PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TH R DA , SE T MB R 22 D 13 and also to Vancouver, B.C., to Farms, first and second, John visit friends. Cruickshanks of Oshawa, third; Mrs. Kelly, Toronto, has been progeny of dam, any age, two visiting hier cousin, Misses Adalanimais, Cedardale Farms, Ar- Th N w as l Ide e de t and Elizabeth Alln, chie Muir and John Cruickshanks; Phone Clarke 1114 ------------_-_-------- High School Organizes for for best cock or hien, laying strain Athletics at the fair, Reg. Suffon; Results Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Crawford community park on Friday after- of T. Eaton Co. Limited Special and family have left the Buckley noon, Sept. 30th. The public are The staff and pupils of the high for pen of hogs were flot avail- house, New castle-on-the-lake, and cordially invited. sehool held a meeting Sept. l6th able. gone to Oshawa. Miss Beatrice Jones, Belleville, to organize an Athletic Club. The Judges in charge of 'the various Owing. to wet grounds novisited her cousin, Miss Mabel exact naine however by which the classes and exhibits included:- games were played on Wednesday Foster, RN. organization is to be known was Heavy horses, M. W. Staples, oflstweki tecoptiin h W . fth nie Cuc a debatable àne and will be de- Guelph; Light horses, J. Hastings, oforstheeJohn tD ouglas Boln areholingA bazaaentea huccided later. Principal J. A. Tottenham; Beef cattie, M. Beath, Toropy the JonDogSsBwln ae hlon Farday, et.i3n Coombs presided for the prelim- Oshawa; Dairy cattle, R. M. Hoît- Tropy. te SS. hll n FrdaySep . 3- mary steps and turned the meet- by, Port Perry; Sheep, Elmnore Mr. and Mrs. Houston, New- Mr. Fred Couch's new house at ing over to the students who Scott, Campbellcroft; Swine, Gar- castle-on-the-lake, are visitingithe junction of Mill and Manvers elected one of number, Jas. P. net B. Rickard, Bowmanville; their niece, Madame Bagnaire, Of Sts. is nearing completion and he Lovekin, chairman. These of- Poultry, R. H. Crosby, Markham; Port Hope. land Mrs. Couch expect to move ficers were elected: President- Grain and Seeds, Maurice Baker, Newcastle High School girls in October lst. Mr. John Allen, Harold Hoar; Vice-Pres-Jean Enniskillen; Vegetables, E. P. have again adopted the tunic now moved to Toronto, did the Bonathan; Sec. - Treas. - Edith Bradt, Bowmanville; Fruit, Mor- worn with white blouse and long brick work; Mr. Martinell, Ken- Hendry; Class Representatives- ley Webster, Brighton; Flowers black stockings, as their school dal, the carpenter work, etc, and Form I, Reg. Meadows, Dolly and Plants, Mr. Reynolds, Bow- uniform. It gives them a smart 1'now Mr. H. S. Brîtton is complet- Purdy; Form II, Floyd Milîson, manville; Domestic Mfg. and Lad- appearance. Through the sug-j ing the wiring and installation of Helen Couch; Forms III and IV, ies' Work, Mrs. Harry Mitchell, gestion of Miss Margaret Sander- electric fixtures. Lawrence Milîson, Kathleen Toms. Port Hope; Fine Ait, Mrs. L. T.C son, B.A., the tunic was adoptedý Rally Day will be observed by A Literary Society' will be or- McLaughlin, Bowmanviîîe; Do- as the regular school dress a year'theUnited Church Sunday School ganized later with a full slate of mestic Science, Mrs. Frank Flood, Reita .t unay Sept. 25th. A hall officers. Port Hope. MisRiaCook was at a din-- hour S. S. session will be held in The fair concluded, except for ner dance at Casa Loma, Toronto, the school room beginning at 10.30 the play and dance, at six o'clock Sept. l6th, given by Mrs. Cookes a.m. and at il o'clock the S.S. in the evening with rain falling cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wna. Both- teachers, officers and pupils wiîî ENGLISH LETTER lightly. No ramn fell during the well, in honour of their son, Mr. join the congregation in the morning or afternoon. Win. Bothwell, Jr. church auditorium. Rev. R. E. RS Frh piewnrsadfr Mr. Jack Hare is home from Morton will preach. Rev. Walter CRSS ther riz e pwie n fair Chalk River where he spent the Rackham, Hampton, will occupy (Continued from Page 1) week. s summer with the Forestry Branch the pulpit at the evening service street from an upper window in (Continued on Page 9) bý ofteOtroGvrmn oas Rev. R. E. Morton will be con- a darkened room of No. 10. __________ al ing first aid work. He renew- ducting anniversary services at Was a signal given? Suddenly FIRE ENGINE CRASH 'n his studies in medicine at Queen's Eldad Church, Solina.doesfplieordacron____a n's ozes o polce ormd a ordn a University, Kingston, Sept. 28th. Misses Norma and Betty Van around the hundreds of people, (Continued from Page 1) dc Mr ndMs.CasLacm Dusen and Master Douglas Van packing them so they could flot taken to their homes. d and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BothwellDsnrtre oe rdyfo oe "I always thought we W'ould Toronto, visited Mr. and MrsH. St. Albans, Long Island, N.Y., I had climbed to a beautiful get into trouble at that corner," Cooke on Sunday andbruh where they spent the summer with vantage point in a deep window Neil Taylor, veteran fireman, told Miss Reia home wth them their sister, Mrs. Henry Burk- embrasure, out of the crowd andareotrttehspal Mrs Necsl Hg coo ilhardt. Mr. Burkhardt and chaf- almost directly opposite that Taylor is the oldest member of at howdst nle ield dayli th feur motored them over and Mr. doorway we all watched 50 intent- the brigade in point of service, 17 hod tsanua fel dy n heBruce Van Dusen accompanied ly. having been a fireman for about them back to Long Island. Norma "Sorry Miss," said a policeman. 45 years. ChifLyeoi ee Ijresumed her studies in the high So I had to jump down and join fireman more than 40 years, and BuinisDretoy school. and Betty and Douglas in my friend in the crowd. Fire Chief for about 10 years. It i __________________J._ H. Vanplew and grand- packed in the strong bracelet of been involved in an accident. st son, Jack Vanplew were week- police; a solîd mass of humanîty, The injuries sustained were as E. LEGALend visitors with Mrs. W. H. unable to move in any direction, follows, Chief Lyle, lacerations, L EGALPearce. too surprised for the moment to briesadshcLL.Ho e M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. NewcastIe United Church anni- question. Somewhere a baby facial lacerations, cracked ribs, H( versary services will be held on cried. A man said, "What's up?" and a deep cut which missed the Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Sunday, Oct. 3th. Rev. Roy H. Behind me a policeman whisper- right eye by an inch. This is the 'n Ryl Phone 351 Rickard, B.A., M.R.E., Coîborne ed to another, "Whew - just on third time Deputy-Chief Hooper 1)« RylBank Bldg., Bowmanville wiîî be special preacher. ne time-." has been injured while on duty. e Mis Lona dam, Aelis- Then, without warnîng, as Neil Taylor, injured right should-. W. R. STRIKEMisLraAas nea- though from nowhere, a small red er, when thrown on the pavement Barrister, Solicitor, Notary burg, guest of Mr. M. Clark and mail van appeared at the door of on his back; barwin Bickle, arm Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose. No. 10. Someone in a messenger's and face injuries, and Dick Sudds, ~ Money to Loan. Phone 791. A daughter was born to Mr. cap was out of the van. and a deep facial laceration and bruis- toi Bowmanville, Ontario. _ Fred Thomas, carrier of His through the seemingly miracu- es; Hubert Hooper, youngest fire- h L.~.MAON B. Majesty's Mail, and Mrs. Thomas, lously opened door, which closed man on the brigade, suffered min- L. C MAON, .A. Newcastle, Sept. llth. Mother and on his heels, before we had re- or bruises. Barrister - Solicitor babe are doing well. covered from our surprise at see- Chief of Police Sydney Venton il Notary Public'- Etc. Commander and Mrs. A. B. imgthva.ietgad the accden, w ihIo_ Law in all its branches. Mainwaring have lef t their farm Immediately the police cordon is believed to have been caused ma Office immediately east of Royal in Brown's S. section and gone to broke up and we were permitted cntirely by the storm. Both fire- 'n Theatre. the U.S.A. An auction sale was to move frcely again. men and truck are protected b Te Phones: Office 688; Home 553. held at "The Anchorage", Sept. "I am fast going potty with insurance, Town Clerk Alex Lyle bu' ________________________ 5th, after their departure. frustrated curiosity,", said my fri- said today:' While the truck is Mrs. R. W. Gibson broke her end. "There's one of your Can- being repaired the hose has been DENTAL left wrist Sept. 4th in a fail to adion Honey Dcw places in the îoaded on the Town truck and DR. J. C. DEVITT th lo ssewshnig cur- Strand. Lct's go sample their Oshawa has been asked to stand C tains. She was taken to Bow- coffee and read our papers in by in case of an emergcncy. Co Assistant: Dr. iE. W. Sisson manville Hospital to have the peace." The fire at Thos. Richard's was cff Graduate of Royal Dental Col- bone set. So we walked along Whitehall of a minor nature and was ex-pr lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P. and again, past the Cenotaph and the tinguished before firemen finally wil Bldg., Bowrnanville. Office hours Mrs. Rickard returned home on War Office, and Scotland Yard, reached the 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- Frîday from their trip to the and th~e old Palace of Whitehalî. __________ day. Pacific Coast and Vancouver Is- Pale white moonlight glimmer- Phone 790. House phone 883. land. Misses Dorothy Rickard, cd in the fountains of Trafalgar ORONO LOCALS X-Ray Equfpment in Office. Peterboro; Evelyn Rickard, Port Square; pigeons cooed in the____ - Hope, and Jean Rickard, Oakville, trees; and Nelson's Colun seem- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn lFf FUNERAL DIRECTOR vere home for the weekend. While cd symbolic of something. in Vancouver City attending the1 Crowdsmvdqityt and spent the weekend at Belleville A FTJNERAL DIRECTORS Vancouver Fair he heard his narne fro,thirfces, for the ms part, an t oonhl e Easterc a wrole being called through alu Igaeand touhronorctcal Service, any hour, any day. sekr ewsivtdt h everyone carrenwsae, holiday fair day. P speaer.He ws ivite tothe rie newpaprsor Messrs Vernon Saunders and A. f F. IF. MORRIS CO. Director's luncheon, as Mr. W. stood reading them under the Smith, Toronto, spent the wcek- - Modern Motor Equipment, Am- F. Rickard, M.P. for Ontario. He lamps. end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Saund- FO. bulance and Invalid Car. Cî was later called on for a speach. There was not the drcadful ers. h Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Sunday guests wifh Mr. Jno.slne rtehseia hte iioswt r .E ae Douglas and Mrs. Brittain were of tension. One overheard scraps included Mrs. D. Found, Master B CO TR CT R their nieces, Misses Mabel Brown Of conversation carried on in quiet Bill Found and Mr. and Mrs. Le-- COT. .FAXlWA and Mrs. Finley, Toronto; Mrs. unexcited voices. The subject of land Keat, Toronto. F T. E. FLAXMANFinley's daughter and a friend, the talk was always the samie. Visitons at the fair includedFO Bulde ad Cntacor Miss Ewing, Toronto. But quietly. Suspense without Miss IlrmtonHator : Mr. David Hill has returned to tension. Emotion without hysten- Conn -Mrs .Ado n ai Loyers' Lane - Bowmanville Harris Lodge froni his trip to ia. he London crowd at its weîî- cis . rrnan ai Phone 318Winnipeg, to visit his brother, anneeT et son, Toronto; Mr. L. A. Gamsby _____ Phone________318______m______________ sbe H. Sehno, and Bob, Hamilton; Miss Rosaline CartwrH teGarensCu, Gamsby, Toronto; Mr. Ed. SouchF Lonon ~.C.Oshawa- Mr. and Mrs. McGill, hi Lon on W.C.George Brown, Mrs. G. M cKay, A Coîborne; Miss Glen Gamey, R.N., Whty Mr. and Mrs. Win. Deline, st We k E i pe iasDURHAM FAIR 1Mss Evelyn Brown, Toronto; Miss eka]nd S eesols 1r Brwn, .N.,Oshawa; FOl AT ELES G OC RY(Continued tram Page 1) Mrs. Mark Woods, Port Hope; go AT NELES'GROC RY 1Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, Port g brook, timer; M. J. Ellîott, W. L. Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Neil, Cobourg. W GoId Medal Ellîott and O. Cowan, judges. Pumpkin, large 21/' tins .... 2 for 17c Th Rooster Race CUBS GO UP F0] TeRooster race, sponsored by Io Five Roses - The Ail Purpose Wmn. Riddell proved quite a fea- (contlnued from Page 1) Flor, lb ba 24 24lb.bag 77c turc with threc entries, two boys teby reaed neo th s Flu,7l.bg24 7c anda girl driving. The idea was Scout Laws. lst 9 lb. bag......... 2.91 to drive the rooster 25 yards on On arrivaI at the Scout horse- TeaTim Pue -a Pre am f DlîcousFlaorthe rein. The boys had white shoe the ncw scouts were intro- - ieaTim Pre aPur Ja o Deicoz. jlavr 32 roosters and the girl a red one, duced to their new Patrol Leader, TO Strawberry Jam......32 ~~and for five minutes it was any-DnC ernadwrcfm- r Corn Strch...m.......2 pk. arc3 c ours.nEvntualy eithWooding Hon of p0rize winn--fo-ers a- Mo teani of horses hitched to a suit- SEPT. 2627-28- LADIES'DRESSES able vehicle, Lloyd eean Dry Claned PessedEv ans, Port Pcrry; Cooper and Alice Faye, George Murphy Dry Ceane - PrssedGlanville Poultry Special for best Refinished pen, maIe and five females, lay- Il Your A Sweetheart ing strain, D. E. Gibson; Elm- Sc crof t Farm, Ray McLaughlin and S Special for any Clydesdale siredwo 750 EACN yCageGit n inro fistprze AthrWelsh; Andrew Money or Your Life" 'ain Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. horeanry;r agen thfgorbds, Matinees. d PHONE 419 R. Hall, Oshawa; Durham County Mon. 4 p.m. Wed. 2.30 Torc Holstein Club Special, get of sire, _______________________________________________ *three animals,any age, Cedardale One cent a wvord cash, each insertion (Minlimum c ha rg e 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made when advertisement is not paid sanie weck as insertion. Extra charge of 10c when re- Plies are dirccted to a Statesman box nuniber. Births. deaths and marriages 50c ecd. In Memor- iams, 50c for notice plus lOc per Uine for verse. Classified advertisenients accepted up until 6 Wednesday. DEATII CAMNERON - Iin Darlingtoî, on Sunday, Sept. 18, 1938, James Canieron. beloved hiusband of the late Lydia Jane Balson, age 67 y-ears. Internient Zion cenietery. Auction Sales The undersigned has received ini- tructions froni Mrs. Tom Percy, ;ilv~er Street, Bowmanville, to selI by Public auction at her residence Ill of her household effects includ- in kitchen. bedrooni, dining rooni and living roorn furniture; also niany zood garden tools and a new cattle ehorner. Sale Saturday Sept. 24tm, at 1:30 (D.S.T.) Ternis cash. %Vni. J. Challis, Auctioneer. 37-2 Auction sale of Stocker Cattle, on Saturday, Septeniber 24, will be held it the fanm of Erncst Werry, Lot 17 aînd 18. Concession 9, Darling- on. AIll ood beef breeds. Ternis :sh. Cattle 'delivered. Sale at 1.30 nim. Ted Jackson,. Auctioneer. 38-1 The undersigned lias received in- ructions froîn \V. S. Staples and :*E. Staffles to offer for sale on ot 16, Concession 8, half mile east )f Enniskilleiî .40 head of choice [ereford and Angus Feeder Cattle, in Mondav, September 26, at 1.30 mn. Ternis cash. This is an ex- eptionally well bred group of cat- le and aIl T. B. tested. Ted jJackson, Auctioneer. 38-l1v* Tuesday, Sept. 27th, 1&~X. Cyril H. [uniford, Lot 28, Con. 5, Darling- on. will selI by public auction 30 iegd of Pure bred Shorthorn cattle ýfully accredited) ; 30 Shropshire eep. pigs. implenients încluding a 0_20 International tractor, grain and any other articles too numerous to ention. Sale at 1. o'clock sharp. Fes cash. No reserve. Elmen WiI- ir, auctioneer. J. D. Hogarth, clerk Wednesday, Sept. 28th, on the pre- Prhrm oss n years ises of Mrs. James Clarke, Lot. 23, old, good every way. Apply Chas. ,n. I. Base Line, aIllhler household Howvsan. Hampton, Phone 2475. feuts. Mrs. Clarke lias sold the 38-1 operty and everything in furniture FRSL Il be sold. Sale 1 Pan. TernisFO SAE - B R R Y sh. Elmer Wilbur, auctiomîcer. bushies, zood size, 20c each. Pri- 37-2 vet bushies 15c each, aspanagus roots 2c each. Bradley, Jackman To Rent Road. 38-1* )R ENT- HREROOEDFAMILEX WILL START YOU Apartnient, aIl conveniemîces. Ap- mn a profitable business like hun- P1ly H. V. Batenian, V - ctor Manor dreds of. others throughiout Can- rXpartnients, Bowmanville; also ada. No experiemîce rcquired. \Ve Plate glass for sale, 50c square train y'ou. Liberal commission for foot. -72* sellimng 200guaranteed necessitics: M7ýýeet ailcompetition successfully. OR RENT - SIX - ROOMED Ambitious salesmen write for free motîse. possession October î5th. catalogue and plan wvithout obli- Apply Miss Stephens, Odeli Stree gatiomi. Familex Co., 570 St. Bowmativille. 37-Ï Clenient St. Moîtreal. 38-1 -FOR OVER 30 YEARS KIPP'S DR RENT - TWO UNFUR- Herb Tablets have been used for ished roonis, seParate entramîce stonachi and liver disorders. Sold mid stairs. Apply Mnýir. Jacobs, k McGrcgor's Drug Store. Church Street, Bowmanville. 38-1*1 8- R RENT - SIX ROOME Beauty Culture - upi ousepl MissssmIma ter , lthiHAIR LINES ARE GOING UP- Street BoMaSephen , ,del Yîere is stiîî the saine service at tret.Boninvll. 8- iiesaneprices at Iris Beauty )R RENT - HOUSE ON SCU- Idrlotur. P'hone 2601. P'ermnanents ,0 Street, good gardetm, double $20n.381 irage. Applv Geo. 1McMiNiten, C A7lliington St., Bowmnanville. 38-1* Let the small boy make the Pho: __noise of the neighborhood and he R~ RENT - NICE 6-ROOMIED canes not who does the wonk. ouse on Horsey St., choice re- idemîtial street; garden and gar- ze. central. Possession Nov'ember t. J. B. Martymi, Bo',vnanville RENT -'FOUR ROOM AP TIFFESS eliemîces. Possessionî October 1. bdlaocss7U hone 389. 38_1W W2DVItthbe M7Pm 2NUL TTnr efm o CARDS 0F THANKS Dr. and Mfrs. Bell and Ian thank the ninerous friends and acquain- tances wvho have so kiîidlv senît mes- sages, cards and flowers during Dr. Bell's illness. It is believed that af- ter inuch careful experinientation anîd observation on the part of doc- tors and so)ecialists that the chief source of the trouble has 110w been probed anîd that with rest and care, iniprovcrnent may be looked for in tlhe îear future. The fanîily of the late James Stainton wish to express their gra- titude for kindness showmî thein and for the beautiful floral tributes sent during the bereax ement the loss of a beloved father, IN MEMORIAM STAPLETON-In loving memory of Ewart Clare 5tapleton, who cîîtered into rest SeptenTber 7, 1930: 'Tis swvcet to know we'll meet aga.jn, Where uartings are no more. And that the one we dearly loved Has onlv gone before. Sadly niissed by Daddy and Marna For Sale FOR SALE - LATHAM RASP. berrv Shoots, well developed f rom prolific, large berry stock. lc each. Toniatoes and Spanish Onions by the bushel. A. LaiMd, Maple Grove. Phone 2109. 37-2 FOR SALE-TOMATOES, CORN cabbages. beets, potatoes and ap- ples. Will deliver in toWn. Ira F. Pearce. Phone 860. 36-3* C. W. SOUCH HAS A COMN- plete outfit litter carrier and tracking. Phone 2564. 38-1w FOR SALE - LIMITED QUAN- titv of pears consisting of Howell, Louise and Duchess by the hain- per. A-pply L. A. Squair, R. R. 4, Bowmiville. Phone 2223. 38-1 FOR SALE - McINTOSH RED and St. Lawrence apples, and Fleinish Beauty Pears. W. G. Werry, R. R. 6, Blosmanville, Phone 2253. 38-1 FOR SALE - 100 PULLETS, laying straiîî, Rocks and New COMING EVENTrS 'e regzular mieeting of thc \Vo-' 's Inistitute wvill be held at the le of Mrs. C. Robinîson, Pros- tStreet, oni Thursday afternoon, tenber 29. teal Estate For Sale- RSALE - TWO-STOREY, 6 EoiI brick house, ail comiven- ces. double garage. good zar- M,. Prospect Street, Bowmanville. iply _Miss Gladys L. Doivney, morie 2590. 38-1 "Lest We Forget"' A. H. BOUNSALL b)t. igtmu r .î,îu Deaier ln luments, Tabiets, Marker@, etc. n Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER cure RALPH GORDON, the nderfully versatile e n ter- Ier, for Your next entertain- ,nt. Illustrated circular free. rress 628b Crawford Street, 'onto. Prlced 29e - 59c HANDY SIZE 4m'il CENTS Household size 79 CENTS rad Livestock For Sale ,FOR SALE-A GOOD BIG HOL- stein Cow. due to freshen at once. Registcred, fully accredited and locally blood tested; also seven Yorkshire pigs six wveeks old. Ap- ply M. C. Smiith Burkcton, R. R. I 38-* FOR SALE - YOUNG \VORK mare, good single or double. Ap- ply Nelson Robbins, Hampton. 38-1* Lost LOST - A BUNCH 0F KEYS at Queen's Hotel, Newcastle. Reward. Finder please return to Management Queen's Hotel or Telephone Clarke 1104. 38-l* Music Teaching I LEARN TO PLAY THE VIOLIN and plav in an orchestra at new class startiniz in Septeniber. Fees $1.50 pcr nionth. Francis Sutton, M us. Bac. F.C.C.O., A.T.C.M., Phone 742, Bowmanville. 33 tf WVEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinerv repairs, genenal gar- L age repairs, welding, towing ser- vice. J. L. Demerling, Proprietor, Position Wanted POSITION WANTED-IN BOW- nianville. Young girl wvants posi- tionî takiîîg care of children or housewvork. Apply C. M., Drawer B. Bownianville. 38-1* q The kicket' is bad enough but he has several advantages over the man who whines. PENGUIN AND PELICAN BOOKS' The Biggest Selling Line of Books in the WorldM Only 20e each The fnest stores by the best authors publshed i paper binding at tis exceptionally low price. Series Inludes: Crime and Mystery Fiction, Bography Romance Books of Urgent Topical Importance And Many Other SubJets. - See Tem To-day - i. W. JEWELL Phone 556 Bowmanville1 The Season 's Newest , ................ C O A T S Season's Lowest Prices Grand for looks... warmth and wear .... amply lined ... expertly delled.I PRICED FROM- $9,095 - r toI mod %PJnM & n1 Sizes to, fit ail from the high sohool girl to Misses and Matrons JUST ARRIVED. hipment of dresses for larger women. In half sizes to 26/2. Slimming styles. Priced up to ---- $13.95 uuch, Johnston & Cryder*man me 834 LTD. Bowmanville. J Brace Up With A Tonîc Made by United Drugs to give real service and flot to meet eut rate prices. BELMONT - - - - 49o ROXBURY - - - 69c DEFENDER --$1.00 MAJOR -- - $1.50 KANTLEEK - $1.75: NOW/ AMloZ/Na #NEW SHAMPOO SPECIAL 1 RG ARDE] ORENE FORI FOR NORMAL RY H AiL .OOII VITAMIN TONIOS For Winter Health Check colds and winter ilis by building staniina with these fine product, Purest Malt Extract & O.L.O. 49-E New Chemical Food - - - 1.15-2.45 Calcium A. - 1.10 - 2.00 Nead's (J.L.O. 50-75-1.00 Wampole 's Extract Waterbury 's Comp. 93 Kepler 's Malt and C.LO. --75c-1.25 Ayerst 10D-- 67-1.69 Puretest OL.O. W-1.00 Alphamettes 1.-1.85-3.50 Jury & Loveli Phone 778 WE DELIVER Bowmanville Moen We Test Eyes It Io Done Properly r i .- )T WATER BOTTLES-1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1938 LTD. 1 _e