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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1938, p. 4

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THURSDAY, SEPTEIMBER 1, 1938 THE CAXADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR DHOWMAN VILLE $CHOOLS REROPE Schools Will Re-open Next *WeekTo Receive 800 Pupils One, New Teacher 1 us onsoi lanîgonWd Join Public School' At the Publie Sehools there is Wiliolyone change in the teaching Staff and Three il staff. Miss Mamie Archer, who Join I-igh S c h o o 1 cornes very highly recommended Staff - Advice is 0f the place vacated by Miss F. fered l-igh School:Moore who resigned. Students on Courses' There are three changes on the _____High Schooi staff. Mr. W. R. Blakely, Miss K. A. Brown and On Tuesday morning. Septem- Mr. B. E. Ingham, ail of whom resigned, wiii be repiaced by Mr. ber 5th, sharp at 9 oclock. theH.F og rtofW dsck doors of Bowmanville*s two pub-' .L.Lca f Cobourg, and Miss lic and one high school will swing Mae McGuire of Leamington. wide open to receive over 800 Mr. Longworth wiii t e a c h students returning to their studies, French and German, Mr. Lucas, anda gou ofver vungpeo,ýmathemnatics, and Miss McGuire, anda goupof eryyoug po-physicai training and L o w e r pie who will be meeting the great Scoisujcs advetur forthefirs tîe. Of course, at every re-opening Schol toay mst b a woleof the schools after the long sum- lot different from what it xvas' back in the period betxveen 1564 mer recess, the most interested and 616 hen illim Shke-group is the littie tots between six and 616 hen illim Shke-and seven who are going to enter speare lived. for it was the greatfothfittmeavrsrng Bardof trafor-on-Avon who but very fascinating world. Whe- referred to the student as "the'te rntteeyugtr r whining school boy, with bis'> hro o heeyugtr r satchel and shining morning face, going to like this business of get- creeping like snail unwiîîingîy to in an education depends very lreyon the primary teachers school."* Most students are quiteanBomnieis otfru- ready and willing to return to ate in havig prismryteacers their studies, and while they stili wei hkeen symatecuner- have the shinîng faces, we doubt stndin of littie nts if the3' whine about the matter.Istooaan f imp oant Parnte Which goes to prove that sehool - educpain iofateipcir no t ing of today is a lot more inter- eduaonthoutheco-den ort i esting than the schooling of iso thprent h the ehtool1 Shakespeare's time. o h aet ihtesho Registration at the Public teachers that progress is possible. Schol isexectd o b cosetoHere again, and the credit is 600, ands eattedHigh Scloosebe- largely due to the Home and 600,andat te Hgh Shoo bd School Association, there is a very1 tween 200 and 300 are expecteiveyitrs ntesho n to register. Most of the first day, ieyntrsinhecolad of course, is given over to pur-,its work by the parents.1 chasing books and supplies and! Hlgh Sehool the students xiii get..down to the' Principal L. W. Dippeli re- MAHER SHOE STORE Offers You the very best values in school footwear. Our tremendous buying power assures you of lowest price for the best quality. Children's Oxfords and Straps .. 1.29 up Sizes 5 to 2. Growing Girls' Suedes & Leathers 1.98 up Sizes 3 to 8. Boys' and Youths Sizes 8 to 51/,. ......1.79 up Smart I-igh School Shioes ...... 1.98 up Sizes 6 to Il. Quality - Style - Fit - Price MAHER SHOE STORES Cowan Block Bowmanville SEPTEMBER DIN CENTRAL PUBLIC SOHOOL BOWMANVILLE guson, Didsbury. Alta., Fred Fer- colm: Mrs. Gilchrist returfling guson, Guelph, Ont. home with them. The following Twigs were then Mrs. M. E. Guthrie of Toron. called on for a few remarks. some called ThursdayonMsP.. reminisced telling of humorous Oliver. happenings of other days. while __________ others dwelt on words for medi- tation: Alex Butchart, Albert Every guest wh antpa Sanderson, Rev. T. J. S. Ferguson, always tries the hotel piano. Clare Lucas, W. B. Ferguson, Its as easy to buy experience Ethel Spence Gaine. Evelyn Os- as it is difficuit to sell it. borne. We o erl o oo The names of the head of the Won h eous aech prlienar bouse of the second generation aogtivstk oiea were called and everyone stood along. as the head of his respective branch was mentioned, which re- sulted in the following numbers________________ being tabulated: James Ferguson famnily, Nil; James Taylor family. Nil; Joshua Ferguson family. 23: William Taylor family, 40; Sam- uel T. Ferguson family, 52;Lcsfml, 2: Wila SJ'h o o l Playfair family, Nl William Gib- son family. 2; Robert Hooey fam- ilv. 1; William Ferguson familv, Nil. Supplies At the short business meeting' which followed, the former of- ficers were re-elected, with one addition to the executive commit- BIG 20 IS READY tee: President, W. C. Ferguson; Secretary. E. Smith Fereuson: We have made a special Treasurer, Mrs. Norman Mount- fott aei tc o ioy: Committee, Mrs. Earl Dorrel efr o aeii tc o Rev. C. H. Ferguson. W. B. Fer- sehool opening a full Une *guson. Mrs. Bruce Ferguson. of Text Books and Supplies It was decided to hold the third for Public and High School. .'~. ~s~- ~re-union at Hampton Park on We are prepared to give Saturday, August 26, 1939. 0 prompt service on special orders. quetsth atenane o TesayBOWMANVILLE HIGH SCIHOOL Nestieton EXTRA GOOD VALUES mornîngtof ail whae oreseig _________ ___IN FENCILS _______of ______are________n CIRCLA AND LOOSE in the Conrnercial, Middle and Group No. 2 Ladies' Aid of the LEAF NOTEBOOKS Upper Scbools, and Lower School Preshyterian Church held a very students are asked t0 wait until successful ice creamn and cake so- Fne i the fteroon o rgistr. Ay ~cial August 24th, in the Sunday student requiring advice as to shool roomn. Program included: what studies to pursue is advised Violin solo, Mr. Stouffer, Port Penholders to get in toucb witb Principal Perry, accompanied by M r s. Dippeli who wîll be happy to talkStuerradnb M.Mrl Reduced to Se the matter over with them. . Tbompson, "My Financial Car- _________________eer"'; reading, Miss Doris Thomp Sjio son, "Living Four Square"; solo Sho Sc oos SafsMr. Arthur Stapleton, copn Schools' taflf.%îed by Mrs. M. Mountjoy; readingB g ~~l~l Miss Norma Hooey, "When Our B g Il 'A' String Breaks"; violin solo Mr. ~40 CENTRAL UBLIC l ~Stouffer; reading, Miss Marie -U Mr.sA. M. Thompson, Principal Prout; slo r.AthrStapleton. Miss Vivian H. Bunner ' on by Mrs. M. Mountjoy, alter Pencil Miss Marjorie A. Cole which the ladies served a very1 Miss Ruby M. Hobbs .. generous lunch and ice creamn and Boxes Mr. J. H. Johnston cake. Miss Helen G. Morris Mrs. P. J. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Filled Miss Vera Power Hugh Taylor were guests Wecld Miss Yvonne Tighe nesday evening last of Mr. and ~ . JJ Mr. Donald Purdy ~ .4~ Mrs. Leonard Joblin. Miss Greta M. Wickett . Miss Marie Prout is visiting fri- Miss Mamie Archer ' I 1IIS. ends in Oshawa and Agincourt. Wo--- MisMrartMGegr ..Miss Joan and Mr. David BentleyBok MissMararetMcGegor B.. .called on Miss Mary Malcolm on Mrs. Muriel Symons ------ - HIGH SCHOOL The Ferguson Re-union was held 1 o 5 Mr. L. W. Dippeli, Principal Saturday, August 27, in Elliott ~ ~ t 5 Mr. R. M. Ainslie, B.S.A. . Memorial Park, Hampton. See re-5c t 2 c Miss D. K. Bonnycastle, B.A. port elsewbere. Mr. G. M. Colmer, B.A. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor were Mr. K. S. P. Soanes, B.A. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pen and- Miss E. M. Soper, B.A. Wilford Williams, Caesarea. Miss M. A. agar. B.A.Mrs. P. J. Oliver is visiting Mr. Pni y f Mr. H. F. Longworth, B.A.L-. ...--.-. and Mrs. Harry Oliver, Orillia.St Mr. L. Lucas, B.A. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson St Miss Mae MeGuire, B.A. and family spent Sunday at Bea- 25c to $S- Teacher of Music in Public and DreladMri amlsa verton diid Pefferlaw. High Schools orl n orsmel s Mrs. Harry Tinney and son1 Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus.Bac. captains was greatly enjoyed by John were Sunday guests of Mr. A Staff of Five To Ensure F.C.C.O. tes duersmainwly to the fact thatand Mrs. Joe Forder. ersde_________th______ha Mrs. Wilton Creed of Barrie Ready SerVice Fer uso F mil R -unonvery few runs were scored. visited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Burketon Ferguson Fa ily Re-union gath- 6Results of races were: Children1 Emeroi Ms onHnerson1 Mr1 ogilhsbe vr ik rbbyte atfml incFegsnadMrjoe gomery; Girls 7 to 9, Collette Fer- land Miss Viola. of Janetville, vis- Mr. Coghillbas ben ver sick Probaly th last arnil pienc Fergsos ad MaJyyceeyVenning;sonBoysc 7entog;ited 7Mr.itandr. Mrs. Kenncthneh Sam Mr. Ewart Breck is attending of the year %vas celebrated, in the ered for the second time for an ' 9, Jimmie Gaine, Ian Montgom- meuls. J. W. J WLL Toronto Exhibition. lElliot'c Memorial Park at Hamp-_ afternoon of fellowship a nddsport. ery; Girls 10 to 12, Audrey Mount- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilchrist and Phn56 o.tavil A number f rom. here attended ;ton on Saturday, August 27, when The attendance was almost double joy,' Collette Ferguson; Boys 10 to son Stewart, and Mr. Bessie ofPhe56Bomnle iDecoration Day Service at Black- lone hundred and twenty of the that of last year. 12, Stuart Dorrell, Jimmie Gaine; Guthrie, Ora Township, were stock on Sunday. ýdescendants of the late Samuel A softball game with Dalton Boys 13 to 15, Dalton Dorrell, Sunday guests of Miss Mar\ Mal- Gldloa elom Rt.H.La-__________________________FI._____Lac-______ 'an Montoanoug ades _______________Young________Ladies'_______ key and his mother back again Race, Marjorie Galbraith, Audrey after their holidays. . Stinson; Young Men's Race, Mor- Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskîn. ris Sammels, Dalton Dorrel,; B e rt and Dorothy. attended the Married Ladies' Race, Mrs. Bert seventy-fifth annîversary and Old ,Montgomery, Mrs. Smith Fergu- Boys' and Girls' Reunion of Ked-0 son; Married Men's Race, Bert ronUntdCuc on'Montgomery, Rev. C. H. Fergu- Recent Visitors: atra . .... I Mountjoy and Collette Ferguson, and Unite.Churc. .owmanvj lie Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin 1 Marjorie Galbraith and Audrey~ withMr.andMrs Hary Wigh, 'Stinson: Boys' Wheelbarrow Race. wish .a ndMr.HaNWigt Dalton Dorrell and Ivan Mount- Mraw. adMs .Rh n joy, Keitb Johnston and Rodger family, Oshawa, wvith Mr. and SPECIALS Dorreli; Grandfathers and Grand- Mrs. A Wilsn. GEERAL FUNTAI PENSmothers (bîindfoîded with a pa H i l Sko Mrs. A Wilsn. GE ERAL PUNTAI PENSper bag, timed race), Norman Hg co KryihMr. and Mrs. Ch arie SUPPLIE Guaranteed Mountjoy, N. H. Marlow. Dean., uphM.adMs CaleS P LE Oldest Lady present, Mrs. Thos. Da.49c, 75c, 1ates.,0rn0 lds uenl M.and Mrs. D. Kay and son -_____________________ente-______-opn o Billy. Toronto, %vith Mrs. C. San- A completely new stock of BmanAG Geph esn bavîng thravele derson. School. Supplies for everyBOK BGGulh esn avgtreld Mrs. W. N. Hoskin with ber divi sion fromn Publie School 25c, soc, 65c greatest distance f0 attend, Rev. mother, Mrs. Richard Wood. _______________ T. J. S. Ferguson, Nelson, B.C. E SA E P6 Mr. Bill Breck with his father, Primary to Fifth Form In Supper was served, at the con- art supplies, science sup- 15c', ?-Sc, 69C Ferguson called on the secretary . Students are asked to be in attendance on the RACING PIGEON CLUB pliles, loose leaf note books,- to read letters of regret from: _____ pes.nd-enis fo .tin-IRL. =OELAF Jane Playfair of Whitewood, Sask. opening day as follows: . J> BOWM AN VILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Will re-open for the Fail and Winter Terms On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th at 9 a.m. sharp Andrew M. Thompson, Principal : 't

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