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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1938, p. 7

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TuE ORONO NBWS SEE DURHAM AT IlS BEST* ORONO FAIR SEPT. 221 Expansion Theme ~Track,_Stand Ani Expansion year is the theme of Durham Central Agricultural So- ciety whose annual fair will be held in the village of Orono on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep- tember 20 and 21. More land has been purchased and instead of the old one-third mile race track a new haif-mile track has been laid out. Grading and grooming of the course has been going on for the past few months. Guards have been erect- ed and authorities dlaim it will be one of the fastest courses in central Ontario. For se ve ra i weeks prominent racing men have been training their borses on this track and state that the course is in perfect condition. In- cidentally, the prize money for trotting races has been consider- ably increased. Patrons may look forward to a real afternoon's program to be viewed from the new grandstand which will hold over a thousand people. They will be able to see the horse judging as well as that of the cattle and sheep. There is also a feature that is unusual in the rooster race, and the horse- shoe pitching contest. The new entrance, just comn- pleted. offers a beautiful approach to the grounds and special ar- rangements have been made to take care of the large crowds which are expected. %The prize list for stock has been greatly increased, showing the healthy condition of the society and the spirit of the organization in passing on to the exhibitors the proceeds which past fairs hafe made it possible to accumulate. Those who wish to see Durham County in ail its splendor of agri- cultural products, industrial ex- hibits, exhibits of fine art and home cooking, Women's Insti- tute's, special exhibits of Junior Farmers' intensive work. the en- tertaining and educational value of this fair warrants a bumper attendance this year. Directors and officers of the so- ciety are: Hon. President, Russell Osborne, Newcastle; President, W. H. Carruthers, Bowmanville; lst SVice, 0. W. Rolph, Orono; 2nd Vice, Neil Mutton, Bowmanville; Secretary, J. C. Gamey, Orono; Treasurer, M. H. Staples. Orono. Directors include: M. J. Elliott, Geo. F. Annis, T. W. Jackson, F. B. Lovekin, Geo. Cain, H. J. Souch. Roy Bahl. O. Cowan, A. J. Tamblyn. Kyle Squair, Wm. Arm- strong. Jr.. Carl Billings. Milton Cornish. R. R. Stevens, W. S. Moffat. Harry Jose, Don Gibson, 'tt 'r' 0f Orono Fair Newtonville MisMarian Bruce is homeso fom Bancroft. d List nlarged Melor from our comrnunity.J.. Co an ileMiss Florence Burley left Sat- LeRoyBrw Cowan illeurday to take a position in To- Guelph. ronto, Mr. and Mrs Women's Association met at Miss Phyllis Challut, Bowman- Pearl and Mr. F Mrs. A. T. Perrin's on Sept. 7tb. ville, is conducting a class in piano ronto, Mr. Art Plans for goose supper were dis- lessons here. were Sunday gt cussed. Mrs. Eb. Milîson is around Mrs. Rowland Si Those who attended the Exhi- again. Mrs. Walker Milison in Mr. and Mrs. bition included Messrs. T. J. and Regina is improving nicely. ris, Mr.andaI James Simpson, Misses Marion, Funeral service was beld ina set ud Ethel, Dorothy and Kathleen Newtonville United Cburcb last A couple fror Stisnerand ues fro J.Kirk-Wednesday for Mrs. Tom Han- united in marrý ltirand ake.fomKik cock, Peterboro. Interment New- Littlewood Satur land Lake. tonville Cemetery. M.adMs Mrs. Westol Stringer is visiting Sudyeeig et 8 nteMr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trigg in Detroit. Undayeeig wSp.1in he a ve yir ntotd Mr. and Mrs. W. Waterson and td Church there wl eaîdb r n >daugbter, Wlad iie r christening service, after wbicb Mrs. J. Marslh andMrs Erin arrw o thirthe Lord's Sacrament wîll be ad- ited ber fatb( way o Sotlnd.ministered. Service at 7.30 p.m. Cooper. Mr. Sid Lancaster and Mr. A. Sale of late Harve Thompson's Miss Louise Wade are touring the States and effects was a decided success. The spent the weekE Western Ontario. borses, particularly, sold well, and Mr. Alec H, the total of everything was very weekend in Tort Mr. Hector Milîson motored to gratifying. Qats brought 35c a Miss B. Gilmai Herman. bushel. end at Mr. R. Z. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, New- . în addition to those mentioned MissTuj castle, visited Mr. Chas. MeNeil. îast week we bave Jean Stacey the weekend wi Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid and in the beginners' class at schooi. son. Barbara were guests of Mr. and Joan Foster, grand-daughter of Mrs. McLear Mrs. Jack Reid of Crooked Creek. Mrs. John Jackson, is a new pupil daughter, Mrs. r Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan and in Grade V. manville, visited Velma visited Mr. and Mrs. Lan- Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, Ban- Sympathy isi son Milîson at Newtonville. croft, bave moved into Mr. Wm. Geo. Stewart. At a meeting held Sunday after Stapletons bouse, soutb side of death of ber fat cburcb it was decided to re-openlbighway. Their son Bill has been vis. Sunday Scbool witb a combined1 employed with Mr. Edward Samis. The f ire engil churcb and school service the first Their daughter Betty is a new about 6.15 p.m. Sunday in October. Anniversarylpupil in our scbool. trouble being 0v services will be held October 23. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer mo- at Mr. W. Sher tored their second son, Raymond, anted by Mr. ( A. E. Morton, Wm. Riddell, E. P. to Niagara Falls, where be xiii were down tbere Bradt, C. Carvetb. C. Allin. attend High scbool. Raymond bas tus in a minute Dîretor - rs.J. rm-displayed exceptional oratorical were soon Up tc Lady ietr Ms .Am ability in one so young. We wisb subdued matters strong, Mrs. Geo. F. Annis, Mrs. bim every success in bis continued Mr. W. J. Stut R. H. Brown, Miss Marion Bell- education. suddenly iii Sel iman. Mrs. F. Blackburn, Mrs. A. Mrs. Haigh was roused about 1 ing the services J. Bigelow, Mrs. Carl Billings, o'clock one morning last week by now at Mr. and1 Mrs. S. Cuttell. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, tb os fgas rsigi e at Bowmanville. Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Mrs. M. J. tfron oeo. The intrudes vs jstir. redRo 'Elliott, Mrs. Adolpb Henry, Mrs. 1fotdo.Teitue a ut M.Fe o Russli sboneMrs C.L. ow-attempting f0 unfasten the catch Saturday in tom ers, Mrs. A. A. Rlh, Mr .W on the inside of the door when Anme r op r. . . Hihhrial und te eshower for1 Rolph, Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. r.Hih eocly u e b Rutherford Mor M. J. Tmln rs yeS fiashigbt on bim. He f led preci- Tabyn rs yl quair,1 iaey Mr. Bob Keat Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Mrs. R. Bail-piae. the weekend at1 1ey. U. C. S. S. held their anniver- Mr. Carlos 7J Honorary Directors - W. F. sary on Sunday. Mr. A. A. Mar- appeared in tht Rickard, M.P.. F. W. Bowen, A. tin, I.P.S., Brigbton, was speaker cate in connectit A. Drummond, J. H. H. Jury, Pro- at both services. In the evening boro Fair. fessor C. B. Sissons, Hon. Vincent Mrs. Ken Ware and Mr. Cleland Miss Mamie É Massey, C. G. Mercer, M.P.P. Lane rendered a fine duet while village Saturday Auditors - A. A. Drummond, Mrs. Arthur Redknapp and Miss A xedding pa Orono; Jobn E. Armstrong, Orono. Hazel Reid sang tbe duet parts in the streets witb the antbem. and flying ofv Visitors: Mr. Artbur Haines, tracted mucb al "There are few difficulties that Gormiey, with Mr. Ronald Bur- lomncni hold out against real attacks, ley. . .. Mrs. Frank Law witb her ars. aycn ithey f1v like the visible horizon sister, Mrs. Gill. Toronto. . .. Miss Mr. and Mr: before those Who advance."-Em- Helen LeDrew, Toronto, witb ber and Bob, Win merson. cousin, Miss Lena Kimbal. . weekend witb TV Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin Stark. and family, Mr. Edward Martin Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Gertrude Martin, Stay- and Paul, Toi ner, wifh their cousins. Mr. andweknwibt Mrs. Gordon Martin and Mr. and Rv .W Mrs. George J. Stapleton. Tbey preacb at Park alto visited Mr. and Mrs. Parnaby day evening. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ord Mr. John Kea: SBrown, Newcastle. . .. Mrs. Char- ed Mr. and Mns les Cowan and Miss Velma Cow- Miss Ethel St an, Cowanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa. Lanson Milîson... Mr. A. A.Mr lio Martin, l.P.S.. Mrs. Martin and spent the weeke family, Brighton, andM.Rot See you at Martin, Lake Shore. at Mr. Geo. giutrlF J. bfapleton's. . .. Mrs. Tbos. Sta- day, the 21sf. pleton witb ber daughter. Mrs. G. N. Smith. Starkville. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, New- . . .. . .castle, and Mr. and Mrs. Brock IPethick with Mrn. r.Jc Turner. Crooked Creek. . . . Mr. S pe ci alI and Mrs. E. M. lloldam-ay. Flint, Mich.. witb bis sisters. Mrs. J. Waeand Mrs. C. H. Wakey... EX U Mr. and Mns. H. E. Han-cock. T L MroadGien, Oîrono. with Ms J. Wade. Mrs. Marks andi WESTERI ~ ~ Maryloti, Detroit, mith Miss 1. SLaing. . . . Mrs. Rutherford with ON f rien-ds ep Toronto. . .. Mrs. Has- I ON sen witb friends in Chatham.n. EPT L Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vickers. To- RTR ronto. witb Mn. and Mrs.E. TICKETS GOC Milîson. IN CC PRESENTINtS LU PROPRU fTOR 01 ADORIGINAL BARBER SI4OP IN Lstell-Mr Picohac.9 HANDY SEAL-TIGUUT POUCH 1lSc "LOUC-fOP" liN 60e abo Packed in Pochet Tins e ab e IDO TS e GO NAPP Lockhart's School Recent N isitons: Nirs, J C. He d, Toronto, wjth lier cousin, N . I Bilcl.durnl. . . . Stîdav guests of MNI. aînd ins. George Iarchard were MNli. aînd Mns. joli' Witîîett. Mni. and Nirs. Vernnî\Vinnett and Vic- ton Toronto. . . . Mn. and NýIns. Gil- bert Ravnior, Chicago, with lier par- ents, Mn. aîîd Mrs. D. J. Gîbson, hefone 5ailing for a vacation ini Eniglatîd. . . . Mrs. Harold Dean with bier familv in Toronto, lier sisten. Miss Emmajean Harris returned witb lier. . . . Mn. and M.\rs. Austini Tutrner and Helt spent Sttnday with 'Ir. aînd Mrs. WV. Cowatî. Orono. Sept. 9, No. 9 school cbjldren lield thein finst Junior Red Cross mneeting of the terni. These officers werc elected: President- Calvent Ban- chand; Secretary- Mary Gibson; Tncasurcr -Marie Allen; Prognain Cornmittee - Patsy Fenîton, Alina Gibson. Betty Osbonne. .\mong those attending the ne- opening services of Maple Grove chuncli were Mn. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn. Miss Bessie and Mn. W. Blackburn,.Mn. F. W. Bowen, Misses Mary Bowen and Olive Day- ey. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Osborne. We neglected to mention one of the beginnens at school this ycar, in last week's column, so, best wishes also t0 Rita Gibson, daugzhter of Mn. and Mrs. Art Gibson. We also wel- corne f0 the school Marie Allen, îlot a beginnen but a new resident of the section. IAL ANI leaves shortly fQr S. Brooker, Miss Robt. Brooker, To- tSmith, Oshawa, uests of Mr. and Smith. F. B. Whyte and /Irs. Herbert Mur- .y in Peterboro. nm Uxbridge were riage by Rev. S. irday. Shaw will sbortly place now occup- MIrs. Ollie Cooper. hall, Toronto, vis- ier, Mr. George Cowan, Toronto, ,nd here. lenry spent the ronto. n spent the week- ý.Hall's. ee, Toronto, spent ith Mrs. MePher- n, Toronto, and R. McGrath, Bw Id here Tuesday. extended to Mrs. Kelstern, on the iher, Herman DYa- -te xvas cailed out .Friday night, the 'er-bot stove pipes cwin's bouse ten- Dgden. Tbe men -e with the appara- te and a baîf and Lwn again baving tt, who was taken pt. 7th, necessitat- of two doctors, is Mrs. Ralph Stutt's ve, Ottawa, spent vn. .m here attended Mr. and Mrs. Syd ,day night. ie, Toronto, spent home. Tamblyn's picture ie Farmers' Advo- in witb the Peter- Archer was in the ,rty going tbrougb àbonking of horn, wvhite ribbons, at- attention Saturday, ectures and rum- s. Charles Smith -tdsor, spent the MIr. and Mrs. W. J. s.Charles Crease )ronto. spent the /Irs. Fred Cowan. arch, Tyrone, will cSt. Cburch Sun- ane. Toronto, visit- sA. H. Keane. :ark is visiting in Cowan, Toronto, :nd here. Durham Central air next Wednes- 1Bargain MSONS ;TATIONS IN N CANADA G DATES I24 TO OCT. 8 IMIT: 45 days. )D TO TRAVEL IACHES Partor and Standard sleeping cars a'sc available on payment cf slightly hint,. er passage fares, plus price of rarlor or sl eeoing car accommodation. lROIUTlïS-Tiek,-ts goond poing v a P-1 Artthur. Ont ., Arit,*tlotn, Onit. li ctgo, 111:, or Sanît Ste. tlattv,, turtiing via saine tonte an 1tVil, on Iy. 1 Gnt ton sopt tona Irou tinigs. STOPONVERS-wi tlitin limit of tic1et boili going andi ~nurn Inz - a t Port Arthuri, Ont ., .rmtronir, Ont., and west : also ai (Chicago, Ill.. Sanit Ste. M~arie, MtIch., and west. In acrord- anco with tariffs of Unitedi Stats. FOlI particulars frontî any agent. Canadian Pacifl 100 tBos ail fi Ikllors elau icg'sue VVJIjlJ' heap. = your Drug- PAY r9 r*tor oeneral MOREE W P5 DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of September 11, 1913 Miss Belle Allin is in the cify. Mrs. Jas. Fowler is visiting in Oshawa. Miss Margaret Pinden bas ne- turned homne from fte city. Mn. Robent Watson of New York was at bis mother's. V'Irs. J1. W. Blowett and family. Oshawa, visited relatives bere. :c; 1V1i,rv Peacock. Toronto, is visifing Miss Laura Ailin. t1its Ferguson, Toronto, and Miss Windell, R&Mhesfer, N.Y., were guesfs of Mrs. A. Henry. Mrs. George Scott and son H r- old, wbo visited Mn. Hallidy Scott, leff f0 join ber ljusband in Manon, Sask. Mrs. .Gerratt, Moose Jaw, bas been visiting ber brother, Rev. R A. Wbattam. Mn. Jas. Carscadden, Midland, and daughfer, Mns. McDowell, and ber daughter Dorofby, Toront'c, visifed Mn. A. r. Carscadd&ïi. Congratulations f0 Harold C. Rickaby on' passing bis uppen school examination for entrance into the Faculfy of Educafion. Mn. J. W. Byers, one of the han- gesf bee keepers of tbe province, visited Mn. A. J. Knox and did tome trouf fishîng. Mn. Byers handles tome 700 colonies of bees. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. T. Mornison and sons Frank and Alvin, Ocean- side, Cal., are wifh ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hall. Thirfy or more students are attending the different forms of the continuation scbool bere. Died: Werry - In Onono on Sept. 9th, Reuben Werry, age 67 years. "Blessed are the meek for they shahl inherit the earth." - Christ Jesus. "Praying for humility with whatever fervancy of expression does flot always mean a desire for it."ý-Mary Baker Eddy. HONORED'BY .N.E. )PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. S. Payne and Beverley bave moved info part of Mrs. W. Harrison's bouse. The lunch bar is to open today (Thurs- day). Miss Margaret Milîson bas been visiting in Toronto. Congratulations f0 Mr. 0. W. Scott wbo celebrated bis 86tb birfbday Safurday. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Cbapman, Mrs. I. Chapman, and Misses Lois and Lenora Wood bave returned from tbeir tnip to Michigan. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Neil McMullen on their r'tcent marriage. Miss Glen Gamey, R.N.,, visifted Major and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., Oril- lia, is bolidaying witb Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Lowden. Miss Adele De Line is visiting ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough. Mrs. A. Randaîl and cbildren bave returnedeborne after visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray. Mr. C. Allin visited relatives in Newtonville. Mr. Jack Cobbledick began bis new duties in Toronto Monday. A number attended Oshawa Fair this week. Mr. O. W. Scott is visiting bis daughter. Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Pet- erboro. Mr. Norman Winter took homeý a citron with bim to Bowman- ville last year from bhis mofhen's I garden bere, but neglected if un- til recently wben it was preserv- ed. It proved f0 be still good and the preserves were lovely, Nor- man says. An Oronoite family didn't bave sucb good luck witb their fruit. Two lovely watermelons put back by a family in the north end of the town for Sunday desert were swiped, whicb left the owner minus the delîcious fruit tbey bad anficipafed enjoying. Mrs. H. Murray and Mrs. F. B. Wbyte bave returned from a visit witb friends in Toronto. Starkville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor, Onono, at Mn. and Mrs. Sid Rutberfond's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Dobsin, Dunsford, at Mr. and Mrs. Lew Halloweil's. . . . Mrs. John McKay's niece and husband and son fron. Windsor visited ber Saturday. . .. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baulcb, Mr. and Mrs. B. Baulcb and farnily, Port Hope, at Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halloweli's... Miss Ruth Savery attended the Ex. at Toronto. . .. Mr. and Mrs. M. Trimble and family, Mrs. An- dree, Osbawa, at M. Sbutka's... Mns. R. Henry and daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Peterboro, at Mrs. Jacob Hallowell's. Mr. Hal- lowell is improving altbougb still confined f0 bed. . . . Inspector Martin and family, Brighton, at Mrs. John McKay's, and Mrs. Martin returned home witb bhim. ..Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Hallo- well, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Hailo- well's. . .. Mrs. Silver bad a visit from ber sister. Rev. E. Beecb preached aný ex- cellent sermon at Sbilob on Sun- day on "Trouble." T ribute Paid Departed Members W. A. Holds ImpressiveService W. A. met Tuesday afternoon, the first part being business, and Obituary tbe latter part a memorial ser- vice for four members recently Herman Davis, Keisterli, Sask. Reports were given by Miss F. Cobbledick, Mrs. J. Dickson, i L. Ailin and Mrs. J. Eagleson. AI fowl supper will be beld in No- vember. Mrs. R. Rainey took charge of the memorial service, opening if by reading appropriate scipture, and ernpbasizing the facf that Christ iiked humble people wbo did not tell al fhey did for man- kind. Brief and fitting tributes f0 the work and character of tbe four members foilowed, Mrs. W. H. Rowe faking Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. M. Smith referring to Mrs. 0. W. Scott, Mrs. George Mitchell referring to Mrs. W. J. Stutt, and Mrs. J. Gibson referring to Mrs. A. J. Tamblyn. Mrs. Howard Walsh favoured witb a vocal solo, witb Miss L. Allin at the piano. Rev. S. Litt le- wood spoke of fbe' lives of wom- en of the Bible in Paul's time, tbe women at the cross and grave of Christ, of Lydia and of Dorcas. The four women wbo bad passed on, be infîrnated, must bave been an inspiration, the secret of their lives being that "the love of Christ constrained thern." He closed byt urging ail to pledge tbemselves fo carry on and f0 fake Up the torcb tbey bad flung from falling bands. Flowers were placed on tb graves of the deceased meýmbers affer tbe meeting adjourned. ing. witb President Mrs. R. Ramn- PARK ST. SKRVICES ey in the chair. Following prayer ____ by Mrs. H. Walsh, the following Af Park St. Cburch Sunday business was dealf with: 500 rnorning the pastor chose as topic blotters witb Temperance mot- "Moral Failure," dealing cbiefly foes are f0 be distnibuted f0 the wifb Saul disobeying God's law school cbildren. Prizes are to be and bringing borne a captive and given iýn a Temperance contest. flocks and berds wben all were Tentative plans were made for the to be desfroyed. Tbe text was, Medal contest in October, Mrs.'"Behoid, f0 obey is beffer than H. Walsh and Mrs. A. Henry being sacrifice." The pastor showed appointed program conveners. that things were entirely differ- ________________ ent in Saul's day, and thaf was why God could order destruction. PASTOR SPEAKS H alto poinfed ouf that in future people will wonider how Chris- AT FIRST fETN iant could fight in these days. _____The choir rendered "Exaît Park St. Unîon opened for the Him", and the offertory consisted faîl and winfer ferrn on Monday of an instrumental by Messrs. G. nigbf, witb the devofional vice- 'Rowe, A. J. Knox, D. Hamm and president in charge. Wm. Mit- Edwin Sandercock. chell favored witb two vocal, In the evening the pastor's tub- solos, wifb Miss Enid Cobbledick1 jecf was "School Days."' The chief at the piano. point in the sermon was that The topic was faken by Rev. S. learning neyer stops as we are al- Litflewood wbo poinfed ouf that ways learning something even- the young people's societies pro- wben school books were a tbing vided fniendly intercourse of the of the pasf. He concluded by rigbt kind. He outlined wbaf the sbowing thaf jusf as two articles cburcb and its organizations mean whicb differed in price alto dif- to a cornmunity, and ernphasized fered in quaiity, life differed ac- the fact tbat religion put quaiity cording f0 the quality of one's in life. He closed by expressing character- whicb could be im- a hope for happy nelationsbips in proved by religion. the future and in urging all f0________________ corne ouf nexf Monday and f0 take office if asked f0 do so, and while in office strive t0 do the besf work possible. Elsie Rowe, wbo presided, thanked all who bad faken part, and urged ah f0o corne ouf Mon- day f0 show that althougb the Union was only haîf as "Keane" as if was last year, the members were still "keen." Games were indulged in until 10 p.m. The executive voted f0 bave the election next week, as four of the executive, John Keane, B o b Keane, Jack Cobbhedick and Thel- ma Myles, had secured positions. and another. LeRoy Brown. was leaving shorfly for Guelph, thus considerably disrupting the or- 1 ganization. RdLbl3e3 Beatrice Hamm and Sam Keane 'uYOIIow Label 4 are in charge of next meeting Citizens were shocked to hear that Herman Davis had passed away at the home of his daugh-. ter, Mrs. George Stewart, Kel- stern, Sask., on September 5th, baving taken a stroke on Sept. 2. The sudden demise came as a shock as deceased had visited here this summer and appeared in us- ual health. The late Mr. Davis was raised in Clarke Union, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Davis, having as homestend the farma now owned by Mr. Heber J. Soucb. He was twice married, bis first wife bemng Caroline Jackson, sister of Mr. William Jackson of Newcastle, and bis second wife Frances Lin- ton, sister of the late Rev. Adam Linton. After marriage witb Miss Jackson they lived rigbt on in the same bouse with bis parents, but wben be married Miss Linton tbey lived where Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow live now. Since the deatb of bis second wife, Mr. Davis bas lived chiefly with bis only daughter Mary (Mrs. George Stewart), who is the first wife's child, and who is the only child living. The sympatby of friends bere goes out to Mrs. Stewart iri the loss of ber father. When a girl is bard to please she is seldom worth the trouble. One may sometimes guess how a young man will turn out by noting the time be turns ini. 0f course, experience is valu- able, but nearly every man you meet is wiiling to swap some for money. With a record of rM years a a mont satin- factory treatment frpie r bemahoidu. you can poaitively d.pead on Dr. Chase's Ointment e' 4aüâ 'f'.25 Razor in hand, Les Sharpies, proud proprietor of the original two-chair barber shop of Essex Centre, paused and declared, "Nobody trusts a mugwump. You neyer lcnow which aide cf the fence he j, on.". "I'm flot talking about mugwumps" replied Mr. Picobac brushing the blue sinoke aside. "I'm talking about keeping an open mnd. An M.P. should vote and smoke as hi, conscience guides." «Yuawy oetesmre kind of tobacco, I «You bet I do," rejoined the Bur1ey philosopher. UI smoke Picobac, the pick of e-17.s'sBurIey Crop, grown in Stsnny Southerus Ontario. I like a mild ... cool . . . sweet mroke. The more 1 arnoke it, the better I lice i But I'r open-min"ed You show me anyting better and ru try it; but you can't doit." THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TI-I, 1938 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO T. W. Jackson Newcastle notable now in charge of rural mail routes, wbo was honored at Canadian National Exhibition Founders' Day. Mr. Jackson sold tickets at the C.N.E. in 1887 and was presented with a badge giving bim fneedom of the grounds. To keep bis .hand in, "Bill" has been taking admission tickets at Orono Fair for the past 40 or 50 years wbene he may be seen next Tuesday and Wednes- day. PLANS ARE MADE FOR FALL CONTEST W. C. T. U. met on Tuesday affennoon before the W. A. meet-

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