1938 and Iiam- raird. Dick Cliris lay the ris a nong Mecn. îm- licer- Sto olle bc- )adlv ove r 2 his SCOTT FAMILY HOLD REUNION The Scott famiiy ne-union men- tioned in the News o! last week :was planned befone Mrs. Oscar Scott's deatb. It was to bave been on July lst, when Mn. and Mrs. Scott would have celebrated the 35th anniversary o! their wed-1 ding. A few o! the Scott !amily met at the park on Wednesday, the l7th, the new date set for the gathering. Those present were Mn. and Mns. Jas. R. Joy, Mrs. Robinson and two daughters, Joy and Dorothy. ail o! Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Peterbono, Mn. and Mns. Cecil Scott and da4gkter Wilda, M. Wihbert Scott, Mns. Rex Boice and Mrs. Terau. al !rom West Guilford, and Mns. Herb Toms, Newcastle. Wbat do I like? I tell you, lad, O! the finest sport I know, Standing knee-deep in a rippling stneam Wbenre tbe vagrant breezes blow, Witb a rod and line, the wonld is mine Whene the singing waters flow. When do I fisb? I'il tell you, lad, A sunny day is fine; Dnoning bees in the heavy air Make for a nunning uine. And the rush of the neel is ahlI feel When a black bass takes the line. Only on sunny days, you ask? Shucks, no; I've had 'em bite When the wind was blowing a stiff nor'west And the rapids wene nunning white. For any old day is a fisherman's way Mn. Milton Green bas neturned bite. fnom Bowmanvilhe. We understand that Messrs.lAnd it isn't the fish you get, my Wood and Couvier have purchas-i lad, ed cars.1 Non the big one that got away- Miss Elsie Rowe neceived a post But the joy and peace o! wind card !rom Editor Geo. W. James, and streamn who bas been attending the C.W.I Th at make a fisherman's day. N.A. Convention at Vancouver,'For the reel an~d the rod are gifts B.C. Mn. James stated he had ý o! God been in communication with H. I To the man wbo bas earned to Cornish and Capt. Gidley (Alice' play. Lees husband), and hoped to have J -Kathenine M. Cboby, a visit with them.1 Pennsyivania Angher. Me "And how la be i Picobac, witb a greai 'Great," replied Be white teeth and a au cheelc. "He dries th me once a day-jws and don't beau iii "WeII, wel," said you've got Mim tamE you f eed hirm weU,. at aight and amoke1 ail right. You lcno a nild ... cool. .. forget that."1 1/-LB I IW N S S U H * av y utredPio acSlce lu -a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLR OMTAPIO PAGE SEVEN OR ON O CANDY MAKING etnil DEMONSTRATEDNetnil AT INSTITUTE Congratulations to Mr. Broc Pethick who was 85 years youî A most interesting meeting of August 18. Mr. Pethick is enjo, the Women's Institute was held ing good health and is very acti'v Friday, the main feature of which Mr. Ronald Burley and parl was the demonstration of candy of friends are on a motor trip1 making by Miss L. Normart of Ottawa. Glenolden, Penn., sister of Mrs. Mr. Bruce Elliott, accompanie C. B. Sissons, whomn she iS Visit- by his wife, made a business tri ing. This candy was not only de- to Tweed, Wednesday. monstrated but sampled by the Newtonville girls played C( n!embers and pronounced delie- bourg on the home diamond Fi r ous. day, the score being 20-15 in favc Mrs. J. Richardson was put in of Newtonville. During the ganr as head of the school fair booth Lena Kimbaîl, catcher on th with power to appoint her own Newtonville teamn, received comrnittee. 'nasty cut on fhe forehead from It was decided to let the mem- Cobourg bat, necessitating med bership contest run for a while cal attention. yet. June 1938 being the twent: Miss Normart, Penn., wvho has, fifth anniversarnof the Provînch iwith a sister's help, made and solci Annual of theP r e s b y t e r i a candy, fhe proceeds once covering Church, the Newtonville branc a trip to B. C. for both, gave a took the opportunity of celebrai demonstration of candy making - ing the occasion Wednesday, Au it being the first time she had gust 17, by holding a picnic ever done so. The candy chosen the home of Mrs. Ernest Haigi was chocolate fudge, fondant, pea- A most enjoyable time was spen nut brittie, and caramels. Some in participating in games of vari of these were made the day be- ous kinds under the directionc fore, the rest right there, afid all Mrs. F. Law, after which a de were sampled. Recipes were given lightful lunch was served on th~ and copied down by the ladies. lawn. Mrs. Rolph gave three interest- Recent Visitors: ing stories about the starting of Mrs. Tamblyn, Toronto, wit] big business such as Honey Dew Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris. company, Schneider Pork Co. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trenouth also of a friend of bers who st[P- Napanee, and Miss Trenouth an plies fancy cakes and sandwiches Miss Sheridan, Sault Ste MariE for select parties. These stories with Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick were told because Mrs. Sissons' Mrs. J. Jackson and grand sister being deluged with orders daughter Joan Foster with thi for her home made candy (which former's nephew, Mr. Georgi we don't wonder at now we have Smith, Starkville. tasted it), started her selling it. Mrs. John Couch, Helen anc Mrs. J. Dickson ably moved a Bill, with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gun vote of thanks, seconded by Mrs. nl n aiy aitn J. J. ornish Mrs. Willis Jones, Bud anc Roll call was answered by the Fae, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mer naming o! a salad combination. rill arkworth. On motion o! Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane witl- seconded by Mrs. F. Cowan, a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Scot. fancy table cloth is to be pur- land, Ontario. chased. selected by Mrs. Rolph Mrs. G. W. Jones and Melvilli and Mrs. Hamm, for the Institute. in Toronto Friday." 'During the lunch haîf-hour Miss Florence Burley with Mis, when sandwiches and tea were Jean Marvin, Morrish. served, an informai discussioni Mrs. Wm. Shaw, Oshawa, witl about the Institute fair exhibit Mrs. D. Kaufman. was held, led by the leader, Mrs. Mrs. Keeler, Orillia, with Mrs H. Allen. Chas. Snell. Mrs. O. W. Rolph expressed her Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick own appreciation and that of the and Mr. and Mrs. George McCul- members to the committee, and lough and Laureen, with Mill- also urged alI to come out -to the brook friends. next meeting which is in charge of Miss Sadie Brown, R.N., and the meeting closed with the sing- TEODTMRO IHN ing of God Save the King. TEODTMRO IHN /.-,night - farmers wiili be--able -to j IAY te.- - 1 fitpe t ti C combine business of shopping 1M M THE W.ONFYPAO with the pleasure of this outing, MO CO., HAMèvLTO4, ONT.q FORESTRY TEAM WINS, PENNANT ngFoesr wn helstgae f SOCIAL AND4I PEIRSONAL ,-their playoffs with Kirby Friday 'e. night 26-8, proving the merits of ty their teamn beyond doubt, in spite Mrs. Sisson and Miss William- and a large crowd is therefore taof not finishing the game. Kirby snaei oot hswe. atcptd held themn down after the first snaei oot hswe. atcptd inings but the 15 then practical- Mr. Alex Buchanan and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Dobson and three e yassured the Forestry the gamne. Elva Buchanan are visiting Mrs. grandsons, Lindsay, who have 1P Kirby, up to bat first, secured A. A. Drummond. been camping in the park, have ý_no runs in the first, three in the Dr. McKenzie expects to open returned to their homes. oi- second through Wright, Shakie- up for business here the first Mrs. (Dr.) Manning was oper- oton and Lowery, three in the third week in September. ated on for appendicitis at Bow- nthrough McCutcheon, McMullen Miss K. Stark has been on a manville Hospital Friday of last hand Walker, none in the fourth, holiday trip this week. week.1 "two in the fifth through M~cCut- Miss Edra Best and friend of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewilliger a cheon and McMullen, and none in Toronto are spending this week and four children, o! H-armony, the sixth. The seventh was not with Mrs. Herbert Best. who have been camping here in played. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour, the Park, have returned home. v- Forestry ran around the bases Toronto, spent Sunday here. Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Seymour has been in al like nobody's business in the first Wmn. Seymour, who was in To- Toronito during the past week at n and scored 15 runs through Coop- ronto, returned to her home with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Suggitt's. h er, Middleton (homer) ,Neale, R. them. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott and t- Woode, Cntr, Covier .Gdlan- Miss Muir, who has been at daughter Wilda, Mr. Wilbert at ville, Wnter, Cooer, Mjeon, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cornish's for Scott, Mrs. Rex Boice and Mrs. ýh. Noeal, GWoodl (homer) o. the past two years, has secured a Terau, aIl of West Guilîford, nt After Walker was replaced by position in Oshawa, and leaves spent a couple of days last week -i Shakieton in the first, Kirby held shortly ta begin duties. at Mn. O. W. Scott's and attended of Forestry down and in no innings Mrs. Dr. Demaray and daugh- the Scott ne-union. edid they get more than four. In ter, who have been at Mr. W. J. A number attended the Lions e the second they scored three t-o' Stutt's, have returned to their Club Carnival at Bowmanville Cooper, Middleton (homer), and home in Detroit. Thursday night. Wood; in the third, none; in the A gentleman employed in a Mr. Louie Brown of the Bank fourth one through Wood (hom- Forestry in New York State, en- of Commerce staff is on holidays. th er); in the fifth three through joyed a vîsit to the Forestry here Mrs. Sanderson and baby son Winter, Middleton (homer), and recentîy. Kenneth, Peterboro, have neturn- h' Neale; and in the sixth, four thro' Softball playoff games start at ed home after a pleasant visit id Couvier, Glanville, Winter and 15 to 6 now - for the îast two or with Mn. and Mrs. Ervin Rainey. la Middleton (homer). The game three games. Numerous people The Billings girls had an en- k.was called because of dankness in are willing to bet there'Il be two joyable corn roast recently. lthis innings, with only one out on games but just as many think Mr. Joseph Hall, Forestry, is on ie the Forestry team, and the sev- there'll be three, because Forestry holidays. re enth was not played. are on their toes and Orono hasn't Miss Kathleen Stark has receiv- Battery for this gamne - Fores- played for so long. Weil, time wiîî ed a card from the Rosboroughs ýd try, Neale pitcher, Major catcher; tell. who seem to be enjoying their Kirby, Walker and Shakieton pit- Mr. Orme Gamsby was among tour of the States. chers. and Lowery catcher. teitrse pcaosa h Congratulations to the Orono ýd Umpires - Kenefick and Moise tPe ter re p o Fn dtheHorticultural Society who won of Newcastle. Peebr aro rday and pnizes at Newcastle Flower Show. Orono now plays Forestry best Saturday last, and reports it the Sympathy is extended to Mr. W. 'two out of three to determine who fionesinrthe hisoryof tegexhibi- J. Stutt, his son Ralph, and daugh- t- gets the prize. Come out and see tin as freashiws knowlegedgoes ters, Miss Edna Stutt and Mrs. ýthe games. be entertained at the commodious of Daaybeloe wife n mther.at summer home of Mr. and Mrs.ofablvdwean thr Walter Perry of Peterboro, locat- eMrs. George Seymour was caîl- ;s P rk t. ervieS d a Ganon' Narowsdivdin edto Toronto Wednesday aften- Park St. Serviceso Lake Thenoon of lstweek oig athe By request, Mr. J. J. Mellor hoiretaitye wa ssot con en-Ettie (Mrs. Gordon Suggitt). preached a sermon (already heard tirelyothendnsess sess ab Messrs. Wilbert and Cecil Scott by the members o! the church) on tehs n otsa h sa called on Mrs. Sisson, Thursday k "The Prodigal Son' - aibeit a mod- Walton in the present case, with before leaving for home. -ernized version - at the service at s9me assistance, secured four spe- Misses L. Nonmart and Mary -Park St. Church Sunday morn- cîmens o! small-mouthed bass, Normart o! Glenolden, Penn., and îng. one weighing four peunds. Orme Miss E. Thomas o! Chester, Penn., Wit rat atetio th lagecamehm endued with the idea aevstn rf n r.Ssos Wit rat atetio th lagethat there are summen resortsreMisitingbPra of. nd rs.isonhs. audience listened as the speaker ad fishing grMissdBarbara Rolphinwho has told the story of two boys born and round s ro othr hn .n en laid up with a skin disease, on a farm in a valley who hadanarud roo is now able to be around again. neyer seen the big city over the Mrs. Alfred Chapman was hap- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McMul- his.- One grew up with the love pily surprised Thursday to have a len o! Toronto were recent visitons go! the farmi in his soul. The other vîsit from her brother, Henry with his cousin, Miss Marion listened enviously to tales o! the Birch, Richmond Hill, bis son and Green. city life brought by strangers, and wife from New York,, bis daugh- at last went to the city with his ter Mrs. Hughson, and ber son and sshare o! the money. His disap- daughter, Mrs. Swarbrick from DIM AND DISTANT pointments there, hîs decîsion to Toronto. return home lollowing the loss o!f h rn il ot apo HAPPENINGS ail bis money, his reception by his this week to play their girls' teanm. delighted parents, were all gra- Apryo iioswr hw From The Orono News phically described by the speaker, A aroudthe orevstr by r.sO. A.August 14, 1913 wbo (as he often wisbed he could Gamsby Tuesday. Mr. Robert Stewart writes do with the Bible story) closed A softball benefit game between from the west to friends here 1witb this rather than the brotber's Port Hope and Orono will take that the crops are very fine, the n ctonclso epone u place Wednesday. August 31 at people from Orono and Clarke all tha Go wa lke he arets6 p.m. standard time sharp. Please having exceptionally good crops. tad wilwlme ushoe pwen om out and make this a success. Miss Hazel Adams, Cherry Val-t weay o si, w reentandre-A real ipsnorter o! a gamne is ley, wbo has been visiting at sole too ib ee tan e anticipated - the kind everyone her grandfather's, Mr. Ed. Cob- During the offertory, Mr. A. J. lîkes to see and it's in a good bledick has returned home ac-t Knox and Mr. Edwin Sandercock cause. Come one! Come ail! to companied by her grandmother.( with Mrs. O. Sandercock at the Orono Park next Wednesday. 1 A public meeting o! citizens o! organ, rendered an instrumental Miss Kyle and Miss Margaret Orono and vicinity will be beld in t trio. Steele were guests the past MCek Society Hall, Orono, on Fridayc At this service Mrs. A. A. with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M-night, August lSth at 7 p.m. to Drummond rendered in excellentIsa at their cottage here. jtake into consideration the publicV manner the beautiful vocal solo, Tuesday o! last week, at theJ reception to Pte. Wmn. Hockin, 0 "The Plains of Peace," and at the bahl gamne, a bail went righti winner o! the king's prize. d conclusion a maie quartette com- against the ligbts on Mr. R. Sut- Mrs. Wbattam and daughter prised o! Messrs. R. Smith, R. os car, breakîng the glass but[have retunned home. Sutton, W. Reid and Neil F. Por- not the bulb inside, to the sur- Miss Iva Drew, Oshawa, spent r. ter sang the familiar hymn "Soft- prise o! many who saw it. ýthe weekend at Mr. T. Smitb's. M lyan Tndrl."Mn. Fred Sisson has been busy Misses Bertha Jones, Toronto r The evening service was with- lateiy reading meters for Mr. lis guest o! the Misses Colvilie, drawn. , ihrs Centre Street. t Congratulations to the pupils ofi The Misses Neya and Mildred O. C. S. who were successfui in, Smith are attending the Centen-1s Upper Schooi examinations. iniai celebration at Hamilton for r If men had the gift o! second For the benefit o! those who a i,%eek. sight there would be fewer cases did not cut out the iist of school' Mrs. Dr. Harnden, formerly o!f o! love at first. fairs printed in the issue o! June Bowvmanville. spent a few days i6tb, we will say that Orono with Mrs. Hattie Doncaster. e( School Fair is on Sept. 26th, the MIr. and Mrs. Robt. Lunn and i Monday foilowing the big fair. famnilv have returned ito the vil- b We wiil remind you the week be-'lage from Pickering where heb ÉWfore the event, also.1 ha's been working on the electricb 1" Bob Morton w'as operated on road. for appendicitis Fniday. [ Mirs. Charles Sturgess, Syracuse,a i,~N cWMiss Margaret Allen o! Peter N.Y., is visiting ber sister, Mrs. boro is visiting the Manitelîs at! S. Cuttell. Mr. Sturgess and their the park. little daughten Bessie accompan- witb an open air service with 1 thev remained for a visit with TI song and story Saturday night. ýhispeople. V Mr. nd rs. arnt Gmsb. 1 Ur.and Mrs. Harrv Milîson and adson o! Kingston spent thelfamily, Cleveland, Ohio, a former dý weekend bene. oId Orono boy, visited over Sun- bi Miss Betty Rowe, who has been day at Mr. W. H. Rowe's and il in treaing ou? inqiredMr.supplying for the regular dieti- nokv spending a few days with his e ou"-nure g.'ian at the .bospital in Peterboro1 uncle, Mn. H. E. Milîson, Stark- and Bacteriology, University o! Toronto, says in part:- "The purpose o! this study was to determine (1) the incidence o! bovine tuberculosis in children, (2) the nole played by miik in the transmission o! this disease, and (3) the effect o! preventive mea- sures, nameiy, the enadication o! tuberculosis in cattle by tuber- culin testing and slaughter o! ne- acting animais, and the more wiîdespread use o! pasteurization if miik upon the incidence o! this lisease in cbildren. "This investigation is being car- lied out in the City o! Toronto, wbere pasteunization o! milk is compulsory, and wbere it has been rigidly enfonced since 1915, thus affonding us an excellent oppor- unity for study o! the efficacy o! such a procedure in controlling nilk-borne infections. "At this time o! writing, in a eries o! 500 tubenculous children, investigated oven a period o! thin- teen years, in 9.6 per cent o! extna-pulmonary tuberculosis the infecting onganism, has proved to be o! bovine type. Bovine tubercle bacilii have been recovened fnom ýones, joints, glands, kidney, men- riges, serous surfaces, tonsils, adenoid tissue and skin. Thus with the exception o! pimany Powers, and was born on the John Tbompson farm, north o! the village. Mn. Peter Galbnaith spent a few days witb bis brother, D. J. Gai- braith. Esq., Newcastle, wbo is Speclals For This Week PRAOCTI(AT LY N E W 3 QI'EBEC C00K STOVES SAVAGE SPORTER 32-20 Pnîncess Pat Porcelaiîî iiooi iyren itoi C.ook Stove, high hack.ir, oogi3 eqdto Repeater Rifle. Practi- Clost $59.00. Sale $39.001 cd îipwards from $9.951I cally New, Sacrifice. ROGERS' RADIO, (ON-1 1938 ROGERS ALL WAVE REBUILT HOO VER VA- sole Model. 7 tubes $23.501I Radio. Special $39.60I cuum Cleaner $17,50 PHII4CO MANTEL MO-1 I ,GIDAIRE ELECY'RIC I 1937 VICTOR ALL-WAVE j Refrigeniitor, .good con-j del Radio, 7 tubes $13.95 ditions, sale $45.O001 Mantel Radio $37.50 1sees bim enter the front gate. Our idea o! a fussy man is one who isn't on speaking terms witb bis own conscience haîf the time. Aften you have accomplisbed a really good tbing get busy again. It's easien to, boast than to make good. tubenculosis of the lung, no organ on tissue o! the human body is immune to infection with the bo- vine type o! the tubencle bacillus. "The youngest patient in this group was an infant 6½ montbs aid, suffering from bilatenai tub- enculous adenitis and tonsillitis; the, oldest, a girl o! 14 yeans o! age, suffering from nenai tuber- culosis wbich necessitated the ne- moval o! one kîdney. "Without exception, the chil- dren hanbouring infection witb the bovine type o! the tubenche bacillus bave come to Toronto for tneatment from diffenent parts o! the Province o! Ontario, othen provinces and other countries, wbene the milk supply is not pas- teurized. Histony invariably ne- vealed the fact that the child had been fed raw milk for some time, on had always been fed it. Wben- ever possible, we endeavoured to obtain milk for examination and guinea-pig inoculation. 'Thus, in three instances in this series it was possible not only to denm4nstrate tubencle bacihli in the mihk con- sumed by the chihd, but to actual- ly trace the infection to the ani- mai responsible for the transmis- sion o! the disease to the buman Ope: DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC eEvenings 38 SIMOOE STREET, NORTH Phones 84 & 744 OSHAWA THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 TiuE DEAN HODGSON WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Nnws GIRLS DROP GAME PUBLISH RESULTS TO NEWCASTLE Dy The OId Box Stove UPPER SCHOOL Orono girls were defeated 15 to E A IA IN Il on Wednesday nîght, Aug. l7th, _ By Hlrm ~ - pe colDprmna by Newcastle girls in the softball peScolDarmnl game phayed at Orono Park. Back on the Seventh Concessin Resuits (1937-1938) Newcstl, wh wet tobatProficiency Standing is indicat- finst, secured a bomen by G. Spen- It looks as if a fellow can see ed as follows: In papens - lst, in- cen in the first; two in the sec- lots of queer tbings happening dîcates first ciass honouns 75 ta. ond;; two in the third; one in the rigbt nean home, witbout going 100; 2nd, second chass honouns 66 *fourth; two in the fi!tb; thnee in to the ends a! the eanth like 1 did to 74; 3rd, third ciass honours 60 tbe sixtb, (the finst being a bomer in hast week's scribble. And per- to 65; C, credit standing 50 to 59; by G. Spencer) and four in the baps it would be better ta cut In subjects - I, indicates first ciass seventh. the length o! vision and talk bonours; Il, second class bonours; t Orono scored none in the first: about things near by. One o! the and III, third ciass bonours. one in the second througb Betty things a fellow is soon convinced Archer, Mamie M. - Botany C; Clough; three in the third through of, is that we are just as Wise, as Zool. 3rd. Helen Scott, Olive Brown and foolish, or just plain dum b as rtnCeiG.-EgCop Helen Case; two in the fourth those folks fan off. BuoCe .-Eg op thog uieMditn and C rg n;PyisC r uh hOve Bron; ne Min the f i! tb; The othen day there was a lot C; Fri. 2nd;phyCs ;F. ub tOv in owthe noieth th g e len in the papens about a Toronto C F C omp el n . -EnC.o .C two n t e sith hro gh H len Ald rman He had been eleted Caseb le n D. En . -Comp. C. Scott and Helen Case, Who got aAraot n He bad b yeeteFr.obblediC;,FEnid M. - T;rni.c; homen, and three in the seventh t h oenn or yteF.At.C r op s;Fec tbrougb Eunice Middleton, Helen people because they tbougbt he Scot ad OiveBron, ho otwas mature in tbinking and ac- Cobbiedick, Jack - Tnîg. 2nd; act anhomerron.wo o tion, and yet be went about the Physics C; Chem. C; Fr. Comp. C. Sevenal times, at least five, the City oe una deirtly Farrow, Raynmond V. - M od. Oroo irl bttd ad otsafely breaking wbat be called old-fash- Hist. C; Algebra C. to, first only to be put out at sec- ioned laws, e!yin t h polie Mro, toel ng op onci wben the next one up batted. ans i.Iwne hth iioMrae .-Ti.2d There were also sevenal cases o! would say if some one, believing C; Tnig. lst; Physics I. drpii mn h lyr nthe law against burglary aid- MroMre .Ti.3d bot ids. ogteplyr nfasbioned on unfair, broke into bis Morto, RMurelI.- ng. Crd. Myls, R. er y -En. C mp Newcastle was handicapped ah- home and cleaned him out. It C; Mod. Hist. C; Trig. C; Physics so by the~ absence o! the VanDus- was the custom, when I was aI. en sistens, now visiting in the boy, to dare and double dare othen yeTem .-Md it Stafes but tbey obtained neal good fellows and often wben tbey took Myles, Trd hma E.; - M. HCst substitutes. We might add tbat us up, we got the warst o! it. C;. Athi. 3d PyiC ; FrChemr. C Orono is bandicapped by lack o! Perbaps the good Alderman is oid RFn. A. ; r. Camp.d. s.C practice and they do not do at in body and stihh is cbild in action Smit, Mrgre .-F. it. C. ahibaly be ths s cnsdend.and a visit to the city woodshed Str, Mthe . -Tng. C. al al he hsi c ni ee .wouhd be the best thing for him. tak E he M. -T i.C Fr Alice Mclsaac pitcbed for the- Auth. 2nd; Fr. Camp. 2nd; French Orono girls, being neplaced in the Seriously though, bow can an-I. seventh by Lilhian Fowier. Olive dinany montais be expected ta, Watson, Archibald - Mod. Hist. Brown caught. The Pearce girls obey the law when our legisiatons C; Algebra C; Trig. lst; Chem. C; wer-e batteny for Newcastle. deliberately break them. If they Fn. Auth. 3nd; Fn. Camp. 2nd; Mn. Spry, a former nesident o! are senseless, there is a better way French III.* both Orono and Newcastle, um- to change them. His way is hiable White, Carman G. - Mod. Hist. pined and Frank McMullen, En- to create disrespect for laws, just C; Trig. lst; Physics I; Chemn. I; field, formenly o! Orono, now when be need people to know Fr. Auth. 2nd; Fn. Camp. 2nd; visiting here, umpined at the laws are made to be obeyed, not French II. bases. to be broken. I wonden if the Wood, Neil C. - Pbysics C. Line-ups: Orono-Fowler, Mid- Alderman has feht asbamed o! bis Rowe, George - Eng. Camp. C; dieton, Scott, Brown, Case, Mc- action. Eng. Lit. 3nd; Algebra lst; Phy- Isaac, Chougb. Lowden and A. This silly action seems ahways sics I. Cooper. to bring befone my mind the pic- Newcastle-Bonathan, G. Spen- ture o! that feilow who sat up on "Self-denial is indispensable ta cen, Hendny, E. Spencer, Holmes. a pole for between twenty anda togcrceanthlf- P. Pearce, M. Pearce, Gray and tbirty days. What çonriection thene aestragchnctnind there cmsoloft Brown. is, I cannot fathom, but tbey bath îest kind stho-frocamesciyo! seem to go together. The papers relas sblgton ra a ndsciaus-n made a big thing o! bis deedonsso! obligtion andPdrpendnc s poke of bis manvellous stamîna anHe ."tha esodone a gker.ou and what a fine thing he had done Hogt e that esowsa itshoned ta break the wonhd's record for sfoge it;he tht nreeon pole sitting, and at the same time shouidever hold t n emm wfarmens wene wonking franticaiiy bac.Sln ta, save thein crops, because tbey a NKALTN SERVICE OF couhd not get beip. It used ta be Tue CANADIAN MESICAL si htwe amrhdsv ASSOCIATION AND LIp adta hn amnhdsv imumAme COMPANI. enal sons be made one a preachen, ON CANADA anothen a lawyen, and sa on, but he aiways kept the numbskull at - home to be the farmen. Penhaps things haven't changed, for if a An investigation into bovine fellow can make a living sitting tubenculosis in cbihdnen was be- on a pole, a feilow must be a gun in March 1926 under the aus- dumb ox to work sa hand on a pices o! the National Research farn and get nathing fan it. I Council o! Canada and is stilh be- suppose the solution wouid be for ing continued. Writing of this us ahi to get up on oun pales and important healtb study in the sit thene. June issue o! the Canadian Pub- lic Healtb Journal, Dr. R. M. Pnice Neyer trust a man whose dag of the Department of. Pathology craývls unden the bouse when he à THE CANADIAN STATESMANT, BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 ý ,NEWS