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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1938, p. 3

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s '-. - -,~,- ~-. - ~ * -, -.'.-' ~ 'v -, ~ -~-~* i - y' 7"~ TI RS A , C-B R 6T-1-8T--AN DA--AT S AN------L , N AR OPA E TI E Y OUR WORLD AND MINE (Copyright) By John C. Kirkwood Which is better - to hoard mon- were able to give him business. ey, or to use lit for self-growth, But this man's home life, utterly or to acquire things which con- neglected, became tragic. He di- tribute to one's happiness or con- vorced bis wife, and became de- tentment or value; or to invest in tacbed from his children. His seif-education, or in ones chil- children grew up to be wayward. dren, or in the making of a true They had no good example in home? ýtheir father, and were left undis- This question lis an important ýciplined. It was not to be won- one, and calîs for an answer from dered at that the sons went astraY. evervone to whom it is addressed. This man was supcrannuated For there are many men in this at age 50 or so, with a good pen- world wbo are hoarders, and, sion; but bis past years had not there are many who are investors been used to give hlim happiness in things related to the spirit ra- or pleasant employment in his ther than to money. Many men - years of leisure. Removed from far too many - believe that the his business and his old a'ssociates,c true measure of a life is the l this man began drinking beavily, hmount of money which a manl and flot long ago he died from al- accumulates. To accumulate a coholism - before he had reacbed minimum of $100,000 is and bas 'his 6th year. A dismal ending of been the ambition of many men. the life of a man who had ability One of these men I knew well. to earn $75000 a year.t He is dead now - died about age J C K 55. He left a trust fund of $150,- 1 knew years ago two men, each 000 for the maintenance of his of whom was a retired farmer.* wife and some others. His wife TIey bad prospered as farmers, was mucb younger than himself, and then became money-lenders and was the daughter of a rich in their respective communities. man. She was flughty. She had Their aim in life was to die rich. control of the trust fund, and in Tbey succeeded in their aum, but the course of a few years had dis- at a great price. They bad for- sipated the whole of it, and in so feited the esteem of aIl who knew doing broke the law. tbem, because they became hard Her husband was an unbappy men. Tbey had not the affection man. He bad many fine qualities, of their cbildren. They gave their1 but above ail tbings else was bis cbildren little in the way of edu-1 purpose to make a fortune. He cation and other amenities. Tbeyj started witbout a dollar. He did were not good neighbours to any.1 not have much of a school edu- Their homes were not places oft cation. But be had fine ability - hospitality. Eacb died wortb $100,-E was even idealistic. His passion 000 or more, and wben they diedc was for perfection. He was a there was rejoicing rather thanr difficuit man to work for. He was sorrow, for ail wbo knew tbem1 not deeply in love witb bis young seemed to be glad that two mens wife. He married ber because who dealt harsbly with their deb- she was attractive - because she tors and wbo were not good citi-è pleased bim aesthetically. But he zens bad passed from life. i had flot very much time to give There is another man whom I ber. His main time was given to know wbo is bent on acquieinga bis business. He was determined $100,000. Perbaps be bas already ' to make a great success of bis accumulated tbis sum. But be basS business, and be did so. His home always been a mean man. Hea life was flot very contenting. He doesn't know the meaning of gen-a and bis wife drifted apart. And erosity. He is a bard worker, buth wben be died, bis wife set otut to everybody knows bim to be t1 bave ber fling. Because sbe was "close". He bas neyer spent mucb false to ber trust, the law bad to on bis family or home. One son take its course in regard to ber grew up a lazy bout, and got into ft offense. 'difficulties of sorts, and bas badM J c K dîfficulty in keeping eut of gaol.E Anotber man well known to He bad no respect for bis fatber, r me died a few montbs ago, îeav- for bis father bad not been -mucb Pl ing $ 100,000 - mucb less' tban interested in bis son. a those wbo knew bim well tbougbt J C K bis fortune would be, seeing tbat Infinitely better than building bis income some years exceeded up a fortune of $100,000 or more - $75,000. I became acquainted witb just for tbe dubious bappiness of f tbis man when be was about 30 baving. a large bank account or a P years old. He bad tben a fine safety deposit box jammed with i position. Twenty or 50 years lat- stock and sbare certificates - is -l er I met bim and asked bim about using money as lit is earned for a bis sons. Tbis fatber spoke of present joys - tbe joys of giving a them venemousiy. He said that cbildren a good education; a var-0 he did not want to, talk about iety of enlarging and contentinga tbem at alI - that tbey bad gone experiences of belpful sort; of to the devil, and tbat be didn't having a good bome; of adding to -: care wbat became of tbem. the number of fine friends; of Z This outburst shocked me.Pr contributing generously to tbe e baps, bowever, I sbeuld not bave welfare of otbers. been surprised, for tbis father, for One of the silly tbings men do years and years, rarely spent an li working bard to accumulateE evening in bis own home. His money in order that, wben tbey f evenings were spent witb croniesý are dead, they will bave a large ti and always a good deal of drink- estate. Tbey keep secret the i ing was done. These evenings amoun t of tbeir wealtb ail tbeir P spent with men friends contri- 1 ife. Not until tbey are dead does Sc buted to this man's worldly suc- the world learn of the amount of si cess, for the men wbom bhe met their accumulations. Tbey starve ________________________their souls in life in order to build Ca up a fortune, and tbey deny to t tbeir wives and ciidren tbe tbungs so 4 ) due them.M FT RLet it not be thougbt that I am g1 A FTER 40. belittling the practice of tbrift. t] ... your kidneys tend to slow up. If It is absolutely essential that a h these blood filters becomne inflamed, ex- man shaîl store up money for bis W cess acid stays in the systemn. Needie own old age and for the support pointed acid crystals lodge in joints and of tbose wbo continue to, be de- r miuscles setting up irritation and rheu- pendent on bim. But saving for s matic pains. Take Gin Pis te stimnulate the needs of the wageless years kidneys and 4- Dromot relief. toward the end of man's life and W boarding in order tbat one may M die "wortb" $ 100,000 are not the lf same tbing. Hoarding accompan- ci ied by parsimony - by denying to i wife and cbildren wbat is due Err them - is despicable. The boarder E starves his own soul and mind, mt and withlds from bis family sA Twbat is their due. A P IL LSDe e right way to live is to use. ht ment, and for giving to, others, th( especially those dependet n s what can and will enlarge tbem. M 'And if one has cildren, then one ha "Prove their mera througn their use." sheuld give himself generously to a them - sbould spend mucb time "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" BAUR 0F 'MONTREAL EUaTABLIHED 1JI7 Bownxanville Branch F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager -'A PERONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT FOR YOU"-Ashfer bokhtarlwafcb jor Iste rel sp' on pei with them, shouid give them both a good example and good coun- sel - should implant bis mind in them. Ail the care and affection and instruction which a parent can give his children wiIl return te him in bater years in the ferm of their affection and regard and pride. . JC K Most of us cannot ever hope te accumulate $100,000 or even $25,- 000, in the course of this life. Yet everyone of us can live richly frem day te day and can give te our children the kind o! riches wbicb nething can take frem tbem. Even theugb our income may neyer exceed $100 a month,' it is possible for us te have ricb experiences and warm friendships and the esteem ef all who know us; and we can assure te our chul- dren a kind of wealth incompar- ably better than money. When you read in the news- papers the figures of the estates left by those known te you. ask yourself this question: What was withheld by these men in life from those for whese welfare they were responsibie? Was the fortune ac- cumulated built up by denying te wife and children the things which they should have bad day by day? ROTARYCLUB <ContInued from Page 1) b>' Thomas CalHyle in the British bouse o! Commons wben be pointed te the press galber>' dur- ing a debate and stated, "There is there in the press galber>' a fourtb estate and it is migbtier than the ether three states in tbe realm", meaning tbe King, Lords and bouse o! Commons. The name stuck. Newspapers in these days renîl>' did net transmit news as we know it toda>'. Rather the>' were chan- neis for the expression of views and served that purpose weil. When we read old copies o! The Statesman, back 70 and 80 years ago, we find fearless opinions on ahl manner o! subjects, printed in language that is beautifully writ- ten, but teda>' would have brought a libel suit on our beads. News did net travel fast. It was four days after the Battle of Waterloo that the news reached England and 16 days before the result o! Trafalgar appeared in print. Compare that witb teda>' and marvel at the advancement. Fast Transmission of News Now, smeone suggests a con- ference o! the four leading Euro-' pean powers and beboid the news s in aimost ever>' daiiy paper in the world within an heur. The advancement in news travelling agencies bas, I believe, been' one of the main factors in preventing aworld war at the present time. O! what use would Engiand's display o! navy and army mobili- zation, the event whlicb is believ- ed te have brougbt Hitler te bis senses, bave been in those days? Enough of bistor>' and advances, let us come dloser te home for a few moments. Some o! you mn>' wonder at times why people turn te Journal- ism as a profession. Oic1 news- paper men were deep thinking souls, many o! them able te wiebd 'itriolie pens in defence o! their causes, and in these days mest e! themr had causes. The>' cared net eo mucb for publishing up-te-the- minute news. The>' felt the>' were gifted of God te do semething for the good e! mankind, and tbeir profession toek first place over eome and wife and famil>'. The>' were imbued with the spirit e! ýrusaders and cared net for bard- iips. Young men turn te newspaper 'ork toda>' because o! its ro- nance and tbgill. A reperter's ife is one of variet>' witb new and :en an event permeated witb ex- îtement and action. Even in naîl newspapers this is true. ývr>' day something is bappen- ng somewhere te change the tandardization o! routine living. n accident, a drowning, a fire, a nurder, those corne under the iading o! catastrophe, tragedy te e victims and their kin!elk, but o the alert reporter peak me- nenta in bis career. Iow he (ndles himself on occasions such sthese determines bis future ns ither an exceptienal>' goeo d 'wsbawk or a decidedi>' poor ne. Reporters live for tbose me- ienta, and between write dul tries o! obituaries and weddings, ýprt scores o! uninteresting ceches and meetings just te be riband wben that big event bap- ns. Reporters CaIled Hard Hearted Some tbînk reporters are bard hearted wben we are called te accidents and find semeone killed, but register littie serrew, but the>' fail te realize the viewpeint o! the reporter. An accident is of littie use te a modemn dail>' news- paper unless there is someone killed. Ever>' day, hundreds are injured. Herein weekly and dail>' news- papers differ. Tbe dail>' is packed with national and international events and catastrophies, witb lit- tie room fer ordînar>' eventa. The weekly, on the other hand, re- porta local eventa and dees it more accuratel>', more cempletel>' tban the best dail>', because per- sons and places are familiar to the weekly reporter. Weeklies that bave tried te simulate their dail>r cousins b>' printing columns o! national news, eventunli>' dis- cover the>' are neglecting the lo- cal angles. Newspnper stories, like cakes, are made or composed from defin- ite formulas. Each ster>' is made up e! five essential pointa, name- 1>': wbo, what, when, where and why. To clan!>' this, an accident ster>' must tell who are involved; wbat type of crash it was; what day and what bour it happened; where t occurred and wby, or bow it came about. Stories are played up or cut down in relation te, their news value. Catastrophies are tops for news value. Everyone wanta te rend about% them. Next comes sport witb ita mnny vnrled ines; D.L.&W. COAL COMPANY MAKE APPOINTMENTS as "You", it may be tbe reproduc-- brotberliness witb tbe money type of cameras now in use for tien. of a classified advertîsement, used for munitions and avert war tbis work. a sign, a telegram or a boxed in tixat way? Past President Ross Strike, on 4 ' "'statement or a few ines of verse. Most leads consist of a înpp nTat gives us plenty of material bealf of the Club, expressed ap- mmary of the main details of an te work on for a good calengingpreciation te te speaker for an- en.editorial. ter "of t1lose extremely inter- e""' ubse uentparagraps enag The future of journaism : It is esting vocational talks" w icb ~ n the bead and are grouped in difficuit te look abead in our field. b as proven 50 entertaining and order of their igmportance, the We already bave automatic pres- instructive te club members. idea being that average readers ses wbicb print tbousands of pa- President Bob Stevens presided, bave littie time to do other than pers per minute, wireless wbicb and guests included Rotarian A. ::e take in the main parts of an arti- brings news within a few me- E. Loveil of Osbawa, and B. H. cie and with this type of writigments of tbe happening, celer iMortlock. -need only to read tbe first para- presses and cameras wbicb can graph te know something of the take and print pictures in natural ~~~ ~~nature of the story foiiowing. A celeronhr "agtr Ihp o writer is like the barker in a cir- A recent bulletin informs uswî gtocuhtisvnngTe cus. He must mnake bis writings tbat a new machine bas been pro- wl ot hrl hseeig h attractive tn gain attention. iduced whicb will furnisb news of Favtorites subec.'Anoleur Witb Editorial writers have specia the day on a ticker tape, mucb vrt yn,'sol evr privileges over the news reporters. the samne as a stock market tick- înteresting." They interpret the news and in-« er, but we doubt if that will be- Daughter: "I shouîd like ver>' sert their own opinions in their come universal. Others predict xnuch te go, father, but I have an articles. They may celer it as!that all papers will be tabloid engagement with my own favorite they sec fit or as their paper ai- sîze, fiiled witb pictures witb cap- him tonight." lows. so long as 'tbey remain tiens or explanations and no long________________ Harol Vermlyeawithin the law and stick close te stories. Tbey say everything will HaodVriyaHenry S. Gage the truth. It is the editorial col- be pbts.- - -1 No stranger te Ontario fuel deal- Recently appointed t( an execu-j umns which are similar te the'i ae' tive position with the D. L. & W. ne wspapers of bygone days wben Like to See Names LxPpr GET ers is Harold Vermilyea, whese Ceai Company - ('blue coal') - in the entire paper was actualiy f li-1 These may come in tbe dail>' COMFORTIN appointment as 'blue coal' Sales the New York Head Office. Mr. ed witb what we cail editorial'field, but I imagine the town RELIEF Manager for Western New York Gage was formery Sales Agent matter. weeklies wil remain mucb as teyM for that company in Western New This type of writer Must con- r ibsib hne nsye FROM and this Province bas just been1 York and Ontario, and is one of stantly be on the lookout fer appearance and bandling of arti- anneunced by the D. L. & W. CeaI'1 the ieading and best known f ig- material and must be prepared te cles. People in tewns and vil- Company. ures in the ceai industry de considerable researcb if >lie iages and in the country wiil net I ~ m .. Fora umbr ? yar Mr isidrale ntres t th te be successful. He is the one cease te enjoy reading tbeir f j O L Fora umer f eas M. sierbleinerst e heinustry, who must knew a littie of every- names in tbe local paper, nor H EAwill Vermilyea was a D. L. & W. sales1 and dealers tbroughout this terri- thing and be se wellifre they be se busy the>' will net read representative inOtro n13'toywl ecreteopruiyta i ttmnswl o e the advertising toE fnd eut the DO THIS* Put some Vlcks lewstransferred from Canada of renewing contact with an old questioned. agisFoth rsnIbe VpRuu ahnsrlad te the Newark N. J. office. lis' friend. Mr. Vermilyea is a grad- lieve there wili be lîttie change in snif well back. You'll feel better return in the capacity of Sales 'uate of Leland Stanford Univer- Topies for Edîtorls the weeklý paper. Se ou ay rlght away. Next, ineit a spoonful Manaer fr 'bue oal'is o con. sty i Calferna.of VapoRub in a bowl of bolling Mange fr ble oa' s f on styinCaifrna.Current events provide editor- renew your subscriptiens witbeut water; then breathe ial matter. One wbicb isu Most fear of anytbing radical taking . 1 in the steaming then romance, adventure, mys- 'short, packed witb interest, yet timely is tbe near war situation place wbicb migbt offend your * medicated vapors tery, struggie and figbts, then so- must consist of words wbicb ev_ and for a different angle jet us faixcy. Z, for several minutes. cilnwfloe yeoo iceyn drsas editorialize from this standpoint. lIn closing may I quete tbe late anisd furt h lears cmlnew, ollwe b> eonouceryneundrsand. is stery For a basis, let us tbink of the Joseph Pulitzer, one of the mest the air-passages. At and vital statistics sucb as births, must be written so that the least prayers in churchesh for peace, distinguisbed journalists wbo ever bdie u deaths, and marriages. educated of bis readers can under- the munitions and tbe a vd. le sae To hn ih- VpRub onbedtices, and Thereipepat aai ceesstad t.o! money that us spent on tbem. Iy, te tbink instanti>', te tbink back se that Its leng-centlnued sin o m a ion . Uneless re r i s i- M ki g a So y e d beat gives us an idea and we incessanty, te tink intensely ,te double action can relleve the mis- his nfomaton.Unlss e iswri- Mkin a tor iltadale oun ou coy 0ery e! the ceid while you aleep. pendot ep n tbe theme, seize epportunities when others VapoRub acta direct through the ing as a feature writer or an edi- First of ail comes the lead or Churches starve while mone>' let tbem go by - this is tbe secret skinn Uke a peultice, at the same tor, hie must make sure that bis opening paragraph. It sbouid not spent te make munitions, Ged is of success in jeurnaiism." time Its medlcated vapors, !ewn views are net interpolated be overcrowded or rambiing, ner forgotten wbile arms race is on, The speaker, with a battery of breathed In direct, bring cern- inte bis story. He must make ne begin with unnecessary or unim- yet at the first sign of war, whoîe modemn cameras before him, then fort te the irri- statement whicb will offend the portant words. It may be a direct nations bend knees in prayer for outiined what was beîng accom- taged. Try lts- I K readers' sense of decency and pro- quotation, a striking statement, a Ieavenîy help. Would it net bave plished in the way of picteriahiz- sae.Ty1 VAPORUB priety. lis sentences must be direct address te the reader sucb been better te spread religion and ing news, and demenstrated the NYAL A MILD LAXATIVE. COOLS THEIBLOOD 4 Ounce Size 2 for 50e LAXACOLD MILK 0F MAGNESIA You are Assured of Fresh, Clean Merchandise, Instant Attention and Courteous Service. Check Tour Wants mad Brin, T LTS RELIEME CAS PAINS, Handbill with You. These Exceptional Prices are OnIy for the Daration of This SPECIAL ADVRINS M -AND HE'LRTBURN. NYAL Strengthening 1A LMOND PYLORA FOR COLO EN Plain and blint Fiavour KERAUD ~ Tl'I< N UUB otPwe ~ THE HEAD 96 OUNCE BOMEKERL-ED O" NDCC EAM R T MPwe AND NEURALGIA 2 for 5Oc =7 An inhalant for FOR THOSE CREAM LEANSAN - Also in Tablet ormn - NASAL CATARRIL. Nkàus WEAK OR NERVOUS. . SHOOTH AND SOPT. Dom.Net Sr 25c TIN 200 TABLETS soc SEZE $1s.: S.00 SIZE _Sec SIZE 6 OUNCE SIZE 2 for 25c 2 f or 75c 2 for 5Oc- 2 for $1.00 2 for 50c 2 for 50c HOME REMEDIES VAPORIZING SALVE Biaud's Laxative Tabs. Au Iron Tonic 50C Bottle for 50Oc FOR 50C Coco Comp. Syrup Hypophos. C TI TRan CED 0TC A Tonie Builder $100 Botle2 for 1.00 TCODENT dCE A. O Cn iteadache, Neuraia Tabs. 2 for 25c an BO 3ALr 5c LFace For licadache 25C Site S IRRITATIONS. '-' 3cLs Nutritive Hypophes. 50 .0 AG IZ ' Sc Vanfi Creates Appetite $1.05 Bot. 2-o .0 LRESZ Nyal Coid Sore Lotion 2 for 25c 20foCleac For Cold Sores 25C Sue Rheumatie Remedy 2fr10 For Rheumatism $1.00 Bot. 2fr10 Ny i Earache Drops 2 f r 2 c N - E - L P A R S Stosath Pai 25CBSz o r 25 ABL-ETS A S E Stomach and Liver Plis 29fCor 25c A L T SHAVING CREAM T odCtatc2cBx--Abtet rPain - Vegetable Laxa tiveTaba. 2-fr 22 ASGrinr. 50Ac Relies Biiiouaneu 25c Bot. "oI5e.':t o Pi AidalDigestiTon 81.0TiBstofe24 Tbora25c SHAVING LOTION NiDigestiTon.0Bitl 2 for 1.00 T2nsor 25cabet Neuro Tonlc Tablets 2fr c Botties of 50 Taba. 2 for 50C A Nerve Food soc Bo. 2 for 3e TYTC ENI Quinine Bromido Taha. 2-fr 2for 35 A Laxative Coid Tab. 25c box or 5 otites or icITabe.1 SYTCPNI Nyai Catarrhaol BaIm 2 forOc 2fr 50c; 2 for 25c For Coldin thellead. Sceixe2foSO Ny nlgees i 5cTbaem 2 for35 SUNDRIES AT «2 FOR 1" NI' Ephedrine Nasal Jeity 2 for 5Oé Itetieves Congestion àOc tube Nimrod Hot Water Bottie 2 for 175 TUE GOL For 5p»&ogh. 0 bt 2 for SOC Nycest Hot Water Bottie- 2 for 1.25 NSSRUPPI Nyai A. B. S. &C. Tablet2f Windsor Douche Syringe. 2 for 1.50 cc ForSickHeadacte.10Oin bots 2 or 25c 3 NyalAromtic ascaa t.Fountain Syringe-....2 for 1. 25 3 An Eiii.ieat Laxative. 50cS[ze 2 or Sc Nynaps Sanîtary Pads.... 2 for 39e 2 l Nyai Dyspepsia Ta blera2frSc NaiieCp-----2fr15 For Dyspepsie. 50Sie2frSC Na cCas....»..2or107C Nyal Eczema Lotion 2 Wash Cioths (Celophaad). - 2 for 15c For Eczena. sec Site 2f or SOC KenhvRzrBae. 0fr1c 2f Nyai Figsen Ta bletsrfaenbvRsrBida 0fr1e 2f AMitd Laxative. 21c Box 2 or 25c Nyai Nyaioids 2fo 5 TTO EYA 2FR1 For Hoatsen &a. 21 Ti. o 5 T TINR T" O Nyal White Liniment 2 tf.pd2 For Pain,. O Six.e2f or 50c Saintc2 for peiesGienaida Envelpe Nyai Yelow Pli. g '~ L~E4 ~ " Linen and Kid Finish A Strong Cathartic 25c Bot. 2 for 25C DeR...P 2n2fr7cCeladNt Nyai Ceiery Nervine 5 ' .ajdT 2or7cinaaPa.Ne.S"i 2 1 A Nerve Sedative. si.00 Bot. 2 for 1.00 ua d"& Linen and sUd Finish Nyal Kidney Plis 2 f or SOc wb' 2 for 100Gienaida Pad Louter Sit For Kidney DiwsduL . Oc Six. o 0 à a i ij'LnnadkdFns Nyai Little Liver Pilla fo 2cDsbar Fiai Pape 2 for 75 nec ndkd ii For Constipation. 25e Six.Due 2nvlpe ffror 25c'ais Ltf lz' N*grFo oitpton 2 for 1.00 Lien and Kid FinishL Easy toTake. 16 oz. Sixe Nyaîgesie Liniment 2f 5l Retievea Pain. -' SM, Sixe20or sc NS NDNCTI Tf Nyai Rectone - 2 f or 50c 50C Quinine Sage He-Touit 2 for 5Oc 25c Tooth P For Piles. 5Oc Tuba Nycetal Camp. Tabiets2fo25 75c Dalon Cleansing Cream 2 for 75c 50C Cocoani For tteadacte. 23c Bottl. fr 50SC Beauty Baim, 3 Shades 2 for Soc Soc Nysepto Nyai Worm Syrup o50 50 For Worms. 5cBi, o SOc fottc Brillantine, Liquld-.. 2 for Soc 75c Quinine Iren and Yeast Tabiets or7c 50C Brilliantine, Soiid-..2 for Soc 50C Witch iH A Blocd Tonic. 100 Tablera2s o 7c Soc Hand Lotion, Large... 2 for 50c Soc Face Cri lFortt Dentallt. Flior Dental ltSl&àOc Slzae 2 for 50c 1.00 Hirsutone, Large.--2 for 1.00 Soc Nysia Vs Nyai Sorbo Liniment 1.f 0 60e Hirsutone. Smal-2 for 60ecLiaH liaAilaa'aeisd.01.0 it, r .0 75c Daton Face Powder, 2 Shades... fl n5". . WHITE BRONRHITIS M IXTURE Prcompt Relief for COUCHS, COLOS, BRONCITSm. oc SIZE 2 for 50 à 2 for 75c THIRTY.FIVE CONTAINS SHAVING CREAM SHAVINO LOTION - AND - MEN'S TALCUM R&O. 81.0S VALUE Speal 89c N YKALI NE MOUTH WASH AN EFFECTIVE DEOPORAN-. a OUNCE 2 for 50c 16 OUNCE /cVAL /(1Rt4 WSiOi Thturs. Oec COWLIN Phone 695 MURIEL ASTOR AT " 2 for 1" =a Butter Night Cream 2 foi 5 npher Ice Skin Cream 2 for M 'Pewder, 3 Shades --- 2 for M tick, 3 Shades------- 2 for 35 shing Cream -------- 2 for 50 ansing Cream -------- 2 for 50 Bath Crystals (4 in US VIT. 3.00 Halibut Liver 09 1.00 Halîbut liver Oil 1.00 Cod Laver 011 Ex 1.GO Vatammn Capsules 3.25 Vaimin Capsules Halibut Liver Oil 160o. Cod Layer 011,S 16 oz. Ccd Liver 011,5 16 o. Emnlsîon oi Cod 6 oz. Eusion of Cod Cod Liver 01 Ce YALYPTUS )LDEN COUGU «OR HOARSE. iD BRONClIIIAL MUGsIS eS Sise or 35c SSise or 75c MINERA for ,àc A L Puriiled Ruuian Minq f OC M 'N E REL CONSTIPATION. for 15c t6 OUNCE sIzi for 30c 2 for 85c 32 OUNCE S;EIZI for 25c 2 for $1.30 12 FOR 1" PaOte, Wintergreen. 2 for 25e iut 011 Shampoo. 2 for 50c 1o Tooth Paste. - - 2 for 5Oc s Hair Tonie-..2 for 75c -lasel Cream. . -- 2 for 50c ream, Large --2 for 5Oe Wave Set ......... 2 for 5Oe anir O11---------2for 50c ....2for7sc iOc50eRoue, Sade. - 2 or 0eCamp. Muet. Ointment2fo 35 Soc SocRouge,4 Shade--- 2 For So . S«Muscies 35e Tube2fo 35 Soc 25c Tacum Powder -- 2 for 25c Nyal Chocolax 2 for25 O c~~~~~~~~ D u t n o d r . o . 0 A C b o c o l a t e L a x a t i v e 2 S 2 5 c 5e50 odCrDsi g ea - .2 for 1.0c Nyai Croup Syrutp 2 fo 25 ;Sc oc oldCrem ..... 2for50CFor Croup 25CBe 2f ort2a Oce Soc Brilliantine ....... 2 for soc Nyai Eye Drops o O For Sore Eyes soc Boule t frt 5 Oc Soc Wave Set--------- -2 for Soc Tasty eExt. of Cod Liver Box) ---2 for 40c A General Tonie 81.00 fut. 2 for 1.0 Nyai Foot Balm 2fo For Acibetea Foot ReSoft. 2 So c0 AMIN PRODUCTS Nyal Handy Ointment o O i Capsules "ortified" (100's) 2 for 3.0 For Gnerat Use 5c Tube2 fo 5 e i Capsules "Fortiied" <25's) 2 for 1.00 NyaI Liver Stimulator 2fo SO mitract Tablets. 100 in botte) 2 fr 1.00 For Lsy Lvers soc Borde 2 fo 50 sVitamina A. B. D. (25 in box) 2 for 1.00 Stone Root Compound2fo1 ,Vitsains A. B. D. (100 la box) 2 fr 3.25 For the Kidneya 11.0081Si2t or .00 Capsules "«Plain" (SOin box) 2 fer 1.00 H & H Cough Syrup 25c 2 for 25e Standardized "Plain"---------.2 fot 1.25 Standardized "Mint"--------..2 for 1.25 H & H Cough Syrup Soc 2 for 5Oc d Liver Ou---------------.....2 for 50 Pnol Coisgh Syrup 25c 2 for 25e Cpsules (100 in box)--------..2 for' 1.25 Pinol Cough Syrup soc 2 for 5Oe Syrup White Pine & Tar 2 for 25e SUNDRIES AT "2 FOR 1 " Syrulb White Pine & Tar 2 for 5Oc Ladies' Dreýsin9 Comb... 2 for 35C Nyseptol Antlseptic 8 oz 2 for 5Oc Ladies' Bobby Coaib-..2 for 15e Men'a Dressing Comb .... 2 for 25c Nyseptol Antiseptic 16.« 2 for 1.00 Mecs PPoket Comb-...2 for 20C Nykelne Moudiah 2foSO Nyseptol Tooth Brush - - 2 for 5C 8 oune sh o 0 Royal Windsor Tooâ B"-nia 2 for 25c Nylkaine Mouth Wash 2 fo75e Nyal Shaving Brush-...2 for 1.0016oner Nycest Lead Pendis-...2 for ose M DCN A IE Nylo Playlng Cardea -...2 for 5c E I E A I E 25c Castor 011, Tastetesa .... 2 for 2ke TfflRyffl 20c Borie Acid (Sifter Top). - .2 for 20c NLL O IL THRYFV 25c Friar's Baisea, 1oz.-2 for 25c na1. SIAVING 25c Mercurochrome, % oz--2 for 25c EF F S 25c Spirlu Camphor, 1oz -..2 for 25c 4. 0F SPECIALS 25c Tînct. îodie 5%. 1oz- .2 for 25c E 33c Shaint Cresm 35c Tinet. laine 5%, 2 os-.. for 35c t isam&m 35 Shaging Lotion c3&% Men'a Talcuan 25c Comp. Licorice Pewder- - 2 for 23c 3ke Hait Dresini 25c Campherated O1u, &oz. 2 for 25c E VOUR CssOICE 2k Pure Epsom Sait, Mé ex. 2 for 25c 2 fr 5c 25c Glycerin & Rose Water 2 for 2e 0 o 5 25c Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 oz 2 for 25c - 5So Hydrogen Peroxide, 16 os 2 for Se MILK 0F MAGNE SIA 35 Bs>' Rum, 4 oz.........2fer 35c TOOTH PASTE FIRST AID SUPPLIES SORES ii.ManaaAbsorbent Gauxe, 1 yard. .2 for 23e ACIO) MOUTH. Adhesive, In l. x 2%3 yd . .. 2 for 20c SM ALL SEZE Adhesive, 1lin. x 1 yard ..2 for Ise 2for 25c Bandage, 21ln. xi10 yards .... 2 for 20c Bandage, 1 In. xl10yards ..2jfor Ise LARGE SIZE Absorbent Cotton--------.2 fer 25e 2 for 50c i Nyai Corn.Pade----------2 for 25c NYLNYAL BB CONANTACID NYAL SEALS REMOVER POWDER BEEF, MRON SEIL REMOVES OORN5. ' FOR CAS, SOUR a d WARTS, CALLOUSES adWIE2fo 5 ENDS PAIN. ' ~e and ACID DYSPEPSIA. APltbeDalj25C COUCH SYRUP 4 OUNCE TIN tonlcfrtha h 2 for 25c fo 5 ,d n-d for 50C are wo "::dru-dwn sec NUMIDE Bfutie ober 13 - 14 - 15 FACEi BLESATS P OWD ER AND COIATIO G'S DRUG STORE THE FLOW F BI~4LECz W. Doliver Bowmanvfll, 2 for 25c 2 for 75e mm9r r -1- 1 1 1 -A--»-i THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIC) PAGE THREE 1 1 ý-Im HOME REMEDIES

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