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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1938, p. 5

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ORIGINAL RECIPE Ir.> ~ A The reciine forr harniuss drc..sinz. reirid iice(l ail)ve, is thle oriel iia I rcc il (1c11 whjeli the R. -M. Ho)ll h ngýs liea(l C împanviv as fioundc(l. it ovaýs ovil h titi.. mcjic anîd 51) cents.. thaýt R. M. li(Ilingýshead Sr. creit(,îl the ~iaîc..whiclh ncwiv aqS 83.(,000( S1t anS10(iIUO000i 1 as ~siice the coumpain- startctd 50 vcars ago. K U TA Mr. Hollingshead added with a -- --- - - E Nothing daunted, the youthful J £ Hm. A T I£ F Hollingshead went in search of other bu yens, and proof of bis BOWMANVILLE kabilit to find thern is found in for which be received no pay, his Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. company bas sold $lO0,000,ouo of Whiz produets. AUGUST 18, 19, 20 As Urne went on Mr. Hollings- JUST LIKE THOUSANDS head added other products to the harness dressing. Axie grease. 0F OTHER GIRLS ...1 harness oul, carniage soaps, and Theydecied ~carrnage top dressing were among They ecide tbethe early products. MostexciingThen came something that ne- tbin i h/e was volutionized the world, and tbe to 7ll i loe Holinshead business too. Mr. . . .. . wth aHollingsbead stood like otbers, and were the laugbing stock of the countryside. But young Hol- lingshead was quick to see the po- tentiality of these new borseless carniages, and as their manufac- ture demanded new products tbe Hollingsbead Corporation turned them out, and flot only turned tbem out, but ini a quality super- lor to ail otbers. Wbiz products bave grown in number witb tbe progress of tbe YIl U N G automobile industry. Today tbere are 85 Wbiz maintenance products M c including polisbes, cleaners, top M C CR EA dressings, solders. brake fluids, in soaps. oils and lubricants. Witb tbe added products came T U EEa change in manufacture. Fiftv ~ years ago tbe first barness dress- E.uwm~~ing was made on bis mother's kit- chen sto\,e. To-day in the buge DAVID NIVEN- STUART ERWIN Hollingshead factories, w h i c b MARJORIE WEAVER MUUNE MOORE cover more tban a million square BINI BRNS AN DRWLL feet, are tremendous cooking BINNE BRNESJAN DARELL tanks wbere oils and greases are c4 201/J Cetury-Fox Picture made in huge quantities. In addition to tbe 85 mainten- rhe BLACK SAPPNIIRE of KALU ance products tbe. opnmau EPISDE gfactures 12 bousebold produets __________________8_ and 40 industrial maintenance ýj1 chemical prepanations. Many of Wi'f~~.IIrf(f:1i'IÀ~'itbese products are well known in LÉ Bowmanville. Neanly everyone bas used Wbiz Insect Killer, Wbxz LARR "BUSER"C ASBIoils and greases, top dressings and LARRY"IBUSTR" CRA Bhand cleaners. In The Statesman1 Matiaxees Saturday 2.30 p.m. oflicee are neyer witbout Whizi Hand Cheane, a produet tbat wil Mon. - Tues. - Wed. r te a lly nemove prdnters' ink, and AUGUT 22 23,24 1tbats about as hard as anytbingI AUUS 2 3 4 oremove.j * That, very briefly, is tbe story of the Hollingsbead Corporation. wbose Canadian Plant is located oin Bowmanvilie. It is of more tban passing interest to know tbats Mr. Hollingsbead bas entrusted 1- the management of tbe Canadian Comnpany to Canadians. Mr. R.d M. Wilson, General Manager of the Company, is a native of Col- .<lingwood, Ontario. O. L. "Dick" I ROI Metcalf, general sales manager of > Itbe companv, is a native of Dan- J qy lington Townsbip, a graduate of Bowmanville Higb Sebool, and P ei tbe busband of a Bowmanville A girl, Helen Knight, daugbter of A Mrs. J. W. Knigbt and tbe late Mr. Knigbt. I ~WElsewhere on this page is the j., V~w~ announcemnent of the appoint- SA ment of another native of Bow- t et ~manville, Mayor R. 0. Jones, as t MAN NE Supeintendent of the Canadian Bea Huks ewsplant. Under the guidance of Matuinees Newstbese Canadians tbe business 's B Matineesmaking pnogness in Canada. From Monday, Wednesday 2.30 P.m. coast to coast, in every province, C - ounty, town and village, Wbiz ai COMING SHORTLY products are sold. The Company T~ made no spectacular entry into THE BARONESS & BUTLER the Canadian business field, but EBBTIDE tbe steady expansion of its busi- THE THREE CO31RADES ness in tbis country is proof that WVELLS FARGO quality products wili readily find LOD among discri m i n a t i n g j people.F ~ "Tbe first lesson in Christs sehool is self -den ial."~-M. Henry. p nas tior Lor ed pre -e 'DEAN HODGSON vc Car Uses, SeIls and Recommends BON pas priz Whiz Products inh We are happy ta join in extending niost the cordial congratulations te the R. M. o Holling4jhead Co., manufacturers Ôf Whiz Lest Produots, on the occasion of the Golden Nes mai Jubilce of the founding af their business. Per DEAN HODGSON White Rose Service Station Washing Complete Lubrication Car M King and Liberty Streets Poe20 Accessories THIE C\.\I ST.\TESNI\N, 1<WANILONTA\RIO 1 DROPPING IN ON A FAMILY DIRECTORS' MEETING uai c secult tîrue i()f the irît- the U.nited States anid the Caniîain Conipaliv was fîîrnied. He still viijts ciVals f <tic R. M. Hlliingsliead Cotltpanies. whio startcd teu s tiiiessthe 1 'ca l tant anîitîiallv-. Rightit G rpî raîjun tiof Camden. N. .. var- jus.t fi ftVv ears ago. Left is R. H. Steis art I liîchcr anothier son clit comupattv ofthie R. M. Ho lliiîgs- Hullingshecad Jr., whîo is we'll kiiownj of fitheire.ident wloio activelv con- hcad Ceý.. nf Canada. Centre is sscenii i Bowmanivjlle haviuig live(l here ýnected ii the conîpari n la exe- lx. NI. Hulliuîgsliead Sm.. Presidcnt of for sone tirne when the Catiadiani cutis e capacit.v. Robert M. Wilson Genemal 'Manager of the Hollingzsliead Com)aniv of Catnada. with head office in Toronto. 'Mm. Wilson is a Canadian. born ini Col- linzwood. Ontario. Under his guidance the Canadian Companiv is zainiuîg larger sales records everv year. Ail executive offices of the Canadian compai with the exception of President is 10w f illed by' Canadians. O. L. Nletcalfe. native cf tlîis district beinz Geuicral Sales Mauîazer anîd Mavor Rez Jones a ntitve of Bowuîîauville being factorv sniiuiiteut(leuit ini Bownmau- vil le. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST From The Statesman Files TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO the Hospital, is enjoying holidays in Muskoka. Froni The Canadian Statesman, Miss M. Archer, Little Brîtain, August 7, 1913 Miss Mildred Hardy, 0akood, and Miss Ettie Aluin, Newcastle: James Parker's shoe store at are visiting thein cousin, Mn. A. gewcastle was bunglanized ne- M. Hardy, Ontario Street. sntly and 30 pairs of sboes were Mn. and Ms. W. J. Bragg, Mn. aken. and Mns. W. H. Barrie are visit-- Lieut. F. H. Morris is getting ing Mn. Robent Rogers, Hamilton, n saime target practice for the and attending tbe centenniai cele- .R.A. and the D.R.A. matches at bration in the ambitious city. ,ong Point and Ottawa, respect- Birth: Connors - In Bowman- vely. ville, August 8tb, to Mn. and Mrs. Mrs. Arnott, Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Thos. Connors, a son. nnis and daughter Mildred, Marriage: Barrett - Pointer - indsay, were guests of Mrs. E. On August 4th, by Rev. B. Great- ýMcCready over the weekend. nix, George Henry Barrett, Bow- Two Italians working on the manville, and Frances Elizabeth *P. Railway were on a raft on Pointer, Osbawa. ranstone's Pond Saturday aflen- Hampton: Mn. and Mrs. W. A. ion when they accidentaily up- Rabbins stanted for thein home ati t and Joe Aluin xas drowned. Swift Curnent, Sask., aftera le belonged ta Toronto. montb's visit witb friends.... Mr. Mrs. Thos. Devitt and two chil - W. W. Horn, Toronto, bas pur- enCalan, Aberaarevist-cbased Mn. R. Avery's store and ig bier brother-in-law, Dr. J. C.buies evitt.____ Births: Hailowell - In Clarke, ly l3tb, ta Mn. and Mrs. Jacob FIFTY YEARS AGO îliowell, a daughter. Fo h aainSaemn Alexander - In Bowmanville,FrnTeCnain ttsa, ,gust#5th, ta Mn. and Mrs. J. W. August 8, 1888 exander, a son. Newcastle: Whiie Misses Anniec Clernence - At Spruce Grave, Ailin and Minnie Beaman were arlington, Juiy 3lst, tb Mn. and taking their usual honseback ride rs. W. J. Clemence, a son. one evening last week, the former Marniage: Ruiten - Brent - At was tbnown from bier saddle but ie Methodist Parsonage, Bow- not seriously injured. . . . Thurs- kanville, Juiy 3Otb, by Rev. H. B. day evening aur people were seen .nney, Mn. Q. J. Ruiter, Dan- flacking la thein doons ta bear the .gton, and Miss Helen Maud finst lune from tbe new brass ent, Oshawa. band whicb was nemarkably well Cartwright Agnicuitunal Fieldi played. op Competition winners were General regret is feit aven the nounced as follows: Ist, J. P. departune of Mn. W. W. Tamblyn ewin, 854 pts.: 2nd, A. W. from the Principalsbip of Bow- rigbt, 841; pts.; 3rd, J oh n manville Higb School, and espec- 7ight, 831,-, pts.; 4tb, He n ry ialiy as Mn. Miller, tbe mathema- [untjoy, 80i2 pIs.; Sth, Fred tical master, is aiso ieaving. Mn.ý yior, 7912 pts.; 6th, Anson Tay-> Tamblyn bas been appointed1 r79 pts.; 7th, Luther Mount- Principal of Whitby Higb' Sehool. y, 781½ pts. Mn. E. A. McLaughlin matricu- rom The' Canadian Statesman, iated aI Toronto University with August 14, 1913 finst class honors in mathematies Mrn. John Elliott, B.A., Pninci- and second class in bistory, geo- i of Bowrnanviile Higb School, gnaphy, and Latin. iresigned to accept the posi- Miss Isaac Couch and Miss Ger- )n as mathematical master aI lie Joness passed the matricula- )ndon Coliegiate Institute. Mn. lion examinations aI Victoria toIot bas been actively connect- University. Mn. Fred Wenry pass- 1with Sunday schoal work, was ed tbe examinatian for second usident of the Bible Society, class certificale, and Messrs. Thas. sirman of Public Libnany Board, Bragg and Hubert Smale for third? e-pnesident of Bowmanville class certificates. inadian Club since its forma- Mn. and Mns. J. H. Cryderman )n. He bas been principal of are visiting relatives in Delrçit. )wmanville Higb Scbool fan the Bintb: Higginbolbam - In Baw- st seven yeans, baving been manvilie, July 19, ta the wife of ,ncipal of Leaminglon Higb T. E. Higginbotbam, a son. îool for ten years previaus. Bîrtb: Galbraith - At Scranton, <.dditîonal reports of the stand- Penn., July 241h, la Ihe wife of gof Bowmanville students at Mr.. M. C. Galbraith, Barnister. eexarninations have been an- Bowmanville, a claugbter. mnced as foiiows: University Froin The Canadian Statesman, ss Matniculation, Middle school, A4anust 15. 1888 na L. Bragg, Marion M. Van- Cartwright: Mrs. Robent Jobb ýst, Alice G. Werny; Partial stili lies in a very cnitical candi- tniculation, Ray Warnica, Kate lion and but siigbl bopes are heid ýcy; Honor maîniculation, up- ouI for bier recovery. . .. The long ýschool, Bruce Honeywell, bon- loaked for wedding came off in sin rnathematics and chemistry; the Methodist Cburch an the 81h ýinald Jolliffe, honors in Eng- inst., the conlracting parties be- i, histony and biology; Thos. ing Mn. A. J. McAlislier, V.S., and ikley, honors in Englisb and Miss Nellie Wood. The ceremany- encb. was penfarmed by Rev. R. Has- Mrn. Ernest Bottreil of the Royal sard. ink, Toronto, is hoiidaying at Haydon: The borne of Mn. Thos. ne. Siemon was made happy by the Mr. J. H. H. Jury bias been el- advent of a young damsel.... ted ta the Board of the Ontario Mn. J. McLaughlin Jr. bas pur- Ilege of Pharmacy for District chased tbe W. T. Greenaway farm :3. for $50 an acre, a very good pnîce. Miss Bruce, Superîntendent of Mn. M. M. Fenwick, Principal if of Farmersville Higb Sehool, bas been unanimously cbosen Princi- pal of Bowmanville High School. the salary to be at tbe rate of $1200 for 1888, and $1300 for 1889. M. D. H. Coates, of Bradford high school bas been appointed mathematician master at a salany of $1000. At the Grand Encampment in Barrie last week.Mr. N. S. Young waý, elected Grand Marshall. Messrs. Dr. Tilley, Dr. Brima- combe, C. M. Cawker, W. B. Couch and Chas. Young inspected the Peterboro churches on Thursday to get some pointers for extending the capacity of Church Street Methodist Churc4 to provide for the increasing attendance. Mr. A. R. Dobson of Simcoe bas bought the Big 20. He is a push- irig young man and will keep up the popuianity of that well known book and stationery bouse. Died: Wilbur - In Danlington, on August 9tb, Geonge Washing- ton Wilbur, aged 73 years. DISTRICT FLOWER SHOW PRIZE LIST (Continued from Page 1) Millbrook and Newcastle Societies nespectively, competed in judging three classes of flowers, namely specimens of Gladioli, Dining Table Centrepieces and Living Room Bouquets. The winning Millbrook team consisted of Harry McLeod with highest points of ail the competitors; Donothy Smith and Marion Belcb. The Miilbrook _Society, as winners, were awardied a silven tnophy and each memben was presented with a pen and pencil set. Newcastle team consisted of Reita Cooke, Margaret Pearce and Jean Bon- athan stood second and received from Mn. Lane a fiower basket each. The Brighton teamn were ail boys and each one wiil also ,receive a 'recognition. Pnize winners in the vanious classes:- Artistie Display of Gladioli-l, M4rs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono; 2, Mrs. Chris Law, Newcastle. Artistic Display of Other Flow- ers-E. A. Walton, Mns. H. E. H-ancock, e$ewcastle; 3, Orono 'rorticultural Society. Artistic Display of Annuals- VIns. Law, Oronu Hort. Society. Artistic Display of Perennials or Biennials-Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Orono Hont. Society. Gladioli, 15 in Dec. Basket-8 Mrs. P. Hare, Mrs. M. Brown, Newcastle; R. G. Heard, Woodville.1 Decorative Basket other than Gladioli-Miss Muriel Smith, Mill-I Don't Miss The c TWIN J DOLLAR DAYS l AT THE EVLYN SHOP Friday & Saturday Cotton Pullovers. white - 79ec Cotton Batiste Gowns - - 98e F House Dresses, Reg. $1.50 Martha Washington - - - $1.00 Drill Shorts and Slacks $ 1.00 E Playsults, Reg. 1.50- - $1.00 1 and 2-plece styles B White Skirts - - - - $1.00 fiannel and linen Linen Guest Towels, Reg. 49e each - - - - 3 for $1.00 H Real Madeira Pillow Cases - -: - - pair $1.00 E: 2-pc. Boucle Knit Suita - $2.49 Celanese Slips. white offly 79c Bathing Suits. ail reduced Si Reg. to 4.50 - - $1.39 - $1.95 Ail Summer Dresses Haif Price or Less H Dark Sheer Dresses $4.95-36.95 M Gossard's Corsets in girdles and combination styles, at greatlY B reduced prices. THEM EVLYN SHnurdF Operated for Ladies by Ladies PHONE 594 BOWMANVILLE W r 1. FXTv THURSDAX- AUGUST 18, 1938 Fifty Cents and Recipe for Harness Oil is Firm's Start B.Thomas, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford. Assorted Sandwich Collection 'of House Plants Wrs. B. Thomas, Miss Sara Moise. BISCUITS, extra........... lb. g Mns. B. Thomas was presented xith the C. D. Massey Silver Cup Sweet, Juicy suaily awarded at the March ORANGES ................ doz. 29c ilower Show wbich was witb- rawn Ibis year. Speclals Fe W. NELLES Exhibitors already named above Poe56GOE omnil were winners of the following Phn59 R ERBo avil special pnizes as announced y 1,~~ ~ 4 (Contlnued From Page 4) he could use iA on bis long lea- ther boots. "ýSeeing that he was weakening and with as much persuasion as 1 could command, I asked hlm tb buy. ' Son," he replied, "I like your barness dressing and I want t0 huy it - but I haven't the 25 cents 10 pay you for it.' ', 'Take it anyway," I told him. J We'Il meet again some lime and You can pay me then. But I neyer did meet my first buyer again,*' EU PAGE FIVE brook; Mrs. M. Brown, Miss B. President J. H. Jose: Hearci, H. R. Pearce, L. J. Nich- MeIntosh, Newcastle. Silverware Cab. by J. A. Smith ols. Decorative Basket of Lilies- Co..-Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Dahlia Vase by H. R. Pearce- Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Miss E. L. Perennials to value of S5 00 by Miss Josie Sutton. Trenwith, Newcastle. Brookdaie-Kingsway NurseriesS 25 lbs. Vigono by A. W. Glenney Bouquet of Shasta Daisy-E. A. E. A. Walton. -Mrs. C. A. Cowan, for best spîke Walton, Mrs. H. E. Hancock. 50 Darwin Tuiips by Kenneth of Giadioli in show, a Picandy. Dispiay of Snapdragons-E. A. McDonald, Ottawa-Mrs, H. E.I 5 Gais. of Gasoline by Gordon Wallon. Hnok Ah ecsl aae Ms Basket of Physostegia-Mrs. M.Hnok s Nwasl aae-Ms Brown, Mns. J. A. Butler, New- 1 Doz. Perennials by E. A. Wai- Josie Sutton, for best Dahlia in castle. Wî ton-Orono Hrt. Society. Show. Col. WldFiowers-Mrs Law Webbs' Trophy - Mrs. Chris T. Eaton Trophy for most points Miss Annabelle Hendry, Mrs. RL. nfoe-RG.Had T. Rutherford, Newcastle. 6 Doz. Gladioli Bulbs by J. H. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford and Mns. Vase of Cut Flowers-W.J ' Eil- Jose-Orono Hort. Society. 1 M. Brown at this meeting wene beck, Newcastle; R. G. Hearýd, Miss $6.00 worth of Creelman Li lies 'apparentiy lied for the Welling- E. L. Trenwith. by G. H. Clark, Peterborough- ton Foster Cup for most points Vase of Giadioli (10)-MV.iss M. Mns. H. E. Hancock.I won at show by Newcastle exhib- Bates, Newcastle; R. G. Heard, Gladioli Buibs by W. C. Wilkes, itors but a dloser checkup might Mrs. M. Purdy, Newcastle. Petebonough-Orono Hont. Soc- either substantiate or alter this. Dining Table Centrepiece-Miss iety. Points won by 15 of the lead- B. McIntosb, R. G. Heard. Giadioli Bulbs, value $2.50 by ing exhibitors: R. G. Heard, Living Room Table Bouquet- C. H. Epps, Clinton-Mn. P. Hane. Woodville, 50; Mrs. M. Brown, Miss Mclntosb, R. G. Heard. Giadioli Bu]bs, value 1.50 by C. Newcastle, 36: Mrs. R. T. Ruther- Boutonniere -M. H. Staples. H. Epps-Mns. M. Brown. fond, Newcastle, 36: E. A. Wai- Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono. Gladioli Bulbs, value $1.00 by ton, Newcastle, 27: H. R. Pearce, Floral Design-Mrs. M. Brown, C. H. Epps-R. G. Heard. Newcastle, 25: W. J. Eilbeck, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford. Shrubs, value of $2.50, $1.50, Newcastle-on-the-lake, 20: Miss Bride's Bouquet-Mrs. Ruther- $1.00 by Brookdale - Kingsway Minnie Bates. Newvcastle. 18: Mrs. ford. Nurseries-Miss Muriel Smith, H. Sinett, Brighton, 16; Mrs. Geo. Fiower Girl's Basket - Mrs. Mrs. M. Brown, Miss B. Mcmn- Eilbeck, Newcastle, 15; Miss B. Rutherford. tosh. McIntosh, Newcastle, 15: Mn. Mc- Corsage Bouquet-R. G. T4pard, Bronze Plaque by H. C. Bon- Camus, Milibrook. 14; Mrs. H. E. Mrs. Rutherford. athan-Mrs. H. E. Hancock. Hancock, Newcastle, 12; Mrs. C. Display of Sweet Peas-R G. Broom by H. S. Britton-E. A. Law, Newcastle, 1l: Miss Sutton, Hleard, Mrs. F. Tamblvn. Walton. Milibrook, il; Mrs. WV. F. Thomas, GladioliBag of Flour by Mrs. E. Chap- Newcastle, 9; Mn. M. H. Staples, Gladoli an-E A. Walton. Orono, 6. White or Cream-H. R. Pearce, Gladioli Bulbs, value of $2.00, Fnom 5:30 until 8 p.m. the lady J. H. Jose, Newcastle. $1.00, 50e by C. H. Lane-Mrs. directors served supper in the Pink-Mrs. C. A. Cowan, New- Law, Miss Hendry, Mrs. Ruther- "Supper Room" section of the baill casl; R. G. Heard,oovil . frdwbich was nicely deconated for Yelow-. G Hard T.W. Pitcher by Mrs. M. Purdy-W. the occassion. Approximateiy 200 MeCamus, Millbrook. J. Eîlbeck. were served witb a menu of beef Orange or Buff-Miss A. Drum- Fountain Pen by Mellow's Drug loaf, salads, tomatoes, cucumbers, mond, Newcastle; Mrs. H. Sirett, Store-Miss Mînnie Bates. bread and butter, tea and pie. Brighton. Silver Bread Tray by Rob. Later M. John F. Clark enertain- Salmon-T. W. McCamus, Les- Simpson Co.-Miss B. Mcntos. ed with lantern slides, sbowing lie J. Nichols, Bowmanville. Gladioli Bulbs, value $1.00 by many beautiful gardens in Eng- Smoky-Mrs. H. Sirett, R. G. C. H. Epps-Miss B. Mclntosh. land and in different parts of On- H-eard. Gladioli Buibs, value $2.00, tario and the beds and borders Biue-T. W. McCamus, Mrs. H. $1.50, 50c by C. H. Epps-R. G. at the C.N.E. grounds, Toronto. Sirett. Punpie-R. G. Heard, T. W. Mc- Ca mus. Red-Mrs. H. Sirett, R. G. Heard. Caniegated-Mrs. H. Sirett, R. G. Heard. COWLING SELLS THE BESI Maroon or Black Red-R. G. Heard, T. W. McCamus. And Serves You WelI Ten Spikes, named, in 1 con-1 tainer-R. G. Heard, H. R. Pearce, Our experienced Oiptometrlst assures you proper fittlng Leslie J. Nichols. * nasses of highest quality at lowest prices. Six Spikes, named, in 2 con- tainers-Mns. Sirett, T. W. Mc- Seil Pie rs is ult Ca mus. SeilPie rs ie ult Annuals and Perennials Reg. 15c Tooth Brush 9c Spices Asters (3 Blooms) Reg. 25c Tooth Brush 13c Alispice Bucta, oz, - 5c White-Mrs. R. T. Rutherford. Dd' ul 7 inmnSiko.-5 Pink-Mrs. P. Hane. Dd' ii 7 inmnSiko. 5 Crinson-Mrs. M. Brown. FelIow's Syrup - 87e Caasia BuCo, oz. - - 5c Mauve on Purple-Mrs. H. E. D.Ws' at 7 CeIeury Seed, oz - - - 5c Hancock. D.Ws' at 7 Alum, lump powder, 2 oz 5c Collection-Mrs. M. Brown. 100 A.SA. Tablets 19c Powder Mixed Spices, oz. 5c Calendulas-Mrs. M. Brown, FyCu o e Pre aspPao 5 Miss E. L. Trenwith. l ol3fo 5c PreCasp lvr 3c Carnations-Miss M. Bates. Coroepsis-E. A. Walton, Mrs. 10 Cakes Cushioned Tat Vacuum R. T. Rutherford. Castile Facelle Ant Traps Battles Cm.oats-. H tp ,Ms CM o as-M . Sals is2bc 20c 29e 29C Dahlias - - - -.. . Cactus-Mrs. M. Brown. Decorative-Miss Josie Sutton,We R c m nd * HZ Milibrook; Mrs. M. Brown. e R c m nd-W I FLM Show-Miss Sutton. Collection-Miss Sutton, Mrs. 29 -49 -89 M. Brown. Gaillardia-Miss E. M. Black- burn, Mrs. Jno. Hendny, New- castle. LOOK LOVELY-Use lte ot Hydrangea-Mrs. Law, Mrs. G. th1 Ne00stiebB-0 Lankspur-R. G. Heard, H. R. quqt Toiletries Pearce. Tiger Lily-Mrs. M. Brown, H. Lipstick -- -25c R. Pearce. Rog25 Lily, A.O.V. -Mrs. McLeod oge -ce-25 Miiibrook. Powder - - - 25e Marigolds, French-Miss B. Mc- 3 Purpase Creain 50c Intosh, R. G. Heard. Rand Lotioni 25c-40c Marigolds, African-Mrs. Geo. ____________ Ei]beck, E. A. Wallon. I O R MN Nasturtiums-Miss A. Dnum- FREEO OR~ N mond, Miss M. Bates. Nemesia-E. A. Wallon. 1 Glass Tumbler with Pansies-Rev. J. Scott Howard, Mb. Engllsh Health Saits Miss B. Mclntosb. Petunias, S.-Mrs. P. Brown, E. 39c 35e A. Wallon.___________________________ Petunias, D.-Miss M. Bates R. G. Heard. When you use Kerslake's Sweet Pickle Mixture for beets and Phlox, Annuai-Mrs. B. Thom- cucumbers you can be sure of good resuits. - 1 Gal. - 35c. as, Miss A. Drummond. Roses, B., bloom - Mrs. M. Phone D D Il H j' We Fit Purdy, Miss M. Bates. 695 uUR IVLIIGDrggitTusscs Roses, B., bowi-Miss B. Mc- 65 I*T [ntosb, Mrs. F. Tamblyn. Salpiglossis - Mrs. M. Brown,________________________________ W. J. Eilbeck. Scabiosa-W. J. Eilbeck, Miss MI. Bates. 3Sadrgons-E. A. Walton, R. W e e d S e l l Sweet Peas-R. G. Heard, Miss Fosie Sutton. Tuberous Begonia-Miss Sara MIoise. Verbenas-Miss A. Drummond, VIns. P. Hare. Zinnias,B., Spec.-E. A. Waiton, VIns. R. T. Rutherford. e Phone 2600

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