I .THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMiAN, BOWMANVILLE, OINTARIO flAfTZlr 'rl'r Established 1854 A Weekly NewsPpurr devoted to the Intereste of the town of Bowmanviile and surroundiflg couintry, issued at King Street. BowmanviitC, every Thursday. by M. A. Jam'es & Sans. awners and publishers. The Canadian Statesmnan is a member af the Canadian Week:,y Newspapers Association. aiso thse lass "A" Weekiaes of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere n Canada $250 a year; when oaid ln ad. vance $200 a year; 50c extra n United States ta caver postage. Single coptes, 5c. THURSDAY. ATJGUST 25, 1938 Rotarians Edit Column 'This is flue finîal series of guuosf cdi- toî'iahs eootiif'iufeti iiîiific heabsence of ftic Edti 'iii flic West. Thlicsoi'ies this vcek is tlic 'uiik of iieinihiis ut' flic Rofsuî*'v-(luth anti we kuin' thuafoti' i'eaders aire goilug fo thiorolîghiîy cjsy t1ieiiuý. Iliutiui. pathos. andtl oouoiiiie.s are allitiuiled iiifhis groutp of csli- tou'iahs. Nexfuvcck flic Sfafesiaiîwil iroa.'aiiii ifs owii edtioriai cohuins and 1is l>y oiiieit uîi lemteotfi etlitoî'iahs oftheli Touvii Coiîuucih. Lionis ('hua aiid Roar'y ('luili puiblislicddtuîr- in-g fli pastf ten' wcks. Oîîe lady lias suîggesfcd fliaf a group of ladies should edit flic page fou' a n'eck, and flîis ig(lif lac aî'rauîged whcn '.\r. Jaunes re:- fuiis froni flic nest. Budgets and Ballyhoo Ecoîîoînics is an abstr'use study nof puz- zlinic asf of aif0 fliose wlio are experts in flic suibjeef. Smali wotîder flien flat flic workiuîg manî lias some difficulfu' lu bai- anciîîg bis biudget. Miss Marjorie Hillis bias toid ai and sundry bon' f0 have "Orchids on 3'our budget," but w'e feci fliese budget- makers ar'e uof actiuainfcd wiflî small-fowý%ii une o mes. Suppose by a greaf streteli of tlic imag-iui- ation fliat a manî wifli a famihx- of .fwo carus as liffle as $15 n'cekiy; fthi n'liaf about flic orcbids? Budgets are nu mnagie formuîiac f0 enable a manti f live on any iow iuîconue as flir makers scenf0 lie- lieve. There is a pointf beyond whicli our family of four caiînof live adcquafehy; anîd by adequatchy 1 mean ifirsf fleic ecessifies of life. Af easf 50 per cent, if nof many, maxuy more families lu a smaii f own have îof b- iug f0 lay away iii banks, isurauîce, to posscss a car or even a bouse. Thev eau really aford uofhiîîg, for amusement, etc. or doctor. 0f course maîiy poor familie-s have fliese fhings. Elaborafe wcddiîîgs and fun- crais arceflic rule auuong flic poorcsf folk; but flien you ouîiy ive onîce. Tlicy bave fo robi Peter f0 pay Paul. These people arc uîîn'ttiingly fiîîdiîîg their dn'îi solution f0flic difficuitic.s in flic preseîîf economie sysfem. Living w'%itlin one's meauus is as inîpracticable as of0 fy fo fliceusoots. Livinîg nithin onc's menus is nof ouly paying, present delits but also saviig for flhe future. If 's a foi'fuuatc manî itecd who lias muoiîcy po iiue oui af 60. But everv iii bias ils conîsolations ant iote nay lac îead Sby flîeuî. Orclîids oui youîr buîdget? Thiere is iutfa hof-house ceafion Iowhy cuîouîgb fou' xuy budget!c Our Gardens Beautiful Wlîcn oîîe fakes ni his peu f0 uurife ani article for a iin'spapcr, lie it a daiiy or weekhy, mosf iikehy lue uiti seck f0 sisgou'gc himiseif of soîne gricvaiee5 reai or iniagri- nary, or perlîaps to cuificizc flic aduiii- fraflout of pubhlie affairs. uo' direct affeit- tioiî f0 soine sadIiieuuedeti refornin.Ilui a word lie is f'cnîpti fîa chaiegetepo i' fhînt licandti f0pose as flue ciamîuiouu<f flic c'niuaiii ngood: Is no flue 1peu iighttiei' fhaîî thelui'sortdl?1 But glaîli y hui't'ii u luiowe depart friitu titi' estaîl islîed oulsttIuliuaîd tiike t lus ut ia'lu' flic cxcu'îtiuîuu 0 flit u'ui . s il,î aiatoiv feruns i liaf vt' n'uiuiil n'tite tif te hia. worf iiY- tfforts tf ttuîiuvuisfu ihlut ifv flic hlaces of tflu'abothe. if is of' iti' ifs ow'.i inuiitrsfs attu a'I'dt.l t of escape and ui'fien'. lal i iti s Oof u'a gai'detîs cltatu'îs. (ii' t- tuman deeply' eluaed iih~ auhitt ti ii'Ilo î far' a'ay and lie is lut"l hf ii and clamour,1flic hui't? astul hts 'a1'lt' A place of' escape and f pian.aî a>st desirahale, and f0 have oi - iit l doot' of flhe house is a prîiel's îîsî, s Life nceds refug-es and it's. l chanîcs of occupation and i i.vv eau> lac fouiî t l iand, as fliey cati be iii s. ga'ei iis ft tîr gu'euîfgain. 'i'leruŽ is siuiiefliiug so quiefiy whioieSomie .11jieid oaefitii(nd est(orinig about garden tasks. 'ritey blei1)one f0 regain a iahp state ufitîuiîîçîd at a finie, peu'laps, 'hteîî lic is .iaîid antt-tu> use a raflier expressive fhtouciglaii-v word of flic streef-' 'fed- up.- Tlteya fford ait01)1orfutity fo woi'k oîff irriitiiltity. "Withi a spade,' says otne writer. '"t hisrv imv bad imoods. af flic cnt ofit' ahote Iwork off flic troubles of life.- -AlIlHail!- 'tlîeîî. f0 Bownianiville 's heautifîîi ganteîîs, long inay fhcy continue fo pliay fheir pas'f..iîs lieliig f0 buiid up a nobîhle. î'uîe and good citizeîîry. Gambling or Donating -1Tieev oiau'eladies aîîd gentflemni, the lady wiis a sitie of baconi for one diiiie - 10 cents. Whio is ncxt f0 fake a uatce on a side . .. Iland the voice of flic tuastes' of cerciiionies, presidiig- at flic uv-liech ofifot"uuneakes utp the chiant, liat iiiveighes tliîîîcs ouf pockcfs atnd purses andt ijîfo flic fiits of Service Clubs and ufhîcr charitable organizafiotîs thîîouîgiîouîf flicpr'ovince. Why? lit order that these orgaîîizafioîîs îiay have înoîîey f0 pay for iiî)rafiouili, equipiiienf, îîedicitîe. freat- îîîcîîfs, iiilk, rcquired by chiltiret w'hose parents arc uinablc fo pay for these ser vices. A spieuîdid objeet von say. Granfed! Service Clubs anîd similar orgaiîzatioiîs, n'ifhtlic backiuîg of flic people, are tievof- in.g a g-ood deal of fime and nîoney f0 fuis spteutdid catuse. This iniglif secînfo iuîdicafc fhaf luiînaniify is advanciing slon'ly up flic iadder of progresf oward a stafe of un- sctfisliiicss fon'ard our fetiowineii, fortuitî- afe or uuîiforfuîîafe, iii ouîr comiuiuif or on flic ofier sitie of flic worid. Tiicy have ait oid unaine for if, Brotlicrly Love, but this expressiotun ay have becomne a liffle hîack- tîcycti and fhreadbarc. Thie churclies arc praeficaliy uinaniumous ini eudorsiuîg if, aîîdtjuifc a large nunîber of people prac- fiee if. fhat îs, wifhiti reasoîî and witli î'c- se rvatfi onis. Anid sol rogressincg foward thîis stafe, we ar'e uuifc gencrous n'ifli ouéu fiuîauci.uI îîfferiîîg-s f0 the erippied chihdreit. How inuchi of a factor iti our gcncrosity is flic whvle of chatîce and flic side of bacon for 10 cent>f. Von have fairlv accurafe indi- cationî whiui you compare flic rcceipfs of flic two service club) carnivais iii our f.own fuis year, witli fli receipts of flic bouse fo iîouse caîîvas made last spring in aid of oui' blind feliowmcn. Coîîsider flic driviîîg effort oui fli part of dozeîîs of n-orkers iii flic argers centfres to raise flîcir q.uofa for tue Coninmnify Chest Funids without flie aid of flic n'hcl or bacon. Or fleicnîstanîces wlicrc outr owîi Weifare Cominîitecs, seek- in-g donationîs, are asked f0 graciouisiy re- ceive fuor distribuioni, old chothiîug whlii is jîracficalty untisabic, cxccpf for turitngi iuto rag carptts. MJc ahi believe and hlope in evolufion- flic norking ouf of better ways and means of doiîîgfhiuîgs. So i> ny of oui' present wavs are hapluazzarth lt - anti - mniss, 'thiiîghfies.;slfisli. By ahli îeaîîs lt us coniftine fo 'aise tyioiicy for thie assistanice of oui- i' uforfiafe feliownseui, even if ouîr tncftld ds (Io coine tnider flic above cafe- gonues lits iecausioti5. Tlici' is a chialleige iii theu Billicai quoutafiou, i, nasm.ucli as vo hiave tîtîuue if unito thllasf of fliese ****I Siui'cy uve eau evolve a hetter inîfhiod <if 'uiîgif" f0thfllasf of fliese and fo flic Gr'eat Teaehîci. tluauîn bynay of flic surplus gatlîcrelitheli pruîecss of cafcriuîg f0 ouîr own dethsiru-f-have soiiefhiiuîg of value for vct". littfis. Nil Desperandum Soulie otie lias saidi flat flic study of lis- for ' s ka eorshîai for uroipitg spirits. If thits lbe fruc thîre oughif f0 bcea geîueî'aI ueeouusc to historical sfuidy foday for niany are t uuiiv aîxious and disfrcssed. Stornm <'otts wili pci'sisf iii. gatlicriuig uipoii flic horîiizonttidnd ii 's uuuiuds are filieti witli t'ta'fîui forehiodiiuugs. Anid so if histsory lias aii utyieip f0 offer eagct'iV tdo w'e furui ifs pages. A î'eueuî wrifcr says: the year affer W âtfei'oo uvas onte of uuîî)receecuted'iniscry-. Iiidsstry uvwas 1no ilonger dipcti Ny flic de- îuaîuîtfor muinitionis,flue lahiorinar'ket uvas fiuoded, auîd our tu'cssfoinc's abu'oad rithleu' n 'ut fo tuci ii povnisicdf0 ayfor salr ti. HBitish Emupire are so'ehy fî'ied and are vultua ucefuied mor'esoî'ehy Ii i 'ui u ingnh ilau' vasi anid destdiy Iîlianu insiu'recttitn iaidt ifluifs itîu'bed irelat ionîs iii ('lui un. Its i ssli îiiiomeunt anîduno otue eaui fve un au dtuffi'rveîcin flue issue <f events. 0f ais'uit itrublaes nomna tiausecflice end: 1 ie *'v a î'î tot unatchy, as ycf, maiuuhy cuans- iiuiiu.If n'o are onix'f0 o o.wmoiiey, anîd p~îaiîifiul îiverfy fo lbe fauîgluf nisdon- flic wisdoin of liouor and faifli, of sym- patlîy anîd of chiarity, no mia need serionýs- Iv f0 despair. Anîd yet flic very haste to f0 be rich, whichi is flhc occasiotn of thiis widespread calainity, lias also fcîîded f0 dcsfroy flie moral forces wifli which we are f0 rcsisf anîd sulidue flic calainify."., Would uîof flis samne description fit witli flic nfnosf accuracy fthc world situationi foday? But dark as these conîdifions are fliose of a cenitur'. ago wcrc very mucli darker. Yef what lîappened iii flose black days? Liglif broke flirougli flic louds. A period of progress followed iii discoverv anid invention, iii liferature, science and eduicafion. In one deparfmenf affer an- oflier flue men of flic îinefeeiîlî cciîfîry nmade fhings better and inî on(, huîidrcd ycars fliere vas more progress flîaî ii any. fw'o flousaîîd years before. We know', of course, fliaf flis nmodern day lias brouglîf lîanged conditions, flic thouglif life of flic people is alfogether differeît, and solu- tions for flic problcms of thaf far' avay day arc îîot adequafe for our finies. AIl tlîis nma *- be truie anîd yef surely flîcre is eni- couragement for us ini knowiiîg tlîat othiers hiave faced anîd eiîdured dark tiays anîd hiave cînergcd - - hrough peril. fou aînd pain, it niay be - froîn tlîeîîî itti flyiii colors. We îîced this encourageent and hope foday. So we înay wvell ask wliat gave flic riglit directionî f0 flic îov'ent of affairs iii felast century? lI answer ne sliah quofe fw'o,.aufliorifies on flic subjeef.. Vis- couint Gré' of Fallodeii says: "from flic carhy da3s of flic nineteetf century flîcre ,had been uprisings o1U public opinion a- gaiîîsf glaring abuses anîd cruelfy. -Thiese uîprising-s had their roofs iin a religions feeling fliat n'as deep and stroîig even if if w'verc somefimes îîarrow." 'I1lic London Timnes in revicwing the period said, "fli inoviîîg force of flic fime wvas a sort of Purîfanism confrolcd by coiînîon sense, an unconscions idealism carried iîîto al- nîosf ail relations of life. a mor-al carncsf- uîess, strong and persuasive." Fuîidamcutahlyflieui, re]igiouî gave flic îîeedcd isupefus f0 risc f0 Iiglier and f0go forw-ard f0 beffer fhiiugs. A pioiai'y re- suIf of ifs ,influence upon fliceînationi xvas fhiat the couîifry ias savcd froi fel ior- r'urs of flic Frechl Rev'olufioî. iThis is adi- îîiffcd li several liistorians of ntef; and iii ifsclf if n'as a rcmarkablc achievement. At flic sanie fime religion did nof have a merehy iie-afive effecf. If if lîad there milif have beenl some foutidafion for flic charge off en brouglif against if by flic Bolshevist thaf if is an opite withi sopor- ifie dulliiîg and deadening effect. On flic confrary if gave risc f0 great ýsocial reforms like fliose whichi were spotisred liyflic grcaf Earl of Shaftc 'sbury. If inspircd mieni ike Dr. Barnardo f0 buihd up ciiormous eisfciprises of an hîunîauifariaîî character. Morcover, if devchoped flic ciaracters of manY leaders iii indusfry wlo io hut up flic comimercial prosperify of flic and. Wlîat religion-flic (hristiaiî reliion- lias dlonc for flic people of a pasf day, if eau do for flic people todai--if flic peop)le iihilet if. The Toil of the Road MJc are now n' iiiefic idsf of flic holiday scasoli andi one of ifs înost disquiefiuîg fea- turcs is flic ever - incrcasiiîg iuiibcr of higliway accidents. If. is f0 bc regreftedl fiafttis saine stafemient lias had f0 hie mtade for a nimber of years iii successionî and, iitiforfunatehy, if wlii probably have fo becnmade mnaîiy fmes ag-ain before fliere is an appreciable reduction iniitflictoll ol flie road. As already' stated flic holiday seasoîî ion' is veIll oit ifsnway andttielicfigures f0 date are alaî'iiîg. Thaf is suffieietfv <isfrey, siîig b)utf what is miore poig-nant is flic fhiouîghf fliat by flic cutiof flic scason flic ea.tiîaty list n'ill bce sw.ollcn cousidcraly antii at inatiy people n'hio, happy anti eai'efî'ce. started ouf oil cir vacafioli, n'ii 1 itirietuii t o fhiir lioiiie.s, fliu'.vwil h'ave Joied thie deafhll,'oh or lcieni a lis- pita l,iiniiied iii flîtir ijuest for leastit'e. Tliiuie n'as u'.hen lte ic nîîîtsturssiiig feai tir ot f flie stîmuier lioIidayýsn'as tfliiiuuîi- buer'of hafîiing fatahities. '1'lisc uow' are iîegi igihîle coiipareti witlt t lie fuifal ifies i'aiscd liv trav'elling to or from beaclies iiilantî rest's. if scenis thiat mail uiîw. dai'ys is f'll * yi)rcpa'edti f0risk tfelife o iitniseif aîiîl luis fdiniiv forit' Iie pleasuiie ait huin'wavs sa fi'foi' flic trave'lling putblie. Prevention Better Than Cu.re Api'ipos fo filue firegiiig is tilie daiigi'r oif driviigtg hrougli fli streefs of ou' fown andisparticuiarlY iii appr)ai'biig tflinuter' sectionîs. The bysfaîudeî' observes a degre of carehessuîess af fimes on flue part o f some moforisfs whio failt f0 'show-ip"as fhcy I îteruatioliai ('oîiveîîfiouis, Nwiere ii <i f -iii Iîatioîs gat lier. Thtis spirit is ai ay ittie ofthe ficreittesf assets of slicli g-afliii'- inigs. andiiî, s doiibf is ('ii'c( back to ftse s'oiit ~v iehreseittii'i2 at ýtIiese an- n uial Conuvenioinis. Wotrhd îeaee anid good-wil1 is of tlie' gî'eafesf colccrîs fo aIl Rofariaîis and înay oi' ceff<u'ts nleyer cease ý.o make if uni- veri',a1. PAGE Tffl.) i a il t1 I come to the street crossing. Agaîn and a- grain accidents have been îîarrowlyaverted w'anfon and wilful neg-leet. At inany strect aind in some cases hlave resulted from this intersections fliere are no 'sftop' si'glis, but that does not bv any ineans remnove flic danger, and certainlY it does not license th edriver f0 gro "full spced ahead." An ounce of precaution is better than a pouind of cure, indeed that nlight happen for which 1no cure cari.bc found. There is scarcely a street withouf its playing chidren, carefree and happy, and so offeni with 1n0 sense of danger and wifli littie idea of responsibility for thieir own safefy. Almost instinctively a child m-ill niake a dashi for a bail thrown on f0 fthc paveent or rin ont after a tlog fliat lias escaped ifs leasli. There is no t hought in tuie child 's nîùid of approacliiîigtî'affie, its sole thoug-lit is upon refrieving the bal or capturiing the dog. Parents anid teachers alike inay seek f0 feacli the lesson 'safefv fir-st,ý but ini fhe crucial moment Ibis mna- be forgotten when a coveteci objeca. bc it bahl or dog, finds ifs mway fo the road. Our children are a priceless asset f0 our tow-n- we woîîld iit b ie ihout thiei hey lhelp) fo keepli s youn-gini spirit aiid ini outlook. Lacking adequate recreafion centres iii flic fori of llaygrolilids or parks these chiild- reîî frequently assenmble ini liftle conipanies on tlhe streets. Ofteîî they constitute a source of trial f0 the motorist but loudly and inisi.stenftl.y fhey cali f0 hIim ito drive carefully. Accidents will happeiî at timies ini spife of every precautiouî but wve eau hielp to keep their number at a minimum bv flic exercise of care and forethouglif. Help fo imake our town a safe place for our playing children. Sound And Fury-Or Page the 'Messrs. Stroud 0f lafe years we have becoine aware fliat flic majorify of wrifers anîd speakers deem if reprelieîisible for inenîbers of tlieir pro- fessionî f0 couch flicir dîscourses in any~- thinîg but fle icsniplest laîîguage. The as- suniiption is, of couirse fliaf. iii, let uis say, a postprandial oration nu vital word slhah eseape' flic coiirt'lieiision of tfliniost ilîoî'oilic iiind fhiere asseîiibled. 83weet are fliclises of circumiocutionl. A fanions columîiiiisf. lias flic repufat ion of neyer using a sînaîl word when fwo big oies will do. Wc sfudenfs once had a soine- wliaf dipsonîaniac professor who in his bie- sotfed conditionî coulci soar fo hîiglits of whieh *Websfer iiever dreamed. Save the two syllable words for Firsf Readers and Western Story magazines; we have gtrander polysyllabie concepfionîs. The trend fuward siniplicity is symptomafie of a general defoliation in English usage. Ain 't if de frufli? Thiis propensify is in- dicative of a declînafion iii the whole of Englislî culture. However fliere reinains at least one per- heflal exponient of unabridged verbosity to counsel us dunderheads. None other titan Clarance Sfroud and his erudife rela- tive Claude. Once weekly their passion foi' words obf rudes if self info our homles, fairhy oozing ilifo every iiook and crany unitil even Junior groggy from flic barrage of syllables refuses Mother's offer to let him plav longer saying. "No, Moflier. 1 shall prefer fo refuru fo my 1'0111. 1i]have no desire f0 romp any longer with ivî~ plilegnYiiatie coînrade, Bufch. i shah fake Uip wifli nieflic cadaver of a toast Skinny gave nie anîd spend flic re- iaiiidcr of flicevcî-eiing atfcnîpfing to dis- seuf andi classîfy flic phalanges. 0f course flic liffle brat sliouhd lbc spaiiked. but mlio are w~e to fhiwart ado- lesent pl'ococity ? Friendy Reasoning Re itniiiWsliiiîîgfoii, a Medical cou- vent ion was 1 leNt ~fwlîîclîrepresentativ-es we'eheselit fî'tn, societies and lorganiiza- lion., tliroligliottifthe e oiîîîîfi'yv. 1latof fiese f litre i twlieiliferests of ftie oti~iîr Mehi' liîes tliroughi<îu4t f Ilie c)iiIti'. "tywqre iaccox'ded equal riglifs îvitli tle MO\Iei cl rîîeeia vsand foi hfli fI 1is ieof i lieecon vt'nf ioni. ThlicMedieial Mten, il ttii'ts oft Medical 8ervices, anid tlic LaîYnîenîias ( oîsiîiiti's of Medical Serv\ices. 1 rHOW FAR CAN TAXATION GO? Globe and Mail If the tax-exempt property in Toronto' exclusive of that municipally owned, were taxed like other real estate the revenue would pay most of the city's share of direct relief. This is not the cure for exorbitant taxation, but while the cities and towns are looking for heads to hit they might profitably consider the top- heavy exemptions. The subject is not simple. Most communities beg Federal and Provincial Governiments to tax the people for new buildings to be serviced at municipal expense. Schools and other munici- pal buildings are erected with an easy conscience as to the cost imposed on private property. It seems senseless for a Provincial Government to insist that its multitude of profit-making liquor stores should be tax-free when it has to dip into its treasury to finance the municipalities. The Canadian Federation of Mayors and Munièipalities called attention to some outstanding examples of fax-exemption in its brief submitted to the Rowell Commission. Esquimait, B. C., with $2,700,000 in taxable land and buildings, has exemp- tions totalling $9,155,000 in Federal Governmeflt property. Monc- ton's taxable real estate is valued at $ l, 333,000 and Federal Government exemptions are assessed at $Ï1.000,000. The Cana- dian Farm Loan Board anel Soldiers' Settlemnent Board hold that their lands are non-taxable. Montreal had an assessment valuation of $930,000,000 fax- ed in 1936 and the exemptions aggregated $3 18,796,000. Toronto's exemptions amounted to $158,836,000, compared wlth a taxable assessment of $979,697,000 . Hamilton's taxable assessmeflt of $164,266,000 carrîed $30,863,000 exempt. Figures for a few other Ontario municipalities in 1936 were: London, $81.918.000 taxable, $11,846,000 exempt; Kitchener, $26,122,000 taxable, $3,599,000 ex- empt; Brantford, $27,107,000 taxable, $6,014,000 exempt; Kings- ton, $17,1 24,000 taxable, $8,559,000 exempt; Oshawa, $1 5,576,000 taxable, $1,739,000 exempt; Peterborough, $24,483,000 taxable, $3,774,000 exempt; Niagara Falls, $1 8,207,000 taxable, $8,776,000 exempt; Sarnia, $17,644,000 taxable, $2,424,000 exempt; North Bay, $9,519,000 taxable, $2,164,000 exempt; St. Thomas, $15,040,- 000 taxable, $2,679,000 exempt; Gaît, $10.822,000 taxable, $2,- 647,000 exempt; Owen Sound, $8,463,000 taxable, $1,934,000 ex- empt; Welland, $9,908,000 taxable, $1,736,000 exempt. There is room for debate as f0, whether or not the munici- pal governmenfs fhemnselves should not levy taxes on ail munici- pal properfy, alfhough if would be a mere matter of bookkeeping. If the People were informed through each annual budget the amnount of non-collectable taxes on all classes of public properfy and other realfy they would have a more complete picture of their financial affairs. A READER IS INDIGNANT By Scribe G Somne weeks ago we wrote an of his ten cents an hour) goes article for the Canadian Weekly to feed the railwaY elephant. And Newspaper Association. It ap- . no party can look at thi aiwy peared in this paper under the vote and say h ught f0 b heading of "How the Weekly done. wa uh ob Newspapers could help f0 make "The farmer in his old age... Canada a better place in which if hie escapes the poorhouse... to live and work." Mr. James goes to live with his daughter and received several letters compli- his daughter's daughter mmnd f0 menfing us on the thoughts we him. Il is a mnad world my mas- advanced and we received somte ters." leffers ourself. One of themn was from a man who is well known in Canadian public life . . . and one of our personal friends. He would say f0 us whaf he *may not choose f0 say in public. His leffer is so profound thaf we are taking the liberty of using part of S 1 A it for this week's column. He says: "We have esfablished the right C OL of the wasfrel and the idler f0 eaf t and live off the Stafe (the Munici- D& ND I H palifY, Province or Dominion). We have given the non-earner a TweIv. Schools vested interesf in the earner. I1nToot have no stock in General Motors For orContoiec Corporation, for example, and if orYu nv iec I showed up at the annual meef- CadSte WatBySr. ing and attempted to vote . .. you ChreStetWutBytet and many others would see that Yonge St. and Roseiw Ave. I was ejected. Yet I may have Vonge Street at St. Clair Ave. no stock in the State . . . may S.CliafOkodA. even get my whole substance as BrSt-relair t DkoroutARd. a beneficiary of the Stafe . .. and Dundas SteantdovPacfi Ave. I have as much 'say-so' as the Dna t n aicAe man who is no beneficiary but Qusen W. at Madonneli Av. rather a large contribufor to the 47 Howard Park Avenue welfare of the State. We are Gerrard Street at Jones Ave. mnoving steadily foward totalitar- QueE.aHmeritAv ianism, and not in Quebec alone. Dan E.tHanogan mtAv. "The whole trend and clamour ofrhedLgnAe is for more Government. One Danforth and Woodbine Ave. would expect this to abate as the Instruction olio if des,,d by the mounftains of Governmental fol- SHAW HOME SrUDY METHOL) lies grow up to the skies.. TrentTheCore r Valley Canal, National Railways, hsCorefr Hudson Bay Railway. There has Your Choice.: been nothing in the history Of couflîî e noomphy,Steotypv, gvrmnseither as to honesty Com plet@ ~ffic. Trolelea, Serocial, ® oe rnmc en fs nd Butin@"s Administration Co uin. or ffciecy. . . and most cer- inIdîvdul lnfucon, P.ronal Atten. tainly not as to wisdom . . . that~ lion, Rpd Advecmgn. Mke would lead one to grant an e x- 1n o.Uetecuo 0 tension of powers or further re- urth dai, sponsibilities. MAIL THIS COUPON TDDAY "Politics will not look at the ,wBUIESCHOS facts. Take the farmer. He does 13 ByS Tooni nof figure interest on his invest- 11e30eBsYnd teTouronedeito v ment, depreciation on bis build- Booiet entitmedY redecitv ings, fences and imiplements. He Times.t ts works sixteen hours a day for. Nome........... ten cents an hour. Politics is Adrs.......... stili determined to skin him Ades..........A... million a week (lots Of it passei on~ ~ ~~ -z toth frertomkeupoti Every day the Fire Demon shovels 228 houses ito, the huge bonf ire that repre- sents our annual fire loss. Twp of every three of these houses would neyer have bu.rxed if their owners had been caref ni. J. Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville 1 ý -j"