THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO Ra.M. HOLLINOSHIEAD COMPANY CELEDRATES JUDIE F act o ry Was The Former Ross Can Company Building - Operations Began in Bowmanville Early in 1927. Many years ago Bowmanville erected a factory building for a new company, The Ross Can Company. When that company went out of business Bowmanville was left witb a $50,000 building on its hands and no tenants. Ev- ery effort wvas made to find a suit- able industry to take over the factory. In 1926 the Hollingsbead Cor- poration of Camden. N. J.. decided to locate in Canada. and after ex- amining numerous factories. thev decided to locate in Bowmanville in the Ross Can building. Nego- tialions with the towýn were open- ed, and Mayor Thomas S. Holgate________________ on behaîf of the town concludied the arrangements by whicb the 1Mfayor R. O. Jones Hollingshead Corporation p ur- chased the building for $25,000 Whose appointment as Superin- cash. tendent of the R. M. Hollingsbead In a very short tirne work Co.s Bowmanville plant has been started on renovating the build- anucdb rsdn .M ing in readiness for the installa- Hnolingsed bS res .M tion of the macinerv for manu- HolnsedS. Mr. Jones, one facture. Early in 1927 the factory of t he oldest employees of the started production. It wvas neyer C anadian Company in point of the plan of the parent company service, has also had a distinguish- to iet the Canadian Company be- ýed muncplcre hc sot come a drag on the Camden or- uncplarewhhiso- ganization. The Canadian Corn- Ilined elsewhere. pany was weaned and made 10 find its own way in the maze of industrial development in those prosperous days of ten years ago. Founder of H ol factory was C. A. Smith, formerly a :ea: ::nt ead i theGood-Ho red n 7 year. On his resignaitn the plant o re on 7 chemist, Ray Kembring, took over________________ the factory administration, and later John F. Gorman fromn the Janelville, is spending a week Camnden Plant came to supervise with Mrs. P. J. Oliver and Mrs. local operations. Mr. Gorman, Margaret Fallis. who left Bowmanville with keen Miss Barbara Brown, Miss Ruth regret, was succeeded by Mayor Sunday wiîh the latter's parents, R. O. Jones, who for many yeams and Betty Warberton and Mr. had been in charge of the ship- Ross Taylor of Lindsay, spent ping department of the business. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor. Mm. Jones had wide experience Mr. Andrew Marlow and Miss with the business, and his choice Beatrice Whitfield spent Sunday was a very happy one, and veryaI Orono park. popular with local people. IMrs. Malcolm Emerson, Miss At first the Bowmanviile plantl Gladys Emerson, Mrs. Watson, produced only a few elemenlary1 Mrs. Geo. Prout, Mms. P. Edger-1 aulomotive products, but Ibis tn r.GatTopoMs number is sleadily increasing, andtnMr.GatTopn, rs defnit prgres hs ben adeH. Sammelîs, Miss Gwen Wilson,1 defnit pogrsshasben mdeMiss Marie Prout, Mrs. Hugb in this present year, when general'Taylor, Mrs. P. Philps, Mrs. Geo. business bas suffered a set back. Johns, Mrs. L. Joblin and Miss E.1 The Bowmanville plant is the Thompson all visited Kendal In- largesî manufacîuming centre for'stîtute Wednesday and put on a automolive and household chemi- program. Ladies of Kendal serv- 1 cals in Canada today. Company d officals lok t the uture d aI very lovely lunch at close o f opiismlooCanadaheodaturnws hmeeting. optiism.Canaa toay kows Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, Gwen the Whiz products, knows liraI it EuieMran Mr.H- stands for the very highest quai- and uieMranMs.H -1 ityineac prtiulr lne an te man Sammelîs, Mrs. John Hooey,' ityin ac patiula lr~e and heRoy and Bernice and Miss Mar-i hislory o! all greal businesses re- garet Scott of Solina, Mr. and veal Ihal il is the quality articleMrs. John Stewad et n that f inally obtains the greater 'Don of wae4r, MBettyd and sales.ScottHulchinson, Mr. Williei Hutchinson and Miss Margaret of1 i Toronto, ahl met Sunday and spent Nestetonthe day logether in Orono park. Miss Beatrice Whitfield spend- ing a week visiting her sister, Mrs.I Haîf the big mistakes in the E. Bradburn. 'world are made through over- Miss Hattie McVittie, Toronto, eagerness. with Mrs. P. J. Oliver and Mrs. Successful men are neyer as Margaret Fallis. great as lhey are made out la be. Mrs. Parr, Blackstock, Mr. and Its like judging a man by his Mrs. Russell Nesbill, Toronto, at shadow, and that's neyer s0 large Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGill's. as when his sun's near setting. Mr. Mamwood Dickey, Toronto,j Unforlunately the man who is spending a week's vacationhses his lemper usually finds il wilh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.lagain. Dickey.1 The underdog gets a lot of sym- Mrs. Margaret Nichlenson of pathy but what he wants is help. A £T I./LAgF5. I M ~~'1. To The R. M. Hollingshead Co *On The Celebration of Its Golden Jubile We Seil Uhi Quality Produets "'4'08 MASO N & DALE Hardware OUR REPUTATION Has been buit upon sound workmnansbip and the very finest of products. That is why we use so many LOOK FOR ~ WHIZ PRODUCTS Beeause we can recommefld them. We know - because we use them ou.r- selves - everyday - ail the time This Trade Mark For Repairs to Ail Cars - For every service you expect from a good service station and garage, see C. A. ]Bartlett Phone 2626 Bowman ville lingshead Co., )th Birthday Employees, Friends Gather At Huge Ban- quet To Honor Man Who Built Million Dollar Business. Coincidenl wilh thre Golden Jubilee o! the R. M. Hollingshead Corporation, came thre 701h birth- day of its founder and beioved president, Richard M. Hollings- head Sr. Elsewhere we have bold thre stomy o! how wiîh fifty cents in his pocket and a recipe for bar- ness dressing, he built up the huge Hollingshead business, which 10- day does a $3,000,000 annual busi- ness and which has sold more Ihan $100,000,000 o! its products since the company was formed. Recently employees and busi- ness associales joined logelher to honor Mr. Hollingshead on his 701h birthday. Il was a testimon- ial dinner at wbich four hundred o! his employees were present. During the evening Mr. Hollings- head made a dramalic appear- ance, made a baîcir of the original harness soap, and distribuled it in souvenir cans 10 Ihose present. Felicitalions and congratula- tions were receivcd from many distinguished people, including former Governor Harold G. Hoff- man. This latter gentleman in a column he writes in one o! the Camden newspapers had 10 say o! the party: "Thre featured arlisî on the progmam was thre "boss" bimself. A table was placed in the middle o! the dance floor and there before the eyes of several hundmed delighîed e rr. p i o y e e s "Dad" mixed a bacir of his fam- ous saddle soap. Fifly years be- fore he had featured his 20th birthday hy doing Ihat self sane thing.. t His firsl belper in the business was Phil Longstrelb, who was at r the dinnem, stili working for the a same boss after f ifty years. n "To me" says Ex-Governor Hoffman, "Mr. Hollingshead me- presents the America that was. Ihe Amemica, tiraI by the grace of ,God is stili 10 be. And when his, brted disappears, to be supplant- ed by Americans who are, to use their own phrase, 100 smýarl to' work, then wc bad irelter write finis t0 a great republic." Those few in Canada, who have had the pivilege o! meeting the President o! the Canadian Coin- pany, have been thmilled. with his pemsonality, and inspired by tirei ciraaclemislics o!flire man who fi! ty years ago stamted wilh 50 'cents and a mecipe and today me- mains the head of a great corpor- ation wirich bas played an im- portant part in the development o! thre United States, and wili play an important part in thre deveiop- ýment o! Canada. 1We in Bowmanville may well join wilh the hundreds o! em- ployees in the'United States and Canada, in tendering most cordial good wishes. to R. M. Hollings- head Sm., President o! the Hol- lingshead Corporation. It will be interesting to music loyers at the Canadian National Exhibition to compare the ultra modemn rhythmic arrangements o! popular and folk dance music as exemplifsed by the leading dance orchestras, wilb tire music o! the band o!flire Royal Amtillemy from England witir their more conventional interpretalions o! musical tiremes. Tirere will be an unique opportunity 10 do Ibis as three o! the outstanding U. S. dance aggregations will be pres- cnt at the new open air Dance Pavilion tis year - Guy Lom- bardo and bis Royal Canadians and the Tommy Dorsey and Ben- THE HOME 0F R. M. HOLLINGSHEAD C0., IN BOWMANVILLE Above is pictured the Canadian Plant of the R. M. Hollingshead Company, located in Bowmanville. The factory, the former Ross Can Company plant, was purchased by the Hollingshead Corporation with the formation of their Canadian Conpany in 1926. Mayor Reg. Jones of Bowmanville, is now factory manager of this unit. THE MAN WHO STARTED WITH 50 CENTS R. M. Holllngshead, Sr. President of the R. M. Hollingshead Company of Canada and the R. M. Hollingshead Corporation of the United States, who re. recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the f irm he heads, anc also his own 7Oth birthday.- Mr. Hollingshead has had one of thE most remarkable careers of any United States industrialist. Bowmanville's Now Whiz Fa( Mayor Reg. Jones Appointment as Fac- tory Superintendent is Announced - Is A Native of Bowman- ville. For the first time since the R. M. Hollingsbead Bowma n v ille plant opened ils doors, il now bas a native born Bowmanville citi- zen as Factory Superintendent. Appropriately enough, the camp- I any selected the town's firsl citi. zen, His Worship, Mayor Reg. O. 'Jones 10 f iii Ihal office. Mm. Jones was one o!flire very first employees o! the company when it commenced production ir 1927, and throughout tiraI lime he bas held responsible positions in the plant. Il is duing this samne period that he has enterec Imunicipal affairs, culminating ir his eleclion as Warden o! the Un- ited Counties in 1937, and as May- or o! Bowmanviiie in 1938. Mr. Joncs xvas born in Bow- manville, the son of Mm. and Mms John Jones, bighly respected citi- zens. He was educated in Bow« manville public and irigb schools but was anxious after a uitIle higt school educalion to gel out and work. His parents ho we v e lbought differently and were pre* pared 10 bave him enter one oi the professions. However, bis de. termination 10 gel out and cari bis own living was finally agreec upon by bis parents wbo recog. nized bis right 10 live bis own life Mm. Jones is married into aný liher prominenl local famiiy, hi! dwi!e being Lottie Cawker. Ther( -arc tbrce cbildmen, Miss Madelin( dO! the Drug Trading Company eToronto, Miss Marjory, o! lb( North American Life, Toronto and Dorotby, a student o! Bow -manville higi school. SMr. Jones' earliest job was ir 6ý,Ibe Dominion Organ and Pian( ' Company, and laler he scmved iî Ihe Post Office for lhrec yeams later going 10 Braccbmidge as as sistant posîmaster for two years Returning 10 Bowmanvillc he 100] over the operalion o! the ohc Canadian Express office, rcturnec 10 Toronto as assistant cashier o lire same company, and then me Iurned 10 Bowmanville again t( operate the office bere. Later, h( was cmployed in the Goodycai for four years, and relurned I( lire express company in 1916. Foi ten yeams Mm. Jones was compe! led tbrough iii health 10 returr 10 the farm, but in Mamcb 192' became sbipping head of the Hol iingshead Company. Mm. Jones is a man of stroni convictions, and bas the happ, !aculty of always remainini !riendly hto Ihose be may oppos4 in municipal affairs. Mr. Jone 'firsl entered municipal life abou lten years ago, being elected 1member o! the Town Council. few years later he became Depul. Reeve, and tiren throughou Mayor Ross Strike's years o! of fice Mm. Joncs was Reeve and sen iom representative o! the town oi the Counties Council. Here hi qualilies were soon ecognize( and in 1937, as we have pointe( out, he was given the highesl of fice in the gift o! the Unite( Counties, tirat o! Warden. On the retirement o! Mayc Strike in Januamy, Mr. Jone sougbt 10 leave the municipa field, but bis fiends rallied 10 hi side and urged bim 10 conlinuE His long expeience on lire cour cil as Mayor Stike's igirt haný man particularly qualified hlm ti irold the office o! Mayor. So gem emal was the agreement on thi W malter that he was unopposec r )f n is -e ýe ýe ýo n )f ir ýo )r 'n !7 oy ig ;e Lt a ty ýn ýd ýd r es al is n- id 'o ci Fifty Centsi Harness Oil SALES MANAGER and Recipe for is Firm's Start -~First 6Whiz' Produet -. Was Made By Firm's * President Qn Kit- * chen Stove in , Par- ent's Home 50 Years Ago. How f ifty cents and a recipe for a harness dressing grew in fifty years to be a $3,000,000 busi- ness, is one of the romances of modemn industrial history. The industry that accomplished this feat is one in which Bowmanville is vitally interested, because here in Bowmanville is the Canadian plant of the company. Just recently this company, the4 R. M. Hollingshead Company of Camden, N. J, celebrated its Gol- den Jubilee, and at the head of the firm is stili the man who had the fifty cents and the recipe for a harness dressing. This remark- able man is Richard M. Hollings- head, President of the Hollings- head Company of Canada. O. L. (Dick) Metcalf it was back in May 1888 that Native of Darlington and gradu-,Richard Hollingshead's father gave ateof owmnvile ighScholhim the recipe for making har- ateof owmnvile ighScholness dressing. At that timè he ýwho today holds the responsible xvas a very young man, just twen- posiion f Gnera Saes Mna-ty years old, but he did not lack posiion f Gnera Saes Mna-ambition or initiative. Taking his ger of the Hollingshead Company father's recipe he mixed up a of Canada. Ail principal officers k'batch" of harness soap over a kitchen stove and on the follow- of the Canadian Company are ing morning set out to find a buy- Ontario natives. er for the product that became the forerunner of the novv great list of Whiz products. That was the humble beginning Firs Citzen f the R. M. Hollingshead Corpor- busnes o $,00,00,and which in its f ifty years of histomy bas ctor M an ger ales totalling far in excess o! Today the corporation is the and is today Mayor of his native largest producers of automotive town. chemicals and lubricants iithe *We dare not predict what the world, distributing its products to future may hold for him. He bas 137 countries in every part of the womked hard for the town that globe. *gave him bith, and also for the And the man who stood by the firm which now honors himn with old stove fifty years ago, making the superintendency of its local his first Whiz product, today stili factory. His ability is undoubted holds the reins of this gigantic and it is hoped that for many business. Today he is seventy years to come he xii continue to years old, and associated with him *play an important ole in the af- in the business are his two sons. R. cfaims of Bowmanville. M. Hollingshead Jr., who is wèli s known in Bowmanville, and Ste- wart Hollingshead. HOMIG PIEON LUB The Automobile Trade Journal HOMIG PIEON LUB gives an interesting account of Mr. Hollingshead's first sale. Bowmanville Racing Pigeon "I found my first prospect in Club flew their third young bird front of the Reading Railway sta- race on Saturday, August l3th, tion in Germantown, Pa.," Mr. fromn Drumbo, Ont., 105 miles air Hollingshead recalîs. yline, with the following esuls:- "A farmer had hîtched hi- T horse and buggy there. I W~ L. Richards 2 hr. 19 min. 8 sec. my demonstration. applying-ng "ýF. Bottreli 2 hr. 19 min. 22 sec. dressing to some harness stiffen- s .Piper 2 hr. 31 min. 5 sec. ed with age. The farmer seemed sF. Bottreil 3 hr. 3 min. 9 sec. impressed. So I showed himn how iIL. Richards 3 hr. 8 min. 25 sec. (Continued on Page 5) THIS IS WHJZ WEEK KilI Those Flics With WHJZ INSECT KILLER Canada 's Finest Insecticide -and it 's Made in Bownville. 29c - 47c Other Weekend Specials Quaker FLOUR.......98 lb. bag 3.59 Food Drink VITONE................ 12 oz. 45e COCOA................... Black, Bulk TEA........... Green Japan 4c lb. 55c Quaer . . . .. . . . . .. . l . ý9 QuakrNFAE..... 3fo 5 CRN LKEI.......3fods OATS .................. 5 lb. 25e Burford 2c PEAS .................. 3 tins 27 AyImer C O R N . . . . . . . . . . 3 f o r 2 5 e Plcake SHORTENING ............ 2 lb. 25e Minute TAPIOCA.............. 2 pkgs. 23c Plenic Brand SLICED PINEAPPLE ........ tin loc PICKLE SUPPLIES GEMS CERTO HARRY ALLIN GROCER PAG~~R FnT7D Hollingshead Corporation Purchased Plant Here 1926 1NEW SUPERINTEND ENT THE SIGN 0F QUALITY LO0K FOR THIS SIGN When You Buy Automotive Supplies and Household Aids Whiz Guarantees You The Ftnest In Every Line It Manufactures The R. M. Hollingshead Co. I i Phones 367-368 Bowmanville