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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1938, p. 1

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T. READ BY 12,000 People Weekl', ORONO NEWS ON PAGE 9 Zbe ian With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER l3th, 1938NMER4 S: .1 Local Principal is Elected ROYfCOUTA 'PL President Teachers' Institute SC Urr During Sessions At Oshawa JUDGE LIVSTCK Principal's Wii ___IN OPTTO A. M. Thompson Will NEW PRESIDET District Farmers Co-operate By From Provider Preside Over Activ- Allowing Juniors ta iudge itie of Tea her ofTheir Stock - 17 Seniors Oshawa a nd West __ ~sIjr Durham Insti t u t e Seventeen seniors and 25 jun-Mr.L W.D pei n During Coming Year iors attended one of the most r.L W.Dpeli - New Curriculum. successful Junior Farmer Judging Thick o f Floods, Discussed ditrit inOro~no n sday and Waded in Waist Deep ______fiied a complete day with visits Water to Safety - ta farms in the vicinity for judg- A. M. Thompsan, Principal of ing purposes and a happy ban- Saw Victims Swept to Bowmanviile Public Schools, was quet in the evening. Horrible Deaths elected President 9f the Oshawa Farms visited included those of ____ and West Durham Teachers' In- M. H. Stapies, Clarence Allun, stitute during their convention in CrsBrhrJs rwRs The saying that tragedy is more Oshawa Tbursday and Friday. seli Osborne and the Ontario terrible when, someane we know Other officers include: Hon. Training School for Boys. E. A. is involvcd, wvas illustrated this Presidents, C. F. Cannon, Osh- - Summers, Agricultural represen- week when Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, awa, R. R. Hutchison, B.A., Whit- tative for Durham County, acted wife of Principal Dippell, return- byCoi E.E. nicrPar Hoe;as supervisar for the competition. ed home fram Providence, Rhode Vice-President, W. F. Wendt, Osh- 4 ihs oosi competition Island, after the mast thrilling awa; Secretary-Treasurer, M i s s werc won by Eimore Scott with experience of ber. life during the Myrtie Wilson, Oshawa; Assistant a core of 943. He was awarded terrible flood disaster a few weeks Secretary-Treasurer, Cecil Robin- the trophy and also a cash prize. ago. son, Courtice; Executive, Miss G. ________________ omn Bisa crd 83 Mrs. Dippell was visiting ber Wickett, W. Blackburn, H. Faulk- points ta win the C.N.E. Shield sister,*Miss Ruby Patter, a nurse ener, Miss E. Tuttie, Miss I. Mc- A. M. Thompson - and a cash prize as the high no- in a Providence hospital, and they Coul, Mrs. J. Carscadden, B. Kmn- principal of Bowmanvilie Public vice judge. bad just left a theatre downtown lin, M. Stacey, B. McRoberts, Miss The oces each toktee hewarbgntafowd n H. ichi, issE. ohsto, J R.Scholswb onFriay as hec- unior farmers who had neyer the streets and the wind started Patterson, Miss I. Brown; Audi- ed President of the Oshawa and competed before, training them ta tear buildings apart. tors, F. Miller and E. Higgins. West Durham Teachèrs' Institute and entered tbem into competi- Eeyse hyto h ae Inspector C. F. Cannon, speak- at their annual sessions in Osh- tion. The team of Marlow Han- caev er s tep they ook te fwate ing on Tbursday, announced that awa.cock, Gien Hancock and Geraîd ame higr uig ni by wr fn- appraximatehy the same sciieme _________ _ Shackleton, coached by John Ric- ally struing ainsuptoa trang of entrance promotions on term's kard, won first banors; while El- creti ae pt hi work would be applied this year DURHAM BORN MINISTER ifard Cobbledick, Robt. Morton waists. Electric signs, weighing ds ast. GOES TO EATON MEMORIAL an arnc arscahd b undreds of pounds, tumbled tram Mr. Cannon also urged the an awce arrimesecocbed tie buildings as they passed, kili- value of regular f ire drill ta pre-, Rev. Stanley L. Osborne, of the Ket hte ury an nd ig several persans, but missing vent any casualties such as there'Bay Circuit. Napanee, bas been Ross Scott, coacbed by Elm o them by inches. Plateasswi- had been in other schohs in the appointed Assistant Minister at Scott took third place.doshatrdgingacck province. the Timotby Eaton Memorial Tedywihhdbe n ing warning that sent water- He alsa stressed the importance Cburcb, Toronto, transfer ta be hanced by îovely weatiier con- okdpdsrassrmln o of good eyesight in the childmen !effective from November 1. Mr. c-ddwthabnue ntedoomways where they could. sec and mentioned Bowmanvilhe Lions Osborne bas been in charge of the town hall witii the Women's In- shpets of glass, gic ouald have Club which bad agreed ta provide Bay Circuit since 1934, fallowing ripped them apart, go saihing b eye-glasses for ail students who bis ordination inta the Bay of sTtuecatering. in the wind.n cauld not afford such aids andi Quinte Conference. He also serv- Te eventhaings pogam con Manhole covers were biawn off,i wbo were attending Bowmanvilhe ed as Supply Preacher in Western mne ihasn-ogldb the hales farmîng swirling whirl- scol.ICanada for a year.Stne is a the chairman E. A. Summgrs, with pos e etfo r.Dp Stanlcs. Mrs. R. H. Brown at the piano. pos e etfo r.Dp Principal W. F. Wendt of AI- son of Mm. and Mrs. R. Lewis Os- olwn the toast ta the King pell and her sister stood a girl borne, Toronto, formerly of Bow- W F. Rickard, M.P., spoke g, f-w ho the next minute was swcpt (Continued on Page 10) 'manville. ly. Mentioning the changes in dw n fteemnoenv personnel of the boys be intimat- cm ta be heard of again. td hat the work of sucb boys as Anather girl attemptcd ta leave1 Claenc Alinand Jim Brown ber car ta avoid being drowned, Hopes Future Sees Rotary Expand should prove an inspiration ta h u a wp aale tug *1 'y'unger boys now entcring the ling .body was plungcd under the Un ii Wo l L ad rs A e ttctd field. The present ones had great- parked cars as Mrs. Dpelwth Unti W ord Le dersAre ffeced cm oppartunities and thus could cd tram a doorway. le .become better citizens. The boys Twa large scaws, wcighing untl tdaythee ae 4830clus o todaywil bethemenof o-thausands of tans, wcrc carricd Han-y Rockwell, Rotary Dis- utni oa hr r ,80cuso odywi e tn o a from the harbor and lodged on iocatcd ahl over the worid with marrow. He paid great tribut eofteean tats hect triot Governor Addresses 198,500 members. No anc can pic- the work of Mm. Summers and al- ofan o theman strets. aT heciy Local Club on Official turc wbat the end will be or what sougdteby oadtegv re going ta do with theni. Visit - Auction Sale of the membership will be in even (Continued on Page 9) Atter quite a strugghe Mrs. Dip- Apples Provides Plenty ten years. The present growtb peul and hem compaliions cscaped of Fun and Nets wauhd have seemed fantastic if it TRINITY CHURCH HOLDS the flood area and found safety bad been mentioned in 1905, andinteurs'eidc. Over $20.00 for is a challenge ta the respect and ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY in g the urses' me idec e c BOY Scouts iayalty of every member. An annuai event which is look- cd ta thc second storey of the ______At the present time Russia, cd forward ta with considerable buildings, over 700 were killed, Germany and Spain bave no clubs anticipation by members and ad- over 20,000 trees were tamn up by I like ta tbink that Rotary is opcmating due to government in- herents of Trinity United Church the oots killing several persans going ta play an important part terference or ta other conditions, cach yeam is the celebration of its as tbey feul, and millions of dol- in the settlcment of international but the Rotary spirit bas been in- Tbank-offering Sprvices. T h is lars damage was donc ta property. disputes in the future, said Harry stilhed in these men who farmerhy great occasion will be abscmved Wherc there had been summeri Rockwehl of Buffalo, District Gov- met in graups and sanie day they next Sunday, October l6tb, when- emnor of Rotary District No. 169, will return ta meet together in a former beloved pastor, Rev. J. while paying bis officiai visit ta igood fellowship.caet U. Robins of Trenton, wiîî preach TD1 Bawmanviile Rotary Club Fiday1 The idea of Rotarycaet at bath services. His mamning Tyrone Born iuM an evcning. ýCanada in 1910 and crossed the subject is "Big Business" and in Wc arc bere ta bonar an ideai Atlantic the sainie year until 60. the evening bis sermon will be wbicb sprang froni the mind of different cauntries now bave ac- based on "The Ultimate in Christ."t an ge the founder of Rotary, Paul Har- tive clubs. Special music by the choir under <e___ ris, who gave us a new social con- Sanie day, when aur member- the direction of Dr. T. A. Part- ception. And ideas are mare po- ship is haîf a million or graws ta ridge, Musical Director, will fea- B. S. Vanstone, Who Received tent in determining the future of a million or more around the turc bath services. An extra NeEryBnigTann people and nations than anc wauld 1warld and the Rotary chain is thank-offering is Céing asked tiisHis EryBnigTann expect, the speaker stated. weldcd around those bodies favor- yeam ta be devoted ta, completely in Bowmanville, in the He mprsse uon is îstn-ing the eradication of prejudices renovating and redcamating the Ontario Bank, lias had crs th es grwtbof ic mate whicb are dividing us, then we! churcb, inside and out. A cordial an Interesting and eth scts inct on ine 1905will get somewhere towards a 'invitation is extended ta the pub- wmen ancesoiasrice clubn 905, better worhd understanding, Mm. lic ta participate in these services. Progressive Career whonesoil Ceico. b 1914 Rockwelstated. with Bank of thre were nChi0c lub and41Prime Minister Cbamberhain'sDELR E OESCATrnt thes numerhad been0trilbd bn-actians during the recent war DELE_______OL ornt fothinmernd bof thewr. he ecrisis weme commended by thc INSTALLS OIL BURNER base beendothbut rogTrc i speaker as representative of the Mm. Wm. Pbiliips, thc cncrgctic Bawmanville and D u r b a ni tasbee estahib t o ne ls n <Cotiflued on page 2) representative of the Century 011 County citizens were particularly the ___establishment_______of________clubs____ Burner, did nat het a 13-ton brum- întcrested in the announcement ming full coal bin interfere with issued by the Bank of Toronta ll~f . is desire to seli Mr. J. W. Jcwehl, last wcck that Byron S. Vntn Snortnorn Cattle In G~reat uemand "Big 20", a brand new ail bumner. had been pmamoted ta the officei The deal stipuiated that Bil was of an Assistant Genemal Manager. n iAtta lift the 13 tons qof "black dia- His many friends here jain witb B y Bréee ers A Recent Auchons rn:nds" tram Mr. Jewehh's cellar us in extending sincere congratu- wbich he did, and now the first lations an this important and mc- CnuyOil Burner is bcingin sponsible elevation n the reahni In the ast 150 ycars the bistory- Sbortborns, purchascd anc of stahled in Bowmanvilie. Prctty of finance. of Shortbamn cattie in cvcry Eng- 1 these young buhis ta hcad bis tough on coal dealers but thcy'ii Mr. Vanstane is a brother of his seakngcontr, s wîîasherd. Mr. T. Baker & Son alsa have their innings when the win- aur esteemed citizen, F. C. Van- lis spakig cunryas ellaspurchased a high chass herd sire try blasts do biow in December stone, mller. and son of the hate many others, particularly iniS outh tram the herd of T. A. Russell. ta March witb us folk who can't Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Vanstone. Hei Amenica, dates tram pioncerdas J. Baker also pumcbascd four Fafford ail bumners - yet. was bomn in Tyrane and *éovcdi a Is Appointed ,r Bank of Toronto iNEW APPOINTMENT Byron S. Vanstone Brother of F. C. Vanstone, Bow- manvilie, who has been appointed an Assistant General Manager of the Bank of Toronto. Mr. Van- stone was born in Tyrane and started his banking career in Bow- manvilie in the Ontario Bank. He is a member of Eatan Memor- il Church and also is a member of the National, Granite and Scaie- boro Golf Clubs of Toronto. The editar of The Statesman has found it a particularly pleas- ant duty ta write up the career of Byron Vanstone, for we have known and admired the Vanstone famiiy aillaur life. As a youth we looked up ta Mr. J. C. Vanstone as aur ideal of a perfect gentle- man and we were neyer given cause ta change that opinion. Our long acquaintance and close as- sociation in sport, btisiness and church activitles with bis two sons has impressed us that they bath inhenited those stirling qual- ities of character exempiified by their worthy parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aima, To- ronto, were Thanksgiving guests of their daughter, Mrs. Jas. Pick- ard. Other guests included Mr. Bill Robinson and Miss Mary Ben- son, Toronto. again niaking those famous home- niade bumbugs. The compositor in setting up this advt. set it 'bedbugs' instead of 'bunibugs', but aur proofreader dctected the erar before it got into the paper. Just don't know wbat Percy wouhd have said if the emmar had not been cormectcd. Then in Mrs. C. E. Varnuni's auction sale bill an "S" was mys- teriausly missing tram the uine 'Sale at 1' wbicb actuaiiy read "ale at 1" No doubt this error drcw a big crowd of carly thirsty custoners which enabled that jovial auctioneer Elnicr Wil- bur ta start the sale on tume. This incident mecalis a custoni wbich was occasionaily used in ycars gone by at auctian sales wberc hiquan was served ta the custani- crs ta liven up the bidding. DOORS ARE JIMMED BUT NOTHING STOLEN Coucb, Jahnston & Crydernian's clathing store waà once more the abject of an attack by niarauders an Friday nigbt. Bath front doors wcmc jimmicd but an entrance was not gaincd. The thieves wemc evidcntly frightened away cither by the approacb of the night con- stable or by pedestnians. CI-ICKEN THIEVES TAKE 75 PULLETS FROM WIGHIT COOP *Thieves mobbcd Ex-Reeve Chas. A. Wight, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, af 75 cbickcns an Saturday night or early Sunday mamning, break- ing into bis hen bouse and carry- ing theni off with not a sound ta be heard. Earhy ncxt niamning Mm. Wight discovcrcd bis loss and af- ter sanie tume was able ta hacate police. Chief of Palice Sydney Venton was out of town and Pro- vincial Constable D. P. Marris was canducting an investigation 7in an effort ta find a man missing tram bis home in Quebec. The chickens were located by rToronto pouice in sacks in an alley *and were taken ta a police sta- rtion, wbere another man wbo had had cbickens stolen took tbe smo- tbered hens in band and bled and dressed then whiie they were stili of sanie use for enting. Mr. Wight rccovemed part of bis ioss as the man purcbased the dressed cbicken from him. Police are investigating and an eaniy arrest is expected. iicationalists E DA SATRDAYProminent Edu ,E DA SATRDAYOutline Needs Fe Returns IRUGBYEKURT At Home and 5 ru ON WEDNESDAY ace rioods T______SPEAKE B. H. S.* Seniors Defeat Cobourg 19-11 on Local Grounds-Many By M iracle psFeature Interesting ____________________________Battie APPLE DAY FUNDS Bowmanvilie High School Sen- TO HELP SCOUT WORK iors came through for their first win of the rugby season wben in a tougb game, featured with spec- On S a t ur day, the Boy tacular upsets, they took Cobourg . w Scouts Association of Bow on local grounds Wednesday af- manville wlll hold is annual ternoon by a score of 19-11. Apple Day. From early morn- The teams were quite evenlys ing until late at night, Scouts rnatched wîth Bowmanviiie hav-9 and Cubs will canvass the ing a siight edge where weightt front street with baskets of was concerned. The locals were delielous Maclntosh Red ap- good in ail departments and es- pies grown on the farm of pecially fine on a couple of for- R. M. Cale and ivili offer ward passes and several exten- them for sale at a minimum sion runs. of five cents each. Any con- Scaring started early in thea tribution over that amount battie with Bowmanville netting wiII, of course, be accepted the f irst count when Tom Depew gratefully. Funds obtalned booted for a placement. Cobourgr from the sale wilI be used for came back strang and puiied at the general upkeep of the slick forward pass when Ias e-c inovement during the year pected for a touchdown. They had e.JU.Rbn and for purchasing new and been piunging for several plays- Re.JU.obn much needed equipment. Ail with oniy a few yards ta go and Trenton, former pastor of Trinitya citizens are urged ta cantri- the local squad was expecting United Churcb, Bowmanville, who bute generously to this wor- either a quarterback sneak or a wili be the special minister for i thy event. Scouting is the fin- straight plunge and ieft the ends the Thankoffering Anniversary est training that young people unguarded. The try was not con- services at Trînity next Sunday. can receive. It builds char- verted. __________ acer mke fnephsia In the second quarter, Masont bodies and teaches the lads to and Coiville combined for a bit NINETEEN APPLICANTS do things by t he mse lv e . of bypiay on a 20 yard forward TRY FOR CUSTOMS JOBc Their slogan is at least "one that just skipped over the waiting Nineteen applicants; wrote civil r 1 good deed a day", and their fingers of Cobourg's prize inter- service examinations S a t u r d a y I motta is "Be Prepared." This cepters and into the arms Of morning conducted previaus ta t. is your chance ta give them a "Pooter" Colville who easiiy took appointing a customs officiai at tl boost along the way. Buy it over for the touch. Fagan made, the local port. Examinations wereb apples on Saturday. a nice job of converting. held at Bowmanville High Schoolg Ticker Crombie and M. Mallory with presiding oflicers Mr. Young,h l of Cobourg drew penalties for a High School Principal L. W. Dip- resorts with hundreds of cottages, meso isticuifs in this quarter pell and R. M. Cotton in charge. oniy sand and mud remained. forssome 'reason or other. It was Mrs. Dippeil told of one maný who tough ta tell what the reason was, had the night before purchased but when the play ended some land where there was a pictures-J distance away, there were Ticker Black stock Fair Ki »que bluff. He paid $1000 for itl and his battling adversary doing »and the next day couid see no! a mite of wrestiing on the ground. l1.14 1 sign of his beloved and expensive'We were not close enough ta give u sa dn Lie the streets as well as loose boards evidently no one was injured ta and ail manner of articles. Trucks any extent. Later in the game Entries are Large and Exhibits and cars were rolled aver on their Crombie suffered a torn ligament "odfrBt ietc n tops, somte of themn with the oc- in his left arm, sa whether the GodfrBahLvstcIn 'cupants inside. fates were picking on hîm or if it Inside Classes - Rainy 1 It was ten days bef are Mrs. was the Cobourg team, we couldn't Weather Ruhins Attend" Dippeil could get a bus out of the setY. He wili be out -of the game a.iicé Which Was city as ahl roads were blocked for a couple of weeks at least. eo Avrg with bridges washed out or weak- Fagan added three points for BeI vrg ened. the locals on a placement. Whieth foa rpotswee Gaiiagher pulied the prize playt coming over the radio, Mr. Dip- of the day for the visitors when Crwih giutrlSc pell at home was an ardent listen- hie intercepted a pass intended for iety, true ta tradition and reputa-1 er and nearly had heart faiiure (Continued on Page 7) tion, produced an Agricultural1 when lie read% in a newspaper __________ Township Fair last Tuesday and among the casualty list the name Wednesday which, for livestock of a Miss J. Patter and twa uni- PITRSERRadisd xiis ol ojs dentified companions. Neediess PITRS ERRadisd xiis al ojs ta say hie was reiieved when word ADVERTISES "cALE" d-ice ta a county exhibition. Un-_1 was received that ail was weii. AT AUCTION SALE fartunately the weather was flot 1 As Mrs. Dippeil expressed it: of the best and the attendance "It was quite exciting ta be there Typographical errors are very was not a record breaker, ai- while the flood was on, but I'd amusing at times. Last week we though a good crowd was present. just as soon not go thraugh it came across two. Percy Corbett Ofcr ftesceyicue again. thank you."F announced in bis, advt hie was Offces f hes. .,.iclde tionorary jjirectors, J* . H.>evitt, uva ;r so; «oik. -axm Robt. Philp, W . J. Bag *J Hepburn, Harold Nesbitt; Robt PhlpW. . Bagg F.W. eam, Elmer J. Powell, M. J. Bowen, John Wright, Mr. and Hepburn. Clarke Williams Spe- Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Mr. and cial, best colt sired by Brimlant Mrs. Jas. Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Black Diamond 1938 Harold Nes- Isaac Whitfield, Mr. and Mrs. bitt, Howard Harris, Oscar Mc- John Jobb, Miss Florence Parr, Quade. Jno. R. McLaughlin and Mrs. Sam General Purpose'- Brood Mare, Jeffery. Howard Franklin, O. J. Luxton, President-Cecil Hili, Nestietan; Jos. Farder; Two year aid, Craw- lst Vice Pres.-Gardham Trewin, ford English, Everett Watson, Burketon; 2nd Vice Pres.-Wes- William Bacon; One year old, iey Campbell, Nestietan; Secre- Crawford Engiish, Howard Frank- tary-Treasurer - Creighton Dev- lin, Howard Harris; Foal, Everett itt, Burketon. Watson, Howard Harris, O. J. Lux- Directors: W. A. VanCamp, ton; Team, Lloyd McKee & Evans, Fred Taylor, Ernest Larmer, Robt. W. G. Shea, Cecil Wilson. Hamilton, Nelson H. Marlow, Carl Roadster - Two year old, Col- Wright, Albert Wright, Osmond ville Evans, Merd Thompson; Wright, Leith Byers, Wesley Team, Lloyd Kennedy, G. H. Campbell, Roy Ferguson, Luther Baird; Single Horse over 15]h Mountjoy, Norman Taylor, Joseph hands, Lloyd Kennedy, W. J. Sta- Forder, Cecil Hill, Bruce Heaslip. cey, G. H. Baird; Single Horse un- Lady Directors: Mesdames Robt. ider 15% hands, L. Kennedy, G. H. J. Crozier, Roy Ferguson, Percy Baird, L. Kennedy. VanCamp, Clarence M a r 1 o w, Carniage - Brood Mare, Col- Frank Stinson, Carl Wright, Nor- ville Evans, O. J. Luxton; Two man Green, Creighton Devitt, year oîd, O. J. Luxton, Jack Wil- Luther Mountjay. son; One year oid, C. Evans, O. J. Auditors: Samuel Jeffery, Jas. Luxton, Jack Wilson; Foal, O. J. Byers. Prize winners are as foIiows. (Continued on Page 3) Abandoned Car Leaves No Sign 0f Missing Driver's Whereabouts Local police' are once more on the side road on the Sunday looking for a missing man in the night following St. Pierre's dis- persn o Maric St PirreOf appearance. persn ofMaurce S. Pirre A thorough investigation of the Sherbrooke, Que., and after more vicinity by Constable Morris and than a weeks search have failed Chief of Police Sydney Venton to find any trace of him. failed to reveal any sign of the A week and a haîf ago, Mon- missing man. The car was not day, Oct. 3, Wilbur Baskervilie, damaged, except for one bump Base Line, Clarke, was returning on a fender. The battery was dead to his home and spotted an aban- and the motor was dry of oil. doned car on a side road between Police are apprehensive about Newtonviile and Newcastle. This the affair and fear foui play. It was the second time in two days is feared the man may have been he had seen the car in the same attacked near his home, either spot, so he reported it to Lan- forced ta drive the car west or caster's Garage and they in turn disposed of. The theory which de- notified Provincial Constable D. termines the foui play idea is that P. Morris. no owner of a car would abandon The car was a PlWmouth sedan it, leaving his keys In the ignition with Quebec license, and a tele- switch, nor would he drive it with- gram to that province brought a out où. As Lancaster's Garage is reply from Sherbrooke police stat- not far distant, the driver could ing that St. Pierre had left his easiiy have gone there for assist- home on Saturday, Oct. lst, and ance if the car needed fuel or re- was ta have returned within a pair. ifew minutes to take his wife to a Sherbrooke police state St. 1banquet. Nothing had been heard Pierre had from $10-00 to $12.00 of the man until the car was on his persan when he le ft home. tfound neanly 400 miles distant. The investigation is being con- Baskerviile had first seen the car tinued. of Children SchoolMeeting Over 200 Women from Many Parts of Pro- vince Attend Region- ai Conference in St. John's Parish Hall on Tuesday - C h i 1 d liealth Work Des- cribed Outstanding educationalists and speakers of mepute inspired-a large gatbering froni surraunding dis- tricts wbo joincd in the Regionai Conference of the Home and School Associations bcld lin St. John's Pamisb Hall on Tuesday. Thic Councils of Durham County, Oshawa, Victoria county, York and Taronto and uic Port H-ope Aissociation wcre represented. Mrs. Peter Sandiford of Ta- aonto, a vice president of the On- taria Federation, presided and the canfcrencc was under the con- .rcncmsbip of Mrs. Sandiford and MIr. Harvey Griffin of Toronto, another vice president. Mrs. B. C. Colpus extended an invitation for thc conference ta, iiect in Oshawa next year. Mms. E. E. Reece, president of the National Federation, attended the gathcming and tbanked thxe convcners for their splendid work. In speaking an the subject of Pmograni Planning, Mrs. A. C. 3eattic, president of York Coun- ty Council, stmessed ber bellef that the benefit of the cbild must be the permanent aim in aIl pro- grm building. Principals or îcads af the school sbould be con- (Cantinued on Page 10) ,eeps Tradition stock Exhibition- HORSES Heavy Draught - Brood Mare, Donald McAmthur 1 and 2, Joseph Farder 3; two year aid, Arthur Weisb, Jas. Farder, Donald Mc- Arthur; One year aid, Arthur Welsh, Donald McArthur; Foal, D. McArthur, Jas. Farder, D. Mc- Arthur; Teani, Heber Down, Ar- thur Welsh. Light Draught - Brood Mare, H-oward Crydemman, Harold Nes- bitt, James Stark; Two year aid, Ray Hall; One year aid, Arthur Weisb, Harold Nesbitt; Foal, How- ard Cryderman, Ray Dusty, Don- ,ahd McArthur; Team, Ed. Pascoe, Roy Hall; Single Hanse on rein, Ed. Pascoe, Roy Hall. Percherons - Brood Mare, M. J. Hepburn; Two year aid, Lloyd MeIKee & Evans, Howard Frank- lin, Orval Stinsan; One year oid, Hioward Franklin, M. J. Hepburn,

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