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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1938, p. 1

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'/ READ BY 1749000 People Weekly 1 Orono News br~ Li iWhic on Page 9 J Wit WhchAre Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1938NUER3 SUPER VIS-OR g. WHAT COUNCIL DID Authorized Town Solicitor Strike to proceed with arrange- njents for the sale of the McGill Building in Washington. Re- ported elsewhere. Authorized the Utilitfes Commission to spend $4,100 to repair the fire storage tanks in Bo\wmanville. Story elsewhere. Referred request from Albert Street residents for street light to Public Property Committee with power to act. Received permission from Provincial Secretary's depart- ment ta secure gravel at Camp Scholfield Beach. Expressed appreciation ta C. G. Mercer, M.P.P., for his assistance in securing this permission. Received thanks of Bowmanville Beach Association for council's work in providing a road to the West Side Beach. Named Deputy Reeve Morris, Counicillors L. C. Mason and G. B. Bickell and Clerk A. J. Lyle to attend Ontario Municipal Association Convention, August 30. September 1-2, as officiai delegates of the town. Fyled a letter from the Associated Schools of Hairdressing and Beauty Culture. Adopted a Leaside Town Council resolution asking that Social Service charges be kept out of School Board budgets, and that counicil have power to control school budgets. Receîved notice that Counties Rate would be $16,527. Council budgeted for $18,000, s0 is well in pocket on the deal. A bill submitted by J. H. Alldread for damages ta his truck which struck a tree branch on Horsey Street was referred ta the solicitor. Finance accounts passed totalled $107525, with relief ac- counit reaching a new low of $25.48 for the month. Councillor Mason reported on the special commidttee on Refunding of the Municipal Debt, and explained the ruling of the Department of Municipal Affais that no solvent municipality Method of Operation and' Local Folk Win Awards in Big Plan of Branch Organization Oshawa Eveni s Several Bowm#ýnville people fi- Is xpaind o ownConc gured in the prize awards at Oh _______ ________________on_______ Holiday. In the draw two local people won prizes. Miss Daw on sti SIVER WED ING J. L. Morden, genial proprietar of Miss Dawsn Esi- ILVE WED ING the Cream of Barley Camp, wan mates System WiII 15 CELEBRATED of all things - a Richard Hudnut Cost$250 Pr Yar A PR VID NCEcompact. We wihl be expecting J. Cost$250 PerYearAT P OVID NCEL. tolook even yaunger than he does when he starts ta use it. W in Bowmanville if Mare than forty friends and re- W. Horn of Hamptan.won a tiny Nurse Provided With latives gathered an Saturday, fox terrier. Car - Sek to O- July3th, at the home of Mr. and oee Car Sek to Or- William Ruiter, Providence, In the sports program Bill Bag- tal once again coed himsell ganize tiurJýoin with them in celebrating neh loradmgh vnhv the 25th anniversary of their mar- wt lradmgtee a niage. Mr. and Mrs. Ruiter were done better had the races not beer The Victorian Order of Nurses married in Bowmanville. run off at such a furiaus rate. Bill has been asked by the Town The party was a complete sur- ramped home lst in the 220 yards, Council ta make a survey of the prise. Mr. Sam Gummell of Osh- 2nd in the 440 yards, and 2nd in Town of Bawmanville with a awa acted as chairman and read the braad jump wîth a 191/2 foot view ta the or"ization of a lacal an address of congratulation and Jump. branch here atWVe earliest appor- felicitation. Eileen Ruiter and A great many Bowmanvillc tunity. A resolution ta this effect Frank Waolner of Bowmanville people attended the event which was passed at the conclusion of a presented the worthy couple with attracted a crowd of 15,000 peo- special meeting on T h u r s d a y several gifts, including a china ple. Thase wha remained in tawn night, when Miss Winnifred Daw- dinner set, a table cloth, silver saw some of the sports, as the 26- son, V. 0. N. Supervisar from Ot- f lower basket, and other pieces of mile bicycle race was ta Bawman- tawa, outlined the method undér silver. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Ruiter ville, as also was the 26-mile mar- which a local branch operates. briefly replied and thanked the athon run. The turn was made Miss Dawson gave a full de- friends for thnir thaughtfulness. in Bowmanvîlle -for the home scription of the Order's work, and The remainder of the evening was stretch, and qui te a number answered numerous questions di- spent in social chat, with refresh- watched the cyclists and the run- rected ta ber by members of the ments being served. ners do their stuif. The surpris- Council. Unfortunately, due ta Mn. and Mrs. Ruiter have lived ing thing about the marathon run "sbort notice, there were no cîti- at Providence all their married was the number of middle aged zens present other than members hfe. They have five daughters, men who took part, and laoked of cauncil and a press representa- ail of whom were home for the fresh at the end of the fîrst 13 tive. Councillors W. J. Challis clebration. Guests were present miles. It seems that the young and B. B. Furber were nat able ta from Bawmanville, Oshawa, To- fellows haven't the stamina ta go be present. ronto and Brooklin. the gruelling distance that the old Sa that thé organizatian and its timers delight in. work will be mare easily under-DE T FEON A O APL stoad the details and replies ta ACCIDE T E N A I P L questions asked are publîshed in OVER WEEKEND CR P1 SM L E brief paragraphs. _______MA LE The V. 0. N. Service Holidav accidenits ini this viciî1ity BUT HIGNER HERE The Victoian Order of Nurses were few and far between and re- was founded aven 40 years aga. sulted ini one person iniured. Sev- Apples are developing satisfac- It is under the patronage of the eral inior crackups were rcponrted tonily in Eastern Ontario, though Governor General of Canada, on1 No. 2 ighway betweeîî Bow- roller leaf injury has been severe It is a voîuntary arganization, nianville and Osliawa. but no onie in the Newcastle and Bawman- national in its scope. %vas serinnslv iniured. ville districts. Prospects for an Ion. Gea. P. Graham ÎS the Do- A blaf mile south of Burkctoîî average crop in Mclntash variety minion President. eanlv Sunday morninz a car drive,, are gaod and total apple produc- The Executive of the Order is by Ernest Rcader of Bowinanville. tion in Eastern Ontario is estim- camposed of members of the collided witlî one driven by Normait ated at 25 per cent higher than Nurses' Association, the Canadian Powers of Toronto. Reader's car last year. Medical Association, representa- carcened into the ditch and the The situation is reversed in tives of the towns where branches driver suffercd a dislocated should- Western Ontario, where practical- exist, and 10 members appointed er. le vas treated by Dr. W. H. ly ail vanieties except Spys show by the Governor Genéral. Birks. Bowinanville. a decrease in estimated produc- Miss Elizabeth Smeilie is the On Tuesdav A. E. Wilson's auto. tion. Percentage in reduction Supeintendent with headquar- l3etbanv. collided with that of Leo* from last year is given as follows: ters in Ottawa. She has an assist- Cottev. Toronto. tîîree mniles wvest of Early varieties, 20; Wealtby, 20; ant and four supervisons. Beîlîanv. Bûthi cars werc dainaged Baldwin, 25; Greening, 10; Stark, considerablv but no one vas iniured. 10; Snow, 5; McIntosh, 10; other The Local Setup Provinîcial Constable D. P. 'Morris. varieties, 10; ahl apples, 25. The Brench is cantrohled by a howîuai~ ic. investizated. committee of local people repre- Messrs. David Lockhart, Calum- 'se rnti t onCucl n.a Tliere will be a football gaine ai ýbus, Ohio, and Alex Lockbart, To- Theaargaiztions. e uplisF.7inîîton. Friý.Atgust 5th, at ronta, were guests of their bro- the nurse. 6:3~0 S. T. Courtice v.s Harnipton. ther, Mr. T.I. Lockhart. There are 89 Victorien Order Branches in Canada with 49 mn Ontario. Six new branches haveNo t u b ra d -D h m Ap l be pndin Ontario during io r u b ra d -D r a p l the past twehve months. 1 supported by public appeal, madeOp o e F u tT rf Ch n s by the wife of the Governor Gen- eral, and grants from the Ontario b r idaPéieto h and Federal Governments. The Claim Proposed New Agree- bsscitMn.,FindytPesidetothero local branches do not support the ments ihUie ts consideration was introduced by national office. Would be Detrimîental ta Russell Osborne, vice-president. The primary duty of the Vie- Interests - Seek Co- L. H. Burrows, Secretary of the toian Order Nurse is bedside adinHrcutalC ne, nursing under doctor's orders, aperatian of AUil Canad ticulitrel ouncile with the balance of ber time giv- Fruit Growers agreements, preferential tariffs en ta public health nursing. P and customs duties as affecting bIden sn the nurse c bl t py ol- aving gathered from press re- the interests of Canadian fruit leets a fe o rom 75e tars$1,00-ports, radio broadcests and other and vegetable growers. Pect féeosit.cto$10 unofficial sources that their inter- After considerable discussion her pastietinbet ests as fruit growers might be and consideration of tfeir posi- Ith pateet ay ble jutedby endangered or adversely affected tion from many angles the follow- the nure, ant ifaypeadtiecnno by the three way trade agreé- ing résolution, moved by Mn. the srvic is inments under discussion between Stanley of P. E. County and sec- pay at al h Gricreat Bne y r M .Stpes r free. GratBitaiu, the U. S. A. and an0 yM.M .Sals r Thefee ar tunedave tatheCanada, the officers of the North - na, was edopted: local camette which paysthe umberhand and Durham Appe "In conleaino h e nursand ah teensheh s. th Growers' Association called. a mands of the United States Grow- Thre adM letrptnLe Asur meeting of the members and fruit ers for a seriaus reduction in pre- ance Ca. makes a grant providing growers generally of the district sent duties on apples entering in- heeae1000 policies of the at the cammunity hall, Newcastle, ta Canada from the United States; company in the town. Bowman- on Tuesday evnnJy 26, for frhr ncnieaino h ville et present bas about 750 the purpose of looking into the possibility of a similar réduction Metrapalitan policies which would matter and deciding up a course in the preference enjoyed by Cen- of action. ada over the United States on ap- (Coninud o pag ~)Themeetng as resied venpies entering into the British (coninud o pag 7)Themeetng as resied vermarket, we, the Apple Producers of Eastern Ontario earnesthy re- quest that no material change be Pa a e made in the tariffs tpéeti New Features~ in Lions Prd effect."J The meeting instructed the of- *f icers of the Association ta send a copy of thîs resolution ta Prime As a grand opening ta the Lions been made in the parade lineup. Minister W. L. Mackenzie King, Club's annual carnival on Thurs- In the open classes, the manufac- ta each of the cabinet ministers day, August l8th, plans are going tuners' and merchants' floats bave and ta every federal member of forward for a spectecular parade been separated into two classes parliament representing f r u i t in wbich a small army of motor instead of the joint class as pre- growing districts. cycles, a rare animal, eight bands, viously. Also added in this sec- It was also maved by Mn. Stan- scores of kiddies, floats, decorat- tion are two classes, one for the ley, seconded by Mn. Osborne, N egotiations are Purchase of Towrn Council Endorses Move of Towni Solicitor to Arrive at Agreement with Real Operator in Wash- ington, D.C. The possibility of an early sale of the McGill Building in Wash- ingtou was voiced by Town Sali- citor W. R. Strike, when he ap- peared before Town Council at its regular meeting on Tuesday night. Some time ago, the former mayor explained, the town gave an option of $120,000 on the pro- perty to a Mr. McKeever, who owns an adjoining building. Mr. McKeever had recently visited Bowmanville with a view to find- ing what the town would accept as its net price for the building, of which it is owner of 59 %. that there is a $20,000 mortgage against the building which would make a net price of $10,000, of which Bowmanville's share would be $59,000 grass. In the pvent o' a sale the town would have to pay the real estate commission. McGILL BUILDING M~ The McGihh Building in Wash- ingtonî, D.C., pictuned above, be- qucathed ta, the town o! Bow- manville same tbirty yeans ega by the ate James McGilh, also shown, and which finally became 59% owri tion, is up fan sale. As a matter of some time, but on Tuesday Town Council that a definite move ta acq by e Washington reel estate operato ta this prospective punchaser are cc Originehly the building was left e will was cantestcd by relatives, and 41% division was arrived et. At i: against it, duc ta the installation af past year. Bowmenvilhc hopes ta s NURSINO SERVICE Honor Former Hundreds Gati Local Citizen in Memphis, Tenn. To Greet Old À From The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn., we learn thatA t F r R - n the engineers of Memphis, Tenn., have recently opened a Memorial Alcave to a very famous engineer. CTV F. G. Proutt, claimed by bath RO BBERS A TV Memphis and Bowmanville. Mr. I NORTH PART Proutt was a Bowmanville citi- zen in the early days of the tele- 0F DARLINGTON phone here, and later he mnoved ta Memphis where he became Three robberies took place in widely known as an engineer. Darlington Township this week The story in the Commercial Ap- with the total loss nearly $200 peal head the story in this man- and the robbers stili free. ner - "Useful Memarial Honors F. G. Proutt, former President of Early Manday marning the ser- the Engineers Club, and one of vice station operated by Raymond the greatest craftsman the sauth Davey at Bunketon was broken hsever known." into and a large quantity of gro- bas ceries and tobacco stolen. The Mr. Proutt was a native of Bow- same marning gasoline was stol- e manville. When he died in 1934 en from pumps at Sinclair's ser-b the engineers of the South un- vice station in the same village. M veiled a beautiful bronze plaque a: in his memary, a picture of which Wednesday morning locks were ti was reproduced in The Statesman. broken on Pethick's gas pumps at s Th nw emril s n lcveEnniskillen, but Mr. Pethick ei The ew eoinl stue Pulcveheard the disturbance and inter- ï in the Goodwin IsiuePbi rupted the thieves who dravec Library, and it contains several away in a car. The amount ofga ( hundred volumes devoted ta the they obtained is not known. science of engineering in ail its F branches. It is dedicated ta the Provincial Constable P r i c e C service of ahl engineers and en- Morris, Bowmanville, is investi- oj gineering students, and is one of gating, but ta date no one has ai the best and mast camplete etî- been arrested. dý cgineering libraries in the South. v( ier at Solina ýcquaintances djon in Years Distinguished G r a d- ua t es of Solina Sehool Among Guest Speakers - Event is Sponsored by t h e Home a nd School Club (Sec othen storles on page 8) Saline was en fete lest week- end ta greet sevenel hundned ald boys and girls o! Saline School wbo returned to reiew acquaint- tnces and ta revisit the scenes o! thein cbilhood et a ne-union o! spectacular propartions. The ev- ent, spansoned by the Saline Hame and School Club, was suc- cessfuh beyond the most aptimis- ic anticipation o! its sponsors. nrom nearhy eveny province in Canada, and froin several states Df the Union came the old boys and girls ta spend a couple o! ays amid familier scenes o! their youth. t ie S. )f ie 7. y If e n n e Il n e e r .1 3 EXPLAINS VICTORIAN could make a compulsory refu committee was only reportingp make a further study. It was si method possible was the volu holders, many of whom are not Councillor Gunn was autiý chloride ta complete needful wor' the Hospital Board would pay fc Councillor Mason, inspec up, objected ta the trustees' fees business after it had closed dowr duction, as it complained bitterl out for which no return was gi made. Public Utilities Commissi< previaus agreement and pay hall taining the Road Superintendent' Road Superintendent was mileage used for Town and for Ut Congratulated His Worsh.] pointment as Factory Managero 1' r 1~ ndîng. No action was -t ake n as Mrs. Ralph C. Roudebush, Lib- Saturday Afternoon pragress, and the committee wil nanian, said of the new alcove, GARDEN PARTY ATOnStde atrno the uggstd hatth ahy efndng "It is a tribute ta a very great PARK ON FRIDAY schooh grounds was the scene o! .intary refunding by debentune man and a public service that wihl a huge gathering wben distin- Sknown ta the tawn. continue ta spread its benefits for A ouaanalentisc-gihdvstr ndpmret horized ta purchase more calcium ycars ta came." uefoRoayPronFiylclctznsnarmnset rk, inchuding haspital road, wbich In May 1937 an ail painting of due o atr akonFia oal czes iteh e mnisce lng for. Mn. Prautt was unveiled. It bore night of this week, wben the con- mo ealdtedy fln gregation of St. Josepb's R. C. ega. Nelson Reynolds, Principal bor in the Organ Factony winding this inscription, "Frederick GeorgeCucbsaeitanelGdn of Plains Road Public Scbool, East sof nearhy $1000 for running the Prautt, Consulting Engineer, FisPahrstPane s anw cGmpdeneYratda ce a n a in. Town wihl suggest a $300 ne- President of the Engineers' Clu foPr t.ePlastearete wcarnil ancrkf ted Ls eaers. adr. . B ly at the time of the wages paid of Memphis; Soldier and Advisen puor te o eby rt anvloeo h paes r .B iven, when the assigniment was ta the WVar Finance Corporation; yetpuonb this churcb, and Reynolds, Part Hope, former Pre- many new booths will be intro- sident of the Ontario Agicultural Chairman of the Memphis Board i duced. As usuel there is the draw College, recalled the part that on will be asked ta conform ta a 1er0f WteCommissiee s; Egin e- for the grand ca§h pnizes, the first the Sons of Temperance used ta the cast of aperating and main- cno h ense ulc bigfrn essmta 5 play in the life of the community, t's car. vice Commission." Beneath these bigfrn essr hn$0 lines appeared the tnibute, "Al and other pnizes of $25, $10,$() and his address is published eise- 3authorized ta keep track of the public spiritcd citizen of high i and $5.00. Ariyane of them; are this issue. Other speak- tilities purposes on the town car. ideals whose strength of chanac - well worth winning. Father Coffey crs wbo spoke in an interesting candially invites everyone ta en- remîniscent maod included George ip Mayor R. O. Joncs on bis ap- ter inspired confidence and whase oytesle tteGrden Hgarth, B.A.,Tont;hev- of the R. M. Iollingshead Ca. I standards af persanal and profes - aytmsvsetteGdnTrnt;tee- ______________________________hi Party on Friday. cran municipal parliamientanian sioal this edeaed im a bs ____________________-Thomas Baker, former Reeve of associates." Darlington; Fletcher Werry, Ked- U n er Vay for~ nc f te etabismen ofncwinus- non; and James A. Werry, Ennis- Unde W ay for the reatengneer ofthe United tries; who endeavours ta Put kilhen. States, summed upth work of wbatever knowlcdge lie passesses Ex-Reeve A. L. Pascoe, who as the engineen in the falhowing ta same usef ul purpase. The a'im chairman of the Invitations Coin- Ss US r p rt e : "Tbe ideal engineer is to of every truc engineer is ta de- mittee, extended a formai weh- ______________________ Imv mind the man who does'sign or carry out saine work came ta the visitors and nead a * th trnsfr cargs, lusthele-tbings; who makes two blades of Iwhich shaîl be for the benefit of list of thase sending hetters of re- thetrasfe chrge, pus he e-grass grow where one grew be- mankind and wbicb shaîl tend ta gret fnomn the fallowing, Mrs. R. gai fees as per the agreement fore; who f urnishes information make the ife of bis f ellowmen O. Silverthorne (Laura Cox), Bur- witb D. L. Mcçartby, K.C. Mn.: that may be used as a basis for, more worth living." ingtan, Wasb.; Joe E. Osborne, Stnike suggcsted that if Bowman-- Williamrsburg, Va.; Miss Vera ville received a net of $45,000, -T n s r e tSquires, Peterbaro; Mrs. Mary witb no expense added, that is as N J Louise (Elford) Burbenk, Bcd- much as the town would receive iJ S o ag a sirgeentA II eu fond, N.Y.; Mrs. Arthur Gibbons if it toak the grass price and peid * y * * u (Lizzie Argue), Toronto; Mrs. 1isonepne.Mn. McCartby i tiiiSUJar a Alex Iooey, ybig;Ms is entitled ta 20U~ of the sale pnice, O A]R par U il L3cIJir an ay Ment ha (Elford) Huffinan, Wel- [wbîch et $50,000 would be $10,000. balla, N.D.; Mrs. N. Chapin, Long If the tawn cen prevall upon Mn. CRYWUD-U COI Island City, N.Y.; Dr. Mark W. McCanthy ta accept $5,000 as bis Ca)uncil Accedes -ta Commis- CRYWUDPT<OP Pascoe, Shaften, Cal.; Kenneth fees, then the town wihh suggest I I LC SAGE wteLnlc $50,000 net pnice, wbich would sion's Requcat ta Spend $4100 I I LC SAGE wteLnlc Mrs. R os e mean$45000 et fte Mr.Mc- On epai Wok -Will Winipe(Betten) Fitch, Sterling, Col.; In- mea $4,00 ne afer n. c- On epai, ark- Wll innpe, Man., Jtihy - Corey spector E. E. Snidcr, Port Hope; Certby had been paid. If, bow- Seek Ottawa 2% Loan ta Ford and Alistair MeBain, inter- Mrs. Annie Hughes Beacock, Myr- eve, M. cCatbyinistd o Fxane Wrknationally known writers, passed tle Stn.; Chaude Law, St. Vital, bis rights, Bowmanville would____thug Winnipeg aven Canadien Man.; Mrs. Norma (Wright) Brad- have ta ask $55,000 ta secure a National lines en route ta Van- fond Toronto; Mrs. Wilfred Won- $45,000 net. This wauhd possibly The immediate expenditune of couver ta sail for a point in the necott (Hilda Wonnecott), Lam.- impenil the sale a! the pnoperty. mare than $4000 on the fine star- Alcutian Islands, Alaska. They beth; J. Herry Thornton, Hunts- Council thenefore endorsed. the age tanks was autborized by wilh be in the north country utlvle omnRyodTrno plan of the solictor and the ne- Councîl on Tucsday nîgbt. Chair- Septemben. unilvle; Ne onReynolsTronto gotietions on thet besis will go man Ross Stnike of the Utihities In addition ta mnehr prawess Sask.; Mrs. Law Bauleh, Grand forward. Commission brought the matter with pen and typewriter, tbey are RpdMc. isLzi iel before counicil, pointing out that renowned fishermen andtWO Toronto; Alan Mc K es so ck, Ieay agr. hode wtbthe tanks wene leaking very bad- yeans ega "fisbed their way across Themesford; Mns. Mabel (Argue) Heav waonsloaed ithly, and that something must be Canada." There is a long stand- Thomas, Onîllie. gaods and numn and hauled by donce t once. Engineers had in- ing feud between Corcy Ford and Incîuded on the progrein wenc f our or f ive yake of oxen f ormed spccted the tanks, bath o! 150,000 Countney Ryley Cooper, anothen choral sehections by Saline School, the principal treffie on Canada's'gallon capacity, and had necom- famed magazine writer, and Concy withMisAenBeonaec earlicst roads. mended that the work be proceed-isuttsyeracth a fisb that companist; an histonicel sketch o! ed with et a cast af $4,100, with a ,wil photograpb large cnaugb ta the scbool reed by Margaret EAYBESOL SONfive year guarantee. It is under- put "Coop" in bis proper place Scott, and published elsewhere; IAY B SOLDSOONstoad that the compeny involved for ahi time. Mn. Ford and Mn. vocal sala by Gwen Brooks, gold in the wonk bas donc many simi- McBain bave co-openated in many medalist of the Durhamn Music 1er jobs, and anc at Aurona, cam- stanies in the past whîch bave Festival, and daughter o! Doncen -pleted 15 years ega, Was still in gîven Canada worhd wîde public- VenNest, with Mrs. Edwin Wood perfect condition. The material ity. as accompanist, elso a former Sa- * ~used fills ail cracks and is vcry td Emilina girl (Annie Williams); eu- duabe Myo . .Joncs ex- UieLyhssa phoniuni solo. Bandsman Mcl ~ 'phained that wben the tanks wcre eal s18,bae odfnM built tbey were crected in hayens Naaaa e nada natr (Continued on page 7) ~ and the cancrete had neyer rcally . tmýhealed, with the result that et i ~ every join, huge heaks bad came. - wm> Mn. Stnike suggestcd that the ai a lsSu d y S ho lPc i ~ ~~-- funds couhd be secured by deben- P u ' u d y S h o iii l'l ture issue together with the funds I , ~ a. ~ for the new waterwonks, and that lenquiry had been made, and it The annuel pienie of St. Peul's R. Abcrnethy. cured from the Government un- Pîngle. 11~~ ~ jj der the 2 % lan system for pub- nesday, Juhy 27th, with the harg- Boys,opnK MQuneJ lic improvements. ad est attendance in many years. Chiîds. s Councillor Masonan Reeve The Creem of Barley Camp was Married ladies - Mrs. Haines, Edmondstone sponsored e motion the scene of a busy pnogramn of Mrs. King. expressing the wihingness of sparts and other events during the Married men-Rev. W. F. Ban- min coutuncihthatth Commission pro- afternoon. Rslsi the sports isten, W. Carruthers. g,~gg ceed wîtb the work and that the were: Girls' peanut race-G. Somer- M Io an be secured an the fevourable Girls and Boys under 4 - R. scahes, S. Cale. government 2% boans if possible. Locke, T. Graham, J. Hull, C. Boys' peanut race-J. Graham, Mayor Jones also pointed out King. F. Burns. that unhess the work was carried Boys, 6 and under- E. Locke, Boys' wheclbenrow race - J. out ehmost immediatcly insurance M. Stevens. Martin. B. Lemon, R. Abernntby, rates wauld risc and would in the Girls, 6 and under-L. Bates, A. Graham. long nun cost a great deel marc O. Mutton, P. Cale. Girls' 3 legged race-D. Pîngle money. Girls, 8 and under-R. Bates, and L. Wclsh, D. Locke and R. B. Stevens. Bates. Boys, 8 and unden-T. Burns, Boys' 3 legged race-A. Graham Do you know e freckled faccd K. Devies, B. Meson. and R. Abernney J. Martin and ed by the town after much litige- kid? If sa, suggest ta hlm that he Girls, 10 and undr-P. Con- B. Lemon. )f feet it bas been Up for sale for enter the Canadien National Ex- nons, R. Locke. Shoe race-E. Pingle, G. Soin- Soicitor Ross Stnike taîri Town hibition "Freckhed Kids" competi- Boys, 10 an dunder-E. Morton, enscales. quire the building bas been made tion ta be held on Cbîldren's Day, 0. Wilcox, K. Davies. Biscuit race-G. Mutton, R. Je- or. Details o! Bowmanvilc's affer Mandey, August 29th. O! the tens Girls, 12 and under-O. Pingle, cobs. ontained in e story on this page. a! thausands o! young Canadiens E. Woodward. Ncedle and Tbread race - G. ntirely ta Bowmenville, but the that attend the bcloved "Ex" on 'Boys, 12 and undr-R. Aber- Samersceles and B. Graham, D. id finally an agreement o! e 59%- "Kids' Day" there arc bound ta be nethy, A. Morton. and G. Faulkner. present it hes e $20,000 mortgage a large pencentage who anc frcck- Girls, 15 and undr-N. Wilcox, Necktie race -G. Somenscehes e new heating system within the led and this innovation promises D. Pingle. and B. Graham, E. Williams and sccure $45,000 net fnom its sale, ta be a! keen interest. Boys, 15 and undr-K. Lemon, T. Grahamn.

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