PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l5TH, 1938 Miss Kathleen's l5tb birthday.i Among those present were: Doris nt Allun and Lilian Pooley, Grace Powell and Patricia and Margaret1 The Newcastle Independentar Mrs. .Tmspov . idedadlinou Pere.H. Tms rs.Go . ideadandou --------Phoe Clrke 114supper menu. Kathleen was the _________________Phoe lare 114recipient of birthday gifts, in-t Mr. Percy Brown was in Ro- from ber niece, Miss Edna Fos- luding a bicycle and a wrist chester, NY., visiting relatives. ter, R.N., Toronto. watch. Mrs. Armstrong, Brighton, is Miss Eileen Clark, who bas been W. A. of United Churcb meto visiting ber son, Mr. Percy Hare. in Monjreal taking an additional Sept. 8tb, with Past Presidenta Mrs. R. W. Gibson spent the course in nursing, and wbo began teaseo Mrs. J. H. Joseint e ho i weekend witb relatives at Orillia. her training at the Belleville Hos -ba the hree o rs. T.H. bsessh Miss Moily Quigg bas returned 1îtl shmeo aain period was occupied in making( to Toronto after recuperatingI Miss Anna Moffat, Frobislier, plans for tbe cburcb supper first here from an operation. Sask., bas been visiting ber un- week in November. Contributing Frindsareplase 10not acie, Mr. Thos. Moffat. She is a to the program were Mrs. Percy Frindsareplase tonot adaughter of Mr. Alfred Moff at Brown who favored with a vocal considerabie improvement in the where Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rick- solo, and Mrs. Jno. Hendry who bealth of Mrs. Harry Couch. ard will be visiting. gv edn.Ms eke Mrs. Cameron, Golden Valley, gv edn.Ms eke Parry Sound, bas been visiting Rev. R. E. MorIon was at Min- Clark's group provided refresh-1 her sister, Mrs. H. E. Hancock. den September 10, officiating at ments.0 Miss Frances Toms returned to jIhe wedding of Mr. Erie Hatfield Congratulations are offered toF Montreal foliowing a xisit witb of Toronto and Miss Dorotby Jean a popular Newcastle groom anda ber grandrnotber. Mrs. Geo. P. Fairfield of Minden, in the Min-brdM.nd rsMoey a- Rickard. den United Church. lows, who were married in Bow- Mr. A. W. Glenney, Neweastle,j Municipal Council bas greatly manville September 10, by Rev. again won first prize on bis mare. improved tbe appearance of Bea- W. P. Rogers, BA. The bride isn Helen Zombro, in the single trot-i ver St. North by a new sidewalk the former Miss Gertrude Bona- ' ter lass at the C.N.E. ýand repairs to the bridge over tbe tban, daughter of Mrs. AlfredE Messrs. Harry and Gordon Cot- b ollow at Mrs. Cobblediek's. Bonathan. The groom bas been a s ter returned from Sbarbot Lake Residents greatly appreeiate the resident of Newcastle for threeB where tbev bave been xorking al improvements. years, having corne bere fromd farm and 'growing potatoes. Constable j'no. Garrod and Mrs. Orillia witb Cooper D. S. Milli- ei Miss Mabel Foster. R.N., re- Garrod spent three days in To- gan. Mr. Sallows is now enploy- E ceived a visit from Mr. and Mrs. ronto and at the C.N.E. last week ed witb the J. Anderson Srnith P J. R. McCullougb. Kingston, also and Newcastle rernained on its Co. 0 best bebaviour while the Chief Wieo aaina ev n _______________________was away fraternizing with fel- Mrs. C.nR.acarvtbns, 0 ________________low policemen in the cily.- r.CR.avehsMs a- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bom- veth's nepbew, Mr. George Ug- bard and son Glen, who remained 10w and Miss Helen DeVries, Chi- IF YOU WANT for a week with ber mother,' Mrs. cago, were married at the United J Wm. C. Lake afler the burial of Church parsonage by Rev. R. E. i Mr. Lake, have returned to Truro, Mro.M.Ulwwsatne NS. Mrs. H. Bombard, Goderich, by Mr. Stanley Graham and Miss st bas also returned to ber home. DeVries by Mrs. Carveth. Mr. d M IL K wor C.fR.m isarets. r. ivand rsa eUgow andhvesince r-h; M IL K wo~Reeve C. R. Carets, rcivand rS.eyUglow, ad bi ate r,-g Mrs ArhurCareth Vitora B tunedto hicgo.Mr. Uglow is tf THAT I5 C., Ihat tbey bad bad the pleasure a barrister and is legal adviser for n ofavisit fromn Mr. and Mrs. W. Fu. the Hartford Insurance Co. in t * bslteyPue Rickard who also visited bis cou- Chicago.10 AbsoltelyPure sins, Dr. and Mrs. S. G. Clem- Mr. Fred Fligg and sister, Mrs. VI ence. Reid, received word Sept. 8, of Si *Absolutely Clean Mr. and Mrs. Garside, Peter- tbe deatb of bis brother, John ci 1 boro, were Sunday guests of Mr. Fligg, in Peterboro. Mrs. Reid at- T * ihand Mrs. C. A. Cowan. Mr. Gar- tended the funeral at Pelerboro ai Rihin Cream side as a young man once iived on Saturday, but Fred, who bas ri in Bowmanville wbere be was in been under tbe doctor's care since la *Rich in Vitamins the employ of Mr. J. B. Marlyn. be collapsed witb weakness Sept. fr He is now wilb tbe De Laval 4th, was unable 10, attend. John hi Comnpany at Peterboro. Fligg was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sc In fact Milk at its very best Miss Reita Brown, wbo with Solomon Fligg, Brown's S. S.,w Itwill pay you to use ber sister, Miss Audrey, bas been wbere be farmed for several years Itspending the summer with their before going 10 Peterboro. He was ri grandmother, Mrs. Jerry Brown, twice rnarried, but leaves no chil- Bowmanv'ille Dairy lk Brown's, and playing on the New- dren. His second wife survives lonville girls' softball tearn, bas bim. For many years be was a Always returned to Aberta to resume ber member of the Newcastle Brass- position in a post office. Band under the leadership of the Among the ladies of the New- laIe Win. Pickard. He was a good castle United Churcb who attend- cornetist. ed the re-openîng supper aI Maple Dr. Annie Higbee bas sold ber Bowmanvîlle adre indth cbub kichwthonaMiel St.,ane lpaie IgeoH.ds. admroe and wbo ound ruchwthon lar .,bouse d aioustgroHnS nîl its modern convenienees and Northrop home, to Mr. Graham appointments, were Mesdames J. who witb Mrs. Graham bas been ia Dairy HRier. rwinCowil, Ross.Dic- part of ugSetmerand "Ge a t e P H. Jose, IW H.Coiok DiW. J. t S. s pending Augusa er Phoe 03 Bomavile kinson, H. R. Pearce. House", Ariadne Glen,. the pro-0 Phon 703 Bowanvüe MisesFrances and Kathleen perty of Mrs. A. N. McEvoy, at Toms bad a few girl friends in Newcastle on the Lake. Mr. Gra- September 12. on the occasion of ham was tbe bursar for eighl ___________________________________________________years before bis retirement aI the Ontario Hospital at Rockwood, Kingston. Mrs. McEvypy became acquainted witb Mr. and Mrs. Grabam in Micbigan wben she SNOW W HITE and the was a resident of Detroit xvben ber busband, tbe late Rev. A. N. McEvoy, was Rector of a cburcb SEVEN DWARFS stb nteMrs Gadamifgo Ibeh re.tMr. anMrs. abam go b A P.mewd Ti Tj~wnoceupying their new home only in Ar- -nmnd Tb owrI'.sumi-ir îîîî n i. MrI . in Arci 0 i" .0ijmm .Uv se Of course tbey are only coming ini the movies, but if they really were coming to town, they'd select Carter's Bread, because in Carter's Bread there ls everythlng that good bread should contain, and t is baked by men who know how bread should be baked. THE CARTER FAMILY P EOPLE who core ne m our store are thrilied et the beauty of the G-E Magie Tone Radio. It is 80 natural-so clear .. . Corne in your- self. Believe your own ears. Com- pare the tone and beauty of this Bowmanville modem G-E Radio with any other radio you know. Youll agree that, dollar for dollar, in tone, beauty, feature - in every way -a Generel Electrie Magie Tone Radio s tope@i value. RD148 Mrs. Jack Higbee, Burlington, were bere assisling bis mother in arrangements for moving ber fur- niture and vacating the bouse. Mr. Robert Stewart lived in tbis tbree storey bouse for many years and then il was bougbt by Mr. Jas. Parker, Newcastle sboemaker. DOUGLAS BOWLING COMPETITION NEARING LAST STAG5ES By tbe time this is in print the final scbeduled garnes in the com- petition for the John Douglas Bowling Tropby willbave been piayed, but the winners nol nec- essariiy determined. G a me s, weather and grounds permitting, bave been played on Wednesday evenings. and the iast garnes werc 1scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 14. However it was quile possible for certain rinks to wind up in a tie witb others, in wbicb event it will be necessary to arrange play-off dates or, as is sometirnes done as an expedient, bave a draw' to, decide the Six rinks of two gentlemen n two ladies eacb are in the con- test. Tbey are: Rink 1 - C. R. Camvetb, Carl Fisher, Mrs. C. T. Batty, Mrs. Chris Law. Rink 2 - J. E. W. Philp, Geo. Jamieson, Mrs. E. C. Fisher, Mrs. H. S. Britton. Rink 3 - Dr. J. A. Butler, Artie Toms, Mrs. F. Butler, Mrs. Wrn. Kenefick. Rink 4 - H. Brereton, Hanlan Parker, Mrs. Brerelon, Mms. Hemb. Toms. Rink 5 - C. T. Batty, H. S. Brit- ton, Mms. J. A. Butler, Mrs. Geo. Jarnieson. Rink 6 - Wm. Kenefick, H. W. Dudley, Mms. Camvetb, Mms. P. Brown. Standing of Rinks as Sept. 7 Rink 1 Won 3 - Lost 1 Rink 2- Won 1 - Lost 3 Rink 3 Won 2 - LosI 2 Rink 4 Won 3 - LosI 1 Rink 5- Won 2 - LosI 2 Rink 6- Won I - Lost 3 RELATIVES ENJOY CORN AND WEINER ROAST Mr. Tracy Manes, bis niece, Miss Oldfield, and Tracy and Ross Embly sponsored a farniiy corn and weiner roast at Cotter's Point, Newcastle Beach, on Sat- urday evening, Sept. 10. It was a iovely moonligbt nigbt, the moon being just a day past tbe full. Theme was a roli on tbe lake and a murmur on the beach wbere the waves continually lap- ped tbe shore. Wben two large bonfires were ligbted tbey soon genemated enougb beat to cook the corni and weiners and radiale cnougb warrnth to mellow the nigbt air over a wide radius. The lime and place and conditions weme ideal and a tboroughiy en- joyable evening was spent in vis- iting and feasting and playing garnes. Among Ibose present were tbree generations of Tracys - Tracy Manes Sr., Newcastle, Tra- cy Manes, Jr., Toronto, and Tracy Embly, Newcastle. Other rela- tives were: Miss Oldfield, New- castle; Mrs. Tracy Manes, Mrs. O'Connell and Les., Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Evqly and family and Mr. Smitb and daugbter, Col- borne; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ter- willigem and family, Columbus; Mrs. Embly and Mms. Neil Smith, Orono. Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards was in Toronto attending tbe convention of Spencer Corset Company. Mrs. Richards bas been associated witb above company for eight years and was manager for Ibem in the Niagara district. Horticultural Society members met in the scbool assembly room Tuesday nigbt, with Mms. E. J. Hamm in the chair. Mrs. J. Dick- son gave. the financial report. Balance of evening was given to discussion. Special meeting of execotive will be beld at Mrs. Flarrison's Sept. 27tb, to discuss plans for a social evening. Fal mrders should be looked aftem at once 10 insure one order. Orono Sehool Zair Sept. 261b. One cent a word cash, eacb insertion (minimum c ha rg e 25c). Charge of 25c cxtra is made when advertisement is flot paid saine week as insertion. Extra charge of 10c when re- plies are directed to a Statesman box nuinber. Births, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Mi\emor- îamis.z50c for notice plus 10c per uine for verse. Ciassified advertisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesdav. MARRIAGE BRADLEY - FARRELL - At Ty- roue Parsonage, on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1938. bv Rev. A. W. 'March, Marioni Ruthî Farrell. daughiter of Mr. Byron Farrell and the late 11rs. Farrell, Tyrone, and William Clarence Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley, Enniskillen. SALLO\VS - BONATHAN - In Bowmanville on Satnrday. Sept. ltbyb Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Gertrude June Bonathan. to Mor- ev Sallows, both of Newcastle. There passedi away last week 1I Josb McCormack, an old Orono DEATHS boy, wbo left here when quile young and started a delicatessen CORNISH - In Oshawa, Septem- store in New York City. He-con- ber 8îh. 1938, Charles Franklin lucted Ibis store until be felt bie Cornisb. beloved busband of Ada iad made enough of Ibis world's Luchla Hall ,in bis 651h year. In- goods wben he sold ouI. After terment Union Ceuneîery. bhis bie and bis wife seîtled in a îice borne and enjoyed life afler EVEREST - In Bowmanvilie, on bheir years of labour. Orono folks Soindas', September 111th, 1938, ooked for themn on Ibeir regular John Everest, in his 68î1î year. In- visits to the "old home Iown." lerment Bowmanvilhe Cemetery. Some years ago 'Mrs. McCorrnack lied wbich lefI "Josh" alone. JOHNS - lIn Hamnpton, on Wed- Tbrec years ago bie took a stroke uiesday. Sept. 14, 1938, John Lewis and bas been bed fast witb a JQliný, beioved husbaîîd of the laIe nurse in attendance until be died Lavinia Guily, in bis 78îb year. last week. "Josh" had a bost of Funiieral froin bis hale residence, fricnds and the boys and girls of Hampton, on Saturday, Sept. 17, his class at the old sebool will be t23P. (T)Inemt orry to bear of bis passîng. He am :pto .Cm (.T. nem vas son of Mr. and Mrs. James HantnCuery McCormack and lived a little STAINTON - At Enîîiskilieuî, on nortb of tbe village yeams ago. Toiesday, Septeiber 131h, 1938, Music Teaching James Stainion, beloved husbatuc of the late Sarah Clemence, in bis 93rd \ ar. Intermenît Hamptonu T. A. PARTRIDGE Cemetcrv. Organist-Director Trinity Churcb TILLEY - In Bowmanville, on Teacher: Piano. Singing, Organ Saturday. September lOtb, 1938, (Started career as church soloist) Selina Ann Tilley. widow of the Piano ..... 50c late Dr. W. E. Tilles', Inspector Organ ...................... .. 75c of Schools for Durham County, Voice production and singing. Spec- in hier 9Oth year. Interment Bow- iai rates to choir members anywhere. manville Cemetery. Piano not required for early voice training. Phone 313 for information TRULL - In Darlington Township, or drop card anîd let uls help you with Septemnber 1iith, 1938. Phoebe vour problemn. Piano, vocal and Maria Clarke, beloved wif e of the organ pupils holding responsible late John H. Trou. ,inilher 84th is ,-itionis in chutrchies and thieatres. %,car. Interinent Union Cemetery, 37-1 Oshawa. LE.\RN TO PLAY THE VIOI.IN IN MEMORIAM and ffias in an orchestra at nci class starting in Septemiber. Fees HARNESS - lIn loving nmemory of $1.50 p'ýr nmontlî. Francis Sutton, inv dear father, Thomas Hariuess, Mu Is. Bac. F.C.C.O., A.T.C.M.. who passed away Sept. 12, 1937: Phione 742, Bowînanville. 33 tf A day of remnembrance sad to _______________________________recali The Iuv, of our fathier, best friend of al] One of the best God could send, \ bs îng faîIhcr and a faithful GET R E ETwso luttle ssords. not liard to write But lIlI rennember them ail my I I T O YU RI life - MýNv Father." -Sadhin issed bs' Hazel. WRITECOMING EVENTS eNdrWg The XXoinen's Institute Bazaar1 med rafle i ill bc held on Noveml)er 3rd in the measure Pa-__Hll are& ta b. Pen a r 0 Salein Harvest Home servces will Pard CuclSan- bc lield Stundav, Sept. 18. 2 :30, Rev. rfingi*aeoun,.par- / \V. F. Banister, St. Patil's United 'manant investment. Cbutrch. Bowmanvillc. will bc the Absolutely weather- tight.MGratly reduces .. .. speaker. At 7:30 Rex'. S. Little- fire wood. Orono. svill takie the service. SOLO ON A 215 VEAR Nfii~ oiidavý, Sept. 19, at 8 p.m. the GUARANTEE Xoung People of Zion wiil present Prices thia FeU are lower because of Sales thieir play' "No Accounit David." rax exemption. Savee money by writing today Manufacturera also of famoua Presto.nSteel .\duti, 25c; Children 15c. Proceeds rrusa Barns and Jameaway Poultry equip. ini aid of church f unds. ment Addreee: 3M8 Guelph St., Preston. Ont.________ tHinssywelas what he doan tHness elas what ha mans And a man is nothing short of a * fool nowadays who is not abso- lutely honest. REDUCED PARES TRAVEL LINDSAY EXHIBITION SPECIALS By GARTON COACH LINES Comfortable Up-to-date Busses Going Daily THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY September 15 - 16 - 17 (STANDARD TIME) Going Returnlng Return Read Dowsn Read Up Fare A.M. 9.00 BOIVMANVILLE --------- 1.00 a.m. $1.50 9.10 HAMPTON 12.50 a.m. 1.45 9.20 ENNJSKJLLEN -- - 12.40 a.m. 1.40 9.30 BUEKETON - ------ 12.30 a.m. 1.25 9.45 BLACKSTOCK -.- ----- 12.15 a.m. 1.00 10.00 NESTLETON ----*---- 12 mld'ght .80 10.10 VELVERTON - -- ---- -- 11.50 p.m. .60 10.25 JANETVILLE ---- -----.-- 11.35 p.m. .40 11.00 LINDSAY ----------- 11.00 p.m. FOR INFORMATION PHONE: LINDSAY 506 - BOWMANVILLE 2666 - OSHAWA 2283 Patrons Using Our Busses May Leave Their Cars ln Parking Space at Kawartha Maples or at Our Garage hn Bowmanville Free of Charge.1, 1 Auction Sales 1 o'ciock Standard Time. 37-1 Auction Sale of farm stock and inipiements on Lot 15, Concession 9, Township of East \Mhitby, 2 miles east of Razian.. Septemiber 22. 1938, The undersigned bas received in- structions from Mrs. Tomn Percy, Silver Street, Bosvmanviile, to selI 1w public auction at ber residence ail of lier houselioid effects includ- inz kitchen. bedroom, dining room and living room furniture; also miany good garden tools and a new cattie dehorner. Sale Satnrday. Sept. 24t1î, at 1 :30 pin. (D.S.T.) Ternis casb. X\'ni. J. Chlalis. Auctioticer. 37-2 Tuesdav. Sept. 27th, lir. Cyril H. Muiford, Lot 28, Coiu. 5, Darling- toti. wili seli by publiic auction 30 liîad of pure bred Shortiîorn catlle ( f tiiy accrediîed) ; 30 Shropshire sheep., pigs, iniplemients incidiiig a 10-20 Internationial Iractor, grain and maiîv olîner articles too nuinerous 10 mntiioni. Sale at 1. o'ciock sharp. Ternis cash. No reserve. Elmer Wii- btir, auctioneer. J. D. Hogartb, clerk. 37-2 XVedniesdav-, Sept. 28th, on the pre- nmises of Mrs. James Clarke, Lot 23, Cou. i, Base Line, ail lier lîouseliîod effects. MIrs. Clarke lias sold thie property aîîd everything in furniture wiil be sold. Sale 1 p.m. Termis cash. Eliner W'ilbur, auclioneer. 37-g Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - PURE BRED AC- crediîed, show type, Holstein cosv, six years old, a four per cent. tester. anîd due Sept. 25th. Winîdsor Lodge, Newcastle, Ont., Lot 26, Cou. 3. Clarke. Phonie 3904, Clarke. 37-1 FOR SALE-ONE BOAR YORK- siîire wvhite, six months old. Elig- ible 10 register. Werry Brothers, R.R. 1, Hamnpton, Phonie 2471. 37-1 To Rent TO RENT - ONE FOUR-ROOM Avarîment: onie two-room apart- ment on Temperance St. Store on Divisioni St. Apl J. B. Martyn. 36-2* ROOMIS TO RENT - FURNISH- cd rooms. centrai location. Appiv F. H. loîîess, 19 Carlisle Ave. Phiotie 882.- 36-2 FOR RENT - 145 ACRE FARM, f irst Concession, Cartwright, bouse and barn inm good condition, good wsell. Apply David Hall, Burke- ton. 371*' FOR RENT - THREEROOMED, Apartment, ail conx'etiences. Ap- ply H. V. Bateuîîanî, ictor 'Maior .Anartuneunt',. Bosvnauîsille ; aiso plate gh:îss for sale. 50c sqUare tout. 37-2* FOR RENT - SIX - ROOMNED iouse. Possession October i îhi. Atpi',' Miss Stephens, Odeli Street, Bowuîiaunvilie. 37-1 For Sale FOR SALE - LATHAM\ RASP_ berrs Shoots., weii des'eioped f rom roli fie. large berrs stock. liceaclî. Tomatoes anîd Spauîish Onionîs by the bushiel. A. Laird, 'Mapie Grove. Phoîne 2109. 37-2 FOR SALE-NICE SIX-ROOMIED bouse oui Horsev St.. chîoice re. si(cntiaI street : gardonu aud gar- age, cenrai. Possessionî Noveunber I st. J. B. Nlartsni. Bosuiai'ile. 37--) FOR SAXLE - PIANO CALSE, rirgati, 6 octave, soilabie for ciorcÎi or sclîool: Gurney Electrie Rnge Bargain Prices, P.O. Box 353 37-1- FOR iSA\LE - 1i MC-DEE'--RING vtuOato dizger : sinîgle riding plûsv MNassey Cuntisator; Tractor Disc Harrosw': horse rake: gas engine Deeritîg noser: Frost road unow- er :NMasscy uîîowser ; [oser spriîg tooth harross. AIîpiv L. R. W'ood, i Bowsvnaiîville. Phone 597 or 726. 37-1* FOR SALE - CREAM WICKER biaby carniage in good condition, reasonable; aiso a good baby swing , and a iron bed complete. .Xnpis thîree doors cash of Liberty1 oui Kinîg St. 37-1* FOR SALE - INLAID LINOL- eun. 15X18, good conîdition.,hiar- gain for qujck sale. Box 85, Bow- miauiille. 37-1 LADDERS FOR SALE-HARRY Wilcox. Hampton. 35-4 TRUCK FOR SALE - HEAVY dots' Chevrolet stock truck 33 model in fair shape, take stock on ex- change. Apply Gco. Forder. Black- stock. 36-2* FOR-SALE - CHOICE BARLEY strass free froinail noxius sveed seed. Qoick sale. Apuîiv to George 1MeKuiglit. c/o A. E. Osbornîe, R. R. 2. Bowunanviiie. 36-2* i FOR SALE-TO'MATOES, CORN cabazes. beets. potatoes amil ai- ules. XX'ill delis'er in ton. Ira F. hPearce. Plioue 860. 36-3* GIZOUCHY? IRRITABLE? YOU caun't el int iif ,'our hiver is siîug. gish. Try Kipps Herb Tabicîs. Soid by MfcCreRor's Dring Store. 37-1 * Lost LOST - WILL THE PERSON ss'io took the umbrella off the s'eranda of 21 Carlisle Ave., phease return il 10 the same addrcss. 37-1 ENGAGEMENT 'Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cuiiy, Bowmativiile. aninounce the engage- ment of their dauglîter. Karlyn (Daisy) t1 0 Mr. Xilliamn Watson, son of \fr. anîd Mrs. Hugli Watson, Hamîiltonî. The uarriage wiil take place early ini October. For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - Tue residence of the late R. T. Stephetîs oui Beiech Ave., good basemnt. garage. Availabie Oct- ober Ist. Apply R. K. Squair, .'diîiistralor. R.R. 4, Bowman- ville. Phuone 2210. 36-2 HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - Cornier of King and Ontario Sîs., 6 roonîs. hardwood floors, through- outt. .\pffly Mrs. W. Hanna, New- castle. Phone Clarke 1233. 36-2 M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Slîop - WXe specialize in machinerv repairs. general gar- age repairs, welding, towîng ser- vice. J. L. Demerling, Proprielor, Female lielD FEIMALE HELP-M\AID EXPER- ieuîced in generai housework svislies empiovment in Bowmnau- ville: fond of children; references. B. R. Drawer B.. Bowmanviiie. .16-f Agents Wanted A\ CANADIAN FIRi\ WANTS meni îo seil direct to consumers in Ilîcir district. Autumnn is a big sales season for our 200 guar- anîeed necessilies. Free products mnonîhiy. Liberai commission. No risk. Your opportunily to tie up wsih otie of the Leaders in the Door to Door field. Learn what Fainiiex bas to of fer you. XVrite at once wilhout obligation to 570 St. Cieenît, Montreal. 37-1 Beauty Culture HOT OIL TREATMfENTS WILL put your hair iii good condition for your f ail permanent at Iris Beauty Parlour. Phonie 2601 for appoinlînents. 37-1* Strayed STRAYED -- PROM LOT 17, Conîcessioni 3, Clarke, a 2-year-oid lîcifer. If anyone knows thie wlîere- abouts fflease noîify Aif Perrin, R.R. 2. Newcastle, Phonie Clarkc 3912. 37-1* Found FOUND - LADYS WATCH O0 C. P. R. track near Bowiatîviiie Station. Appiy J. A. Sib Burketon. 3~ If every man was as fierce in -.ction as be is in tbought tbe jails would ail be full. STUFFNESS PIen t tmiage,& eWeil .ubbein eon auto Vois Bbef ore PVon witb mr!:It«tle po .t a lou'tells limbe, mp-1 SUPERLATIVES The greatest sin-Fear. The best day-Today. The greatest deceiver-One who deceives himself. The greatest mistake -Giving Up. The most expensive indulgence -Hate. The cheapest, stupidest, and easiest thing to do-Find fault. - The greatest trouble-maker Talking too mucb.» The worst bankrupt-He who has lost bis enthusiasm. The cleverest man-One who always does what he thinks is right. The best teacher - One who makes you want to learn. The best part of anyone's ce. ligion-Gentleness and cheerfnkî- ness. The meanest feeling-Jealousy. The greatest need - Common sense. The best gift-Forgiveness. -Tepeo Pioneer. Wanted XXANTED - LADY BOARDER, privale homne, ail conveniences. Mrs. Harry Foster, Phone 739, POSITION XVANTED - YOUNG girl wants position taking care of chiidren or housework. Apply C. M., Drawer B., Bowmanviile. 37-1* Drovers Attention WANTED - SEALED TENDERS for the purchase of al bogs, ex- bibited .at Orono Fair. ini the T. Eaton Co. Special, for bacon hogs. Bids on the basis of dressed car- cass sveight and grade, must be in the bands of the Fair Secretary, not later than 2 pin. Sept. 2th, and miust show the price 10 the farmer on the B-I grade. andialsn the differential between jarades. Ptnrchasers must take delivery of the hogs aI the Pair grounds, Orouio, at 5:00 p.m., Sept. 21st. J. C. Gamney, Secretary, Orono. 37-1 "«Lest We Forget", A. .BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablete, Markers, etc. n Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Seeisre RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully yersatile e na t e r- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated cireular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. SPECIALS New Reg. 25c Prep 15e E N £S Jury & Loveli # 6S.o0e Phone 778 Bowmanville Phone 855 Bakers for 2 generations. COME IN ...AND COMPARE1 GENERAL ELECTRIC aiN#7mva RADIO0 DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 SIMCOE ST., N., OSIîAWA Opening Eveningi Phones 84.- 744 - ~ - -~ ~ READ«ý'd USE meWANTBAD 1 - . du- - - .-