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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARdO THURSDA\, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 Maple Grove -ilh herparents, 'Mr. and Mrs.J.E e z r Mapl GDo. Stevns. Br _ Gibson Farms Win Second Place Mr. EwartMiler, Toronto, xîsit- Teddv. Towin .\)Ir. and .\Irs. R. L. ,i slifl <5were W su 't-I Do i on E g L y g nts ed his brother. Fred at'Mr. H. R. \Vorden visited Mr. and Mfrs. Joh! eLed I \v. C. iiiith s*pea kin.. Foley's. Hopp<s, Toronto. ilo lil- u <ieronu t Latt. 26 _____ ___________________ Mrs. Charlie White,.'Misses Ger- Nfi....Nfldred Snloývdlen had ler 2< . i .îment ofth<le Lor( s Slip- tic. Madalene White, .\Master Eddy tonisils rcmoved in Bowinauville 1uer \vas. OiheIXe(l. .Niusic svas Pro- Donald E. Gibson's Barred Rock and April, hitting 7817 produc- White. Oshawa, spent tlle weekenld Hospital. villeil hvtbe choir. lZaIlv service Pen Finishes in Second Place- tion. MNr. Tho. .silowdeu \visitC(l hi.. ýý o.s neii<iitesl at S.S. scssion by! Many of Province's Best The Gibson pen laid the high- broe.Ir. Salu1i SnoNvden in sîut. Nornian D1own with '.\r. Jiru Breeders Aînong Contest- est number of eggs in the contest, Osawa.jYsu sOhawa. a., guest speaker, ants - Wins Haif Ton but feli short of first place by the AhI~~~~~ Rallv Day sill be hield niext Sun-, who-se talk %vas imueli apprcciatcd. of Feed vr lgtmri f2 ons TA E T Edav. hope <o sec a zood attendance. 1 Mr.. Harold Muiir favore(i with a 1 based on egg size during the year. T L ' Speeial vairanicaih Rcv. voC.scal solo. Eeiii-erice 'vs Tis wek akd theclose of as the peaker.coiidlicted hv vllf epeSc t LEAD OUT Ir.anddNirs. Cecil Jef fcr'. Miss tv vith Mlaple Grove Yourug Pcoplc Contest conducted by the Domin- ~~Doruen lcfferv visited Mr. George a..ris and miusie provided bv the ion Department of Agriculture at A>LEGh\Va4fl wbNvlo iiueivrt ar r jliyor choi. Seivpec ~Harrow, Ontariwhen it was Get Oxygen in Your Blood and you'I G at a.sel seu ec-for the faîl scaso nMid(>ui-ýamso omnilewnsc Pep that Sends You Bounding Up the Stars iiotcetl.i ulc Mi..s Evelvil Gay, Oshawa. ond place. Pens of ten birds each People vwho smnothert et i ea. N r.. .\rtlhîîr Pips.Mi.,Mi e thae <ie(evotiolial topie -ili a plcas- iwere entered and accepted from oxygen has been compltl Iet fffr Mi ýf- Noble Phipps, .\Ir. and M.\r;. R naer with M.\r. Percv Niercer. ý21 breeders, who finished as listed tlîern Just as sureyyuesoly smot- Ra.souj. 'Trolito, visitcd M[r. and O.av.cnrbtn oa oo below: ern rif your bloodJak ecopsl. Breeder Breed Address Ried corpuscles aeyu . e-a i r. .F eals..îu.tsekria r vnT-W. S. Hall-Barred Rocks-Oakville They carry the oxygen you br ahc in toe e- N MIl.W ocTw.\islOt.Wos eo nentoa ery part of yoursystem.W\ithotit enough ox s.La 1.l r, Fol. TownbNlîn Fir ut. xxho spke ti inernaiona gen-carrying corpuscles. your, . araFolcv. Kingsto .visitcd ait1aif;iir... i '<1 1<in pie Nwîi- served. Gbsn arsB Ros-w'il stmaban owl sowdnn r.J 1.Stvu. A. Donley-Bl. Australorps-London gets paie, flabby, often pinply. Your nerves Nr ot olct.Trno~ Rev. C. C. Harcourt and M.\r.. Hugh C. Elliott - B. Rocks -Gi rnay becorme jittery -you tire quickly - r- \ olcut orno' vis ashîington, Sauilt Ste. M.\arie, and W. S. Hall - Leghorns - Oakville feel depressed. 'il is son, 'Mr. Leslie Collaeutt. yo Wt yo ned a r. ilim.PnPis.r.andlMrs. Fred \IcClellaiic, Sunnyvale Farm - B. Rks. -Atn ______________ hae orldmuspis . ii mk imore Cache llav. vîsitcd at Mr. and Mr... W. S. McCali-White Rocks-Simcoe and better red corpuscie., ced thu.. inJcîeaw easl -W ocs-Waefr the oxygen-carryinz pouser of your blood. Hard workers are usually hon- -.I.GDona.learaî EW. ocs Waeror Get Dr. Williamns Pink Pis. tories t your est,\Ir. ansi Mrs. S. J. Courtiee, C.'A. Pelar - 13 Rocks - Maple Dnl .Gbo time-pro. ecbfor ouir s..,heýui, is y: et higca.lay edoue Leanmnglu. visitet at Mr. G. F~. G. A. Robertson - W. Rocks - The high bird in the Gibson pen better thanblooituis beillg done. .\ilil1iEver.hiE A.nTodda - B. St.Catharines laid 304 eggs which was 24 eggs backyour pep. 193S. GT. Fi-d C,. Lsd. etrta ti en oe E Td . Rocks- Caledonia more than her nearest competi- __________________________________________________ ,\I r. and M\rs .Alynmer Hczzeiwuood,iJ H. Thompson - B. R. l t overr and therefore was the only Toronto. visitcd lber parents.'0Mr. Bruce Teasdale - B. R.- Ancaster bird in the contest ta lay 300 eggs. and MNrs. Geo. Pearce. K. W. Schuyder- W. R. - Simcoe Only six birds irn ah Canada of- ,\rs. Allie Shantz, Rochester, wvbo Fisher Orchards- New Hamps.- ficially reached 300 eggs last year. ha.. beeu spendinz sorte timne itlh Burlington When ail the figures are avail- SATURDAY IS COAT DAY ber cousin. M.\rs. Geo. Pearce, bias Norfolk Spec. Farm - B. Rocks - able for this year, it will be in- returiied horne. St. Williams teresting ta note what change A Representative from one of the leading whole- Miss lune 'Marshîall visited Miss R. L. Roth & Sons - B. Rocks - there will be in this number. sales will visit The Evlyn Shop on Saturday, Oct. 8th, Doris Me\IBrian. Lynbrook Park, MShnz o N ewHorsAr Only three prizes are awarded, th1eetsye n otmtras Whitby. M.Fishr PorsFr - Lehon - Ayo first bemng a ton of laying mash, to demonstrate thMeetsye n ca aeil. '\r. A. E. Rundie visitcd bas son, Fisher Ourch Far - " - urinton second a haif-ton, and third a It will pay you to see him. \Ir. Elmer Rundie, Toronto. Pish.erch&Sns - " - Warlgoo quarter-ton. The Gibson Farms Mr. and Mfrs. Russell Bragg, From the above records it is aentol lae awnsc Shaws. visited Mr. and Mrs. Blake seen that the Rocks are consist- a handsome award, but are ex- Oke. ently on top over the Leghorns ceedingly gratified ta know how HÂVE YOUR COAT SHORTENED \Ir. and M.\rs. J. G. Langmaid, which at one time were thought their strain measures Up with Many last year's garments could be brought up-to- Oshawa. Mr .and MIrs. Foster Snow- unbeatable in egg laying contesta. athers- dcii and familv. -Kedron, visited at Weekly reports emanate from These birds are now home again date by shortening or other minor alterations. Our alter- Mir. R. C. Pearce's. the contest each week, and al- and the public is cordially invited ation department wiIl care for your needs reasonably. M.\isses Evelyn WVadc. Edythe and though the Gibson pen of Barred ta caîl around and see these re- Dcii Balsoti. Mrs. Cari Short, 'Mrs. Rocks neyer fell below sixth place cord layers. Despite tempting of- Lloyd Courtice, spent a pleasant ahl year, they were not considered fers for them, Don says they are holiday in the north country and also definitely in the money until not for sale, but will be used ta T H E V LY N SH O Pvisited tlhe Dionne Quints at Cal- about a month ago when they repraduce their kind s0 that the Mrs Cifor CvelyPhnelander. seemed ta "«snap out" of an early flock as a whole will benefit. T £Clfor averly PhoneHU I 594 An~ pleasant time was etjoyed on August slump. They pulied up Chick customers will emr nFridal, utilfirt pacewaseven than ever sure of their purchases _________________________________________________ rs. co.Egar vhenome ',r dneosytraee. The birds from Gibson's. andNfs.Ge. Ega awn sr- wrenotgien artificial lîght dur- Demiinforma us a new pen goes of he oun pepleplancd ing the Winter, but after a strong forward this week for another 51 ___________________________________________________ prise iiartv for .M\iss Rosena.. start hast October and November, week marathon. May they alsa be .MNr.. lai \Wallace, Toronto, vis- reached their real peak in March victoriaus. itet iber parents. MIr. and M\rs. S. S. CON RA T LA T ON SBrooks. andt ineitleutlv lîelped celebrate MOG B O ,F R S'\rs. Brooks' birthda,, on Saturdav. A L Solina XXe w ere fax oured w îth beautifuil Whose liens Won Second Place in the Courtice %vether for ourroast fowl suppcu- Dominion Egg Laying Contest at 1. W .crsvu athcred te partake of the The openiig publie (lance at Pid- '\1ç Nc'nîîi o'v odtinspoddb'tI Harrowv, Ontario. sluck's 1-1 il ixas on Sept. 29th ii :9,\1 lde. .fc i bddn ml Al Gbsn ars'hes er risd xcusvey n extra good attendance began the SCOUT NEWS ijustice te the saîpper the Zion dirain- AilGibonFars hnswer rase exlusvey o .ea.,<îi. Tuhe Nicrrv NMaker..' orches- atie club uresented tîîcir plav -No Cafeteria Chie k Starter, Gro'wing Mash tra f roi Oshawa, suipplicd music. ccoîint David" under the direction an aigMash. Sunhbeavu Mission Baurd of No. 8 Scouts anîd Cubs. Remeniber tbat of NIrs. X'<arrenl. Tue parts were an aigopened its fali session on FridaY our biz Apple Day is onu wcck froni well takenl and the piav xvas muich W'e are the sole agents in this district for Maple aftcrnooui. B hîî u-Sattirtav, Oct. l5th. Everv nieniber cnioved. Betsvcen qcts- Ntiss Mar- Leaf VonlinuCafeteria.ashes. ngoupur tcu ..oultl bc on baud for next meet- Cienite and 'Mr. Freddv 'MNartini pro- Lea Dllig afeera Mshs.clascul a mtînber of acres cf lani iîug xvlen final arrangements wilIl be vided mulsic. Procceds $305.25. frein- Nlessrs James anîd Fred Bai-1 made. 'Ne want this Apple Day te The epening Youink Peoplc's meet- Tfl GRT RRRT RRRT.TTTS ROM lWTVfTTPWTFLflw wF'E son, inoved iiîost of their foxes and 1bc the finest in the history nf local ;-- -1j%--.. Monarch ang FEED- Phone 577 1K. WEAR 1 SUEDES will be wo: by well dressed wom everywhere this fa] Maher brings them toyp at an economy price. Pair $1.98 Complete Range of LEATHER SHOES For Men and Wome Combining style and coi fort. $ 1.98 to $7.50 Maker King Streat Sale Starts at 8:30 p.m. d Cafeteria Mashes. rEWART AND - SEEDS Bowmanville SUEDE SHOES orn Again SUEDE ranks first nen as the, shoe fabric for 11. fail.... Maher offers you Fou the widest, sniartest se] ection intown. SHOE STORE Bowmanville qiiuipaneait te their aicîx home this week. The foxes xiiilue stationed ii li ast side of the creck xvich rMuis <brotugli <le Baiseais nortlî iarati. .At îrescaît <licfamiiv xiii re- rsidu iiinMr. Howxartd Taslors botse.1 NMr. XXa. Romhauivi is haxinz the 1 east haîf cf bis home iathed anti lastercd before noin inî f rom Oshaxwa. Mr. and Nirs. XX'r. Walmsiey aud famuly arc rnoving ta Oshawa. Mn. and Nirs. Sat Towvr Line, have enloveti a visit from txvo of the latter's brotiiers who reside in Englauti. Mr. anti NîIrs. Raîpli Tooiey vas- ituili Celdxxatcr, rear the home of <hein son. Chris. Mîr. and Mrs. Jack Sauderson anti Bruce. Toronto, visitcd Mrs. S. Paternoster. Mr. anîd Mrs. Harry Baldwin svîcaith<le xvekend at \Vapoose. Mn. and Mrs. Corbett Tyndall and son Lloyd. Whitby, xisited Mn. and NIrs. Jack XigRans. MNessn..s A. E. Phain. Ed. Pidduck. G. P. Reynolds anti S. M.\ilîs eajoyed a fisliiaie riv te West Lake. Mn. aud NMrs. Wm. Hughes and sou Bis. Toronito, speuit Suntiav at lien nîotlîer's. MIrs. T. Xlsli. Mn. ani Nirs. XW. Miller, Miss Eriia Rotahl and NMr. E. \Ic'.\aiiii, Torouito. xisitud Nirs. G. Rcviiolds. .Ni i..,I lilda Scorcie sîli lias hecai iii O..laWya Jlosp)ital is home and i.s pvogressiiie satis factorils' altiiougii lie'r alîklc i,. still giviug lier mucli rENN'ISKILLEN' Ni Da.r.I.vid andtiI larir Caui ancrnîOke visitidj at Nlîîtit Frest. j- AKE STRS f,.IITE I erg îu - frietiti.. Dring You Three Big Days "' "ii'"""'------ "---- iC sxwas luel .loiday evtninag an sec. ne * charge cf Presideait Miss Ileci Bal- s l. )evotioaîal period was taken On it Sudav, the Scouiter's Clib7' Nirs. XWesley Yellowlees. Miss meit at the home cf Cubmastcr \Vil- Pearl Leach led iii comaîmianity sing- liain Jamies aaîd completcd several ,iig Reanainder of cveniaîg xas last ainîaute details foc thse Apple seti ansi hreo Ms l)ay. Tbev'also arranged for asJent -ai. Carne andarge o Mss chutrcli Panade, date wilI bc an- w'cr e served antI a social tiaîceutn- nouaaîced later. Newv taaiforaîîs xviii bu oy sectarcd for the leaders. od. Iitttt il ne * * * *Tlitrsdlay. Oct. l3tb inî charge of The First Pack meit Tuesdax' and croup 5.* RoIlI all A Caaîadiauî of tiaraîeldît iearly 100 per cent, te Note.'"(iuest sp)eaker wille Nirs. wclcome their iîcw Cubmaster, Wil- X'c of Nlvrtle. Ail ladies wx'l-i lian ilaes. 'Ne are expectiaîg great corne. Ilîiuîs froin lis Pack. Ouar Youane People arc prcsentiaîg * ** lîir plav "For Ptes Sake" at A\ Iike is piaaîucd for the Seconîd Northmiuîstcr Churcli, Oshawa, Oct. Pack Moaîtay anorning at Il o'ciock l4tb. aand returniaîg before dark. Cubs M.\r. George H. Hogarth, B.A., bas xiii meut at the scbool 'under the returued te Toronuto after sîîeading leadership of Cubmistresses Helen tlie siiner witlh bis sisters, 'Miss Glanvilie andt Jocy Caverly. Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. * ** *Remuit Visitors:t A\ meetinîg iii bc heid at Scouat- Mr.ý aad M\rs. Neil Pickering xitb mnaster Clif f NfacNair's homne Friday their uephexvs. Messrs Chas. and at 7 pan. Ail leaders are reqîaested Frank Shortridge. tri attenîd. Discuassion xiii concern NIr. Nelson Reynîolds, Toronto, A\pple Dav. NMr. Jlbi Cx, Bowxmaaîviile. at Nfr. * **Thos. Baker's.c A\ ltter xvas reccis'ed from former Mr. anti Nrs. Chas. Howsam aaîdr Scoltmaster Bert NlcIrtiock, this famîly with Port Pcrry frieaîds. t wuck statiuîe <bat i' is iiiv .settIC(l Mr. andt .Xrs. Jack Brooks andt iii Fort Erie. Iuc seis kilidest ru- Orlus', Oshlawa. at Mr. S. XX erry's. vards tri ail Scouts anti Cubs. Tue Mi.f. T. Riaiiul, Nirs. R. Pas-f (Clairinati cf <lue Fort Erie Sceout cee aand Miss Mars' Hogarth ar NIr. (;rom apCornan itte atiinue e f thle Gourdona VI i '.,Northî Oslîa wa. .Scotitana;sturs o f tluat toxvunxxere at NI r. aaîdi Ni r.. ErniestX'luer Iii.. h ,îase tii exuti creetiuîgs aiseuit Co liaumbus.. Nr. anid Nr... 1h Il<ou thle saille tii îe liis fiaru itiaru arn vei. 1' iiik ani fa iiiils, i']ît'îc.' t. at MIr. Xiiioîid sviîiuîg <o Scoutitiister Fi.I-I . Tink's. Xl tî,k uIiad adriress <lîir lut- NI...s îarl andî Jeani Jeal at ti-r. tii Nr. IP, Il. Nlortlock. earrn r. Noirmaiaî uicI's, 'rimtoi of 'lT Tiîs-w veFo)rt Erie Nîrs. lack 'el lîslcu(.s with Ilie'r sis- 1 Nu ilu. (i, îitariii. îBusure tii Write ter. Mis. ll IdesillTo'lironuto. r Foit Erie N ortîi or <lie ltter xviil N Mr. adl Nirs. Ed. Siniger, NIr. and a lit uelaveîi. N rs. I arrveI llaiiclarl, NMr.Jackj Bllanchardî i. Ni i..Anidrewsxs andilssii __________________________ larrv.NIrs,. Arthur XX'stlak'u, Ola andt Cariai. Oshiawa, Mîr. anti Nirs FranikNioire. Unioni, at Mir. Chas.t Phone danlarls NIrs. Saralu Brown anti M\iss Violae 451 of Bowvnaîvilie, at '.\r. Livinîgstone Nul ler'.. Mrs. A. L.. lascîîe at NMr. X'aterd Brav's. lPicering.p 502 THURSDAY - FRIDAY .- SATURDAY - OCTOBER 6-7.8 TUE SALE 0F THE SEAS0N! - Look for our Sale Circular delîvered to your home by the postman. It la only a partial lIst of the EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES in new, fresh faîl merchandlse offered durlng this Gigantîe Three-Day Event. Corne to aur Store and see many other outstanding values not Iisted In these mali sPace of thse efreular. Remember tse SALE STARTS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6TH AT 8.30 A.M. SHARP. £T~p~sMIvuza. (Contlnued from. Page 1) Low," and "The Dance of the De- mon." Miss Winnifred Bennett, a re- cent newcamer ta town from To- ronto, was introduced. She de- lighted the audience with her beautiful, rich, mellow, contralto vaice, singing "Wmnter Lullaby" and "I know I shahl not pass again this way." Miss Margaret Allin and Mrs. Vernon Ott, who are always high- ly appreciated and mast accept- able ta any Bowmanville audi- ence, rendered in splendid tonal qualities and interpretation two duets, 'Somewhere a Voice ia Calling" and "Whispering Hope." The address of thse evening was given by aur pastor's wife, Mes. Sidney Davison. She spoke toaa rapt audience on the subjeet, 'Seven Rungs in Life's Ladder.' Space will not permit giving a detailed accouuut of her address, suffice it ta say that Mrs. Davison spoke for over haîf an hour and her hearers were most attentive and interested. Mrs. Da vi so n named the seven rungs: (1) Have an ideal - a vision; (2) Be en- thusiastie; (3) Cultivate patience; (4) Be caurageaus; (5) Use your head, and do not be carried away by vain imagininga; (6) Have a gaod saund sense of humour - look on the bright side of things; (7) Practise the Golden Rule. In conclusion the speaker de- clared that she had only tauched upon the fringe of some of the requisites of achievement, of same of the things that go ta make up a happy successful life. She asked ber audience ta remember "that there la no such horrid, ugly word as "failure" in ahi the bright lexi- con of speech unlesa you yourself have written it there. Life has been given ta each one of us ta use ta thse beat possible advan- tage; obstacles are bound ta op- pose us, and difficulties are sure ta arise, but if we be determined that aur life shahl be molded ac- cording ta aur hearts' beat desirea, and that we will not become the victims of circumatance, we shahl achieve, and we shaîl achieve tri- umphantly! We shall make of aur lives a contribution ta society that will lend grace, charm, dig- nity and gaodness ta those around us.'1 Thse evening was cancluded by ail joining heartily in singing "O Master ]et me walk with Thee." If it be true that "a satiafied eustomer is one's best advertise- ment." then the social succeas of this graup is assurad, as many kiud expressions of appreciatian we're voiced as the guests took farexvell for home. TOWN COUNCIL (Contiînued from Page 1) residîng lu Toronto, A a'equest froni Michael Burns fou' repeins to tise coud at the old electnrie ligist pend andi on Jack- maîîs ill waa referred ta Roads aud Streets Commit<ee with poxv- er <o aut. Roads and Streets Committee. elîaicmaned by Counciliar John A. Guan., was camplimeuted foc the amomant of paving thay had doua. Mayor Jouas also suggest- ed tisat it might be wall ta, lu tise near future, discontinue tise work for thîls year as they had alraady doue thcee times as mucis as any peeviaus cauncil sud tise money could be used ta take cane af the many unforeseen expanses whicis were cropping up, sucis as tise fiee Enfield truck repaie. Cauncillor Gunu reported that drains at tise Post Office corner Mr. anti Nfrs. Wm. Stinson, De- and near John Cax's pnoperty ou Wtroat. xisitediNMrs. John Stiauson. Tamperance Street isad beaun e- Mn, anti Nfrs. Evcrett Ormistouî pairad aud were warking satis- aid NMiss Julia Greaxes, Bowaiiaaî- factoi'ily. xille, xisited NIrs. \V. J. Onmîston. He alsa asked caunicil ta gix'e Mr. Normanai lhy ant i, hlm more information on tise type Raziaii. Mn. Cari anti Miss Iva of signs tisey wished far tise nam- Fcrizsîsoiî, llowinaaivile, at Mn. Ai- ng of streets in tise tawn. f red Pncscott's.' Reava G. A. Edmondstona mov- Mnr. ant iNMrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brook- cd tisat tisa signa be drapped for -tise preseut and that tise naxt liai. Nir. Gee. Hogarth,,Airs, R. Pas- council ba reminded af tisem ba- ccc. Miss Mary Hogarths, Salins, fora tiseir estimates were struck. Mn. and Mirs. H. Beaton, Oshawa, Councillor Furber secondad tise at Mn. L. C. Pascoe's. motion wisich carriad. Mrs. Jas. Stark, Nanman Scott Clark A. J. Lyle was instructed and Les Cochrane have been suc- ta write the Compensation Board ccssfui exhibitors wîth hanses at tise for more' datails on insurance ta fail fairs. caver firamen and tawn amphay- Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Abernethy, ees. The town already bas ana policy to cover the fireren. but! a passable walk at this point. No none on the town workrnen.1 stipulation wvas made as to whe- Considerable discussion arose tîher it was to be cerent or cin- over a petition for sidewalk on:ders. Queen Street alongside the bowl- Clerk is to write the Hxghway ing green. Taxpayers west of that Engincer at Port Hope with refer- spot had no sidewalk passableý enough to reach Temperance st :nce to repairingte roadway ap- in wet weather. This matter was proaching Bowmianville Cemetery. referred to Roads & Streets and Counillor Jas. Abernethy was a recommendation made to place the only absentee. Mr. 1ohn XWebster, «Maple Grave, at 'Mr. 'ilton Saniis. Mir. anti Mrs. 'Milton Samis and Fred Sainis attended the funeral of NMiss51 -lizabeth Samnis iin Toronto, Ou Satiirdav. Cartwright Council Regular meeting cf Cartwvright Cotiîcii xvas hcl(l Oct. 2îîd ith inenmbers ail present anîd Reeve C. Devitt presiding. Communications f rom Dept. of l-calth. Univcrsity Extension Course ami Dep)t. Report of Township Road audit w( 'rc rccived and filed. Clcrk %vas iistrutaett renexv agreerments bcetween Darlington and Cartwright tewn hue tiivisions. Reeve Devitt. Councillofs Boxvles anud Hcaslip wcre appointcd a coni- iiiittcc to regulate the operation of tlhe arelua. Resolution xvas passed requesting tlhc Goverument ta take over the Scu.gog Road f rom Blackstock te Cacsarea. Reeve xvas appointcd te arrange for service in Blackstock on Remem- brance Day. Nov. llth. Orders w<ere signcd as follows: H. E. P.. service . ...................$ 8.16 Counities Clerk, Hospital for S. Goff .... 28.87 h.eArue. Scc.-Treas., S.S. No. 1 .....................140.00 WV. Williams, Sec.-Treas., O. XVriglit, roads .... .. ............ 117.81 Bank Commerce, intcrest ...... .24 Central Ontario Highway Associations .-....~.150.00 Junior Farmers' Association .........10.00 SEVEN RUNGS IN LIFEIS LADDIER Continuing Our Big Canned Food Sale --lb. 19C ---lb. 13e 2 2 bs. 25C - -lb. 19C ---lb. 29C --lb. 15c 2 - bs. 25e TOMMIES IONA PEAS A&P CORN TOMATO laNA "22- No. 4 SIE~IE CII10ICE GOLtDE'N uAN TA M JUICE IO NA WAX BEANS A& P PEAS Tin 7c Tun 7c Tinsz15c 10A No2 flflrAu~Ann Page 2-z A ARP BRED i. h Whet WVraipett SLICED OR UNSLICED i ce WetZ Lae 5C SPECIAL 'DOMESTIC Low Everyday Prices & EASIFIRST SHORTENING NIBLETS Le.i;îI z 2 Tîuîs 23c 2 25c iepe; .is15c A& P Coffee PEARS i Bokar a 25c Grapefruit it 8 o'clock 23c PEAS Pti bag Mild and Meilow PUMPKIN thio Red Circle 19c i-b. PIE CHERRIES Rich and Full Bodied - BLUEBERRIES FL 0U-R 1BEETS sly.lii SUNN YFIELD PASTRY h.Il i - Ib. 12c 145C SPECIAL SHORTBREADS NI PPY CHEESE OLs 1'l. L A I K L A t 1. 1, ,19C THANKSGIVING SUGGESTIONS YUKON POULTRY Ginger Aie «loc Dressing q ENCORE FHALL0W I Mayonnaise 15 lc Dates 9c PITTED 1 C RANSERRY Dats ~ lc elly 1 ', . r 25c O LO TOWNE ECORE BAKING Picles7,< 25c Powder ' 17c STRAW & RASP.CR Jam Wu; 20 25c Olives '. 25c CELERY HEARTS 3hearts 2 11 9 TOKAY GRAPES Coays iame 2 "~ 17e BRUSSEL SPROUTSFým &cGren 219 ORANGES Caetjicya.2O doz. 31C YASSweet oates lb. 05sc A &P FOOD STORES Owned and Operated by The Great Atlantic & Pacifie Tea Co. Ltd. 3 Tins 25c lOc i2 Tilîs 21c 2?tu'fiis ,1 5c Ti lc No. 2 Sq'iiutTin CADDflTS Sxvîuuîî r; lic Ti c Ti Oc Shortening '- 2<i"23 MeCtRMICK'S 23c MLE) NE W d i b Gov't- 1ralb. - -lb. 31c Sw if t's Prem LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS - - - lb. 27c (3hoice ROASTING CHICKENS, 4-5 lb. ave. -. - Attractively Priced LAMB LEGS - - e - - lb. 23c LOINS . . . . . lb. 19C FRONTS------lb. 13c DaDTrDunhIc DflAST . . . . lb. 25c 1 ' PAGE SIX TFIURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR-IO El mu M rUUM % n*r (Prime Beef) PRIME RIB ROAST-- (Standing) BONELESS POT ROAST- BEEF BOLOGNA -- SMOKED WEINERS - BREAKFAST BACON-- (Sliced) FRESkl FILLETS - - - SILVER BRIGHT SALMON c L r c t t r t t c a v a u li t] n u a ti k m fi 13c ý 15c ý Choice Sweet No. 2 Sievv 3 : ik .1.

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