THE ORONO MELLOR FAMILY a; oilwokaogu and cess. The weather %vas brightP N Y O L MAr ARE REMEM13ERED thepleasure and profit hie deriv- and warm, the workers willing O T P LMA AR E E B R D ed from it and thanking ail for to do their part, and the children HEARD Air PARK ST. New s or la k SOCIAL AND PERSONAL AT NEWTONVILLE the gifts. supplied not only talent but heaps A akS.Cuc udyÇwnil heNny t ahrns r ____________ Arather unique but pesn nie r n r.Sde u fui tribute to the Canadianme morning Rev. Littlewood chose asi C w n le str event took place in Newtonville therford to the platform andex thod of making good citizens frtopic "A Faith That Triumphs," Mr. Dve Stphens Linsay, ted hr parntsMr. and Mrs. Community Hall Thursday even- pressed the high regard in which future days. dealing chiefly with the psalms____ Mr. adMs .J isnprns Ma ntw o h ar. Wannan. ing, Sept.ndsad, when herepawere, they are both held in the coin- There was wonderful music and emphasizing that David in M B A number t-eard Gypsy Smith Miss M. Fowler, Lindsay, is two presentations in one family, l oor.Rthror s iwusicachmHmpo, r while at Bowmanville last week- visiting hier cousin, Mrs. J. Eagle- one for Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MeliorlyfMrRuhfodaa teacher, that thrilled and iflspired. In the in God, showing it in his writing gave an inspiring sermon on Sun- and Mr.Hwr1Bwn ik en.snti we.who have moved to Orono, and and called on Mr. Ireland to read program there was thé reminder of the psalms. During the offer- day, while our pastor took anni- ering. Councîl meets next Tuesday. Lunn's Store is brightened up i one for their daughter and son- h drs which spoke highly of of the goodness of God, an ex- ing the orchestra played a selec- versary services there. Mises ayadJa m 1i-aM.adMsSinyR-the bride and groom. Mr. Frank pression of revernce to Hlm, and tion. encemeretuesg of Mr. andeopMrs. The night-blooming cereus wn-wth a coat of paint. Gîn-lawanMr.r.ndaMrs.eSidney Ru- A meetinghefKyogngTpeopie is ed by Mr. and Mrs. 0111e Cooper Mr. Wm. Watson is taking interford who were recently mar- ilmterd hMr.Jc edpe oat oteKn.Teppl At the evening service the pul- cailed for Friday night with Rev. Asi hasthre loos n i ths ear te Milroo an Bbcagen red A large crowd was presen etdte with a beautiful who took part in public speaking, pit was occupied by Rev. F. Rid- Morton in charge, to arrange a Co hsithrelomso s tng eas arsth is week. fromandarkville, Crooked Creekstudio couch.. Mr. Rutherford ex- reciting and giving musical num-in ofotyolwosoe nprra frfurem tng. uisadtacronhepe- saci h oe tag si fisti e k wheîbrro Netonkville. aokedid showingedtthey made at theof foee atya.The races - skwelar ,lanld Nepresse aloed gtherapeiain uch bers showed careful instruction. "Visions", dealing with visions of 1 Our school did exceedingiy wel i scho arhl nOoo fo neredlatst a r . r. kicking shoe, and foot - put on il W hen the guests of honour ar- l v l it They brought their pets, their vai u me in t e od a d ew t th School F i. Blle M ri Conratlaion t Mr ad the teachers for the schoars ived the chairman, Reeve T. A. M.R .Rw odo h produce and stock, and were giv- testaments and the need of vision took a first in public speaking Nelson Couvier on winning aih different schools about 11 Ri, ale the company to order splendid work done in our church ing good lessons in the best man- . .. HMr.dte toy f h and MrsecndThos.miRodurer, New- a iprize on their fine baby boy at o'ciock fair day (Monday) at- and entertained them with the b y Mr. Mellor, particularly dur- toda. Hetol thestor ofthe nd- secnd ma mniatre ay- l the nerr.o- ehowmanshipho- everything Israelites searching for the fui- rack, while his brother John took cslatne ida ar Mr. and Mrs. Weston and baby tracted much attention from those foilowing splendid p r o g r a ming e. H o.agaesmlong iii- was of a constructive order. flmn ftepoieo adfrtwt i ak h uir r have moved to the former Corn- present. We are unable to get a Piano solo, Miss Marion Green; nae. elsogaverse advice Over ahl was the happiness and filîmnt ofthe misefa and e. t first thhsecrdack. ThJu ni nrs . iehn Ms L i forth residence. complete iist of winners in the gutar solo, Master Alfred Red- Lt nch arrid couple. contentment of the crowd and the foig ihmikad oi.tok first isec n ndthird ien andMs. akralo t The miitary inspector was large number of events, but we knapp; vocal solo, Miss Gwen Lue nh was served and a social laughter and shouts of the chul- space to îîst ail prizes here, butF.W are informed by a prominent Park Gilmer; reading, Miss Meta Hal- t eenoe.dren. Ltl il(tfobl ae:Ms ipo sjsl ru fwyt oot oatn h looking around the Armnouries on Stre eietta egbr'lwi;vcldeMsesPylsbThe committeei careifWhchisth eteriehorflOh mm asethepetya jer he r pupiSimsoand sjth pre enries astrytr Thursday. cide o nrc atrrc imrad lenTdbpao oth presentations was, Mr. and rmaking good citizens - itler's s"Oh amseah rtyj rene xibitin tthe schooltif so aldo hi a oeo Mr. Edson Kats and pary of M yd aliowepianMssrs. Cseyad hisartifingxhfitheiatural deve- Sept. i5 Treon Kine fad air o den toincaceng He often duet and encore, Misss a nMrs.M Jack Reid, Misses Norma and' way, with his stern militarism, Jaded Collegian: "Yeah, the any would care to see them. Th tf ii "ic.G A umerfrm er tokincalîs the bunch together and gives Margaret Denauit; vocal duet,L thundering herd." Mr. Thos. McNeil and daughter,cao epy the show Snow Whiete a n h prîzes to the winners sa they keep Misses Elsie Wallace and Mary Lane and Laurence Savery, Mr. opment of the child, or this the Mrs. Gordon Martin, called on ger" eeetrand a h training andowwhentracs are Lane; God Sav h ig and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. leading the child in a world of M.CalsMNj udy r home o isEaBokOh evnDaf"aBo an in rain igadwe raear vthKn. he eavyr a causeda num- don'tl with other childrente Mr. Reid invited Mr. and Mrs. happiness aiong the road of laugh- well, clever in hier studies. She MrThos. esMc Neil fo the estro awa, onFca eeig Tehayri asdanm o'"d i rn -like MeMlo acm ateplatform trachievenment, production of wî l ave tese abe assat:Monday. Mr. adMs aodhv e ber of roofs to leak necessîtatîng West-t "do hm ro " ,,Me teeygîvîng them 'ahraS H O FAIR 15 useful things, surrounded by mu- Sec.-Treas..-Lois Wood; Fo r m M.Eriiaro'nmte turnedfrmawendtpt somne shingiing to be done - bur"dohimwrnud Keep herey raheraheIk Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence up the good work. shock as they thought they were LARGEST IN MANY sic, patriotism, and God. Reps.-Middle and Upper, Helen from Welland is staying here for Michigan adM.Atu lmne s- Miss Phyllis Lowden of the Post just attending their daughter's Y A SA R N Case; 2nd Form, Jean Forrester; a whiîe. Mr.adMr.Jh Sow T- and Mr. Arinth rCemnceF Osh. Office staff is having this week as presentation. Mr. Reid spoke very YE RSA OR N lst Form, Lenora Wood. Mr. Hayes, Miss Pringie, Mr. ronto, wr ekn usso n aaatok n heOrnoFar. vacation. highly of Mr. and Mrs. Mellor as 0-C .* E T The boys also picked a good and Mrs. Irwin of Peterboro were and Mrs hre isn Mr. and Mrs. George Armour S ELECTSrs nigbos n an ele r.CaleWre, Mr. Wilfred Sherwin leaves thischrhwkesnigbsad The School Fair held at Orono,O.C leader as president in the per- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hen- andNeli, Ms.Chrlu Wrrnweek-end for Guelph' citizens, and called upon Mr. Sid taking in the Orono Public, Ki- SOCIETY OFFIE R~E~soaefJiPwrswhisaodron Hampton, Mrs. Delbert Flintoif, soaoted s po werswi a the ____________ Oshaa, M.andMrs.Wes.Hos- Mrs. Bert Reid spent Monday .Lancaster to read the address by, Enterprîse, Leskard, Kendall, oe pr.H ilhv h kmn, Mrs. Lon evening with hier cousin, Mrs. J. which spoke in giowing termis of Starkville, Lockhart's, McLean's, Orono Continuation School or- co-operation of Bob Case as sec- liasinColmbus Mr. Mrk Egleon.Mr. and Mrs. Mellor as well as and Antioch schools, was held on ganized their athletic societies by retary-treasurer; Maniey Little- Wodki, MCoumbus,a Mrs. Mark sls o. umodofM expressing regret at their depar- Monday,. September 26th, in the appointing officers and aranging wood as Middle-Upper rep.; Dick MisNeaMmodL a-eskard Mrs.Ja. achihoefo odMr To Wod an Ms.natawan is visiting hier sister ture. Mr. Jack Reid presented a Agriculture Park, Orono. Those for the field day October l4th. Morton as 2nd Form rep.; and ____ Toronto Herb Read, Eizabethville, were Leona here. chiming dlock and an electric in control said it was the largest The girls, who appointed as Bob Cooper as lst Formn rep. ThMevc ntecuc atdr.tedco' ae visitos at M. and rs.. R H.Mr. seuvieyinJoneshuis lagaderun- viston atMr.andMrs* R H. Library Board met Tuesday toaster. and most successful fair they had president Olive Brown, are ta be Plans are going on rapidly for Sunday night was weil attended. Rev. Sih atmnto WOo. C .pa ohv hi i night. Mn. Mellor addressed the gath- seen for a long time. Everything congratulated on thein choicea the field day when a large crowd The interest in these services is tesriei h ntdCuc 0C.Splnthaeterfed A wonderf ul display of north- ering, outlihing his ministerial seemed to contribute to its suc- Olive is an ail-round sport and a is anticipated. veygatfhgeM.Me lon sdeveig day October l4th. erlihswsoevdTuda rno unchs.MrBandong a night. preached on the text "Be sure Mn.Hoad elmy who ruhngbsies n. Members of the Horticuitural your sins wiil find you out." went toTonofraX-as ya have engaged Miss Mary Executive met at the home of theWeaegdtosehm nuhipoed îadwin to assist them at night. secretary, Mrs. Harrison, Tuesday out again and iooking sa weli. A nime nmheeatne Mr. conl wo id tevening and enjoyed a pleasant Miss Mildred Davy of Whitby OronoFa.NeovieW.. Bowmanville Hospital was buried time. It was decided to order faîl Hospital was home for the week- got thirdo hirehbt heelast week. bulbs shortly and to have a social 0Our school, althoughissaend.movd w wr Mr. Bradley's race horse wa evening on October 27, Mrs. F. Ohave t Otta h Mng taken sick last week, requiring Hall was appointed convener of, made a good sowng a the r a en mlyd.W r tesrieoftovtrnre.Schooi Fair in Orono.sontooetem Mn. and Mrs. Neals, Cobourg, Stapies of the program. The hos- HORSES Rowland 2 and 3. & Sons 1 and 2, L. Pascoe; FemaleStaylr, aak; Heifer, oyasone yr. mn Bowa nviller oMonday nigh t na m ig pcilpo visteu . ad M s m e- ts evdadlcal u c e Heavy Draught Horses Berkshires - Boar, aged, G. H. L. Pascoe, Aye & Sons 2 and 3. od, N. Taylor 1 and 2; Heifen Caf, to hear Gipsy Smith. ga a oi w dfrRly D y fore the meeting adjourned. ga Frst and Second Forms of O. Sports Editor Ed. Fitzgerald of Mare and Foal: Fred Cornish, Mark & Son; Sow (Brand) aged, CATTLE J. Stark, N. Taylor, J. Stark; Best s.C C. S. are being taught music by the Evening Telegnam has this to Cochrane Bros; Foal of 1938: Mc- G. H. Mark & Son; Boar, under 12 Shorthorns Baby Beef Steer, S. . Alin& did talk nTeBbe MsD.Rb.and over 6 months, G. H. Mark Son, N. Taylor. tr< Ile On Tusa1ih, et 0 MrsD.Rob.say of our local sport: "Orme Knight & Whittington, Cochrane & Son 1 and 2; Sow, under 12 and Bull, three years old and over, Hoiteis _____ Mr. J. J. Mellor is taking the Gamsby, 'Laird of Orono', can't BnF ikrS C li osen topic at Union Monday night. get the old sporting spiriBrtaf s; Filly or Gelding, one year over 6 months, G. H. Mark & SonWF.Rcad.CAln & Son; an tle $5 Hl n ob e Everybody welcome. rii od nd h t oethef old: Arthur Welsh; Fiily or Geid- 1 and 2; Boar, under 6 and over Bull, one yean aid, T. Baker & Bull, thnee years old and over, Mn. John Stewart, Kendal, gave an theaam wsgvnh a Members of the Park St. Union vtrni epn on us htig w er l:McKiht &3 months, E. Hancock & Son, G.Sn ulCiW .Rcad CdraeFrs ul w e a fine addness ýt Shiloh Sunday caughtbekngntasorm met with Miss Alice Arnoldvea skeigyugjs ta ntoyasod Mark & Son 2 and 3; Sow, under T. Baker & Son, S. C. Aluin & old, Anchie Muir; Bull Caif, Ced-ateno.Tnon Hewsringatoe Brookln, at he Paronage atur ayF nd nci t h allythe i)htigtn o rwn m r6and aven 3 months, G. Mark & Son; Milch Cow, W. F. Rickand, andale Farms, A. Muir, Cedandale Anme nmhr teddcr day to make plans for the con: aehn ninietly r- Geiding, three years: Eben Downs, Son 1 and 2, E. Hancock & Son. S. C. Allun & Son, T. Baker & Faims; Milch Cow, four years oid the double presentation held in Visitons: vetinhee cobr 9h -n dicts that Peterboro will take the Eber Downs, McKnight & Whit- Son; Heifer, two years old, T. and aven, Cedardale Fanms; Milch Newtonviile in honar of Mn. and veto hr ctbr29hadwinners. He viewed the fight that tington; Span Horses in harness' Tantworths - Boar, aged, New- Baker & Son 1 and 2, W. F. Rick- Cow, three yeans and under, A. Mrs. J. J. Meilon and Mn. and Mnan Ms.Dvd obet 30th. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn was night and was at the Woodbine with wagon: H. Down, McKnight ton Taylor, John Kelsey 2 and 3- LnnMrkwtn.adM appointed negistrar. Sessions wili races Satunday."1 & Whittington, H. Don Sow (Bnood), aged, N. Taylor, J. IadTBe&So; Heifer Hefeonte years oldWF.Mi, Cedardale m2an3;MsSiRuhrodLre stant at 2 p.m. Saturday and the Mn. J. Eagleson is in Peterboro gictuaorses Kelsey, N. Taylor; Boar, unden 12 RCa ir, T. Baker & Son; e Fr s ,ad3 Heifentoyer l , ondae Visitons Mn.orse lFse an wf, final one will be heid Sunday af- daing saime nepairs ta his property. M giutrlHre and over 6 months, N. Taylor 1 ei Caif, senior, . C.Alr & ye; ar-old, Ceandal ie rm, oJ. Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Baulch, Mrs.Ms.ln clts n n tennoon. A splendid program has Miss Pearl Brooker, Toronto Mare and Foal: A. McKay, Jas. and 2; Sow, under 12 and oven 6 Son .F R fsicr, Herd.Bllnd& Cerîcshn, Cedardale Farms; eve nJsn.or oewtM Gno Rgr, oato n Miss beendrated hic wil bein-and Art Smith, Oshawa, speni Stark, Howard Cryderman; Foal months, J. Kelsey, N. Taylor 2 4 Femis W. F. Rickard, T. Ba- Heifer Calf, junior, Cedardale Mn. and Mns. Richard Halloweil. Evelyn Ltl otHpwt teretingandinstuctieitnUninuchtwekendwithMn.andnrstof 138: . Cyderan, as.Mta.,aand3;Boar unof 6and3ver Hke & Sn. arms J. ruiksh.ksSt.aHknsecnd A.A. Mnti, wie th fame6' mnteraMvscJoh oMescrs,JRowlandBabSmith. yA. McK:Artihyur eldingGoronei months, N. Taylor, J. Kesey; Sow Jse; Heifen Caf, senior, Cedar- and famly, Brighton, at Ms. Jackso. Mesrs Jon nd obKeae, Miss Earline Grady, Hamiltonya i:1nhrWlsGro under 6 and aven 3 months, N. Aberdeen Angus dale Fanms i and 2, A. Muir; Herd John McKay's. Mn.VitnLdterLoon Toronto, spent the weekend hene. i, visiting Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Brent; Filly or Gelding, two years Taylor, J. Keisey, N. Taylor. Bull. three years old and over. Bull and 4 Females, Cedandale Mss Alice Hallawell, Toronto, Englandabnsmno h ispe thSudayat hmyeTro e.irld CoLake. reureta old .Wlh .Be .M- Bacon Type - Best Pair Hogs, Walter Neais; Bull Caif, Malcolm Farms, A. Muir, F. Tamblyn. and Mns. Richard Hallowell, with "EmpnesofBtan" ihhs spn udya oe ikadLk.Kay; Filly or, Gelding, three years bacon type, any breed, 180 ta 220 ' Bailey, W. Neals; Milch Cow, M. friends in Part Hope.uneanantM.adMs.W Mr.JacJ Cobk eickoTrono, rs.PhaeyTndchidretoSd-Mld:HoardFai, AeWeshnLd lb.lech:C.o.wMaerd iFfedrailyA.. eai 2 nd ; Hife, ersys n.JndrsseM.TsibieandC e ae MseN th e e d i th M . ankuy, ae vîii g n nd M s v r rne ness; Spwa n Ho Pascoe lSherwin, W . J. Rowland. two years old, M. Bailey, W. Bull, S. S. Lockhart, C. Ba- M . Andree, Oshawa, at M . M. Mrs. Jo n ac s n nd g n - Chares ood Nels;HeierhaernessldM.with, M wagon: Ed.ilh Cwrsesin's ,Wss. . Tomsonandbay, snul arkSt.chir eetng FinA. elhParkLRYNSts;.eiehoneyeamodee.tcargM W.Htp.eFaMic Co, Sutk's daghtnJoa Fote, wth rs M.N . Cle obbled nOrFick, hrl esod . H erpotdnx , eceo ndAeiasBailey, W. Neals 2 and 3; Hifen C. Barchard 1, 2 and 3; Heifer, M. Laven Farrow made a fly- MiltonRbnsnKed. Ne~tleon, tok in rono Fir, th Wednsday wli benepontd next Belgin, Perheronand Amr.cansCaîfM.WBaiey, W NealsrHerd wo yers aid S. Lckhant R. tp.ta.Pterboo.rMpstReichath ad MissBenth baby Jean taking a prize. Mrs. week. Punch Horses Pyouth Rock, Banred, Utility Bull and 4 Females, W. Neals, Brown 2 and 3; Heifer, one yean hmsnwt finsi o Th m so a f r e ly G ob M s oh h rn o ro h M are and Foal: S. Lockhart L . Stck: Cock, Reg. Sutton, F. W . M . Bailey.o d, M W. t p es S. oc h tr n o bledick. West is visiting hier sisten-in-law, Pascoe, W. J. S. Rickard; Foal of ýTamblyn, Milfred Sherwin; Hen,Hefos M. W. Stapies; Heifen Caif, C01kh rs Sc o l Revt. W .Jns adnl anes arngtwn ageyMs Tono. 1938: S. Lockhart, Luther Pascoe, !J. H. Jose, Gibson Farms, Milfed Barchard, M. W. Staples, S. Lock- atedd i- Mr. Orme Gamsby spent the Merlin Hepburn; Filly or Geiding, ýSherwin; Cockenei, Gibson Farms Bull. one year old, E. A. Rose- hart; Bull Caif, C. Barchard; Cioh. i ss a ElvaoTucker oo t, w ekn.n T r no.k n;er M K e & E a s S.1 1, 2 and 3; Pullet, W . R. Bal, vear, Bull Caf, M. W . Conish, Herd Bull and 4 Females, C. Bar- At the Home and School Club M . a d M s. Ccl ale itedat hr hme hre.Mn. Will Davidson, Markham,!Lockhart, Raiph Sadlen; Filly on Reg. Sutton, Gibson Farms. E. A. Rosevear, M. W. Cornish; chard, S. Lockhart, M. W. Staples. executive Meeting heid at the with friensi itnadBle Communion will be administen- visited Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Stark. Gelding, two years: McKee & Ev- Plymouth Rock, White: Hen, Milch Cow, E. A. Rosevear, M. ed at Park St. Church next Sun- Corcin*nCas hî n n 2RîhSde;Fii .Ar os n ,JsM-W. Cornish; Heifen, two years oid, Ayrshlres home of Mn. and Mrs, Cecii Mal- ville. day mmorning.Crrhcat oMK MnK E A.3Rosevears M.aW. Cornish; Bull, H. B. A.Northey;SoMi1candC2wJtivitiesulforHthe newthseasonewerewpletonnwue±hathevStapleheoncBras., Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. hetmuffins 2nd prize was won or Geîdîng, thnee years. ee & Kenzie; Cockereî, J. cKenzîe, iieacya lM .Cr .B te , 2ani3vHife, iss.fite en of C l on Coewh cleraedbyMr. ams agesn.Evans, Norman Scott, Hector A. Ayre & Sons 2 and 3; Puliet efronya ldM.WCr-HB.Nth 12ad;eir, dusd. is etn fCu Ced who cee rate t ei 2 th by M . a meons E e son. 5I st Bow en p n H orses in harness J. M cK enzie, A . A yre & Sons 2 n sh E. A Ro e ar H if r C f, t o y a s o d H. B N r h y 1 a d w ill be W ednesday, O ctober 5th, M . J. . P a c , P m r k , a weddinan nîvs. e sny. ier Wm. 'ier a n secun d 5 firsts at e withenw a n l o elM r n .junir,' E. A. Rosevear; Heifer 2; Heifer, one year old, H. B. with Rev. Dr., Milion of Welcome home. M s ere ad L u and baby are moving to the Wad- verton for his "boss". Bill is cer-n- pbr. Wyandotte, White: Hen, Jas. Bull asndioFmas M. W. Cor - heiianh; Herd Note;Hie af .Bull Ndormmes Exctv-oe haernnn ihhm Bul an 4Femle, M W Ca- tey1 ad ; HrdBul an 4asipeker be prieent and x- Mna aders.Evnct eiam dell farm, Antioch. tainly doing well with the honses General Purpose Horses McKenzie, Reg. Sutton. nihEm.Roeer emism.B.Nrhy end anivitatio sn taanonexi- andf.ia Mn. and Mrs. Westol Stringer, this year. Single Hanse in hanness with New Hampshires: Hen, A. Muir ' ami. y, oronto, witH.B.h hîs par-a iviatontaanon i- ndfa Cowanville, are shortly moving, Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Hillier and vehicie: Ideal Dairy, W. J. Shea, & Sons, Mrs. W. Farrow, J. Mc- Beef Grade Dalry Grade tenested in hearing this wei] ents, Mn.adMr otsBlay into the Prof. C. B. Sissons house.1 Jean and Raymond, Toronto, vis- Norman Scott; Span Horses in Kenzie; Cockenei, Gibson Farms Milch Cow, Newton Taylor, Jas. Milch Cow, S. Lockhart, M.W. known speaker.Ms.Lran Mryan Mrs. Mrs. Robt. Whyte, Pontypool, ited Mrs. D. N. Myles. hanness with vehicle: McKee & 1, 2 ,and 3._______________ Stapies, Milfred E. Shenwmin.' Mrs. Bernard Mitchell and dau- Ogden, Cmbicot ihMs and Mrs. Sam Malley, of No. 9, Mn. and Mns. Frank Dawson Evans, W. J. Shea, Cecil Wilson; English SHEEP Hoskin. were recent visitons with Mr. and and daughters, Misses Elenor and Bs Horse, any age, on rein Sussex: Cock, A. Minto 1, 2 and Le and Mns. HenrySons J.ones with Mn.Mrs Mrs. F. B. Whyte. Doris, Lindsay, spent Sunday fro Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4: T. R. 3; Hen, A. Minto 1, 2 and 3; Cock- Tam aged, W. R. RobbinsN. Son; Ewe, Shearling, J. Balson Z and Mns.C osLnsy Mr. and Mrs. Yeo. Oshawa, vis- with Mn. and Mns. J. Eagleson Hl, McKnight & Whittington, erel, A. Minto 1, 2 and 3; Puliet, RamMr Ed aso, AYTalr;Rm Serl ,W.' R. Sons, F. B. Glaspeil & Son 2 and Ms uryBncPr oe Mr. nd rs.H. ondand . Mnto1, an 3.Rabbins, N. Taylor; Ram Lamb, 3; Ewe Lamb, F. B. Glaspeli & aMihome daughter Noreen, and Miss Marion Carniage Hanses Mediterranean N~T W. R. Robbins 1 and 2, N. Tay- Son, J. Balson & Sons 2 and 3. Mns. ho sknmecyadBh Lauhto spnt undy wth n. Mar an Fol: a n n e Anconas: Cock, H. F a r n o w; CONJ I PMI i I? l ; Ewe, aged, W. R. Robbins 1 Dorset Downs and Cheviots with frindatG dnHi. and Mns. R. Smith.. Hooey, L. Lunn; Foal of 1938-ad2N.Tyo;Ee hrln, Teesa Good Reason Mr.and Mns. Fred Lycett and Lawrence Haoey; Filiy or Geld: Hen, H. Farrow 1 and 2; Cock- BA]bY'S daily niovenients are sanie-W.RRbn1 and 2, N. Taylo; wH.herlnM aaerk.r & Sons, .n and Ms. Wcsto Stninger You'reContpt Douglas, Oshawa, visited hen ma- îng, one year: C. Evans, L. Haaey, ere, H. Farnow. Cok M thing of whîch absolutely accurate ion; Ewe Lamb, W. R. Rabbins i Shearling, A. Ayre & Sons, Mark!Raymond rue ther, Mns. Isaac Winter.R. Sadîer; Fiîîy or Geîding, two LgorsS h it: k .treck must 'be kept. When n 2 . alr.&Sos2an ; amimsMak M.sesngrJoc, ak _________Isac____er years: Cecii Wilson, L. Hooey; nhewin i and 2; Hen, M. Shen- something must be done at once. Con- Cwl and 2,ncons &SonslAy. & Sons2an3;RmL , Mark &hMr.athome WhnteeaamtlgMrs. Henry, Peterboro, is visit- Singe Hanse, in harness 51/½ n W. R. Bail, M. Sherwin; stipation is senlous for baby. Idan icls os ye os ar aa When heres soethin wrog in2 în, le itr r.Fe oa.hnso vrDoadTnyCokeM.Srw; ltM. r.A edo eseOtbs Ram aged, F. B. Glaspeil & Sons; Ewe, aged, Ayre & Sons, Mn. andMsiarneSvr Jwlth You, the frat ela e e sacHry;Snle Hasliaa-:h wnohi asa:"Hvntbdsee hide Son 1 and 2, W. Glaspell & Son; Mark & Sans, Ayre & Sons; Ewe, at Starkilc tecause. If yau are constlpated, Is unHady; SingMenHorseHen, w.r- Sherwin. t-h--.,.- "'---" -, A,,,.. ajr..,.1illuç, don't fIddle araund wth mni es, ne 151,/ hadsu5 D. Tin- Minancas, Blc: eF. . and navuîg used Babys Own Tsoiets Ram, Shriimng, F. B. Glapel Sheanling, Ayr & Sons, Mar & Mr...and~ asn±iiaf shift r medes. Fnd out witl MISS BETTY ROWE ny Pain Hanses in harness: D. Tamblyn 1 and 2. for aIl seven, cari say tbey are the best Son, W. Glaspell & Son 2 and 3- Sans, Ayne & Sons; Ewe Lam~b, land 'Donead Mschs giigyu the t siple l UNION SPEAKER -Tinny, Isaac Hardy. Capons, 1938, any bneed-Gib- an etetrgulator for cbildren - Ram Lamb, F. Giaspeil & Son, 'W: Ayre & Sons, Mark & Sons, Ayre 'Cowan wt n n r.Oie ChancesarON1MONsimpl NfGHT Roadster Herses son Fanms 1, 2 and 3. safe and effective for the tinicst infant.- Glaspell & Son, F. Glaspell&, Sons. Turner,'Cbug ________ Foal:peole o: ON EvansNGH Ducks I give thern up ta 10 years of age. Dur.- Son; Ewe, aged, F. Glaspeil & _______________________________ meat, bread, patatoes. It's Ukely -_-arend__ ' Rouen:Evan, Old ale, W. arrow;in& ethn A...Own Tblets .ereSon 1 and 2, W. Glapeli & Sn J. J. Mellor. ,Nei 2 and 3; Sow, unden 6 and pls;Oid Female, Ayne & Sons i11 ~ ~ m-' aged, F. B. Glaspeli & Son, J.1 r.~xun. INILNt. I i.. 'hi I THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH, 1938 THE CANADIAX STATESMAN, BOWVMANVILLE. ONTARIO DAI-tr XTTIýTL- N laws