THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE FIVE f Mrs. W. Janes and Miss Marion Sp r Noe ýMalcolm, Mitchell. Me. and Mrs. p r oe A. P. MacDonald, Mes. John Good-___ Iman, Mes. W. Cook, Toronto, Mr. Courtice soccer teamn defeated SOCIAL AND> PLftSUfAL !and Mes. A. M. McDonaid. Osh- Zion ïn that village on Satunday awa, were weekend visitons Of by a score of 1-0. This was a play- Me. and Mes. Donald McDonald. 1 f game. Phone 663 Early Sunday morning Walter Mes. B. M. Waenica is visiting Eva J. Wakeiin were Sunday Price, Bethany, d i s c o v e r e d a Bowmanville girls came home Mes. B. E. Ingham, Peterboro. guests of Mrs. H. T. Cox, Pont screen had been removed from a somewhat downheaeted from Co- Cogauain oM.W.Hope. window in his store and the safe bourg Wednesday night after a Conratlatonsto e. m.and fyling system had been stolen game in which they were taken Trewin on celebeating his 9th Me. and Mes. Perecy Lanke. as well as some bread. meat, and to the tune of 11-2. Next game is biethday tomornow, August 26. Australia, xere recent visitons $2.00 in cash. The safe was ne- Friday at 6.30 p.m. public school Miss Helen Wight, Providence, wihM.adMs m nwn overed in Opps Township the grounds. has been visiting fiends at Nia- Waeden and Mes. J. F. George. saine day by Provincial Constable gara Falls, Ontario, Bowmansville Phyllis, Jean, Shirley and Han- D. Adair and W. Kennedy. Lind- Countice defeated Zion at Cour- and Buffalo, N. Y. old, Smithfield, visited hen mo- say. Provincial Constable D. P. tice last night 2-0, making it 3-0 Mn. Joe Edgerton, Toronto, and ther, Mes. B. M. Wannica, on Sun- Morris is investigating but no an- for the Courtico crew, giving themn Master John Edgerton, Orange- day. nests have been made. the championship of the eastern ville, are hoiidaying withMea Mr. and Mesr.J adnM. M. and Mes. H. E. Batlett and1 section. The next game wiil be Mes. J. Living and family. Jack Sandens, Mes. E. J. Hannam childeen. accompanied by E. Hag-wihCamotnStudy t Tim Wight, Doug Wight and,'and Miss Irene Britton, Toronto.gth(neTd)rtuedS-Cotiea6p..ST. Jim Thompson have returned1 were Sunday guests of Mn. and day night fnom a two weeks' fro anenjyabe tipto New Mes. Joe Chapman, Hampton. mot or 1trip thnough the nonth Port Hope girls defaulted to the fro anenoyale npcountry,. Leaving here on Sator- local softball team last Monday York City. the Adirondacks and1 Major D. C. Wannica, Windsor. day. August 6, they made their night. The next game of the play- the Catskills. spent a few days with his mother. first camp at Balsom Lake, near offs will be played hene on Friday Mn. and Mes. W. P. Corbett' Mes. B. M. Warnica, last week en Fenelon Falls. On Toesday they night against Cobourg. This will were in Hillsdaie on Wednesday route to Port Hope where he 'S went on to Minden. camped over be the second game of the league afteenoon attending the marriage: an insteuctor at the Tank Bat- ngt hno hog ost iasa omnii iydi of thein nephew, Mn. Bartiett talion Schooi. Dwight (a lox-eiy sommer resont Cobourg Wednesday night. The Simmons to Miss Violet McLeod. Rex'. C. R. Spencer retorned filled with Amer'icans). and made!Friday game will begin at 6.30 Me. and Mes. Joseph Kentner. from his vacation on Wednesday camp at Oxtongue Lake for two p.m. at the public sehool grounds. Acton, are spending a week with to officiate at the marriage Of days %vhene they had some of thein Winner of theee out of five games her sister. Mes. H. E. Smith. Mn. William John Smith and Marjorie best fishing. Thon on to Aigon- xiii be acciaimed the champions. Charles Hales of Toronto xvas aiso Burns. Oshawa. at the home of quin (Provincial Park).,xvent a weekend guest. the grooms parents. Mn. and Mes. through the park (a Iox'eiy drive). Scotty Cameron had a field day Me. and Mes. James Grant, Mn. H. E. Smith. Qoeen Street. saw fiye deer. and camped aton Satorday. getting on base ev- and Mes. Elmer Wood and Miss Mes. Harold Vogler and daogh- Whitney ox'er night. then on to 'env time he came to bat v'ia three _________________________ter Shirley. Penfield, Nev York. Hybla. Harnys oid home. visited waiks. an ernon and a single. He 1Mes. S. A. Shant:-, Rochester, Nex V ith his mothen and friends a also threw out one man at finst ~York, Mes. George Peance and xveek. fishinz at Salmon Trout on a drive to right and would 'Miss Louise xwere recent goests 01f Lake. York River. and othen, wat- have had another if Siemon, who. Mes. C. H. Dudley. ens. neturning home by xv'ay, of had tried for the drive, could have WHIITIV Rev. George Edxvand White. Bancroft. Burieigh Falls. Peter- irejuned to the base in time. .D., of Bradenton, Fia., is ex- boro and Rice Lake. They report 1Càmenon iost one fly in the son Vanpected to occupy the puipit 0, a loxvely trip. and scenery onsor-1 but recovened the baîl in time toi Wh;ile You i 1,~pi,,~.i toi nassed. They travelled' with a theow the man out at second... a.m. service Sunday. 'N~T M r. and Mes. W. C. Werry. M Oshawa, and Mrs. Laura Pen- K N I T - found. Bowmanville. spent the weekend with friends at Palmr- USE THE NEW ston and Mount Forest. *Rev. J. C. Clough, rector of the SNOW WHITE Church of the Ascension, Port Penny, was celebrant at the Holy o I Communion service in St. John's Chunch. Tom Dustan Jr., Bow- Andalusian W o manvlle had charge of the morn- ingsericein the Port Penny 15 Attractive New Shades 'Chunch. KnitnowforFal - Mkesidel !Mn. and Mes. William Pettigrew Kni no fr Fîl- Mke idal, and Margaret are summering at Baby Outfits, and Sweaters, 'Lake View Cottage. Thurstonma Berets, Scarfs, Dresses, Suits., Park, Stungeon Lake. Miss Mar- garet caught a 6 lb. 4 oz. Lunge Sold exclusively at our store. ýwhen fishing last week. Mes. W. R. Grierson. Edmon- ______________________ ton, Aha., returned home on Thursday, accompanied by her s on, Mn. W. R. Grierson. after vis- SEE OUR D1.SJLAY iting hen aunt, Mrs. Donale Mc- ------------ _________ Mn. and Mes. O. V. Mitchell, Mr. and Mes. Cecil Dunsford, Mn. and Mes. R. T. Brock. Mr. and Mes. Norman Black and daugh- teToronto, spent the weekend J. W. EW ELL with Me. and Mes. A. E. Gildens; Mes. Brock and Mes. Mitchell ne- Phone 556 Bowmanville maining for a visit. Mn. and Mes. Archie Hardiil, Long Branch, Mn. Jos. Hardill, Special PRICE S1.OO9 BALLON HIGHEST GRADE PAINT IN THE LOW PRICE FIELD Good For August Only A. E. McGregor & Co* SUCCESSORS TO DUSTAN'S HARDWARE Phone 774 Bowmanville F SAVE ON EVERY ITEM pkg. .jar 19c Fry's COCOA, serve it iced ...... 1/2 1lb. Aylnier CATSUP.... ;...... 12 oz. bottle Brunswick SARDINES................ 2 tins GillIett's LYE................... per tin Canada CORN STARCII.......... 2 pkgs. Wheens CARBOLIC SOAP........ 3 bars 19C 12c 12C 19C 13c Magie BAKING POWDER......... lb. tin 28c Big Five CLEANSER .................. tin se .Fe W. NELLES Bowmanville ROTARY CLUB Thompson, Steongfield, Sask.; Mn.1 Cuthbert, Woodstock; Mes. Leslie (Continued from Page 1) E vans: and Murray, Chapleau; dale and the lordly Shonthonn, Mes. 'Aaron Thompson, Messes. and aill down through the ages John, Wes., George and Albert these coontnies have remained; Thompson, Mankdale; Mr. Sulas great. Thomas, Toronto; and many oth- If x' wouid study histoey al ens fromn Port Hope, Oshawa, Or- littie more deepiy, I think wei ono and othen places. would find that the countnies of i the xvorid which have moved for-' Samuel Jacks, Hampton ward and gone ahead in comn- merce, finance and industry have There passed to rest at Bow- ahl heen great livestock countries. manvilie Hospital on Thuesday, But the benefits accnuing fnom July 2lst, Samuel Jacks, son of fairs and exhibitions have not the late Samuel Jacks and Sus- been confined to the realm of ýanna Armstrong, who when new- livestock only. Thein influence Iy manried wene among the first has been felt in the art and the settiers of Darlington about one home with aîl its ramifications; in 1 hundred years ago, and lived in a horticuîltore and gardening. The house located in the oid orchard crops of the field haxve been im- which still stands on the south pnoved. Indostry has been but end of their farm. up and nexv avenues opened to . Mn. Jacks succumbed to in- trade and commerce. juries neceived when knocked In tribiîte to the average farm- down bx' a car on the Sunday er, the speaker termed a public night previous to his demise. bonefactor the gnoup of men who Ho was born on the farm where can succeed in m-aking two blades hoe had always lived. and was in of grass grow whene one grexv his seventieth yean. Ho was of a prexiously. W'hat greater mono- kind disposition, and was fond of ment can any man beave behind children whom he liked to ho him after the toil of this life is with, and who shaned with him over than to hax-e it said that ho his share of this world's goods. ieft his business. his industry. or Ho had a hobby of coilecting con- the fertiiity of his farn in boetter ios, many of which haying been shape than xwhen ho neceived it. found on the f arm. part of wvhich TodaY. I am afnaid. there ms too his oncle James Jacks. and son i much inclination on the part of Henry, formeriy owned, and lat-I people and goxvrnments to mont- tonly by the late Robt. Penkins. gage the future. the debt to ho after whose death the Jacks Bro: paid off by othen generations. thons purchased, this bringing the Concluding his address, Me.' land between the two sideroads ,Faith outiined the puepose of his east and west. and roads north nemarks. xvhich was a hope that ,and south, with the exception of« those attending the f airs in theé a few acres of the three hundned near future wouid ho able to ap- iacre farm, into the ownership of peeciate the toil of the farmers, ýthe Jacks family, as in previous house -traile r. Cmro s itig.30fo he ~lIU ros bUinU1IofUIthe sci- Cameon i hiting.33 fortheentist as represented in that half ________________ year and Alex Colville is batting bushel of wheat or flower on dis- a mere .450. . . . Wow! . . . The play, to appreciate the skill of Royals- coliected twelve hits on the master breeder as represented Juagmient Is Saturday, Ames. Colville, Osborne in the livestock, to, appreciate the and Phillips each getting two. ability of the women in the home Ted Bagneli xvent hitless but as depîcted i n f irle stitches and Reserved In twice drove the centrefielder backI forlon hih dive. .. .Bats 'good cooking and the work of the forlonahgh ries.ase. ats boys and girls as represented in out with a broken finger, al- th xiit rmte col nd (Cntnud ro Pgethough he caught four innings the ehih stanrd te cof ang keepotthed ram aelsop1aedwith it against Sunderland. twhichishbeing atainedfbyfthe 'ru- keout$100 in adg s placed h ral boys and girls in their special roof of the cab. He had previous- F oexhîb its îaletly, we ofdmhave Iv noticed that carbon monxie r ily keunions apcitthlboofmn fumes were seeping into the truck. and women in the plants and but did not believe the closedCORC-E RSNPNC factonies as represented in the windows would allow enough gas URIEVRSNPC C exhibits made by the merchants to accumulate to do harm before A splendid time marked the and mianufacturers. he reached Bowmanvilie. 19th union of the Courtice Ever- Ail Canada goes on paradeý When he came to, said Mr. son picnic held at Hampton Park. about this time every year in thel Barnes, ho was helping a motor- Fifty-eight enjoyed the perfect faîl fairs and exhibitions, featur-i is? change a car wheel on what weather and meeting with rela- ing her people and her live stock, he believed to be the new road tives from near and far. Mn. and sponsoring the greatest eclucation- at Danforth avenue. His mmnd Mrs. Ewart Everson with Mar- ai event the world has been able again lapsed and he remembered garet and Phillip from Montreal. to produce. nothing until he found himself on with them fnom Montreal were The speaker was introduced by CliffTside Golf course unable to Mrs. Walsh and famatly. Mr. and agriculturist and dainyman Presi- figre ut ow e rachd tereMrs. Robb Fowler with Ruth, dent R. R. Stevens, and former! nor where he had lef t the truck. Joyce, Mary from Moonefield, farmer. now plumber W. L. El-! His club bag and raincoat were Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. S. j. liott moved the vote of thanks. with him. Sunday evening he re- Courtice of Leamington. Onlv guest was Rotanian Al ex turned to his home stili dazed After a sumptuous repast the Manson. Stratfond, guest, of Geo and went to bed for several days. Sports Committee pleased the E. Chase. The money he had hidden in younger members with games the cab was gone as were over Mi rss.v vroPeiet $100 in accessories. Barnes stated tuariesvron Pesdet he had not reported the loss to, presided over a short business Obitu re thepolce ecasehe ntededtoprognam and election of officers ____ Baroic eaueh nes liv- foF 1939 were: President, Leo OrRyod ee med it ood himselforsi ea Courtice; Vice-President, Harold end inwfmilavifo sxhers Gay; Secretany, B. E. Harris; Cartwright T ow ns h ip was andwasfamlia wih te OonoPnogram Com., Mrs. Goodman. shocked and grieved to hean of noad and the bad cunve at Dean's. Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Wight; Sports the sudden death of Orn Reynolds -Corersweeth ciet c o. George Bray Ted Mason. Dever as the nesuit of an accident cured.Chas. Wight. al Burketon station on the morn- Ed Dean testified that he had The highlight of the picnic was ing of July 12th. The deceased hear th trck ras abut 30the distribution of the Courtice- was the youngest son of the late in the morning and had gone Out Everson Histories and Genealog- Andrew Deven and Ellen Emery. to see if he could render assist- ies, compiled in one volume. The He was born and grew up in the ance. He found a man sitting in Courtice ancestry dated back to community of Blackstock. He was the truck and the man had. re- 1784 and the Everson Family Tree in his 47th year. Left to mourn marked "Thene she is, all in aldating from 1758. No successful his passing are his devoted bro- heap." ;attempt has been made to trace ther Alexander with whom he Asked if he was hurt, the manIthe lineage farthen back than to lived, two sistens, five nephews, said he was not. but that hislthe above noted dates. The au- and one niece. hands and face were smanting, thors of these histories are Mr. T.l The funeral took place from probably from acid spilled frorn H. Everson of Oshawa, and Mr.1 the home of his brother on Thurs- a battery, Mr. Dean stated. Mr. S. J. Countice of Leamnington. day, July 14th, at 2.30 p.m., ser- Dean said he asked the man if Much appreciation was expressed vice being conducted by Rev. Bell he would like to use the phone to these members for thein un- of Blackstock. Interment was in and the man replied 'No, it's too tiring efforts of several years and Union Cemetery, Cadmus. late."' The truck had turned over the Herculean task which it in- and then righted itseif but was volved. Mr. Everson presented badly wnecked, the witness de- each member of the Evenson Fam- Albert Hillis, Hampton clared. ily with an autographed copy of, The community was shoc'ked on Mr. Dean stated he returned to his history of the family. Sna~atnon uut1,t his house and a few minutes later Telegrams and letters were re- henar ftesern dat, aued his son had gane out to see the ceived fnom Calgary, Chicago and! through an accident on the high- truck, but could find no one there. Lindsay from absent members. iway, of Mr. Albert Hillis. Ai- The next afternoon, when no one The Family Histories were pub- though he was in his 9th year, he had appeared to remove the lished by the Canadian Statesmnan. had as keen an intellect and was truck, they phoned the Automo- Bowmanville. as active as a much younger per- tive Supply Company and the_______________ son. He was a great favorite with police. 'ail his nieces and nephews, who Provincial Officer John L. Whit- i'had made it a practice for a num- ty, Motor Cycle Patrol, gave evi- ber of yèars to celebrate his birth- dence that he had been called to V I L day with hlm at his home in the Écene Thursday afternoon and S E I L Hampton. His cheery company had found a badiy wrecked truck will be missed by mnany. and hundreds of dollars worth of Mr. Hillis was born on April 2, automotive accessories strewn over 1849, on the homestead on the 6th the ground. Tire marks showed - concession of Dariington, north that the truck had ieft the high- and east of Taunton, where he way 60 feet north of the curve. lied and farmed until his retire- L. C. Mason acted for the ac- mnt about 25 years ago. He was cused on both charges and sug-ý of Irish descent1 and inherited the gested that Mr. Barnes had been sense of humor characteristic of in no condition following the ac- the Irish. His parentswere cident to report the matter to the Topo Hillis and Elizabeth exlcse.d OneDecembera31,eg1871,eheemar- polce.adterfr adlgiIN SILVER ne ac m miman,171,ho died Magistrate F. S. Ebbs reserveci T*is ek ny nNvemer 1, 186, ang wo his decision until Monday, August Ti ekOl nNvme 6 86 evn w 29th. Buttetr Dishes $1.00 small chiidren, a third child died in infancy. On September 29, 1897 ____________Sait & Pepper Sets $1-00 h married Margaret Leask who Bread Trays - 1.25 *proved a splendid mother for his ROYALS WIN up >children, and who died on April (Continued from Page 1) Candie Sticks - $1 .50 20, 1928. After his retirement from farming he lived near his when he stepped out of the box UP farm for some time, later moving to hit a short rolier. Phiiiips took Relish Dishes $1.25 to Taunton. Aften the death of second on the play, but was called Cream, Sugar, Tray $3.75 his wife he made his home with back when it \vas called a dead Casseroles -- $295 ýhis eider daughter, Mes. Elmer bail play. Ames drove a single to, Wilbur. at Hampton. He was a ieft shoving Lefty to second. Wii- Flower Baskets- $3'.50 staunch Liberal. iliams flew out to left. Colville up The funeral wos held on Tues- clipped a dandy to centre to score Cold Water Jug, $4.95 day, August 16, and was largely the short and by now puff ing port aage ttended by relatives and friends. side siinger and Siemon finished Lage Rev. Walter Rackham officiated the raily with a pop out to short. 1~'~f at the services and gave a com- The third game of the three out IIf forting message to the bcreaved. of five piayoff series will be play- AL WI Interment was made at the Union cd in Port Hope on Saturday al Cemetery,. Oshawa. The floral of- 3 p .m. Many fans are planning JEWELRY STORE fcings were many and beautiful.1 to support thein team and. make. showing the love and esteem heid the trip. It should be a perfect Phone 463 Bowmaninlle for the deceased. The pail bear- game with both teams trying ev- e_______________ rs were three grandsons, Raiph. erything to wîn. Port Hope has ________________ Gordon ai-d Allan Wilbur, and to win or put their gloves on the threV nephews, Orlie Chapman, shelf for the season, while the John Baker and Gordon Leask. Royals wiil be out to finish the * i He leaves to mnourn his îoss. series. IU wo daughters. Mrs. Elmer Wil- Line up: Bowmanvilie - Cam- - bur, Hampton, and Mrs. Carl Wil- eron rf; Ames 2b; Williams ss, With a record of 50 years as a znoit satin- bur, Taunton; his three grandsons, Colville cf; Siemon Ilb; Osborne factorY treatifleot for piles or liemorrboids. and one great grandchild, Dorothy c; Kent If; Bagnell 3b; Phillips you can positively depend on Wilbur of Utica. Umpires: Tyson, McD o u g a il h s.' in m n Relatives from a distance at- and Crossett.D.Ch ssO tm t tending the funeral were Mrs. Job yean o. Previous to his health having been somewhat impained in ne- cent years ho was a regular at- tendant and gonorous supporter of Hampton United Chuech of which ho was a member. Ho was very seldo mabsent from Sunday veey seldom absent from Sunday numerous occasions by neighbor- ing childeen, in whom, besides his aduit friends, ho was keenly in- tenested, and contributed gener- ously to ail woethy appeals. Those who mouen his passing are two sistees, Annie -(Mes. J. Long), Toronto, and Poiiy at home with one brother, John, at home, -also two nieces, Olga and Moreen Lang, and one nephew, Whitney Lang. Another brother, iWill. died about four yeans ago., and one sister Eliza (Mes. Fergu- son), about two years ago. SThe funeral was largely attend- ed at the home and was conduct- ed by his pastor, Rev. Walter Rackham. interment being made in the famiiy plot at Zion ceme- tony. The bearees wene neighbon- ing friends, Messrs. C. Colwill, Aif Ayee, Lorenzo Teuli, Ed. Flory, Chas. Johns, and Arthur Stainton. Many floral tributes f9m the relatives. fniends, and local organizations testified to the esteem in which the deceased was held. His benevolence wili ho more widely known in the near future. Mrs. W. J. Stutt, Orono Aftoe a lengthy illness, Mes. W. J. Stutt, well known resident of Orono, passed away on Thuesday. August l8th, and was buried in Orono Cemeýtery on Saturday, August 2Oth. Hon passing leaves a gap in a family highly respected and osteomed. Mes. Stutt w'as born noar Janet- ville, daughtee of the late Me. and Mes. David MeNeil. As she advanced in age her interests also grew until she bocame an active woeker in the church and a reg- ular attendant. She xvas married "I Lowest Prices ODO-RO-NO Regular or Instant " Checks Body Odor " Keeps Underarm Dry " Saves Your Clothes 35C ALEX* has been ilI with the measies.' McCrae's are having a corn noast on Monday night. to William James Stutt. a farmer nearby, and after sevenai years the couple retired to the village of Onono. Two daughters and one son were lborn of the union, ail surviving - Mrs. (Dr.) Demaray, Detroit, Miss Edna Stutt at home. and Raiph, Bowmanvilie. Two sistens are also surviving. Mrs. R. D. Bowen, Deseronto. and Mrs. B. Williamson, Toronto. Mn. Stutt. her husband, is also living. The funenal was heid from Park Street United Chunch, the ser- vices being conducted by the pas- ton, Rev. S. Littlewood, who came from his cottage 150 miles away to officiate. The large numben present and the profusion of beautiful flowers testified to, the esteem, in which deceased was held. The pastor bnought a comfonting message to the bereaved by reading scrip- tures and through an appropniate talk, the text of which was "Cast ail thy burdens upon Hlim for He caneth for thee."' The two hymns chosen wene "O God Our Help in Ages Past" and "Faith of Our Fa- thers." By request, Park Street Choir led the singing of the hymns and also rendered "In the Gar- den."~ Pail bearers were: Charles Mc- Neil, Janetville, Leonard McNeil, Jas. McCamus, Leonard Smith, Milibrook, W. Brown, Centreville, and Thos. McNeil, Onono. ENTERPRISE NEWS Mn. and Mrs. Barrie of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mes. Thos. Hogg. Miss Eleanon Ransberry is spending a few weeks in the city. Miss Joan Manteli, Peterboro, is visiting hen aunt, Mns. John Mof- f att. Mn. Ken Ransberry of Sudbury M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - 'Ne specialize in inachinerv repaies. general gar- age repaies, wveiding, towinz ser- vice. J. L. Demcrling Proprietor, Bowmanville Phone 781. 23-tf Harvest Home AT TYRONE Sunday, Septemiber 4 Special Services at 10.30 ar. and 7 p.m. (S.T.) Music by choir, assisted by special talent. Special Speaker: REV. M. SANDERSON, B.A. St. Cuthbert's Church, Toronto. Monday, September 5 2.30 p.m. Program of Sports Football gaines for Tyrone Challenge Cup between ieadlng league teains. Softball Gaine for valuable prize. Admission to sports'- loc. CHICKEN PIE SUPPER served in shed Monday, Sept. 5 froin 4.30 pin. tili ail served. Adults 50e, Children 30c. Followed by a play at 8 p.rn. "BASHFUL MR. BOBBS" by caste from Ebenezer. For those, without supper tickets admission will be Adults 25c, Children 15c. "No More Bread Baking For Me" Af ter tasting the healthful deliclousness of Carter Family bread, you'l neyer want to bake your own again. SCHOOL OPENING School opens soon. See that your children build up stamina for sohool activi- ties b! eating plenty of bread. Bread is one of the greateat body building foods - children need it. THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bowmanville McOREOOR Appointed Sole Agent in Bowmanville District for VOIGTLANDER CAMERAS These celebrated Gernian Cameras are masterpieces of mechanical perfection and, contrary to, popular belief, are not ail extremely expensive, aithough Vhey range as higli as $200. Let ns suppiy you with literature. We list below two of the very popularly priced models.4 TsRn, n,... I I.AN4ITHE"B!ISHO Square Model, large, 4fufl Folding Model, springs out sizd fnde, F 7. les;rea4y for action on pres- size fiderY. .7 lns;sing a button. Two finders, Singlo Shutter one seventy FP. 7.7 lens, patented trig- fifh sc. ake 12 214 xger release on baseboard. fift se. Tkes 2, ¼ XTakes 16, 2¼/4 xi 5-8, or 8 21/ pictures on a 120 film. 2 1-4 x 3 1-4 pictures on a 120 film. Price 515.00 Price 5 14.50 ALL VOIGTLANDER CAMERAS TAKE FILM NO. 120 LET US DEVELOP YOUR FILMS Our work is u.nequalled here and unexcelled elsewhere. Our service is prompt. Filins left at 10 a.m. are ready at 6 p.m. the same day. Aý PROTEOT YOURSELP AGAINST HAY FEVER I Build resistance by taking Nova-Kelp Tàb lots the minelal-rich sea food. An excellent tonic for other disorders. Money back guarantee. 150y 79e - 3009 1.39 - 7509 2.79 Prescriptions A Specialty PHONE 792 Wig DELIVER 59Ce CASHMERE -.T 1 TS S UE 1000 Sheeti HME he ol t. he ol ~5~*2fo25t BLUSTERINE The safe antisep- tic; for haif a ccntury the f avorite. 25c, 49c, 79e Speelal - MUFFETS.... Krunehle PEANUT BUTTER Phone 596 GROCER, PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO YOUR MOST Important Foods From that of quality Bow- Health Dairy Foods are the best you can eat. From that quality Bow- nianville Dairy leads the field. Bowmanville Dairy Phones 446-703 VPUW- 121>TTTTAW"