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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1938, p. 7

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THE ODRONO NEWS BENEFIT DANCE US WELL AT1ENDED ON FRIDAY NIGHT Over 150 attended the benefit dance held in the Orono Armour- ies Friday night, in hanor of Harry Davey, a popular player recently injured, by the football team. Guests were present from Bow- manville, Newcastle, Le s ka rd, Kirby, Fenelon Falls, Toronto, S and other places, and ail enjoyed themselves hugely. To the strains af the six-piece orchestra, the loy- ers of the light fantastic danced the romantic waltz, the speedy fox trot, and the ever-popular and iaugh-provoking aid lash i one d square dance until the wee sma' haurs. W. J. Riddell spoke a few ap- propriate words about midnight on behaîf of the boys. MRS. FRED SOUCH IS BADE ADIEU ERE MOVING AWAY A deightful evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Fred Souch Monday night when a large num- ber af her friends, those who had worked with her in the Park St. church, gathered ta bid her adieu on the eve of her departure for Toronto where she will make her home. Miss Laura Aluin, a member of the committee, spoke a few fit- ting words after which Mrs. Souch was presented with a beautiful hymnary, a pair of vanity lamps and a pretty bed lamp. The re- cipient responded briefly, thank- ing her friends for their gifts and best wishes. The rest of the evening was spent in music and social chat, and ice cream was served. The committee in charge included Mrs. CWood, Miss F. Cobbledick, Miss S.Davy, Mrs. Fred Cowan and iss Laura Allun. Mrs. J. Cantreil anti two chul- dren af Garden Hill visited at Mr. andi Mrs. Henry Cantreii's. - OSHAWA - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. AUG. 11-12-13 "Lord Jef" With Freddie Baijaolomew and Mickey Rooney Cartoon 'Oaptain 's Pup" REVIVAL Friday - 10.45 p.m. e"Way Out West" with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy Monday - Tuesday AUG. 15-18 'Shopworn Angel' starring& Margaret Sullavan and James Stewart Our Gang Comedy Wednes. - Thursday AUG. 17-18 Big Double Bill 'Always Goodbye' with Barbatra Stanwyck and Herbert Marshall - Added Hit - "Swiss Miss" with Laurel and Hardy CODMING Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Harold Lloyd ini "Professor Beware" Enterprise Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Lewy, Beamsville, were guests of Lloyd Ransberry. Mrs. Stephens and son Davidi, Toronto, are holidaying at James Ransberry's. Mr. George Kendrick and fam- ily af Kinsale have moveti inta aur section, having baught the John White farm. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moff att and family, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with Mr. anti Mrs. John Moff att. Mr. and Mrs. Ransberry, Ham- ilton, were recent visitors with his brother, James Ransberry. Rev. Riding will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday, the i4th. McCrae's decoration se r v i c e s were flot s0 weil attended as was expected due ta the change af date. "GOD'S FAMILY" TOPIC SUNDAY 0F GUEST PREACHERI Mr. J. J. Mellor, popular speak- er from Crooked Creek, accupied Park St. pulpit Sunday, taking as sermon tapic "God's Family." Mentianing that Paul deciareti the "unknawn God" unto the people af his day, the speaker went on ta show that certain things shouid flot be if we are ail members of God's family - which we are. He pointed out that there was no raam for siuggards or for cruelty. Deaiing with the latter he in- timated that the treatment of the Jews shoulti be according ta the spiritual rather than political. To show that what one does affects, the warlti rather than just aneself,1 he pointeti out that faur-fifths of the world was involved in war because of one man shooting an-j ather man in 1914. The speaker went on ta expiainI that Got i tii fot mean one ta be hungry anti ather have more than enaugh, nor that the white shoulti look down on the black. On the contrary the more ane had ma- terially and educationally th e greater one's respansibility was. After stating that he hateti the use of nicknames such as "chink" the speaker expountied on the fact that Goti laves equally each af His children irrespective of colour or station in hife, "Anti if Gad does nat despise anyane how tiare you?" was the challenge flung out. He conciuded his ser- mon by telling of a man who when he became prominent wouiti flot assaciate with his former fri- ends, and by stating that in his opinion true greatness wvas of the spirit. At this service the choir, with Miss Laura Aluin at the argan, rendered the anthem "The Belov- ed af the Lord." The evening service was with- tirawn. Next Sunday Mr. Mellor will speak ta the Young folks on be- haif of the aider people. Ahl are rwelcome. Pontypool The Pontypool L. O. L. Flute Band attentiet the Hope District Orange Picnic helti in Part Hope1 an Civic Holiday. The Band hast oni several occasions played in this1 tawn and again covereti them-i selves with glary. In the campe-z titions for best filer, drummer1 andi Mouth organ they won firsti prize in each class. Mr. Albert1 McMahon, musical director af the band, captureti the honour of be- ing the best filer an the grounds. This victory was very popular as Mr. McMahon has tievoteti consid- erable time and talent in training the band. Mr. Jack Webb won first awards for the best drummer1 anti mouth argan player. The en- tries were large in both classes. In the evening the boys staged a softball game with the Part Hope boys and were the winners. After their afternoon duties the1 boys stageti a parade with the Bawmanvilie Flute Band through1 the, main streets. During the in-z termission at the tance they also1 supplied the music.E This bandi has filieti several1 engagements this season and ren-5 tered real service ta picnics, par-1 ades, church services, and arei iaoking forwardt t more engage-c ments this seasan. "We can do mare good by beingt gooti, than in any other way."- i Rowland Hill. Maney may be saveti by avoitd- BARGAIN EXCURSION TO ROCHESTER, N.Y. (Via C.N.R. Rail to, Cobourg and De Luxe Steamnsblp "Ontario") SATURDAY- AUGUST 20TH Train Times- Eastern Standard From Toronto (Union Fram Danfarth .-- Fram Whitby "----- Return Fare iStation) ----- 12.45 p.m.) --- --------------12.58 P.Mn.) $3.30 ---- ----- .... 1.29 p.m. $2.55 M4% lffd D HOLIDAY BOOSTERS I hike ta go vacating when the halidays are ripe, i like ta swat mosquitos with a sure tieath-dealing swipe; I like ta lie in bet at morn and smell the summer rase, But dinged if I can get myseif ta like thase roosters' crows. Befare the sun has stuck its nase abave the eastern sky, Those roosters start their crow- ing and you wish they al woultdude; The way they whoop it up and make that crawing anthem swell, Don't f ill your heart with love for your new holiday hotel. You turn yourself in bed once more, you try another nap. You wish those pesky roosters were ahl swept dlean off the map; You dose and trowse anti half asleep you waken with a yell, Anti cuss those crawing roosters ,round your holiday hotel. The lake is simply lovely anti the water in it's fine, You catch ten thousanti fishes with your new steel roti anti line; But in the morning when you want ta sleep a littie speil, Those rasping roasters wake you, 'round your holiday hotel. You pull the sheet up o'eryour head, you suffocate for air, Yau stick your fingers in your ears, you aimost tear your hair; You flop anti turn anti dose anti dream, you long for their death knell, Andi cuss the day you lantiet at that rooster 'seigeti hatel. The neighbors'ail keep chickens, anti the noise they make's a fright, They start their lusty crowing in the mitdle of the night; But booklets that the railroads sent you, nat a word titi tell About those crawing raosters 'round yaur holiday hotel. Sa lil invent a chicken feeti with anti-crowing dope, I'11 feeti it ta the chickens for a hundreti miles in scape; Anti in the marn no cock will crow for miles anti miles arounti, For every hen anti rooster will lie deati upon the grounti. For shoulti they eat a tiny speck 'twill give them oneK., Ant i lil be mighty glati because they ail have been laid low; Anti ne'er again will those birds crow ta spoil my sleeping speli Before the day is breaking 'round that holiday hotel. -Ralph Gordan. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Family Reunion Rickard FamiIy Picnic (By Newcastle Correspondent) The Gea. P. Rickarti Family won the picnic champianship at the Rickarti Family picnic at the Forestry Park, Orono, on Thurs- day afternoon, July 28, by win- ning alI the speciai prizes. This feature was in charge of Mr. Mii- ton H. Wight who prefaceti the presentations with an entertain- ingly humoraus speech. Th e awartis were: Oldest lady present, Mrs. Gea. P. Rickarti; largest fam- ily, her son-in-iaw anti taugh- ter's, Mr. anti Mrs. Irwin Allin's; yaungest chilti, her grantison, Jack Allin. A few scattereti shawers of considerable violence c a u g h t many af the picnickers at the starting anti finishing points anti certain intermediate points, but between Newcastle anti Orono Glenneys were threshing, How- ardi Allun, Austin Turner, Clarence Allin anti others were cutting anti stooking grain unaware af show- ers in the lacality, for there were none in their area. After a pienitudinaus supper Dr. Howard B. Rickarti, president, asked the campany's attention while he tielivereti an inspiring address an Iamily history, ties anti honorable traditions. He was as- sureti by one student of family lineage that the Rickarti clan or- iginateti in Scotianti, anti by an- other who calleti at his office in Port Coiborne that the Rickards were af French descent. Hawever they eventually founti themnseives in Devonshire from where the founder of the branch here repre-_ senteti, emigratedti t Canada anti 1misfortune, A New Canadian Industry Aldermac, located twelve miles west of Noranda, is one 'of the iargest copper mines in Canada, producing over 1,000,000 pounds of capper each month. Although 180,000 tons of are have been taken out since January 1, aver 2,000,000 tons have been proved. Aldermac also has some gold and silver, but it is ta sul- phur the mine's officiais laok for large earnings in the near future, due ta the fact that chemists, this spring, perfected an exclusive chlorine pracess for recavering sulphur fromn pyrite. This means that Aldermac will have a "ready-made" market for 100 tans of suiphur daily fromn pulp and paper companies within a 200-mile radius. Hitherto, suiphur has been imparted fram Texas in huge amaunts, 457,000,000 pounds in 1937. Awaiting erection af its suiphur plant, which will establish a new Canadian industry, Aldermac aiready has a starage af 40,000 tans of pyrite which contains over 34 per cent sulphur. Daily, 400 tons of new pyrite is being added. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Orono girls played Newtonvilie at Newtonville Montiay night andi lost 12-10. At ieast four home runs were obtaineti by the locals by Misses Helen' Case, Helen Scott, Olive Brown and Lillian Fowier. Messrs. Clarke Thompsan, Douglas Thompson and Howard Thomrkpson and his family, To- ronto, were Sunday visitars with Mrs. W. S. Roy. Miss Ethel Rutherford has re- turned home after an extended holiday. Mrs. McCaii anti two daughters, Joan and Norma, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Carscadden. Mr. Ailison Cowan, Toronto, spent the weekend with his gjar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowan. Mr. John Keane, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Miss Greta Mercer has been visiti ng frientis in Bowmanville. Mn. O. A. Gamsby has netumneti 1from a tielightful visit with Mn. anti Mrs. Gannet Gamsby, Kings- tan. Miss Etiith Sherwin, Winnipeg, is visiting hem brother anti sisten- in-law, Mn. anti Mrs. Robent Sher- win. Mn. anti Mrs. Norman Winter spent the weekenti with relatives hene. Mr. anti Mns. Thomas Cowan attendet the hanse show at Sutton recently anti report it an excellent show. Mn. anti Mrs. Charles Brown, Fenelon Falls, wene heme tiuring the weekend. Mrs. M. Smith has netunneti fnom a pleasant visit with the Halls at thein cottage at Lake Scu- gag. Bob Keane sportet a cane last week fon a while as hie bruiset his leg while wonking an tele- phone lunes. Gea. Brown, Fenelon Falls, at- tentiet the tance Fritiay night. Ross Rabbins, Toronto, wa s among the many who attentiet the dance Fnitiay night. Miss Hattie Wiiliamsan is spenti- ing this week in Toronto. The personal in hast is s ue shouiti have reati 'Mms. Sandien- son (nee Erma Fuller), af Peter- bora, is visiting Mms. Envin Ramn- ey." Hem baby Kenneth is alsa rhere. The girls' softbalh game titi not materialize hast Wednesday night. Na expianation has been forth- caming as ta why the Orono girls' opponents titi not appear. Miss Thelma Myhes, Toronto, has been mecupemating at lier hame the past week. Mns. Dingman callet on Mr. O. Scott recently. Miss Idia Stephens has been visiting relatives in the district. Gladti t hear that Mms. Wiil Moffatt is much improveti. The tennis court looks quite snappy with its coating af met against the green grass. Mm. O. Scott was in Toronto Satumtay visiting his cousin, Ella Maguine, who is quite ill. We bet there's one tiog in this town who wihh net cross in front of a car again in a humny. The ev- ening of Thunstay sauth-entems weme enjaying the peace of a quiet summen evening when a blooti- cumdling shriek brought evemy one ta the door of his or hem nesidence Mrs. Fred Souch le*t Tuestiay for Toronto where she wiil make hem home. Her many frients will be sormy ta hase hiem fmom their mitst. to fint that a dog hati been hit by a car vemy canefully driven s0 that no fault lies at the drivem's taon. Last that was seen af the canine hie was makîng a bee line for a destination unknown put- ting tiown thmee anti carnying one anti making the air full af musi- cal M?)sountis. Mn. anti Mrs. Curtis Hall, To- monta, weme in the village Weti- nesday, the 3rt. Mns. Barrie, Mn. anti Mrs. Ome Falls anti Miss Irene Ruth aI Peýt- erbora calleti an frients in the village whihe picnicking in the park Friday. Local & Personal DIM AND DISTANT( ____ HAPPENI NGS Mrs. John Hall, Gait, who hasTt been visiting Mrs. Wm. Seymour, From The Orono News of hold has returneti home. July 31, 1913 anti Miss Evelyn Brown, Toronto, Mr. Syers, Manvers, succeetis1 day, was visiting here hast week. Chre ak a aea twhic Charey Hwke s foemanat 1C. ]I Mr. anti Mrs. P. C. Brown, James Morrow's. Charley is now lectu Whitby. were in Orono Friday, at Kirby hehping Andy out. Winî they being on their annuai vaca- Miss Florence Hunter is home bers, tion which they expect ta enjoy in from Toronto. servý the Haliburton district. Miss Sexsmith has taken a atter The Kirby-Orano game was school at Merritan. prog postponeti at the last moment Fni- Miss Lucy Grimshaw, Montreal, shou day for the second time. is visiting at Mr. John Seath's. enin, Mr. George Morton is attending Dr. J. Couch, Toronto, visiteti Tue: the S. O. E. convention in Niagara Mr. R. Moon. Falls this week. Mr. Genalti McKeen, Oshawa, Mr. A. Whyte anti Dorothy, To- J..wanTonovst ronto, are visiting here. M.J .San ootvst Mr.Thoas inly, onotoeti his wife and littie tiaugliter acMpanThombsFislabrotinhere. aw, Mr. T. G. Cansatiden, han Mrs. Harningtan anti son Wîllie, Ph lawMr. . G.Carsad n. h. Michigan, visiteti her cousin, C. Ever he was visiting. calleti on M. .J. Tontn M.P. mi Cuttell anti other fnientis here one Mr. John W. Maxwell attentiet Iran day hast week. the Rounce Club Friday evening ing1 Dr. Manning was in Toronto at the home of C. G. Armstrong, Th Monday witnessing an operation ro olaigfrCcg.ThCal penformeti by a brain speciaîist.pinage hoeain or Chiag. Helar D FrdTrllAnti olhM adih ruilbut it was a lîvely sîtting anti Th attedTithe a d sdi of r. lJack who has taken great inter- A. w Lloyndd TuitiMiss K. TownMey est in these friendly winter even- Chas atLnloy rlnd issKteraoWne i ng contests, having last year put ment atneoFal estay). (We- up the tnophy, a splendid set of Hour Mns. Barabeil anti Lame visit-tiaminoes, enjayeti the keen rival- ta hE etiherdauhtn, rs.Nel Snit. y. Lunch anti the usual pragram toas edhrdagtr Ms el omt.f ssfolloweti. roasi Mr. Arthur Weatherilt, Toronto, oMr G. .Rw a eevt i ot spent a few days with his grand- Milrna.Fas Me asteraesman fi ol- ber muther, Mrs. Fred Souch.. lwing a course of instruction in Visit( Mr. C. Vinsan, Toronto, was in Training Associatian, Toronto; he Orono recently. as rdaeifrmTrnoM-Mr Mrs. Antirus, Toronto, has been ato r coolintirvingrantorunnîngaH.i visiting her mother at Mrs. R. H. nepr s.o ndiigan unn . Brown's. rMar. at r.Hr oe aanti1 Chrissie Jordian has been vaca- Mr n r.Hr o eT- Mr tioning at Councillar John Pat- ronto, visiteti his uncle, Mr. Tara ton's. Pneanti1 At least four physicians tesireti *Mr ta locate in Orono the past week Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. Hope when Dr. Mackenzie decidedti t Lloyd Truli (nee Miss K. Town- Porte do so, besîies he hîmself. At pre- ley) on their marriage yester- Mr sent we have sauth of the rail- day (Wecinestiay). lingsi roati twa doctors, two nurses, anti Miss Mary W. Somerville, B .A. Mrs. an untiertaker. is the guest of her cousins, Mr.Vol Harry Davey successfuily un- anti Mrs. Will Wattell, Thetiforti. vacal derwent an aperation Montiay. Mr Miss Helen Case has returneti Mr. Milton Marris spent a few rontc from a holiday at Owen Soundi. tays in Buffalo recently. Cross Miss Margaret Milîson spent The L. O. L. met Manday night. the weekend with Miss Dorothy Mrs. Dr. McElroy, Keith anti Trenwith at Newcastle. Margaret, Peterboro, spent a few Mn. anti Mrs. F. B. Whyte anti days this week with her mothen, Mr. anti Mrs. Herbert Murray vis- Mrs. D. Noble. It isi iteti Mr. anti Mrs. William Miller Dr. Lesley Somerville anti tau- y at New Park Suntiay. ghter Patsy af Forest Hill Village It's t] About 30 members af the Young vîsitet Monday with Mr. anti Mrs. It isr People's Union hati an enjoyable T.W. Somervihle. weiner roast Montay night, pass- 'Mr. W. H. Morris anti Willa of ît's ing the time while the weiners Ottawa visitet Mr. anti Mrs. J. H. were coaking by snatches of sang Morris anti other relatives here- anti social chat. Instrumental over the weekent. music by Gea. Rowe anti Donald Mrs. Dr. Demaray anti littieU Hamm was also enjayeti later n d taughter af Detroit are visitîng the evening. Praceetings were in her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. charge of Bob Keane. Stutt. Orono has a bye in the playoffs Miss M. Fowler af Lindsay is in the softball league as they were visiting this week with hier cou- aheati after the scheduie was play- sin, Mrs. J. Eaglesan. eti. The first game of the play- Congratulations ta Messrs. Fred. offs is Kirby anti Forestry Wed- Brimacombe, A.,J. Tamblyn, Mil-* nestay night anti will be repontedto tn Staples anti Carl Biliings af next week. The second will be Orono on winning places in the Fritay (to-morraw) night. The rzwins'ltinfedco team winning twa out of three oprieiwion ners litein fiethero gare ilpa r n h Durham Central Agrîculturai Sa- winnem af two out af three games ciety. plaed y tesetwoteams wiil The agricultural show at the win he riz. Asfaras s knwn anaian atinalExhibition has ail games but the first of the first no equal in the woriti Every new playoffs will be on Tuestiays ant mechanical anti chemîcai tievelop- Fritiays. ment ta aid the farn-er is there g Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Irwin, Mi- on tispîay as weîî as the protucta mica, spent the weekend with af farm anti fielti in abuntiance. Mrs. Isaac Winten. It is a far cry f rom the few pounts Frientis here are gladti t hear prize money offereti for the cul- that Mms. Fret Lycett is progres- tivatian af hemp in the year 1789 sing favorably now. t h uepiels ftdy Mr. R. Thorn anti sisten, Misstateheprzlitattay M. Thorn, or Reaboro, Mr. anti Mrs. Wilbert Thornp Omemee, Mr. anti Mrs. F. Dawson, Misses Elinor anti Doris Dawson, Lindsay, anti Mr.H. Eagleson, Bailiebome, wereT Mr. anti Mrs. W. K. Sloane af Peterboro, accompaniet by their ONTARIO HOSPITi nephew fram Toronto, visiteti Mr. O. W. Scott. Cliff Janes is in Tomonto taking announces the opening of the f a ratio course. Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. and WOMEN, who have comp Walter Carleton an the birth af a are desirous of entering profes tiaughter Montay. Mr. anti Mrs. J. H. Marris leIt Pearl Sharpe, Reg. N., Principa Wetnestiay for a vacation trip ta the West where they wili see his __________________ brother who is ill. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Armstrong are on a vacation trip. Greta Mercer has been holiday- ing with the Flintoifs. Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas Tebbhe an the birth af a chilti recently. Mr. anti Mrs. J. E. Richards spent a day or two in Toronto. Mrs. Neil F. Porter anti Mrs. ,Wm. Rititehl are entertaining a few frientis this (Thursday) aI- ternoon. CaainLgonBnY o people on behali of the aider fojk. 1 Coming Events le Horticultural Society wilI da meeting at the home of Mr. 1Mrs. M. H. Staples on Mon- ,August 15, at 7.30 p.m. ta ih everyone is invited. Mrs. 3. Sissons will give a travel Lre with illustrations. There 1also be severai special num- safter which lunch will be ed. Everyone shaulti plan ta and and enjoy this very fine gram. Admission 25c. if it uld be raining on Monday ev- .g the meeting wili be heid on ýsday 16th instead. Cowanville lease laok in the "Caming rts" for speciai announcement. iss Marion Simpson is home m Guelph where she was tak- the agricultural course. iere wiii be no service in rke Church next Sunday as it )ecoratian Day in Newtonviile. he August meeting af the W. was heiti at the home of Mrs. L.Cowan. Final arrange- ts were made for the Amateur iandi Bazaar. A meeting was iave been helti in the evening arrange a corn and weiner Ifor the community but was ,oned, as flot enough mem- turned up. tors: r.and Mrs. A. Irwin and Mrs. in, Peterboro, Mr. andi Mrs. DIrwin of Detroit, with -Mr. Mrs. Gea. Henderson. :and Mrs. John VanPiew, )nto, with Mr. T. J. Simpson family. Xand Mrs. R. Haskeli, Port ewith Mr. and Mrs. Stan tous. ,Stevens and Miss B. Hol- sworth, Toronto, with Mr. andi R. Hollingsworth. The Misses aandi Ada Hoilingsworth are iioning at home. ,and Mrs. Dunnicliffe, To- n, with Mr. and Mrs. B. ;sley. YOUR JOB sn't the sîze of the job that you're chosen ta do; the way that you do it. in't the depth of the line that you've got ta go through; your grit ta go through it. w I )F NURSING 'AL, WHITSY ' l fail term. Young MENM pleted high school and asional 111e, write is al, fer f ull information. DEAN HODGSON WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Bowmanvillie Ontario From Oshawa -------------------- 1.38 p.m. From Bawmanviile - ----- ------ 1.53 p.m.> From Part Hope----------------- 2.22 p.m.> $2.30 Fram Cobourg Dock ---------- --- 3.45 p.m. $ 1.55 Arr. Rochester --------- --------- 9.25 p.m. Return fram Rochester B. & 0. Station 8.30 a.m. followlng Sunday or Manday. Tickets alsa on sale at equaliy 10w fares from many other points west and north of Toronto. Tickets and inforniation from Ail Agents of Canadian National Railways. T2371 CANADJAN NATIONAL BEFORE YOU INSURE - CONSULT CONFEDERATION LIFE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO THURSDAY, AMUST IITH, 1938 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 "àp"* "ý uý 1

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