PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mm. anti Mrs. A. E. Mellow antiý a-Hill,"~ at the lake, ta their up- sons are visiting relatives at Na-'town property, "Greenfields." panee. A second auction sale o! goodi;' Miss Clama Hetiges, Toronto, anti chattels of Commander A. B. was guest o! hem aunt, Miss Louise Mainwaring, now no longer a resi- Hetiges. tient on the fanm, vas helti bY Miss Eileen Rymal, Toonta,!Bailff T. W. Jackson at "The visiteti at M. anti Mrs. Wallace Anchorage" on Wetinesday after- Homes'. naan. Miss Buti Rowtien, Port Hope, Mn. Austin White, Base Line, visiteti Mms. Al!. Garoti anti Mrs. wbvo bati bis leg buoken last sum- H. Bremetan. mer anti xas in Bowrnanville Mrs. Walter Cobbletiick, 01rona0 Hospital fan several wveeks, was was a weekenti guest of M. anti able ta get about the bouse a bit Mms. J. A. Awtie. on cutches last week for the first Dr. W. H. Waltan-Ball, accom- tmeý since bis accident. panieti by Mm. anti Mes. Chas. Suntiay visitars with; Miss Ma- Donkin, Toronto, spent the week- bel Foster, R.N., "Longwooti" enti at "Harris Lotige." were lier cousin, Miss Etina Fos- Miss Rena Thomas, postal clerk, ter, RN., anti frienti, anti Mr. anti has been on a two weeks' vaca- Mrs. Robson, Toronto. Mrs. Rab-v tion anti Mrs. Gea. Jarnieson bas son was formerly a nurse at the ' been assisting the Postmastdir in Christie St. Hospital, Toronto. e ber absence. Newcastle public sebool teach-e A number o! Newcastle !olkcrs, Principal T. A. Rotiger, Missc went ta Bowmanville last week ta Hattie Mason anti Miss Norma s attend the picture show at the! Orchard, are attentiing the teach- f Royal Theatre anti see Raymont i ers' convention, for Col. E. E. Sni- Massey in The Hurricane. tier's Inspectorate, in Toronto on f Mm. anti Mrs. C. S. Horrocks Thurstiay anti Fritiay of this week. le anti taugbters moveti last week Mn. W. Van Dusen anti family0 frai their summer borne, "Haîf- have moveti into the Buckley c _______________________ ouse at Newcastle -on -the -Lake. t Mm. anti Mrs. Fred Burley, new el owner of the former Hunter ri home, are having tbe roof of thed ir' ouse raiseti anti other alterations fe GIF-T~S matie.n The High Seboal will bolti its t( <W7 I/ '? annual Fielti Day this Fritiay af- Ic In SI3 L V E ternoan, Oct. 7, in the community park. Bath the boys anti the girls c BONBONDISES are being arganizeti in contentiingC BON BONDISHES groups anti , an interesting pro- f Each ........ $1.00 gram is assureti. The public arep BRED TAYScordially invitedt t attend at 1.30a At $ 1 .$I.25-$ 1 .50 Dr. anti Mes. Dickson bave mov- e eti fom Mr. Hudson Stowe's cot-T CAKE PLATES tage at Newcastle -on -the -Lake in- t U ads from $ 1.50 t o M. Gea. C. Wrigbt's bouse onp pw rsthe west bill. Mm. Wright antid ROGERS CREAM, SUGAR ýDouglas continue ta accupy partu AND TRAYijoa the bouse anti wamk the pro- AND TRAYi erty. Dm. Dicksan cames tiown Set.......... $2.50, from Toronto every weekeni. S Mm. anti Mms. A. W. Glenney c CANDLE STICK moveti last week into the J. Scott c HOLDERS Montgomery bouse, the remotiel-B Prie..... $ .5 ing and redecorating of whicb byj _______just peviously campleteti. Miss a ,Mari aie Clemence, Shaw's, wasC We cordially invite yo tiown helping ber sister, Mrs. I come in and look a ou Glenney, move frai the Gea.C coneinan lokarnn.Wright bouse. . c( You are under no obligat- Mrs. Thos. Brown bas Mm. Fer- ion to buy. cy Brown making soie altera- tians anti tiing soie renavating ao the former Mrs. R. Parkery AD lh1ouse on the West Hill for whicb i bh as tradeti ber fanm just out- t M A RR'S itie the west boundamy o! the vil- t lage ta Mm. A. O. Parker who bas& JEWELRY been renting it in the past antif Phone 463-- Bowmanville bis awn praperty.C The Men's Club resurneti their egular meetings in St. George's b - tr .-t '~Allin's Grocery Pork & Beans Aylmer 8 1/2 -OZ- . « Sc 16-oz. - 2 for 15c 2 1-oz. - 3 for 25e 29-oz. - 2 for 25e Crown Brand Corn Syrup .... 2 Ibs. 19c - 5 lbs. Quker Spaghetti and Macaroni ...... pkg. Red Rock, hand packed Tomatoes, large tin .......... 3 for Aylmer Smveet Corn ...................... 3 tins Canned Pumpkin ........ 3 tins f or 42c 15c 25e 25e 25c HARRY ALLIN GROCER Phones 367-368 Bownianville ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES from Bowmanville - To - OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $5.10 $7.30 $11.30 Ste. Anne de Beaupre - $11.90 First train from Bowmanville 10.14 p.m., Oct. 14 Return Limit Oct. 17th Tickets flot good on 3.00 p.m. trains from Ottawa and Montreal TO THE MARITIMES, OCTOBER 13TH Ail Canadian Pacifia Stations in New Brunswick Ail Dominion Atlantic Ry. Stations in Nova Scotia Return Limit Leave Nova Scotia points not later than Oct. l9th Leave New Brunswick points not later than Oct. l8th Not Good on Train Leaving Montreal 3.00 p.m. Fit~lJ partivulars and Ilaifflbuili froîn aîiy Agenît. POOL TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL Pamish Hall Sept. 27th, untier theC dru presidency of Tom Spencer Jr. CaIu Owing ta the faet that bath the J. Anderson Smith Ca. factory Mr. and Mrs. Lea Badenu, Bal- anti the Carl Weyrich factomy are som Lake, are visiting Mms. W. H. womking nights as wvell as tiays Fallis. the attendance was rather small. M\(iss Leah MeQuatie has secur- It was tiecideti however ta halti ed a position in Lindsay. a Five Huatired pamty on Tuesday Mr. anti Mrs. Isaac Whitfielti cvening, Oct. Il. visiteti their daughtem, Mrs. Jack Hamvest Home Services will be Gibson, at Cobourg. helti in St. George's Church next Mm. Morland Anderson ha s Suntiay, October 9th. Rev. C. R. bought the Wm. Henry farm Spencer, A., St. John's Chumch, sofuthwest of Blackstock. Boxmnille, will pmeach at il Mr. W. B. Ferguson attendeti arn.. and the reetor, Rev. D. R. Bobcaygeon Faim on Saturday. Dcwtiney xvill preach at 7 p.m. Mrs. Chas. Gibson has been vis- The churcb will be prafusely dec- iting hem sister in Lindsay. orateti for the occasion with an The recent frosts have playeti a bLndance of naturc's produets havoc with the beautiful dahlias gatheretd from garden, orchard, at Dahlia Del. fair anti woodland. __________ The first meeting of St. George's Young Peop1e's Association was helti on Monday evening in the Starkville Parish Hall. Rev. D. R. Dewtiney____ was chairman anti outlined the The recent frosts have causeti basis on whicb the organization the trees af the wootiland ta ±akc will be conducteti. It was planieti on their autumn garb anti are that the young people will nmeet loo.king very picturesque. every first anti thirti Monday ev- Miss Alice B. HalIowell has me- ening of each month. The Asso- turnedti t Toronto. ciation is looking forward ta a Mrs. Wm. Henry, Sixth Line, successful year anti pmomising visiteti at Mr. Wm. Hallowell's. future. Mr. W. Barclay, Toronto, visiteti Mr. Fred Grahami has solti his Mr. Jacob Hallawell who is up fine crop of apples ta Messrs. Wal- after being confinedti t his beti lace anti Herbert Gibsan. The bulk for some time. of! the apples are being taken into Mm. anti Mrs. Warren Carson colti storage at Trenton. A huge anti family visiteti frientis at Fer- tractor truck camnes into the or- rytown. cbarti anti carnies away 130 bar- Mms. Silver anti Mrs. B. Tmim rels in one loati. This is vastly matie a business trip ta Oshawa. uiffement from the time wben a It was reporteti Mr. Lamne Pay- farmer or his man woulti have ta tien hati purchaseti same landi iuake six trips with a wagon anti from Mr. Frank Gilmer. We have team ta convey as many apples leamneti from Mm. Gilmer that it t0 the railway station. is not correct. Rev. R. E. Morton conducteti communion service in the United Mm. Meadows' present ambitions Church Suntiay morning for the in regard ta public service are but first time since his induction as athers have founti the work of a pastom of the church. There was sehool trustee of educational value large congregato nt h get t temselves anti the office a -najority of those present memain- gooti stepping stone ta higher id ta partake of the sacrament. things. The Elders were ahl in their place __________ :a assist in taking the tokens anti passing the elements except El- HIGH SCHOOL STAFF d1er Fred Fligg wba is pbysically AND STUDENTS SPEND unable ta leave his home. DAY IN TORONTO Young Peaple's Union met on Msonday evening in the Suntiay Stutients of the high sehool, un- school. The prograi was in dem the guitiance of Principal J. charge of Miss Reta Flintoif, anti A. Coombs anti Miss Margaret consisteti of scriptume reading by Santierson, saw much anti learn- Bessie Blackburn, reatiings by eti much on their educational trip Jack Hommes anti Bill Rowlandi, ta Toronto Friday. It was a day . current events by Alex Hendry, well anti profitably spent. What and musical selections by Charlie tbey observeti anti hearti t the Clemence anti Bert Jarvis. Mm. Royal Ontario Museum anti at the' Hloward Glenney spake on "Symn- Star Builtiing, home o!f the To- patby.' A pemioti o! games anti monta Daily Star anti the Weekly contests was contiacteti by Char- Star, wîll tioubtless remain fuxeti lie Clemence. in their memory anti enable them Mrs. J. A. Broatibent o! Leedis, ta more clearly understanti many Y'orkshire, Englanti, wbo is visit- of the things they reati about in ng hem son, Mn. Henry Cutler o! their school books andti t grasp the J. Antierson Smith Ca. fac- more reatiily the lectures of their amry, took the bus ta Toronto Fmi- teachers an certain subjeets. lay ta visit sanie former Leetis Thase taking cars for the trip frientis, Mr. anti Mrs. Hall. This were: Messrs. Irwin Colwill, Tra- s Mrs. Broatibent's first visit ta cy Mains, Gardon Ash, Welling- Canadia anti she is greatly taken ton Farrow, Mm. Pooley of the with the country. It is much more Thirti Line, Principal J. A. beautiful arounti here anti in the Coornbs, Mrs. Ross Dickinson, anti [istrict between here anti Mon- Mm. Brenton Riekard wbo tirove treal wvhere hem boat tiocketi than Mr. H. C. Bonathan's car. Most bhe hati imagineti. She thinks the o! the stutients took their noan fruit ta be hati in Newcastle is lunch with theni anti ate it in the wodruthe big juicy pears for tea roam o! the Museum, but a intnefu etipfo Mn few dineti with relatives in the- real by raiîway in campany with city. Mr. anti Mrs. Cutler was a mast elight!ul one, being matie in the DEANERY MEETING AT aytirne, anti because of big, lux- ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH nrous anti corn!artable coaches. _____c \Is. Broatibent expeets ta retura Members o! the Women's Aux- 8 ibout Octaber 21. iliaries of the Deanery-of Nom- p. Trail Rangers Ehect Offleers Newcastle Trail Rangers Camp helti its opening faîl meeting in the kitchen o! the community hall Sept. 27th. The usual course a! opening exencises was followed anti the officers for the teri were electeti as fallows: Chie! - Haroldi Hoan; Sub-Chief - Roy Murray; Tally - Donald Jase; Cash - Frank Hoar; Sengeant Major - Sam Bre- etan. It was decidedti t holti camp at 8 oclack Tuestiay even- ings except on the first Tuestiay a! each month when the Masons have tbe kitchen. The fimst meet- ing in each month will themefare be helti an Montiay evening. John (Tex) Riekarti, Mentor, conduet- eti the meeting anti Rev. R. E. Morton was present ta leati in the tievotional peioti. Sixteen Ran- gens were present, an encoumaging numben ta begin with. United Church Ladies Hold Bazaar W. A. o! the Unitedi Church belti a successful bazaan anti tea in the S. S. hall on Fitiay afternoan. The hall was profusely tiecoateti with bouquets o! late glatiioli, dahlias, asters, helenium, zinnias anti other autumn flowers. The five groups were eacb respansible for one tiepatient. Mes. R. T. Rutherforti anti ber goup con- ducteti the tea oom wheme Mrs. R. E. Morton poureti tea on caf- !ee at the central table. Mms. A. W. Glenney's group hati charge o! the home matie cooking anti gar- tien pruducts booth; Mrs. Memk- ley Clark's, o! the rummage sale; Mms. Perey Brown's, o! the mis- cellaneous tiepatment, anti Mrs. W. J. S. Rickarti's o! the apron, towel anti hantikerchief couniter. Pnactically everything was solti by 6 oclock. Proceetis were over $70, enough ta pay for the cast a! rernotelling anti renovating the kitchen. At least six men were present fan tea. GEORGE NIEADOWS RESIGNS *BOARD 0F EDUCATION pAt the Boarti o! Etication imeeting Montiay evening, George iMeatiows, chairman a! Property Cornmittec, tondereti bis esigna- tian as a member o! the Boardi, ta take affect at the close o! the meeting.* The members regret- fuily accepteti it in view o! Mn. Meatiows evitient desire ta be e- lieveti o! these duties. Mr. Mca- tiows bas been chairman o! the Boartis pmperty cammittee since Feb. 1935, anti bas been most en- ergetie in the fulfilîment o! bis duties. Colleagues with bur on the cornmittee since 1934 have been Inwin Colwill anti R. B. Le- Gresley. It is not known what thuberant an Drham ant the Clergy of the Deanery as- sembleti in Newcastle on Tuesday, October 4th. Ail joinet i n divine worship in St. George's Church, Newcastle, at il arn. anti patook of Compamate Communion. Rev. C. R. Spencer and other clergy- men were dinner guests of Rev. D. R. and Mms. Dewdney at the Rectomy. Most of the ladies, 146 in number, brought their noon lunch and ate it in a social at- mospheme in the Parish Hall. While the women's meeting was being helti in the afternoon un- dem the presidency of Mms. W. B. Jennings of Part Hope, wife of Rev. W. B. Jennings, the clergy of the Deanery were in session at the same time in the vestmy. At 5 o'clock the ladies of St. George's serveti tea in the base- ment of the parish hall toalal the ministers and members of Wo- men's Auxiliaries in attentiance. The church had been beautiful- ly decorateti for Sunday, Oct. 2, prior ta the Deanemy M.eeting by Mms. Matthew Brown andi Miss Dora Martin andi fresh flowems were put in for Tuestiay. Readings MRS. BRANTON, OSHAWA, will be ia Bowmanvihle, on Fritiay, Oct l4th. For appoiatmcent phonie 574. 40-2 For Sale FOR SALE - SOFT WOOD IN stove lengths; also standing tim- ber ini lots. Austini Larmer, Burketon. Phone, Port Pemry 193r23. 40-1* FýOR SALE-CEMENT BLOCKS, plains or rock face; alsa cernent brick. A. C. Coak, 264 Frenîch St., Oshawa. 40-2* F-OR S.\LE-STORE FIXTURES, radia. electric hiair'drycr. shanîpoo boardi.narcellig chair.,hbalance af tait-iumfnishings heing sacrificect at hargai prices ta clear itîîmcd- iateîv. Macs Shîap, Cowan 13lock. 40-1 * C. \V. SOUCIIHAI.S . CA Plet onttfit. litter carrie r atid trackîtîg Pliotie 2564. 40-2 Livestock For Sale COLTS FOR SALE - CLYDES- tiale colts, anc yearling. hPhone FOR SALE - 2 CLYDE COLTS foitr tnontts anti two tîîotths. Ap- ly Mr. 'Morris c/o Elliott's Gar- age. Ncwtonville. 40-1 FOR SALE - A CHOICE IPURE- liretI Hereford btill abont 6 inonths (Id ..\pplv Neil Raîney, Orono. 40-1 A at ci ar One cent a word cash, each 1 insertion (minimum c h a r g e 25c). Charge of 25c extra is tmadie when advertisement is flot paid same week as insertion. Extra charge of 10c when re- Plies are tiircctcd to a Statcsman box numbcr. Births. tieaths and marriages 5Oc each. In Memor- iams. 5Oc for notice plus 10c vcr line for verse. Classifieti advertisements accepted UP tuntil 6 p.m. Wetinesday. BIRTH HE'TZ -.\t Fairvtcw, Pa., October 2nd,1 1938, ta '.\r. anti Mrs. Clif- fard Hetz (nec Stella Mac Lanmb) a son, Dennis Garth. DEATHS \DA\IS - In Oshawa, Tuesday, Oct. 4th, 1938, WVilliam Adams, beloved hntsband of Kathleen Inzlc. father of Mrs. M1. R. Clarke anti Gordon Adams. Osh- awa, ini bis 66th year. Funeral from the home of his daughtcr, Mrs. Clarke, 149 Agnes St., Osh- awa. Thursday, Oct. 6th at 3 p. Interînent Mount Lawn Cemetcry. Private service. ASHTON - At Lot 7, Con. 6, East Whitby. on Octobcr 2, 1938, Robt. A\shton. beloveti husband of Geor- gâna Nd4ice KivelI, in his 83rd vear. laternicat in Groveside Cernterv. BR.\DBURN - Sudtienly in Cart- ivrighit Township, October 4, 1938, Davidi Wesley, beloveti husband of Mary E. Bradburn, ini his 71st vear. DAVIDSON - At Ontario Hos- pital, Toronto, Sept. 28, Margaret Isabelle Davitison, daughter of Mr. WValter Davitison, age 20 x-cars. Burict ini Bowmiffiville Ceinete mv. JONE'S - At Port Hope Hospital, Sept. 27th, 1938, William Jones, belovet ihusbanti af Mary Janet MecGregzor, in his 83rd year. Inter- ment Newtonville Cemnetery. NIERCER - In Kential. Oct. 4th, 1938, George Mercer, in his 85th %-car. Father of Nir. C. G. Mercer, M.P.P. The funeral will bc helti froin the Unitedi Church, Kendal, on Thumstiay. Oct. 6th. Service at 2 o'clock. Interment in Orono Ceineterv. SAMIIS- At the home of her niece, Mrs. john Foulkes, 26 Altiwvch Ave.. Toronto, Sept. SOth, Eliza- beth Samis (fommerly of Omono), ageti 87 vears. Intermient Orono Cemeterv. COMING EVENTS The ladies ai St. Atudrcw's Chîurch arc havitîg a bazaar otn Thursday, )ec. lst. Remetnber the date. 40-1 Ziou Roast Chiieken Supiier, Wed., )ctoher l9th. at 5 p.î. ; dramna at 8o'clock ".Nlathuer's Momntts' byl Albert St. Dratîîattc Clubi, Oshawa. Adtmissiotn 50c anti 25c. 40-1 Utîter atspices ai CAV.L. ai St. noseph's Church cuchre wîll bc helti .t Nirs. Rager Bird's, Friday, Oct. 4th at 8 pmi. Gooti prizes. Every- adcv welcome. 40-1 A't the homtîe of Mrs. L. T. Nic- ..aughhitî. otn October 2-8t1î. the ,Votnen's .\xiliary ai St. Anircw's Church arc hîavitîg atn altemnooti tea and sale ai home cookitîg. 40-1 CARDS 0F THANkS Mr. anti \rs. Albert J. Balsan atnd fainily wish ta Lake this oppor- tunitv ai thatîking their many Iri- cetis for kintinesses shown during the illness ai Mfr. Balson. Auction Sale Wcedne.stiay. Oct. 12th, M.\rs. C. E. Varnum. North Hali Lot 26, Caon. 7, Darlington. having solti hem farm, will sdI lltantity oif useful impIe- tnetîts. tools anti Iouseholti cffects. Sec bills for list. Terins cash. Sale at 1 p.tîî. Elinçr XVilbur, Auctioncer. 40-1 To Rent FORZ RENT - TWO L ARG E raoms. MIrs. A. Brown, Argylel St. Phiotie 850. 40-1 TO RENT-6-ROOMED HOUSEý with aIl catîvetîtetcesatn Coliccss- iotn St.. garage anti snall gartien. Possessiotn Nov. lst. Chas. Heal. Phione 2022. 40-t TO RENT - ONE 6-ROOMNED hanse an Ontario St. with con- venietices atid garage. Possessiatn at otnce: ancetduplex on ground floor. 6 roarnu an Churclb St., be- ing reinoticleti with hardwood floors anti redecaratedti lroughout, possessiotn Nov. Ist or soatier if reqttire<l. Photne 389. 40-tf FOR RENT - HIOUSE ON SCU- ga'g Street, gooti gartien, daotble garagze .Apply Gea. MeMuftllei, \Vu l il1 gt(anSt.. BoI vuativi le. 40-1 FOR RENT- 4-IZOOM HIOUSE on h)îkv St.. water, lighits atnd gaag. ccupiatiti at otnce ...5tply tu , lione 379. 40-1 * TO RENT- 7-ROO'M 1101:E 5 muiles, frotîîBowmanville ,with .3 acre.,ofai srayed orcharti, will selI atîles clîeap for (juîck sale. MI. L. (letîîens. Bowvmanville, R. R. (),1'hoiie 2436. 40-t f ----Beauty Culture__ CURI.S FOR TIIANKSGIVING at Iris Beauty 1'arluur. Phone 2601.. Shiatnpoo anti Fitîgerwavc, 50c;:IHot ail treataîct tanti linger- wave. 25c. 40-1* Real Estate For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE-7-ROOM- cdl soliti brick house on Welling- ton St.. hamdwood floors through- ont. elcctric lightcti, 3-picce bath, gooti cellar with cenent I loor, stone foundation, single garage; also brick bungalow, 6-roorns, on Church St.. complete in evcry way-, sing-le garage. Bath will be solti at real bargains. T. H. Knight, Bowvnanville. Phone 565 or 768. 40-2 FOR SALE - FOR CASH IN ortier to close estates: Two brick houses in the Town of Bowman- ville. Apply ta M. G. V. Goulti, Barrister. Bowmanvillc. 40-2* FOR SA\LE - 7-ROOMi\ HOUSE, aIl canveniences, garage, stable, chicken house, 3 acres of choice zartien soil . Apply Mrs. G. . Gillesp)ie. Phone 580. 40-1 FOR SALE - HOUSE FORMER- ly occupieti by Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Beecli Ave., Bowmanville. Apply W. N. Tillcy, 80 King St., West, Toronto. 39-2 Hielp Wanted HELP \VANTED - 'MALE - Amibitious retail route mnan want- cd ta supplv regular customers in Bowvtnanvillc. Ont. with Famous Watkins Products. Wcekly pro- fits average $-2250 at start. Credit furnisheti right party. Apply prarnptly City Sales Dept., 2177 Masson Str., Montreal. 40-3 Farm Wanted FAR'M WANTED - I HAVE A customner for a farm of about 100 or 125 acres with -gooti buildings. If you have a farm ta seil sec T. H. Knight. Phone 565 or 768, Bowmanville. 40-2 Wanted WANTED - A GOOD YOUNG single horse about 7 or 8 years aId, of mediiunm size. Paul Haynal, (M1aple Grave). Bowmanville R. R. 3. 39-2* M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - \Ve specialize in machinerv repairs. general gar- age repairs, welding, towinz ser- vice. J. L. Demerling. Proprietor, D)ressmaking DRESS'MAKING - 'MRS. FLOR- rie Roberts. Ladies' tailor anti dressmaker would work ont or at home. Dresses froin $2.50 Up. Suits or coats at reasonable prices. George St.. Bowmanville. 40-4 Notice to Creditors R.S.O. 1937 Chai). 165, Sec. 51 Estate of Samuel Jacks Farmer, Deceaseti. AIl persans having dlaims against the Estatc af Samuel Jacks, late ai the Township of Darlington, in the Caunty af Durham, Farmer, De- ceaseti. who (lied on or about the 21st <av of July. 1938, arc hercby tioti fieti to file with the uintlersignleti on or before the 27th day of Oct- aber. 1938, futll particulars ai their clainis. lintiidiatelv alter said date, the assets oi the Deccased will lie distrihuted i anangst those entitleti thercta. having regard only ta dlainis so fileti. Dateti at Oshawa, the 6th day ai October. 1938. Charles \Vhincy- Lang anti Coma Nareen Lang, Executars Estate ai Samnuel Jacks, Deceaseti. by their solicitors. Griersati. Crcighton & Fraser. Canadian Banik ai Cani- inerce Chambers, Oshawa, Outarica. 40-3 Dancing Instruction Beth \ýVeytns Studio, Masoie Temple, Oshawa. Fridays 3 - 7; Satinrda.vs 9 - 5; Special fees out of tawn pupils ; expert tuitioti; lat- est New York dances, aIl types; chihtirct. atinîts ; classes, Prtvate; flIter: 31 Breatialbane, Toronto. 40-1* PERSONAL of e a 30, 40, 50, want vii, Mevigor, for rutîtown body? Trv OSTREX Tablets ai raw ayster stimîulatnts anti getieral body bîuilders. If nat delighteti witb results ai first package. maker refuntis its Iaw price. Caîl, write jury & LovehI, anti aIl other gooti drUggists. 40-tf A CAN.\DIAN FIR'M VANT metn ta seI direct ta cansuiers itn their district. Autîtîn is a big sales seasati for aur 200 guiar- atîtec ettccessittes. Free pratiîcts tnanthîlv. Liberal commhission. No risk. Your apportmtnitv ta tic nip with aonc ai the Leaders in the Door ta Door fieldi. Leara îvhat Fatîîihcx bas ta aller you. Write at once witbout obligationti t 570 St. Clement. 'Montreal. 40-1 Furniture Sale Private Sale of Furniture comn- prising diningrooni suite, occasional chiairs. oneC bedroom suite, Pictures. mîirrors. djiningroom mrg and scat- tcr rtugs, etc. Mrs. C. A. Cawker, L-owe St., Bowmianville. 40-1 THE ANNUAL MEETING ,of DURHAM OOUNTY Tem perance Federation will take place in ORONO TOWN HALL on Friday Evenlng oct. I 4th at 8 p.m. THE REV. W. E. MILLSON P a st or of Weleomne United Chureh, wvilI address the meet- ing. Special .musical numbers have been provlded. The pub- lie are eordially invited to at- tend. LADIESP EVENING DRESSES The party season has already begun. You wiIl be really smartly dressed in one of dur lovely velvet evening dresses. We have selected six from our large stock and will seli these, re- gularly sold at $18,50, as a special inducement at only $9,950 A 1 NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS JUST ARRIVED $9.95 to $50.00 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 834 LTD. Bowmanville Auction Sale At- ELMONT PAR MS One Mfile West of Hampton, Ontario FRIDAY, -OCTOBER 21 st 25 Registered Shorthorn Cattie 20 Yorkshire Pigs (about 1 00 Ibs. each) Sale to Start at 1 p.m. sharp JAS. HOGARTH, ELMER WILBUR, Clerk. Auctioneer. Smiles In Chuekies1 FOR THANKSGIVING DAY Chocolates Specially Wrapped 1/2 - 1 - 21b. 50C lb. The Perfect Thanksgiiving Gift for the Family 25c Listerine Tooth Paste - - - 2 for 26c 39e Palmolive Shaving Crea.m with Wardonia Razor -- ----49c Colgate 's Shaving Cream and Lotion - - - - - 36c Two Princess Soap Flakes and Big Bath Soap - 27c HOT WATER BOTTLES Regular Size 33c LADY DAINTY Cleansing Tissue 500 - 27c Original Rexail ONE CENT SALE OCTOBER 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - Don't Miss It! - iYQW/ AMAZ/NG NEW D CNEFOR ORNMA DRY HAIU j& ý OR OILY1 & 9 9C Phone 778 WE DELIVER Bowmanville When We Test Eyes It Io Done Properly 1: -1,. Jury & Loveil .Di;;Ï lu me IJREA 'a e_ SE WANýT ADS Àam.- - qýý i THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TI-1, 1938 PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO