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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1938, p. 3

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sass:::e:s s __ : __ :gup:::ps::::ê :S~Z s:::::s ...awa, Toronto, Port Hope, Bow- matching accessories. They will manville, Whithy, Pickering, Pef- live i n Courtice. ferlaw, Beaverton and Carlyle, Out of town guests at the wed-E Saskatchewan. ding included: Mrs. T. C. Grills, Mr. W. D. Grills, New Liskeard; Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Loveys, Mr. c 4Robinson-Gay ýEric Loveys, Hickson; Mn. andE On atuday Auust6, t fur rilsMaster Billy Grills, Win-a :s:s::::::::~i:::z :zzsss:s:e:z:sc:::SSZZZSZSI Z5S::::iJ ::3::::::GGB~ o'clock, in Ebenezer Unitediona; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grills, t --------- Curch Rev W.C. Sithunited Miss Erin Doherty, Miss Marjorie t a few feet away from us on a it is a combination of them ail, W edding in marriage Margaret Llewella, Robinson, Mr. Jack Grills, Mr.c Hints For Homebodies tlephone wire. It sat there a few but whatever it is, three cheers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Donald Grills, Miss Helen Grills,a moments, then went hand over for the circus! Gay of Courtice,anCei Henry Toronto; Mr. Wilson Robinson, S Wrltten for The Statesmnan hand and onto a low roof. After Eat To Satisfy Robinson, of Courtice, son of Mrs. Oakwood; Mr. and Mrs. RobertS by fooling about on the roof, it made Vegetable plates and salad Highfeld-Bell Robinson and the late Thomas Argue, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. e .---esi lln r wn.quite a jump into a large tree. meals are popular in the surnmer The loveliness of a lawn wed- Robinson of Janetville. T he Norman Argue, Nestieton; Mr. - Jesie lle Bron- __church was decorated with glad- and Mrs. William Robinson, View- And weren't the birds cross! They but they have one disadvantage - ding w as exemplified in Satur- iola and fern. Miss Hazel Rundie lakte; Mrs. R. W. Wright, Lindsay; ______scolded and chattered at a great they do flot stick to the ribs. Most i rate. Perhaps they were too mueh of us have eaten meals of this 'day's nuptials at Whitby, when played the wedding music, and Miss E. Argue, Toronto, Miss An- Monkey Business for the monkey, at any rate it did sort and have found that aithough Lorena Marjorie, only daughterI Mrs. George Annis sang "Because" nie Hoît, Toronto; Miss Irene Some months ago a cage of not linger long in the tree but ran we had eaten plenty, we were of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bell, Whit- during the signing of the register. Grills, Winona. Thene were also monkeys en route rrom the Far down and along the ground, then hungry too soon afterwards.Iby, w as united in marriage to The bride, given in marriage by guests from Oshawa, Bowman- East to New York became opened up on a high fence and along the Foods differ in satiety value, that r. Lester Culver Highfield, only her father, wore a white satin ville, Courtice and Maple Grove. and the monkeys escaped. There fence out of sight. We are living is in their ability to satisfy. Vege- so fM.adMs .H i-gown fashioned on princess lines__________ was great excitement on the in a hotel near the Public Gar- tables are quickly digested and field, of Bowmanville. Rev. Mr.1 with cowl neck. Long sleeves water-front as the twenty-odd dens, with a couple of smaller pass through the stomach in a Jenkinson officiated under an arch1 ended in a point over the hand, monkc3's were freed. Sonne of parks near-by, and houses with!short time, leaving us with that of evergreens, white bell and 'and buttons extended from the juituary them were eas- large gardens and plenty of trees., empty feeling. Fats, proteids and , gladioli. The wedding music was 'neck to the waist at the back. The ily caught. A- So it is a good district for a mon-!sweets take longer to digest and played by Miss Sadie Puckrin, of skirt ended in a train and a full- Mrs. David Ferguson, Darlington quik -witedkey at large. I wonder what it: leave us satisfied. When you serve [Pickcring. iength veil feIl from a halo of doonkeeper at d eats. Even monkeys in cages are a vegetable meal add some forderivni mriaeb orange blossoms. The bnide's bou- There passed to rest at hier inersin bttofieon s loe o ft n poti. n>g r Thebrdgvni aigey one of th large inerestingbut to fie one soclos or fhernfatherd.wansga picturefainerhersqueticwas iwhitequroses andtelilys afdhome onearmEnfieldnie on Augustst2nd, onothe age auietrlln.ees ac ihhtvgtbe floor length drmss of white silk ithe valley. She wore the groom's Sarah Jane Greer, beloved wife hwoothe uih The Circus is a help. Garnishing the vege- cr e made on princess lines with gift, a silver pendant. of David Ferguson, aged 81 years. twol oft themywthbcn1 inj'MisBt ay itr fteSh a en l ny w as t h e revolving ~ There is something about a cmr- 'al1 paelbeal ,t ao tiny buttons, stand up collar and Mrids etmayste of t he a She ha ben 111nonly twrdays doors. The shipes sIwieIha eol has more than appetising value; 'dainty shoulder length veil of silk bie a ado oo.SewsSe wsbr n Crwih finll siephdensAschreenIg hey avri gvec he esrd atey.A- 'embroidered net wt halo attired in apple green safin with Township and spent the greater witou aoutben isissd t en-hitytoways add something to your saiad caught with orange biossoms. She matching halo and a nosegay of part of her life nean Enfield. On sixhu o u irtch a cdircus paad e. the r- i meals for this purpose. Hard- icridabuue frssadtalisman roses. Miss Marjorie June 26, 1878,. she was married to mon e s. ad wil pas tis otelandthecooked eggs, a wedge of cheese, aysbraheobinson, sisten of the groom, was David Ferguson of Manvers, and coule f tem row-up intheplae ae jst n ahearty sandwich. The many . .. bidesmaid, and wore corai satin a few weeks ago celebrated their were f o u nd as exited about it as any of the vaieties of canned fish m ake tegmis Alîce i hfidsstr aof with matehing halo and a nosegay sixtieth wedding anniversany. She dead in t h e Jessie Allen ehildren. There are so many satisfaetory additions to the sum- thegowasm of onnace ndt of talisman roses. Miss Ann Robin- leaves to mourn hen passing, be- Park. It is a Brown tig which lose their giamour mer saiad. Most people like thewn ono pn aewt son, niece of the groom, as flower sides hier sorrowing husband, five desserts. They like them because :rmatching accessories and carnied girl,_________________________and wonder that more did not die as when we get older but sonrirhow girl woueucharm pink atafwetea and the weather was cold and there the cireus keeps us perenially they taste good but unconsciousyabuuto ikadwiesetcanAied a nosegay of sweet peas ua stili ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u wa nwo h rud eyug si h osteee hycaete eas h y !repeas. The bidesmaid was Miss The bridesmaids wone silver saw one playing about in the Park pliants and the other animais; is satisfying. Sugar is slow to di- MageieBne1 h was kets and the fiowen girl a silver WIL S O N getand gvsu htpesn gowned in mauve net with whitebrcltth isofhegom Nta unlt his ofning. Sitti i ite rwsor the aanigts tîsfsdfeln.accessories and carnied a bouquet braceletothe.giftswofotheogr- No ni hsmrig itng itthe glitro h adrn iestsidfeig of mauve and white sweet peas. tice acted as gnoomsman. The up in bed and looking out t he of the circus people; or is it the Tongue Saiad Mr. W. L. Barry, of Toronto, was ushers were Mn. Samuel Gay, Mr. ivindow, we saw a monkey just cailiope, that thriils us? Maybe Chili a can of tongue and eut groomsman.JakGMrHryGyanM. _____________________________________________in cubes. Mix with chilled cooked At the neception which followed 'Gordon Osborne. vegetabies. Peas, beans, carnots on the lawn, a buffet lunch was More than a hundred guests and asparagus are ail suitable. served. The bide's mother ne- attended the reception at the _____________________________________________Add a haif-onion chopped fineiy, ceived, wearing a gown of blue home of the bride's parents. The :moisten with salad dressing and triple sheen with corsage of pink bride's mother, wearing a navy serve on lettuce. roses, and was assisted by the sheer redingote oven navy taffeta "~A L 2 1 S L OFSardine Salait groom's mother who wone a gown with white accessonies and a cor- AREA LA.ILL SALL osad emd n fwiecifnwt craeO aeoftarss eeieass-Oe a isflsal a n vr lettuce. Drain sadne n pae Mn. and Mrs. Highfield lef t chose navy sheer with a corsage packet. No sprapngno sticknesr, Cus nthiomatoes and Bermuan-fin onwithrcorsag e fsagofthea roes n ee, asit-On ad korl2os files. aild I andc trihj u me r~n he onr;::;:;a .Serve laten o oorti oeastenn of rssadwetps.Thehoen aodr skyuDugst wihsalad dressing. To mny way points. For travelling the bride was decorated with swcet peas Grocery or General Store. S umr fthinkîng, this saiad served with worc a pink flowered chiffon and phlox. CNSP Frnc Desin i agrndone dress with white accessonies. On Atten the reception the bride 10CNSPR PACKET whe i i to ottofeel hungry, their return they wîll reside on and groom ieft by motor for a WHY PAY MORE? a tsecms to create its own ap- Ontario St., Bowmanviile. trip to the Adirondacks, the bride THE WILSON FLYPA C.,Huil« ont. 1 )re s e ~ petite. Any dressing may be used Guests were present from Osh- wearing a parisand ensemble with btteFrench is speciaiiy suit- - ............ $2.95 on sale $1 .48 Better Dresses Clearing At Hait Price And Less \M I HATS 49c EN SUMMER SUITS MEN Greatly Reduced Couch, iohnston & Crydermian Phone 836 LIMITED Bowmanville Tired Ail the Time Describes exhaustion of the nerves The usual treatment for fatigue is Test. But when the cause of tired feelings is nervous exhaustion you are restiess, sîcepless and irritable and cannot Test or sleep. You can worry and fret, you ean be impatient and il-tempered, you niay sufer fromn indigestion and beadaches. But rest or calm- ness or sleep amre wll nigh impos- sible. It is necessary to huild up the reserve of nerve force by such restorative treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Your nerv- DIR. CHAMP'S ous system bas become bankrupt and new energy and vigor are necessary. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is recommended on the strength of its time-proven record of effective- ness in many thousands of cases similar to yours. New nerve force is created from rich red blood and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is conposed of the very ingredients w hich g o to enrich the blood. For this reason every dose yýou take should help you in regainingbhealth and strength and new vitality. NERVE FOOD .. ays vîrginia Parr I am wondcning if I may corne into your dcpartmcnt without set-i ting it on fine. 1 wonden why more womnen do not write to you and express thein views and ideas 1 on things that might be hclpfui to others. So I shall break in - if I may - and have a littie chat with some of the readers who like this department. About what shah I1 taik? Well just now is holiday time and I wonder how many women are planning to take a holiday this year. I mean par- ticulariy those who are living on fanms. Now I hear about a hun- dred risc up on their hind legs and say in a tone of surprise: "Houi- days! At this time of year. Why we are so busy right now we ~hav'en't time to do ail the things we want to do around the home without thinking of holidays. Pre- serving, canning, harvest, fruit picking, and ail the extra work this means in the home." Alright, friends, but you should have a holiday sometime during the year. It matters littie when you take it, so long as you take it. 'You possibly wiil think you do not have the time. Or you may think you cannot afford it. Well it is not a case of you can't afford to take it, it is a case of you can- not afford NOT to take it. It will be wonth more to you than its eost. As for the time: Don't you know some day you are going away and not coming baek and likely your home will go on even if you are not there. Then surely it can nun for two wecks. You know it is said you necd a change of air. You don't. You get that every time the wind biows. But you do need a change of environment. Nccd to sec new faces, meet new friends, sec new scenes. You know we get so sick of seeing the faces of those hus- bands of ours coming in three times a day for their nvŽ-als we want to go away and taste other peopie's eooking and sec other faces for a whilc. You'Il think more of yoursclves when you corne back. Why my sister Cathy, who lives over on the other concession frorn us, went down to New York iast summer to sec a cousin. She came back and said to hen husband: "Wcll Tom, I'vc been down to New York." "Yes," said Tom, "Did you have a nice time?" "I sure did," Cathy answercd. "What did you sec?" was Tom's next query. "I saw a number of men," was her answer. Tom, with a smali tone of bcing shocked, ask- cd: "'Didn't you sec any women?" "Sure," she answered, "but 1 was intcrestcd in the men. I didn't know so many men couid get to- gether in one place before. There wenc men on the street, in the stores, in thc stations, on the bus- ses, in the subways, on the cie- vated, in hotels, cverywherc, men, men, men, I neyer saw so many men. And do you know what I thought whcn I saw ail those men?" Tom answened: "No, what did you think?" "I thought of you." And Tom's head swellcd and he smiied and asked: "And what did you think of me?" "I thought," she wcnt on, "there wasn't one of those men, not one of them, that has as nice a wife as you have." So go away and take a holiday and you'l1 think more of yoursclf whcn you corne back. Now wili some other womn give us their opinion about holi- days? "Virginia Parr." AMESSAGE From President J. J. Brown Bowmanville Lions Club on Thurs- day, August 18th. makes its annual appeal to the rltizens of West Durham for sup- port in the Community Weifare Work the club is endeavouring to carry out. Last year you responded magnlflcentiy to our appeai. and the resuit of your response la seen in the report of our activities llsted lu this advertisement. We of the Lions Club are anxlous to carry on this work In your behaif. We want te assure you that every dollar con- tributed at our Carnival is used for work among the underprivlleged. The Club is opcrated entirely on the fees nald In by individual members. We know that when you have read the record of our work for the past twelve months you will endorse it In the best way you can, by attending and spending freely at our Carnivai on August l8th. Our Committees have left no stone unturned to assure you an evening of amusement, recreation and fun, and we cordlally ln- 'vite you to be with us. May we take this opportunlty of thanklng you in anticipation of the gen- erous support we know you wiil accord the Club Carnîvai. Sincereiy yours. J. J. BROWN, President, Bowmanville Lions Club. Route of Parade Form up at Central Publie Schnol 7 p.m. Parade will move off at 7.30 p.m. (D.S.T.), south on Silver. east on King to Temper- ance. north to, Wellington, east to, Liberty, south to King, west te Temperance, south te Rotary Park. (Children's parade drops out at George St. for judging). Parade Prizes WiII be paid out on the groundsaia the Sound Truck immediatcly foliowing the parade. THURSDAY, AUGUST IITH, 1938 OPEN THE DOOR TO Greater Savings Libby's Pork & Beans, 21-oz ........ 2 tins 15e Glacier Brand Sardines...... .2 tins Geisha Brand Tuna Fish .................... tin 17c 19C Gold Medal Peanut Butter ............UIgo. jar 2lc Stuffed Olives............... 3-oz. bottie 10e Red and White Sait, plain or iodized .......... box Se Gold Medal Floor tin 25e Amber Honey................. No. 5 pail 36e Gold Medal Mustard .................... 9-oz. 10e Keen 's Mustard............... 1-4 lb. tin 25c Phone 596 Fe W. NELLES GROCER Eowmanvmle Dowananville Lions Club Thursday, Auguat ISth CALITHUMPIAN PARADE m 7.30 8 Bands - Many New Features - Floats - Costumed Kiddies - Decorated Bicycles - Carrnages Wagons - Trucks - Farm Floats SE E - The Motorcycle Cavalcade - 30 Un- SEE ~iformed Motorcycle Dies SE E- I-inney -the rarest animal in this part AT ROTARY PARK -Join The Carnival For a Good Time - BOOTHS - Fruit, Hot Dogs, Crown and Anchor, Chuck Wheel, Bingo, Hlama and Bacon, Breaking Bottles, Refreshments, For- tune Telling, Canned Goods, lloop-Ia, Free Money, Horse Race, and Home Cooking. You May Be The Winner 1938 MASTER CHEVROLET COACH Complete With Trunk WiII Be Sold For $1.00 To The Lucky Ticket Holder TICKETS 25e This Is How The LIONS CLUB Spent the Money You Entrusted to Their Care The followlng is a partial list of the Community Welf are Works accompllshed by the Lions Club in the Past twelve months. Sponsored 4 Eye Examinations. Supplled 4 pair of Glasses. Provlded 2 Eye Operations. Supplled Transportation to Several Groups. Supported Sea Cadets. Vaccinated and Removed Tonsils of Blind Boy. Supported Leglon Band. Proeided Outfits of Clothing for Blind Boy. Presented Flags and Flrst Aid Kit te Boy Scouts. Sponsored Juvenile Hockey League. Distrlbuted 500 Safety Covers. Donated Prlzes te Bowmanville High, Public and Boys' Training School. Donated Public Speaking Prize for Dur- ham Ratepayers. Donated toward Christmas Baskets. Donated toward Sehool Milk Fund. Took over custody of f ive boys appearing lu Juvenhle Court. Supplied Boys with Medical Care and Clothing. Repaired School Rink. Provlded Dental Work for Needy Familles. Supported Boy Scout Conference. Took over Maintenanee of Mens Public Ward at Hospital and speut $500 in Improvements te Ward. Sponsored Junior Basebaîl Team. Supported lInstitute for the Blind. Paid Expenses of Local Boy In Blind School at Brantford. Aided Women's Institute Rest Roonm Pro ject. Made donations te many other groups and supported severai needy familles after proper Investigation. YOU GAVE US OVER $1100 AT OUR CARNIVAL LAST VEAR. This Is the record of how youn money, entrusted te, us. was spent. FREE - FREE -FREE Ice Cream Cone or Bottle of Pop te every chiidi the parade. Continues ANOTIIER TEN SMART COOL DRESSES ReguIar Now 'Only ror New Pop end Energy *IN EVENT 0F RAIN CARNIVAL WILL BE HELD NEXT DAY 2mmmmv.ýý THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, DOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE sons and on@ daughter, one so For many years the Warriors' having been killed in the Great Dypaaehasatcedhos War; also 13 grandchildren andDaprde strcedho- eight great grandchildren. ands of visitors to the Canadian .The funeral, which took place National Exhibition. This year in ,n Thursday, was largely attend- addition to the Diamond Jubilee ed by friends and neighbours. version of this parade there will The pail bearers were five sons be another parade on Founders' and one son-in-law. The flower- aFiaAgs 6h twl bearers were five grandsons ancidaFiyAgs2thItil ;wo nephews. The service wasIbe symnbolic of the sixty years of conducted by the Rev. Mr. Lackey 1ithe exhibition's life. Included in assisted by Rev. Milton Sander- Ithe line-up will be firemen in the son, a friend of the family, whouniforms of another day, high- spoke very fittinglý' of the de-1 wheeled bicycles, early carniages, ceased. etc.

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