PAGE EIGHT THE C.~LNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.\RIO THURSDAY, AUGUSI 1lTH, 1938 Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Bowý.- Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. nianville, supply ing for Rev. R. E. Lane. The. New castle Inde~~endent ,Morton, preached on "Mass Move- Mran Ms.G N.Sib fl ents and The Churcbh' at tbe 1 Starkvitle, witb ber motber, Mrs. The, ew cas le In epenTnt ited Cbiurch Sunday mornîng. Thos. Stapleton. and on -Horsepowýer or Contrut- J Mr. and Mrs. George Stapletun _________________led andI Uncontrolted Power," a Sr., and Mr. Eb. Stapleton withý Phione Clarke 1114 eqel to the morning theme, in Mr. andI Mrs. Robt. Gordon, Eliz- Miss Reita Powell visited Osh-: Mr. Hubert Smale, Bownian- the evening. At the mornin sec- abetbhville. awa relatives Sunday. vilasse, isLla ml vice a mîxed quartette, Messrs,. M andI Mrs. C. H. Walkey, Mrs. Gibson Goîdie, Brantford,' Creigbton Mine, ivere weekend W- J. S. Riekard and Wilbur Bas-1 Mrs. R. Bruce andI Isabel, Mr. and has been visiting Mrs. Rex Wvnn guests of Misses Catherine ansI kerville andI Mesdames J. H. Jose Mrs. C. Burley and family, andI Mr. at "Harri Lodge.'Estella lackburn and sse.Ms nIH. R. Pearce, sang "The Nine- iMartineil, Kendal, spent the week- at "Harris Ldge.- Estela BlackbuLn andsItrr. t n Ninie. and Mr. andI Mrs. end at Loon Lake. Miss Bessie Clark, Reg.N., is O. Cote. sag ate-Ne Boks Mnrel bonefomPotHoe opialo MssMryClmnc i n jaryJas. Swarbrick. Kendal, sngas Ms1 olBoos otel homefro Pot Hpe ospial n Mss aryClemnceis n Prrya duet "The Old Rugged Cross.' at Mr. Frank Gilmer's. a tbree ,weeks' vacation. Sound ,%-ere she bas a position In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leuchner and Roger, Nia-'] Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers, lnea large summer bote! office., Swarbrick sang again as a duet, gara, Mr. and Mrs. Robb andI Miss fi Bownianvillc. %were Sundasv guestsOn of the guests she met in berS Jesus. I Come to Tbee." Mr. Carol Brooks, Montreal, witb Mc.1S of Mr. andI Mes. J. W. Glennev. official capacity was Dr. Dafue of1 Swarbrick also contributed a solo. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe. ' Miss Sylvia Heath, St. Lambert. Caltander. iA basket of beautiful gladioti Mrs. Ernest Cable. Rochester. r Que., is visîting ber friend. Miss Mrs. Howvard Kaiser andI son1 from tbe gardens of Mrs. Chris N. Y., witb ber sister, Mrs. Percy e Kathleen Tomns, at Mrs. Geo. p. Donald, Windsor, are visiting her Law adorned the churcb thcougb- Snell.S Riekard's. IWcles and aunts. Mr. and Mrs. !out the day. Miss Helen Truscott, Me. and Mr. andIMs Hesper Dean, Or- Fred Graham and Mr. andI Mrs. - Mrs. Clemens andI son, Franklin- ono, were Sunday guests of ber Anson Walton and ber cousins at, N.0. N. Softbaîî ville, N. Y., Mrs. Corthwaite, Me.C uncle andI aunt, Mr. andI Mes. Newcastle. 1 andI Mrs. A. Trenoutb andI famiîy e Chris Law,ý. Alden Wheeler, -wýho suffered r ecsl ilsxo rmNw andI Mrs. Trenouth Sr., Port Hope., The M\isses Chidley have ce- severe injuries wben tbrown from tonvill ewinatlNON. softall fix- with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones andI turned froin tlhir trip lu Gaspe, bis bicycle last week. contracted iture atoe3caTe VTbus eni- Mrs. Henry Jones.p Que.. and are again occupying blood poisoning in bis arm and: ters starred in this gamne, Norma, MWsellaneous Shower e "~The Lilacs'- was taken to Oshawa bospital for'centre fielder, making a perfect A large crowd of friends gatb- i Mr. and Mes. MacLean and two treatment on Sunday evening. day of it by four fiee catches in emed in the basexXnent of the Unit-- sons, Toronto, were weekend: Mr. Fred Mellow. Napanee, was b er defence position and rapping ed Cburcb, July 26tb, and pre- guests of Mr. and Mes. Hudson 'a weekend guest of bis brother, out two home runs, or wbat prov- sented Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Stowe, ýDamole.' :Mc. A. E. Mellow, and on Monday esI to be, as ber share of the at- formerly Miss Helen Damlington, Mr. Chas. Rogerson of the J. A. accompanied bis clergyman bru- tack. Betty, wbo covers third witb a large array of beautiful C Smith Co. lias been off duty and1 ther, Rev. H. A. Mellow, an~d.Mes. base, also knocked a home mun gifts. Rev. E. L. Beecb was chair- u at home suff ering from an infec- Mellow to Blackwater to vîsit ber with' ail bases full, thus account- man for the following pogram: ir tion of poison i'.v. people. ing for four. Playoff games be- Vocal solo, Edna Denauît; guitar J, Mr. and Mrs. Parnaby~ Mactio Mr. T. W. Jackson spent a tween Newcastle andI Newtonville selection, Alfred Redknapp; piano sc are baving a new sun room buiît memorable wveek in New York began on Wednesday evening of solo, Jean Campbell; Campbell's on the front of their bouse by state at Glens Falls and Saratoga this week in Newcastle. Orchestra; reading, Helen Coucb: Carpenter George Gaines. Springs witb bis nepbew, Mr. pino soo, Bd Jons; reding We are sorry to report the con- Alex Rennie, Toronto, wbo was pinsolo, BusI Joneis; ael edg tMes.eF. Bumley.oMiss HazelSceit tinud willness of ev. J. codtt Ion a visit to bis brother, Mr. Bert FIRST COMBINE on behaîf of their many friends bis bed for the past six weeks. TýheeNewcastle girls' softball VISITS NEWCASTLE ead an addmess whicb was in o Mr. nd rs.Geore Ade nd eam on gai on ondy een-puetie form and neatly expressedB M. and Mrs. GeorE Ade andtemwo aan1nModa-ve-the bigb esteem in wbich botb Mc.F Man isDMrs,DJas. onE. M ieDa1 ing in their ceturn game witb Ultra Modern Machine Invades and Mes. Glover are heîd by ,ev- Cý an MssDois Dayon vsîedPort Hope in the hilîside town. Lands of Pioneers eryone in and around Newtonviîle.C Mc. and Mms J. A. Awde îast Florence Spencer and Charlotte . The bride and groom both ex- lM weekend. Gray played in place of tbe Van- Lots of interesting tbîngs in- pressed their appreciation aftle Tbe District No. 4 Fîower Show Dusen sisters who are now at St. dicating tbe tremendous changes wbicb the presents were opened qt is being beld in the community Albans, N. Y., witb some e-ar- wcougbt by time bave been and admired. Lunch was then hall, Newcastle, this Fiday af tee-i rangement of the in andI out field. transpiring in this neigbbocbood served andI a social time enjoyed. noon and ovening. Admission 10 'Score 8 to 5. the past week. 120 years ago Dumîng the evening the following show 10c. 10 show andI tea 25c. Mes. Thos. Powell is seriously Major Samuel Street Wilmot andI were callosI on for speeches andI Mr. andI Mcs. W. E. Beman, ac- ill at hec borme in the Lake Shore bis contemporaries teavelled la- responded: Messrs. Geo. Walkey, companied by Mr. J. W. Bradley, 'community andI ber daugbter, Mms. boriously about in oxcarts or rode A. Redknapp andI Melville Jones, ni have been bolidaying this week Tonkin, Oshawa, is nursing ber tbmougls the primeval forests on Miss I. Laing andI Mms. Willis ce witb Bey. andI Mrs. A. M. Irwin andI taking cal~e of the home. Me. borseback. Last Saturday b i s Jones. a]. at their cottage noctb of Ban-, Tonkin andI two childmen are also great grandson visited the place a_________ crof t. 1 at tbe Powell home. Mrs. EsI. of bis birtb by aiplane, flying diý _________________________Powell in the village bas also been acound at 100 miles an bour. At quite ill for the past few weeks the same time up on the faems O iu r bbut bier condition is reported as originally ownecl andI carved outEdiRenls om vle somewhat improved. of forests by the samne Major Wil EwnRyods omntl Mr. andI Mrs. Henry Buekhardt mot andI bis mon, andI now owned Reynolds was born in motored over feom St. Albans, by Mr. W. H. Littlefield, a mod- Darlington Township on June 16, faterMr.W. Van Dusen, andI andI tbmesbing a fifty-acce fieldl of July 19, 1938. He bad just passed fml.Tbey returned on Mon- faîl wbeat. In Major Wilmot's bis eigbty-seventh year. His fa- Bu day, taking with thein foc a time it would take many men ther, Joseph Reynolds, emigrated ro, montb's visit, Master Douglas with sickles to eut andI many froin Cornwall, England, in 1850, Van Dusen andI Misses Norma more to bind andI stook sucb a witb a wife andI tbree small dau- in andI Betty Van Dusen, centre field- field; andI then the bauling andI gbters, andI settled in Darlington. or andI 3cs baseman of tbe New- stocking andI tbeesbing andI dean- After bis marriage in 1874, Ed- to' I/ castle girls' softball teain. ing. The stick ced paintod com- wîn rented a farin in Mariposa M/I r. George Faencomb, proprio- bine, dcawn andI operated by Mr. Township, where he livecl for o to toc of Hampton Milîs. bad the Litlefield's caterpillar t r a c t o r somie yeaes. The sevonties were ehine, tbreshing bis erop of fal]. an eigbt foot swatb, tbcesbing, the end of that decado, ho aban- k ýwbeat, gcown on bis Copper cleaning andI bagging the wbeat doned that venture andI returned T e ? 1 k Beech property, on Tuesday of andI dropping the bags on the tu South Darlington. HC this week. Miller Lewis Cryder- ground ready to be pieked up by Early in the eighties be moved wi The lrbrer man and truck driver Stuart Ho- Charlie Tbackray andI belper witb to Solina. The family first OC- Vi. garth of the milîs staff were as- a truék andI taken to the eeao . pid tbe bouse wbere John Hee sth erec il< sisting Propriotor Farncomb in Wm. Lockwood was up on deck Reynolds now lives. Later they a Hereis te pefectmilk bagging andI loading for Hampton witcbing the baggec andI tying the moved tb e bouse that bad been W forbab ad te hol ,the 160 bushel crop. f'wleIgags.Tisbngaemn owned by Mary Cole, Edwin's MI family, xilk that's richer, The Bible Society meeting Istrratioon by, the company of the aunt. Here tboy lived for neaely pueran fehe. t asa which was to bave been beld in fictcobine intcodueed into Ibis twenty y'ears. M( purr ad feser.Ichldra St. George's Parish Hall last Mon- îocality, r. W. S. Staples, local Edwin's occupation while he da btter flavor that dacvnigws doindtl agent, ws also on top dirocting lived at Solina was that of day of. and grown-ups prefer, too! October, because of the heat andI the oporations, andI Mm. John Way laborer on neigbboming farins. other eircumstances. Rev. F. B. fcom the Massey-Harris Co. fac- That occupation then, even more ne, Alînutt and those present taîked tory was giving it expert super- tban now, was as important and th( - PLEASE - lit ovor andI agreed it would bel vision andI seeing that overytbing essential. within its limits, as a ail Wil iltos hvngBo-botter to adjourn until cooler was womking just ight. man chose to mako it. Thero is Wil Ilthsehain Bw-weathee and unntil necossamy adI- no labor more skilled than farin manill Dary ottesplese ustnens cnî homad 10theinThis eaper-tbmoshee at work labor. AndI in tbe days befome palem ir out rthe easier smvn picturd e maeîing hin the field between the King's macbinery replaced 50 much farm placoe tor reu f othe dtrier. chin. trepoetigm-Highway andI the olsI Fisheries labor, the womk 0f tbe laborer on W* have between 300 and 400 The Municipal Couneil on Mon- RoasI attracte matny amean i the farin, wbethom il was the la- L bottles ,out. We ivill appreelate ýday evening fixed the place andIn ialnme ftw nIvl bor of the ownec or hired labor, your co-operation. 1 h lago folk wbo found it more comn- callesI foc skill in numerous kinds tedate for the Newcastle public pact than tbey expeeted. .twa of work, callesI for industey, bo dies pienie andI appoînted coin- tbmsbing andI cleaning the grain tmustworthiness, andI esoueceful- arcangements. The picnic, wbich the stcaw and chaif ont in a con- Toewoepoe di B owm anvill e mlittencarry out pls o andh well, wsng lw ie ns s baing noessemlyd di woil inoadofmembersof hetnnusnPuwbi-mw ein.Reynolds during these yeaes at Rc Conil Bado dctoPb Many persons of widely diverse Solina bave testified that ho pos-- lic Libeamy Board, Board of caîlings evinced their interest inseedtesetilqatesna Da1 Health, Police Departmont, Coin- this up-to-tbe-minute labor sav- ss d eree. iAnd altithse 1munity Hall Management Comm., ing machine by motoing to Bol- akddge.Adt hs Dairy 1 ~~Hydro Electmic Commission, andsotIrst e ti cin s ultei ewst ieadS Kn st le their employees andI families, willfointceD.FTihver- support bis family, must ho added Mv King St Bowmaville be held at Victoria Park, Cobourg, acy surgeon, Bowmanviîîe; Mr. trf nIfuaiy o h n I nsaAgs 7 tamio farin, eitbec then or now. on ednsdy, ugst 7. Melvîn Jones, manager of the bas not afforded any but the most ________________________________________________Port Hope Telephone Co., New- modest reward, 10 owne or to tonville: Postinaster Geo. Jamie - hired help. son, Newcastle; Me. Frank Gib- That Edwin, ably seconded by son, trueker andI general mecb- bis wife, wvas bath tbrifty andI Off anie. andI Mc. W. F. Riekard, M.P., frugal, is proven by the fact that aB etter Sandwiches ýNewcastle, Mr. A. J. Staples, afler twenty years ah Solina, ho F MaeTownship Clerk, Orono. etc., etc. purchased the farm ono mile andI - With Better Bread Newtonville Afe bu twt er there - A truly good sandwich depends on the freshness and flavor of the bread. The very next time you make sandwviches try Car- ter's better hread . . . You-11 taste the difference! The Favorite Bread of Bowmanvulle THE CARTER FAMILY Bowmanville Warnang!e Will Your Brakes Hold? Can you stop inunediately in an emergency? Have your re- paiTs made at this old estab- lished garage where workman- ship is guarantoed. Our service in this town for the past 16 ~years is your warranty of a .~job well done. Ce A. DARTLETT Phone 2626 511.11 Service Station Ring St. tne tamiy movea to kowmanville. Edwins wife, Emily, died in A number froin bere spetit 1933. His ldest son Herbert died Sunday ah Willow Beach. ah Granby, Quebec, in 1934. Tbre Me. L. Savecv supplied for Mr. children survive hum, Harvey who JJ. Mellor ai Crooked Creek S. S. lives in Pouinsylvania, andI Stella on Snnday. andI MausI athbome. Mrs. Chas. ReidI bas brightened In bis lash years, Edwin xvas bher bouse (the former Piper neyer wcary -of acknowlodging homo> witb a new ruoat of paint. tbe loving andI faithful care given The U. C. Sunday Scbool Anni- to hlm by bis two danghters. Tbey versaîy Services wjll be belsI strengtbened bis feebleness, tbey September IL. Furtber particu- anticîpated bis every want, andI lacs later. they lightened bis passing with Owing to Docoration Services at their constant andI cheerful ah- the cemeterY at 2.30 p.m. Sunday, tendance. 0f aIl the men I have the service ah the United Churcc known, none bas portrayed in bis wvill be 7.30 p.m. daily 111e a more consistent pic- JThere will ho a henefit hall lure of the rural virtues than bas gaine andI dance at Newtonville Edwin Reynolds. r Friday, August 12, for the gentle- The funeral was helsI feorn man from Gardon HillI who broke Trinity United Cburch on July r bis shoulder andI collar boue at 22nd and xvas conducted by bis Kendal on FieldI Day. pashor, Rev. Sidney Davison, as- The W. M. S. ofibe United sistod by Rev. W. A. Bunner. Mrs. Churcli belsI their regular meet- S. R. James sang "Crossing the ing, Angust 2, with a sinaîl at- Bac." Palîbearers were A. W. tendance. Kext meeting will ho Pickard, Smith O'Brien, A. M. Tuesday, September I3tb, wben Hardy, C. A. Jobnston, F. R. Keîr- Mrs. (Dr.)i Sîemon. Bowmanville slake, C. H. Mason. Many heauti- will givo an address. We hope to fnl floral tributes attested to the bave a record attendance. Group sympatby of a wide circle ot tri- t will ho in charge of the meet- ends. Interment wvas made in the ing. family plot in Bowmnanville Cen- Visitors: otery. Mrs. Jas. Payne, Toronto, with (J.B.R.) Mrs. Wm. Smith. Miss Audrey Wbithakec, Hamil- PIGEON CLUB ton, is visiting ber grandinother, Mrs. Wn. Wbithaker, wbile Mas- Bowmanville Racing P i g e o n toc Alfred Redknapp is visiting Club flew their second young bird bis unele, Mr. Edgar Wbittaker, race on Saturday, Augnst 6, frorn Hamilton. Guelph Jet., Ont., 72 miles air Miss June Ware with ber uncle, line. The weathee was cloudy andI Mr. Roy Waro andI family ah their tbe bîrds made slow lime, with cottage ah Consecon. the following eesnlts: Miss Helen Snell witb Miss F. Bottreli - 2 hrs, 43 rnins, 20 sec. Molly Cable, Rochester, NY. F. Bottreil - 2 hes, 43 mins, 33 sec. Miss Annie Neshitt witb friends I. Piper - - 2 hrs, 44 mns, 23 sec. in Western Canada. L. Richards 2 bes, 44 n-uns, 48 sec. Me. andI Mes. Bruce Leuty, Port L. Richards 2 hms, 45 mins, 17 sec. Private Sale 0f Household Furniture Executors of the Estate of the ate Mrs. W. C. Washington offer for sale at the residence, Division Street, Bowmanville, the follow- ng articles: Piano, 2 sofas, dining room suite, 3 bedsteads, 2 dress- ers, 3 washstands, 2 mattresses, Singer sewing machine, 2 kitchen tables, kitchen cupboard, range, 3burner coal oul stove with oven, coal oit heater. hand power wash- er with wringer, crosscut saw, cyvthe. sickle, carpet sweeper, >read and cake tins, 2 rolling uins, and other articles too num- erous to mention. Caîl any after- noon or evening. COMING EVENTS Amateur Hour and Bazaar at Clarke Church, Wednesday, Aug- ust 17th. Prizes. Entries must be in by Monday, the l5th, to Mr. J. J. Mellor, Clarke. Come and have some fun. Admission 10c. Engagement The engagement is announced :f Marion Ruth, daugbter of Mr. Byron Farrell and the late Mrs. Farréli of Tyrone, to Mr. William larence Bradley, son of Mr. and Irs. Leonard Bradley, Enniskil- en. The marriage to take place juietly September 3rd. CARD 0F THANKS We wisb 10 extend 10 ail our ieighboums andI friends our sin- 'cre approciation andI thanks foc .1 wbo su quickly andI kindly lent Lbelping band during the fime saster on July 26tb. Mm. Thos. Gimblett Mc. Russell Gimblett. Starkville Mrs. Silver. and daughter, Mrs. lrt Trim, vislted friends in To- onto on Wednesday. Mrs. John Wlife visited friends ýCobourg recently. Mc. Lavern Farrow journeyed DPort Hope on Saturdav. Mrs. M. Trimble and diaughters fToronto spent a week's holidays ith hêr niece, Miss Nellie Shut- i.a Miss Myrtle Fai ruw uf Purt lpe is spending ber bolidays itb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. rtor Farrow. Mrs. Geo. Morton of Sixtb Line id. Mrs. H. Barrowclough of Vesleyville visited their mother, rs. John McKay on Sunday. The Shutka family visited their 'other at Hampton on civic boli- ay. Mrs. Shutka is taking care fMrs. Mountjoy. Several ýfrom tbis section jour- eyed to Orono on Saturday but iere was no band concert after il. Business Directory LEÇAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pbone 351 tyal Bank Bldg., Bowrnanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary olicitor for Bank of Montreal Woney to Loan. Pbone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in all its branches. tice immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Homne 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. WV. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile Bîdg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone 883. X-Ray Equipment n Office. ]FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any bouc, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modemn Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Cal Pbone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. CONTRACTOR T. E. FLAXMAN Builder and Contractor Loyers' Lane - Bowmanville Phone 318 "Lest IVe Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL andig ttrarli Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. In Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAI NER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile e n ter- talner, for your next entertain- ment. Illlustrated cîrcular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. BIRTH For Sale _ _ JAMES - Born to Mc. andI Mrs. FO0R S.\LE- l\GI -E- Robb Warren James, 2085 Ches- ceeîtjouîallv oo cottage i)«oilertv.ý terland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, Sîonc l- 1ake. 25 iniles feoin Peter- on August 2, 1938, a daughher. boro. 96 feet feontage. Pînie grove, Virginia Louise. maffles. wvhite birch. cedars. luv-e rooins. fuiriîslieil. v-eratîda, fire- _____ I)lice, cellar. tank, garage. skiff D EATH atrd cauîoe. lîive inuites 10 lPost anii stores. Appi', Rev. \\. lP. ALDRIDGE - At Toronto Gen- Rogýers. llwmnaiville. 31-2* eral Hospital, Saturday, August 6, Hazel Venning, beloved w'ife l001ý FITNESS ASSURED BY of Ernest AlsIrisIge, formerly of the regular use of Kipp's Herb Blackstock. Internent XMount1 Tablets. SolsI by McGregor's Pleasant Cemetery. Drug Store. 32-1'* FOR SALE-USED REFRIGERA- IN MEMORIAM tor andI Quebec Heater. Apply - phono 326. 32-1 DOIDGE-In loving memory 'of-- William George Doidge, belov- FOR SALE-1930 CHEV. COUPE osI husband of R. Maude Horn, in good condition. Apply. C. who passed away August 9. 1937 Raby, 10 Liberty St., Bowman- For years we journeyed together ville. 32-3* Heart to beart, andsIhand -in band, But he was the firsh 10 joucney To that bright andI botter landI. The days are now sad andI lune- ly, His kind voico I so long tu hear But so oft tbmough the gloom comos a whisper, '"'eep not, ho is waiting up thore." -Wife. MOUNTJOY-In loving memory of Fred Mounhjoy, who passed away August 10, 1935. Friends may think wo bave for- gotton, Wben at humes they see us smile, But they littîe know the sorow Wbicb that sinile bides all the while. -Wife andI Dangbters. WRIGHT - In loving memory of our dear father, William Wright wbo passed away August 7th, 1937. Sweet to remember a father s0 dear, Thnugh absent fromn us. yet ever s0 near. Unseen by the world be stands by our sîde And wbispers "My dear ones deatb cannot divide.' -Sadly -missed by bis Sons and Daughters. WRIGHT - In loving memory of our dear grandfather wbo died August 7, 1937. Peacefully sleeping, resting at îast. The world's wearv troubles andI trials are past. In silence be suffered, in pat- ience he bore, Till God called hlm bome to suffer no more. -Sadly missed by bis Grand- children. Wanted To Rent V<ANTED TO RENT - SIX- roomied bouise, aIl cornveniences, are Apffl% C. H., DraerB. niani I e. 32-I WANTED TO RENT - THREE rooms. Write "B.R." Drawer B. Bowmanville. 32-1* Positions Wanted WANTED - WIDOW SEEKS position in store, or as bouse- keeper or companion in refined home. Apply *'G.L." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 32-1* WANTED-GIRL WOULD LIKE domestic position. Write "Z.M." Drawer B, Bowmanvitle. Fleater Wanted WANTED - QUEBEC HEATER in perfect condition. Phone 577. 32-1* Farm llelp Wanted FARM HELP WANTED - MAN, experienced in tarmt andI dairy work. Apply Orono 65r16. 32-1I Lost LOST - BETWEEN T YRO0N E and Bowmanville on Saturday, August 6. a Boston Bull Dog, answvers Ir) the name of Rex. Finder please notify Statesman Office. 32-11 Notice ______1 D>r- I'ells off i ce w il1 be closed urtii Sjla..ugst21,st. 30-4 Dr. V. I. Storc-s of fice ',iII be cîsýed .J.roni J ulý 3lst tou.'\ugnst 3Ist inclusive. 30-4* 'llie office of \%". R. Strike ','iI bc clîrîscul froni ugust 8tli 10 Auguzst 2]It iiicliisive. 31-2* Permanent Waving i PERMANENT WAVING - FOR two wveeks only - Pre-School Special EndI Curîs, $1.75. Come shampooed. Make yonm appoint- ment early. Telephone 2601, Iris Beanly Parlor. 32-I* Music Teaching * MISS DOROTHY M. EDGER A.T.C.M., Bowmanviile Teacher of Piano and Theory Will open classes foc the fal 10m on Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Pupils will receive personal andI individual instruction andI if they wish, will ho prepamed for examinations botb theoretical andI practical leading to the A.T.C.M. diploma. Impeov- esI methods for teaching young beginners. All exarnination can- didates have been successful. Phono 403 or cail at 23 Carlisle Avenue for details of courses and arrangements. 32-4j Livestoek For Sale FOR SALE - 12 SIX WEEKS old igs. Apply MNrs. Pati! Havuial. R.R. 3. Mapfle Grove. Bowmnan- FOR SALE - 15 WEANLING pigs. Apply Leslie Coombes, phone 2581, Bowmanville R. R. 5. 32-1 To Rent TO RENT - FIVE-ROOMED' Avartmlent. Ap)ply Statesman Of- f ice. FORZ RENT - 12 ACRES 0F land on wvbichi are a brick bouse wvitb hydro. baril, garage and a good lien bouse. 2 miles northl of Bowmnanville. on Middle Road. Possession September I st. Apffly Len Richiards. Chutrchi St.. Bow- mnanville. 32-1 FOR RENT - EIGHT ROOMED bouse on the corner of Elgin and Odeil Streets, double garage suitable for transp~ort truck and car. Apply Mrs. J. E. AllUn, Bowmanville. Phone 2595. 25-tf FOR RENT - FOUR - ROONIED bouse. freshily decorated. hardwood floors. built in culpboards, good zar(Ien J. J. Mason & Son. Bowinmanvillc. Phione 681. 31-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE- BRICK HOUSE. 7 rooms. acre land, small barn, fruit trees. 2 miles north of Bow- manville. on miiddle road. Applv B. MacDonald. 'Manvers Road. Bowmianville. 30-2* F.\RN FOR SA7,E - 200 ACRE u.,rin (Rcvniolds Estate) Lot 24, Concession 6, Cartwrighit Town- shiu, on Provincial Highway. Framne bouse, barris., vell watercd and timibered. For fullI particuilars a"vto Creighton Devitt. Burk- eton P. O. 31-2 M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in mnachinerv repairs. general gar- age repairs, welding, towing ser- vice. J. L. Demierling. Proprietor. Bowmnanville. Phone 781. 23-tf Phono 778 For Sale or Rent FLOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - Cornier of KRingand Oiitario Sts., 0 roorrîs. liar(lwood floors through- (it. .\pnlv% .\rs. W. Hannia, New- castle, lorie Clarke 1233. 31-2* F.\RN FOR SALE OR RENT - 1501 acres first class state of cul- tivationi. GoodjIl)tiilings, veil wateed( withi spririg creek. silo. L.ot 1,3. Coni. 4, Clarke Townisbil. Eý'rwini Farrow, R.R.1, Oronio. 31-2* FOR SALE OR RENT - BRICK bouse, 6 roomns, ail modemn con- veniences, also 21à acres of land, heni house and double garage, about 2 miles west of Bowman- ville on highway. Apply R. W. Punnett, 75 Greenside Ave., To- ronto, or caîl Bowmanville 2164. 23-1 FOR SA\LE OR RENT - BRICK biouse with ail coniveniiences on Cenitre St. Possessioni Auz. let. Apply F. C. Vanstonie. Bowmnan- ville. 30-tf Reward! REWARD 0F $50.00 WILL BE paid to anyone giving complete information as to tbe where- abouts of Donald Douglas Simp- son, wbo bas been missing from bis home at Enniskillen since October 7th, 1930. At tbe time of disappearance be was 15 years of age, 5' 6" taîl, weighed 135 lbs. He had dark hair and was of fair complexion. Any- one baving any information con- cerning Donald Douglas Simp- son please apply to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simpson, Enniskil- len. 32-2 IS UMMER l PECIALSI Tennis Racquets At Unusually Low Prices 890 - $1.19 - $1.39 Kiddies' Racquets 15c-25c Water Balis - - 15c-25c Kiddies' Sillc Parasols - 29e Basobalîs and Bats Souvenirs of Bowmanville For your visiting friends. Popular Music Gift China and ?Glass Lending Library.. New Fiction - 10c ner weok Bowmanville Views Cards J. W. JE WELL Phone 556 Bowmanvalle1 TAKE NO CHANCES Buy Jury & Loveli Pickhing and Preserving Supplies and Know You Have the Best "'"Sweet Pickle Mixture 25c 1 This quantlty makes one gallon KILL THAT FLY Aeroxon Catchers 2 for 5c Wilson 'a Fly Pads - 10e Fly Tox - - - 29c-49c Fly Kil - - - 29c-49c Whiz Fly Fume- 29c-49c Tat Ant Trap --29c1 MEMBA SEAL For Sealing Sems ,Rubber Jar Rings, - doz. 5c Certo ------24c Parke 's Pîckle Mixt. -- 35o Parke 's Catsup Flavor 35c Spices - powdered and whole GOOD NEWS FOR THE DEAF FOLK If you have any friends who are deaf, kindly %end their names to us as we have very good news for them. Penty o01 minard'a Weilt. rbb.d li soon &et@ pou Dry Hair Becomes ~ wah wsoe wateb.fore pe Silky Smooth ~ .. VouII s*oon limber up 2 diont AMet Shomr noe la Smaa*i-D R ENI OF PIN .FOR DRY HAIR em latq. 99C «4;wý~,1 59C P Bovýmanville ,. <1 Phono 855 Priced - 29c-59c Jury & Lovel -1 'WANýTADSj THURSDAY, AUGUST IITH, 1938 PAGE EIGIIT THE CANADIAN STATES.NIAN, BOWINIANVILLE, ONTARIO