PAGEFOU TH CAADIA STTESANBOWMNVILEONTRITHURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 Blackstock well, enjoyed a short campingL ck atsS h o Miss Norma Hailowell, Miss Messrs. Douglas, Leslie and Beulah Halloweli and their mo- Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner Stanley Taylor attended Peterbono tben, Mns. S. G. Hallowell, had a were guests af Mn. and Mrs. AI- Fair, winning many pnizes includ- pleasant visit witb Mrs. Henry vin Jones, Port Hope, Sunday. ing two cbampuonships. Haskiil in Pont Hope. Mn. Austin Turner is in western Messrs. Walter Wright and Roy Mrs. Collins of Toronto is visit- Ontario this week ta help load Carter visited with Mn. Ray Gra- ing at ber daugbter's, Mrs. J. J. peas. ham, Millbrook, recently. Mellon. Mr. Chas. Gibson and iamily are Several from here attended the Mn. M. Sbtuka visited witb his spending a few days vacation at lack"stock onMna. ob a wife in Hampton on Sunday. Lake Simcoe. Mn. Gibson is stil Blacstok onMonay.feeling the effects af the uinjres he sustained when be feul from the top ai a ioad ai peas some Burketontime ago. Starkville ____to Mn. and Mns. Harold Gibson ________visited Mrs. Gibson's mother at Ms. en. ilmr ndAnniversany Visitons: Scanboraugh. iamuly visited ber sister, Mns. Ai- Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright, MnGereAdeavitdM. iso, a Caern, undy. Biackstock. Miss Hendens, Ta- and Mns. F. W. Bawen on Sunday. Mrs. Clysdale visited ber son nanto, Mrs. Pbilp. Nestieton, with Mse hily ad Anvilla Gardon at Lindsay an Sunday. Mn. and Mns. R. Pbilp. Brunt have been spending a few Inspector and Mrs. A. A. Mar- Mn. and Mrs. D. Adams anddasvcto wibtergn- tin of Brighton visited ber motb- iamily and Mn. Storey. Toronto, parents, Mn. and .Mrs. Clifford er, Mrs. John McKay, who is not with Mn. and Mrs. T. Bailey.. Brown, Newcastle. very well.Miss Ileen and Master Kennethf ven wei.Misses Elaine Ormiston, Bob- Gibsan are spending a few days Miss Bertha Hailowell and Mr. caygeon, Inene Sharp, and Mn. at the home af Mn. and Mrs. AI- Frank Bennett ai Toronto are Keith Ormiston. Enniskillen. with den Gibson. visiting Mn. and Mrs. Jack Hallo- iMns. C. Sanderson. Mrs. Hubert Osborne bas hads well. Mn.N. Hudson. Peterboro, %vitb ber niece fnom the West visiting Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. E. Cougbull. ber. Sidney Rutherford on their recent, Mr. B. Byers and Mrs. C. San- Your correspondent would be manniage. !derson with ber sister, Mrs. H. gîad ta receive news items fnom Mn., and Mrs. S. G. Hallowell. Wannamaker. Seagrave. anvone in this section eithen per- Miss Beulah Hallowell and M.! Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard and sonally or by telephone, Clarke and Mns. Leiv Hallowell took a Elgin, Enniskillen. Mn. and MN .3i' siti ifiuttagti motan trip dawn ta Prince Ed- F. Hoskin and Joan. Oshawa. Mn. toucb with everyaone eacb week . ward and points east. Storey. Toronto, and Mn. W. Da- Mrs. Silver, Mn. and Mrs. Bent, is Kedron. with Mn. and Mrs.0 Trim and son. also Mn. Gea. Et- Wesley Hoskin. REDUCED FARES TRAVEL Toronto and Lindsay Exhibition SPECIALS By GARTON COACH LUNES Comfortable Up-to-date Busses Going Daily RIDE ON THE BUS AND AVOID WORRYING ABOUT DRIVING IN HEAVY TRAFFIC OR CROWDING FOR STREET CARS TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FROM August 29 to Septemt (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIIN Leave Read Down A.M. 7.00 KAWARTHA MAPLES 7.10 JANETVILLIE------------- 7.20 YELVERTON------------- 7.30 NESTLETON ------- ----- 7.40 BLACKSTOCK ----------- 7.50 BURKETON --------- ---- 7.55 ENNISKILLEN ----- ----- 8.00 HAMPTON --------------- 8.20 BOWMANVILLE--------- 10.00 TORONTO EXHIBITION àer 10 lE) Arrive Return Read Up Fare 1.35 $2.40 1.25 2.30 1.15 1.05 12.55 ----- 12.45 12.35 ---- 12.25 ----- 12.15 .L. 10.45 p.m. 2.00 1.90 1.75 1.70 1.60 1.40 - FARES INCLUDE EXHIBITION ADMISSION - Bus Takes Passengers Rlght On To Exhibition Grounds and Stays There Ail Day for the Convenlence of Passengers. LINDSAY EXHIBITION THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY September 15-16-17 (STANDARD TIME) ig - own BOWMAN VILLE HAMPTON ------ ENNISKILLEN -- BURKETON----- BLACKSTOCK NESTLETON ---- YELVERTON---- JANET~VILLE--- LINDSAY.----- Returning Return Read Up Fare ------- -. 1.00 a.m. ---------- 12.50 a.m. -------- 12.40 a.m. -------- 12.30 a.m. --------- 12.15 a.m. 12 mld'ght -------- 11.50 p.m. ------- 11.35 p.m. -------- 11.00 p.M. $1.50 1.45 1.40 1.25 1.00 .80 .60 .40 FOR INFORMATION PHONE- LINDSAY 506 - BOWtMANVILLE 2666 - OSHAWA 2283 Patrons Using Our Busses May Leave Thefr Cars in Parking Space at Kawartha Maples or at Our Garage in Bowmanvllle Free of Charge. és~c~uieHIS DADDY'S HOUSE IS INSULATED WITH JOHNS-MAN VILLE I'2oà ~Woo1 HOME IN$WLATION C Dont live in an aven this summer. Johns- Manvilie Rock Waal keeps heat out -makes roams up ta 15' cooler even an hottest days. In winten rooms are warmer and cozier. You save up ta 30% in fuel bills. Seud for This Book. Funnished in factory made It rottains dozens of 'Batts'" of correct thick- struuiting ideas you ness and density. Easiiy pgs fueyila installed. Insist an the tratedi Send 100 for name Johns-Manvilie. your copy.a 00 E±nniskiuien Mn. and Mrs. L. Wearn visited friends at Uxbridge. Mns. Beatty, Lindsay, visited ber sister, Mrs. R. Gardon. Miss Marion Metcalf, Beaver- ton, is visiting M~iss Helen Gar- don. Mn. and Mns. C. Graham and family, Oshawa, visited at Mn. C. Boyd's. Mns. J. A. Gaudin necently vis- ited Mrs. H. J. Wenry at J. R. Onmiston's. Miss Hilda Wray, Toronto, Mns. Editb Sharpe, Bowmanville, visît- ed at Mn. E. C. Asbton's. Be sure ta read the panticulars in the coming events reganding the benefit faotball game. Mrs. H. J. Werry is spending a few days with ber sister-in-law, Mns. A. J. Tamblyn, Onono. Mn. Floyd Beckett and Miss Elsie Moore spent Sunday witb Miss Myrtle Brooks, at Lake Sim- cae. Mrs. W. H. Moore spent the weekend witb Mrs. Levi Annis and Mns. (Rev.) Gea. Dix, To- ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Oke, Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Turner visited Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Rabbins, Pickering. Mrs. Byron Oke, Mn. Harry Oke, Miss Inene Oke, Mrs. Cuth- bent, Lakepant, visited at Mn. Wes- ley Oke's. Miss Muriel Moore and Mn. Reginald Weaving visited at Mn. and Mrs. Harrison's, Toronto, aven the weekend. Mn. J. Gilbert, Toronto, Mrs. T. C. Bragg, Mns. J. T. Bragg, Miss Allie Bragg, Bowmanville, visit- ed at Mn. Wm. Wrigbt's.. Mn. and Mrs. Osborne Orr, Non- ris. Glenn and Charlotte, have ne- turned ta their home in Connaught aiter spendlng a week witb thein cousin, Mns. Russell Ormiston. Maple Grove Mns. Nancannow, Mn. and Mns. H. Lawrie, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Anmstrong's. Dr. and Mns. L. H. Coates and son Danny, Brantford, spent the weekend witb Mrs. L. C. Snowden and called an athen relatives on thein way home fram a moton trip ta Nova Scotia. Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Pickard and two children spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Earl Houck, King- stan Rd. W. Mn. Bert Hanbunn, Miss Bertha Hanburn, Brantford, visited the formers brother and sister, Mn. and Mns. Leslie Collacutt. Miss Muriel Baker, Nichais Hospital, Peterbono, visited ber aunt, iWnrs. L. C. Snawden, iast week. Miss Kathleen Clements, To- ronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snawden. Congratulations ta M a s t e r s Stanley and Bert Snowden on winning the amateur contest at Clarke churcb last week. Tbey plaved thein vialins and sang. Lillian, their sister, accompanied them on the piano. Cangratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. M. M. Munday wbo were married 40 years Wednesday, August 24. Mn. Lloyd Snowden bad an ex- bibit ai apples at Peterboro an SatundaY and won a numben af prîzes, among them vere 15 firsts. Mn. and Mns. Fred Twist, Han- moiv. Miss Eileen Twist and Mns. L. Twist are on a motan trip. Congratulations ta Babby Ste- '-ens aînd Jack Munday an win- iig pnizes in the Lions Club par- ! de Thursday. Ross Ashton is halidaying at Mns. W. Brow;nle 'vs, Leaside. Miss Audrey Tbompson, To- ronto. is visiting at home.' Miss Jo ' ce cGill is visiting with Miss Manie Ashton. Mn. and Mrs. R. Ashton, Port hlope, vislted friends hee Mrs. E. Stephens .Mns. B. Ste- phens. IHampton, Mrs. A. StepIh- ens. Toranto. Nu'. andi Mns. Wm. G ifflen, Pickering, visited at Mn. 1'. MVLotntjev s. Mn. and Mns. E. Trimble andd famil.'. Solina. Mn. and Mrs . G. Yeo, Besvvîuiîn 'il le, visîted at Mi-S. S. lrm'. Youn corre2;pondent expresse s thanks ta the Editon on reC'Vingý a c'ar(]\vhilehe ,iys \isitiiig in Victoria, B.C. Mn. George Creepen, St. Thom- as.s visiting at Mn. A. MNeils. Mn. and Mrs. K. Mason, Jack and Bobbie, Taranto, visited at Mn. L. Ashton's. Mn. and Mrs. J. Graham, Osh- awa, visited at Mns. D. Gruham's. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Larmer, Does YOUR Systenf Make Excess Acid 1 Acid Indigestion, Colds, Headaches, Bilious Attacks, Constipation OFIEN STARI THIS WAY Sorne people are what are knawn au acid-rnakers. They can't help lt-an ofien they don't know it. The result of an excess of acid rnay seemn just iike ordinary stomnach trouble - but the' can't be put riglit hy ordinary stomact remedies! Excess acid may be the reason why you wake up flat, sour, bleary-eyed, biliaus - and the reason why fierce purgatives only leave yau ln the grip of a weakening habit and the samne aid symptoms. But there's one thing that acid canI face. That's the neutraing power of Vange Saits, the alkaline rernedy wlth the naturai mineraI spa action. A tea- spoonful ini warmn water surges througl aour system jùst like the niedicinal spring water far away in Englanl where Vange Saîts corne fromn. Excess acid is neutralized quickly, painlessly. Vour blood is purified of poisons. Yaur sore stomnacli walîs are soothed. And that mnass of liard, poisanous waste matter lying in your intestines la softened gently, na.turally, and passed out of your body. Then do you feel good! It's marvellousl But the most marvellous thing la that Vange Saîts are only 60 cents a tin 1 At your drug- gist noiv-but if you're Wlse, on yu bath roorn shelf tonight I South Monagban, visited at Mn. A. Beecb's. Mns. H.' Werry is visiting witb Mrs. J. Tambiyn. Onono. Miss Unsul McNeil, Toronto, is riolidaying at home. Miss Elleen Cowling ententain- ed a number ai young people ta a corn roast iast Friday night whben a veny enjoyable time was spent. Mn. and Mns. L. Ashton and family visited at Mn. H. McGill's, Enniskillen. Solina Junior Girls', Class gave the prognamr Sunday monning at Sun- day scbool. Miss Dorothy Hardy gave a necitation; Miss Betty Smales sang a solo; and Miss Helen Langmaid gave a stany. Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds and Miss Barbara, Toronto, bave been visiting at Mn. Jack Rey- nolds'. Miss Jean Baison, Zion, witb Miss Ileen Balson. Miss Doneen Hardy, Oakwood, with ber cousin, Miss Donotby Hardy. Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Debarr and family, Columbus, witb Messrs. Frank and Chas. Shortridge.. Mn. George Werry spent the weekend at Collingwood. Miss Ileen Coucb, Bowmanvilie. at Mn. Jack Baken's. Misses Pearl Leach and Ileen Baison at Mn. Norman Leacb's, Taunton. Dr. Fletcher Penhali,. Morton, Minn., spent a iew days at Mn. Thos. Baken's. Mn. and Mns. Lewis Luke and Miss Etta Ricb - andson, Oshawa, were also visitons. There is always somebody who is predicting an unusually severe winter. Something is always about ta be done ta reduce the cost of liv- ing.1 -OSHAWA - Friday & Saturday AUGUST 26, 27 The Texans Starring -JOAN BENNETT- RANDOLPH SCOTT. Added - Cartoon - Popeye in Plumbing Is A Pipe. REVIVAL Friday at 10.30 p.m. Born To Dance Starring ELEANOR POWELIL JAMES STEWART. Mon. - Tues. -' Wed. AUGUST 29, 30, 31 Big Double Bill "ReturnOf IThe Scarlet Pimpernel" Starring -SOPHIE STEWART- JAMES MASON and "Fast Company Starring -MELVYN DOUGLAS- FLORENCE RICE. COMING SHIRLEY TE31PLE In "Little Miss Broadway Starting Next Thursday for Three Days Là r, n e Cadmus Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson and sons ai Toronto are spending their bolidays witb tbe former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gib- son. Rev. H. W. Foley, wbo preacbed very acceptably at the Cadmus Cburch Sunday nmorning, was en- tertained at the home of Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Mr. and Mns. Mervin Mountjoy visited their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman ai Kedron. Mn. and Mns. Ray Blair of Osb- awa spent Sunday witb Mes. Geo. Fowier. Mrs. McDonald and Shirley are spendung a couple ai weeks witb ber mother, Mrs. Wilson at Lake- view Cottage. Numerous visitors are enjaying the beauty of Dahlia Dell this week and are going away thriiled witb the spiendor of it. Mn. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy visited Mn. and Mrs. Reynolds on Sunday and enjoyed the aiter- noon at Port Boîster. Miss Verna Coates of Shirley has been visiting at Mrs. Clarence Mountjoy's. Ebenezer 1 Sunday morning service was 1conducted 15y Mn. W. L. Lycett, tMaple Grave, witb Misses Lenore 5Coilacutt and Doris Stevens fav- oring witb a vocal duet whicb was much appneciated. Service in the evening was witbdrawn dur- ing the paston's vacation. The dnamatic club presented their play, "Basbful Mn. Bobbs" at Bunketon on Monday evening and will present it at Tyrone on iLabor Day. Mrs. G. F. Annis contributed vocal solos between the acts. Miss Helen Shantz, Chicago, is spending a short time at the home ai Mn. Gea. Pearce. Master Jack Pearce is holiday- ing in Toronto with Master Billy McKee. Mrs. A. Wallace, Toronto, spent a short holiday wuth ber parents, Mn. and Mns. S. S. Brooks, and during ber visit was presented witb a beautiful cabinet ai silver from ber friends ai Ebenezer commun ity. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Edgar and Misses Rosena Edgar and Velma Peance were visitons on Satunday at Jackson's Point. Rosena ne- mained aven witb ber friend, Miss Jean Smith, Queensville. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Vogier and children bave neturned ta Rochester aiter a pleasant holiday at the Peance homes. Misses Manie and Edythe White, Bethesda, were last week visitons wutb Elsie Oke, returning home on Sunday accompanied by Mns. Esli Oke and Elsie who were <in- nen guests witb Mts. W. G. Run- die and, Mn. Everton White. Miss Aura Osborne and Mn. Carl Down nepnesented the Y. P. Society at the convention held at Oak Lake. Rev. W. C. Smith was also in attendance as one ai the speakers. Mns. Mary Sexsmith, Napanee, is holidaying at ber aid home "The Grange." Mn. Roy Pennington, Toronto, is holidaying witb bis cousin, Han- aid Osborne. Miss Florence Gardiner, Osb- j awa, was a necent guest with Mrs.t Blake Oke.10 Cowanville Fine destnoyed the barnn aiMn. Getlick, fleur Clarke Cbunch, an Thursday. Neighbbrs nîoticed the smake caming out anound the roof, but befone they cauld get thene the wbole building was flaming irom end ta end. Twa pigs, a fine cali, besides a lot ai equipment was iast. Mn. Getlick was away fram home at the time, but he cauidn't have been mucb cbeened ta leann that bis pigs were almost rescued, only ta elude their rescuens and dasb back into the fine. Mn. and Mns. Gea. Hendenson attended Peterbono Fair Satunday,1 then went on tô Scotsman's Pt., pBuckhonn Lake, ta spend Sunday1 with Mn. and Mns. Irwin. A veny successful bazaar and5 amateur contest was held at thet cburcb on Wednesday. Pnaceeds1 a littie aven $30. It was a cool evening and aiter a splendid pro-i gram, the bot dags sald quite% napidly - tbaugb it didn't takes long for the pie and ice cream ta disappean eltben. Mn. J. J. Mel-c Ion did credit ta the noie ai Major Bowes.I Miss Viola Hollingswarth bas1 retunned ta wark in Toronto ai-E ter spending ber vacation ut home.t Miss Emma Rowland, Newcas- tle, 15 stuying with Miss Flossie Mr. AmÀîan Martin gave an in- spiring messa;ge qo Sunday. Mrs. Gea. Hendenson is visiting Mn. and Mns. Marvin at Monnish.S Mn. and Mrs. E. Farrow visiteda Mn. and Mrs. W. Watenson of Welland aven the weekend. Miss Ethel Simpson hns beeno visiting ber aunt, Mns. Todd, inJ Oshawa. Mns. A. T. Perrin is spending an few days in Hamilton. .Zion k Miss Emma Killen, Oshawu, spent a week wvitb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Killen. Mn. and Mns. J. W. Balson are halidaying with Mrs. Bulsan's sis- ten, Mns. Jno. Folton, Norfolk,1 Vinginia.1 Miss Peggy' Killon ith Miss1 Helen Knapp. North Oshawa. Mn. Jas. Stainton is under the1 doctor's cane.1 Mn. and Mns. Chas. Stainton,1 Blackwater, Mn. Henb Camenon, Tyrane, visite(] thoin brother, Mn.1 Jas. Cameron.1 Mn. Walter Boath and Miss En-i lene Hayes, Columbus, at Mn. J. W. Buison's.1 Mn. and Mns. Ed. Pascae and1 cbildnen, Mn. and Mns. Lloydc Stanley, Mrs. Wm. Stanley, Pick-1 ering, Mn. and Mns. Ivon Gary, Arthur and Alan, Mn. and Mns. yles- of Toro-nto.-- Mr. Fred Hill, we are sorry ta ear. feîl from an implement, caking a r, thus compelli ng m ta take a reýt for a iew weeks. Miss Freeda Wilson rcturnead ome on Sunday after spending e past inonth with her parents -Toronto. Mrs. Eagleson ac o m pan i ed Irs. I. M. Campbell and Miss F. liott ta Niagara Falls on Thurs- ay and visited friends in Wood- ridge and Toronto on Friday and aturday iast. Final warning ta motonists- Please take notice, tbat ail motor- ists who do flot obey the Stop Signs un Orono will be severely dealt with. Salem of the week at the Honey home. Sorry ta report Mrs. A. Thomp- son and Mr. G. Connish stili in poor health. Mn. and Mrs. E. Doidge attend- ed the Hampton cammunity pic- nic and spent a very enjayable af ternoon. Joe Hynds, Toronto, at Mn. F. B. Glaspel's. Master Alan Gary, Toronto, is ibolidaying at Mr. F. B. Glaspel's. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar »and Mr. and Mrs. Hansen Rich- ards at their cottage at Wapoose, 1near Picton. Mr. Norman Leach is able ta be out again after faliing off Mr. J. 1Baker's barn, Solina. Miss Pearl Leach, Miss Aileen Balson, Solina, Mrs. Mary Leach, Toronto, at Mr. N. Leach's. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Dr. Earl Garfat's, Coîbarne. Miss Doris Garfat returned with them. Little Marie Killen was operat- ed an for hernia in Oshawa Gen- Seral Hospital Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. George Killen, Drayton, at Mr. Robt. Killen's. Mrs. Ray Cameron and children have returned from visiting ber mather, Mrs. P. J. Gifford, Osaca. Orono News The vagaries of Nature were demonstrated Tuesday nigbt when the umpires engaged for the bail game were late for the game, ex- plaining that it was pouring ramn at Newcastlt, and they thaught there would be fia game while here the threatened thunder storm blew aver. Gea. Gould has been attracting mucb attention while cutting down the large tree by J. J. Gil- fillan's lot. He'd make a good f lag paie sitten. Miss Marion Green visited Mn. and Mrs. Carman Bell and chul- dren one day recently. We understand that Mn. Jacobs has puncbased the house vacated by the Mantie and Armstrong families. However we have been unable to verify the rumor. Mr. Art Beamish went fishing this week witb flot much luck. Kirby S. S. picnic is to take place this (Thursday) afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. F. J. Brimacombe, accampanied by their nieces, Mrs. E. M. Campbell and Miss Florence Elliott ai Minneapolis, and Mrs. J. Eagleson enjoyed a very fine out- ing recently at Fenelon Falls and Millbrook. Mr. Laverne Cooper is visiting bis father, Mr. George Cooper. Congratulations ta Mr. Wm. Watson wbo secured five seconds, two thirds, two fourths, and one first, also the champion read horse and gentleman's turnout at Peterboro Fair. Mrs. Effie May Campbell and sister .Miss Florence Elliott, dtau- gbters af the late Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Eliiott of Minneapolis, Minn., wbo have visited their aunts and uncles and cousins bere returned horne Saturday. Miss E. Sherwin of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherwin and Mrs. C. Moon spent a day in Peterboro this week with friends. Mrs. Sutherland and daugbter, Toronto, have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Smith, Church Street. Mrs. J. R. Cooper and Miss K. McKay are visiting their brother, Neil McKay, at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Froste, Tamworth, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. C. H. F'roste, during thein holidays. Mrs. Fairbairn was in Peterboro ruesday. Messrs. Wm. and Jacke Arm- strong and party attended the op- ening ai the International bridge at Brackville last week. Mn. and Mrs. Robert Hiller and Raymond from Toronto spent the wveekend with Mr. and Mrs. Myles. Miss Editb Dent and iriend of Oshawa, and Mrs. McKee, Miss Lyle and friend of Toronto, visit- ed at Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson and cousin, Miss M. Fowler af Lind- say, Mrs. I. M. Campbell and sis- ' fer, Miss F. Elliott of Minneapolis, ! Miinn., visited with Mrs. E. Car- À cadden and family at Kendal on August 12. Mr. Allison Cowan is on hall- lays. Miss Myrie Virtue, Bowman- ville, is visiting Miss Greta Mer- er. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowan spent two days at Peterboro ex- hibition last week. Mr. George Armstrong is on .olidays. Ernie Dent is now serving sandwiches. Didn't we tell you re hamburgers wouidn't be the last? M-aster Jack Graham, Toronto, ispending a couple oi weeks1 with bis aunt, Miss Freeda Wil- Mr. Cecil Powers was in Bob- sygeon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mrs. 'Special Prices Tooth Brushes - 9c 1 lb. Absorbent 29c Dodd 's Pils-- 27c Sun Goggles - 15c 100 A.B.S.&O. - 9c Fellow's Syrup- 87e Extra Saving 50e Scalp Brush 55o Fitch Shampoo Ail for 63e Deodorants Perstop - - - 29c, 50e Dew - - - 33c, 57c Neet - - 54c, 89c Muni - - - 33c,53c Arrid Creani 39c, 59c Quest - - - 33c FREE 1 Glass Tumbler with Lb. En- gIlsh liealth Saits 39c Tk your fret happy with NU- cat d with aIkaline. antieptic slt1 that controi perspration, soothe tender. aching. burning fret and banish al] trace o!ootodr Pr DIer p Er pair, Grape Salts Fizz Saits - - - 39c, 69e - 50c, 1.00 Khovah Saits - - ART BORDER PRINTS cost no more than ordinary pictures. Try us with yodr developing and printing. 695 . R.COMLIINU, DugiU55I eTrusses August Savings le SALE Princess Soap Flakes, 2 pkgs. at regular price and 1 for lec Palmolive SOAP................... 3 for Chum DOG F000.......... 2 tins Heinz SOUPS.................. 2 for Heinz KETCHUP ............ 2 botties Aylmer TOMATO JUICE, 21 Oz- . 3 tins Club House CHOPPED NUT BUTTER ....... Super SUDS ..... with free sample pkg. 19C 17e 21c 25c 35e 25ec Pure I-ONEY, lb. garton 15c 2 lb. pail 27e Iodized or Plain SALT............ 2 lb. package Rltz BISCUITS................. box Spices, Every Variety, Finest Quality Certo Pratt 's Hog Tonic Phones 367-368 Gems 15C Rubber Rings Egg Producer Spratt's Dog Foods HARRY ALLIN GROCER Bowmanville t .4. - '1~ Goini Read DE A.M. 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.45 10.00 10.10 10.25 11.00 Ail for.............. Pastor Rev. A. W. March con- Clrk ducted the service here Sunday Cak Union evening, delivering a timely ad- Miss G.L. Bailey of Toronto is dress. Mrs. March accompanied visiting her brother, Mr. Harry him ta the service, and Mrs. Gi- Bauley. son, Toronto, who is a guest atj Mr. Fred Hill fell off the man- the Squair home, was also a guest jure spreader, fracturing a rib and at thé service. getting a bad shaking up. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Manning is looking after his in- Sudbury, are visiting with Mr. jjuries. and Mrs. H. Gaud for a few days. Miss Eileen Souch spent last Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry and week at Kingston the guest of ber Miss Thelma were Sunday guests aid principal, Mr. Preston Tim- with Mr. -and Mrs. H. Foster, , mins. Campbellcroft.1 We extend congratulations to Master R. Simpson returned Mr. Archie Watson an passing ail home on Monday evening after a bis subjects at the middle school pleasant weekend spent with his examinatians, also Miss Mamie uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. Archer. Hurst and family, Toronto, at Mrs. Gardon Power and daugh- their summer cottage at Cedar ter spent a few days at her mo- Croft, and Master J. Hurst is ther's at Starkviile. spending this week at the Gaud, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Watson, home.: Kirbv. visited his brother, Mn. Mn. Bruce Lockhart. Niagara Alex' Watson, on Sunday. Falls, N. Y., visited at Mr. S. But- Mrs. Chas. Reesar and children tery's.- visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marion Honey returned Gea. Cain. home on Tuesday after an enjay- Mrs. H. J. Souch and Miss Eil- able mator trip down thraugb een Souch are spending a few days Quebec, with Toronta girl friends at Lefroy, Lake Simncoe, the guests and Miss F. Hauston, one of the lof her sister, Mrs. Chas. Cum- -fiends is visiting the remainder 1mings. COWLING SELIS THE BEST- And Serves You WeII When you use XKerslake 's Sweet Pickie Mixture for Beets and Cucumbers you can «ie sure of good results. 1 Gallon - - - - 35c Fynnon Lruschen SAt1 Vange Sait aits Hepatica Sal Sats 30c - 59C Salts 69e 69C $1.15 57c am a INbOULt!à 1, PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEý ONTARIO Mr-LJILAItU » ET INSOLES ü m Enos Fruit Salts - 47c, 79c 18c, 39c 30e 15C Worm Powders Bowmanville Havdon 1