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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1938, p. 6

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-1 - PAGE SIX THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, ,1938 THE CANADIAN ST\TESM',AN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO week at Jackson's Point, Lake Salem Smcae, with ber daughter. Miss ________Ruth Armstrong of Toronto Hos- Pastor Rev. A. W. March con- pital, Westan. ductcd the afternoon service ast Miss Verna Pcthirk. Toronto. Sunday the subjeet of bis dis- spent xxeekend xith Miss Jean course was 'Hope." Stevens. Miss S. Hacken, Miss Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Flint, baby Mr. M. Hocken matored from Ta- Donald. Cobourg, xisited vitb ber ronto and spent Sunday witb Mr. father, Mr. D. Banc, on Sunday. and Mrs. C. Pahiard. Mrs. Banc rcturned home xwith Mm. and Mrs. L. Annis, Toronto, them after spending the past week are holidaying witb ber parents., with ber daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann, and bis Mrs. Ray Snoxvdcn and throe parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Annis, daugbters, Taronto, are xisiting Tyrane. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Salem friends wcre very sory Stevens, also bis parents. Mr. and ta hear of the accideAt suffcred Mrs. W. J. Snoxvden. by Mr. A. Annis, Tyrone, ast, Miss Hazel Truli is attendiniz wcek and hope for a speedy rc- summer schooi at Oak Lake this covery. week. Mr. G. Conisb is slightly im- i Rexv. W. H. Pointen. bis mother. proved in bealtb since iast xeek, Mrs. L. Pointen. Admastan. Miss numemaus friends paid bim a fri- 1!Chrissie Freeman. Town, isited endiy cahi on Sunday. :the latters brother, Mr. H. G. Deepest sympatby is cxtended Freeman an Friday. ta Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilbur. Hamp-i ton, in the sudden death by cari accident of ber father. Mr. Albert Lo k atsS h o Hiiiis. L ch r sS h o Reeve C. M. Caruthers spent Sunday in Toronto.i Miss Dorotby Gibson, Dietîtian Mrs.H. audspen iat wek-at Brampton Hospital, bas return- end in Torontaoxisiting ber moth- ced ta her duties after spending c, Mms. Moody xhiie hem sister, part of ber vacation with M. and Miss Moady iooked after ber Mrs. Harold Gibson. hauseboid. Mr. F. Hurst and Miss MranMs.AtiTuero E. Herron motored home withSudvxie Mr. and Mrs. H.tnTunro Mrs. Gaud Sunday exening and G ilmer, iiah . an r.H Miss Moody returned ta the city imrShl. with tbcm. Master Grant Malley, is at the Mm. Harmy Maady. Toronto, was home of Mm. and Mrs. Eisworth anc of the searchers an Saturday Casxveil, Ncwtonvilie, and Miss for the body of the littie cbild Camai Caswell is xisiting with Mr.c who was drowned at the Sýrmons and Mrs. Cccii Malley.t Beach ast wcek. Mm. Moody and Misses Daratby and Aima Gib-I the chiid's unrie are office as- son are visiting fmends in Osh-c sociates in Toranto. awa.r Mr. Noci Middletan is visitingt bis sister, Mms. Frank Branton Maple Grove and Miss Betty Branton is visiting relatives at Minden. IMm. Douglas Bantan bas gane Mm. and Mms. J. H. Munday, ta Oshawa wbeme ho bas takens Mms. H. Vickery and Mr. and Mrs. a position.r E. W. Foley spent the weekend witb Mm. and Mrs. Bort Colwell1 at their cottage, Lakeside Beach, Bl9stc Scugog Island. B ak tc Mrs. R. H. Armstrong spent thet _____________________ Rev. and Mms. Wood have pur-1 ..h cased an,, Terreni o na ondnhave ,n Friday and Saturday AUG. 19 - 20 "Professor Beware" Starrlng HAROLD LLOYD - PHYLLIS WELCH Added - Coiored Cartoon "Little Lamnby" REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. Elephant Boy Starrlng SABU Monday & Tuesday AUG. 22 - 23 "l'il Give a MAil.ion Yy Starring WARNER BAXTER - MAR- JORIE WEAVER - JEAN HERSHOLT Added - Jimmy Fidier's Personality Parade Wed. and Thurs. AUG. 24 - 25 "lHaving a Wonderful Tilme " Starring GINGER ROGERS DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. Added - "lVacationing in Quintupland" COMING Friday & Saturday IThe Texans o gane on a twa wceks' holiday. Duing their absence in St. John's1 Anglican Cburch ast Sunday Mr.f Fred Hamilton, a member of theE A.Y.P.A. had charge of the ser- vice. Mr. B. Smallman, Port1 Porry, gave a very fine address.1 On Sunday, August 2lst there will- ho no service. Annual Deoratian Service for the Township of Cartwvright wil be held an Sunday, August 28th.1 Service will bc beld in the Aena at 2 p.m. follawcd by anc at the Cenotaph, aftem which the graves in th6 different comteries wili ho deorated. Service wiil bo in chbarge of Rev. H. J. Bell and Port Pory Band will ho in attondance. Mm. and Mrs. Wmn. Taylor and Mm. Leslie Gibson wero mspan- sible for a very successful crm and weinom raast at the homeo f Mms. Taylar's parents, Mr. and Mms. Robert Hamiltan an Satur- day evcning ast. A lovely spot at the waters edge xvas put in readinoss with ights, seats and a bonfiro, and a vemy enjayable time was spont in sang and music. Misses Helen Van Camp and Marie Lambe, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mms. T. Smith. JASPER PARK SETS TOURIST RECORD Jasper, Alta. - Jasper Park, lamgest of Canada's national play- gounds and fastost grawing in point of popuiarity is rapidiy ap- praacbing the gmatest taurist yoam in its histamy. The caunt of visitoms entering the park since the first of Juno ta the end of July was 6,653, an incroase of 2,077 ovor the comesponding por- iod of last year whon the total was the groatest sinco 1929. The figures arc compiled tram accurate records rbocked by gav- cnmont auditars at Park admin- istration hoadquamtems and by1 auditors at Jasper Park Lodge. Travel in and out of the Park by permanent residents of Jasper1 village and by trucks or cars op-i erating in and out an purely bus-1 mness missions, is nat includod.E The figures epresent pureyiy bonafido tourist traffir.r Advanc resorvations for theE emainder of August at Jasper Park Lodge and at bath the Atha- baska and other hoteis in Jasper village are the hoavicst in yearsa and ail thre msrts unquestion- ab]y will enjov a near-caparity1 -business for the full month. E NOTED AUTHOR GIVES DRIVING TIP TO SON Always Assume "O0ther Driver" Is Crazy, 3. P. NMcEvoy Says In Letter Toronto, Aug. - J. P. MrEx-oy, noted satirist, noveiist and feat- Lire xvriter, recentiy wratc a book raibed "Father Meets Sans,' pub- lished by J. B. Lippincatt Ca., in xvhich a modemn father, pattcmned after the famed Lard Chester- field, xvrote a semies of letters taoi bis son who bad just entered the business world aftem a rather hec- tic college career. The letters dis- cussed evemy aspect of the yaung man's future life - questions af empiayment, marriage, social me- sponsibilities, and 50 an. On anc occasion the lad, who xvas xvamking at the time as a pri- vato chauffeur, took bis employ- er's cam out anc nigbt witbout pemmission and "wrapped it amound a lamp-post." Fathem McEvay, when ho beard about the accident, sat down and wmote bis son a- letter cantaining a groat deal of food for tbougbt wbicb should be tborougbiy di- gested by evemyone wbo drives a dam. Home is wbat ho wrato: Dear Son: Yau usod up a lot of paper cx- plaining haw the accident was nat your fauht, and I can behieve you. But you ame going ta continue ta drive cars, and a few wamds an the subject wan't do any harm. In the 25 years that I bave been driving automobiles, I bave nover met anyane wba bad an accident tbmougb bis awn fauit - it was always the car, the moad. or the Othem Felhaw. Mastly, the Othem Fcllow. This Other Fellaw is wartb some study. Theme seems ta ho no cscaping bim. Ta look at bim, you would think ho was harm- hess, but hast year ho killed a great many people, and injumod many, many mare. I bave seen the Other Fellaw, and ccrtainiy ho dosn't look hike a kihier. Sometimos ho is a yaung, nide- laoking kid like yau. Sometimes he is a mild-l1poking middlo-aged fellow like me. Somotimes ho is a gentie sweet littie woman liko your mother, but that only goos ta show you can't judge by ap- poarances. He's a killer, and no mistake, and samctbing is gaing ta be donc about it - or is it? Some time aga, the champion safcty driver of anc of the largest bus companies in the wamld was givon a banquet and a medal. Ho bad campietod hait a million miles xithout an accident. Wben tbey callcd on him for a speech., ho rase and said: "I1 ain't much of a hand at making speeches. I, suppose yuu warît tu knaw boxv 1 gat axvay 50 long witbout an ac- cident? I just got anc rule. I drive like theoather fcliaw was crazy." Sa that seems ta explain it. The Othor Feilow is crazy. If you dut out of lino on a twa-iane road, don't expert him ta lot you push him inta the ditrh, s0 yau can dut in again. If yau pass a car on a blind curve, don't expert the tel- low coming the otber way ta bo sensible about it and go off the raad and dut into the field ta let you by. He's just crazy enaugh ta run right inta yau because yau are an bis side of the raad. If you speed through a main intersec- tion, you wiil meet a lot of peo- pie wha are crazy enough ta think tbcy have the right of way just because tbey are on a tbrougb street and yau are roming in off a side street. If yau like ta pass on a bill, don't bo sumprised if a crm cames over the crest ,and the driver doesn't leap over you or run under yau. That wauld be the sane thing ta do, of course- but you soc, he's crazy. Yos, he's crazy, but you are rude - and that's what makes him crazy. It doosn't matte or 1 much if you are walking down the street and you are rude enough ta push samone aside, but if yau are rude enough ta push him aside with a thmee-tan automobile gaing 60 miles an boum, yau'Ii kili him. You can eibaw youm way through a rrowd, if you are that impahite, and do fia damage at ail. But when you elbaw yaum way through traffir with your bad manners stepped up tu a hu.ndred borsepoxver. yau'rc baund ta do a lot of dam- age ta a lot of innocent people.. For evemy accident caused by high speeding, thome arc a thous- and caused by law bmeeding. Is it going.-Cmomweli. The right lnvariabiy tiumphs - at ieast that is the feeling a man always bas when ho happons ta beat the other felaw ta it. In 1800 the Danfamtb Raad was campietod fram Kingston ta An- castor. Asked ta define a hypocrite, a smart boy wrate "A hypocrite is a lad who goos ta scbool witb a smile an bis face and pretends ho likos it." IF. F. MORRIS CO. eyelids, in an effort ta see better ta make aur work and aur evcry Modm MtarEqupmet, m;and when pemsisted in without day duties our worship. We may Muoanend InvaEqi C 'Ar. mCal the attention or correction, May worship God in aur homes and in Phoane 48ndo 34,AsistCant 573 be foiiowcd by dark lines and aur kitchens just as weii as in Phone_480_or_734,_Assistant_573. crows feet. These latter are more aur churches. Sa let us take stock CON RAC OR frequently due ta strained eyes of ourseives and make sure that CONTR CTOR than ta aid age. Cansider for a we are living aur lives, helpfuiiy T. . LAXANmoment the demnands made upon and beautifuiiy, marcbing for- T. E FLAMANthe eyes to-day. The demands ward with the harmony of heaven Builder and Contractor made upon your own eyes. I ask in aur ives instead of drearily Loyers' Lane - Bowmanvilie you ta think. drudging aiong ta the ciink of the Phone 318 (ta be cantinued) bard earned pennies. LIVING A LIFE PEACHES 'NO CREAM ERIGALVN This is a brief survey of an, _________________________________________________ address given by Mrs. C. C. Har- .........court at a meeting of the Victor- ian Womnen's Institute in Biack- stock. The comraonly heid idea of earnireg a living, is to get enough for food and fuel and ciothing, perhaps a few luxuries and being able ,to save for one's old age. The farmer is certainly entitled to his hard-earned crops and his wife her cosy horhe and well filied pantry and ceilar sheives, for which no doubt she has spent many a backbreaking hour, BUT, there is a great deal more to living than that. The greatest Teacher that ever lived said that "Man shallflot live by bread alone but by every Word of God," and thus He showed that He believed that provision for the materi ai life was not sufficient to satisfy ail the needs of man's personaiity. He alo sait " What shahl it profit a man if he shahl gain the whole world and lose his own soul," thereby indicating His conviction of the supreme worth of the human soul. Take for ex- ................ample the case of a mani who lives entireiy to himseif. He de- nies himnself and his famiiy ail the luxuries and some of the necessi- .e, possibl. ties of i epasly earm ga shabby untidy suit when he T .fERE S nothing more pleasing to the paiate t.han the comnbination shauld and could buy a nexv one. of ripe, meliow peaches and rich cream, and when the two are Hertdenite hspresncrer anddp biended In a veivety-smooth frozen dessert like this one, lt's beyond a l ittie morechtch in sorerésto-d Plceonfreanrcetane o md-Whe dies and ail his neighbors PlaceIn feezig cotainr ofmod-have to say of himn is, "Whata FRESI- PEACH ICE CREAM ern !ce cream freezer, caver and lot of monkey he saved, see the 1 YÏ cups sugar pack wth a mixture of 3 parts Ice large estate he has left." What a 1 tabiespoon flour to 1 part rock sait. detrimental effect his life would %, teaspoon sait Next, turn the crank siowiy and have on his children and grand- 1 eggsligtly batensteadily, until turnlng becomes dîf- children,-for he simply earneda egg ps clti eaten iut it hs mdr cecemliving, he did not live a life. His 1 tcups osc a l m ikIcut. Wl h th se mo e i e re m grandsons w ould probab y say i tasPon aniia xtrct freezers It takes only 5-8 iinutes "Wait tili Grandpa dies, and we 2 cups coffee cream of easy turning to whip anid beat gthsmny He is making a lot 2~ cps rused pachs tee creams to the fluffy, velvet- and spending little." We ail know %cup confectioners 13ugar smooth texture so much ta bie de- many cases of money inherited in Mix sugar, flour and sait. Add sired. that way being spent s0 thought- the beaten egg and Piend thorough- W>aen the cream Is frazen, care- iessiy and shiftiessly, and fre- ly. Stir In the scaided milk siowiy fuiiy remove the dasher and pack quently doing more harm than andcoo Ina double bolier until down the cream wvth a spoon. Re- good. Wouid flot these samne andce o mintr ot h po. d lc h oe, elns htegrandchiidren have inherited a themitur catsth spon Ad pac th cver rpiels wih cemuch more worth white legacy thé vanilla extract and let stand and sat and let stand for an hour and a better foundation on xvhich until pefectiy cool. Stir In cream before serving. If you have a mod- to build their own fortunes if the and the crushed peaches which ern Ice refrigerator you always man had left them a noble ex- have been sweetened wlth the con- have plenty of tce on hand, or the ample of high morals and charac- fectioners sugar, and mix well. ice service man can supply you. ter. __________________________________________________ However, as we are speaking ta the Women's Institute our re- BULL TIN WrîtenFormarks are addrcssed especialiy to BU LE IS o them, and we will consider how fromThe Statesnian we may live our lives to the ful froininstead of merely earning a liv- BIR LAN lVnifedBy ing. There are perhaps na more BIDL NDWiifedE. Wilson admirable characters in all the THE EDA WAXING_____________worid than those God-fearing, THE______________ patriotic, hardworking, unselfish SOne of the few bird 1 emation is found in the angle of mothers who have neyer lost sight Ssounds ta be heard 1 the crest. As someone has put it, Of the purposes for which they now is the îisping "A Waxwing's crest is as ex- started their homes. There is fia pressive as the ears of a horse." doubt that we ait starteti out with Exceptat thfbreeing priodthe verv highest ideals of making wheezet a ofe thednCedarodouf homres and our lives as beauti- Waxwngs as they go thcy live in fiocks. Oftcn a large fui as possible. but perhaps in back and forth, bringing their number aiight on one tree and it the strain and the stress of every- young the ripe fruit which con- is most amusing to watch their day living wc have allowed the stitutes their chief diet, and forEatics. They frcquentiy look as humdrum of earniflg a living to which the nesting period had to!though they were kissing, and I be postponed. Their propensitY 'have severai times seen themn predominate. for cherries may be judged by the pass a berry from one to another. A womnan once said that she fact that in some localities they It is said that this practice is loved ta live in a certain place are called "Cherry Birds." TheY quite comman, and that some- because she could sce through the really prefer wiid fruit. So if times the berry makes the rounds window or the open door the won- they steal your cultivated varie- and actuaiiy comes back to the derful sunsets, and they brought ties protect the trees with nets first bird. Various reasons for to ber mind 50 many of God's and plant Russian muiberry, this have been advanced - that promises. And she was an excel- mountain ash, sumacb or any of the birds are already so fulof lent housekeeper too. I wonder if the mnany other wild fruit trees. bernies that they can eat fia more, we sometimes pause and se Th-e naine Waxwîng is given or that they want another ta beauty in the waving grain or becadse of the littie red daubs, sample the food for them. But I only hard-earncd pennies. Have which look exactiy like draps of prefer to imagine that they are we time sometimes to stop and sealing-wax, at the tips of the extremely polite. listen to the cheery songs of the wing feathers. The tqii has a If you wish ta, sec the Cedar birds. to feel the veivety softness bright yeiiow strip across the end. birds at close range, place littie of the fresh green tips of the A black uine runs from the eyesibits of wadding and string at cer- spruce trees. Gad has piaced al ta the back of the head. The slick, tain vantage points at the time these beautiful things in the warld ouled appearance makes them the when they are building. I have for us ta enjoy and He meant mast aristocratic-iooking af ail known them ta came within a them ta bring peace and happiness birds. Neyer do their soft-brown yard of a group of people on a and poise inta aur lives in spite of feathers seem ta be rufficd. In- verandah ta dlaim these prizes humndrumn duties of carning a liv- deed, they neyer do anything that which had been purposely ar- ing. might ruffie them - no wiid cx- ranged for them. Then there are the childrcn. Do citement, no ecstatic singing, 'no Why is the Virea anc of aur we ever find time for a quietttaik fighting. The only indication of most useful birds? over the day's doings, or an in- timate confidence with thcm. or perhaps an cvening prayer? or are the chores requiring atten- tion at that moment? If we do net Busiess irecory Eyesight Education get their confidence naw they w.ill Busiess irecorygo ta some anc cisc with them. And and wc xiii be left in dreary lone- ____________________________liness, but the choros xiii stili be LEGAL N f~tuthere. E ficiUIUIUJ Haw about aur minds that God M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. B has given uis. arc we using them By as we shauld? Hav-e vou ever lis- i Barrister, Solicitor, Notary C.H-.Tuck tened ta thc conversations oe Phone 351 the telephane? You nexer -do this-?1 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Lt. are clearing summer stocks at ridiculously Iow prices. . Smart Summer Dresses Regular $2.95 Values On Sale ....... $1.48 Iligher Priced Dresses Half Price H-ats Each ., ....... 49e Play SURtS Colorful Priints. Regular $1.75 Haîf Price Satin Slips Lace Trim ....... 75e -à Couch, Johnston & Cryderian t ~iV~ BREAD You needn't go nostalgic ox-er the memory of that won- derful bread that mother used ta bake . . . just run right down ta Carter's and get a boat of the finest brcad you've ever tasted! It's richer, purer, tast- ier and just plain better. It's home baked, just ike mother's was, by bakers who know their busi ,ness. Try it today! 0 Freshly Baked Every Day -ByL The CARTER' FAMILY Quality Bakers Phone 855 Quaiity Bakers lt SPECIAL PRICE PAINT Si .00 QALLON HIGHEST GRADE PAINT IN THE LOW PRICE FIELD Good For August OnIy A. E, McGREGOR & CD.u Successors to Dustan Hardware Phone 774 Bowmaniiilk lo I t. N" FINE BEVERAGE eratars are mast practical and FOR ATUMNeconornical. Tbey need ta be re- FOR UTU N ied nly nceevey 3ta 5 days; ________ample starage space makes it pas- sible ta keep a generous suppiy If yau're laaking for samcthing [af eady-to-eat foads an hand for different ta serve witb cookies instant use, and each food retaîns the next time the club gathers for its awn individual flavar. a bit of sewing or bridge, try this __________ Royal Purpie Punch. The rich God sends the winds; we must flavor of purpie grapes and the prepare the sails. The aim camnes sharp tang of grapefruit combine first; the power follaws. ta make a royal drink, whicb h Wthadyuivritunish zestful and refreshing. ihodyuveicunlte Yau'Il want plenty of ice cubesexidence is ahlinif. of course, ta chili this deliciaus Fools wandem; wise men travel. beverage tboroughiy. That's no Time is merciy the period be- trick at ahi, if yau've a modern tween opportunities. air-canditianed ice refrigeratai' Life is nct a state of being, but and the convenient littie cuber a pracess of whicb cuts al the ice cubes yau One haur won is surcty for want in just a few minutes time. more. Put the cuber an the cake of ire in your refrigeratar, and in five Marriage is the giving away of minutes or lcss you'Ii have pienty ane haif af your food in order to of crystal-clear, taste-free, hard- get the other baif caoked. frazen cubes. To say a man is happy because ho is ricb is as unwarranted as ta Royal Furpie Punch say a man is beaithy because be h cup grapefruit juice can afford ta get enaugb ta feat. Iià cup grape juice It's casier ta talk than it is to 2 tablespoans bancy acquire the wood-sawing habit. 1 tabiespoon sugar Occasianally a man gets up with ice cubes the lark sa ho can take a swallow Mix the ingredients tharoughly; before breakfast. f iii tali glasses with ice cubes. Wben you have saved cnough paur in the fruit juice, and serve mancy ta invest in doubtful min- at once. This makes 4 large ing stocks - buy an overdoat. glasses. The punch is equaily gaad It frequcntly rains an the just if fresh berry juice is substituted because the unjust has swiped bis for the grape juice. um'arella. If you arc anc of the wise home- It is bard iuck that camnes cas- makers wba makes a generaus icst. suppiy of rich. flavorsame grape ________________ juice xvben the fruit is plentiful1________________ and inexpensive, taa. you'll lik ________________ tbis easy way of serving it. Rayai Purpie Punch, served with caak- ies, not-taa-fancy cake or sand- Deliejous wiches, makes a simple deliciaus. satisfying lunch for aftcrnaan or H-ome Made ex'ening refreshments. AN UNUSUAL SWEET FOR FALL REFRESHMENTS "Sweet Nellie Browns" are a combination of coakie and daugb- nut, and Oh! sa odous, wboni scmved witb Rayai Pumple Punrh! Sweet Nellie Browns 1/4 cup shartening i/2 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 toaspoans gated lomon mmnd 212 cups general purpase flour 2 teaspoans baking paxvder is teaspoon sait 114 cup top milk Cream shortoning and sugar and blond in the unheaten egg. Add leman rmmd. Sift dry ingred- ionts tagether and add ta the first mixture. alternating witb the miik. Chili in ire refrigematar for several boums or overnight. Ral out ta a 14 inch tbickness. and dut in circles or fancy shapes. Fry in deep fat. at 370', until bmown. Drain on absQmbent paper and sprinkie with 14ý cup pawdered sugar and 112 teaspoans cinna- mon. FRESH TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL Hoees a bmand nexv efrigera-- tor recipe xvhich equires absal- utely fia cooking: Tomato Mint Cocktail 4 cups roarsely chapped tamatoos 2,tablespoans fresh mint, minced 212 teaspoans sait 2 rups xvatom i tabiespoan vinogar ',à toaspoon fine granuiated sugar 6 draps tabasca sauce Combine tamatoos and mint, sprinkled with sait, and mix ligbt- iy. Lot stand for 4 boums. Rub thraugh a medium strainer, add remaining ingredients, mix weii,ý and store in ire efrigeatar until rcady for use. The ecipe serves 8-10. It's an excellent idea ta make this up 2 or 3 batches at a time and store in yaum oomy ire refrigemator ta ho used whenevor you wish. Thrifty homemakers bave iearn- cd that these modemn ire refrig- q e Phone 836 LIbUTED Bowmanville

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