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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATES.N1A C BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEN E RESULTS ARE FINE Newtonvrille PLAYOFF BATTLE COMING TO OSHAWA NEXT WEEK PROF. C. B. SISSONSý KirbyTW BADVST AT ORONO SCHOOL GOES TO KIRBY .IE TRVE.TL.MMOIA.PR Recent Visitors: * 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Middle School Departmental rsTh.Co n, Kirby won the first game of "Shades of the ancient Greeks" iSidney Rutherodo hi e oeso admschv a Results (1937-1938) Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. the playoffs between Forestry and but Professor C. B. Sissons g ave cet marriage. totet li ekn hc Reid. Kirby, Friday night, the score be - an interesting illustrated talk on M dal Fr Mi hvsen mch apeitd IIBr wn, Live. E --ng Com.II: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore and ing 86 n twsabtl otyMna ttehm fM.adA obsar.h ises\rgtnml w ocrsb ifrn Aieb IIA i Ia. . ,Howard, Scotland, Ont., wih ie of the attention of Babe Ruth. Mr.M .Salsudrtevisited Mrs. W. Gray of Millbroo, bns Agebra I; Agri. I. paetM.n r.Th Buer- This game was postponed from auspices of the Horticultural Soc- on Sunday and while there visited nStra vnn h sa Bruton, Cecil G.-Anc. Hist-. kell.Wdeay iety. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thornton andcodfshpeswrgina . C;La.Auh II Lt Cm.. Mrs Epzweiler, Milakea ib ett a is n Chased in twice by rain the! found Mrs. Thornton slowly im-nme ofcieslctnsb Case, Helen D.-Alg. III; Fr. hier sister'1s, Mrs. Cleland Lane. scored no runs until the third ~ --ý l %r.iwuea people finally made themselves ait proving in health. teMdadRgmn ado Auth. II; Fr. Comp. II: Agric. II. w ,hen they got four through Har-,h home in the house and the lecturedthne badsndwih er Cobbledick, Enid M.--Can. Hist. Mr. and Mrs.Torntand r. and ris, Walker, John Lowery n a ie hee olwn M. oand rMrs .odyi rysonantemc ejyd II;An Hst C Gom II;Chm-lat MWright, wh go1 oe.N number of piano selections by; home of Mr. Andy Morrow.O udyatronteBw C. n. is.C em.II m kaer's sister. Mrs. Arthur Red- more were secured until the 6th Miss Helen McEvoy of Newcastle,'Miss arrean ChstemnvleLgo Bnd aea Cooper, Audreyý E.-Eng. Comp. weLyalLwr.SmK ne Professor Sissons with an mnter-Mcinnsetafwdyinwohuprgmofuicnte I;En. it I Cn Hst I: lg- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whittaker'Harris and McCutcheon scored. esting style of dry humour, kept Ohw atwe akadte eehadwt bra I: Agrc. Iand daughters, Hamilton, Mr. and Bob Keane got safely to first but the audience enthralled as hie told pesr yalag rwsm Cooper, Marion G.-Can. Hist. Mrs. Sheldon Pethick, Enniskil- wvas hurt colliding with another ofcibing mnountains in Greece, M ereFre a ec aigcm rmqieadsac III; ~ ~ ~ I AleraIsgrc len, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester and person and wvas removed from the sleeping in trees, caves and on! tree mn his back yard whicha was osedteatroni h Duvall, Herbert E-noLtMr. Gordon Whittaker, Oshawa,,field of action. Harris ran for boards. and many interesting facts planted by his son George in apr n aeti uia ra .[I; Can. Hist. III; Alge&ra I- wvith Mrs. Wmn. Whittaker. him but the next two batters got abut the country and the people lwrptadnwi a rw sa xr trcin Agrc. I.Mrs. Cecil Robinson wvith Mr. out so hie did not score. McMullen ...themselves. up and produced several beautiful Foste, Wilfred B.-Can. Hist. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Toronto. of Orono, was substituted for him iHe pointed out that the country large peaches which Mr. Forbes nh atfleeigSt a C; lgbraII Gem.C.Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodham,! in the 7th innings they got balieddrfrsrto n say s can beat any Niagaa fgrown a oehn t ' it h Harness, Helen V.-Eng. Comp. Tootwith relatives. one ruñý thirough Cochrane but Acclaimed the last word in perties which are used in thelthat-fuel was often obtained bypecsbohiszea avu.laurbtOontswllitn C;~~~ ~~ En.LtT;AleroI rt. an-r.Ca.Obre i o ae a chance to bat. streamlining, this mammoth high- General Motors "-Previews of cutting off limbs from the few tomscriprsiea a l Harness, Rosaline E.-Can . Hist. Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Forestry secured two in the first w,ýay leviathan, stretching 11 feet IProgress- show. comning to Osh- ýtrees there are. The pictures wvere H D O P R H S ed enntd III: Alegbra I; Agric. C. Turner, Newcastle, with Mr. and through Vance Cooper and Neale. in height and 28 feet in lenigth. lawa on August 24, 25, and 26, of different places and buildings ComeO agan b an ivu Keane, W. Mervyn-Eng. Comp. Mrs. Brock Pethi .brH k twý%o in the fourth through Major carries the six tons oi stage pro- 1free to the general public. in Greece and included Mount MAY BE VOTED ONh nte njyal e I; Eng. Lit. II. .Mr. and rs. Wibr ancockiand Couvier, and two in the 6th !Olympuas. Olympia where the Leamen, Gordon--Eng.Cop and Miss Olive Johnston, Peter- 1throughi Couvier and Vance Coop- gms are held, creek beds, Agena Arslto hc hudpo C. Co"boro, wth Mr. Tupper Johnston- er who got a homer. Cantrell slid . harbor, monastries and temples, duce some action on the Orono OTC Loweryý. John R.-Eng. Cop Mr. and Mris. Jack Glover, New- for home in the fourth but got beasts laden with burdens weigh-hdopraswspsedta C: Eng. Lit. C: Can. Hist. II; castle, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley out. Otherwise there wvould have S C A AN E O A 'ing about 1000 pounds, caves. nmeeting of the Police Trustees, Algebra II: Agric. C. Glover- been three runs. threshaing floors, the terraced is- hydro representatives and citizens h rz it fDra Makino, hrstneC.-Cn. Miss Edna Pearce and Mr. The Forestry part of the 7th land Hagani, pictures of the of the village on Friday at the CnrlFit ehl tOoo Hist. C; Lat. Auth. III; Lat. Cop atrGryo n r.adMs as not played as it wvas too people, fortresses, the places Orange hall. Spebr2 1 r o en C; Fr. Auth. II: Fr. Comp. III.P Grayson, Sr., Montreal, with Mrs- dark. Mrs. E. O. Webster, Bowman-. Miss 'Mary Tamblyn is opening wchere the oracle held forth at Geo. E. Chase, manager of theditbue.Ayn itrse, Manning, Edwin T. - E ng. J. T. Pearce. After a great deal of discussion ville, entertained at a beach party up a beauty parlour in the room Delhi, cities, the theatre, and Public Utilities Commission atln h a o eo h al Comp. C: Can. Hist. C; Algebra Mvr. MacGregor Jones, Mark- it wvas decided to count the score: in hour of Mr. and Mris. Norman next door south of J. J. Cornish's mountains. Mount Olympus was Bowmanville and Mr. Nattrass of nliti se osn hi I; Agric. II.1 ham,« with his parents, Mlr. and to the end of the 6th wvhich leaves Winter, the occasion being the store owýned by Mr. S. Cuttell. the roountain that Professor Sis- ithe Hydro Commission, Torontonm adadrstoheec- Millson, Margaret J.--Chem. II: Mrs. Dudley Jones. .l•it 8-6 for the Kirbyi"tes. first anniversary of their wedd- We understand some came from 'sons and his wife climbed. exli idtelclstain ds-tayJ.CGmeOowh Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. III. Mrs. Eli, Toronto, with Mrs. Walker pitched magnificent ball ing- quite a distance to the street fair Miss McEvoy favoured with'closed the amount, of profits for ilbegatofr rdn. Mogn . ienEn.Cm.Reichrath. ably supported by catcher Low- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, August 10th and got stung. Away'twý,o more selections on the piano, the past several years and brought III; an En . Li. C;Algebr C; .: Miss Elsie Wallace is holiday-! ery' for the Kirby teamn while Fenelon Falls, were here during goes the mnoney that otherwise and Mr. M. H. Staples read a home to listeners the fact that the Mse etueHoe n AIIIc. t. C; CIng with hier parents at Green- Neale did his usual fmne job Of the weekend. wvould hiave helped to build the portion of a story in a book deal-, system has steadily advanced in ageieMlsnadpryo Morton, B. Adele-Can. Hist. M1 icigfr h oetyasse Pleased to see Mrs. Mary Swan- shelter in the park. ing with monastries and life in, revenue since it was taken over omnil icikdi ak II; Algebra I; Chiem. I; Lat. Auth. p .and Mrs. B. ar O acm a ·ytheir catcherr tden Te ba- cott of Providence, in town Sun- Mrs. A. West has been laid up. them which fitted in with the, from the Seymour Power Comn-Frdy Morton, Muriel I.-Eng. Comp thP oeo r.W lmnea h e. time. Mrs. Swancott has impair- Mr. Allison Cowan. Toronto, and music. to S2,279.05 and smnce 1932 the YA CB T l C; Can. Hist. II: Algebra I; Chem. NwateAgs24hed eye sight. spent the weekend here. A bountiful and delicious lunch haydro has benefitted to the extent ulO a I; Lt. uth II La. Cmp.II: Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Park St. Services Mrs. Harrison has been enjoy..- Well Well! What next will that of sandwiches, cake and coffee o huad fdlas hsB orW l -le. R LroyChe. : Lt.Mary Mellor) upon their ~recent, Speaking to the young people week. started doing electrical fixing andibringing a delightful as well as rmmdmOoohdtevl adboato hi et . II C F. Ath marriage. Wednesday. on behalf of the old, and taking MissTuje ootsetwiring, etc., which he still does. 1educational evening to a close. lage wesolthe systerooe yOd epeo wet r ev Nicolsno FoydAn-EngLit A slenid-rowngaherdiatastex: "lvtthaeIwmeod, ordtheweeen wih aMs..cPhr- henhe egaJahlouishng ay ohnGibon hfetepplicitrstes ad ugaily III Ca. Hst.III Alebr C Newtonville Cemetery Sunday for sake me not," Mr. Mellor preach- son. and night service garage, whichAN DIT T reusdthHyoCmisonFtAlets etoyptr, II; an Hst II;Aleba ,the annual Decoration Services. ed an excellent sermon on Sun- B ht s doing a real good business. DIM forc bodyAN outete ofe Hyine are re- AgPic ttCoRnad H-.n The cemetery with its closely day morning that will not be for- v aise a. M. auireiMs .ahm Next hie added ikeft drintks etc., HA P NIG p°hperh e the necessary by-Iauw!sosbl o an ls Lit. III: Can. Hist. C; Algebra I. clippe ras sod gren from sof gotn o t lon thime em Richards'. he dded 5c hambugr y as no tg chase becomes an actuality and-FOTA - Agric. C. an ri n hedape d et0u hteie e Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. DeLine and urday night, as an extra. ashisai From The Orono News of have them presented to the town-WODRSP RT Powrs Jm .--Eg.Cop.C;sight indeed. Mr. T. A. Reid, Pre- worn out first he intima.ted thiatibaby visited hier parents, Mr. and to be continued and we prophecy August 7, 1913 ship Counicil preparatory to vot-(N Mea) Cana Hit.Hissden.o th.Ceetey Cmmi-rttmghtappylt cothsbtSntnMs. rturtlouhtundythethehamurgrrbsiesswilnbe.s.ingonthequetio.ePacicalytorrct.alln rchs, eakankes Roy, Margaret S.-Algebra I;1 teen acte Chaira people andl tha i the fiveot baby remaining for a longer visit. even betribemnho w Pte. Hockmn is expected in To- all of those present were in favor otcrs eieemsl tan Geom.C; PysicsIII.L. Beech of the United Church and years he spent conducting Thurs- MessW geA etadwhen things get a bit coolér. We rot sometime Wednesday next of the resdlution, which Jis con-. leit anadtrdes Scott, Helen M.-Anc. Hist. C. e.W G. Blake of the Presby- day night services in an old peo- W. J. Riddell attended I.O.O.F. wish him luck and hope that if froma England. He will get a sidered the most definite move on Closs uin Simpson, Dorothy M. -Eng. terian hurch conducted the ser- ple's home he had found that they services at Beaverton on Sunday. he adds anything more to hais great reception. toward the purchase that has yetlevdb thsscntfcu- Comp. C; Eng. Lit. C; Algebra II; vice. A united choir from both were nearly all young in spirit. Master Ronny West is visiting growing list of interests he will Rev. J. A. and Mrs. McKeen ,been made. .prshligtebnsi Agric. II. chihsldi h ign fte Tootn edcaeteMr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, not cut off more than hie can have returned from their holiday The general tone of the meetmngnauapoto. Sisson, F. Marjorie-Physics C: hymns. young people accepted the edu- . Fenelon Falls, gomng there with chew. Ern is an up-and-at-it type outing, pleasantly spent ait 'Go seemed to be that the villagers ih Cmotbe ual Lat. Auth. III; Lat. Comp. II; Fr. • cation and other advantages and themn Sunday- who will miake a success, we feel Home" Bay where they were the generally were mn much more ReomndbyDcrs Auth. C; Fr. Comp. III. were ungrateful, being petted,1 Mrs. W. A. Richards of Bow- sure, and we congratulate him guests of Rev. Dr. R. Douglas favorable frame of mind toward etre y Stark, Ethel M.-Chem. III. FIT T E Dpmee n lold seilymanville, »entertained at a dinner onhsabto.Fraser. purchase than they were a feivAl M Tamblyn, Franklin G.-Algebra F TYA EN aongreligiousple, epcal:in honour of Mrs. Norman Winter Mr.i andmrsio. SmKaC t- Miss Muriel Hill is home from years ago when the move was X C eO I; Agric. II. .WATSON PINC All old people, if tlhey have their the occasion of her first wedding ham, and Mrs. C. Keat, Toronto, the city ait her grandfather's, Mr. defeated. In most municipalities rg Wannan, Doris J.-Algebra I; fclishaeapcetfllndanniversary. Mrs. Winter, moth- were recent visitors with Mr. and R. Hill. Miss Hill, who has ob- the first vote has been defeated Agrc.iII.AbotIfftyofbheuatsnfcanther iononeehtothikttatnhecrladnfthe, M. nd rs.SamMrs E.J. amm tanedan term eco clsseer-dueto ithr lck fHkowldg Whyte. Doris M.--Eng. Comp. held a family gathering in the generation lost in the war should Allin of Orono, were guests. Mrs. M\r. and Mris. R. Sherwvin, Miss, tificate, will teach the coming of the facts or for some other C; Algebra II: Agric. III. park last week, guests being pre- be replaced by giving responsibil- Winter was the recipient of many Edith Sherwý%in, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- year near the village of Agmncourt. similar reason, but quite regular- A Gl.A E Wood, Lois E.-Eng. Comp. C; sent from Peterboro, Lakefield, ities at an earlier age rather than beautifual gifts. .fred Sherwýýin and children and 1Mr. Frank Hall's new house on ly the .second vote has proven Algebra II. .'.Michigan, Toronto, Norwood and keeping the older people in thel Mr..Neil F. Porter was in Bob- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin at- Church St. south is bemng rapidly successful and we have seen no Yeo, H. Patricia-Eng. Comp. other places. Also among the'harness longer. caygeon Sunday. Shirley returnied' ten'ded the Sherwin-Black picnic constructed. It will resemble in case when the purchase has< C: Eng. Lit. C: Can. Hist. C: Al- guests wvas Mr. Orme Gamsby of iMentioning that Rev. Spargo ihome with him. 1at Cobourg, Saturday. size and design Contractor Mar- iproven to be a disadvantage. Most gebra I: Chem. I; Lat. Auth. C: Orono, who was officially nomin- did wonderful work among the;Anme tede h uea Mr. Vernon Saunders of To-ti'hadoenwrsecenofheons wigteron Lat. Comp. III.ated as the "man without an ap- young even when old hie pointed Tedyo h at r ilso ronto is holiday, ing this week ait Park Street.sytm haercidrdudBUFL--- $38 RoweGeorg--Geo. C. petite." out that an experienced minister Hampton, who was killed ait Wel- ýýhis parents', M',r. and Mrs. A. Mr. Edward Fielding andu hydro rates and still the systems H TA ---56 coud ftn o ettr or tancome on Sunday. Sanes ghter. Miss Allie, of Toronto, and pile up surpluses to take care of OEIH ----43 Scott family reunion was sche- M Edt D t hMr. Robert Fielding of Bowmian- debentures, the erection of suit- f1 EDITOR'S PRAYER FORESTRY WINS aOnn hand the speaker Iduled for Wednesday afternoon.'Sunday. enwsom nville were visitors over Sunday able buildings for the commissions A ITN ----20 SECOND Pt.AYOFF pointed out that the older people ,Details next week. .iMr. and Mrs. Crease and Paul,1 at Mr. C. A. Chapman's. and for a reserve fund. O E ON .-41 Blessed are the merchants whoi should give youth a chance asý Mrs. Forrester and son are vis- ýToronto, spent the weekend withý Mrs. A. A. Rolph with her Sun-SHR BE---180 advertise, for they have faith in ithey themselves had no hope for iting hier brother-in-law, R. A. he mohrir.rdCwn. day school class picnicked at Osh- TRNO ---- 11 their business, and their prosper-1 Forestry wvon over Kirby 19-121teftradalota h on Forrester. .i ort he ar thatr Mr. O. C W . awa-on-the-lake Saturday 1 a s t. ORME STRIKES AGAIN ity shall increase many fold. 1in the second game of the play- fok wheftre, anot so baa the yoare A fight between two fellows in Roph to w as taken Mll Saur. ThyhdavrWnoal.uin.Adnmru reit Blessed is the woman whýo sends'offs Tuesday mgàht mn a real good ok panee ano d arefcn tial and a truck Tuesday afternoon ait- Mrs AH.KaRN, was c all.ay- Mr.v and M vrs.H eJ.yl Hoig f M.W .Betan oBrons in a written account of a party or gamne. temptations that the older folks tracted much attention. Fortun- ed to attend him. Kirkf ield are spending a f ew days rie of Toronto, were guests of O. a wedding, for she shall see the Forestry went to bat first and di1 o aet ae hysol ately the fight was interfered with RvanMr.CclAinndwith friends here. Mr. Hoidge A. Gamsby on Wednesday after--Frtantouertrn - detil ad ams f ergust otamd iv rnsth frs m- el othahe t an e justfid beor anon was seiosl hurt. twoi sons, RnladGead ofwsafre ulcsho r-noon and Thursday forenoon oflmisec correctly reported. Blessed are mngs through V. Cooper, Ogden' fault. The boundaries are broken The Orono girls were scheduled Onarga, Illinois, are spending cipal here. 1last week and went fishing havingCostAgns-skfrhdbl those whio do not expect the editor Naele, R. Wood and F. McMulleni down through easy travel and the to play here Wednesday night. their vacation with his sisters, Mr. Frank Knox has taken hais 1just fair luck. But the culmin- PO RI EVC to know everything, but who tell the latter two getting homers.' wrdatethnheom vi- Account will be given next week. Misses Laura and Isabelle Allin, f irst school in Whitby township, ation of the f ishing expedition him henveran nteestng v- he scon ining wa screlss'lage is the sphere of interest so No less than eight trailers or and brother, Mr. Clarence Allin. 1one and one-half miles north of 1came Saturday morning when a8inC ndS ent occurs in which they are mn-' and the third nearly s'o with R. thyne dieadhl. tents housed five or six families Mr1n r.Bl en n saa Orme captured a brown trout 14" teretedfortheyshalohae abet-Woo getingthennlyrun.At hisnervceete chir ithsnttewpakklstIwek.Itdmdea Jac,.TrontFvsite atMr. ndaD.dW F.icEeoyadibide n lngthweihing1 pund1 oz. Paifi Natona ternewpaer thirtow. he ourh rovd te ostex Miss L. Allin at the organ rn- nieltl ilg... Mrs. A. H. Keane's, Mr. Johnireturned home Friday evening!A flashlight was required for Blesed re tey ho et teircitng, en unscomm mm raid ere "Th Etrna God" rs.D. Mffat, shaw, vsite KeneTorotowasalsohom fo fro thirihneyoontripthr' Ome t deermne is were copy mn early, for they shall oc- succession, Glanville, G. Winter' Ter chuch a een eotd her brother and sister-in-law%, Mr. thea weekeno wt s arets th Wetfbusadwe ehoe h cupy a warm space in the editor's V. Cooper, Ogden, R. 'Wood, F. lael wit beuiullailrmand Mrs. E. J. Hammin and other Mr ot hri tNwate M.HryPne eundbig fellow he was ait a loss to heart. Blessed are they who co- iMcMullen, Cantrell, CouvierV the Knox garden and they have 1relatives last week. onSundav. home last week from California. know how to land it but he man- foprts i bhaf the o mun i t sef oemed no stoppmg te. T haree Nex Sun ay by re u s, Mrho n eple nd ab ew i vieelter posiil in the city at psn t.k p h ihi h ae l h ness. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mr Blessedon ar hywod Fv eeotme ntesvtron hsenetmetw i vacati w vi hs ret, r. Hae efots onm retr trip he. partipatn inone of the ac-. from Kingston after a lengthy been taking a course at Guelph, is H NUIGtrip down east. illness. spending the rest of the vacation ,Mr. R. McIsaac, Toronto, is on Oscar (Bud) Rolph was at the here. WILS NSholidays at his cottage here. unstore on Wednesday after his A number from Orono attended Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. E. W H O L N Il ' / ý eillness, still looking as though he the Flower Show at Newcastle, Evans' over the weekend were, H were not too well. Friday night and report the flow- Miss Bernice Robinson and Mr. Orono Coal and Lumber Com- ers to be marvellous. H. Cameron, Toronto, who went13 S N BEFOREYOU INURE - ONSULTpany was awarded the contract Miss Hilda Rowland, Newcastle, READDRCTOS with the Evans on their trip east. Cad'sicesnBiesnedmoeuiesexutv.Whr FR O NU -CNUTfor roofing material for the town- was guest of Miss Marion Green CRFLYAD This trip took themn by car and aethesfuturelasn ersineBusinesTewibfonbhdrdn ship hall. The price was $6.60 one day last week. F0LL WTHEM boat along the St. Lawrence arsu yo u meandewomn auso.BtyutnutbtYANDt per square. Congratulations, to Mrs. Fred EXMTLYthrough Quebec, Novi Scotia' fill hes osin efficiwoeny an no otk hw uiesCus The L.O.L. degree team visited Tamblyn on wmnmig the prize for New Brunswick, Maine, Vermont ailthne ptof s ha 1Dy chootl. Cslteehn ietr o oa CO F D R T O I EKendal on Monday and admmnis- the best display of gladioli at the and New York State, and proved ton. TheShaw P2lan Sof niilintutoeale.uo'i n tered the blue degree to four Newcastle Flower Show. Also to to be delightful. To prove that times. TShaw orsslad t reondizetnig.SaiodOfc A S S O C I A T I ON candidates. .Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples and Each pad will kiti fles att dey and the world is small they met fri- give cul eine. Shaw Employmen Burea give fressstnc Miss Barbara Rolph is slowly Mrs. Ed. Dean who ,also won every day for three weeks, ends from Janetville mn Saranac, tograduates. Instruction also bythSaHmSuymtoidsrd H EAD OFFICE - TORON TO recovermng from distressing skin prizes. Mrs. Tamblyn's was a 3 pads In each packet. New York. In spite of the won- Phone or write for free DescriptiveBokeentld"pwhteTne. disease thought to, have been beautiful cabinet. .10 CEN TS PE R PA CKET derful time they had, though, Mr. suAW SCRlooLS, Head OffBce,.10Bys. PoeK.36)Trno caused from poison ivy. Mr. Harold Hancock is on hol- DustG Ge iSo Evans claims he wouldn't triadeA Col. L. T. McLaughlin, Bow- idays this week, at gru is, Gracers, enea Stre&' Ontario for the whole six pro- manville, visited at Mr. and Mrs. The Bake Sop now ha n W YP YM R ? vinces and states through which E. Evans', Sunday. electric cake mixer. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Headlto, OntL they passed.a1 ir

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