaeÇes. Tweed. and Mr. and Mrs. Georgze Suis and Mrs. Wmi. isynes witb Mn. and Mrs. Garnet. Corbyville. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Richmond Hill. Perci' Osland and Joy. Belleville. Mrs. Adams, Toronto. with ber were Sundav guests of Mn. and Mrs. mothen. Mrs. Reichrath. Raymond Clapp. Miss Edith Cowan. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bow- Mrs. G. W. Jones. manvilît. visited Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Bobby Lockbart. Salem. with bis Smith. brother. Andy Lockhart. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Smith. To- Miss Florence Lockbart, Niagara routa, a Mr. D. B. Farrell's. Falls, N.Y.. with ber itraudpareuts, Mn. and Mrs. Georgze Smib and Mn. aud Mns. J. W. Lancaster. James witb Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kennedy, Pont Hope. Wvr on iion sbcwu and, visited his parents, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Milison. Kirby-Orono boys' s o f t b a lu game Tucsday night was post- poned because o! the heavy ramn in Uic late aftcrnoon. This game, it is expccted, will be played to- mornow (Friday) night. Ray West is having his tonsils out. Miss Margaret Millson has ne- turaqd !rom a pleasant visit ia U. S. A. Mn. John Keane, Toronto, visit- cd bis parents, Mn. and Mns. A. H. Keane. Mrs. N. Honeywell, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, and Miss K. McKay spent thc holiday at Bewdley. Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Richards spent Uic holiday weekead la the Haliburton and Lake of Bays dis- trict. Mr. and Mns. C. H. Froste spent thc weekend la Montreal. Wil- fred, wbo bas been visiting la Taxnworth, rcturned home with them. Misses Tourjcc, Toronto, visitcd their aunt, Mns. McPherson. Frank McIlveca la back on the job at Uic bank. A new and basmuniouâ note in travelI lterature la the latent flnlnley "Âway" bobk-"Âway to The Canadian Rockies and British Columba-by Gordon Brinley, wlith Illustrations by ber artistlc husband, Putnam Brlnley. Drawa to Western Canada by a booklet ofs the pleaunes enjoyed by the Trali Ridons o! the Cana- dian Rockles, the "Travelling Brlnleyas" spent an entire summer Izt the pursuit o! happinesa - and ut notes and illustrations for an addition to their popular seriez of travel books. Ia ber happy, lucid style, Gor- don Brinley, the writer, tells of their visit ta Calgary ta ses the Wet'a largeat rodeo and prepare for a long pack trip to Mount Assiniboine. They sPent a holiday with the Sky-Line Trail Hikers and the Trail Ridera of the Cana- dian Rockies, visiting Moraine Lake, Larch Valley, and niagnifi- cent Yoho Valley, and thoroughly enJoyed the novelty o! living la Indian teepees, !ishing for trout la lakes la the clouds, and thrill- Ing ta the changlng pageantry of thein surroundingi. Funther adventure, carried them ta such fanions lakes as Louise. Enienald, and O'Hara, rlght aven the Great Divide Into British Columbia, and on ta Van- couver where they discovered1 another vivld countryside and ex- cellent !ishing la the Vancouver Island saînion ruas. The two adventure-lovlng Am- enicans have a large following of readers who wlll see the Cana- dian West through their eyes. at- tracted by the charmilng drawings by Mn. Brinley, the blithe and neadable text by Mns. Brlnley, and the detinite practical Information they incorporate la their book for those who would follow la their footateps. The pictunes above show Mn. and Mns. Brinley (photo by Peter Whyte) and sanie of the Cana- dian Rockies' sceaery they llke beat. "6Away to The Canadian Rockies" Clarke Township Council was notified on Tuesday, of a drop of 3.9 milîs in the counties tax rate, at its August meeting. Last year the counties tax rate was 13.2 and this year it will be 9.3. The town- ship rate remains the same at 4 milîs and the general school rate is increased .8 milîs. Sheep damages rose to a con- siderable amount with one man, Austin Turner, having il sheep killed or maimed by dogs. He re- ceived $95.00. Others were Ross Hallowell $4.00; James_- Dickson $12.00; M. W. Staples $7.00. Accounts were passed as fol- lows: Road Voucher No. 8 ------- $787.381 Dept. Health, insulin -.----- .87j Bond Holders S. S. 12 ---- 715.56e Orono Times, ptg. . ------ 121.301 Geo. Richards, repairsE to dlock ----------------- 4.50 t W. E. Davey, taxi -------- 15.001 F. F. Morris, funeral ----- 40.001 Tyrrell Drug store, cash1 books ------------------- 1.25 1 R. H. Wood, weed inspect'r 50.80i R. H. Wood, caretaker ---- 6.50r Hospital Account --------- 22.50j Clarence Allen, sheep3 valuator _. --------------- 12.50 t Newtonville Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodham. To- ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Alldnead and Lois. and Mrs. Fred Couch. Newcastle. and Miss jean Hotson,E Simcoe. with Mrs. Norman Samis. E Mrs. Luxon. Mn. George Mc-c Donald. Mr. and Mns. Robt. Mc- Donald and children and Miss Mabelt Meadows. MilIbrook. Mr. anîd Mrs.a Eber Luxon. Miss Marion White.t Kendal. wit1i Mn. and Mrs. George licCullouizh. BENEFIT DANCE TO BE HELD FRIDAY On Fniclay nigbt, August 5th, a Benefît Dance will be in full swing at the Armouries la Orono witb Jack Galloway's Orchestra providiug the music. Admission 5Oc. Proceeds will be used .to de- fray some o! the haspital ex- penses o! an injured foîtball player, Harry Davcy. If ever there was an occasion wben you desircd ta contribute ta those sportsmen wbo give their ahi while phaying rugged games for the entertainment of specta- tors, this sbould be it. Harry, for ycars, bas been one o! Uic main- stays o! the Clarke United soccer team, contributing untold assist- ance with bis physical sud execu- tive ability. Many a game he bas helpcd organize aud bas playcd for the benefit o! some other players who have been injurcd. Now he la ln the unfortunate pos- ition o! being in the bospital sud needing the assistance fans can give. If you don't dance, send la your contribution ta the commit- tee in change for this* worthy cause. FORESTRY TAKES. CLOSE GAME 14-13 Thirteen praved unlucky for Oshawa Friday nigbt wben For- estry won 14-13 uin o! Uihebest sud most cxciting so!tball games o! Uic year. ThinÉs lookcd black for Fores- try as first, as Oshawa had twice as many runs at Uic end o! Uic third, sud Uircc more at Uic end o! Uic sixth. Howevcn, Fonestry got five in Uic last sud Neale helei Oshaîwa ,dwn tnone u~ n. PAGE NINE THURSDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO