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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1938, p. 8

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE E1GHT denly iii With severe pain last E. Tuesday week after a trip up to ca Kurv Inn and back on some busi- ness. He ivas taken to Oshawa I. Newc stl Ind pen ent hospital and X rayed. The trouble M was found to be in the gail blad- Gi Phoe Cark 114 ________________der and an operation, whjch was M Phon Clrke 114at fjrst feared. xvas not necessarY. iu Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Thackray been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mr. Powell returned home at the va spent a few days at Campbellford. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, but is ex- end of the week and is out around Miss Ethel Gordon, Toronto, pected home this xeek. again taking a littie exercise. wasa weked ues ofMrs E Mr an Mr. ricPeace nd Messrs. Stanley Riekard and o C.s Har. edgeto Ms .M.adMs.Ei ereadWalter Blackburnl and Misses w C. Hoa., bhidren, Claremont, visited Mrs. Marion Riekard and Margaret Mr. Nelson Parnal, Toronto, W. H. Pearce on Sunday and to- sadro n isTl fteFc spent the weekend with his uncle,1 gether they visited Mr. and Mrs. O.L.C., Whitby, returned Monday Mr. Wm. Parnal. 1S. C. Scuithorpe, Hope Tp. morning from their motor trip to Mrs. Mair, Toronto, has been1 Mr. Thos. Walker, Belleville, is Quebec and New Brunswick and W' visiting with Mrs. Geo. H. Car-1 again spending part of his vaca- th rough New York state to New veth, Newcastle-on-the-Lake. ýtion with his aunt. Miss Ethel York and Coney Island. They Miss Margaret Toms, Western Wade, and assisting 'Geo. Buckley crossed back into Ontario over pc Hospital, Toronto, is holidaying in the milling and trucking busi- the newly opened Thuusand Is- of with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ness. lands bridges between Collins' WA Herb. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rogerson Landing. N.Y., and Ivy Lea, Ont. le aDr.dSangher Defrieso e, Cicgoreceived a vis it on Monday from The f irst car of fancy peas for so and. ageitnR ereve, and Mrsher father, Mr. Hitchman, and her this season was loaded at the C. Mv C. R. Carveth. brother-in-1Sw and sister, Mr. and N.R. station. Newcastefrtea Mis da ose adfriend. Mrs. Arnold Peterkin and sons, Wellington Seed opnYls Missto, Enser aeknd get fOttawa" Friday, August l9th, with their G, Tornto wee weked gest of Mr. John Van Dusen lef t on N ewxc as tlie representative, Mr. Ir her aunt, Miss Mabel Foster, Reg. Monday for New York and St. Austin Turner and a man from se N.,s "Lonwod."Wite, tAibans. Long Island, to join his Wellington in charge. Good yields ta Mis lays Whtny or sister, Mrs. Henry Burkhart, and are reported from ail sections of bi Granby. spent a few days %with pothers- s her frend, iss Magaretstaee of the family who are now the country. Among the pa o-s at heNel Hus.: visiting there. ing into this car were 5%/ tons of hz aTthe earcoe Fml pci Mr. Geo. C. Wright and son, Thos. Luxtons trucked fromn Mr. w ThePeaceFamly icic s'Mr. Douglas Wright, returned Mont Holman's farm, Newton- g( being held at Cream of Barlev lho me Thursday from a visit with ville, by Buckley & Walker, also Cam ths cmig Stura'~afMr. and Mrs. Donald Wright at 183 bushels fromn 5 acres, grown ternoon. August 27. pe 1fadtenx a yM.Bn iknoHp p Mesdames Geo. H. Carveth, CopprCif n h etdYb r ejDcisn oeT.P HudonStwe ndL.Cutel e- ' George was prevailed upon to go Hudsn Stw newL.catlenm fishing with Reeve C. R. CarvethN tertained at The NwateAm and Mr. Fred Fligg in the Bay of Newcastle Bowiers at Port Hopeà on WednesdaY of this week.W Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wicks, To-, Quinte, near Rsmr.Mmeso ecsl ~' ronto. and Mrs. Norman Gart- Some outstanding events of the and Women's Bowling Clubs vis- Sý shore, Pickering, were Sunday past week: Newcastle Civic Pic- ited at Port Hope on Monday af- T guetsof r.andMr. CrlSely.nic at Cobourg; German Choir ternoon, and compcted in a tour- C Mrs. Harold Toms spent a few from St. Pat's, Toronto, sing High nament of twenty mnixed rinks. u days in St. Lambert, Que., and Mass at St. John's; Newcastle Several Newcastle bowlers won d, Miss Sylvia Heath who h as been gladioli win prominence at inter- high honours and brought home G visiting here returned home withI national show at Owen Sound; many prizes. The twe rinks of c her. Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard has Newcastle bowlers win many highest standing tied for first V prizes at Port Hope tournamnent. place. One included H. S. Brit- ai .The Newcastle Girls' Softball ton and Carl Fisher, and the other x team concluded the season last Mrs. Wm. Kenefick, Newcastle- ai week, before several of the play- As it was getting late the chamn- ers went to camp at Williams' pionship was decided with a flip Ii lPoint, by winning the second of the coin. The former were l game of the playoffs against New- lucky and the four members were r tonville and defeating Orono the each presented with a pair of'sil- u next evening, August 17, in the ver candlesticks. Mrs. Kenefick final game of the League sche- and ber colleagues on Mr. Rose-r I I Thue . motion pictures being ev icare < evhr:C. R. Cafram- ,,- sonin the community hall ev- and Mrs. C. T. Batty were the t ery Friday evening are attracting Newcastle players in the third sý considerable numbers. The pie-lcernkad they each receivel trsaegood but the sound a andwich plate. Mrs. H. S.- S could be improved; perhaps the Britton and Mrs. H. Brereton f ig-a . ..... 'hall acoustics are not exactly suit- ue ntefourth place quartettes .. . ...... ed for taîkies. Some say a nickel of players and they brought homee .~~should be cut off the admission acu pand saucer each. The Port ~'s~ ~ price to bring it to the popular HoeCub served coffee and sand-t level. wicbes after the games. lThe Provincial Weed Inspector 'was here a short time ago and Hnue nBrha The Ladies of West Dur- llooked over the village in corn- Hnue nBrh hain are cordially invited to ipany witb the local Inspector, J. MMiss Joan Brown, daughter ofr inspect the first shpmnt arrod. He expressed himself as Mr and Mrs. Thos. Brown, was( Fal Drsse ad iplesG with ail he saw and re- the guest of honour at a birthday of ew aîlDresesand marked on the trim way roads partyheldfrbro Saturday Milinery which are now and streets and private properties afternoon, August 20, at the home on display in the Evlyn wvere kept. Considerable money of ber grandmother, Mrs. Matt. expended here in keeping the Brown, Glenwood Cottage. Wal-1 shop.weeds cut throughout the growing ton St. About twenty-five littie You '11 like the new distinc- season. folk of the community were pre- styesLueattactve Mrs. R. B. LeGresley and Mrs. sent and ail had a merry time tiesyeteatative A. N. McEvoy, Newcastle, and playing on the lawn and partici- fanl styles, and above al Mr. George Farncomb, Hampton, pating in the festivities. Joan was received word Wednesday morn- two years of age and received you'll like the very reasox n g ftedaho hi ut many lovely gifts appropriate to able prices. Miss Dora Farncomb, in Toronto her tender years. Centering the on Tuesday evening. Miss Farn- prettily decorated tea table was comb wrote under the pen name an attractive birtbday cake adorn- THE VLYN SHO Hope in The Farmer's Advo- ed by two candles which Joan THE E LYN S OP ýate for forty years. Funeral ar- extinguished with some gentle Phone 594 Bowmanvil1 f ied section. assisting Mrs. Thos. Brown and Mr. Ed. Powell was taken sud- Mrs. Matt. Brown was Joan's ma- ternai grandmother, Mrs. Jno. Garrod. A number of little folk were present from outside points, Iincluding Tillie Harris, Toronto, niece of Mrs. Thos. Sepncer Jr., and Ruth Crowther, daughter of * ~ ~ i db m ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crowtber, AMAM Bowmanville. w rw Tubfast, Colorfast PRINT YARD 14c Just in tîme for you mothers who are maklng "Back to School" Dresses for Young daughters. Dandy bright colorful patterns, and 36 inches wide. Hemstitched Pillow Cases These arc fine Wabasso cotton plllow cases that will give long service. The wcave ih smooth herntitched he Siz 42 x33 nchs PirO-- O 6C LARGE CHECK FLANNELETTE BLANKETS These downy cotton Flannelette Blanket will be weicomc in many a bedroom for ther .98 brlght cheery warmth. The large check pat- PAIR terns are in rose, blue, green, gold or mauve. Large double bcd size, 70 x 84 inches.1 PRICED LOW About 22 x 42 inches! Nothing skimpy about the proportions of these. And splendid sturdy welght of terry cotton, too, absorbent and spongy - Yet just 50e p'ir. Gay checks of mauve, green, goid, blue and rose on white ground. - - »4s II Bowmanville LAKE RATEPAYERS TRELWOOD GUESTS The Ratepayers' Association o! _ýwcastle-on-the-Lake held their second meeting o! the season on Saturday evening, August 20, at the ancestral home o! the presi- dent, Mr. Fred Treleaven. It was the f irst time the Association had met at "Treiwood" sud the large number present !ound ample ac- commodation in the large double drawing rooms with their two huge fireplaces built in early set- tlement days. Mr. Treleaven pre- sided aud Secret'y C. S. Horrocks read the minutes. The meeting went on record as feeling it an injustice that the "Bondhead" section of the New'castle Hydre System should be discrimninated against in the matter of hydre rates sud named the president and the secretary a committee te in- terview the Local Hydre Com- mission at its next meeting on Thumsday, Sept. 1. Mr. W. J. Eilbeck sud Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball agreed on request te seek an interview with Premier Hepburn sud members o! the cabinet for the pumpese o! solicit- ing aid towards the building o! a bridge for vehicular traffic across the channel between the east side aud west side beaches. Many o! the young people were appreciative o! Mr. sud Mms. Hudson Stowe's kindness in invit- ing them te use their tennis court. A!ter the meeting adjourned Mr. sud Mms. Treleaven, assisted by Mrs. A. N. McEvoy sud Miss H-elen, served re!reshments sud ail enjoyed a social hai! heur. COBOURGPICNIC (Contiflued from Page 1) Mary Margaret Bonathan, Jean 1Gray. Boys' Race, 12 sud over- Cyril IMeadows, Harold Hoar. Girls' Race, 12 sud over- Jean Bonathan, Kay Toms. Men's Open Race - Geo. Mca- dows, H. S. Britten. Women's Open Race - Mrs. Ir- win Colwill, Mrs. Jue. Garrod. Fat Men's Race - Emerson Fish- er, Henry Kestevan. Obese Ladies' Race - Leone Teb- bic, Marion Aluin. Men's Tug o! War - Jack Wade, Irwin Colwill, Norman Aluin, H. C. Bonathan, H. Brereten, Jue. Garred, Chris Law, C. R. Camvetb, * W. Fisher and Henry Kestevan, ;-pta i. radHnr etvn Lapaies u a Msae Lis', H. E.ancocksdGe. eaowsl, HE. W. Fishe, R. W ibson.wC. T. Btt. FnoshrRod. isssouise H. ancock and ar-d nIe ALusan Mrs. Heny Kest- on Apain. n r.HnyKse ran, Softbinl Men vs Ladies, men playing )e handed except catcher - Men 'on; Captains, Victor Garrod and- ýrances Brereton; ice cream cones( or sîl. Married Men vs Single - Single von; cones for winners. The Tea Hour Ail the menu resources were )ooled and set eut on a long line- E tables. Grace was sung - Mr. S N. F. Rickard, M.P., quartette eader, was present te take a iead, ;owere twe church organists, [rs. E. C. Fisher of The United, rsd Mrs. Jne. Garrod ef St., eorge's. Reeve C R. Carveth, *eo. Meadows, s3ert'Brereton and :win Coiwiil addressed them- ;ves te the service of waiting on ible, Mr. Meadews wieiding a utcher knife and cutting hugeF lices o! meat off a wbole cooked am for everybody's plate. There ,as an abundance o! food and a 1ood time fer ahl. Some Plenle Plckings Visitors from widely distant points who were present with [ewcastle !riends: Mr. and Mrs. ack Wade and son Colin, Mil-1 waukee, Wis., with Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Hancock; Miss Sylvia Heath, st. Lambert, Que., with Miss Kay 'oms; Mr. and Mrs. Leenard .oeke, New York, with Mr. .and tIrs. W. H. Cooke; Mr. Wm. San-3 ders, Stouffviile, with Mrs. R. W. Gibson; Miss Margaret Valîeau, Oshawa, with Mrs. T. M. Gibson; tIrs. Sheepway, Mr. John Harris 1 and aunt, Mrs. L. Harris, Mr. andI tirs. French, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kestevan; Miss Hol- mian, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britten; Master Danny But- ler, Oshawa, with bis grand- nother, Mrs. Floyd Butler, and indle, Mr. Hanlan Parker. Lady bowlers fromn Newcastle net some Port Hopers areund the bowling green and as a resuit were invited te take some players eo the hiliside town te engage in some friendly competition on vlonday o! this week. Tommy Gibson was counted among the picnickers and was ,een te enjoy the trip, sports and eats as much as anyone. H. B3rereton, H. Pearce, H. Kes- tevan, Vic Garrod, Geo. Meadows. escerted by Constable Garrod and accompanied by Baiiiff Jackson and Inspecter .Walton, were ad- mitted te Cobourg jail and taken on a tour o! inspection by Gover- nor Fred Wight. After viewing the facilities and accommodations the Newcastle party bade adieu and wended their way back te the park. A. A. MARTIN IS GUEST SPEAKER AT UNITED CHURCH Mr. A. A. Martin, I.P.S., Brigb- ton, occupied the pulpit in the Ulnited Churcb last Sunday. In the morning be preached on Love, the Greatest Thing in the World, basing bis disceurse on the l3th Cbap. of I Cor. Mrs. J. T. Brown and sister, Miss Beatrice Bragg. sang a duet, I Come te Tbee. In he eeng Mr. Martin took for his tex.t, St. John 15:5, I am the Vine. ye are the branches. Rev. Ceeul T. Aluin of Onarga, Ill., as- sisted the choir and sang a solo. "Take thy burden te the Lord and leave it there." A basket o! beau- tiful gladioli provided by Mrs. J. A. Butler graced the cburch at beth services. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bowmanviile, will preach ncxt Sunday, August 28. Transportation ONE OR T'WO P.\SSENGERS ixho desire transportation te Ft. Williamn. leavine September 1, get iii touchi with Statesmian Office. 34-1* Help Wanted-Male W.\NTED - RELI.\BLE MAN îvitli car for cstab)ilihed czroccrv rouite. No iiuvestmneut necessry. Comminission sutd Ibonusi. XXrite- Citv- Sales Dept., 2177 ýNfassoui St., Mfontres!. 34-3 *Psychic Reading PSYCIIIC RE.\DINGS -SCIEN- tific Palinist. Cards. Elsie. 46 Kenith Ave., Oshawa. 34..¶* Oshawa F aîir Sept. 12-13-14 Central Canada's Lead- ing County Ex.hibition $2,200.00 offered in premiums Your exhibits and patronage invited PRIZE LIST SENT ON REQUEST Apply the Secretary, Genosha 1-otel OSHAWA BIRTH- 3OULD-At Bowmaniville Hospital oni Wedriesdav, August 24, 1938. te Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gould! (nec Isabel Geddes) a son. w or MARRIAGE r SMITH-BURNS - Ini Bownman-b ville, on Wdcsa.A ngst4, th 1938. hv Rev. C. R. Spencer,'MA., ti Marjorie. dauighter of 'Mr. and(i Mrs. Fred Burns, King Street. b( Oshawa. and William John, soli of idi .Nr. nd Mrs. H. E. Smith, Queen 1P Street. Bow manv il.c DEATHSt ýtC FARNCOMB - In Toronto, on1.bc Tucsdav. .-ugust 23, IDora Farn-il Coin!. Funcral will be heid in St. ý e 'Matthew's Church. Toronto, Fr1-ith day, Aurust 26, at 1 Burial D ini St. George's Cemctcry. New- 1) castle on arrivai of cortege fre i Music Teaching Beauty Culture MISS DOROTHY M. EDGER A.T.C.M., Bowmanvilie Teacher of Piano and Thcory Wiii open classes fer the fail term *n Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Pupils will eceive persenai and individuai instructien and if they wish, will be prepared fer examinatiens both theoretical and practical leading eo the A.T.C.M. diplema. Improv- ed metheds fer teaching yeung beginners. Ail examinatien can- didates have been successful. Phone 403 or cali at 23 Carlisle Avenue for details o! courses and arrangements. 32-4 I amn oDeninz my fa!! term of teachinz piano and theorv Septem- ber 12, 1938. 1 take special interest n %oung Ibeginners. using, modern euiipmcnt and latest methods with hein. Personai individual lessons in rivate studio. If desired oupils prepared for exams leadiniz up te and iticludinz A.T.C. M. diploma. BEAUTIFUL HAIR C OIME S from proper attention. Your hair is vour crowning glory. Give it the best care possible. Regular avvointmuents at the Iris Beautv Parler. where cconorny is impor- tant. Permanent $1.50 and m). Plione 2601, Iris Bcauty Parler. 34-1w* Lost LOST - KEY CONTAINER wiî! four kevs sud driver's per- l'it. P. O. kev. Please return te R. McGratl!. Concession Street. 34-1w.* Lost LOST - PART SPITZ AND p)art collie dog. brown sand white. Last seen \Vednesday. August 10. Answers te the namne of jimmv. 17( T o o t .E xperienced. Please phone 2652, or C o Rsew aSt. r eet w m atv.. E-iORN-In Bowmanvile. on Satur- arr agements.Linfrma toNfory Phone 2448. 34-i1 day. Augzust 20, 1938, May Hem, .r. ___________Information_________ b be ov d if o M . ra k or . yl eiPH Y LLIS R. Mî. CH A LLIS. R o o m a n d B o a rd Aged 42 years. Interment Bw- 0 A.T.C.MI. manville Cemetery. ROOM.\ AND BOARD-FOR ONE MARTN-I Hapto, o SudayLEARN TO PLAY THE XIOLIN or two ventlemen, home comiforts. IARgut 21N 198, iHampton.on Sna and plav in an orchestra at new Phone 2193. 34-l*- Augst21,198, arare Jne class startinz in September. Fees Martin. widow of the late Em- 1.5 per month. Francis Sutton, manuel Martin. iin lier 82nd vear. Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O ., A.T.C.M.. Interment Hampton Cemetemy. Phone 742, Bowmanville. 33 tf STUTT-Ini Orono. on Thursday, August 18, 1938, Isabeil Stutt. Ca r For SaleA E P N heleved xifc of William J. Stutt. __________________ IntrmntOrno emtey. FOR SALE - '29 DURANT Intemen Orno Cmetry.roadster. in good condition. Phone I ME O IM2614. Newcastle. 341* c r a _______________FOR SALE-1930 CHEV. COUPE c C r a TORDAN-Ini loving memorv of in goed condition. Apply C. nmv dear husband William H1-enrv Raby, 10 Liberty St., Bowman- Jordan who peacefullv passed te ville. 32-3* rce.t on August 25, 1937;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ For D essert Loving thoughts are alwavs Real Estate For Sale laitdh. i g1vFOR SA\LE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 There's notbing better than gc X ife . ro cins. one h a îf acre l nd. sm all s g o ! S p i n a d t y a i ] barnx. fruit trees. 2 miles north of i od tpi n r i MIDDLETON - Iii loVingmcml- 1Bowm-iianiville. on mniddle road. Ap- fountain specialties, or take a rv of s dear husband ad father. piv B. MacDonald. Manvers Rosd John H. Middleton. w-ho passed Bovnani ille. 34-1* awsv August 21, 1937. so'n and vrandchildren. buildings. well watered. conces- sion 3, Lot 2, Clarke. Charles The Home of Better Bread STEELE-In lovinz înemorv of a Ruddell. Newvcastle. 34-1* dear husband and f ather Williamn Steele. who dîed August 23. 1937: Position Wanted- Ohi for the touch of a banished - hand. ELDERLY WVOMAN \VISHESj And the sound of a voice that is position as housakeeper. Farm- still. house or country preferred. Ap- Ever remembcrcd bv wife and p1lv Box 51 Orono News. Orono. ___________34* TAXES 192 CARD F THANKS Help Wanted 1 The fanîilv of the late Albert Hi!- W A N T E D - DEPENDABLE TOWN 0F BOI lis wish te thank neighbors. f ricnds f arm hand. good milker and an(i relatives who were se vcrv kînd tcamstcr. non-smoker, dlean ha- and for floral tributes during their bits. three months or longer. Ap- T hird luta recent sad bereavemneut. plv P. C., Drawer B, Bowman- ville. 34-i e t * I 1 Mr. W. 1. Stutt and family are deeplv appreciative of the kindnesses Vanted shoîvu thcm 'iby neighbors. relativesi sud f rieîîds during the illness and W\ANTED - GIRL FOR GEN- Fourth Instailment Du death of wife sud inother. crs! hotel work, permanent. Ap- -1- R -1 IlfAi niu 34-1wl COMING EVENTS En SisIcllen, Xediesday, August ý31. 6 p.m.. benefit football game for H. Davcy, Solina-Enniskillen. at 8 P.nx. Scugzog lay "Truth Takes s Holiday." Admission 25c and lüc. I 14. $2,200.00 offercd in premiums. Your exhibits and patronage invit- cd. Mfake entriezs Ëow. Secretamial- 0f fices. Genosha Hotel. Oshawa. F 34-1w ENGAGEMENTS Mý\r. sud M\rs. R.D. Trimble an- nounce the engagement of their el- dest dauzchter. Vers Mi\ariorie. te Laurence Cephas Stapfles. son of '.\r. sud Mrs. Cevhas Staples. BetbiaiN,. the marriaze te take place iin Sep- tember. Cole Pups For Sale FO0R SALE - COLLIE PUPS ustural born heelers. Phione Bow'- inusville 2234. 34-i FOR SALE-COLLIE PUPS FOR sale .\plx lKeinceth Hi!!. Iboine 5 ri m 3. Oroimo. 34-1w* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - RED SHORT- borni bull. eigit nmonths eld. fuliv accredited. federally blood testcd. Phone '2315. \\i. C. Parsons Bow- in a uv ille. R . R. 2, Ont. 34-1 FOR SALE - NINE PIGS. 6 iveeks odd. appflv M. Burns., Bow- mianville. Phxone 2159. 34-1* PIGS FOR SALE-A NUMBER of wcanling pigs.' Atnply John Tabb. Phumne 2123. 34-1w To Rent TO RENT - FURNISHED roon. witli board, if desircd: aIse garage. ..Xplv Mrs. Henri' Knizbt. Division St.. Bow'inanvillc. Pole 2160. 34-tf FOR RENT-DOUBLE GARAGE suitable for transport truck snd: car on the corner of Elgin sud OdeIl Streets. Apply Mrs. J. E. Allin, Bowmnanvillc. Phone. 25()5. 34-t f FOR RENT - BATHROOMI FIat. 1mnediate possessioni. Ap- plv Mrs. F. H. Bounsaîl, Phione 326. 34-1w TO RENT - FIVE-ROOMED Apartinent. Apply Statesman Of- f ice. FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMED apartment. steam heated, 3 piece bath. electric steve sud electric e- frigerator. Possession immediatelv.q Pîxone 870. 33-2 For Sale T0 WAKE UP FRESH AS THE proverbial daisv. trv Kipp's Herb TAblcts. OnlIv 25c box. Sold bv M\cGregor's Drug Store. 34-l* FOR SALE - CHILD'S TRI- c%,cle. iin eood condlition, size un to 8 %-cars. Plione 721. 34-1 FOR SALE- BABY C.\RRIAGE, child's tricycle for sale cheasp. Applv P'hone 742. 33-tf DIr. T. &. partridge Beech and concession Sts. Bowmanville Teacher Siflgiflg, Piano, Organ and Theory 20 years' teaching experience Rates lNoderate For beginnerS make your choice of teacher wiselY. Music is taken in with the eye and car, laterco-ordinating hands and feet- therefore, there is nothing to compare %vith pri- vate, individuai lessonS. Time is saved and therefore money. Phone 313 for appoifltnent or information. 34-1 FOR SALE Wlest Baach, Bwif il cottages and choice lots. Now is a good time to buy and buiid acottage on this lovely sandy beach - the children ,'s paradise. Easy Terms. Apply H. Pawson, 550 Simcoe St. N. - Oshawa 34-2* DISH 0F ood ice creain . .. and this sh, or try any of our many brick home for lunch. BAKERY Phone 890 38 TAXES tlment Due gt, 1938 PAYMENTS MAY BE MAILED AddExhane o O-Fred atn Ceus -Town Hall 1~ Be Prepared That 's the Boy Scouts' Motto but it is good advice too, for Students going back to school. You '11 do better work wxth a WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN And wel'1 help you get a new one, by allowing you ex- actly Haif Price for your aid pen on a New Waterxnan. Other Guaranteed Pens soc to $8.00 tSTIFFNESS lzbl ooas fe.pou rphe. Balitheh.sot. Pm with wrm betes you i3w veiI som IImbei up t Dry, Hoir Becomes Silky Snooth, - Monogeable, Ro- « diant Ah.,r Shan. 42M t* DRENI FOR DRY HAIR 10AOAL99C 759 Sloan's Liniment ........... 33e Mentholatum ..............29c Barbasol.......... 25e Woodbury 's Soap .......... 2 for Bile Beans.................... Seidlitz Powders........... 2 for Drene Shampoo .....5 59C Jad Salts .................... Andrew's Liver Salts....... 34c Noxzema Cream .... 15c 27c Unguentine ........ 44 2 for GOOD NEWS FOR THE DEAF FOLK If you have any friends who are deaf, kindly send their naines to us as we have very good news for thein. Jury & Loveli Phone 778 Bowmanville ATr THE WALKER STORES A Tr a oltior Tax Colecto Bath Towels WHAT A SIE ~S50 c pair 'j Phone 451 j- 63e 55C 45c 15C 47c 25e 99C 55C 57e 54e 85C JREi&D USE me WANýT .ammM@ftý 1 t 59C 1 ama««& 1 MMANVILLE Nov 16, 1938 ue ES

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