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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1938, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 1lTH, 1938 THE C XIIA TTEMN OWM.\NVIJAF, ONTA\RIOPAEFV complete with a baby crib and Ha do neA Avlle, ai Mr. J. A. Wcrrv's.MeafsBvetn otyrO Atahmns Lette rrome LÂn a nSympathv is extendcd le the Ms . er n around town. 1__ family of th(, late Mrs. David Fer-i red tth ae saa SO I L ANDTflS N The first units of the new street Mr. and Mrs. C. Siemon spent Hl 1 r d Ronald Ashton spent a few guson who passeci to rest of MssGasPgeOhaaH- S ULIAL ~~i~u ~LK~UNAL lighting system in the business the xveekend with Mr. and Mrs. H I ~ Edys with Alan Werry. Enniskil- Tuesday. August 2nd.piashodaig ihme section were crected on W\ýednies- W. Trewin, Bown-anville. len. Rv '.PreDivp Phone 663 ----- _ day. The new standards are ex- Mr. George Alldread, Bowman- i1\Irs. E. W. Bradley and Miss;called on friends here Stindav.. îrcmey hansome nd xvi! en vill, spet Sunay athome.R. J. Gi]! Farm. Freda Bradley visited at Mr. A. 1 Miss Audrey, Graham. Oshawa. Fwpol xoeIerinr Mr. H. Edgerton visited Mr. and 1Mr. James MeDougaîl. Misses hance -the looks on King Street Master Donald' Wilcox, Bow- Dea Mr. BdiowmnilOlroMra',Ohaa iie tM.C d.aneb epn hi ae ht Mrs. J. Living and family. Jessie and Marion McDougall, To- considerably. manville, is holidaying at Mr. T. am Eio:Mr. and Mrs. T. Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Afin sapro ihwo Mrs. Liscar Scott, Seagrave, ronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Hav 1o aamedwowol abs writing 10 thank you for farnix, Brooklin, ca]led on fi r.W.OeadMs .Br-Imyb icr;bfr l viste Ms.Geo C Fstr. Intyre over the weekend. Hike 10 u subsrien 1 he Sodtat Mr. . os. .rn, Vjt-telling cvervbody that 1 hav ends ere. masterm cae ond Mr. Wm. Park-mytikaod-resn Rev. and Mrs. I. Snell, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond* Cole. man? A special offer of 50 cents ing Mrs. W. Hugbson. CluodnbLan isJa r tterctagDlype Mastr Geald ox s viitin hi fater, r. . C.Cole mae Sbscaibe ow 13 the ol s v ed o erho ea n s Bo urni looking forward to il with pla !McLean, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon andtnjs hraeodlawt his ant, Ms. F.J. Wiht, 0- Mrand Ms. Leoît rturn daer.i fui!e coveragte o l eto er o m in w ergand- ur e: altbougb the boss says lie .R. Gilbert, Enniskillen, visited aI Mrs. C. Branton, visited at Mr.C.usanhrtrn bo u. borne Durar news parents Mr. an r.Js Il- bas te handle me a little so l'rI.leo'. __________________________________ bughoeSunday after spending a'uhr dread be a good boy . . . Oh! Well . . MranMs.TMutoyvs- Miss Eva Arnold, Toronto, Miss pleasant holiday witb Mr. and Lawrence and Tommy Rehder MisEibWode a eurn- We*ll see. ýed at Mr.. M. Mounljoy's, Nesi _______________________________ Elizabeth Arnold, recently visited, Mrs. J. McFadyen, Collingwood. are bolidaying at Sylvain Lodge. dhm fersedn week I noticed in The Statesman oftn Miss Ella Melntyre. Mrs. Gilchrist and bier daugbter. Rosedale. wbere lhey are rnakîng edthomr. ande Ms. diG.Yo Bow last week you saîd I was a cross 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton and Bvonan Knnth ae olda- coladspntth lngwekedtheir fheres aht. Sy raan Lodge Mr. Robd Burgss Oroneo, Iow fe. jutalttebr adwudloEnikle.EX R P CI L V L E S Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crawford, Miss Doreen Gilchrist, Glasgow, hi eduresteBraaR manville. Mr betwýýecn a -stallion and a donkev.i family visited at Mr. R.TR Ormis rng at Jamestown, N. Y. with Misses Allen, Beecb Ave. is owned by Mrs. Goodman. a and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, Mrs. E. be rnuch obliged if you woud MsS.Vnoe, r. Mr. nd Ms. ussel Bown, Mr. Gu Bonsaî viitedberdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stevens, Hampton, Mrs. W. Hart, tell the folks rny daddy was a W. Hobbs, Toronto, Miss Ruth FrT us rdy-Stra Butler, Penn., are visiting bis mo- brother, Mr. R. I. Cox, Toronto, Arkwrigbl, Bowrnanville. ;Palmerston, Mr. H. Burgess, Long , Shetland stallion. of wbich I arn Williams, Miss Marie Moas, Mr. ther, Mrs. Thornas Brown. and hein sister, Mrs. Wilfred Ad- Editor and Mrs. Geo. W. James, 'Sault, recently vîsiled Mr. Robt. 1very proud; as that fact makes and Mrs. Fred Cowling and son Ne Season's l b 0 Mr. Charles Papineau of Toron- dinaîl, London, Ont., recently. William and Ruth, are attendîng Burgess who is not much improv- 'me vers' unusual. Mother is only visiled at Mr. R. MeNei l'S. sn O E to spent the weekend aI bis grand- Miss Jessie Morgan, wb has the annual convention of the Ca-! cd. a donkey, of course, and does a Miss Ella Tamblyn, Orono, vis- i H N Y ..... father's, Mr. H. Latbrope. :been living iin town the past txvo ' nadian Weeklv Newspapers As- Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bradd, lot of rneditating, but father was ited aI Mr. L. Ashlon's. Quaker Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rammel years, bas returned 10 ber borne sociation, of wbicb Mr. James is iOshawa, with bis grandparents, a stepper ..believe me. Miss Viola Bradley. Miss Phyl- FLOUR................. 9 ' 35 'sspent the weekend wilh friends'in Belleville. President, aI Vancouver. Tbey Mr. and Mrs. James Dudley. 1iam four monlhs old now and ilis Watson. Mr. Charles Meredith, raefruit at their cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mr oadCxi o0dyn xett be away about tbree Rev A. W. March bas returned Ibis life is great; nothing to do Toronto. xisited aI Mr. E. W MsE.R onalhsrtr-witb Miss Margery Cartwright ,veeks. home after holidaying with fri- lbuto\caland play. Mother does* Bradley's. JUICE, I8-oz.. ...... ed after a lengtby visit with bier and with bis uncie, Mr. Bert Jew- 1 John L.aam Law Osawwrt50snt2 is MsW.LLaOhwwi- Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and littie limes - when I feel extra good Hl onGaan omn Ale sister, Mrs. J. W. Noble, in India-'elI, London, Ont. ing for some extra copies of The son, Mrs. Craig Miles and daugb- I1 go on a tear around the pasture Halliaed Earl Kennedy, Oshawa,' TOMATO JUICE .... .5 ad3fo 2c napolis. 1Messrs. Harry Ailin and Fred Statesman containing the Solina ter, Toronto, with Mrs. James and the old girl just stands and vstdat Mrs. D. Graban*s. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox bave Downey have 'returned fromn a Re-union sîories, says in part, ~ tre'ok:sekossecntcth Mr. E. C. Ashton and June, En- For Dessert reîurned from a molor trip 10 successfur fishîng trip 10 Loon wisb you every success in the iMr. and Mrs. John Danuewe, !me. I wonder sometimes if ilsniskillen, Mr. and Mrs S. 0d JELLO............. ...3 p s 23 Montreai and other eastern points. Lake. mnanagemnent of the best weekly IRochester, N. Y., visited Mr. and her old age ... she's nearly four, man, Scugog Island, Mr. Arthur Snoîvdrîft Mr. and Mrs. Albert Norton, i Mr. and Mrs. C.C. MacNair and newspaper in Canada. We are ai-IMrs. N. J. Woodiey. you know. iTrewin, Brooklin, visited at Mr. C C NU ...........b 5 Buffalo, were recent visitors with Mr. Harry Cryderman are spend-iways boosters wben we know we.> The W. M. S. met in the S. S. 1beard someone say thé ohrj Wm. Trewin's. C C N T .... and oither, frns hre. eabu nts aIwe Kicrinte kom spr tnd you baever et." an we roomn on Tbursday, August 4th. dav 1 looked like a big dog when Misses Audrey and L o r in a Irradated Wheat President~ ~~ Mr.S orcnutdiwas running . . . Imagine that! Thornpson, Mr. Bill Louis, To- MUFFETS......... lO ____________________ Mrs. Cecil Dudley and Ray At the West End Y.M.C.A. îwi- worship service and the business, And bere I arn a Hinney and the ronto, Mr. Roland Thompson, Kellogg's spent a pleasant week's holiday ligbt Irack meel aI Varsity Sta- Mrs. A. W. Ciemens finished the boss says I arn rare. (That doesn't Cadmus, visiîed aI Mr. W. Thomp- A LW-E T....... ks 5 'in Waterloo witb ber brother, Mr. diumn a few days ago, Bill Bagneli lasI chapler of the study book. mean half-baked either). He says son's. L WH T ... _____________________and Mrs. Raymond Cole. added a few more honors 10 bis 1Mrs. J. Dudley favored with a I arn good only for a watch cbarrn Miss Dorothy Glover, Oshawa, Mr an r.R .LkKd long lisI. witb a first in the broad isolo. - wbatever thal is - I hope ils visited aI Mr. C rsmns ron, and Miss Olive Luke, To- 3ulmp, winning bim a gold medal. Wornen's Institute wili meet aI sornething nice, don'I you? ronto, were recent guests of Mr1 His distance was 20 feet, 1034 in. the borne of Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Ihaadnypamaefra11 and ~ ~ ~ Mr Mr.H .Fotr nIis event lie defeated theiWednesday, August 17, aI 2.30 p. whe bu deaensd 1 hlae dis-a - haleSecrissedn i Holiday in Oshawa. munity wili be guesls of the Insti- appeared. The boss said I was IUA - vacation wîth bis parents, Rev. MsD.H aionndOartute and supply the program. Ail getting 100 rough . . Oh hum. Did 0À L and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, at heir D.H Jamieson ane ov d O s f a iscrilyivtd we have fun! Shades of the an- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson, - Extra pca ... cottage, Big Bay Point, near Bar- Jaisnhv oe m n flde oniiyivtd ent Chaldees! He was a regular Shirley, visiîed aI Mr. A. Wearn's. Rrie. ýthe newy created apartiments atl Sunday cooî next Sunday aI ot oiol.o odr.Mn Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Red Coat Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. Alex 1b creofCucanSugg1an.C rcsrvcargem a lime in the preliminaries I felt Kendal, Rev. and Mrs. M. San- CANNED SALMON O Btîtch r, D l S treets T heir form er apar îim ent R ev. A . W . M arch w iii ake ch rg Scb m eiîng onr and fa ily T no to, vi i BthrShirley and Douglas, over Jamieson s Tire Shop wil be of the service and wll also peach jusI like Max netunnedn JAM, 1iIa s dearo an30clToot vs Peterboro, visited Mns. Geo. C. ocpebyFakJmsn anda Salem in the aftennoon, and cudls ogrIa h e-M ob a l Foster. i'bis bride of the near future, Miss Long SaulI in the evening, as man did; 'cause lie, my sparringhoeatraknangiulrl 13OWMANVILLE ess o ihas ynnEey ikeuul pantner. was lied up, and I use afetaigananclua Have's Vanstone , Wally Braden and Alick Mns. Howard Bickie, Bowrnan- Mn. C. A. Brooks, St. Cathan- ru eorh onto t en. Eve core Alan Wearn and Mn. Fred FLOOR WAX ...... .... lbtn 43 Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Birks are on am tntrp ille swîmiges, Mr. Clarence Brooks, Clark- so. I got in a few goodar upper-nPctn Wneru Y Cty ilewhl simin n ak'son, vîsited their parents, Mr. and cuIs. But do you know bow lie Mrandrse in PE. Wonderful AUG. 11-12-13 YokCt.Ontario aI Whitby on Sunday got Mr.Gog ros nTedy got the best of me? ...He used J n r.W .Snesn SOAP .. .. .. .. . . . ......br5 Mrs R.C. iilarn an dagb-mb iffculiesIhnugha ramp Mn. and Mrs. Cecil FleIt, Osh- bis bead instead of bis lef t. His and family visited Mn. A. Harris, Wodru 1 1e Iree. RcheterN.Y.andand was assisîed to safeîy by Cliff awa, aI Mr. G. Brooks on Sudy narne was Billy, and the Cox andKîb;MsMayHrsneu- Mr.Fred W. Page, Port HpMaundreil, the weii known ho- And many a fathen wbo thnsKa iscalled bim agoal. i ng borne with Ibern. SOAP FLAKES ......... 3ls 5 t> r.I4 W,...H .A E -er gusso ..R rees. ysa.BradCak Wben 1 arn a godbyte .eý Mn and Mrs. J. Henod, Toronto, Csmr ~ ~'H ,wer oi t. reeess.keysta. Benar ClrkLions he is saving money wben be'gîves meit' utIle Wm.~oo boy bey in' Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Club lifeguard, also assisted in Cahmr ... os shte Iaughs at the world , omniladM.adMs nnigMs ikei.ens laten that he bas a son-in-law edsgr...And are tbey even Donald visited aI Chalk Lake. adEgM8 in the happy-hut of the seoso .nt B. S. Vanstone, Toronto, are boli- Work bas commenced on the 10 support. good! . 1 Mrs. E. C. Ashton visited Mn. Ful-O-Pep (Grown hdaving aI Elgin House, Muskoka. seaiing of the Fine Reservoîr ___________Well . . . Hope you'l be seeing Ira Travelle, Oshawa.Si Mlse Maurice Breslin, proprietor of itanks aI the Pump House on me on Parade Day in a big truck, MisLSnaaltsvsiigi the Arcade Store, bas neturned Cburch Street. A prepanation MNLS E T R we yilsrespdge i ss L nan Rami jstn n fnom a vacation trip 10 Lake Pla- 'known as Gunite is used 10 fi bc________ne r.S.Rdmn or!1 cid, Saranac Lake and the Adinon- alcracks and prevent leaks. The <dontinued from page beTanig o fuore exp aned anry isd tMr. Rodan Por I IT Wllli Ne Yor S a nd wonk, potnoceeded, wiath o taes, ofe pi. . Btet us o ouiai at AC fod. Toot, iie Ms .R R Y I~ ~1~ M.Gog okadM.adized by Town Council lasI weeklocesenpid. BuiIus ean Mn. Georg Roo and Mn.u o u and ws-.. ~ Yotîrs tons. M. and Mns. A.- Stainton and RooItaa pn h ek he Public Utilities Commission. peole ine Lopnd sree.wh" The Hînney. Pye. I Reyd of ttava Mrn. twe and is.S . oeta b wein me ber So we walked in London streets. P.S.-Tbe boss bas been getting Mn. and Mns. Edwin Carter and G O E - , ~~Chanînan. the 98 lb Toronto Troop of Boy "Tell me," the girl said, "you are me down laIeIy. but my succinct son Bert, Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Miller Ph es37-38GO RBomnle A total of sixty-eight china tea fScouts are enjoying two weeks of a Canadian, you say. But you advice to ail 'you good folks is and son, Consecon, visited aI Mn. Poe 6 6 sets were given ouI by Maurice camp life aI the Memonial Insti- have corne bene; you bave taken wait tli panade day ..You may Walter Oke's. £ Bneslin in a recent contesî con- tute Carnp on the lake shore, west a jo. I can stay oniy a short sec in me anothen Connîgan.-B.J. Miss Grace Wenny, Bowman- of he ow. Tey reundr telime. I must study. 1 cannot A dm CtYF Mn. and Mns. Francis Sulton, msperion rl of Tsis ontot take a job ihat pays money. Why Francis and Manie, have retunned mseBi Tueyo Tono.can you be just like the English?" ROC'ELL IfDSOI fom ttedin th SumerMu-Local Scouts are planning 10 joifl "Weii, you sec, I arn a British OCHELLE ~ ~ si HUDONrse atînin ter UniersiMu- the Toronto Scouts aI their camp- subjecî," I repiied; and suddeniy, _________ sicER Clc X Lnours aIeter.nvriy fine on Monday nigbt. bearing those words was like mu- ROBRR T Wj Misse Lod n ne Ont. eyad o Mn. Ronald Hewiît, for sevenal sic. A song of thankfulness. ~~- AND bfMIfV I GAG*hyChonaeonamto n with the Tamblyn Drug "'Yes. You are iucky," she said 10, the United States wbere Ibey ýdnug cierk and window dresser, litIle silence she began 10 speak THEPRIONR 0 MOGO will caîl on Mns. C. Hetz, Erie, 1bas joined the staff of McGregor's Iboughtfuily of ber country. r THE RISNER F MNGO Pennsyivanîa. . Dnug Store in Bowmanviile. He "Il is iovely ai home at Christ- . NOE7Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt, Miss'succeeds Miss Jean Wight wbo bas mas lime. On Christmnas eve we £br Li uv. EPIOD ~Dorotby Bradt, Miss Joey Caver- 11lef I to take a business course in ail go1 cucb beecade Wd#Žk1ldIIAI'IIA*~'f y, Miss Mary Birks and Mn. Earli Toronto. Mr. Hewiitt cornes 10 fiicker on the allar and the cross ______________ .Cunningham are bolidaying aI ýBowrnanville very highly necom- shines like goid. Afterwands we Wasaga Beach. mended. 1walk home on the cruncby snow 0#I s J. W. Noble and daughter , Canadians generaliy are pro- and the sky is blue and bright Lowest Each year when pickçing trnle cornes along the flies swarm - LARRY BUSTERI"CRABBE Miss Helen Noble bave neturned: foundly syrnpaîbeîic with t h e with vroew tsgdpcksadnofe. Nw oey1to Indianapolis afler enjoying the Chinese in the preseni Sino-Jap- "On Christmas Day we drive in Prices nEey ewatgodpclsndofes News Cornedy lake breezes aI Ibein cottage at anese War. Here's an instance a sleigh 10 the mountain villages _________Your I.D A Store can supply the best in Spices, Corks, 2P G .2 Maie audy23 ..Port Bowmanvilie. where we can take, pride in some and watcb the peasants celebrale Seals, Etc., thus ensuring you of good pickles and IP< Matiee Sturdy 2 0 P n jBowvranvilie Glove & Mitt Co. 0f our Canadian Chinese citizens. jusi as they bave for hundreds _______________ factory and L. R. Woods' impie- Last week, Mns. £Earl Fogg of Ro- of yeans. Tbey wean Ibeir brigbt can seli you reliable fly killers.AL FO3O Mon. - Tues. - WVed. ment sbop arc among the latesI chester, N.Y., was bolidaying in peasant dresses and dance te buildings 10 be brightened with a Canada, and visited some rela- gypsy music and sing canols.' Dance 10 Tommy Langley and iDanlinglon. Mrs. Fogg had lunch "One bas good friends wbo are FNYTMLRwt I isSwng Band aI Williams 'in Stanley's Cafe, and lefI, leav- Jewisb and it doesn't malter. But LAhs S w dnsda JEM RINGS - - per pkg. 4c E G IIIkE LI L»N ra t8.30 p.m. standard time. j h ae ae hnshe missed ail be gone." Admission only 25c. 32-1* ril. she netunned 10 the Cafe whene She iooked at me, as we walk- 39ZIS C KL E 9 -one of the Chinese attendants im- cd along a London street, "free:B t o E. . MGreor Co wh ne rediately recognized ber and ne- and bappy." Solter! Saler i PAROWAX - - - - - lic News Cartoon ton. from shore endeavouring 10 find much abused un-British bevenage. This is the season of family pic- the lad, but late aI night the body*** Matinees Monday 2.30 p.M. nics and ne-unions. If youn farn- had not been recov'ened. For any wbo are intercsted, il tlB Wednesay 2.3 p.rn. ily is planning one of Ibese happy Mns. Beaies succumbed 10 the may please you Ici bear thal in . im~UIL - - - Wedesay2.3 pm. events, send a report of il 10 The strain and was cared for by fri- certain towns of Germany, the ONL Sc - Statesman. There is no change for ends. The boy's fathen was noti- natunally kind-beanted Germans, Developing -Printing OnIGSH R L p u ndiaytiiî n i teportanville.i Tenoy gand fa r of Jews anar o dibtey paecton nagn o COMING SHORTLY ~ o p ubliatio ofrports Un i e d inle T oon an geîfr B îandfaweary of Ihsar elbrt ptrion- ________________________________________________ THE FIRST 100 YEARS Cburch was ne-opened and the Charles W. Bealis appeaied 10 the izing Jewisb shops and business and Colouring Prescriptions a Specilt THE BARONESS & BUTLER services of boih SI. Paui's and Toronto Fine Depariment and a bouses. Whcn you cntrust your photo Triniy wilI be jointiy beld ai mhade race 10 Bowmnanville with KIDNAPPED Triniîy during August, witb Rev. restuscitation e q-u i p m e n I was awgb 'sadsdno10 work Ici us you arc assured of the awih.Heýwsavednto f incst possible resuits. Our work THREE BLIND MIICE S. Dax'ison in charge. made, only 10 find Ihal the body attempi il. l s unequallcd and uncxccllcd cIsc- EBTIEMn. and Mns. George E. Prit- had not been fouind. The dnowning of Keitb Beales w~here. EBBTIDEchard, Misses Helen and Lillian The depth of the water wbenc is the Ihird drowning Ibis yean, PROMPT SERVICE THE THREE COMRADES Pritchard, bave reiurned fnom a the boy disappeared was said 10 bbc yotîng sons of Mr. and Mns. Films lef t up 10 10 a.m. are fln- motor tnip 10 Detroit, whene tbey be about 35 feet. Janmes Kane, James and Donald, lshed the same day at 6 p.m.c LORD JEFF. land, Toledo aind Niagara Falls. fered 10 go down in bis home- on May 5th. UIE IA TR A newffly married couple were made diving outf il wbich was At the lime ibis story was writ- UNI E CY PhneT2OrREWeDlie victirns of Ibeir friends on Satur- composed of a wash boiier with len the boy's body bad not been AEC hn 9 rg _______________________day nigbt wben tbey were placed a glass in the front, a garden hose, found, and rough water prevenîed upon a gaiiy decorate1 truck, and a scbooi bay fuil of rocks for funther dragging operations.

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