PAGE FOUR THE C.\N.\DIAN ST.\TESNIAN, BOWMAN\ILLE, ONTARIO TIIURSD.\Y, .\UGUST llTH, 19.38 JIi~îowdci n las rettirnietihonte. 1 Nit .is 1itîdla Iihard spsient la..t B a k t 1 w i ki nd i th lt itti\.Cs in [Detroit ______ FM! Nr tin rn ttle. Port 1-opte, Rieirttttt CHPEZ NV 1, -nwi aso1. h egl-1peutthtle 'e ttiat boulne. Nit-. and N irs. C larcttceG rahiamni CHATER XXX\ I u kew t ene te hg 1 Mr. anti Mrs. Allun Clarke, son. ai faîII . ourtice. Ni r. HenlrDick liait noplan sapt arel .Ile n of alt a tI.htut lite ieed it in i itv bave inoi tiijtto towtn. Gi alia n Toronto,. wi tii Nr. and NIrs. borrowed sortie nmoue%-froiniKatie. till îjtiink. attl iviieît iick cItle sNI> Bessic Blackburn. Oronio, is ). G,-aliati. anti wiîeîithe (IOrl rliig and ;hack ten Itiasler. jerry liad (10ni., i-iitil lier entîlsitis, Miss LoIse Miiss Etiiel Carter witil Mr. and thev iteard Bob Barruetts voice in for iii .somii prettv tiespecraite Folev andi Mrs. Howard Crvdermlan. Nfrs. H. ~î. Toronto. the front hall, site sintnggl Diek ltliikiliiZ. The atîntiai W.\..\f. S. and Nlissiot, dowiî the back stairs.. Butt e oas -Nithting ut lie said.Yoi Bandîti tnnctvas ield oit the c itOol Mr. aind Nrs. Speirait. Miss Bell- in a bad lîinior wlhett Barrett came butter tet ont of lierc before I tiirott eronnds ont Wednesdav z...r. lait SPeIaî.donev. Nir. and Mrs. in. anti îater on it ltettlie attemprtecdvo ot.' îa, ~shîort prozramtv as zivenl bv nîem- 10ouit Stotie. Coliiub. and Mr. and to kiss lier, site puliîed Iint aav Its 0,,,, e bers of the band. after whiei s mNrs.R. Coates. Shtirley, t r pettisiîiv. ît'.s cxactlv iike tîtat." tilc ivas sPeitt iii gamnes, theit the aiNrs. J tog "Oh le't oit e -eil its ourtroble no nsniaipictiec supper ,vas served. Dr. W. J. Wilkinson. Mr. and si."h lt meoaoutctt onk itehe eîî.cfssevioeîrrtrouble. not iBri(tori sad.'Watdoyo tîiîkI rn " 'Iii take care of ibat. And get .~tteeuctsrieotSidvNr.Bydn Marjorie and Dick. M'hen site had got riti of 1t ,Site ot uît fre I traii on vonl for the ptrSmt edahoteviefrKteter. wtib'Mr. antd Mrs. W. ivent dowîtstairs. buttheure Was "0 irvwritvn r.the Missionî Band. when tiîev were Becoek. Whiie iii the ,.icinitv they sign of Dick. Tue çitre tlrawer of 1Titat itzit lite waitcdiinntii Be- prescîtteti witi thte banner. Misses ttîok Mrs. Beaeock oit a niotor trip Chriss eIk ,vas opent. Iot vrevwas aioîî inilitem rootît. GoitIie Lenore Clacutt anti Doris Stevents to Pointts of intere.g iii Lindsay,' and site teent over anîd sttrv-eted it. 't itle fottttd lier at the wiitdow look- saiîg a (ftlet. Fetieloit Falls. BtirievN Falls. Che- "W\eii, anvhow,- site tiîougltt, !lie, dowii over the cjt.v. Site tnrneti, Tîtere wiui bc no citnrcli service for Itietitianid Peterboro.t "hcd otiîoiîtî tier.' itii srrsewiet.ccîte the îext ttreceStindavs. pastorbfiltg Mr. anti NiIrs. C. \Wilson and Eun-r Bttsite was itistaktit. Diek Italti t va., rare forIitiiît îtow to spdal e hbslildv. niiv cîo ietiiîfins tOoo fain sntiter te oue.'r. aitdi Nrs. James Stewart andtD fotît siieîiite iire etidi Attitchut ii twonii ls.M'Nr. anîd Nrs. E. F. Wiliowbiv aîtdBtt.P rro isNarrt p)icttre. oi thteibacl< of whii iwias 1 Att yts titte wronti. Terre argaet îvrittgi ti>e titame cf a zirllite ttsed -Fti like tiitaik te ye,, ltther lti ctls ekfor Scott, Soliiîa. witit Nrs. J. Hoocv.2 to kiîow. .A ioiîgtinte atrwrilie li t u o hBvri.lotîi oitte at Winpg oas t0 admtit titat lie -itati iked a \tii îtîijdif 1 ilnue for aIitigltbaii ? r. Ge.'Vani DNkelitas coule Nir. aittiMrs. Harry Larmer, ginloonce, but sme ode glaiîed Wliat sort of jam ewitietih tsdaîete. rs. Ceci] SonttNliagutail, witit Mr. aîîd irs of nie.' Antd of course lie kîîw titat lie waiteti, iowever. tii tue trav-le ffery. - Nis.îiteWic.Ostwvt 'sondi ." Itaticetule. His Itantis were shiakiieiý, Ms ni rziOlaa.wt Two davs later Jerrv Aintes was ýa. lie ittixedthte îdrinîk, but she sait lier brotiter. Mîr. Jabez Wrightt. stariîigaat Dick across hi5 skl Tue ltîat lie was ettireitsuber. Titeit.c d u isLl ari.Bwavl, mni bor'c a faitît resemiuiance to îtIitenr a sil) or two lite sait forwarîl iitit ber brother. Mr. Frank Harris. soteoeleke.but ic ceIid'tit anîd toid lier. Miss Olive Van Camp. Wellesley sonte one lie kiîew. r N~~~~~iîss Hel Fou er stîcîît the tîeek-Hopt.Trîto ib eraens olace lim. lmbeinti biackittaiied. Bey. Nott end ii Pot Torsn. w \V. V a enCamp. '.I uitderstaîtd veti bave somte- n vc et. but those things grow. enir. îPors o. MT.iaron louiitA.vW thinti to sel.' Titeres onItv one thîîîg 10 o. i a d oitNl. ndIs.nthSuitdav w itii N . d Mr'ni is WrelCri. ar "So I bave.' said Dick witb lus tits to coute cicait antistop) it. l'il, aMr .s entMua itîi a.d\Isiland NssNWarare Curtis. 1 impudent i niie. and drete a photo- 11to ait, S. btta iastl'ma mn. zrapb from bis pockeî. "Tbat's for îî's ,\a womnaii, of course." Oroino Park. Nîrs. Peter Elisasser, Nisbawaka. s sale. NIr. Amnes, and ail that fos I satoat in ies Mrs. Hooex of Nestietout Teinter- Indtiana. '.Ir. and Mrs. G. Latimer9 withil. JIýý d!ad" aS a omal, gir. Se'salîce Superintendent for the Town- aîd NMiss NI. Latimer wilb N.Irs. R.n Jerry looked ait it. No dusio eod hrte' l trvte.sîtif. spoke at Cadmnus Sunday Parr. no fwatws4pet ntohim. sipignîtn. îoigta tSehool on Sundav. Her address was M\rs. John Forder. NMiss Vera For-M now of w ntin, noin hat wa apîn esoecialiv interesîiîtg and conviiicinir. der and Mr. Win. Forder with Mrs. He merelv opened the tiesk aîîd got was the end of teir life togetber. Mrs. Rav Blair of Oshawa, spent Fortler's brother. Mr. Winm. Jaiîî,N out hîs checkbook. "'Ili gîve YOU but. ktowing. too. that she wouid the weekcnd at ber parents'. Poîttypool. f ive hundred dollars." keei lis secret. She moved whcii atrGog elr ssedn Ms en calt "Better add another cipher to it, lbe tld ber of that mteetingi with istee orge ySellehr.i sndin MssVrnsNcNly with Missc Aines" Chris. but she made no comment. olnAdes.JanMclmNstt"a *Youil take that aîtd ike it !" -Tfien you kneîv. aid Chris Arden Mrsland An deo nd.r ei Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutledgc and fai- ___________________kitew. that wbite voul wcre mary - Hamilton spent Satîtrday cvening Naiv oo. th'\ran sN.e îîîg me tbis girl was baving your ait Nrs. Georgze Fowier's. chil? NIrs. Gordon NlcLean and NMiss NMiss 'Marionî Taylor. Nestietoît.E AYs Iv told tou. Site waiîted. Jean visited aI the formers aunts,. witit Miss Jean Wrightt. bh bb God kliews wb.' " Nirs. J. E. Eliiott. last wcck.Mr. Arntold Johnîson,. Toronto,a Adnwshe's dead. Wbere is Miss Nl\ointiçîv wbo bas becît titlî bis p)areiitîs, Mr. anîd Irs. A\.a rdeni nd a home for it. Tbe sp IVn eu lu vthbrsse. outot fiA P eole bate adopted it." NIrs. J. E. Eliiott. lias retunied to NMr. W'. B. Ferguison. Cadmus. WFl . She ilt up tbcî. "He took a great Havdon. PmesidctU. of C.R.E.C. gave a pfleas- r > . t b. s tha NIir. anti Nrs. F. Tlîomptson and utc taik to the Suutday Sehool ont Il cal of trouble. tilit ultI famnilt.NMessrs ThoýiîtoIj, Ormsbv u Sîdav. cate d, qi À0 o marry you !" anîtiDeitîzel Anîdersont atiti Nisscs Nr îdNrs aGi amur o Himce dî oth et le oud GveNargaret Sellers aîîd Zetta NIcKcc m(tito. titb bis iparents. Mr. andt lîi cr<li fo tht."isiteti Nr. atîti Mrs. Moriatid Ait- Nî\rs. J1. Larmer. Theîîcxt afternooîî Clînîs ,fettnd jlr .a lier alone in the downîtown office and Mr. tvîlani rs. A.ll iancv'N. calizeti that this oas a itcw Bet-- Bllth fs lerîim%..le-a rî licliai arts reNis RîîtlîArmtstrtong.R.N., Ttu- 1 cameb"fore L k h ' Scl trool, dis- II Mrs. Robert Armstrong, ofL yecotliicpavdGx On Sunday Mrs. A. A. Young- ln.Ni.aiNIsN.Ttopoî I. ,rckd vlife." iblut, St. Catharines, visited her aItt Nfr.itatiNr. C. iisi To I tever tried to play God uitb !parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pedweîi; mItto '.itlî Mn. anti N\Irs. J. .Archer. oukee:v f ,bt i dtwias her sister Muriel retumned with Gladti 1 ret ont titatNî. J. Hat- wrog-" her to St. Catharines for a two iltîsi lias rettîrîtetihomne froîn Pornt "And titat last îigbt uthen I railed week vacation, Penny Hostîttal andt is dniiitgmclv. Vun111) antd told tout I ',as frigbt-f Miss Mary Bowen, Miss Doro- NIr. Hemb Tatior at Torontîo Hos- end(ed, Clînis, von let me go, kîtnouinti thy Gibson and Mr. Chris Bareh- bat vit dti?"lardvisied M. an Mms Howrd uital is also reportet impntrovhiîg. 05 ,S wat oitdilf ar viite Mr.andMrs Hoard Nfr. F. Waidoiî of T.T.Cl.. Nir. -I thought you uaîted to go, mv ýBowen, Pickering, on Thursday. aitol Nrs. lait Sun.Trît.uiî dear." ~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. Pedwell attendedSta.Tono.wild Wben at last site bad cioscd the the funemal of Mr. Pedweîî's bro- Mîiset Bros iBtlnv ih doior biîiîîd ber aîîd gone. he knîew ther at Thornbury on Tuesday. NMr. aîtd Nrs. J. R. \IcLaiiglilin. J that site carricd away witb hem a Miss Bessie Blackburn is visit- M.T erYrtwSs. reseitîment wbicb separated thern ing With friends at Maple Grove Mms. IT.Hdetn. NYorktonwîî. ask i more comoifetelu even Iban ber mar- and Base Line; Mr. Walter Black- Nirs. IEtierv. Nsîeon it ..age.ri did burn us on a two week motor trip Nr. Cecii Hyde, Toroto '.\Ircc .. ..... ~He ddnet sec ber again until with a group of friends through and Nrs. R. Sp)inks. Ptîrpie Hill'.t Atmeica bad cîtcred the war. the Esenpoics r n witb -Nîr. attd Mrs. Ira Argute. ar IMrs. Howard Foley, Maple Groee, ./.*4«. ,.~.(Contiîîucd îext week) [aevitn MradMs. ak Miss Olive Bcacock wiîh lber par- 't ................______eîîts. Nîr. aîtd Mrs. W. Bcacock aîd i BlcbMr . yPto a eundMiss Judithtatnd Naster G. Thone Pl i Gr ve frnt srn~er choo aiGueph. accormpanicd lier for the holiday. IVIape Mr. Carmen Patton, Toronto, Ms ombHoibsreîrc spnt the weekend with is par- home froni taking-a summer couirse NIrs. E. W. Foiev spent a fcw I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Patton. at Qtîeîîis Universite, andt is v'isiling U Top OF WRIt SEOF O WRI with NMr. anti Nrs. Milford Wilkinis. Congratulations to Mm. and lier sister. M.\rs. Hanrv Nîcai-1tuiiî.1 Oshawa. Mrs. Glen Pollard on the birth of Nestîcttît. 'Miss Hooev lias heen N' A gea vlue.~a *w ratiai Mn. anti N\Irs. E. W. Foici aitd a son last uitd ttrlie Toronto (tecasiontai Idea In walc design-AUTOMAT- Mr and Nirs. Teti F<ricv sîtelît Suit- staff.M ICALLY ADJUSTS ITSELF TO ANY da.y with N.Ir. and -Nins. Bert Colîteli N ir. andîtIIIn. 1. \\anîrn anîd. POIINON THE WRISTI a lcrctae Lake View Park.lDontail. Kinlutý, Nîr. laius \'atîon. i This watch gives yau comforf, accu- Scugog Island.Strumite Irait issitt e. oi r otGtitaioL racy, style, value anly $17.75 The re-oDeîiîîtg of Niapie Gnou-e li-ei-taiiL,.TrnoG etuircit anti suipper will bcefilil Our pastor, Rev. A. W. March. il. total ivitîr Nr. andt Nirs N or- ar S uîîdav anti \tudav. Sept. 111h anti arrivcd home on Satumday even-rîat ltîtltv Et AD l5i2îl. l3itlte-r partictilars laten. îng alter apending a vacation in Te animrtal cltîrelu sent -ce ofteM NîMr. andti Nrs. \W*ltî. 1aird. Nli,.s Boston, Mass. I\on il Mial kl'r>cepi tu%a-.uelini M A R SSusie Laird t isitcd Ibeir sistcr, Nirs. 1Mrs. F. Cator left on Sunday tl'(' lltitel Ciîunelî itnSutndlt ... ii- JEWELRY STORE W. Pansoii. Lakefield. Sisic me-'for a couple of weeks visit with iiv, eoîtduîceilut lte.NIn. BEf matid ora ist.her son, Mr. W. Cator, and fantiiv raitti. .iui.a.issistetIhv liev. NMr. J Phone 463 Bowxnanville _Nuis, eaîNiller, Iuîgerso,wbtt Iat Windsor. Mm. J. Cator motomed IParker, Nililori*tiît\nll; Ie v. NMr.a bas bfi visitilîti Nis Nilîlrecl own and took heu- 10 Toronto X\tîî,tl.St.Ittiti', Attglicant Chîrcb a where she stayed over night en- atuo liev. NI. Sauirsuîtt, Tonr(titto. U' route 10 Windsor. lacktîck fife anuol(Ir"",tt bandcilda ___________________________________________________________ Mms. Gilîson and daughter, To- ilite itanatie icitvtas anrttiedo ronto, are visiting at the Squair niteuhens ifntnl'Port int>crrî, Tre. d honte this week, and Miss Steph- lÂiî';at" Nlihiroook, I1toitvtîolTî atit- T ns , lown, and two of the Moffat elIît il. inkilen antd Nestlettn . f C uw Iiriii SELIS TE B EST o' fomOrnowere Slflday TIhee ;\nl'Il cetiitzg I tle VileK visitors. Salem fiends are gîad ttini tt\Xîîncu's lîstitîu tu \a, fueld And Serves You Vq'ellcoveing after a painful ilîness. ouin it~.~uwitiiat aîeuoaîc Mr. and Mrs. W!. Fitze, Janet- cf abotî60o. llite 11itiliuet ., t u When IVe Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Entire :ville, visited hem parents. Mu-. and tuitit eoîninîu11irtiev ieîg olît Mms. G. Cornish on Sunday. Hem 1, h(.lie Pril'rvm Ilcl vS a Satisfaction in Fit, Style, Qtlality and Price. fto stnumi i.ure ettÙr oitt ettitI i kan Mu-. and Mrs. L. Annis, TontoFra itt-îuret u Ilotn -- 'IDr. West's Faste 17e Trull-To%%niey roses and liles of the vaiiey. The 1 10 AB..&.In a setting of white gladiol1 green sheor with ntching acces- ter .00 ASA.19 f and ferns, Catbrino Louise Town- isories and corsage of talisman anc loy, duhe fMr.Twlyroses, 10, Art Border Prints cost no more than ordlnary pictures. udheatAthrLTony, aeriebiendgomef Fenelon Falls, uvas unitcd in mar- by motor for QLîebcc, the bride Wl Try us with your Deveioping and' Printing. rioge on Wedîtesday at hem home travelling in a cinnamon brown wit 10 Lloyd A. Trutl, son of Mm. anti crepe ensemble limnted xith anè Mrs. F. W. Truli of Orono. Rev. chartreuse and beige and with mcti Phone D D f hJl fruT'cWe Fit J. M. Ward officiated and wedding damk brown aceessories. On iheir E 695 P . R. UYWLIIGyU, uI gisLTrusses music was played by Miss Edilb ueturn tboy uill live in Kingston. wil Truil, sister of the groom. The groom is a graduate of shi _______________________________________________ IM. G. Walkem of Toronto gave Queen's University. rooc Nestieton Mr. and Mrs. H-ugh Taylor and Mu-s P. J. Oliver were buisines.- tisitors 10 Lindsay on Thursday. No services in the Prcsbyterian Church for ntonth of August as our minister, Rcv. Walke-, is on holidays. The play "For Petc's Sake' by the Solina Dramatie Club was xvell given here on Wedncsday night, Augusi 3rd. The Nestieton Women's Iîîsti- lute heid the regular meeting onu Wednesday, August 3, ai the home of Mu-s. Malcolmt Emerson, wuth a good attendance. Progrm was -Grandmthers' Day" which was vcry interesting. Nesîleton W, I. are invited to visit Kendal Wed- ncsday, August lOth. The Ladies' Aid of the Presby- lemian Church 'mtet Thursday night at the honte of Mrs, John Dickey with a good attendance. Meeting opened with a hyntn, af- ter which Mu-s. Forder read the 201h Psalm; Miss Marie Prout a paper, "Tragedy of Sclfishness'; Mu-s J. Forder, "Inventor"; Miss Beatrice Whitfield, "Ev en in g Caînt"; Mu-s, Hugh Taylor, "When I Have Tinte"; Mu-s. M. Mountjoy, "Honte Garden." Meeting closed with a hymn. Visitors: Mr. and Mu-s. Fr-ank Jarvis, Miss Eileen, Mu-. and Mu-s, Yoeman and fantily, Agincouri, Mu-. and Mu-s. Frail and son,- Windsor, Mu-s. Albert Wright and Jean, Black- stock, Mu-s, Carscadden and dan- ghter, and Miss Mahood, Bow- manville, aIl with Mu-s. A. Spinks, Mu-. and Mu-s, Farrow, Ballyduf, with Mu-. and Mu-s. Robert MeCaîl. Mu-s. Cou-bell of Midland with Mu-. and Mu-s. Levi McGili. Mu-. and Mu-s. Wiibert MeKins- tu-y and Miss Greta Hunking of Oshawa with Miss Sara Marlowe and Miss Beatrice Whitfieid. Mu-s. Wm. Muimhead has retnmn- ed to heu- honte afiter a week's visit with Mu-. and Mu-s. Ray McGill ai Burton. Mu-. and Mu-s. Bert McMullen and famiiy, Janeiville, with Mu-. and Mu-s, Robert Dickey. Mu-. and Mu-s Heu-tan Santeils, Mu-s. John Hooey and Ray, spent Snnday ai Riverdale Park, To- ronto. Mu-. and Mu-s. Cccii Wilson, Gwen and Eunicc, spent Sunday ai Orono. Mu-. and Mu-s. Russell Morden snd John, Lindsay, spent Sunday A'ith Mu-. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor and Mu-s. P. J. Oliver. Mm. Harry Torrence, Mu- and VIra, John Powe-s and Ronnie, of Lindsay, with Mu-. and Mu-s. Ivan Prout and other friends heu-e on Sunday. Zion The W. A. enteu-tained Kedron W.T A. ai the church on Wednes- lay. The Kedu-on ladies furnished a good pu-ogu-an. The Zion ladies emved lunch and everybody en- joyed a social tinte. Onu- contntnity met ai Mu-. Leonard Bail's home and present- ed Mu-. and Mu-s. Bahl with a couch on Tnesday. On Thuu-sday they met ai Mu-. Leslie Wau-ren's and pmesented Mu-. and Mu-s. Chas. Warr-en with a dlock. The even- ing was spent in dancing ai boih places. Mu-. and Mu-s. Russell Robbins and Ruth, Mu-. and Mu-s. Fred Rob- tins and Isabel, at Mu-. Percy Langmaid's, Williams Point. Miss Jean Leach, Solina, ai Mu-. N. Leach's. Mu-. and Mu-s. Norman Leach ai Mr. George Joll's, Newcastle. Mu-s. Hattie Joli, Toronto, visit- ig ai heu- nephew's, Mm. Norman Leach. Mu-. and Mu-s. Stanley Coverlcy nd Lloyd. Master Lloyd Flinloif, Ebenezer, at Mm. Wes. Cameron's. Mu-. and Mu-s Ogdcn, Osaca, at WIr Ray Canteuon's. Mu-s. Ray Cameron, Inez and Beverlcy, at hem mothcm's, Mrs. P. J.Gifford, Osaca. Mu-. and Mu-s W. J. Trick, Osh- awa, ai Mu- Jas. Cameron's and lu-. J. W. Baison's. Misses Audr-ey Ayme, Elcen and Bemniece Stainton au-e houi- laying at Bu-owning's I s i a n d, Iuskoka. Mu-s. A. T. Stainton attendcd fternoon tea at iVrs. Ross Lee's, .edmon. Mm. and Mu-s. A. T. Stainton ai [r. Blake Annis', Whiicvale. Mu-s. John Truil is better again )ut is stili in bcd. Mu- and Mu-s. J. Knox, Edith rtd Mary, North Oshawa, at Mu-. ýobt. Killen's. Hampton Miss Wanda Clarke, Oshawa, la ahlidaying at home. Mu-. and Mrs. E. Boyd, Toronto. sitcd Mu-s. E. Stevens. Miss Jessie Hogarth, Bowman- île, spent Sunday at home. Mu-s. A. J. Reynolds, Montreal, sa guesi of Miss Lulu Reynolds. Miss Nomma Glenny, Toronto, la isiting ai Mm. Milton Robinson's. Mu-s. Cameron and childu-en, ion, visited heu- 5151er, Mrs. C. 7vian. Mu-. and Mu-s. F. Rogers, Whitby, eu-e Sunday gucsts of Mm. and mrs. Frank Rogers. Miss Gladys Tunl is hoiidaying ýtMusselman's Lake, guesi of iss Edith Rackham. Miss Nora Kersiake is visiting iih Mu-s. Belle Reaves and other riends in Port Hope. Thu-ee of our C. G. I. T. girls, aync Johns, Domotby Pingle and ladîyn Wiicox, are holidaying at ,iwanis Camp ncam Columbus. The annual Institute pienie was ild in the park on Thursday af- mnoon when about 125 adults .d childu-en enjoyed a good tinte )gether. Mu-. and Mrs. Clifford Ferguson. ,ho have spont several months ,ih his fathcu and mother, Mu-. d Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, have ýturned to the west. Hlampton Horticuitumal Society Il hold Iheir annual flowem iw in the Eldad Sunday School om Wednesday, Angust 17, ai 8 P.m. Admission loc. . M r o at ud M s R P s o.pitla. is much improved. Mm.ant Mn XVH. co isted Aoi thirty-fivo of ou.îîW. I. Ouîr deepest sympatby la c-- on Suinday oith Mrs. Boebee. Pet-'memibors tiare entertained by te tendcd 10 Mm. David Fergusout erbono, Mrm Jesse Yeo retutmning, Honcyclale W. I. last Thuîsday af- !and family'lin the passing of Mrs, honte ith then. Mm, and Mus. C. temnoon wuhen ait enjoyable tinte Ferguison wluo dled qutito sudden- J. Kerslake accompanied Mm. and, was had. ]y Tuesday. Mms. Yco tes Peterboro and visited Hampton Horticultural Society _________________ uith Mm. and Mrs. John Servius. ,vill hold their annual flower Recent visitors with Mm. and Ishow in the Eldad Suînday SclîoolMI Mrs. E. L. Williamson: Mm. and . oont Wcdnesday, Augiast 17, aI Mrs. Victor Bowes, daughtcm El- '8 p.nt. Admission 10e. SEE THIS LINE canon, and Miss Birch, Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. Nelsoîn Chapin. Mm. Geo. Williamson and son, of New York, Mrs. Arthur Gibbons Onmee, and broter Morgan of and Miss Vera, Toronto, visited New York City; Mm. and Mrs. E.Mm, and Mrs. Harry Taylor and DU PINGOUIN Cable, daughter Mollie and son called on fniends heme. Roy, of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fation. Sunday evening church seric Brampton, Mu-. and Mrs. H. R. Pa-f W O O L was in charge of the Young Peo- lion and Velma, Mm. A. L. Pation ple's Union and though the heat and Miss Jessie Pation, Toronto, was intense a fairly good congre- Mrs. Ducklow, Neepawa, Man., at Made in France in a wide gation geeted Mm. Slephen Say- N. C. Yellowlees'. well of Oshawa who occupied the Mrs. K. A. Gaudin of Sîtîler, range of colors. - Really pulpit and gave a fine discourse Alta., wbo is visiling friends here, front the words found in Jercntiah gave a lalk to the juniors and an distinctive and different.- 3: 7. Mm. W. Rae of Toronto, who address on "Christian Eduication Full Weight - Lower Prices was a guesi of Mu-. and Mrs. A. for Youth or Nol" aI the Sutudav Blanchard, sang in splendid voice Sehool on Sunday torning uvhlch two appropriate solos which add-_ was ntuch appreciatcd. Miss Mur- cd much 10 the service. It la ex- ici Baker favored with a vocal pected our paslor wiIi occupy the Solo.f ENGLISII CHINA pulpit on Sunday evening ner ________ Burketon NMr. aud 'Nîrs. N. Wrigt, Ridge- ville. NînIs. Joseput Pip. Hamîilton, w'itit NIr. attd Mrs, Robent Plilp. Mn. and NîIrs. A. Sharp aud faîn- ulv, Enîuiskiilen, Mir. sud Nîrs. D. Kav anti son. Billie uuith Mrs. C. Sautoerson. Mr., and Mn\fs. E. Adamis anîd fani- iii uvîîb friends in Toronto. NMr. ant i Nrs. N. Whtite. Nf Irytie Station. Ret. NMr. Parker, Nlaliony- town. with Mr. and Nins. WV. N. Hoskin. Nîrs. S, Nî\offat with fricnds in Toronto. Nîrs. E. Adams in Torontto for a uvcck. Nîn. anîd ins L. Vaituokenburg. Oshawta. uuitb ber Parenits. NIr. aînd Nirs. J, Kurreti. Nir. anti Mns. Henb NîcLaugbuiiî. Mr. autd Nrs, H. WXrighît anîd Joy ce. Oshauwa. uuitiî Mn. anîd Mrs, J1. Mc- Lau.guîiin. - Mn. andtti Mns. A. \Viisouî uitît fmi- enids at Udora. XV.A. bad charge of lthe inorniîtg service on Sunciay. N.Ins. N oînati Wbiiîe Mrvtie Station, cave a verv iuîîeresîiuîg and Profitable taik oun NMissionus. Solina Mm1. and Mis. Geo. White spent r a few days at Nomiand. Miss Mau-jory Coucb, Bowntan- ville, at Mu-. Jack Baker's. Miss Loraine McLaughlin, Osh- awa. aI Mm. Harold Pascoe's, Messrs. Chas. and Frank Short- ridgc ai Mu-. Ernest Debamms, Col- umbus, Mu-. and Mms. Chas. Howsam and family visited with Pou-t Peu- ny friends, Mu-. and Mu-s Walter- Bray and Miss Ethel, Picker-ing, ai Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Mm. and Mu-s. John Kiveli and Miss Peau-i Leach visited ai Les- ý ard Sunday. Mu-s. Sinton Penfound, Omono, Mu-s. Ed. Rundle, Ellwood City, Ps., au-e visiiing ai Mu-. J. T. Run- dle's. Mu-. and Mu-s. N. C. Yellowlees, Nil and Donald, Miss Jessie Pa- tion, visited Picker-ing and Clame- mnont fuiends. Mr. Thos. Baker, Mu-. John Baker Ir., Mu-. and Mu-s. Maurice Baker and Janice visited Toronto friends on Sunday. Dm. and Mu-s Gordon Chishoîntý and Miss Dorothy Chishoînt. Kal-, amazoo, Mich.. au-e visiting Miss SHIRRIFF'S Jelly POWDERS k. 05 FLEISCHMANN'S Yeast Coke .04 SUMMERFRUDIT DRINKS 13-oz. BU. .25 Union, Darlington Mu-s C. Stephens, Hampton. visited heu- sisîcu-, Miss J. Cook- tan. Miss Florence Rahnt has been holidaying wilh heu- aunt. Mus. Walter- Cochu-ane, Bowmanviile. Mu-. and Mu-s. Harry Davis andf fantiiy, Brantford, Mu-s. Phil Con- lin an 'd Joan, Oshawa, Miss Ou-a Pingle, Toronto, ai Mu-. R. Grif- f in's. Miss Gladys Beech, Columbus, spent a week with heu- cousin, Miss Blanche Beech. Glad 10 hear Mu-s. Scoils, who has been quite iii in Oshawa hos- Beautifu] gift or shower itemis at very attractive prices. Lending Library Per Day - - - - 2 cents JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanvhlle1 SPE ClAL-$ FOR AUGUST Ladies' 1-Piece Plain DRESSES Men's 3-Piece SUITS CLEANED & PRESSED You Can Depend on Aldsworth Cleaning and Service 89C Pick Up and FREE - FELT HAT OR 3 TE LAE WITH EACH 89c ORDER ALDSWORTH Quality Cleaners - Oshawa - LOCAL AGENTS - McGregor 's Hardware Bowmnxille Phone 774 PJRITAN ORIGINAL D4JTCH OV£N BROWN BREAD WITH RAISINS StiNFLOWER SALMON FANCY PINK CHASE Fr SANBORN COFFEE DTD LIBBY'S SWEET MIXEO ]PICKLES - - CR05SE SnE SARDINES -2 AYLMER TOMATOES -2 GREEN DEANS 2 01.0 'AIT* LLAM CR0 WDER SOUP LIFEDUOY SA FACIAL SOAF WOODDURY'S 2 50F! ABSORBENI NAVY TISSUE 2 Chapman's Store Newcastle Phone 1204 Tin Tî,.25 Oranges îB..35j 12-cz.15. Bti .15 Tns 15 10 oz. Cakes .07' zCake. .15 zR.11l .15 IHESE VALUES EFFECTIVE AUGUST M tg~ 3f doz. *27 CALIFORNIA Lemns doz. e251 STALK Celery Bunch 05 - 'I.) ' ~ ('Y~ 'C,) ;~ *j THURSDAY, AUGUST IITH, Jqý38 PAGE FOUR TIIE' CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO v a r u a r: N L d lý ti rr E E fi a. a SUNKIST