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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1938, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW',IANV'ILLE. ONTARIO %-on. Aines. He's Roi a goud home. The tpeople hagve adopted hlm." M A R F'-PB RI "It would tplay haî'oc witb Beverlv Il L~C E I ~ I~ U A U I if site ever kiiçw, Doctor. And her »\ D0'T0R/ ýJ1:11 *N eIH'lA R-r father. tuo. He's îlot tuo scrupulous I ~about.'îtvtlîi,î else>. buît a thing like CHAI>TER \\\i\" elVe l ttOf iiý dislike for lerre îokt to sîtîce tlieir arrivl ai and ini "I've kept it tu myseif for a vear Tlîa tîebtîvhi tu îvr n~v~anilîid i itrttst of ixi. He %vas 1amtîlentile îî'as 5ttttiinzonthe sand and mure. It's safe. I imagine." said cat ii liti lt e tth e l. I r aitîtle '%,IeinJerry îyeît îesitle them .. 'ifter that lie met thlimClîris drvlv. "I f tlat's ail. Ames-." sat alotte for a loni, titîle (111te ut. antd still .tiiiiztg îelen lie ttrned tiiere dailv. It wsalvr uuur Titsal"H u p D hs river batik îvlile thîe fire bîtrtued lia , "it eal ati looked ai Clîris. for tîtere leas Harriett. siniling and pol eme. y upoeta' and tlieti wcît ouit. Tue riee r1in "Gn ont honte. tîlan." lie said îeeak- 5hîtw)%itîg ber bilz fronît teetb, anid u om. front anîd the pute w îods lelijtid lev. "Good( Lord. 1 liaveti't adoptedj half-btirvitie liersel f iii tue saiid "Thv edntig I'so u seenîed tu tît liîî off fromuî h fe. b t."lide lier tlîin bode. Tliev wonld go evo'ne Te tothisne. t' lot nu Deatî. ar oeatt (latî. He "lxi gotteîeliti 'm god tîdito tbe water. anîd iîw and tlienti o t. Tebo ba bnlel stre d th. casil e nettC tle itit2iH e ad'Tsin z it Clir ni*s "D o nd aindk Barrett î'o ld catch K atie and push ado ted. H e's n u -longer îours." stiredmiasiv.secllz tos ileil radv- aidClris "ov oi thnklier m.îxder a wave. Shie was con- "'Well. tlîat's something,e said le, bad ktîown axîad iked in ii Xicîîa Vini gîti to throwe ava' a week'sscos fa ureximntwciJryndbghnd. I' nta 110w facine d atlî: tue beardedl 11- ' o4ri coîso tee xieettwit Jry n bihce. Im fo frats. the cater votîttg D>'î'tfS. thîe st>tetats'vtjai-a lie tonclied lier. but sute wunld conte cumplete and utter skunk. you know. seiitv at he gie oftue io1pial. 'b.a out agaiti to be very prini and rather I1ivant bim cared for. If anythiniz F tva h at ftehsitl ((( i obIe short witb lim. happetîs to me-2 evetutleo'the wtbh-Tiîlta htis ail. Bu anîd coud Barrett ivas net fooied. Site was mnstaclie. Ail eqtial itîow utn w bat bol. ii 1 do sav it." said Chris. gri- amnbitionis: she wanted nu trouble. goiz to happen to you?" thiev faced. tttCiCraiîv le i ntcaefo îi. "Nothinez." Jerry said bitterly. "I He as outsc le te tttd t ~ithee tderstood ecdi otlier after But site had a senunal appeal whicb wisli tu God it would. 'A fellow ca.n paddle. to sec the lcadeti sleet of tlîat. t icas talk Lewis coîîid coin- ke pt bis interest. and she Ivas îlot dit here of dry rot. I wanted to go the river breakitig jîtito 5tîtall vav'es Prelîeid. Theii otne îiclît.abruttiv. t Eroe raid tociy r thr at lus feet. A calmue caile ottt of the ie tareid to etbxplownit11 t. Prettv soon tbevtoErp iisoeaaitorter e iestre lt)aiChiswiexplok w-nintetcrms. but I've eut a wife. and the old mati clirctiiss.siînply calied me a muddlingz fooI." idly atnd beachlit it aliot atilut' "Xt'lat arc con cuitie to charge But hevoîîd that be lîad inade Chrîs was increasingly busy that feet. He lîad i rottgltt a tlecratil. for ail this?" littie or Un procress ',hen he had to winter. Grant was flot well. He was and Cliri', read itlue vthe f lare of a "AIl the tarif f will standt 1I îeed leave ber there anîd go homne. He cigaot u ~wsti n lighed miatch. .u. adCri îcruî.stood ontht îe train platform anîd iritab. te bu pitbc wa tchingn cita coiid: ."Catlir lot atid iii On thîe first day Lewvis %vas able aedtlir-adHrit- him with a bundred pairs of cagle crditcacoitdn Caiiicle to sit ni i bcd be wrote Clîris a thlîev saw I iii off. eves. saw tbat be was slippitic. One an t vs ted"eyrvchteck for teti thousand dollars. "The uitile dcvii." he said to hilm- day' there was an accident in the He wemt out tlat tiilit with l"ît Clîris folded it unpantdtpnt it in lus self. "The snîart little dcvii!" Anîd operatiniz room. and wbile nu deatb Indisîl cuide. lcaviîîc Ted to break pueket. went ratier complacentl', back to resulted it sîîook him badly. He uni the campt. Hotir atter botir lie sat *WXel" bis growimig practice. cave unp bis evenînz calis. banding crainpecdiinte caxuoe. atclîixiz the Chris gzritîmîcd down at him. "I It was some time dnring that in- them tu Chris - but the long ho darker sliadoîvs of the îWoods as eoitu tbink ou're worth as nch as tervai iliat Clîris weîit to sec Ur- alune witb Janet et onbinees tbe mnve hat ttl lorrbl slw-tbat tu the world. I'm not argunn. suia's baby. passinc David's and He wonld go dowîu into bis hand iess. He offered to îiaddle. bnt thîe Id ficnred ou a tbonsand." Letitia's bouse, now closed but still soîne offices anîd sit tliere alune at lîîdiaî u ef fIe rcftsed. anud at iast "Voit re ai impudent VOUng furnishied. the desk. relîving bis wurk. coingz be icttled back. thimlimie of thiat scatnp."l said Lewis. but later on the "X\'e took ont a little. Not ncb." over old case records. ironie twist bý' wliicli lie bad bated l uurse. commei in. found him crin- said Hiram. "Seceîed a pit', to tear He would wait until Janet was anîd fouzlit Stattton Lewvis anîd tow nimte to bimseif. it np) somelîow." aslcep before he Ivent npstairs. go- was lastetitî to try to save him. It ivas about that time that Cliris It was davliclut whent lev reaclîed had is first taîk îitb Beverîy since "And the boys a snccess:?" ixie slowly. hodinpe to the rail, stop- tbe settîcîemînt. anîd Chris sent off lier marriagre. Site took him home "Sac. listei-"IImiiz now and then for breath. He lus iire to Beverlc. He îeas îvcarv from the hospital in the limousine. The hue ivas fine, a grave v-ouînL- and unsbaven. but b', takimie a local Botb tof tbem shuwed the wear anîd ster wbo looked ver', mucli like Ur- at onîce be could catch the lititcd. tear of the fight. anîd Chris leaîted silla but witli Jerrv's blonîd hair: and so be weît as lie stood. Alreadv back in bis cornler and yawmicd. anîd Amy iookcd ',ounger and bat)-__________________ Catiada ivas at war. the railroad "Sorr', I'm tired. Beverly." ier thamu Chris bad ever scen ber ____________________ bri dies initder cuard. the faces 0f "Of course yon knuw bow I feel. Thev ivere adoptiie youmîc Nuel le -___________________ the people temse anîd brooditie. But Chris. There arcn't any words- " calv. and Chris lcft the ncxt da',.____________________ the train seemned to crawli. Wben t "Doî't thank me. I'vc dotiý a mulF knowimic tluat ail was ',ell witb lim. stopped. be coîîld lîardly sit ini bis anîd becti aid for it. Tbat's M;' He carried with bim a picture of seat. He fet as if le must get ont busiess." a the bov takemi by the local photo-A and puslî it. lînrry it alotue; iot be- She stirred. "Doti't be bard. zraidier. and on1 it Amy lîad written. cause Stantîton Lewis miczht be Clîris. I can't seem to cet near von. "Noci Martin Mortimer!" Wbeii dyinc. but because Beccrl', had Von shut me ont wheti I try. Do ',ou Chris Lot homne. be put it careful', called lim and he ivas on1 thc wa',. hate mc su mnch. or is it just that imi the draîver of the desk. but first _______Y ______L__ Two davs later Chris operated. 1 dou't matter?" ont of sheer îitv that Urula sboilldR Grant was ili, and Bexerle had in- "Its teither." he said stubluorut- bave nu hart imi it. hec',irote ber sisted that they wait for Chris. Iv. "N'on chose vour life. anîd I bat(""',en u e back and the date ofE A T R E and it wîas a case to trb' a man's very to be burt again. Tlîat's ail." . Katie came homne late in Angust soni. Thîe New York surgeoxn Jerry "And vuu're happv in this hife O. She ivas sutnbunmed anîd axcited. BOWMANVILLE had sept for vies opposed tu an op- vours ?" ga ote akadams u e eraionatstail. H wnt tad "Xhat is lîaptîiues. anclioîv? Imoistrative. "Wha's te us? H îyOl't tan like mv w'ork. I'm amîbitions. I SUD- "alme1 u ad Hw jc T us up under it." he said. mose l'un gettimie somewlîere I- 'al I"siesi."o hus r. S t Chris put the. situation 'Ip to Bey- hasx't hurt une. vou kuîow. tî *sîgmu missed ion! Bttt Harriet ivas keemu ÂUG. 4 - 5 -6 eri',. white and quiet. witli dccii dailv blttletinîs as to vour father' - omi sta"inc. and sute couldn't stav rings tînder ber e'es. She seemed conditioni. Good pnblicitv. n', dear. alomie Von tdd't nind. did voit?* 00" tuinncr thai wbetu be had kiowui Good ethical publicity !"Is'hemi Chris tolîl lier soinethitgo Wqe ltecl ber, but ber gaze was as direct as Thîe car had stopped at tue house. ithe Statutoui Lewyis case. o w e ver. ecer.asd the çhanffeur was ccttimug ouiît le creîc tloticlitfiil anîd sliicitlî N alose "You understaîîd." lie said. "He to openi the car dour. She flfuslet hostile. J"s mav corne ont. He ma', tint. In anc mdpt adinbs-I suuumu(se votive lîei seinz e Ite ' Uauaýtie &' case-" "X'ou are viuîc. Chris." sle said dayaftr dt'. uo eBs "Its is oiv chiance. isn't it " sot."If cou uîeatî Ntr..Anies. I'e la el~ 'I thiulic su. Ves." He ivemtiîobsept os ,ellier.,mattrallv. Slîe's beetu liii new 8àwe "Theti do t. Chris. aîîgr',at in'.melf amîd at bier. Katie ereat troublle." But Lewis bad mure stamimua tlîamî îas awîvýv ai the scashore wilî Har- "liti creat troumlel about hîci any ome had suspected. He had thue riett Lee. anîd he had the place t, fatieri Dont uuake mue lauclu. Chris s wilto lice. too. For a week Chris liimislf. but tired as be îuas hýý (I Whiat (lies sîle care. or atuebody cisc hardie left im dav or xiht. Thuelot go to bcd for sontie tiune. "fo s t a lus" u figbht ragred. Sometimes the niaituinii Katie ivas comie for sceeraieweeks the bcd bad tue advattaRe. and but Clris did uot iniss lier. Work evenly. deatb seemned to retire into a dark drifted iii. He madle bis calîs. %vent But lue cou.ld uîot escape Katie tir BE corner tu liait for the îext rouîmîd. t th le bosuital. îlaved soune golf~. e vade lier. Site w'as ilucre. lus iife.1 Then it wouid ctmne cdoser agaitu, damne back to qutiet sutiiier .tiguts itli lier li.eitimnate ciaimîls 0o1 biiîî lean over the lied. seem to sîîread its' attd is tpille. IThe pamers sLiowycd isc ndaier uxmu. ',e d ii r tt sui er black shadow over mai and bcd ivar a li2Ler tlîixucilutatuaie 011eeim le r . in uuarer bliug stt. and room. Clîris ctîuid alîuust -e il luacl thlilt. It %vas coule to last in lir nlerbtnz su. there. ant i le îould tr',' îitb ail his lonizer, ton. %yliisiîerii! lutile tiumus îehîcn Har- AOhrI, lug ad' wiiI ui(tier to tbrust il back. He mever adliitetl to hinsel f that neýt %,as nuot listeîuiuîe. A hrSjrr f uifr wiHrd Part of the time Lewis was cuoi- Katie's absetnce ivas a relief. Anid "l'un craze about yot., girl. N'on 4wl8S TONE -Micey ROOMIY scions. Theuu Clris wouild occa- Katie lersel f ias sureîncly coit-"ou'tlesiia . 'tlo îatsr COit<î,d 6v E@u-..S. om sionale find lis ees on liuu. ironi tetted that sunutier; coutented t> Heres Harrit.Imntta otDrctdb tre8 o and sligrltlî' mocking. as if lue said: wakcn late. to rock lonîg bours on eesHare. "Wh', do it? Von doî'î like nie. ithe botel veranda. to walk the huard-, Tluat nigbt Katie (rew Chris and I don't like ýon. Lin not afraid îvalk îith Harriet. Once ecery day dilx on the livitng-room sofa beside Popeye Cartoon tu die." she anud Harriet wouid pmit on bath- ber atnd put ber head ou i bi Sometimes he would fimîd Jerry mei suits. take a dip) in the watcr. slouldcr. ."1REE-MEN 0F MARS Ames in the room. tail anîd smilixu. sud thei lie in tue saîîd for ait hotir "Have boue luas bec ikeattn.EISD and bis fatber-in-law fixing on him or two. bTheIbwasei' asluce ncb." ton. N OD a look of coîîcentratcd î'emom. li- One day Barrett f onnd tlueni ut "Von kiitîw eichIm. Oh. recd.oeowasthe indiLewis order . ed vouicsh a lnel s.dt', aIYoukiiIIIIÀ' me decoe une of hefis n dicios o f here Hti asi wafl n e asdt. a Chri',.l'ni su crazc about vont. 'on Jeryon f herom.Ntdicclc ee ta'eedfom Kaisbis t' dolove une. don't cou to He utkof he tlîatNoecemutuail',' trasled fro KRtiR-ouBI He snoke to the nurse, ber face. Then be stopped. . Heould e tîuîder bis tua: nut de- LAKRY"BUS "Get mv son-in-law ont of the "u'hbe said. "If this isn't a wîildcratcî ut with tis uusd tiutteo-al ~AtieeStuda .38p rôom and keep him ont." le said (lis- iece of lnck. Here I atn ail alouie. lbrtl u ihteisic fal M tneBtra .0pm tînctly. "And sendi in the orderle." and I bauupen on ýbeanty iii repose" Nomen to dlaim their men. And that______ Itwas the first indicationt he lad He was thue first man they, had îicht he faced Ilomestiv the fact that be did tint want ber. tlien or ever. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. He waiited no woman, but oîuiy bis life and it'. work. Bi' the time she ÂUG. 8- 9 - 10 had gumue tlrotîch thîe complexities of ber iight toilet. bathing. brush- ici lier bair. creatning ber face. RE N RI M H even (lattiiic a litile îîerfnme be-Th mraepco bil'ddlber cars. he was aîîparcmtiv TheA. * an p o asieep. lv n deue She stood for sonue lune in ber ' SpêctacuIatly pro- elaborate nicrhti!own. gazinii a ihlmducdbIM.G.Mwhh witlî a smail tiitlit motîtî. fhuemishe acast of thoutaadil Dut Ont the lizht atnd eut itto lier - owii bcd. "Who's thut mon you keep smiling et?" "The fellow who inroduced me ta Sweet Cap$.", SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES '*The pures g Iorm in which tobacco can bc smoked." CHAPTER XXX\' Tluat auîtunn wa', relativel','unî- imprtat. Alrcady itie crisis foli- loîvitt the start of the viar bad iîas.,ed. andtiit Ilîegatt Ut be eilemtt that Enrîmue. in case of a lonîg strnigglc.e wotuld have to lotuk tt A1merica for suippies. lit iqu tfficee Statentoti Lewis ,sat tteer hulîeîrimîîs. plamiîed plantî expantsiun, seuit a mati to London. The British werc stili p)ituuiie tleir faitlu on shrapnuel. The Germans were usine high explosive slîclîs. Sootîen or later the Allies would need sheils. and that meant nmore steel. On the streneth uf that be tîrzanized a rew counnauy aud bondlit another plant. The war was zoitgto lu ast. Kitchemner had said thre ec ars. If it Iasted ture veas- One day îuat witter Chris found lemr, Amies in the towitîuvu office. Ne %vas r<xikiig older. the p)renatire acze of a manu whtî lias lii cd lartl. He amîd Chi uati xchaxtged thec tr- dimarc anetities îltrimtg Iewis's ili- îîcss. aud ('utris hiad mu> t di siiked hi iii. But lue had ieun quite ftrgiven biîn for lis fa ilt ne tt rn ly 't ithe.iettt'r abut L'rsula's deatiu. and now ie %vas. coolie ciil. lerre lias slow i cumule to tlie potint. "Its about Ursuila." lue said ai ast. "A\boutt cîtmr icîter. as a mîatter t>f fact. I1tidi't kuuuw wbat t t do abotuut iî . S tti> se y t'd nuove"t On aitu[ it ca mue lack?" "Tuai's ail rigluIt." said Chnis evculî. "Tlierç wasn't anytllitie tu be (lote for ler aielitw. uîoor girl." Tliere was a silenice. Esclu mati uueasîîned the otlier. "Abouit thie boy? He's ail richi ?" "Hes ail right, hbut nu tbanks to Qainsi[Omu jouN CARRADINE Dî.'.ee.d S cErma..BROWN News - Comedy Matinees Monday 2.30 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. COMING SHORTLY KIDNAFPED THREE BLIND MICE EBBTIDE THE THREE COMRADItS WELLS FARGO LORD JEFF. saved Ibis breath. drawing it in care- fully. çitliîî it out slowlv. Air ivas iprecious. He never secimed to get1 cnouzlh air. "XV'onî out," lie tboughit. "XVurn out with the job. Toou much work and îlot enoughi slecip for %-cars on end. lIli catch utir on sleep. and thien l'il bc ail rigbit.' But lie knieN bet- ter. Chris knew it. too. and une even- ink- lie Rot a frantic cail fruîîî lanet Grant. Grant liad coilapsed on the staîrs and îvas unconscions. \%*len Cbiris Rot there. lie was dcad. Thev liad carried him up and laid Ibim in bis hiandsome bed. and hecivas stili there. lis face quiet, bis long bands ing idie 0o1 the siik spread. Wý\e can't be gods. We're oniv mcxl.- Chris couid hear hlmi sayini;o that. Grant's deathi stili further dis- rupted the hospital, aiready suffer- ing from the ioss of some of the voungzer men. They would corne inii grinniing to Bnîhnett and say that were goiniz over to get into the Big Push. Then in a dav or two tbey wouid be gune, to Enizland or to France. drivingz their ambulances. butntinz trouble, but stili happy-go- lucky and reckless. But it was stili a war on paper to Amecrîca. a matter of maps and maybe pins to mark their line and that. One night at the inedical soc- iety somét*one read a vap)er on the possible effects of theç war on sur- gery. but it Ivas pureiy academie. No une knew. Chris watched it with detached interest. Increasingiy bis work was his liiie. His reputation was gru ingz, fot spectaculariy but- steadii.v. At home Katie, having joined the Red Cross. was busy learning tu knit because it was the thing to do. andj because the most imp)ortant women in the cîty were aireadv do- ing it. Onie dav she met Bev'erly at a rneetirig. and Beverly. rather surry for ber among that group., asked lier tu dinner. "Very informnaI," site said. "Just von and vour husband anîd our- selves. If the Doctor's busy. tell hlm îlot to dress." Katie Ivent home walkiîîg on air. îiiaxning wlîat to wear. and tellixie Cbris with suppressed jctmit Cbiris. bowever. was tired. He re- ceived the news indifferentiv. "I don't dine out. and Von know it. îKatie." "I vou don't do this. l'Il never f orgive vou." "l'Il try. but if something comes op. you'ii have to go alonle." He was not comfortabie about it. bowever. He did îlot want to go bck into tlîat bouse as a izuest. tak- ing a wife witb bim. It heid too ,,îan%- memories. tue, mucb vainî. Then at noon of the avpoinited dav Clîris. stili holding to biis general work. îvas calied on ant obstetric case. atid Katie bnrst into tears. "l'il probablv cet back iin timie." lie said. 'If I doxî't. N'on go, and l'Il comne wben I cati." "I won't inove a step wîythont %.on. Clîris. Do voit thiîk if's cas%- for nie to go tliere ànelîow 7 He got to lus patients' liouse and elimnled the stairs. The other chul- dren liad been sent awav. and tbe hnusbaîîd miet lîinîiin tle npprer hall. a tlîin inef fectual mnan %vitb faded "Sesfrigbtencd. Doctor. I'e never kxîowxî lier t>, be like titis. She's been uneiasv rigbit along." "SIiel be ail rigbit. Henry. She's itever bad an', trouble liefure." "I1 tell lier that. But sbe says she s lîad a prexîlonition. W\eil, we're iii iour lîands-and God's." Tbe babe- arrived before seen tlîat eveninir. It biad been a long bard labor. lit normai enouRb. Nevertiieleis Clîris %vas îlot eritireiv easy. The niotlier looked exbatisted. and he sp)oke to the înurse. "There's titi istorv of liemorr- bage. but I'd have some ice ready." Tiier lie weîit down and cailed Katie. to fixidlber ini a state of uerv,- us excitement. "F'il have to stay awhile. Katie." "Is the babv lbere" "Yes. hnt-" "N'on come right home and Ret dressed. or lIli never forgive von. Chris." "Cani't von go without me?" Thev'll understand." She was crying. Her voice was bard',' audible. "I won't go aloîîe. I've told von that. She hunz upt)ute receiver. and Chris was swearing as lie climbed the stairs aizain. Tbce niotiier seemned ail rigbit. bnt Chris stili had a sense ut apprebensioti. He staved until a quarter tu eiRht. Henre followed bini down tu tbe door. "l'il bc back in aan hour or two." Clhris "l'Il be at the Statntoii Lewises' if Ion need me." inost a sîbisper. "Slie's-; oil. I)octor." "*Wbo's goîle 7" t'Mother. Slie's-dcmil. l)uctor." He tlid îlot go back to the diîîing- Before day break Katie roused to see hiin coming lîlitu tbeir ruom anîd raised ber beadb f rom tue pillow. "Well!' slîe said. "The idea of rilýUb Mrs. W. M. Mainguy, Montreal Laura Jane Neville, widow of William MacLeod Mainguy, and une ut the oldest living descend- ants uf a Canadian ploneer fam- ily, died recently in Montreal, at tbe age ut 96. She had been re- siding wth ber son, Lt.-Col. P. N. Maînguy. ut 309 Strathearn av- enue, Montreal west. Born at Cobourg, Ontario, in 1843, she moved to Bowmanville the following year. Sbe receivedI THURSDAY,. AUGUST 4TH, 1938 cou ruiitiimie off and icavine uic like that ! I1ivas tever su aslîamedi nus' life." He stood over lier bcd. starilue dowui at lier witbhuhis face set anîd lus eî'e buirniiig. As ivithu Dick ivlien Lily died. hie conld have killed lier. straîugied lier w'ithi bis biands. But lie ofîiv nmade a sotr of desuier- ate gesture anud tnrned aîyay. "Sorrv.," liç said. "1 killcd a wotiati toiiehzit." She sat sîraiguit uîuî ii lier bcd. "KiII,'d a îvouîan 1" "Tbat's ichat I said." hue told bier. aîîd went ont. XX'ien Olca icemt dowvustairs tlîat 1-nortine. she foutîd iun asiccp imi his office î,ituî bislIîead oit bis desk. Later oui she roused lîim witlî a cu) of culffç-e. aîîd be Ivent upstairs atud chanRed lis clotlîes. Bnt lbe was dif- ferent after tlîat. Sotne of lis con- f idenuce bad igoxe. "I dou't blanie youm. Doctor." Heuurv said. "But 'Mother set sncb a store by you." "Don't. for God's sake. Hcuiry " Luckil','lbe ias busy. The w'ar boom '-began thiat "car. Miamîd women. iew to machines. were drawnii uto the milîs. into factories. itîto plauîts of every sort liv the hi-zi waces. and because tbey were mucw tu machines. the machines took iheir toil of tbem. Plcîîty of mone uow also. more and more automo- biles in use, mure accidents on tbe streets as w'ell as iti the milis. The hospital was cruîvded. It wîas ami epfideunic aczain. but atu epidemic of prosperity and its conîcurrent re-j sutts. Cbris was in the lionse only for office bours now,'.anîd then ont agzain. Theti ote day Katie came home f rom a Red Cross meeting to f iîd bier brother Dick stanudinge in bier living room. bis hands in bis pockcts anud bis crin cy'nicaI as lie surî'e',ed lier. "Well. bcre's the jaiibird 1" "You tîcedmut shont it. The ser- v'ants-" "The servants! High and migbty these da',s. aren'tvo He iooked ', owe',er. He ivas bigeer. broader in the shounders. But lis ciothes were ili-fittitue; ,amud Katie snrî'eved him witb distaste. "Vou're îuot coing to campn lucre un me. Dick." she said f irmilv. "Tbat's a welcome for y'ou! Who said 1 was icoing lu camp Ol on u? I won't bave von dracczine une down. ,I've îvorked bard to zet wlicre I arn. and I w'on't hav'e it." She had reî'erted to the old Katie then. fierce amîd defensiî'e. SIte kmi.v'it .herseuf. bearine bier own voîce. ajUd w'earilî' she took off bier Lg aud ran bier baud over hier bair. "I wun't let yon do it. Dick." suce said more ouietiy. "II w'om't go back to wbere I îvas." (To be Continuîed) Obituary Mrs. W. J. Tudzham. lWindsor Foîlowing an iîlness uf une month, Mrs. Walter J. Todghamn died July 9th, 1938, at her home, 972 Windermere Road, Windsor. She was 77 years oîd. Born in Simcoe. she moved to Windsor trom Bowmanviîle 22 years ago. She lived there for the rest ut ber lite. She was a merth- ber ut the Lincoln Road United Chureh in Windsor. Surviving are ber bnsband, Walter J.; une son, Herbert H., ut Windsor; three bruthers, Abner Butler and Robert Butler, ut Leamington, and Charles H. But- ler, ut Windsor, and three sisters, Mrzî. F. S. Wright, Mrs. J. Prosser and Mrs. Wallace Wilkinson, ut Leamington. Remains rested at the home ut ber son, Herbert H., 962 Winder- mere road. Funeral services took place Monday in the Morris Fun- eral Hume, 1624 Wyandotte street east at Lincoln road. Burial was in the Greenîawn Memorial Cern- etery. Many Bowm'wanviîle citizens who have pleasant memories ut the late Mrs. Todgham îvhen a resi- dent ut this tuwn wiîl sympathize with the bereaved unes in the passing ut a kindîy and mucb be- loved Christian wuman. days, when so u nh o uur lite is devoted to businîess, it mnust be preached speciallY in itS applica- tion to the condut ofu business."- Ferdinand S. Sehenck. "The way to stop tinancial Juy riding" is to arrest the chauffer, not the automobile." - Woodrow Wilson. F or Health Drink Milk Business men, housewives and children ail find that Glen Rae better miIk gives you that extra energy you need during long, busy days of work and play! Why don't you switch to Glen Rae niilk today? PHIONE 2665 FOR OUR MAN TODAY! GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens & Son Bowmanv'ille SHREDDED WHEA&T MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT ber elementary education in Eng-1 land, returning to Canada to tin- ish her studies at Miss Welch's Schuol in Buwmanviîle. In Bow- manville sbe attended St. John's Anglican Church where ber mu- ther utten, pîayed the urgan. It wiIl be recalled that Mrs. Main- guy wrute a must interesting bis- torical article for The Statesman at the time ut the Old Boys' Re- union a year agu. In 1870 she was married to William McLeod Mainguy, the civil engineer in charge ut con- structing the C.P.R. division tram Thunder Bay to Rat Portage, now Kenora, Ontario. She showed ber pioneer spirit by accompanying 'ber husband into. the wilds ut Nurthern Ontario. For years she lived in a log cabin with ber husband. Sbe was the unly white woman in the wbole country. She îearned tu speak the language ut the Indians wurking un the division, as wel as French. During the evenings she helped the yuung assistant engineers with their studies. Some ut ber amateur students have since become world famous. Amung them are Dr. Waddeîl, bridge building expert, T. J. Ken- nedy, a piuneer in raiîway build- ing in Northern Canada, and at une time general superintendent ut the Algoma Central and Hud- son Bay Railroad, Ashworth Fel- lows, and many others. Returning tu Ottawa, she en- gaged in church activities. For the past 34 years she bas lived with ber son, Lt. Colonel Mainguy, in Montreal. In addition tu ber son, wbo is connected with tbe Royal Cana- dian Army Service Corps, and is general manager for eastern Can- ada ut the Ford Motor Company, Mrs. Mainguy is survived by tour grandsuns, William Francis, Mon- treal, Donald N., Toronto, Robert E., Montreal, and Pbilip S.. Mon- treal, and une great grandson. The tuneral service was held in the Joseph C. Wrgy chapel, 1234 Mountain street. condncted by Rev. Canon Ireland, ut St. Philip's Church, Montreal West. Inter- ment was in Beechwood Cerne- tery, Ottawa. "BUSINESS" "Markets as well as mobs re- spond to human emotions; mar- kets as weîî as mobs can be in- tlamed to their own destruction." .-Owen D. Young. "If the Golden Rule is to be preached at alî in these modern 1 DEAN HODGSON WVHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Bowmanville Ontario PAGE FOUR

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