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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1938, p. 6

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____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ _ 1-1U~ UA , AL UST 25, 193 PAGE SIX Sg recipient of a beautiful white pOrcehain lan-p from her class as- sociates. Miss Cawker made a MA YRO E T fitting rephy of appreciation and O T R / IN HT a jolly gond fellow.- As th e S PR Eâ shades of evening were falling the CH .\PTFR X\lan I,~d at la-,t .ie turîued anîd xxtît ba,:k cmayrepaired to their various Tlîat xx as actial thier farew-eii. t uith cab. hoehaxing spent a pleasant -Seîid cour muen oiff xitiu a smnilc.** This i.,;îrot a storv of the xvar. but afteroon.Buit lue xxas îlot lier mail. Bexerl -j onue mail %who piayed lis oNeuu TeHampton Horticulture So- foiînd lîerseif violexîtix w-eepinR ssîl part iin it andI eierged per- Roy ls in pe ing Batieshowv in the basement of Eidad tlîe driver sloxved doxvi and, turii- buttuer surk-eon. For Chris xvas ai- 1'. . uI.I i on Wednesday, August 17. icz spoke to tuer. vavs to divitle his active life iuto UnS There wxasa fine display ofgiad- Hartl iuck, lady." he said. "Eut MO parts: befome andt after that A tter rive Inings i~ Without RftUfaslS lasa splendid sh-ow- I expect hlî,cl o-eback ail riglt t.1 iuiielr of uîlietecen htîndmed and Defeat Port Hope 6-5. Pointer thue side, nine men had gone to a number of bouse plants. Mrs . Iii sorry,." slîe Rasped. "in ail tcilter. With oîiy a fcxv xveks iii AttendsGame Bt Can- bat and four of them had crosseded Tamblyn, Orono, assisted by mîghtn-ow."i ode i aks b eodbtte fte'an Attens Gaie ButCan- the plate. Witberidge started pro- hem daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carlos Fi-ooigotieleine. îî soîdbtiofteMrewa not Pitch Due to ceeding with a line bit over third Tamblyn, who accompanied her coid drive you to tlhe dock. ai] lalilcied. Stomach Burns i and Cameron drexe bis third xvaik. very capably judged the flowerý maybe vou'd sec him again. Yoti lie lîad beci siîiftcd about. He Ames poked bis second hit to and vegetabies of whieh there was have to xvalk a ways, but I kriov the \vas a regzimentai surgeon nîoxv, and centre scoring Witberidige and also a fine collection. A splendid taiîr îdxhr ti. i revxia la eu..\oî For some very mysterious rea-: bringing a change in the home programi was given in the even- She could flot go back to hem loneix wiith the other mnedical of ficers lie son the Bowmanville Royals have line-up. Daxviey going to third ing, conductedi by the president, lotel room. Not yet. xith Chris xcas to go forxvard xith the troops shown quite a flare for coming and Douglas moving to tbe mound. Mrs. John Kiveli, Solina, and zatlîering up) ]is stuff aîîd gettillue to supervise the establishmienut of through with late inning ralliesIt looked as if tbe strategy migbtl opendwtht0sign o rearle to sail. So in the end she ditid rtat ttos from these the after pemmitting tbe opposition to,. xork when Williams drifted higb and."Msses Jean and Marion just that, to retain forever in hiem voiuîtied could 'be evacuiated to the acquire a lead iu the earlier part to centre, but Colvilie drove Cam- Balson, Zuon, and brother Gemald'id, md a p)icture as smail as the area field hospitais a fexv kilomecters bc- of the game. Tbey followed this eron borne itb a single to right ontribted musical numbers, in- lunder one Street lamp. with herseif lîiid tlîe h1es. same frmulaon Saurdaywben and xvheu tbe sbortstop booted cludling vocal solo and violin solo. one foot lu the shadoxvs, the back- H vsavr fasprse x the cmefro bbid t ee utOsborne*s drive tbe bases were Rev.W. ackhamn gave a reading zround a paved yard and a shiup, an(dcitniernt when xvord came tlîat the a 6 to 5 verdie,. avecl'or! fople. loaded. Bill Bagnell met one that "A Child's Essay ou Comus ' piano under that iamp. xeighed down xitii tdivision w-as rnovîrîgnip, and oui the in the f irst game of the Lakeshore bounced off the pitcher's glove iu-In u mber by George Werry;' read- thieir rifles and bianket ouls, an end- ast îight he xrote the letters xvhichîii League finals piayed lu Port to short left field and before Daw- ing, Mrs. B. G. Stevens, "Away less huie of mc(n slozging aiong. verc to go fiu case thirîgs w'entv Hope. lev- recovered the bail both Ames 1 Down East";,i vocal duet, Pearl Thcv w'ere sulent, save for the shuff- xvronzg with lim. He wrote four:c Minus the great Tommy Point- anîd Coivilie had counted to put Lec lnd Eleen Balson, accom- linR Of tlîeir feet on the stones. Thev- to Katie f irst. theuu to Bex'emlx-anud il er, who just emerged from the the Royals one up. panied by George Werry.. Mr. moved ont of damkness iuto the liglit Mliss Nettie. and last. orne to Hirm a hospitai on Friday after beingý But the Tozer crowd were not HW Wilcox won severai firsts anîd tlien irîto darkness. The dark- MNortimer about Ursula's boy, t severely burned about the stom-1 ready to eaul it quits and they tied 1On gladioli. Mm. F. J. Groat, *Miss ness sxvaiioxed them. It was as ach wie at bus work. the Hopers lit up in their haîf of the inning ILuu ReynIdsMs .J esak lou-tîvhd uî u ige I know I li4-e failed cou iin manva found it rather tougb sleddîug. ou a two base drive by Wakeiy adMSsL Horn weme others of Moirenut of existence. wax-s," lie xrote to Katie. "I hav Ed Witheridge xvas tiin and a singie by Hudson. Ail this Hmao ebr h o hi Eut thiere xvas no sign of Chris x-itdo obehpy u rb very faim brand of bail for thelrun meant bowevem, was that the share of the prizes. The greatem - ablx could net have made any a Royals althougb be did not bave Roas had to go get themselves number of entries were made by xvornuhiappy, my dear. Among st his usual stuf on the horsebide.l another and this they did with the Solina members, it being more otlier thinzs I haxe becuî too seli- i Lefty George Philiips took over theridge again starting it off convenient to the place of the _________________ islilve euîrossed fii my xvork. Thet the mouud duties in the eighth af- with a safety over second, Cam- show. Had it net been for the f allure is mine. uîot yours; se inii ter the Royais had taken a one eron chased him to third on bis heavy ain the previous day, a case vou receive tliis, I lhope you SI run lead for the second time, and bh and be. scored wbiie Cameronlrgradbte dipycodxiibrid-osefanw retired six of the seven men te was being throwu eut on Ames' have been gathered of both flow- U M bc lhappx- ii it." h( fc i.gone oscn.ers and vegetables. A larger and Thm e xvas more to it. as if by t The Rayais confined their scor- ueterhwhicb ay bipaebed atorm xrx eugth lie could atone for ts ing te the sixth, seveuth and Hetamtn. he ciae soîrcts failture to carry wliat lie could eigbth stanzas, whiie the Ports Hmtobershauecoesou ait W UUiietluer feel uîor xrite. But his letter x scered once lu the first, repeated Hampton A ilmeetisifan e a b ___________R to Beveriv was iuist a lirue or txve: %b in the tbird, added two more luin___________ Doii't grieve. ne damiiug. I have xv, the sixth, and eue in the seventh. Miss Ethel Gilbert is visiting uinP1 A U U V lexvcm chauîged, andt - strauîge hoxx' h Pbiilips opened the Port haif Toronto. L .T 13 - s A T aIu Etlus xver unakes one tiik - tiiere tIi of the first with a badiy-bounding Mr. Lewis Truil visited Peter- .L'estleLoflD JV m NVLmas l etliugBeyouîd. lIn that ttl double te ieft, went te third on an boro relatives. 1 13OWaMAN IL ae1salb lmrbs infieid tap by Wakeiy and scomed Mrs. Emma Bennett is spend- Mm. and Mrs. Dan Smith and caseut shah bte saie.e buus tpchatsti, whiie Scotty Camemon was threw- ing a few days with relatives.. Miss Margaret and Miss Grace Thurs. - Fri. . Sat. Saine. uîîy dear.' ing eut Brown on a bit te rigbt Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Aluin vus- Jehuston of Toronto spent the ho** field. In the third, Wakely sing- ited at Rochestem witb relatives. weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Grant AUGUST 25-26-27 Azaiuist the exoduis of refligees led and went te third on Brown's Miss Yvonne Williams, Solina, Thompson.uîoethdison frîialy t-a bit te centre and tailied on an lu- visited ber grandiparents for a few Ms araenNovusnr- epiugt.dson.cs' a h t ra lai-ta field eut. days. Ms agrtNclno e citn ocerleraltgi Bowmanviile finally bit the. Mrs. Cex, Leamington, is visit- tumned te ber hem e lu Jauetvxîîe :- Saedoai ucaîtsigu.sîoiîg reils score celumu in the sixth aftem ing Mms. Goodman and daugbtem after a week's visit with Mrs BiI..... with such to the tieasaiits. groliuig over tue a tbreatening ofteu in the previeus Louise. OliMararet ailisand Ms. P frames. Siemon slapped a bit te Mr. Yens Yeusen, Bowmanville, Oliver. deiacs 'Ho rauîvkiometers P1t riht avace t scndona iste a M.C.J.Keslkes n Miss Mary Malcolm, accompan- ambitions! And faster tlîaî tliis' Aiî\d tlîeu at last- mgtadanedte ecndona sitd at . Ci.Kmlaeso ed by hem sistem,. Mrs. Giichrrst -, 1it. a ise ocer a liil andt a sunaîl strag- balk and scered easiiy when Os- Sud have retumned home from two glmrus xit ziguî village, xxitlî a fexx hospitai berne doubled te rigbt. But the 1Mm. Albert Hillis' funerai was weeks' visit at Shanty Bay and tng Anmbaeiia... trucks iii sight, anîd Fieltd Hospital Ontarios went tbree uns lu front l argely attended on Tuesday, Au- in their haif of the inning. Brown gust i6tb. Saubie Beach, Lake Huron. in h er fi rs g Noî. ixvas located. It xcas filia singîed and stolè second and then Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter, Toron- Friends of this distmict extendscuilos aîdCrs naign afertw er et Ewad~n- d tth hmeo M. .sympathy te Mr. adMs e-American-made shohue n hiiaiga viulesiedWmighhtom luMrthe adios o tevu uueutorv, feit discoiirageti at the deubied and Rowcliffe cracked'G. Kersiake. i aubyfr atwe otiug - xx licinto to (Iat. e lia te bauin eut a single te drive hm ar.Mrs. W. Burnett, Oshawa, pictbarnîuiuuii to to auîttlucsuîîaî tiuue iî of api mpmoved lu health and visited ail seasons crop. xxasaiîst f oircelzçaioutîe auxcdt BtteRyl eie tws Mrs J. Cowling, hem sister. Misses Louise and Joyce Mc u irout, and there xx-ce riuuîîur, andt Butth Roal deidd i ws M te ofgranaetsil r usso time for their usual spIlurge and! M. W. T. Perrett and fami MielfJaeyiear usso cornter-ruiluors. Dotit Cet (lut tue before the Ports finaihy retired visited friends lu Campbeiîfomd "tcsti.W a-hv ortr ________________and Peterboro over the weekend - Robert Dickey, for a week. i elio l eua actirtire The W. M. S. ladies were pleas- M JonTunyo owavil antly entertained at the home of îs visiting with Mm. and Mrs. The 1 î< est of the Sauitary Train iMms. John Shackleton, Zion, on Forder - came iii. Amibulanuces apicarcul Tbursday. Miss Betty Beacock, Peterboro - - rouîî uoxelîcre. Portable stove, r' TheS vstnMran rW.B -kitcecis. teults xxere set up oitsiule, Thweii unday services were veryvitngM.adMsWm Be ck. sonie of thetil for Ras cases xchIere ielattended. Rev. W. Rackham M u r.Jo odr mcxi u ltliguugî cryteti OSHAWAecuMdri.plitl te hao n Mrs. eF r oer ng. L-tcr oui the giauît tlisirîfectors trail- Fn a. Both services were beld lu t aylJor n d faiy, M . and M s 1 Thurs. -chc. cdii dieu.b astauîcuul au 1 n ro'uivenya luariîbe fr diouîsuua AG T 252-7Mrs. Delle Reaves, Misses Eil- Robert Dickey, Misses Louise c andigacanbrfo eouiz een and Kathleen O'Connor, PomtJoeMMueMmadMsF Ted lîad beeiappiirted a sai- BeylWllc, ik ~ Hope, visited on Wednesday at Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Me- WILLIAM tars uisnector, anîd t xas at tluis BrlWlae ikPr Mm. C. J1. Kerslake's, taking Miss Laughiin, ai met Sunday andd t tuine tlî,ýat Chris . auc aemos huuîu cell, in Vera Kersiake home with them te speut the day tegether lu Orono - I W EI LL ucorisolt iii a field. visit Port Hope friends. Park. *Tiko t hi.' 99 Mr. nd Mrs W. Jý mith adhThekmmofritf.the ris.e o'ailuat did 'ou "Dare Devils snMr. and Mrs.Clrneith th UntedChr and adoin the (Great Wam, Pap)a?' Auid and babe, accempanied by Misses esflFcr rata t Wasuc-'sNABELLA otl hmIxa houise Added Hit Gien and Yvonne Thomas, Beams-oin, Fida3y.Iîsdthsholusxe ville, visited Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Mrs. Wes. Campbell and Miss nietesholuevrwa Sad Anthistie, their son-in-îaw. - Evelyn have just eturned home ledunrwa.sso fth The LastStn Miss Nera Kersiake visited e- frem a week's visit lu Detroit.xx ouumîietilîd preccdtin cî. Thiex- with Bob Baker, the new cently at Port Hope and enjoyed Mr Clarence Ciapp, Mm. and li Ifst or lai iii the courtyard, silent a metor trip te Kingston, Ottawa -rs Wm. Yoeman and son Char- for the nîost tart, xxhiie arourud singing cowboy adPtroowt Mrs. Reaves, le ef Detroit spen t the weekend theinuthe tiust flew andt the roar tof ______________________ Jimmy and Ruth, aise taking a with Mm. and Mrs. Wes. Campbell. , .5 uîotom cxhauusts deafetîed tlîcun. Nlen boat trip lu the Thousand Islands Mr. Cyrus Gates of Highland %werc aircadv- riovirîg aunuiRtieni, en route. Creek and Mr. Iloon ef Toronto -;gux'uug those xvlo hati not alreadv Sunday Midnight Mr. Jackson Wray, accempan- were recent visitors with Mm. and Helen Westdey a Henry Stephenson r receix-cd it tlîe uecessars- autiteta- led by Miss Grace Rundle, Bew- Mrs. Wes. Campbell. joseph Schildkraut a Nigel Bruce lit"nuscsruti. Tlîeim faces vere stmcak- Mon - ues -Wed mavileandMrs W G.Doie Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip of J. Eward Bromnberg e Lynn sait i d xith dui5t antI sxxeat; thechile Glamorous Annta Neagle and Miss Nerah Hemn, bis aunts, aevlewr udyvstr emdedes and sister Eiieen Wray, viie with Mrs. Margaret Fallis and Dmfcned u Water Aq 9 Get another tray, and hurrmy! and Tulio Carininati Kichnr eatve n uda P. J. Oliver. A .t CmUU-Fox Pý« j More svinues more "T" nîarkcd - ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~Kthenter treeativmainiSng od__________ y, - - . s Ih latry,1 çmiig o Duu->pd .k q,.'/ .bv auil iuîc ecross oui tle fomelîcatl fe day i the ]fule sioxxlv lesseiiiugl, as the lit- Lookout For LoveO Te 4yo-ug ladies' "Gleaners"J Enfield ter beds wcit ni rtirelicambuliances Sunday scheol chass, with Mrs. ____ SYMIO 0 DEATH were loaded aiuI stated back. There Addéd ~~~Lewis Allin, their assistant teach-MisEan ritn oeyE LO9wr o eouhbd.'\tlavo Donald Woods - Nan Grey er, enjoyed a picnic lu Mm. Hiitou isEau mmsoBba their stretchers oui tle f loor, or (i Ptr'woso rdyatr- goi iiiga r Hoskin the floor %ithoiut stj'etcîiers. no.At the conclusion of the nMesss. Rusell nd orri an spÀd. ~Sfl~iyrJoTh ir~ supper Miss Florence Burns read MliEenndl~nrf i pe. Te operatiuug roonu xxas Mnse es drs isssng nad ie rulLR l »small and builiug liot. The rîue " ee DagrI h "a few M iss G ofac eCa seadrsieleand Mrs. H. Truil, Harmrony, at LAKJ U>à%LAM E brouuglut iii, their xvouiidstlscd Mis rae awe, bid eet Mm. L. C. Pascoe's. S'R&overations perforriietl when i Iaste xxas -' an~~~~~d Mrs. Ted Chant made hem te Mm. and Mrs. Albert Niddery laineStra 230p.eseta.slltsaîit frintc andtamiy av reumnd t T- butchier wagon, auuda2e.30ui on save yypatentwa iiig. -Mvary '-q ' Oi-"-M1JLh xxerc mcd xitlu ,"tustuuiftuu Let your boys and girls who have secured Entrance Baker Eddy. Me tls erah( h tto Standing corne to Blackstock Continuation School this n li conurlete darkuuess, auîui steipped( faîl and secure the Advantages of sinaller classes and __________________'t lirtiuigli tlie curtaiu of vRas blaikets tuoe nd-vi ua atenio ."Lest W e Forget" Co reY News He vas ex îa rstd. but there vas W. MRLO, P R.ALLN, M A. A. . B UNS LLmo timne tco rest. Tiiere xx-re lienor- W.~~~~Iesgý MAaW .R LIN .A .H OndSDALL i Matinees Mon., Wed. 2.30 p.m. rlîavcs to hic stuitpe(il. pîick f ield Chairmn Prinipal Mnumensgm rau 1 JR î,hrkerii c.dressînzs to appfly. He xvorkcd ail hairman Principal Mo nm nite abnet Makr e tc ______________________tat niiulit ad the next a3-. ttil in Ganit andMarbe ~at ast lie turrîed dizzy tîn lus feet _________________________________________________________ '"and found a corner to rest in. He lia(i been on lus feet for mlore than were ordercci ont. Chris watclîcd [ot a cup of rogcfe an thrvsx iîos-. tiben o. and hbcxvas stili watchiug wvasbe(jnip. The place ,vas a shami- Therc, camne a time wmien Cliris w-heu two exhansted stretcher bcar- bics, but îlie lot a table and oPerated. ani the others workcd in zas miasks ers carried in a badIv wounideImn. Theni. îvith tbc wuork over and Dick in the hecat. an a(i(e(i torture: and Th(v Put- the stretcher on the on bis wav back to tbe base. Cbris tbe nînuhner of wouindc(i steadilv in- rouind and sauk down jthlemscives. drpc ike a feiied ox andl(iay creased. Tbecy covered the floor, ain for breath. Chris i)ent over there. îlot nioý*ing. cringjnu as sheils expioded lîcar 1w-. tbe stretcher. A few vears aftcr tbe war the but (ltierwise sulent. Thcv camle in Hello. son. Let's sec wlhat vou*ve C.O. ivrote a book an(d sent Chris a îastcr thau tiîev coui(i bc sent back. zot lierc." covv. He liad miarked a Parazraphli and( suPP]ics wçre exhausted before 'Fve mot pet, said a w'eak "T wish lucre to mclntion aînonz thuy could be replaced. And at last but iamiliar voice. mlaux- utiers. Captain Noei Arden. one nizit the dressings were aliost It %vas Dick Waiters. He did incredibie work unlder im- conuicfltex- uscd tup. and Chris, with Chris straightened. Ili the bot Possible conditions. and xvas cheer- "o personnel to spare and readv to darknless lie could sec the bearers, fui anci tireicss; an examife to qteai the stuff if hce had to. xvent otnt- now fiat on the grounid, and the civerx-bodIv. 1 particuilarx- recaii onue side to look for a motorcu-cie w'ith tiailiti oxal of Dick's face. He nisrht wheu, the advanice station be- a si(iecar. touiched blis forehead. thick withiî i abandoned. lie andi two cxhiaustcd Tbierc xvas noue te, bc founid. but climme sweat. Somewhiere bicbiu, stretcher bearers carried a badiv he discovcrcd an orderiv rîdinz onîe there xvas- a car. but it xvas too wvounded mlnail for severai iîours over honrse and ie;%diiîg aîîotiuer. Clîris sinal for the stretcher, and dt best rouzlh terrain, iin the cuti to save his stepped ont of the tlarknless and it vouild beciîours before lic couid iifc.' stoppet ihiîn. "XVluere are you tak- met it throuzi that road; and Dick War xvas tihe Suprenîle idiocv. But nuez tiîat mnounit feiiow 1' hiad îlot niuchi tinie. if anvy. Aioîîe. periîaPs. toc, it uxas tihc suPrenle "To Black Jack Persiinig," lie Chris took oneC end of tihe stretelier, adenture. said. and tiut tue exhausted bearers at (to be continued) Chris mereiy reacied uip a linc tie otiîcr. anîd so struck back tiîrouglu ai andi grabbed a bridie. "Teil]tue rougli fields. Black jack to take a littie waik, he Onue foot ii f ront of the other ____________________ said pieasantiy and, jerkinz the Iead The streteluer puiiing iîis armns ot riin free. Ias up and off ilto the of tiîir sockets. A lole. and aE N R T N R :ark. roan fromi Dick. N E T I R He xvas aiwavs to reniember that "Get ont of step) tliere !" Secure RALPH GORDON, the izht ride of is: the road congcsted And a voice froin the dark. "Tluat w n ef îy v raie enter ,itiî men. niachin-zun ottfits. and xou. Doc-, v ne1'l e s tie e t r camnion-. ail moving forvamd. hiait- "Yotu're'all rizlht Dick. We'ii get tainer. for your next entertain- ng.z izoing on again. Ir, spite of vou bac.k," ment. Illustrated circular free. aii -ruies it uvas filied fromi bank Once he stopped to Rive Dick a to baîk, ike a suggisiî river. hivodernic of mnomiia. Anotier Address 628b Crawford Street, anîd military Police were heipiess tile the xvotwded mnal askcd for a Toronto. azainst the evitabie flow. qigarettc aiîtl ot it. Tiueî at last - He returned at dawvu to fiuîd tiîat towam i iioringL. tlîat wxas - tiiey a s h e il h a d m a t ie a d i r e c t l it 0o , t h e t o o k t o t u e r o a d a n dt f o u i d nd a n a - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tation aid tiat most of iis versoi- buance on1 its uav forward, and cil xvre citier dead or Nvo uutided. nan .-ied to turn it back. -e stooti there iîî tue Rrav liit.j D ck w as stili living whci tiev sick and( dazed. Oîîc of bis (iressers rcaclîed the field liospîtai. anîd Chrîs saw him aid canie onî a mnii. "'c'ie cot to zet ont, Captaiin,"____________________ e said. "It's al Roile. Everv- L W R I A E iiiig." L W R I A E "îmes stiil tlîe iarn," said To Chiis stolidix-. p01e Tiîev mlovcd there. and the work (l Tf went on. Noxv the xar becamne a T R iru tQ him ; a barnî fiied xitlî L O T Voiuîded xxho caine aiîd %vent. vithî tiht from candies tiîat swav-(d and E XHIBTO riPPieti ii tiue Iueat, ant i x-ti otiors bat ranZed fromn the ammioilia of $1.30 $1.50 e oid fioor to that of blood,.sveat Iln Coaches In Parlor Cars aid dirt.Reeest t UUfeln ate Wipe îu face. siubd. I' Parlor Car Fare Extra Wrglys Gum helps you keep fitt ot as heul in here." Good Going - AUG. 25 to SEPT. 10i eatiflg. Cleanses crevices betweea ;:Bttcr Cet out of liere. Cap- Rtrtîi -Sp 4~eeth,too. . .assures sweet breathi ain. Retrn imit- Spt. 4 Asimple aid to heaith! \\ecari hnzon a bit liîîgcr.' FI lPaî-ticîulars frona,îy agenit -Bysnenw mi nc Thev liinz on. There xas no past but big in benefitst Enjoy it after id îîo future. only this iîour and CANADIAN PACIFIC every meal -millions do! es-M eriîaps oîîiy this minîute. The 3- A A A A A giît caine, how-ex-er. xx-iîeiî tiî~' Flower Show-a maso of brillilant blooms. Electrical, Engineering and Sclentific marvels. Auto Show- The Iatest models and a wealth of - .-..r. .;ïanagoer À& 4 nw - H EA THECRACK 0F A WHIP, the pounding of hos- and the breatliless hush as horse and rider dash up to the jumnps! Thril as "The Decades", gigantie pageant of Canadian history, unfolds on the 1000-foot stage! Marvel at the monstrous brilliance of the spurting, booming, rocketing fireworks display each evening! See the intriguing novelties - "Hooty the Owl" in the Children's Zoo. The lavish Motor Show ... The mirror that talks and the 18-foot radio in the Electrîcal, Engineering and Construction Building. Hear the famous Royal Artillery Band, direct from England. Dance on the tremendous, new, open-air dance floor-to Guy Lombardo, Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, Buddy Rogers! See 30 European Vaudeville Acts, the million dollar parade of Agriculture, Sport, Music, Colour, Gaiety, Excitement. For two breathless weeks the world's largest annual Exhibition will be on your door-step. Like the thousands who are coming from afar to enjoy its 6th mighty celebration - visit the park often! WVrite or telephone for ticket reiservations to C. N. E. Information ureu, 8 Kng Wet, WA. 2226 or Moodey's, 90 King Wes, EL. 1098. GEORuGE BRIGaoN ELWOOD A. HUGUES - i a --m - ýý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWýMAM7ILLE, ONTARIO 3

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