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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1938, p. 5

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ALL DOWMANVILLE IS INVITED TO SAVE AT THE AUTUMN SHOPPINO I a eA raeNe odfoAlth aiyaeetud Shopping Event that heralds the New Fal Season is ready forj d at such low - low prices.I A small de- posit wI111Co at s hold on. for yoIa. With Fur Collars These coats are made for service aid fiat- tery for the new, more feminine mode. Nubby woolens and Boucles in loose flowing or slim ciinging lines. Al Scolors. Wait tiil you ~see them. Soft, bright, I good looking. Sizes for Iwomen and misses. Every coat is beauti- filly lined aid inter- lined. " Fur Sleeves " Plastion Effects " Big Fur Collars *Fur Bandings *Fur Cuffs *SmaII Saîug Collars 8.95 to 29.50 CLEARANCE 0F MEN'S TOPCOATS Smartly eut in raglan oi f itted styles. Ail wool tweeds. - Reg. $13.50. $8.9.5 Ultra Smart Hats For Fal Styles for young or old, skyscraper orowns, forward brms, Louis XIV high-in-the-back styles, rollers, doil hats and sailors, trimmed with bright feathers, flowers, brooches and veils, ail colors and head sizes 21 to 231/2. Ladies' Wool Pullover Sweaters, Reg. $1 .25 98c Children's Cotton Ribbed liose, Reg. 20. 15c Ladies' Print H-ousedresses, Reg. 59e...... 39c Ladies" Bags, Reg. 69ce.................. 47c Ladies' Rayon Panties, Reg. 25c...........I19c Ladies' Siik Crepe liose, Reg. $ 1.00....... 69c Men's Flannelette Pyjamas, Reg. $1 .25 98c Men's Trubedised Shirts, Reg. $1 .48....... 98e Men's AiI-WooI Sweaters, Reg. $1 .95...$1 .49 Men's Flannelette Shirts, Reg. 95c......... 79c Men's Cottonade Pants, Reg. $1.59 .... $1.29 Men's Fine Oxfords, Reg. $2.69......... $1.98 Large Bar Pure Castile Soap .......... bar 4c ........... .......... .... . ... ........ Great Savings on A small de .......... m it w ill p Meuls hold one for you. ..... ... ..... S -u 1 t 0 CREPE - SATIN and TAFFETA Dresses To suit your Fali fancy! These pnetty dresses are at- tractively cut on tallored and more formai Uines. Crepes, crepe back satin taffetas. Derndl styles and the popular shirred effects tnickily designed to give softly draped uines. Long and short sleeves. Trim "High Ups" and Iower neck lines. Sizes 14-20, 36-44, 46-52 $2e98 Coats.4 The facts ini brief ! If you 're thinking about a îew suit or coat for faîl, take a tip and get it new in this high quality sale. Suits of fine tweeds, cheviots, worsteds and serges, coats made froni fineat ma- Elysians and Fleeces. Sises 35 to 44. $9095 to I $2500 ________ SPECIAL FRIIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Ladies' Full Fashloned Silk Rose, chif- fon or service weight. Tropic Tan, Burnt Nude. Jaunty Cruise Tan. Copperblush, Gunrnetal, Vagabond. Sizes 81/2 to 101/. 2 pair $1.00 The ArcadeI SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Men's Chambray Shirts. Blue, Khakl and Navy. Fuil cut, double yoke, triple stitched. Sizes 14 te 171/2. 2 for $1.00 Children's Sample Coats SIZES 2 TO 6 YEARS Nicely styled and wonderfully warm wvith heavy Interiinings. AU with leggings to match. Some have bat and bag to match. $5.95 Newtonville BfrmeantoMn wth rins nEvery Child Should ______Miss Gladys Pearce with Rev. Have a Dog Mrs. C. W. Slemon, President and M.. T. Wallace, Greenbank N TI W. M. S. of Trinity United Church, Mtak e TI M and Mrs.W t I TH DM AN DISTANT <A T Dr. Donald Snow i OrDm Bowmanville, wvas guests speaker aewihM.nd rsW.Cs Animais") at the local W.M.S. of United te,-h,.a ________ From The Statesinan Fie Why do I state a dog? Because Church and gave an address that Mrs. Wi.lis Farrow with fied in most cases that animal is cap- was greatly appreciated. Other in Detroit. FIFTY YEARS AGO strayed articles. It is supposed able of greater responses to hu- numbers included vocal solos, Mrs. Jaý Flett, James and ____ that a duel will result from the man attention than any other pet. Misses Mary Lane and Hazel Mary, Chicic o, with Mr. and Mrs. From The Canadian Statesman, affair yet. It is likely to be True, there are plenty of comn- Mrs.; C.aBorley,,Ronnie Mary S .Jns Sept. l9th, 1888 swords at one hundred yards with panionable cats and horses, but in and Margaret Denauit; scripture r.CBle Rni M y coffee for two. ... Mr. R. Hutch- the great majorîty of cases the lesson, Mrs. R. Bruce; devotional !and Arthur -aines and Bruce Dr. W. E. Tilley has been ap- inson, who has been a resident of dog fits into the scheme of human leaflet, Mrs. J. H. Couch. Lunch Denault with .liss Florence Bur- pointed Inspector of Schools for this village for 23 yeans, accom- relationship to the greatest de- was served. ley, Toronto. . Peterboro and paid his first of- panied by his family leaves this gree. Next Sunday, Sept. 25thwî Misses Kathlf 'q and Marguerite ficial visit to the schools on Thurs- week for Listowel where he will The possession of a dog is one ,McKay with M.:_ John McKay, day. resume business as a merchant. Aoftegaesdvepesf be Rally Sunday at United Church Starkville.oftegaes vlpr fa Sunday School. Mr. George -'hompson and Mr. W. P. Prower has been huge crowd of friends gathered at chiid's character and social in- Report of Men's Club meeting!Gwynne, Kendal, and Mr. andielected Vice-President of the On- their home on Friday and pre- stincts. There is nothing like 'a appears in another column. Mrs. Arthur Bell, Bowmanville, tario Undertakers Association andsetdhe wihasvnfrt pet to bring the ovenshy, quiet Women's Institute met Sept. 16 with their aunt, Mr. Thos. Stap- M.Lv orswsapitda ry n isHthno ihchiid out of himself into the open. when it was decided to have a leton. nipmber of the audit committee. a cabinet album. In his daily relationship with his booth at the schooi fain. Other Mr. and Mrs. Cool vith frîends Members of Bowmanville Rifle dog he learns to get along with items of business were, plans.for in Coîborne. Mr. Cou' also made Association who attended the Do- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO bis fellow beings, for he gnadually a libnary; fair exhibits; and the a trip to Toronto. minion matches, Ottawa, figuned ____ realizes that the samne policies as special meeting with Kendal and- well in list of prize winnens. From The Canadian Statesmnan, apply to animais apply to humans.1 Orono branches, October 2th *. Money prizes won were: W. S. Sept. 25th, 1913 In the case of his pet, he de-c whnaspae ro h epr-E fil usel 6; .B ithl,$47; J. velops self -reliance because hej ment will be present. Mrs. Kauf- ____ Horsey, $32; W. C. King, $30; J. Mr. Thos. Bottrell and Misses must prepare the aninçal's meals. man pneentd hisproram M ad Ms. lbrt iddryH. Morris, $19; D. 15. Beach, $18; May Bottreli and Annie Connons He leanns negularity, because pets neationteby Lau reen Mu . and Mr a lbvin N iddery tth N. S. Young, $17; J. Curtis, $17; J. were in Peterbono, Wednesday, must be fed and walked at rather loghc dostation ouenMFoud- wend. atvinth eirttgei nrte. Sando. $14; total $256. Messrs attending the consecration of stated intervals. He learns that log;mntation Gannts y Mr. O' eil kessr Hatherdcotage 1 and 'Russell and Horsey won positions Bishop O'Brien whose mother was life is full of responsibilities be- stoo adencor by Ms. C'eil F rksmiowar spen toth we and on the Wimbledon teamn for next a Bowmanville girl, Nora Crazon. cause his pet is dependent upon Joond ne by Mns. Chclas kSihsettew ýn year. Mr. William Scott, Peterboro. him for every necessity. Through More;ris. Cnest DrsaCMan". in Bobcaygeon. John McClung was summoned announces the engagement of his lit ail he develops a sense of ser- Mors. onte M rs.Wli es an" Miss Elsie Samis has been 3it- before Magistrate George Haines daughter. Florence Stewart, to!vice. The importance of being of Dooh c.Lnhwas ser- Mr. L. Cochesanrig t a e ha rentd for obstructing the sidewalk with Mn. Paul Ernest Trebilcock, sonservice is much overiooked. Too d.rth fat.Luc a sr r . of hn. D avid 'rgun i a car load of tea. He will get of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock, frequently our every act is dom- Recnt iston: iss Flora McRoberts and Mc square witb the grocers who laid the manriage to take place in 1iînated by selfishness and the Mn. J. A. Bannie and cousin H. Beaton visited at Mn. L. (*ith information, b eln this October. pesr f"utdig o h Pascoe's. tea at pnîces whîcb wîll panalyze Biths-Gay, At Countice, Sept.! other fellow is forgotten. I have Rally Day was observed hene them. l9th, to Mn. and Mns. Gay, a son.r noticed that in caring for bis pet _____________________Sunday. Birth-Foley', In Oshawa, Sept. Wiliis, At Leskand, Sept. 11lth, oun little boy has become desinous SMn. and Mns. L. C. Pascoe are -th, to the wife of Mn. M. Foley. to Mn. and Mns. Chester Wild Wil- Of penfonming the littie ernands accompanying Mn. and Mrs. Hugh'a daughter.i lis, a son. and duties we requine of him sim- BeAton, Oshawa, on an extended Manied-Brown-Potts, At the 1Rombougb, In Bowmanville, ply for the pleasure of doing trip to Thousand Islands, Ottawa ne. ýdence of George Laing, Esq.. Sept. l7tb, to Mn. and Mrs. S. sometbing for us. This brings us and Algonquin Park. by' Rev. H. S. Matthews, on Sept Rombough, a son. to the matter of self-esteem. M A R K S Young People*s Union had a l2tFi.Mn. Fred W. Brown and Stapleton, In Clarke, Sept. l3th, which we have learned is s0 im- OSHAWA will meet weekly in future, oiinvle son. seeîng bis pet nespond to his cane ___________________ man from Challis, In Bowmanville, Sept. and affection he feels that he Thurs. . Fn. -frtunaSat.oghl1th, to Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. ChaI- really is of some importance in Thr.-Fr.-Snt T sehsbgg n aresls a daugbter. this world. SEPT. 22-23-24 Nest1e.lcIJA Sunday night, while busily en- Brad'ley, At Oshawa Hospital, We often hear from those who _____gaged p. ing his attgrntion to one Sept. l3tb, to Mn. and Mns. H do not like animais that the dog Ramon Novarro & Marsha Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoce and of the l,,in ones . A portion Of Edgan Bradley, a son. is a menace f0 bealtb. Nothing Miss Marie Prout attended the the night Nvas lost looking for the Married-Raynor-Gibson, In St. is farther from the truth. In but Hunt in Presbytery at Campbellford on r____________ George's Cburch, Newcastle, Sept very rare instances is the dog a Tuiesday. lotb, by Rev. Chas. E. Fenning. carrier of any human disease ele- r.GbetRyoteeviement, and because the dog must 'Desperate Adventure' Beaverton, Mr. ads. .H.rps and Miss Helen Margaret, eldest have fresh air and sunshine it Added Hit Thompson, Hamilton, Mns. John u daughter of Mn. and Mrs. D. j. becornes an added incentive for Thompson and Miss Mary Nay Gibson. tbe youngster to play outdoors. Bob Steele in Cannington, wene guests of Mr. Deaths-Yellowless, In Bow- Futhermore, the importance of and Mrs. Grant Thompson. manville, Sept. l7th, Barbara, ne- cleanliness is made apparent be- Many fnom bene attended the lict of the late John Yellowlces, cause the dog must be brushed 'Arizona Gunfighte r' Lda yilFairndand aIl report a goodhed Lida aradalrpr od1 aged 80 years. adcme conesy atsed ___________________fair. McConnachie, In Clarke, Sept. Wben adversitycrnsasi Mrs. P. J. Oliver, Mrs. Mar- 1ltb, Margaret Staîken, beloved does f0 all of us, the child learns Sunay idnte are Falis Mn an Mr. Hgbwife of Peter D. McConnachie, ag- to overcorne it. If bis pet becomes Taylor attended special Decor- ed 60 years. ilI he learna f0 nurse if, and if and ation Service at Riverside Cerne- Hoar, At the residence of ber the worst cornes to pass and death Mon. - Tues. - Wed. tery, Lindsay, Sunday, conducted son-in-law, Mr. William Bligbt, takes bis friend away, be leanns %by Toronto Scottish Regiment. Brooklin, Sept. llth, Betsy Han- to vlew if stoically. Our five- Danielle Darrieux sexisa- Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Sergeant, ris, relict of the late Richard Hoan, year-old son used to take the Barrie, called Sunday on Mrs. P. aged 94 years. passing of any living thing very tion of Paris i J. Oliver. Z E 1 I A 1M r. George J. Bray of Oshawa bard. If we tried to dodge the Mn. and Mrs. Bert MeMullen,' Brancb of Jury & Lovell's store, issue, he knew that something Th Raeo Pai' Janetville, visited Mn. and Mns. * Q ID AbE as been appointed manager of serious bad occurred and ol 'h Raeo Pai' Robent Dickey's.i the Drug Department of Jury & become quite upset about it. Af- MrhDugFibak r.antn d Mr Nan Vin nt P LIS i 1Lovelî's, Bowrnanville, succeed- ter the death of some of bis can- withDou Faibans J.; igto, an Mr an Mrs Vi nting M. Leslie who as ntered ine acquaintances e as learned Miscla Auer and Helen Warmington, Toronto, were eXst partnenship with Mn. Jury in to'fake it, net without sorrow, but Brodeiiokof Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. roi a~ C1~1Ç wen Sound. calrnly and wisely, as we ail rmust BoeckMrs. Gilcbnist, Shanty Bay, is BLA K E)M9 R u1 0Mn. W. A. Quibell was a Sunday do. __________________ rguest of Miss Mary Malcolrn. guest of Mn. W.B. Couch. The mutual love and faithful- ness of a child and his dog is a approached. My littie boy knows pleasure to behold. We learn' to that he can neither tease nor mal- be just indeed when we scold his treat his pet without its retaliat- pet, for if we are flot, we soofl ing with a proper scolding. He is ehear about it. Nor can we afford flot afraid of any dog, for need to be hasty and harsh if we would1 he be, for ail animais, no matter hold the esteemn of our child. how contrary, like hlm. They By giving his love to his dog, sense in him the proper approach. his life is made more complete, for what an empty world is that The dog, being descended from without love! the wolf and jackal, still carnies The child learns the vu-tue of over many of the customs of the charity in forgiving his pet its wo]f. When attacked by another little transgressions, and the vir- of superior size, it twists on its tue of patience as he attempts to back and holds up its legs in sub- teach his dog the littie tricks mission; a confession of helpless- which are a pleasure to hlm and ness. It still turns around several which the dog loves to exhibit. times before lying down, because A properly natural attitude is at one time it was necessary to furthered by the graduai aware- discover whether enemies were ness of various bodily functions crouched in the long grass. It as exhibited by the dog. Although gulps its food since, running with the dog is like a child which in the pack in former times, it either many ways neyer grows up, its snatched and gulped, or went un- whole life span is unfurled in fd comparatively few years before __________ the eyes of the child. As the vani- ous questions of life, of which sex "Frequent water-d r i n k i n g," is one, are asked, we find a ready said the professor, "prevents be- and sensible example for his edu- coming stiff in the joints." cation. "Yes," said the co-ed, "but The child learns that alI living some of the joints don't serve things are his friends if properly water." "I hope fbat's a nice book for you to read, darling,' saîd fihe conscientious mether fo her young daugbter. "Oh, yes, mumrny, it's a lovely book, but I don't thmnk you'd like it. It's 50 sad at thxe end.' "How is if sad, dear?" "Well, she dies, and be has to go back f0 bis wife." "What makes you look se old?"' "Trying to keep young." "Trying to keep young?" "Yeah, nine of tbem." Awfully simple girls are simpiy CHANGES Effective Sunday, Septeniber 25, 1938 Fî< Ilino tio,î froin Agc,îts. Canadian Pacific JUST ARRIVEDI1 New 1938 Radio Models 1 0%a me - . RECONDITIONE D RADIOS from $5.00 Up Over I100 to Choose From Real Bargains SEE THE NEW RADIOS under comfortable homne- like conditions at our lux- urious radio studio. General Electric Marconi Stromberg Carlson Complete Line 1939 Modela fr=n the lowest priced mantel model to the ultra modern large cabinet mo- dela. Okreat improvementa over laut year's modela. Egveryone will help to, beau- tify your home and niake life more enjoyable. SE£ THEN TODAY 1938 Models To Be Oleared At Bargain Prices We stili have a few 1938 models, brand new and of various makes w'bich must be sold to inake rooin for new stock. Bach a bargain. No Finance Company You, deal only with us DON, CHRISTIAN Electric OPEN EVENINGI 38 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA Phone 8i 4 I... e b L m a $25*00 @mK-ý mmml_- m THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESNfAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 34

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