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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1938, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSD.XY, SEPTEMBER l5TH, 1938 Established 1854 A Weekly Newspape,- devoted to the lnterests of the town of Bowmiarville and surrounding country, lssued at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers A ssoc iation, also the Class "A" Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere ln Canada $2.50 a year; when Paid ln ad- vance $200 a year; 50c extra in United States to cover postage. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER ISTH, 1938 Now For Rural Sehool Fairs The Rural Sehool Fairs are already un- der way ini East and North Durham, and on Monday next with tuie Blackstoek Sehool Fair WXest Durham will see the start of a series of these events. The Rural Sehool Fair does not receive the public interest it should. Generally speaking, the rural school fair is attended by parents of the pupils attending the sehools and few others. If some town people could make a visit to these fairs they would find them niost 'en- tertaining and certainly educational. The fairs, which are conducted under the super- vision of E. A. Summers. Department of Ag-riculture, and Public Schlool Inspector, Geil F. Cannon, do a greaf work for rural ý-outh. Il is flot in any sense a regular agri- cultural fair on a small scale. The prograni includes publie speaking, music, art, phy- sical culture, judg-ing-, horticulture, agricul- ture. farm and home economics. cooking, sports - in fact it is an all round exhibi- tion. We mention these fairs because we feel they arc worthy of more public sup- port titan they receive. We hope that more town people will patronize the local school fairs this xear. The wil find the tirne well spent. A list of the Durham School Fairs appears lsewhiere ini this issue. A Militant Rural Churqch Manyv frorn ail parts of Ditrhain Uouity attenided the rcopeiîti services of Maple Gruvt. United ('hurch Suinday and the chieken supper iin the îîew baseinent of the chiurch on Monday. The persistence and growth of the M\aple Grove C'hureli and thew ay the p)eop)le of this charge are attached latoteir church and inake their wholc comimunilvlf centre in it iakes one of the inost remnarkable stories iniflie annals of the Utiited ,lt'hh of Caniada' in Ontario. If anvone îvaited la write ait epic of the Militant Rural (ltureli hie could find the inaterial hiere. Many rural churehies arc heintx celosed îtl itere is a chutrchi onlv oine andi a lbalf miles onul of Bowmianvlle. Tlite distance can easil *v be walked in hiaîf ait houx' or lcss; a car could make il i fî'on tliree la five minutes, but the people prefer. and al Itouir ta îhem, f0iniaintain the clutreh iii Iheir miidst. a commniity centre. and have their own lmiiste r. The Sîuînda, Sclhool andti te Young,, Peo- ple*s Society outlgrew the aeconinmodatiotts. Thierefore lte chîxrch autist he made bigger, andi more beautiful. andi mtoderni in all ils furnishiîtgs antd eqiipîttent as describcd iii detail in last wevk 's Stalesmian. Tl was donc antd tite re-openitg tookz place on Suifday with tee citureit filled to calîacity aI itotit services. Then on Mondav flic chitrch people entertaiito( 800 ]aving gltests to a foui stîppir and c<)etWr and netted by titis mieans pcrhaps over $300. But hcî'e is te inspiring story that thriiis even outsiders. Tite extension and irn- proveient woi'k cost arouni $4.000 and by Monda.v nig-itt. we learit, tite whole expense had heen tproi'nded for titrouigh the sutpper an(] progiaitl anti frointdonttiîonts. ('iîurel leadets ean fiiid ýtiini1atint- itaterial ini the storY of dafpie itI lii('hrt'li. lt's So Easy to Criticise of tio, Vi iituil ( 'lîiilî. ini alvs rcola,'ere liiied it111tîtit tît (,oliel ( il 'ttu of (Ile potiodîial t <>vei* tiI! ,iiiii'litt - ii-s ilistead of rît tue.svei;I a tl l i eo(v- eîîr i, iividlial phiases ofti tla liireh wrk. A oel,,iitfit,. îilie tii,!,lo oî,i p f Lorîte Eed ' . Editr of>1 ivi. StMarîxvsJor nal..igîsanîd a vvi'Y pronilmtîiiien i ed kn,~vlcig i mid te tiveitge t'liîiii'iî gner is tiot ittîîciu itei'ea ,I iin lhvii ,.ll or i ts I1tii'ttions. W, ,,iitii1 l'ai more ititpl4'. thal l ot tv tiilii k. ite haîîkeriîg afîci' and arc ietmHiIlv lhtumt gry fort'spirit ual ttpiift, iispii'at iîîînai eltristiati It'tdt' isli) YXt with lî Iour oit uîteies, i lîiir varionîs detîoiniiialioiîs, tew fa ittanîgled bel lifs an îd modemn isms ' t sav- nolhiiig of the scores of religiaus public- atiotîs, Iial. loîtging is utet beimîg satisfietl. Tue eurrenl issue cf The Ne'w Ouitluuok, Uu iîed Chureit offjici magyazine, expresses lte e ieitf ltaIltee citîmelt îîîîîsf aclievP uniîx-. wloiness andtieffectiveuuess ut pr'e- senl înîgthe ife cf tlite citrelit îiroughlite printeti patge. 'Te first tluty o)f any ehureit is bu se piesemtits ils iureit's h fe<n flue uîîaîelit îaîtte pteople syulh s'ant le ttke lte citurcht peî'iodicais.Titis eau on]%. be se- eomîîlished w'.-hn tite iturch gels clou-utot ils real jolb cf tcaehing tite Christiauîity titf Christ iittîself taugè-itt. A littIe less frying ta beat flic otiter churehles. a lot less com- mecialismn in the chuureli, and a wliole lot more devotian la te real ideais of the ehttrcm, iili provide te solution fa rnast of the ehurch's probienîs. "That's Smnall Town Stuff" In conversation svuîh a yaung mon mc- ceîith wc sii.-l-ested tîtat wc make a note in lte paper of a little job hie -as ttnter- fakiitg, and itis reply ivas. '"No, don'ýt do thal TTlaI 's srnall îawmi stuff." Sîrattgcly eiuotiî il is the attention paid ta fli tIle items stucli as we mîentlion tlit lias muade the weekiy ýpness a power ii titis eounttry. If flic everyday happenings cf ife arc net -%ortlty cf ptîblishing flien ail thal is lefI is a lot cf ssar scare tiews divorce cases. seau- titi1.putioe coîurt happeniings anditdhier nu- tiesirable uxablen. Eaî'lv iii lune Tue Globe and -Mail said editorialil "The close contact thiey (the wcekl'.ueWlapr)are able ta iaintain w'ilti iliu' î'eatlren uaitesftem fa interpref pubhlie' opinion t .ih mnifesl accîtrttey Col- lectively te weeklies pietre ('attacait hIfe mort, trtmul tait auy otiter unediuimî.- Titat's the "sutili Ionitsttff" ltaI'att- atia's unat itnalineu-sptpei' tecoatîtzes os grettirss 3iMtg close hatte people, kîîou-ng tteur troutbles anti aspirations, elirnijl e lite iitble intlerestiuig ltapl)df- ii,.s of tdic'eamttuttuiitvl ife.are wiialutakes tite weuklv ti eltîser crrntact wit thlie people. aundtmore trtly t'epreseiitative cf ('auadian 1 uc tiui aiv otîer iineditti if sîeli tiiitgs are, smali toussmt stîîff. tiemi lte socuter s.e get better ie4litaiiitedl with titis ' 'sttff' lte soutex' ..e 'l ihavt a triue appreeialiiuu cf ('iaaiait hIe aI its best. The Old Order Changeth It is tîxeer itow sounte people ding se feu- acotsly t te oul rntamntd utmt>ced iticas. Woinemiand giî'is are totlay fakiitg ait ever iîiereasiîîg part i thlie affairs of ife, and s-el svestili hiear lte ei'x tuaIvoiteitshtould ttît Le utntis or thal grotp. A fes' wecks ago sve rcad soîtît articles om wlitv girls slîotld utut take partli alhleties. If we reutteiter 'ugîtl flicgirls dtiti ot lcok as etriei »v wist they ttre takîîtg part iii stren- lteuus aelivities as tue u'iter ttoruglit t fey siîruld. Fourtati alter ve ibave me'er secît a îietiire cf atutman "rossmnthlite inuc ta ra.'.iuclue ioriked lus verv bc'st. Ilosveveu' sittt ise set out to Ici te about was titi' ld irlea ltaI ins anîd wottîct sitouil ol play ut bandts or onchiestras. Be- liîve it ort' uot. there are soute wsvitiîil be- lies-e Ibal te lîmiîîiue u-orlcl sututid stay out. cf Ibis fieltd. Oit Warirs' I)as-aI the Torntuo Exiibitiomi a girl tînum major led a U'nited Stats ('ohiegiate Battd iviicit was tîtate up of tmale aitd feinale stîdemits. The euspapensi'emarked that precedeuits were flviig by the itoardi in Ibis partieniar in- st autet Fratikly w-e'cati sec no reason why a girl canntuilbc a member of ant orchestra o r a bantu, or atiy-tiimtg cisc she ivamis ta, lu'tîsided thLe occuipatiotn is resptectable. Whuy peupfle siteulci îiiuk ltat a gir]1 bas a igl;t tii't i astloist, cîlhîci' ocuti and in- stritiitatuîan md at flic saine tliite ltink she liis noi t'iziht t te ,iuî sitiu men iin a mnusical Oiiîiiiztiitis be.vcmd us. 1Ics'.es-er there ssii! alwaY.s lit'dieliards ini tbe s'orld, buit t!itîv iiiihilss'.r'ii stee l teiiselves to lte ffltiat gis are goiuîg to taki' atnuactive înir it uoeis u!tii ad bandtulorLeiiizaitiiîs TI'i s is lihe' wru11i iîlueeniîu n d atthelite t- tiu'iituittYitt'S5 uss s uuiuiiid'.lttstil-ts- appami i ig. Improved Canadian Magazine 'lh, iuutiliutMuagaizintetif s.lîic'lî.John At Icit isîi.tIi, îireetiuîg genilus as 'Mui.aging l)vuiîr.i'auts adciîttd a ue t," leî. I lt, puut Ioitgtpick ativalt'tmiel tutIi,' uistiont is sîL t li' ey 'Il jtik <îuîîgreen. ripi' or vttoti.Ttiu'titîc 1aiYStar' W h r'îa imuiiaitdutuitis s'.i festaut te) gît îî mu- vi'lw' îî'ls hîîuî tgel luis grusuit, lix i ultîîns inilus suîim't.gv'h lis siieks tutti k ,'î'uiii'sfslie luis iit't'ktie and Ic a fi'.' ot lier litt- ilVî> iten lue puiis on lus liat and sttYs :Great grief ain't van readv -et?- Ilotpkins, Mo. Journal. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST ____________From The Statesman Files FIFTY YEARS AGO TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO Frorm The Canadian Statesman , From The Canadian Statesman, September 5, 1888 September il, 1913 Courtice: A petition for the re-1 Congratulations ta Bowman- peal of the Scott Act was circulat- ville's veleran Police Magistrale ed through here lasI week. . . . William M. Horsey on* the attain- Mr. D. L. Sanderson, P.L.S., wvho, ment of his 83rd birlbdav,. has been away the past lwo Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C., Mrs. months stîrveying the towvnship Simpson and claughter Moliy. or- of Chamberlain in the Nipissing n ved home Sundav frem a lxvo District, arrived home on Wed- months trip te England. nesday. . . . A farmer in this vie Mjr-.C Kn nntne inity bought some hay from a the engagement cf his daugliter. neighbour, and found on drawing Edna Clark, te Mr. D. Clive Betts. il away that tbe stock had been Calgary, Alla., former accounitant built on a stone pile. of the Bank of Montreal, Bow- Hampton: Andrew Penn inglon, manville. aur enterprising builder, hos donc Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder an- work te the amnounl of $3000 in nounce te engagement of their Columbus and vicinily lhis sea- daughter, Miss Macte Doroîhea son.. . . J. H. Brown bas relurn- Rehder, B.A., and Rev. William' ed fromn Belleville and will visit Shawv Blytb, cf Hawthorne, Ont. at the old homestead before re- turning 10 college at Philadeiphia. Solina: Mr. Fnonk Westloke got a bad knock from a barn dccc! Ontario Ladies' College aI Whit- Mondav, cutting bis bead. Dr. 1 by bas purchased eight Dominion Slemon closcd the w',ound witb a! pianos, made in the Bowmanville few tlitches. . . . Miss Gertrude factony of the Dominion Organ & Pascoe ts home from St. Caîbon- Piano Co. imes General Marine Hospital forr Mr. C. M. Cawker bas boughl e oias Mr. T. Spotîswood's cozy resi-hehodas dence on Liberty St. North for Fromn The Canadian Statesnman, $800 cash. September 18, 1913 Notwithstanding the large num- Mr. J. P. Leslie, wbo lbas been ber of new residences erected in manager af the drug departmenî Bowmanville the past lwo years, of Jury & Lovelî's store, bas tak- there is hardly a respectable en over the management cf a bouse bo let aI tbe prescrnt lime, store aI Owen Sound, purcbased From The Canadian Statesman, by the firm, and ta be known as September 12, 1888 Jury & Leslie. Mr. J. C. Vanstone bas built a Mr. and Mrs. WilliamCan n new stable and driving bouse near ýMiss Cann are boiidaying in Dev- bis rouler milis. onshire, England. Born: Virtue - Near Enniskil- Messrs. J. H. McMurtry, C. W. len on Sept. 9th, ta the wife of Meaîh, Geo. W. Bail and Dr. A. R. C. Virtue, a daughter. S. Tilley took part in the Globe Died: Muttan - Suddenly in Scotch doubles in Toronto. Bowmanville. Sept. th, William The death reaper was busy in Mutton, aged 62 years. our midst last week when four Died: Morraw - In Bowman- loved ones were removcd, Mrs. ville, Sept. 3rd, Arvilla May, dau- Younie, aged 88: Thomas R. Fen- ghter of Ada Zilla and James nell, agcd 55; Mrs. Harriet Man- Morrow, aged 3 months. ning, in ber 79th year; and Mrs. J. F. Brooks left at Ibis office Williams, mother of Mrs. Richard yesterday a stalk of corn aven 12 Bragg, in ber 96th year. feet in length. Officers of Women's Hospital Isaac Jewell cf Clarke bas Auxiliary are: President, Mrs. L. bought James Miller's fine brick A. W. Tale; lI Vice President, residence an Scugog St. for $1900. Mrs. W. H. Martin; 2ndi Vice, Mrs. Mrs. Shaw is going la build a E. R. Bounsaîl; Rec. Secreîary, house on the site of the bouse Mrs. B.M. Warnica; Cor. Sec'y., burned at the limne of tbc Alma Miss M.J. Bassett; Treasurer, Hatel fire. Mrs. A. L. Nîchalîs. Iyal Theatre BOWMANVI LLE Greater Movie Season --------Courtice WHO RUNS THE SHOW!? Tlt-cc accidents have occurred re- anîd the public scbool. Oui Saturda' ---- - By Scribe G------1 nigbit a inotorcycle and car cotlided E Are ou ne a th peranswhocan o wat h isdain isancaithde bend inthie road outsidc the Are ou ne o th peronswhocan o wat h isdoin isonecamp, two cars sideswiped cach other wonders how.. the world is run of the 'ablest'. iiear Pidduick's scrvicc station oit and who runs il? Millions are When you see te Maple Leaf Labnr l)av and just prier te tliat wanerng Sam tin Ga rnsGsrdens filled with 15000 people a' %N-iucc caille off a 'Maratbon Oul wonerig. omethik Gd rnsand more lined up oulside youtrc isastwsrondgth it. Same say the Dcvii is in can take it that there is an abletrikitasi a rnigtb charge. Others think il is run by man araund samewhere. He ils curve oiside tbe store. Bv %%,bat Thurs.- Dictators, Kings, Labor Leaders, the pramoter of the show.. . the seemed alîuuost short oi a miracle Paliticians, Munition-makers. Let wreslling match or wbatever iltbh driver îuanaged te keep the SEPT.1 us put you straight. may be. . . You find him in thbc bcavy truck on the road altbough The world is run by its ablest litIle office under tbc seats whcre tbe axle was on tbe extreme edgc of men. . . and always will be. tbey caunit the grccn-backs int the gravel shoulder wheiî tueteruck MIGHIY DRA Pîcase ponder Ibis postulation. thausand dollar bundles. Don'l '.as stalcd. These able men may be ministers say bie isn't anc of the 'ablest' Miss Audrcy Plhair underwcnt an mentous houri of tbc Gospel. . . Disciples of tbc men. eperatien for adenoids. worid's mast e Devil.. . loyers of Ibis, that and Some ycars ago a great stales- \isitors ta Toronto Exhibition ini- s.osan"s grei the other tbing. . . or thcy may man sold Canadians on the ides of clnded: Mrs. jack Smith, 'Miss Nora even be 'Jcw-baiters'. The point building a railway tbat would Bl1akely, Mr. Edward Blakely, Miss the play that t is bhey have ability. cost the country only $13,000,000. Gladvs and Frances Reynolds, Mr. The man who gels bimself el- This was the* venture Ihat bas led and Mrs. lames Toolcv and daugli- ected ... was able ta gel you and up ta tbc engagement of Royal tr r n r akWgau your neigbbor ta vote for him ... Commissions, Senate enquiries, snd .Master Ravmonid, Mr. and Mirs. He is able, isn't be? He may bel thousands of pages of newspaper Milton Smith and daugbtcrs, Mr.r a crook but he is 'able'. largument, oralors, and last but and Mirs. Fred Cochrane and Master ~ The polilician wbo forces bis 1flot least an annual dcbt of fl if ty Allan. MIr. and Mrs. A. E. Phair," party ta recagnîze hlm. . . and million dollars for us ta try andMissDrnadAuey M. because of bis vatc-getting power mccl. The man who made u5stu!Ms asi u MissesBlanchen rurey.Mr is able ta demandi a job for him- fall for a legacy lîke Ibis was ad ors.Lw iadMs lnh self.. . or a Scnatarship. . . He pretty 'able', wasn't bie? aor is 'able', isn't bie? Let us suppose thal you seli tbe MNIs. Flood us homne frorn Oshawa . Aberbart in Alberta. . . a man back end of your berry-paîcb ta Hospfitai. who preys on Christian prcjudic- the Province ta make the highway . Miss Frances Rcyitoids accetupan- es and is a sort of pseudo-Chris- wider. The Province pays you ied b'. Miss Frances Robinsonu, cf . hian bimself. . . promises people $360.00. Before you gel a chance Tlîornitcn's Corneurs, are vaeatiouiutg $2500 a montb if tbey elecî bim. ta take the cheque ta tbc banik, a ait Osbiawa-on-tlic-lake. A man would have ta be 'able' ta salesman from the flivver-factory M'%rs. Wm. Hugites, Torontto. visit- gel Ibat aven, wouldn'I be? Aber- jscîls you a new $' 900.00 car. You cd at lier htounelucre. M.\aster Carl rc- hart is anc of the 'ablest' men give bim the $36000 as down psy- turninz '.itlt ber frein lis iuolidays. who arc running tbc world. ment and he persuades you ta sign Miss Elisa VoniGuntciu.P ert Hope, Over in Gcrmany Herr Hitler youn saut away in the form of a homne ver te holiday. and six or seven sidc-kicks are promise ta psy the balance of MnI. auud Mrs. Hart-y enu- making mubîs out of men by the $540.00 in the next 20 montbs. Is loe d a v.acation at Wapcose. million. Hitler is an cxtremcly he an 'able' man? Anc you asking M'\r naud 1Mrs. W. Conbctt and soit able man wbeîber we think so or us? Lloyd, Wlitb'. werc Sîiday gucsts not. The w.orld la run by ils ablest!0fNIrM. auud Mrs. Jack W\iggaius. And Mussolini. Is he arlc of the men . .. and always will be. You Mîisses Elcute auud Marie Anti! '.vlu world's ablest men? Dont fool had belter figurç on Ibis and sec]lave becît visititua witlu their broter, yourself. He is. Any man who w.hat you cani do.MNI. Paît! Autil bave rctunued te ---Qnebec.SA II Miss Bird, jean,. Mottreal, visitcd SM E luer nutche. M.I.n. Staccy. P R JE BY THE OLD BOX STOVEinNewrsle.Paciotniiediius Mn. aund Mrs. WV Young and iam- E ------- By Hiram _________________ lv Torontto, Nvcrc Stndav guests wit'ut Mn. anud Nîrs. P. Atuti! Muss, Back on the Sevcnth Concession L.orrainie rewriig te tthc citv w il I like te laigît. TîtrouiglitaIl tîte Jvc tried the classies aiud 1 stili '.vatt thumr. Cci.dnssdltl .p fcct elenit:csc hl bv t atat lvîlis tire visitiuug iîuWintdso, r e leuud thlua igluten is oue aiflte,. \.iaii i 1bave becuu bld t t v ilue in; , t e iltucs cithec fermer's E areatest gifts ci a Div.ine Provid. iirelia-irras lufe. I'vc lucenu asked te\Iîu r. M.Joit Spriug. cuice. for wliclt w-e give the least reatize tlucne is nuo lune for laugitter Nfiss Giadv.s lReviolds is teacîtitu tlusuks. It is a '.'otderfnl îcîuic stuc!il I1'.ould (Io alfil nuuuy pe'ver te atiS.S. No. -6. Fasi \'bitlbv. us the besittiîg te lift a fellow o ut tuake thii, vorld a better eute ni u Nr. atni trs. Sidnev Rice aiud of gtoout aîud belp biîuu ta forget. 1 '.vicliute live. It bias been iiprcsscd chilcîreti attcuudcd tîte lauily reieit Latiglter cati tàke tte tplace of tears. inu uie that titis is a vickcd s Vend liclu was ltcld oit Labor Day oit tite s v catu drive eut serre'.vaîud e'.en îuake flItof tad uittle a.îdt sluulctake u)lcnte gr.Ltutds eutte farttni of'.\r. YI a iehlow vtbrosv lus luead back, stick eut stckcetb satd ashçs aîud be full of Tj* Wiggauus. ont bis cîtest aud lhave anotîter t-v snrresv becatuse cf the condition cf Smttdav aîtests ait 'Mr. aund Ntrs. and JE ai the tling whiclu lias secmitugly got iltîte '.vrld anud tetîcoîfle. I've îried Sent-gin*s itteltudcl'Mirs. Wakelev. 1JO him do,,%n. Tlue mtait .vo canimuake tîtat tee auud I stihi waiut te latuglu, Sîunderlntd :'M\I. anud Mrs. \Vnuu-- umheBo the wvurid rock witb reai 'genuinie for 1 lusse lrtnd titis ta bie a beauti- e,,ît, 0 lIttîva : n.. Hcrbert Nqr-tiu. ClairTry ol lauluenlua sniluttea iac attngfuit aud iasciîiatitug sorld svitli a Xli,s Olive North, MastrrHerr Claire trevor thte great beitefactors of îîaukind. mulntittîde uf sîlcutdid peopleienu it. So jfrontu Whitby aîud frieiuds iroîtt Galt. Droeced byr Yet there are pîeple svlue discour- mittte th lat I lit-tutu believe tbat 'Mir. aîud Mrs. H. t-av, Laiu tIai .d litr age Isugbten. Tbey say a good a retigiotu curîupesecl ci sntro% aand toi. sverc Stîda'. gnests sithhe learty guffaw is a sigul of crude- tcars aid e! let- se't wot-k uttil tve fater. N. Ltuthuer-Bccket,.IN T itesu and igmoratuce aîud strengly ad- utix a very lange pet-cetage cf __MING_______TH__ vise gettintu a i 5 erlevel (À ltîmhtter intotit. Si) 1 contiume 1 Robbing Peter tb psy PaUl EN.: clture. Tutey recoumumend reading lalîgh. doesn'l hurt Paul's feeings a par- V 7 ithe classis iii onde r te cutivate a Fitîatlv Ive luent otld life is a ticle.P r quiet sensible outlook onife. Wil, %vaste ilfIt-cati liglit stries ot-r sig1emisinofsgirl be- 5. L Fse rcad thue classics, Scott, Dumuas, streuicimuy tinte listetiitg te 'Ber-gentl's foeokinpess rison adl. l Datus îaksî an e aboo d aît Bre- u Bekea'et t adie. lis puttinlg the nesponsibilily up ho j Larry Bui <utlens Tîe ctls hok s oleutt-c X'eI tIis us îuuv svet-nV îuowIluat 1I1ber. lenned to I have îlot beemu able te toi et titme te fitnishîthe letestr fintish is Pilgrim's Progness Ive tts-vso- mdttttevstr Matinee Sati tricd il fout- or five titils and whèbn shuo lotiot like Chat-lie NcCarthv 1 cemfesa îny lailtmne 1 am met siith fsill mut « stas tee lontg touumcrt-w', s look cf mity and fear. PerhapS thats caîusinzg mue te îtiss lis fin cite cf lte fit-st qutestionus StiPte I believe titat lue slto cati lauigb FOU0A S N D wmi ask at the Goldeit Gate.,e caît tiderstanci best tîte bitterncss U A S E had better gel 'busy and finish il of test-s. S P E B R 2 tItis winter te avoid any stch risk. 1 1 (Ie like te laugb. ---- E TE B R 2 Starrflg q SIDNEY :L McCREA )gart 0 Wendy Barrie 0 Allen Jenkins yWILLIAM WYL.ER jUNITED ARTI ST 5 NE MERCILESS ISODE 12 ister Crabbe turday 2.30 p.m. aTHURS.- FRI. - SAT. 1- 22 -23 -24 FII ItI+PPIÀ'S~ rffp a UR Monda>' - Tuesday SEPT. 19 - 20 Two Days Only ABrand-New Type of Story by the Authors cf "BoyMeete Girl". It'a overy. thing that's new in entertamn- ment- rollicking romance, riotous oomedy, gorgeaus girls, swingy dancipation. IN TECHNICOLOR wib Helen VINSON - Mischa AUER Alan MOWDRAY - Jerome COWAN Fieleosed tht-, UNITED ARTISTS ond the famous fl WALTER WANGER MODELS Matinee Monday 4 -Fri. - Sat. 15 -16 - 17 AMA-of 24 mo- 's in the lfe of the exciting cityl.. The actest film - from thriiied the nationl THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILÉE, ONTARIO PAGE TWO

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