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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1938, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESIM.\N BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Cadmus Visitors: Mr. Gordon Brown, Kirklanç Lake holidaving at home. Mr. and Mrs. Fulford, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cooke. Mrs. R. Siemon. Miss A. Mount joy. Mr. Milton Siemnon. Llovd aný Gordon. Havdon. ith Mr. and M J. E. Eiliott. Miss Helen McNevin, Reaboro. a Mrsr. 0. McQuade's. Mr. and 'Msr. H drmnan Wilsbn, Janetville, William Brown and fam- ily. Omemee, and '.\r. and M.\rs. Raý Blair. at George Fowler's. Mr. Rogers, Toronto. who has vurchased the Whitfieid Suimmer - OSHAWA - Thurs. Fr1. & Sat. SEPT. 1-3 Little Miss Broadway Starring SHIRLEY TEMPLE -GEORGE MURPHY - PHYLLIS BROOKS. Added Cartoon - Donald Duck ln "Polar Trappers" REVIVAL. Friday at 10.30 p.m. Emperor's CANDLESTICKS with WILLIAM tPOWELL LOUISE RAINER. Special Midnlte Show Sunday, Sept. 4 DOORS OPEN AT 12.05 Love Finds AndyHrdy Starring CECILIA PARKER - LEWIS STONE - MICKEY ROONEY - JUDY GARLAND. Make Up a Party - Ail Seats 35e Mon., Tues., & Wed. SEPT 5-7 BOY MEETS GIRL Starring JAMES CAGNEY - PAT O'BRIEN - MARIE WILSON COMING For Three Days Starting Thursday 'SPAWN of the NORTH with GEORGE RAFT - DOROTHY LAMOUR - HENRY FONDA. cottage is expected down thîs w for bis bolidavs. Over five hundred people vieý with eelizht the beauties of Dai id D)el on Sunday. A\ nuinher from bhere attended 0. Decoration Service at Blackstock Su nda y. Congratulations f0 NMr.-nd idEd Batten of Oshawa, formcrlv Cadnius. on celebratîng tbeir Sil A Il niversarv on Saturdav.' .\mong the visitors at Rusî at Brown's on Sunday. included and I\rs. Batten. Oshawa; i.Proctor andi Billv. Toronto; Cil - les and Norman Henderson, Tord 'Y to: 3dr. Jack Gibson and Muri Cobourg; Ernest Sparrow. Marjo is andI Betty. Toronto. Haydon 'Mr. and 2\rs-. C. Averv visited Mr- G. Averv's Little Brittain. Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and Cla ton visited friends at Belleville. -Miss Dorothv Adcock, ýMontre visited at Mr. C. Crossman's. .Nr. and 'Mrs. J. Aikenhlleadl. T ronto visitcd at Mir. L. Ashtonsq. Nfiss Ruthi \cNel, r. Douzi Fontainie, visited at Mr. . M.Nei's. Miss Lorna Tbompson, -Mfr. B Louis, Toronto, visifed at ýMr.V Thompisonis. Miss .Annie M\otjitjo-, NMrs.1 Slemon. Mr. M. Slemnon. Lloyd ai Gordon. visited at -Mr. J. E. E liott's, Cadmus. Mr. W.". Thompson is visitineg Toronto Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mcean ail familv: 'M\r. and Mrs. A. Lawr and fainilv. Toronto: 'Miss Mý 1ai zaret Stephenson, visite at .Msr. E. 'Mountjov's. Miss Viola Bradlev , Toronto, holidaving at home. We welcome Mrs. F. A'dams ar Pearl back to our commiunitv. haý ing mnoved into part of -Mr. A. M-I Neil's holusç. Mfr. and 'Mrs. L. Grallam ai famlily visited at 'Mr. J. Grahamn' Os ha wa. Mr. Ernest Aunger bas returnei to Stettier. Alta. after spending sev eral weeks at -Mr. R. Aunger's. Mr. Fred Steplheps. Lima. Obic visited at '.\r. T. S. Mouintjov's. Church services next Sunday 2.30 pin. Rev. M. Sanderson wil preach. Maple Grove UNMr. anîd Mrs. Elmer Gibson tv ihlclren.(Oshawa visited Nrs. L. C Snowden. Mc. amnd Nrs. Ivisomi Munmdav, Rav. Jackie. Joan visitesi lier parents NIr. amnd Mrs. Lancaster. Port Graîîdby. Miiss Bette Siiowdcmi amd Grefl lMunsav sient the week end with .Miss Jeani Stimîsomi. Miiibrook. Nir. Thomas Smowden. 'Mrs. L. C. Siiowdeii. '.Ir. amîsi Mrs. H. G. Free- mani atteiîlle( the 75th amniversarv of Kedromi Cliircii amnd the reumioî of oid boys andi girls. aiso visites their cousins. Nî'r. and Mrs. Fred Lee on Satiirsav. *Suinsis Scliool on Suindux ut ane p.m. Ciîurch service ut 2 in. Stan-. durdi tiîne. wvheîî a represeiîtativs fromîî the Temnerance and NIoral Refori ixiiispèsk. \Vedlsinr bells are ringinz i tbis commninmity. The man wbo la govecned by ýhis conscience seldomn needs the advice of a lawyer. FALL SPECIALS1 WHIZ FLY FUME w'.1 Sprayer 29e - 47e Free Granulated SUGAR ..............100 lbs. $5.30 Quaker FLOUR ............ 98 lb. bag $3.09 Cyrus FLOUR ............ 98 lb. bag $3.10 Eclipse Pastry 1 FLOUR ............. 24 lb. bag 53c "SALADK TU, Brown Label.............'/2 lb. 34c Yellow Label.............'/2 lb. 30c Maxwell House COFFEE .....:.............. lb. Heinz SOUPS ................. 2 tins Helnz BABY SOUPS........... 2 tins Lushus JELLY POWDERS........ 3 for Good Morning MARMALADE ............. 25C Snowdrift COCONUT ................. lb. New Crop IIONEY lb. pkg. 15c.. 4 lb. pail Classic CLEANSER .............. 3 for Free Hawe's Furniture Cream with IIAWES' FLOOR WAX 2 lb. tin Full-o-Pep Growing Mash Pratt's Animal Tonies Phones 367-368 40c 25c 19C 25c 40c 25c. soc 14c 79c Sait Bowmanville veci, Ebenezer wecd hula M\r. Fred Truili gave a verv mucb app)recjated ad(lress at thec morninz the service on Sundav-. ith Mfiss Elsie 01Oke iavorjnz with a solo. Does YOUR System Make Excess Acid ? Acd1dgsto.C s ..- --y ngatiîrpub ur, seoay ro.tssrie isHae edsn '\Is.C. H. Thompson.Iaso. Irs.\Irs. Daisy Cruicksbank and 'Mr. Hagauuhes, iu.uud C S - O. they set the green leaves ah Newtonville girls' softball team ofFred TruilI. Toronto were Sundav Contton a-quiver, are camping at Scugog Lake this ver Qguests at the Truli home "Thestpin The flowers to nodding their week. They are using the cabin Grangze.' OFEN START THIS WAY heads;. belonging to Mrs. John Morris, ssel Mis Nrin Oexmit. Blleill White the snow drop and tulip Orono, who is an aunt of the cap- .Nr. is visitinz lber cousin Miss Florence Same people are what are known as start smiling, tain of their team, Miss Betty irs. Bennett. acd-makers. 'rhey can't help it--and Peeping ouf from their earth- Stapleton. la- Ir. anîdNMrs. Charles Osborne, often they don't know it. The resuits covered beds. Mr. Wilfred McKay bas been ron- \Ir. anîd Mrs. WV. R. Pickell. Nlisses of an excess of acid rnay seem utlkNothsrfcupnheldml busy truckin olesfo the Hyd iel, Eileeîî Pickell and Gwen Oshorile. ordinary stomach trouble - but theyNothsufcuonheodml y gpsor e r rie _ýi)ei a short holiday at Northl Bav. can't be put right by ordinary stomach pond, Electric Co. They are buildinga sud as iie b ineQit rmde!Ecs ai nyb h Wears fhousands of round rip- new line along the Lakeshore at Callanider. reason why yoîu wake up flat, saur, A pesie;ra 0spl h aresi h Ni. oronWodn.VitoiaE. bleary-eyed, bilious - and t he reason And the meadow-stream bids district with power and many are C. visited t'lie Messrs. Frank and why fierce purgatives only leave y>u in Them ag n hi eîome, s er takny danaeo heopru Cccii Worden families. the grip of a iveakening habit and the Trund.îngton thrugh ifs ser- ihy .Nrs. AIvmer Hazzeiwood. Toron- same old symptams. pentine miles, W.meI.fmetgs f W. 24thc, afew- to. attended the Pearce vicnic on But there's one thing that acid can't Now the trembling grass fuins its cast le. The secrefary announced at Saturdav and spent the week ei face. That's the neutralizing power of cheeks upward the Officers' Rally at Tyrone Oct. with bier p)arents. Mr. and I Mrs. Gea. Xange Saîts, the aikaline remedy with For the liffle love-faps from on 26fh, and a joint meeting witl av- î'earce. the natural minerai spa action. A tea- high; the Kendal and Orono branches .Nrs. Blake Oko attended a sur- spoonf.1 in warm water surges through For ta them fthey are nafure's own ta be behd at Newfonville Oct. 20 ai, oru aif i Moiîdav afternoon yrsstmjust like the medicinai kisses, when a speaker from the Depart- Livvii at the home of Mrs. Ltîcv1sprrngswte fair away in England Tumbling gent hy a-down from ment will be present. Discussion o-Short anddlier mnother MIrs. Enîta where Vange SaIts came from. Excess the sky. of exhibifs for Orono and Port Cornîislî.ivlo lis reachid the a ý of cm S nurlzdqîky anesy Hope Fairs was faken up anc as 94~ at Niaxvell's, wlîn ail hiad an Vo ur blood is purified of poisons. Your Amd if ;nkes us so happy and committees named. The president e-îînovalîe ime. sore stomnach watts are soothed. And fhankful, calhed on Mrs. Clemence for the c-that mass of bard, paisanous waste For we know what they mean program. The roll cail was "A matter iying in your intestines is toalal earfh; Garden Pest." An interesfing ad- softened gently, nalurally, and passed Soon revealed in the wealth of the dress wias given by Mr. E. A. Kendal out of your body. Then do you feel harvesf, Summers on "The Garden et P. good! It's marvellous I But thé most Beyond comprehlension - their and their Control." Solo by Miss R. marvellaus thing is that Vange Saits worfh. Hazel Reid, accompanied by Miss .1-i\ls Freda Tiemiaine. Toronîto, is are oniy 60 cents a tint At your drug- -R.alph Gordon. Margaret Denaulf. A confesf was visitîng Mir. and NIrs. Mîiltoii Rob- gist now-but if you're wise, on Tour 628 Crawford St., Toronto. put on by Mrs. Kaufman. Lunch in on bathraom sheif tonight I was served by Mrs. Clemence and in Mrs. A. Bostock and dlaugblter, ber group. Next meefing will be Niarv xisited Mr. and M.\rs. RichardB Sept. 16 in the U. C. basement. "d lBoqtck-Ooroio.Burk tonNote change of date an accouni rie liee* vasa large atteiiance at o rn ar r-1 the Hari-est Hm service on tn HamptfonnaFar cd Sun- jJ ev E eeh elveeda(Toa late for lasf week) Visitors: .st)lendisl sermoni. b Miss Nora Kerslake bas return- Annual Sunday School Anni- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dones and M ýiss Esith ogl and girl ed fa Toronto. versary of Burketon U n i t e di George, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, friend hiave retuirned to Osbawa. af- Miss Bessie Simpson, Maple Church was held on Sunday and Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. id fer a visi t witb Nfrs. Thorne. Grave, spent Sunday at home. Mrndaydugusf 1sf an 22nd.Marris M\lr. and M\rs. Harrv Farrow and Mr. A. N. Winterburn, Norland, Dr. Sforey of Toronto, former Prt Mr. and Mrs. o e orne cdaugbiter Shirley, have returned to visifed Mrs. K. Winterburn on missianary fa South America, oPa, it . an Mr.Gog Bowmanville after a visit witb ber gave very interesfing and in- bmsn ýd parents. '.\r. and M\rs. W\aIter Tber- Sunday. structive falks in the affernoon, Mrs. Dave Denaulf and Edna S. tel. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryder- basing bis remarks on "The First wîth friends af Milfon. MIr. Eari Hov, Oshawa is isiin man, Oshawa, spent Sunday in Adam," and on "The Second Ad- Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kaufman ,d hîisierNrCciTele\stn the village. am' in fhe evening. The schoal with friends at Part Elgin, Kin- M-ssir.Nf rs. Jc lverl. Nw Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anfhistle and very abhy supplied fhe music for cardine and Paisley. castie. with lber motber. Mrs. A. daughfer Jean were Sunday visi- the affernoon, and Enniskillen MisDre.ure ihfi ~Darlingfon. tors in Toronto. maie choir in the evening whicb ends in Toronto. Mr. and Mfrs. Cecii Tebhie visitcd Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn and was much appreciated by the con- Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lockharf Lfriensis at Port Pcrry. daugbter Acy were Sunday visi- gregafion. Bath services were weîî and family, Niagara Falls,- N.Y., IMessrs. James Taylor nad H. osi idaafne. Mr. ànd Mrs. 1. Munday and fam- On MQnday evening fhe Cour- ily,. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buftery and Bowen, Orono, at \ir. Cccii Teb- Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray, were tice Dramafie Club presented their family, Bowmanville, Mr. and bic's. Sunday visitors with Mr. and popular play "Bashfuh Mr. Babbs" Mrs. W. E. Nichols and Wilma, Mr. andsi Mrs. \Veslcv Eiiiott and Mrs. Ed. Staphes, Enniskihlen. fao the delight and satisfaction of Port Hope, wifh Mr. and Mrs. J. .Nir. anîdNlrs. M.\ilton Dunbar and Mr. Ayhmer nawson, Baîhie- a well filled bouse. Mrs. Gea. An- W. Lancaster. son Eiliott. Perrvtown, visited in bora,* and Miss Dorothy Dawson, nis filled in the intermjfssian wifh Mrs. G. W. Jones, Mrs. Henry Coilinigwood. Peterbaro, visifed af Mr. C. J. a couple of sangs, accompanied Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones NlMiss .\Maryý Bostock, Toronto, Kerslake's. by bier daugbfer, Miss Ada Annis, and family visifed "Dahlia Dell" i.jvi.sîtesi Mlrs. A. Bostock. Mrs. C. J. Kershake presided at which were much appreciated. ut Cadmus Sunday affernoon and ____________ the church argan on Sunday night Affer the drama the Dramatic admired ifs beauty. in the absence of the organisf, Club were servedi with lunch and Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milîsan Miss N. Horn. a number of the audience availed were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. t L<of Mr. and Mrs. Evereff Brown themselves of the cafeteria lunch Todd, Oshawa, Friday and found and daughter Margaret, of Maple which was provided by the Burke- Mr. Todd sfeadily improving af- a Mr. and I Irs. Charles Sfaintoiî. Creek, Sask., and Mr. Enach Ste- ton Women's Association, fer bis stroke a few weeks ago. Biackwatcr. NI r. e Camneron, yens visifed a r Bertftvn' Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sharpe and Ty-roine. at \Ir. James Camerons. sW. G. Doidge and- Miss N. ieMsS.hap Trno -Nir. andsI Nrs. . .Glsp af- Hraccompanied yMs Eileen at J. A. Barrie's and T. Johnston's. tendd th Reuionat Kdron01,Wray, their niece, are visiting the S ln r n r.Ae aca n S tocReninatacro formers' brother, Mr. J. B. Horn, BarbajLa, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mr. and \Irs. Russell Robbins at- Dutton. Ms aey tendcd tefli fsnerai of "M\rs. Richard Mrs. Arthur Stevens and sans,» Miss Jessie Yelowlees, Osh- Alin. Newcastle. on Monday. Arthur and Beverly, Toronto, who awa, visited her parents, Mr. and MNr. and Mrs. Ivor Gary at -.r.r. spent several weeks with ber mo- Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees. F. B. GiasDecis. ther, Mrs. Esther Stevens, bave Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds Tyrone Dr. Earl Garfat. Coihorne M r. returned ta faiy ihfred inT-____ i be Garfat. Woodstck; NMiss Diail Miss Vera Kerslake, wbo bas ronfo. fMir. Oaand isited h Ais fanh- Lee at \Ir. A. T. Stainton's. Ibeen visiting in Port Hope, re- Mrs. A. J. Balson and Miss Lena fMc. Oaan , Mrs. A. .Anis fand .Nr. and NIrs. A. T. Staint on. at turned home on Sunday ac'com- Taylor were in Tarant o hast week. er, Mr. A. W. Annis. SPeterboro. panied by *Mrs. Belle Reaves, Mrs. Mr. and Mcs. C. Everett Brown Miss Helen Opperman, Toronto, Mrs. W\,illiami Bennett. Bowmaîî- D. O'Connor, Misses Eileen andanMis arre, apeCek has been holidiaying with Miss vile: r. ha iMitchlell andiKathleen O'Connor; Miss Kath-as.Mran Ms.etfl- Winnie Brooks. friiti.Toono %tIr. S. R. Per- leen remaining for a visif. lifan MryOsaa Mr. and Mr.adMs. Harcy Jones, To- kn.Hampton W. M. S. met August Mrs. Joe Chapman, Hampton, af ronto, visited Mr. G. Rosevear. Miss Ruth Hansen. Treiiton., at 18tb ut the home of Mrs. Shackle- Mrs.,R. J. McKessock's. Mrs. Robt. Hadgson, wbo is r.John Cruicksbanks. ton, witb President Mrs. A. E. Bih- Master Don Quick, Bowmnan- holidaying at Bowmanville Beach MIr. and NIrs. Russell Perkins ansi lett in the chair. The president ville, at Mr. Jack Baker's. netidanubroldes M\argaret at Mr. Archie M.\cGin- tbanked Mrs. Shackleton for hec Mr. Mack Penfound, OshawaenMesrs.Aine tahumr ofdes. nis' Canniîîgton. kind invitation and infroduced as visifed bis mother af Mr. W. T. Mtpess.haverturaned BveToy Mrs. John Truli is about the saine. us paeMs ojy r. ronto affer spending the sommer Mr. James Caîncron is very iii.* Program was in charge of Mrs Mr hs ctDhi M. with their aunt, Mcs. Robf. Bur- .\Ir. Charles Ferguison. Mliss EthlNdey The tapie was taken R. . cot's Wiikins. Oshawa, at '.Ir. L. W. Bai- colhectively by Mcs. H. Salter, Miss Lena Taylor, R.N., of the Mes. Atu pcradMs son's. iMrs. W. Wihbur, Mcs. A. Peters, Boys' Training School, Bowman- M.Afu pcradMs vile, isied erfaterMr.W.Laura Victue visited Mr. Milton .Nrs. Charles F-erguison. B(ibbie Mrs. H. Fefers. Mrs. Colwilh gave ilvstdbrfteM.W Virfue at Gravenhurst on Sunday. and Marion at '%rs. Fresi short talk on fempecance, and T. Taylor. Miss Viola Sharff visited bere Enfieid.-1 Mrs. K. Caverly rendered a beau- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, before leaving for ber new teach- MNr. laines McNfaster. M.\iss jean tiful vocal solo. Miss Mounto John and Mary, Toronto, Mrs. igcag tCn nNrhr Nie Master. Toronto. at \fr. 1. W.1Ispoke helpfuliy and inferestingly Chas. Werry, Mcs. Mecedith Mof Ont argeCni orhr M\cMaster's. on Sociah Service. Mrs. Kershake fa, Joan and John, Oshawa, Miss Mr.WF.areataaube Mrs. 1. WV. NMcMaster entertained played a lavely piano number. AGwnBokPviecaMr horse recenfly. the vouniz ladies f0 affernoon f ea on lovely lunch was served by Mrs. S.E. Wecry's.EayWensymrin M. Mr.BG.Svns Archie Virfue's gas tanks were Little Marie Kiiien returîied from The Sunday services were welM.adMs.R .Sof pnrobbed when about 40 gal. of gas Oshawva Hospital. on Tiesdav. attended, Sunday Schooh being th weekend wifh Miss Ruth wr ae.Tetivsrtre Mr*. anîd Mrs. M. Kmapp)and ýheld in the morning. Rev. WalterAmscnR ,utbrotaea Safurday night, but before fhey slaughitcrs. North Oslhawa z Miss aka cece plni e-Jackson's Point, Lake Simcoe. Emma ilem. Obaa.atNi., Ro-mo ik h e evenin, akng is cn cs s ose- a a chance ta make an entry Enlia Kilen.Oshaa, t 'M. Ro monin te eenin, tandg i aMr. and MrChs. Go.How- minto the store the police arrived bert Kiiicn's. itext from "Ca fuie Ethiopianan miyndMsGe.Hw causing the thieves fa make a hur- _____________ change bis skin, or the ieopard sami visited Port Ferry friends on1 ried get away. Saturday night bis spots? then may ye aiso do Sunday. goo thf ae ccutomd f d Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mr. R. McCuilough's gas tanks Igoo tht ae acusome todoiwer e cobbed. This is the foucth Salem ievil. Mc. C. E. Brown and wife. ýMrs J.T. unde rintSuDors Snu Sho vilb îh accompanied by their dauoghter, ckeaivsa aips. bledM. rtestoeh bn b isteMargaret on the piano, deligbted Cogatltin tîisîsrs takd "'a"" theî their bearers witb two splendid Milon on successfully obtaining dcawn nexf Sunduy. toîdccos c v.\.A. \Iarch vocal duets. If if hadt been in or- ber summer course taken ut Mca. J. Hendrmcks and Joyce, for his sermon Stinmdav oidhe Hamilton. Nus.. Edetepa miarytopvil.sviwitlsiaven Mc. and Mrs. Alan White, Pet- iTrenton, are visifing ber parns thtis 'l'-~î hoe.lls On iie bers, given foliowîng these nom- jebc.M.SilyWie Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner. th Suwhomm. erby bis many friends wifh 1ebr M.Shre htAgin- MssWnieBokisisig \Ir. G. (ormîîsi is soiewiiatlu-ho he renewed acquainfances court, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rolson frindain Toe rooks ist 1 îroycsinii heaiîb and Nîr. ansi M\rs. at the close of the service, and and fumily, Osbawa, Mr. and redinTot. Ws. itze Nvere Siiînslai-vix.itî'rs atl who were privileged fa bear bis'Mcs. Clarence Tink and family, the Corishbhoire. splendid voice in song, and meet Hum pton, ut Mr. Cea. Wbite's. Nfrs. F Catorrutiired hoin il- _ -,-;- Miss Helen Cook, Fort PerryC i1r- é RAINDROPS There is music, sweet music in ram draps, Sweet music like no other tune; As you lîst f0 their fapping on roof-tops, fore leaving for Edmonton Tues- day. U. C. Church was beautifully decorated for the Harvest Home Service Sunday evening, with flowers, fruit and vegetables. Rev. E. L. Beech was in charge of -.--....-...~.J's',s,,, Lue;ý Teivie. vassnazi eA san 'g ýn is ,n is, ty m ro a re ai re n- ie . th mxi ime utiii cotaceai 5civmnn- as been an a- sp euking tou in thegets0 c and Mrs. usli %ilh- J!etchi iii csumpiiav %itli lasdies Some people bousf that tbey Maritimes and viaited bis par- Luke, Hampton.I irii Tvronie ati fethisda. neyer boast. 1enta, Mc. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe, be- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scorgieq MrI. adULVLs. George Simi. Mc. and Mcs. Jack Smith and family witb Mc. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. Misses Viola and Dorothy John- son, Oshawa, with Mc. and Mca. Joe McRoberts. Miss Pearl Smith witb ber ais- fer, Mca. Cyrus Kennedy, Fort Hope. Mc. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Grace attended the Kidd ce- union. Sympatby la exfended fa Mr. and Mca. Hacold Skinner in the denth hof Mca. Skinner's father. Mr. Lake of Newcastle. if the front palor la dleana girl is apfta fbtink the whohe bouse is ahl rigbf. E ano A reachvd with Internai renieiee!s.. Dr. Chase s 0 n.m1- apptied d reiý,. I rci !csiih 'gquickiy andi lîals the sklmî, icavimîg it soft and smnoatt. Asupsriormcdical treatment. Proxen for 50 years. OR. CHASE'S OIMIMENT COWLING SELIS THE BESI And Serves You Weil Kersiake 's Sweet Pickle Mixture Assures You Good Pickles Using Beets and Cucumbers Extra Saving FREE 50c Scalp Brush Glass Tumbler With 55c Fitch Shampoo i Lb English Health Saîts Ail for 63c 39c Special Prices Dodd 's Piuls - - - 27e Tooth Brushes -- lic Fellow's Syrup - 87c ~UWU~~s inkham's Compound 87C Dry Noir Becomes 100 A.S.A. Tablets- 19C SiIky Smooth, Monoeoble, Ra.~ . We Allow You Haîf Price diant Ahter Shorn. ' on Your Worn Out Water- Pooing wiMih man Pen, When You Buy a New Waterman 4e< R ENI $2.50 to $9.00 FOR DRY fiAIR 10 200 99e Cakes Velvetta59 Castile Soap Tissues 59e«P 25e 1 12c Guard Against Winter CoUds Now By Taking Wampole's Extract $.00 Halmer Oil Caps 89e New Chemical Food $1.15 Calcium A. Caps $1.10-$2 Nyal Cod Liver Oil $1.00 Ayerst IOD CLO 67c-1.69 We test eyes and fit trusses to your entire satisfaction in quality, fit and price Phon - nIeIWe Fit 695 Pu R. CUWLING, Druggit;ruse ]REDUCED FARES TRAVEL Toronto and Lindsay Exhibition SPECIALS By GARTON COACH UNES Comfortabie Up-to-date Busses Going Daily RIDE ON THE BUS AND AVOID WORRYING ABOUT DRIVING IN HEAV1Y TRAFFIC OR CROWDING FOR STREET CARS TORONT0 EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FRO31 August 29 to September 10 (DAYIGHT SAVING TIME) Leave Arrive Return Read Down Read Up Fare A.M. 7.00 KAWARTHA 'MAPLES 1.35 $2.40 7.10 JANETVILLIF 1.25 2.30 7.20 YELVERTON 1.15 2.15 7.30 NESTLETON 1.05 2.00 7.40 BLACKSTOCK 12.55 1.90 7.50 BITRKETON. 12.45 1.75 7.55 ENNISKILLEN 12.35 1.70 8.00 HAMIPTON-- 12.25 1.60 8.20 BOWMANVILLE 12.15 1.40 10.00 TORONTO EXHIBITION Lv. 10.45 p.m. - FARES INCLUDE EXHIBITION ADMISSION - Bus Takes Passengers Rlght On To Exhibition Grounds and Stays There Ail Day for the Convenience of Passengers. Goinl Read Dc A.M. 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.45 10.00 10.10 10.25 11.00 LINDSAY EXHIBITION THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY September 15-16-17 (STANDARD TIME) own BOWMANVILLE HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN BURKETON - BLACKSTOCK NESTLETON YELVERTON JANETVIU'LE LINDSAY. Returlning Return Read Uip Fare 1.00 a.m. 12.50 a.mi. 12.40 a.m. 12.30 12.15 a.m. 12 rmld'ght 11.50 P.m. 11.35 Pa. FOR INFORMATION PIIONE: LINDSAY 506 - BOWMANVILLE 2666 - OSII,%IA 2283 Patrons Uslng Our Busses May Leave Their Cars inl Parking Space at Kawartha Maples or at Our Garage In Bou manvie Free of Charge. $1.50 1.45 1.40 1.25 1.00 .80 .60 .40 PAGE SIXel w and family spent MondaY in To- Orono NewYs Master George Dadson and fri- ends, Bowmanville, visited hisi Mrs. Crane is visiting in To- cousin, Raymond Wiggans. ronto. Miss Gladys Reynolds and Ma- congratulations to Miss Marion fer Glenn holidayed with their! Green on successfully passing her uncle, Mr. H. J. Gox-ne, at Osh- summer school examiflations in awa on the Lake. Toronto. tOrono defeafed ort Hope 23 f0 8 in a benefit softball game in Orono on Wednesday night. The Long Sault i game was plaedi in the ri n only a small crowd turned out. M r. A fre d W o o d ard, N e w - T h e b en efit xas fo r H a rry D a v ey cast Ale redith oMa d N w who suffered injuries in a foot- Mr çMrtn n bail game some weeks ago. 'i i r tt E 4,>. HARRY ALLIN GROCER THURSDAY, sEPTEMBER 1, 1938 1 1 ~ /5 i I t t'. I t f. t - t il Ir

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