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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1938, p. 8

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SOLINA 010 BOYS ANO OIRLS RENEW FRIENDSHIPS AT BlD REUNIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 1938 Sons of Temperance Once Great Power in Solina Community Life The Sons of Temperance. at tre, without date apparently Jan. one time one of the most power-2118. fui influenses in the lives ef So- Solina Division xvas organized Feb. 21, 1879, by A. O'Hara, D.G. lina residents, was recalled at the W.P.. assisted by T. Yellowlees, Re-Union on Saturday. xvhen Dr. R. Windatt. and other members of J. B. Reynolds, native of Sauina Bowmanville Div. These enficers and former President of O.A.C.. xere installed: W. P.-S. J. Wil- liams; W. A.-Mrs. J. C. Groat: Guelph, reviewed the historv of 'R. S-A. J. Reynolds; A. R. S.- the organization in his address. Miss E. J. Pascoe: F. .-J. C. Dr. Reynolds' address deait wiý*th Groat: Tr.-Maggie Lemon: P.W. themintes0f he onsofTem- -.Thomas Baker: C. L.-Isaiah perace ad xvs asfollws. Barclay: Con-Eli Pascoe: A. C.- Perace nd as a folow. 1Jane Joli: O. S.-Wm. Co1wi1l. The earliest minutes at hand February 26, 1879, the following are of Darlington Centre No. 283,. were elected mernbers ef Solina dated March 21, 1876. On this Division: Charlie Braten, XVm. date it is recorded that the naines VanNest, Harry Hooper, Bart of hos wh wee epeled romLammiman, Abbie VanNest. ofnnisilen Dison.1, were eldfo On April 2nd. Mr. Peter Werrv EnnskilenDivsio No 11, wre as initiated a mnember ot the read, and these naines were en- Division. tered on the black book. . Under date of Auig. 27 ('79). Under date of April 4. the fol- appears this item: Bre. Reynolds, lowing offilcers were elected: W P the editer of our paper, read the -A. McLaughlin: W. A.-Sisiei paper fer the first time. Cryderman; R.S.-A. A. Thop Sept. 16, "The Sauina Sentine1l', son, A.R.S.-Sister M. Pye; FS.ý- the greatest paper et the day, was C. W. Smith; Treas.-Sister D. read fer the second time, comn- Abraam; hap.Broter Pv eprising several interesting and Cond.-E. Richardson; A.C.--Sis- asng articles. ter Bradley: I.S.-A. Abraham; On Sept. 22, 1879. at the elec- O. S-Brothier Ellis; P. W. P.-W. 'tien et officers. Bre. Thos. Baker Cryderman. wvas elected Cenducter, and Sister Under date May 16. Mr. Baker, Lammimnan Assistant Cenductor. C. Hooper and Miss Hogarth were Oct. 15, 1880, a communication balloted for and elected. was received from the Grand Sept. 5th, a debate xvas arrang- !Scribe cencerning the new hall. edl with six on a side, Bres. Brad-I ley and Abrahams as captains, on Dec. 24, a Building Commnittee the subject, "Resolved that it is was appointed: Bros. Groat, Ba- better for a father te give his son ke, Williams, Stollery, Pascoe, at the age et 21 £500 and ne edu- Reynolds, Allun, VanNest. cation, than te give him a geod Feb. 4, 1881, Bill received fromn Cemmon school educatien." This Benny Reynelds for sweeping subject was debated at the next school after Division, 50c. That meeting, and a decision given in was three months' pay. Bill was favor ef the negative. ordered te be paid. The Dunkin Bill 1877. Debate. Feb. 25, it was decided finally October 16, 1877, the question te proceed with building the hall. of surrendering the charter was Great Arguments raised. On November 13, it was Apparently it was custemary decided te, continue. fer a member te ask a question in Last entry fer Darlington Cen- the Division, presumably te start an argument. THE LD GRDENWALK On Mar 4, Bro. Williams asked THE LD GRDENWALK the question: Which is worse, a gessiping wife or a drunken hus- 0f the scenes et my childhood, band? when I was a lad, On Mar. 18, the samne brother There is one that stands eut wanted te know: Will the present very clear; generation live te see prohibition? 'Twas the old garden walk that On Apr. 22, motion was made my grandmother hiad that the new hall be opened on Running down' through her July 1. A program cemmie was flowers se dear. appointed. On May 13, the present speaker It was made et red brick, ahl laid . was initiated inte the order. carefully true, On June 3, it was resolved that Arched a littie te shed ahl the an invitation be sent te, Hampton rains; Brass Band for the entertainment And the joints were ail f illed with on July 1. cement, just like glue, June 10, a communication was It was built with unusa pains. read from Hampton Brass Band 1 At the sides there were peenies, agreeing te assist in the entertain-1 pansie and inksment on July 1 for the sum et Monster peppies ef orient hues;$50an xes.3 In saso wee tlip an crcuss wIt was moved and seconded that1 ton sesnwr uisadceue e dispense with Hampton BrassV Ptee, i vriu bus Band unless we could get theirr Peunasinvaies lus, services cheaper.r And down at the end ef that eld Moved in amendment that we garden walk, give them a free ticket te tea and r A pergola steod, rose cevered, lecture if they consent te these i 'wsgay; termis. Original motion w i t h- b 'wsa fairy-like arber, inviting- drawn.e ly sweet, The next entry in the minutes sang birds made mui bears the dat et July 8. The greatv ail day.muc day et the opening et the new t hall had came and gene, and no f But the picture ni memory keeps record nideoe the proceedings.b nearest my heart, .A. typical program et that time 1 And haunts me almost every is given under date Sept. 9, 1881: b heur, J. C. Great, reading; Abbie Van- !P Is the sweet smiîing face et my Nest, music; T. Baker, reading;!e grandmother dear, Anme Doidge and Martha Elterd,, As she stood 'neath that rose- music; Nancy Williams, recita- 1 cavered bower. tien; Bertha Hogarth, reading; n Wm. Colwill, reading; Abbie Van- i Se how can you blame me for Nest and visiter, music; J. C. ýS leving those scenes, Groat, conclusion et reading; i Or wender when et them I talk, Nancy Williams,, recitatien; Bro. For their memory te me is a Awde, few remarks, very appro- thrice sacred trust,. priate. J. W. Werry, R.S. As it brings back that old gar- Under date et Oct. 7, 1881, it is1 den walk. recerded that Mr. Arthur Pascoe!C -Ralph Gordon. was duly initiated and became en-P 628 Crawford St., Toronto. titled te ail the privileges et the t L TRIS IS NO r PRINTIER'S ERROR LADIES SI1K CREPE F DRESSESP $I.29 2 form2To Arcade Store REUNION CH AIRMAN Registration of Those Attending ]RECALLS SCHOOL: Solina Old Boys-Girls Re-Union T rand Mrs. Frank Orchard; Laverne Those who registered at the Orchard, Bewmanville; Elva Or- Re-union were as follews. Names1 chard. appearîng without addresses are M.adMs .L aceM from local districts. We do net and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Ray Pas- vouch for the accuracy or com- cee, Don Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. pleteness et this list but it gîves Walter Parrinder, Evelyn Parrin a good idea et those who attended der, Ruby Parker, Mr. Mack Pen- on Sturay.found, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs A. on Satrday.Petter, Bruce Potter, Annie Pot- "A" ter, Jimmy Potter, Mrs. R. Pas-j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Awde, Dray- cee, Mrs. Russell Perkins, Mar- /ton; Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Awde, garet Perkins; Mrs. Frank Rolson, -~ 'Newcastle, Mrs. William Allen, Oshawa; Bill Parker; Mr. and ~ Marvin Allen, Hogarth Allen, Ri- Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Columbus; Mr. verside; Mrs. W. Law, Oshawa; and Mrs. Alvin Peters, Miss Ada Mrs. John Hammond, Douglas Pascoe, Tarante; Miss Irene Pas- Hammond, Blake Parke, Windsor; cee, Frank Pascoe, Margaret, Jean Absalam Abraham, B r o e k 1 i in; and Bertha Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and Bayd Ayre, Mr. and Yohan Pollack, Billie Pollack,___________ Mrs. AIt. Ayre, Audrey Ayre, Downer Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Lu- NelonH.Reyols Ruby Aldsworth, Mrs. R. Avery, ther Pascoe, Harold Potter. Thomas Baker NaieelsolnaH.Randsinipl tFranklin Awde, Robert Awde, To- "R" Natve f Slin an Prncial f rente; Mrs. Jas. Affholder, To- Jack, Ruth and Jean Reynolds; For more than haîf a centi Plains Road School, East York, rente; Mrs. Levi Arnott; Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Rebt. Reader, 'eu nected with the public life wha acted as chairman et the Re- Awde, Tarante; Mr. and Mrs. go;Dr n Ms J . s lington Township who union gathering. Frank Ashton, Florence, May and Port Hope; Arthur Reynolds, sca he euin William, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. bert E. Ruindle, Conneaut Lake, a h euin EXTEDED WELOME Jas. Abernethy, Bowmanville. Penn.; Mrs. Estella Rundie, Ell- Mr. and Mrs.E 131 woad City, Penn.; Mrs. J. T. Run- DITNUS D BaeMr. and s Thos. Baker, Wi"' due; Betty, Colin and Peggy Rol- ITNUSE S Bae, r adMrs. John Baker, son, Oshawa; Mrs. W. B. Reynolds, .- _____ Helen Baker, Tom Baker, Kath- Mary Margaret, and Muriel Gwen- leen Baker; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. doline, Port Hope; Mrs. A. J. Rey- Brooks, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. nolds, Montreal; Russell Reynolds, Chas. Blanchard, Vera Baker, Toronto; Mrs. Frank Rolson, Osh: Louise Baker, John Baker Jr., awa; Miss Lulu Reynolds, How- ,, - Maurice Baker, Mrs. Annie Burns, ard Reynolds, Toronto; Mr. and ". :- Ray Boulton, Bernice Boulton, Mrs. Jas. Reynelds, Mrs. &ck. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boulton, Reynolds, Fae Reynolds; Mrs . g , Grant Boulton, all et Toi-ente; Russell Reynolds, Lenare, Akab, ~ Norman, John and Lloyd Broome, JeRyodMs enls Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton, Osh- Gardon and Ronald, Toronto. awa; Russell Balson, Gwen Brooks Grant Breaks, Mr-. and Mrs. S.- "s BreksPreidece;Rosae ak- C. E. Shortridge, Gardon Scott, er, Mrs. S. Bush, Mrs. Maurice Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens, F. C. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. D a v d Shortridge; R. C. Scott, Margaret Breoe, M. ad Mr. ArhurSemerville, Bob Scott, Margaret ..Blanchard, Meta Brown and Mol- Scott, Mrs. A. Stainteri Mrs. Mary Bray, Mr. and Mrs. George rsRgSmr- ' " Bray, Oshawa; Mrs. A. Balson ville. Mary Somerville, Joyce Mis AieenBalonWaler ' Somerville, Mrs. J. J. Smith, Bil- SBlackburn. lie Sheridan, Oshawa.............. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cryderman, Kathleen, Margaret, Maiion; Mrs. A. L. Pascoe Mr. and Mrs. John Challis, Baw- Frank Thempson, Taunton; Mr. manville, Will T. Clarke, Little and Mrs. William Virtue, Tyrane, Fermer Reeve of Darlington, who Britain, Mrs. I. E. Chapman, Mrs. Alan Taylor, Ronald Taylor, Eve- as chairman et the Invitation 0. Chapman, Orana, Mrs. Everett lyn Tink, Bruce Tink, Mr. and Dr. J. B. ReYnolds Committee, extended the officia] Cryderman, Mrs. Albert Crawle, Mrs. Hilton Tink, Lerraine, Wal- One et Selina's mest su. welcome te Re-union visitors. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne ter, Muriel, Kenneth, Ebenezer; aiewobcm rs Clemens; Mrs. Morley Cook, Eliz- Mr. and Mrs. Lorenze Trulntivs e c0 . .aep.eD order. And Chas. Shertridge on abeth Cook, Eileen Cook, Morley Gladys Trull, Lewis and Frank-theO. A. .at ueitp i Nov. 18. Cook, Myrtle; Mabel Challis, Bew- lin; Albert G. Turner, Oshawa; noakds wa nt theuin On Jan. 6, 1882. three candi- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Or- sekr tteR-ne dates were initiated, C e p h a Clarke, Little Britain, Mr. and ano; Mrs. H. Thempson,- Scarbero Souch, Ernest Humphrey, and Ida Mrs. Ivan Cochrane. Junctien; Bill Tweedie, Oshawa; REV J R 1IC Awde; and tourteen were expell- " D" Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Eve-REWdE. Il ed, one for vialating Art 2 et the Percy Dewell, Whitby. lyn Taylor, Donald Taylor, Bruce GUEST SPEA4 Constitution, and thirteen fer non- "'E" Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Tay- RE NO su payment et dues. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliett lor, Mrs. Harry Taylor. E NO SU On May 26, 1882, a motion was and Mary, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. V' passed alhewing the members et N. H. Edgar, Lizzie Trull, Osh- Mrs. Edith VanNest, Tarante; On Sunday Eldad Chun Eldad B. C. Church the use oftthe awa; Mrs. W. Willis Gladwell, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. VanNest, Osh- packed ta the doars fer the hall during the summer. In tat Nara TrulI, Torento; Mr. and awa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Virtue, service cennected with t year the brick church was en- Mrs. H. Richards, Meta, Oshawa. Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beys' Re-union. A specia [arged, the original trame church "F" Vice; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vice, otfermer chair members which had been used as a S. S." Mrs. L. H. Fletcher, Whitby; Braoklin; Mabel Vice, Frank Vice, singing, whiîerniany more aamr being tamn down and re- Mrs. George Ferdyce, Jack R. Oshawa ; Charles Vice, Chapleau; chair members were moved ta Sauina. Ferdyce, Ehwaad, Penn.; Mr s. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, Mur- thraughaut the audience. Aug. 24, 1900. A. L. Pascue Jehn Fletcher, Kalamazaa;_Mrs.1ray and Donna Jane, Calumbus; platform were Messrs. S.E prepesed Mr. R. J. McKessock for Bruce Fergusan, Anna Ferga, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice. i-y, H. F. Werry, W. C. membemship. Mr. McKessock was Julia Ferga. 1W" Absalom Abraham, Frai balletted for, accepted, and initiat- "lG" Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry, Osh- Shortridge, Rebert C. Scol d that evening. Mrs. J. A. Gaudin, Stetther, awa; Edgar Werry, Mr. and Mms. A. Werry, Elgin Taylor, Mr A special meeting et Solina Di- Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gib- Gearge White, Bernice Wemry, man E. Wright, Mrs. Chas, vision was held en Aug. 28, 1900, son, Mary and Keith Gibsan, Osh- Frank Westlalçe, Sr. and Jr., Per- chard, Mrs. W. C. Werry eo make arrangements for the awa; Mr. and Mms. Gee. Gibsen, cy Westlake, Herbert Wright, Ar- Vera Baker, Mrs. A. J. Re funeral of Bro. E. G. Pascoe, te Marion Gibsen, Taunton; Mrs. J. thur Westlake, Ernest Whitetord, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. L. M. be held at Bewmanville on Aug. Gartat, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr, Mi-s. og eagl 0. The Division attended in a Wilson Gerrow, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry; Grace NormanDeg., Mc.Lauglin body. Bro. Harry Argue was ap- Frank J. Groat. erMsEdiWoKit cutt, Mrs. Reg. Somervil]E eointed Chaplain te rend the fun- 'lH" and Dereen, Bewmanvulle; Mr-. Roy cilMr.EnsL ral service at the grave. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy, and Mrs. E. Williams; Mrs. Thos Mil Mrs. Erne iliast note that under date Feb. 6, Dorethy Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Er- Williams, Caesarea; Mr. and Mrs: Mors, Ts. Wf ilhiyams, C 903, the R. S. pro tem, signs her inest Hockaday; Gea. Hogarth, B. Norman Wright, Ridgeville; Mr. Thes. Osberne, Whitby (ir îame Mabel Pascae. On Sept. 18 lA., Toronto; Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, and Mrs. A. Whitnell, Jane and et the cheir abeut seventy it is recorded that Mrs. McKes- Kendal; Miss M. Hogarth, Sid. Lorraine. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. age), Miss Nora Werry, an :ock is elected chaplain. Some- Hockaday, Mary Hewsam, Mr. Fletcher Werry, Kedran; Mr. and Everett Cryderman. Specia time between these twe dates an and Mrs. C. Hawsam, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Westlake, Mrs. F. West- brsweme: Solo by Mrs. interesting event had taken place. and Mrs. Edgar Hemn, Mr. and Inke, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilbur, Fred Keith, "The Nînety and Blank in minutes tram June 29,,Mrs. W. Horn, Albert Hillis, Mr. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbur, and a quartette "Pi-aise1 .906, te Mar. 16, 1911.' and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Rilda Mr. and Mrs. Norvah Wotten , Lard" by Misses Kathlee Dec. 1l, 1914, a debate was held ,Hocknday, Lizzie Heckadny, Ehi- Arnatt Wetten, Miss Marguerite Helen Baker and Nora Wer mi the subject "Reselved that the! zabeth Heed, Tarante. Wright, St. Catharines; Edgar Mrs. Everett Cryderman.i present war will be ultimately for iJ" Wright, George Werry, Wesley ist and nccampanists werE the benefit et the nations." Af- I Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les Johns, Werry, Rahph Wilbur, W. R. West- Iheen Balson and Mr-. Gea. LuIu Reynolds, R. J. McKessock, 'Marlon Johns, Frazer Johns, Dore- Inke, Alan Wilbur, Columbus, A.T.C.M. . Baker, A. J. Reynolds, Nelson thy Johns, Anna Johns, Mrs. Thos. Nora Werry, Francis Wotten, Mi.- Reynolds; Neg.-A.' L. Pascee, B. Osberne, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and Alan. A toi-mer pastor, Rev. G. Stevens. Nora Werry, S. E.IHar-old Jebson, Maurice, Dorothy, ýl7,, Bick, Whitevahe, greeted th( Weiry, C. W. Bar-et. Record does E ileen, Dewnsview; Mm. and Mrs. Mr-. and Mrs. Denald Yellew- ence with his usual genas nat state which side wo. Gea. W. James, Bawmanville. Ilees, Helen, Jessie and Norma ner and delivered a fine si - "«K" [Yellowlees. message, fittingîy using th The ast minutes in the books I I Mr._nd_____John_________r ject, "The Ministry oz Me was able to secure are under Mr ddatseJhnKiel. er Mar. 26, 1 917. Here the story ends. Kersînke, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. From beginning te end, 1879 tei Keith, Toronte; Mr-. and Mrs. F. 917, innumerable persons appeari R. Kersînke, Bewmanville; Chas. n the stage, seme fer a brief per- Kersînke, Noma Kersînke, Betty ýod, seme te re-appear te the end 'Knox. t the play. The namnes et Baker, "L" Pascoe, Hogarth, Reynelds and Mrs. W. Lammiman, Mrs. W. Xer-y appear without ceasing. Lammiman, Si-., Oshnwa; Mrs. rhe names et S. J. Williams and Leslie Evans, Murray and Chai-- rC. Groat in the tii-st part, and les, Chapheau; Nancy Lammiman, )f J. T. Rundle and R. J. McKes- Tai-enta; Will Lammiman, Jr., ; the latter part, ai-e always Oshawa; Mrs. Annie Langmaid, liven honorable mention in these Miss Vida Langmriid, Oshawa; ecords. And others tee numer- Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Daris )us te mention have bei-ne their and Jean, Taunton; Pearl Leach, )art nobhy and weIl in the great Roy Langmaid, Muriel Langmaid, ýocial mevement et temperance, Helen Laagmaid; Mr-. and Mrs. ;obriety, and brotherliness. Ivan Law and Ina, Whitby; Mrs. ________________________Ross Lee, Dianne Lee, Kedron; Chai-lie Langmaid; Olive Luke, Toi-ente; Mrs. R. J. Luke, Ked- Don't Read Thiis i-an; Mi-. and Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer, Lais, Ralph, Bernice and Glen, Advertisement Bhackstock; Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa; Miss Wihma Leach, Gor- If You Are Not a Foot Sufferer don Law, Ross Law. ?opx-Wonder Supports1 "Mc"E 'ootpax -Mi-. and Mrs. J. E. McDougal (No Metals) and Doris, Dranyton; Mrs. Douglasj elleve the cause of Corns - Cal- McLnughlin, Dan McLaughlin, >uses - Bunlons and Foot Strain Ted McLaughlin, Lorraine, Mavis iy strengtbenlng the weak areh- and Glen, Oshawa; Mrs. R. J. Mc- s, ankies and muscles. Kessock, Burton Mcei-ide, Peter- ;centlfic FOOTPAX supports wîibai-e; Ruth McKesseck, Mrs. J.T istribute body weight between~ McEwen, Kenneth McEwen, Alan eg bones and feet. providing McEwen. M uoyancy and foot assurance. Mr.adMs .L eclI Llght - Cmotbe-Drbe Clifford Miller, Mrs. James Moor-A Réncmened la ail sors. ey, Bernice and Derethy; Made- Recmninde b Dotor. ine McLaughlin, Frank Masan,T Featured by: Norman Mutten, Mi-. and Mrs. M. Moffatt, John David and Joanne Moffatt, ahi et Oshawa; Mms. Ai--T AUX McREGOR thur Moore, Mr. and Mms. Living- stone Miller. O1 Jessie Ormiston, Columbus; Mi-.T THE OLD MARE Yes Dolly, you ai-e growing ehd, You've been a tnithtul mere, You've done a heap-a work 'round here, 0 Yeu've neyer shirked yeum share; Yau've always been oui- buggy beast, And yeu couhd step some tee, [n tact, ne neighbem's herses e'e- Couhd show their heels te yeu. Your limbs weme smooth and blemishless, Youm hocks were spavin preot, Yaum pastemas tee, ne ringbenes kaew, Yeu staad foui--squame on heet; N'o henves have ever stopped your breath, The glanders tee, yau missed, [n tact ail herse diseases yeu Seem able ta mesist. But, .1s I snid, you're getting old, You can't keep going long, Yo'u're litthe shawer on your teet, Yau're net just quite se strang; But you have been a gaod aid mai-e, Aad when the time shaîl came, rhat you can't wemk anether day, Then yau shaîl have a home, In summer in the pasture fields, Ia winter, in the stahl, And when yau die we'll bumy yeu Beneath the elm tree taîl rhat stands down by the meadew break, And at your head we'lh place rhese wei-ds: "Here lies the best aid mare, That ever pulled a trace." -Raph Gordon. Toronto, 628 Crawford St. DAYS .ury con- le et Dar- recalled 'ears ago SON ;ccessfu] 'dent et Dr. Rey- principal KER NDAY ich was ke special the Ohd ia choir led the efermer aeticed On the E. Wem- Wermy, ank C. !tt, Jas. i-s. Nom- s. Blan- ry, Miss Lynolds, 4.Keith, nMrs. -e Colla- e, Mrs. Lai-mer, naesarea I), Mrs. Tiember ty years id Mrs. ilnum- ;L. M. 1Nine", Ye the san and i-i-y and Organ- re Miss Werry, J. R. he audi- il mlan- spiritual rie sub- lmeiy." The Mlnistry of Memory "Remember the toi-mer things et old; I am Gad and there is none like unto me," Isa. 46:9, was the text chosea. Of all the powers God has given us, none is more wondemtul than memary, Mm. Bick said. Memory is a two-fold power. It gathers in the past and crowds inte some secret receptacle the Uiirtgs we have learned. It is a pawer that eut et cmewded sLerehouse brings thiags forth again and cahîs them 1te mind. Itéis with the past that memery deals. Ia yauth it is net memory that plays the lai-gem part. Youth is the time et hepe. It is in age that memary pînys the la-gem part. What are seme et the offices et memory, he asked. Memory wilI hahhow the stery et aur growing years. Memory tea, enters inte the pracess et educatien. Memery helps us te mensure aur moral pragmess, threugh testing oui-'lives by the standards et eamhy years. Some things we do net want te lose, Mr. Bick said, are: Sensi- tive conscience; the power te play the game sti-tight nnd dlean; a sound faith; the sense et hite's high purpese. In Werdsworth's ode an "Intim- ations et Immertnhity" he speaks et how we came tram God as tel- hows: "Trniling chauds et glory do we coame tram Gad who is aur home." May that vision splendid neyer fade into the light et cem- mon day, he cencluded. Ever notice that the telhow whe despises weahth genemalhy wants ,te bamrow a quarter? Men Widely Known in Canadian Life Educated ai Solina School (Read by Margaret Scott) front otlhr er ili wotihxh be there. A nuberet varsaRe rof I.The classes w 0111(1stand Uplit)ithe B. Renmedsofhc rsidentProf.tue frot tof the schtol aînd sp)el and B. Rvnods, henPreiden ofthe ive theue nîcan f tthe words given OptaioeAvricuitural Collegze, Guelph. te theli. Oui- ferefathers claimcd donatcd thi-ce prizes. amntînz. to tilc gt better uuîhcrstandinz ofe the $25 and supemented bv- twe prîzes ai canines zetfwortii-l lnsoîuc eto hy his brother. Mr-. A. J. Revnlolds. )ils Let niowadavs. for the best cssav an ftic 'Ear tle iivlt 'steck Historv ef Solinia.' The firs t prize The seconîd C% %%astu ck essay was wvrittcn bv Arneot Van clite'.t. The tcachcr svolîld furnish Nest. veungczst sont of thc late Mr. i.roceries for a t .our or, five story aiil NIrs. Wnî Van Nest, and iý; l :ca ke. The cake %vas iaiade iii the interest te the oId bovs and girls sillage lji :tîîîîfelet tt' onllC. Tbte' at thi reupin. îîed to place the cake on1 a stand L ini tle fi-tnt Of tlie scliool and thci History of Sauina School tîvo gi-ls %vere n iîîiiated andi( lacedi The first scbool bouse ini Solitia îOn 'ncd ileoftece.tei was an oIc! franie structure aiid it the tWe olnc eluth w o nemlinated stood on the corner where 'Mr. A'. theiln weîld go artillîl antI get votes J. Reviiolds' bouse w bilt 110%v ai 10c a vote. Thie votes ibat each owncxl bi'Mi-. George X\'hite. Arnonz sîîlîllil an zot ssj uld ce te the girl the first teachers who taughlt in thie huat eaçb îîî'iîiited l(l nd lte girl 01(1 sebool sycre '.\r. T. HL .5wseet- iluat go el ilt wos isvn tlhc mari. Mr. Danuiel Lick, .\ 1r. Joli" cake. Tht' inonev that liad been col- Hughes, Sr. Mi-. John Huîghîes ivas îecîed wsas civeilt the teacher, anid the last teacher who tauiiiinitie lie aixer takiine eiieuch lout to pav old school lieuse. fer the groceries ini the, cake. would A ncew scbool lieuse was bîilîiitin bus prizes to giv e u Piils accord- 185.1 and as Mi-. Hughes ivas the ic gte menit. hast teaclîc- ii in t 01(1 dscool bouse, The hast and zreatest e' cnt ot ail lie sas therefore. the tii-st in thie ii the chiltlre ivwis Prof. Keîts liew. Thuis school bouse was iilise -isit te thie scilt. île %voiild alwavs unitil 1899 wlien the hast and lreseut Ihlasveuectric batteries withu hiiîiiandx schîcol hioîse ivas bujît. Wtitlh(l ise the ehihii-tii su teks anid Tlîe fi rst inlspecctor %va s a mail Ii w îhld (le ahil sots f til l it s Willi thie nîaine of Boat, theîi camue *Nl r. elcetricil . île w <nId c' 'tîîcet a tiece Bîlair seluevas a vcrv craîukv niîaî.it s\ire te a batterv. tunî tlle enîd of liext Mr. J. J. Tilles, -Mi-. W. H. titis wire ie ssotîld liave 21i-Otilt- Tillcy anIdîow Col. Sîider. w ho bias pice aîl o(,i theie thicendut a receiver. i ust fiîîishcd this terni as inispecter. He Nvoiihd tell 50111eOftIlite îîîils te Soliîîa ias tii-st îuaied Pilchîar--goe îîside \with oele cend ihie ivire tosyn. Mr-. Jolin Hughes. Si-., didnit anI lie coîîhd îuake. îhîcîîîîîîîîerstaîîd like tic îîamc vers- wcll. aaiieoe Wlat lie %vas sas ic ýte thîcîifrian thie nilbt lhc askcd a inmber of vottig ilisidce O the schiovi. Prof. Kenît men te ineet iii the sclîeol bouse anîd sas realhi tbe îîîanîshuo invented hclv hiîîî decide an a iiew nine for thie tehephîloiîe. the village. He wroe six letters on 1 îiîîk 1 cati trîîthfîîllv sav thuat the blaclqboai-d. thi-ce consonants andI there is liot aîîteîr sehool iii Dur- thi-ce vowels. the consoniants Wvei-C bain Ceinistv huichibas lîelpcd te L. N and S, tlîc vawels werc A. L. cdîîcate se îiialv professiorial mcin. and O, and hç Wld thein ta mak, as Here are a few etf tlîenî: Dr. J. B. maiîv wurds as thev could fi-rn the Revîîoldj. Pi-tf. Norman Revnolds,>â- six letters. Prinîcipîal Nelson Rcvîîolds. Mi-. C. When tlîe hîsts iere complete cadi Bice. lasyver; Dr. James L. Hughes. îîame was written on the blacklîoard Sur Sani Hughes.'Mi-. George Ho- and cach mari askeýd ta write bis Le&rthB.A., Dr. Bai-t Lanîîîiniaîî. choice on a piece et paper, and atter D r.Mlai-k Pascoe. josepih Ruse, the tii-st ballet ail the îiames miot Proof t Music ; Rev. Philip Allun, votcd for wci-e dreppcd aîîd Solimia Rev. Win. i ltgotiler\,, Rev. Chas. was the choice. Reynuolds, Mi-. Sain Allun. DrugRgist; The teacliers iii the seconîd schiool Mi-. Perc\e Westlake. I)rîîecist; Mr-. bouse after '.I-. Hughes si-cie'Mi-. l1-aiuk Kesiake. Driîggisî; Mi-. Wual- Win. Beer. Mi-. Robert lMcCuilloîiltrW bu. eis:M.AJ.Ry Mi-. Wm. Bice. M'I-. J. C. Groat. 'Mr. Ii- iîîi. TDceîî: M-. .. . greh- Dimmv, M.\I. Stot. Mi-. A. J. Revý- Teachier: I)r. Mark Bice. Mi-. Chas. îîelds. Mi-. T. C. Doidge. Mi-. Cvrîîs Ruse. Prof. of 'Music; George Bîce, Coombs. '.Ir. W. H-. Tonukini. Mi-. Mri. Luthier Hogarîh. Deîîtist : Col. Esci-ett Brown, Mi-. Raîpli McL.areni, JohnuHîghes, Jr.. Dr. Nelsonu Wash- Mr-. .1. B. M.\cCilouglh . îîîgîoîî, 1ev. George Washiiîigîn, Jr., .Mi-. lMCulleugli was tlhe hast Ica- and Levi Washinîgton, also rnaiîy cher ini tle seconîd scbool Ilise. anid good i .rîîîeis. .As limue passes on aise taughzlt for about liait a vear luore prnjessioîîals sihi bec cming in the mew building or the anc ,ve from thie same oid school. bave new. Sclîool was held iii tic Semis et Temperance hall sîhile the preserit scheel bouse was Oeiîug erected. Mr-. R. J. McKessock tiiet If you are going te ride a hobby cam toSolna n 100 nd atilitselect one that won't buck. cam t Soin in190 ad augit Brood over yeui- troubles if for 30 vears. until ill hcalth foi-ced o watohtcoumre him te retire. He was respected and e att ac u oe bçloved bv evcy-one and silice lus dealli. ant eilarzed ti-amed photo- zraph et Mi-. McKcssock was i-e- semted te the scheol bv his oId vupils. Eduçation ceuld be gzotten muchi cheaner in those days, thamu at the pi-esent trne, The second scheol was built fer $618,.and teachers wei-c hired for $250 anud $300 aînd îhev paid ini peuids. shillinîgs and ipence. Mr AthnvWashimugtomî once ri- R estE ul Sleep ebad When you are sleepless, nervous, wood. new veu pay $18 foi- ,,, irritable, use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. cord. Most people consider it a meost effec.' There isci-e thi-c events te -wbiciu tive restorative for the nerves. For the childi-en alwavs iaoecd fei-wai-d new pep and eaergy use ici with a ci-cat deal cf pleasîîre. The tii-st event svas the public examuii- D.Ca I atioîîs. and the childi-crîs rarelîts. JE R V trieîîds and imavbe sorie teaciiers N R I O I AUGUST VALUES At the Corner Grocery Store Eclipse Pastry Flour .................. 24lb. bag Cyrus Bread Flour.................. 24-lb. bag a5c Cooklng Bran .........................lib. Sc Vanstone's Egg Mash .............. 100 lbs.. $2.30 Helaz Ketchup............... 2 botties 3Sc Heinz Beans.................... 2 tins Edwardsburg Corn Syrup ...... 2 Ibs. 19C - 5 lbs. 43,c For Cooklng Mazola Oji .... lb. tin 29C - tin 49,c Benson's Corn Starch................ pkg. 12c Canada Corn Starch................ pkg. loc Wonderful Soap Chips............... 3 lbs. Wonderful Soap ..................... 8 bars 25c 25c Jergen's Castile S.aP ................ cake Se Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash and -Egg Mash Bullc Molasses - Salt HARRY ALLIN GROCER Phones 367 - 368 GROCER Bowmanville I i i PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATES.NIAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO à sse 25e

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