THURSDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, ]BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO activities and hîs son Walter Jr. is room was gaily decorated for the VICTORIAN NURSE other work is charged by the visit. ~c htra xeduefr13 handling the night shift. event. The. school is modern in ____In maternity cases thie nurse Obtu1U rLywanaryxhst Mr. . oloc ad auhtrsevery respéct and the grounds (otud rmpe1) attends the mother and child each B-a siai~$,0 ob MsS.Plokadduhesaeequipped with an open air (Cniudfonpg ) morning, but it is necessary ta Thomas Aliman, Oshawa seto od n13 a mne SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Margaret and Joyce, and son rT1nk, six swings, teeter-totters, exelude it from the grant. In the haesmoees to, takehcare of Thra Ala.awelkona hatePovcal ovre Harry, Harmony, Misses Elsie and and an agricultural plot. Shrubs evn faMtoltngatb-tepetthe rest to read $490asteyataout. Myrle nd oy geronOrage-and plants donated by Sauina îng made it is made entirely on Nurse instructs housekeeper in Oshawa resident,dedahsho. vlpasuîvon ______ ------------_Phone_66 ville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horticultural Society are kept up the basis of attendance on policy care of patient.Ato Sre. as.Aut.2i Crk va isrutd ontfv Tom Dustan Jr. spent Pone Mi63e Mar A.l Living.n by the pupils. Also for this oc- holders, the company paying the Preliminary work in the organ- '.\r. Aliman liad attendcd the civie m Amtogfo ob luh Sunfre i rato d ay ies Mry Well, ea ien To mark the occasion of their casion electric lights were instal- regular fee for visits to patients ization of a bmanch in Bowman- communitv (lay activities at the Lakex rabdonoaaloaco- Souch are on a motor trip to silver wedding anniversary, Mr. led. insured in that company. ville would take approximately on M.\ondav. and suffered a heartPa Mm. Arthur Cully is visiting fri- Montreal and Ottawa. and Mrs. J. Wesley Jewell enjoy- The sports program was in Termndrothlcabu-newk.attack late that nigzht. pst ends n Hamlton nd Weland ed a motor trip for several days charge of Jack Reynolds and the get is raised by the local comn- Miss Dawson said that with a Mr lmnwsbomn in Darline-c~ n h at The Public Library is closedi for Co.vileert ull ned from an cuthes ditrt. and und em-et Pasc o e il, Mar- mittee. hospital in the town the nurse ton Township in 1859. and married yLw aspsetoevTr- two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I isks custornar forl thepe Townll houvd likelye have moonisdsrcs n udrBrh ac a-re time in Therze Herrin'some fifty-two vears twoay weeks 9holdy.iîroe week's vacation at Thumstonia Mrs. W. L. Forsythe, Wadding- ion Tink; Boys, five and under- St is No.oar f-or0 No. Ton2-51940.hae76;o.Te opl ivdinBoo Frsay, Lehman Park. ton, N. Y., Mrs. H. Stark and son, Donald Pascoe, Walter Tink; Girs Corinsin to akeo arant $hich to he usehoos. ago.n Th comelîeonBokbuN -20;N. -20;N. Mr. . . ehan ad on Mm. and Mms. J. B. E. Staples, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. E. C. Stillwell six to eight-Loraine Tink, Jean varies ine Ontario rm s $50 tol The h n urse isgvna o nth' to Oshaw wher thev 8-iPo o.9$30 Billy, Brooklyn, N. Y., are visit- Tootvisited with Mrs. N. S. B. and daughter Jane, Guelph, were Reynolds, Ina Law; Boys, Si to $10.Mnyi lorie yhldywt ulpy each year, ie fo th sa Toronto vears $10Ho -20 o -4 o in irmteMs li ih.Jan*xs and Mm. -and Mrs. C. H. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. eight-Arthur Reynolds, Gl1e n social activities, and by an annual and the Committee appoints a ie o h attit er.H ingks hem motherin Mirss E9i Wight. to bos avs.sbttteadpy irdr as been a member of Kinz Street B-avwspse xn aea Mrs. Yerex is spending the Mason. Strike. BrosT.MLugln il,~ he ta h.ourse anass subsath tiue ruande pashemrng United Clburch for mnanv years. 2 iî ntedla o eea to 12-Frayne Johns, Helen Lang- TeVO.Nre ildohattergurnmssabnc.He is survived hy bhis wife Therzeproe.o hcboeml ilb month of August in Trenton and Miss Vema Lonsbemry, Miss Ben Miss Nellie L. Pattinson, Cen- ley, Anna Johns; Boys, 9 to 12- teaching in the homes she visits. Tbe branch will only be organ- Herrinz. a son, Roy, of Oshawa; adb h rvica oenet Belleville with relatives. Gay, Miss Domothy Nichols and tral Technical Sehool, Toronto, Oland Brooks, James P ot t er, When she has time she does ized if sufficient interest is shown laugbhtdr, Mrs. Ray Leonard. Port R-a vspasdipwrn Mr. Archie MacDonald, Milton, Miss Imene Casboumn are holiday- and hem niece, Miss Jean Pattîn- Gamth Allan; Girls. 16 and under, health work in the sehools and when the organizer comes here, Huron. Michigan-, two brotbersRev an Trsre tobro is visiting his parents, Mm. and ing at Thurstonia. son, Town, are spending two shoe race-Acy Horn, M. Johns; welfare work. and at least haîf of the money me- lames of Osbawa, and William ofmcvi ncsav Mms. Donald MacDonald. Mm. and Mms. Hamry Osborne wek nte.urninMut Boys' shoe seamble-Bert Me- The amount of time spent in quired is rase beo the nurse Toron~to; and two sisters. Annie oc Raswr nurdi h eea Mm. Will Percy, Toronto, was returned ta Detroit on Fiday af- ains ai Alpine Inn, St. Marguer- Bride, Murray Evans; Open race- the schools would depend entirely cornes in. Osbawa. and Elle of Buffalo. \cdn e holiday guest of his sisters, the ter vacationing with his parents, ites, Quebec. Walter Blackburn; Needle and upon the amaunt of bedside nurs- The meeting closed with the The funeral wiIl be from the Misses Percy. Mm. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne. -_Mrs. John Percy, Silver Street, thead-Tom Westlake and Vera ing. *dabbypassing of the resolution refemred residence of bis son, Roy Allman. Teeacut wr mee ad Dr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~' anf Mr.Gime permier.Wl Hlya n duhtrrcetyenetandtoclînîcKrlke ucySotE1 I ie emitda aypmne o eviously, and also a vote of 146 Tyler Cresaient, on Thursda,W.Eeto.Sc-es Mr. . . Bnncatle Mm Wll elya an dug te rcny e of l aen onon WiLcklburme wouîd be held. lhanks to Miss Dawsan for hiemr~ug 4tb. at 2:30 p.m.. with the SSN.6 -.....« 00 have been holidaying at Wig-a- Grace, Clinton, Miss Marguerite tea aus number ofl laie inc honoice Wiiun Thliigth itr Mog, Haliburton. .Brenton. Port Hope, were guests of hiem sisters, Mrs. Annis, Eb- Tbree couples, Mm. and Mrs. enrewksoyono-srvcsiepanngteVco-interment at Union Cemetery. O.Han.ecTes. Mis oraie arer Ohaao M. oh ad is Ea eîya.enezer. Mrs. L. A. W. Tole, Bow- Thomas Baker, Mm. and Mrs. J. L. tom* res n vr nurse is a ian Ore Nuig Service. -*--* MsLorieHreOhwoMrJonadMs v ela.manville, adMrs. Robt. Sylves- Metcalf, Maple Grove, and ison 40dut sack ceen .....e 24.80in is visiting hiem aunt, Mrs. C. C. Mm. and Mî-s. Joseph Hynds, To- ter, Toronto. and Mms. William Westlake, all school, and has post graduate S lr o n hp C u cl~ rgt odec ----427 MacNair. monta, spent teweekend with hem Mr. and Mms. Sam Pattersun Jr.. having celebmaled their golden training in public health work. S l mT w s i o n i Mm. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy and mother, Mrs. John Sanders, West- Mm. adMs WilmLnes digsweea ngtoereQuestions Answered Peim nRa nuac Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker spent mount. MisCrePltro'n m sent. The following items of inform- CRWIH O NHPGadSadadCuc ..146 i the weekend at Wasaga Beach. Miss Frances Jewell and Mrs. Robert Patterson, Caledon, Ont.. Committees ation were in the nature of me- Rev. Rozers. Bowmanville. who Cartwright Counicil met AugustCsreReaa Mm. J. A. Living attended the Vivian Argue are moloring ta visitedi Mrs. Harry Vickery and Committees responsible for the Plies 10 questions asked Miss conducted the teînmemance service lst wsitli members ail preseilî excepî soiain-------... 50 Canadian Corps Re-union in Ta- Ferndale, Muskoka, the latter Miss Helen Franklin. success of the me-union weme: Dawson. that wvas anrlotnce(l to be taken bv inz Counicillor \\. Bowles. Commnun- Cucraiune me et monta. spending a week at Keswick Mrs. T. Aldridge, Sydenham, Invitation-A. L. Pascoe, J. Ba- The V. O. Nurse has the samne the Rev. Imwiii. gave a vemxv aippeal- icatien frein District engineer advis-Sbat2pm _____________________Christian Confemence theme. England. is visiting hem mother, ker, J. Kivell, C. E. Shortridge. qualifications as the regular Pub- me' addrcss in the intemest of temp)er- Kilcoo Camp staff members Mrs. A.« E. Wrenn, and friends. Sports-Roy Langmaid, J a ck lic Health Nurse. axice. Z1Boyd Slemon, Glen Mcllveen and They had a family picnic Civic Reynolds, Harold Pascoe, Clar- The nearest branch ta Bow- Mm. anîd M.\rs. J. Cator and soli. A» Donald Mason returned to Bow- Hbliday at Harmony where they ence Vice, Gordon Wilbur, Will manvîlle is Whitby, where Ca un- '.are.tA. Cator. Toronto. visited their manville Saturday, after a month are staving for one week wilh Baker, Frank Westlake. cil gmanled $550, and nursing fees Paet.Mm. and Mms. F. Caler on1 ST T ON E Y in the north country. Mrs. Kenneth Fletcher. Entertainment-Vera Baker, W. ameunted to $680. Suindav. M.\rs. Caler enioved a meotor ST. JOSEPIIS C U C STAT ONE Y ýMrs. Walter Greerson, Edmon- Mr. E. Passant, Base Line and Blackburn, Geo. Wermy, W. R. The total cost 10 cilizens of dIrive withi tlîcm iu the afterneoiî. ton. and Mrs. W. J. Haggith. Van- Duke St,, had a cow killed by Westlalke, hlyls emws$750 Mm. and Mms. Kettle and Miýs couver, are visling their aunt, lightning during the electrie Storrm Refreshments - Mr. and Mrs. The nurse did not have a car. Violet Kettle. Quebec. weme StiudayI i SPECIALS Mrs. Donald McDonald, and other on Satumday. At the saine limne Chas. Johns, Mm. and Mrs. H. E. The nurse sets the charge for callers on Miss B. Cater. SPECIALS [friends. rs ex1ta due to the saine cause radios for TinléMr, and Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mm. visits and collects herscîf. She Mr. and Mms. E. Silver, «Mr. anda ranrr y Mr.andMrs Alx Elio an seera blcksarouind were Put and-ns. A. Balson, Mm. and Mrs. does not discuss the fees with the Mms. \\. G. \Vcmmv and 'Miss Thel- Gad son Ross, S.JhNBaer-otobuis.J.Baker, Mm. and Mrs. C. Blan- local committce and ahl relation- ma spetit Sunday witb Mmf. and Mms. newing acquaintances in town Dm. and Mrs. Maurice Atkinson, chard, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy. shîps are confidiential. H. Poster at their cottage at Bob- while guests of Mm. and Mrs. R. Newv York City, Mr. and Mrs. W. DeoaigNr erMr- Teei omnmmgat cavejýcoi. Miss Theima meinained for E. Logan, Carlisle Ave. I. Colwell and son Jin-fny, Mr. garet Scott, Frances Wotten, Ail- that the counicil must make ta- a longer visit. If V FINNl AII IT h Evangeline Weekend visitors with Mm. and and Mms. George Armstrong, Miss een Balson, Mrs. R. J. McKessock. ward the work. Mrs. F. L. Squair visited bier *IDAYI EVENII Mrs. T. H. Knight included Mm. Bemnice Armstrong, Misses Jean Booth-Maurice Baker, R ut h Miss Dawson expressed the be- dauczhter. Mrs, W. Mof fat. Orono. Letter sîze and Foldover Pads, MKsokRusl aonEv-ieth he ureMark L. Roenigk, Stratford, Miss and Domothy Baker, Toronto, weme McescRseiBloEe ifta h us ould have wbo is quite ill. Master Neil me- -A 60 sheet of d ~ Ella Collacott, Toronto, Mm. and guests of Mrs. Mina Colwell, Car- y ik o cî,Ade ye considerable time 10 spend in the turned home after sp)ending some hiihppr igh gene s nen Mrs. H. T . Humby and thmee sons, lisle Ave. Helen Baker. schools wheme she would work holidavs with bis izrandparents. finshpaer wthenelpe ~ Hamilton. Miss Jean Spry has returned Dac-sa adJc e-with the Medical Officer of Health. Mm. and Mms. L. Annis. Toronto. mac.Provincial Constable and Mrs. f rom three weeks' holidays in nolds, Roy Langmaid, Bruce Tink, The minimum salary paid the were weekend visitors with hiem var- I TP R Price Morris and family, Bill, Bob Haliburtan County, spending two George Werry, Helen Baker. V. O. Nurse is $125 per month or ents. Mm. and Mrs. W. Canin. tbey Pad, either side - and and Jack, and Bill Cale have me- weeks on Moore's Lake camping Reception-A. L. Pascoe, Mm. $1500 per year. also visited bis p)arents. Mr. and Mrs. BOWIMANI Envelopes turned fmom holidays at Bancroft, with Miss Grace Rundle, and the and Mrs. S. E. Wermy, Vera Bàaker, The nurse will answem night A. Annis. Tyrone and Mrs. Canu A usmnt bringing a fine catch of f ish with last week with friends on their Will Baker, Mrs. McKessock, Nora calîs providing the doctor says it AmusementsrS~ tri Rfesmet Bath for 25e them. island in Black Lake. While there Wemmy. is necessary. Mm.te Evt Por1. Toront.vsi-WU tokdB th In a canvass recently canducted they visited Bigwin and a num- Finance-Alf. Ayre, A. L. Pas- The nurse works in co-opema- cdr wi bis parsd. Toano Mrst C.l S ROMNE PADSANB- on behaîf of the Lord's Day AI- ber of the Muskoka Lakes. coe, Jack Reynolds, Roy Lang- towthaloclotosndu-Poliard. SELF SEAL ENVELOPES -liance of Canada, by Mm. Angus Mrs. Wmn. Pinch, Toronto, and maid. on their orders only.GR N F MDnla total of $50 was cal- hiem daughter, Mms. Keilneth Swit- Hot Watem-Ed. Wermy, Chas. The nurse ;s expected to have Mm. and Mm\Is. t. Billinizs and G A D P IEp A Bath for 25c letdi the town of Bowman- zer, Longîac, are visiting Mm. and Johns, Walter Parrinder. one day off each week and the daukhters. Oroiio. weme 'Mondav cal- lst Prize . -- - $50 ville. Mrs. Wmn. McLaughlin, Oshawa. Platfomm-B. G. Stevens, Liv- committee must supply and pay a ]ers on Mm. and 'Mrs. E. Doidze 2dPie - - - -- $50 MsL.G GaeMs.L. C. They all came clown ta Bowman- ingstone Miller, Ernest Hockaday. substitute for that day. wlbo accomoDanied tbcm te Tvmonc. n Prz Snowden and Miss Betty Snow- ville on Wednesday and gave us Sunday Service-B. G. Stevens, Micssay Daon said tha et it oaf a. cabie onh Mr.J toi u 3dPie -- - - - den have returned from an en- a friendly call. There is no more H. E. Tink, S. E. Werry. tnes, ta, gre th best fout afr Nable. 4vnn n smth Pfrize - - - - - - $0 joyable trip to Atlantic City, Had- appreciative reader of The States- Mms. John Baker is President, n the t use tvide ad car fo hem. o M iss d Ge ar v ons an eTI tP-ze - - - -$50 don Heights, N.J.. and other U. S. man than Mrs. Pinch. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Secmetaryadthtsesimtdhecsmot ficsar hodan t centres. Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Gibbs, Mm. of the Homne and Schoo Cl1o h evc nBwavlet isna Tickets - - 25 - or1 O J. W. J E W E L Vef of Police S. Venton, Mrs. and Mrs. William Gibbs and dau sponsors of the re-union. Regis- be $2500 per year (The cost of Master B. Lockbamt is speidiug £vrbd ecm DonaldnldadA Osharwar, saaM. n rs .trtonwsincageo is or hNobi HathNrAdme teweked issionote a vryoyWecm Phone 556 Bowmariville holidaying at Burnt River. Dur- H. Gibbs, and Mm. and Mms. Dick Werry and Mrs. R. J. McKessock. the old system was $1200 per Newtonvillc. ing his absence Night Constable Gibbs and son George, Tyrone, Rev. J. R. Bick, Whitevale a yeam). MmI. sud] Mms. F. Humrst sud Mms. BAND IN ATNAC _____________________Walter Hall is taking over the day were Sunday visitors with Mm. former pastor, conducted the 'me- A maximum charge of $5 is H-urst. Sm.. Toronto. visitcd '.\I and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock. Mrs. T. union service on Sunday and a made for confinement cases. Ail aud Mmrs. H. Gand. ljiH. Gibbs is staying with hem dau- report of this gathering appears ghter for a few days. elsewheme. Newcastle's hopefuls took quite a seecdmubbiu fmom Bownmaîville r Rovals last nigbt at the local stad- Tyrone FIFTY CENT Dj'Y im. wshen the Cerden coaclîed cmew nicked the score board 13 limes while Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Rosevear the visitcors' side wvas completelv and Miss Ina Rosevear, Hamwood, PCLN I lauk. George Phillips bandled thle Mm. and Mrs. B. Brooks, Cold- pitchinz probleni for the lecals andt spmings, were Sunday guests at 5 0 c arnemcd eleven strike-outs while ai- Mm. Gussie Roseveam's. lowinz ene walk sud four bits. Mm. and Mms. D. Hooper, Orono, SPLE Bruuit aud M.\oite blcd for New~- visited Mrs. James Stomie. rui s and 'Moise eue. Tbe Rovals col- Arnold Mackenzie visited hem fa-PA fOLV lectcd 17 bits bu ail. Bowvmanville ther, Mm. G. Carm, Gilford, and T asuey refoftebt slsbuy alyou.r Se What 50c WiII Buy asoeam topa aSudrad ttndthfnrlofM.WJ.Lowest pickling and canning supplies from your I.D.A. Store. Our~ ou1 Auigust 6tb to complete the sclie- Dolittle, Bradford. Prices spices are fresh and properly kept and our pickîle mixture TeUEIIUIuIu dl.Mrs. C. Nesbitt, Winnipeg, Mari. caeul opuddfrom the purest ihae ceomseehesmui THURS AY -FRIDA SAT RDAYWe don't mind Toronto papens hias been visiting hiem brother, Mm. boasting about their own native W. T. Womden. ----- sons but when they dlaim a lad Mm. and Mrs. R. Luke and Mrs. Phone 79 Prompt Delivery AG TU who grew up in Hampton as "a W. T. Worden spent Sunday in PHOTO FINISH ING PURE LINEN native of TorontoaI we thînk it ,s Orono. S etPcl itr T W LNGPOT limne ta speak out. However, along Miss Eva York, Bowmanville, gai. P GIANTMxture gal.v25 OW L IGwith bis hast *of Durham County spent the weekend at home. oShs HOLDERS fmiends we're glad ta note the suc- Mm. and Mrs. L. Rabinson aud_______________ ys 50 sOlvRoisnPe-Parowax - - - lb. Ilc 3 yds. 50c ~~~cess of Frank Crydemman. The Bernice,MisOveoinnPt Pure Linen Towelllng at an 4 for 50c item reads: "Rev. Frank M. Cmy- erboro, at Mm. F. L. Byam's. *F E exceptional price, 16 iches Regular stock numbers -You derman, B.A., B.D., minister of Mm. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue spent Ja ig-QZ S ran use lots of these in the Christ Pmesbyterian Church, New Sunday at Mm. C. Shaw's, Orona. wide, wlth colored border kthn afCiwilpec inSp- M.nd Mrs. A. Spicer andwihahtueo stripe. Stock up and save. son Avenue United Church on family, accoimpanied by Mm. and Sunday, July 3lst. Mm. Cryder- Mms. Stan Beckett, Bowmaflville, Certo - - 2 for 45c - 23e etsTot at ma i anaiv o Trot an an Mm.1 T.f I ecet motred to Develoffing Printing sud rearranged until the word skin deep isn't nruch consolation * umte to r tr ot10-79 0 -5.9 Neuunore.n PERFORETTE Salins was finally adopted. Salins W* a homely girl.lato sntulclr(i15 79 -30-$.9 school has pmoduced many nated _______________ _ou are flot aver 60 yemr of 7 0 -5 .9~~t r RAG MATS PANTIES Imen, preachens, teachers, doclors, you moe tref d 750-$2u.79 ~8 lawyers and agrîculturists. Atte1te rEa _________________________________________ 50c each 2 far 5Oc The oldest lady preseut at the B U RNS eAtrone Setor. DruOan me-union was Mrs. Jordan Van- /f"Mi. squai pans of Minad', Sold every day at 59c. Cool and smart wltb elastlc Nest of Toronto, wiho is in hem and sweet oit. castor oil, or 9Oth yesr; sud the oldest man Im pedo rw PecitosaSe These are dandy mats most îwas You' need ai east prs2 wasr Albenty Etli ofr Hopr ii I rscitoi pcat anwee n h os. nh-'prsn a Alber aIi of Hamp-. Bfoi long thesI anywere a te bose. pair if you're gaing onhl- ton, also ini bis 9Oth yeam. Mrs. J. l 18inful smarfing sufpg days.- A. Gaudin, of Stettler, Alberta, PlL came the greatest distance. ________________________________________ Dinner was provided by the 3cA LXMOER community for more than 100________________ guests on the lawu in the school C'T'CIDrç yard, sud more than 400 sat down "KING~ OF PAIN19HTDCIA TR V ALIER~J STO..S 0IED t the bountiful basket supper UIE IA TR laten in the day. At night therePhn72 was an old time dau.ce school wit AGENOYPhn79 rg Wilson's Oshawa Orchestra dis- pensing the music. The school- _ ___