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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1938, p. 3

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER l3TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMfAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG HE o Who among us nas flot at times ETI CECEOIFw 10pciefi JJ a o o xperienced the uplifted sense of A legailInvtstai.nt f«r 15 lbs.Btrin SCiENorC -. .nc . L N jycotetmnt ad onciusTrut Funds Mrs. Geo. Bowerst Mrs. Earl Dor- Weil-being afforded by courteous reli, Mrs. Austin Larmer; 10 lbs. business adsoilcontacts wt nodtoal urned Bte npitMs r oe Inuac gnyour feliow men? Conversely, have Mrs.Wisnebtr Mrs.Cei Phoe 6 ~not most cf us felt vague dis- Hill; 5 ibs. Butter in prints, Mrs. Phn 61 BowmanvillIe quietude, even downright unhap- piness, foilowing occasions where THE G. H. Baird, Mrs. Wilson Webster, selfihnes and iscortesywereMrs. Geo. Bowers; 5 lbs. Butter, c self shnes anddiscurtesLwer veaeI De Laval Separator - Mrs. Ira__________ evdneI tntlgcltaLowe, Mrs. Norman Green. 255 ______ Your Wall of Protection should these disquieting occa-_CORPORATION______Butter__onexhibition.__GR___WN_1_NSUN__NY_____U___HERN sions becorne habitual, they rnight WhteBea, is a5aHop ___________________________________establish, in human belief, a dis- SiILINS Town TSONTO er, Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mrs. Earl Dor -___Have__________________'Pd___________________________S/__ eased condition?M 1 rell; Half Doz. Buns, Mrs. James t ___r_____________________________________PC_ on that our fears were groundless. 1 2 kQrc Y OU R W OR LD A ND M IN E that hie hadi felt hîrself to have __ been "cut" bya man whom he The first meeting in the new ten (Copyright) regarded as being his very great f thex'oufl People s Union oî B ak t c a l Fi r z friend. He had met him more the forni of a weiner roast on Fi n By John C. Kurkwood than once on the street and else-(a vnzOt7ha herik where, and his friend had looked aevnnOt7hatherîk I suppose that it is common ex- firm - said that hie would pay me at hiîm wthout any sign of re- Mr. .\nsov Tavlor, the ncw Presi- (Contunued from Page 1) Boe, Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Wesley W. G. Werry, Carl Wright; Rus-1 bor EaxgDvchm ae point of suspension of effort after suppose that I tried to, suppress understand why his friend had wcre 45 voung peon2le present, andLxoiC vns em Don W.J. Ruttie, Mrs. Luther Mount- W. G. Werry; Snows or Fameuse, Tr ay tMs .R trMs along period of great anxiety, my feeling of elation and happi- icut him so obviously, and he was ail are invited to attend the regular Tinney, C. Evans; Single Horsei joy, Mrs. Cecil Hill. W. G. Werry, Bickle & Sons, Wes 1ITra Lw;Ngtnae r.F wheh smehigshppnstore-nes.Bu tispheuea eekbetfeting Tenonady h LaredyedesaCakniemetng. ver15, hadsDo TnnyCa.marpLyelCae,;cdLora ambel; alwisW.G.G er.SinonMr. .S.tRtte;Pyam lieve the tension. I have hadi ail fore Christmas enabled me to buy that his friend's eyesight had heen A.Y.P.A. entertained members f Evans, A. Martin; Single Horse 'Hooper, Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, Mrs. ry, Biekie & Sons; Mann's, Ed BagMs r oe r.F tn too frequently times of strain and the gifts which I desired to pur- seriously impaired and that this AngLlican OC..'--h to a social evening Evns e nt eans onTu rneO , iCed1 LohrnRai h a yeer r.Cw.keWills, W. G. WerryBenD&-Sons;mnt r. .J Rti, il anxiety, t be folloed by a su- chase. as the expaLloyd' Kennedyn-DonthTinneyitC.HalRuttlesdMrsEvaJas.GntlemaAppleu PieoTat,!anSweetsa w.oeG. Werry, JG.vBusonG. Plain BPatchingonon ton den relief - a sudden lifting of my It has happened again and again recognition. Oct. 6th. Delegates were chosen to Elodans ndy, Drivr, is M, . ta- Mrs. e.Jamels.. ecl icle& os;Strk, . .garmt, r.G H arr.F burden, and at such times I have in mny life that I have been de- I arn sure that many of my attend A.Y.P.A. Conference at Co- pIes, Ida, Mrs. Adams, Oshawa,i Hill, Mr s. Stan. Malcolm; Pump- Werry, Bickle & S0ns, NormanStno;LdsNihonacy felt inclined to quit work and to livered from a state of semi- readers could cite parallel in- bourg. Oct. l2th. Mrs. Coulton, Oshawa; Best Road kin Pie, Mrs. C. Hill, Mrs. Earl Green; Kings, G. H. Baird, Bickle Mrs. W.RNtrMs .Sisn do something foolish or mad as despair by the timely arrivaI of a stances - where there seemed to Ail the Public School teachers Horse twice around track, L. orel Lrn Hoer Rasn&Ss; eatisBcke& osadsCsum SipMs.FSt- a form of thanksgiving! cheque. Always the coming of a be a rift in a friendship, only to attcndcd the~ Teachers' Conve'ntioni-Drel on opr asn&Sn;Watis ike&SnLd' FrdyKennedy; Three yr. old Roadster Pie, Mrs. Stan. Malcolm, Mrs. Wes Wes Campbell, W. G. Werry; St. son, Mr.AN. apr Thus, many years ago I found cheque from some debtor at the find out later on that alI fears at Oshawa. Thursday and Fia or Carniage, W. J. Stacey, C. Ev- Campbell, Mrs. Osmond Wright;1 Lawrence, W. G. Werry, Bickle & CroStchoctonMr.. myself lacking the money I de- 1 lth hour seemed to, be a provi- and distress were without war- and reported a splendid convention,. ans, G. H. Baird. Angel Cake, Mrs. Art Read, Mrs. î Sons; Alexanders, Ed Williams, J. RutteMr.HC.ep;Vn sired and required for the pur- dential mercy; and always there rant. W'omnen's Institute met Tu'esday chase of Christmas presents for was experienced at such times a J C K afternoon. Oct. llth at the home of CAEo.J uteLraHoe;J l esCaWpblG. Bekle &GrSon-s; tyS, 3pee, isAicbon the members of my family - when sense of nervous collapse - a de- They say that the darkest hour Nlrs. Luther 'Mountjoy. Mr. . Open Race - lst, Miss Peter Roll, Mrs. Jas. Boe, Mrs. Georgeiovrs .G er;Gen tn r.W .Sok uhm my children were very young. sire to go off and do some extrava- is just before the dawn. This is Thickson. llowmanville, the District rt , owned by Allan Brown, Forder, Mrs. Stan Malcolm; Brown igice&SosW.GWry;m ehkdMsH.CKep wasfeeingver ble. hena igan thng.If I were a drinking a proverb born of a multitude of President. was guest speaker. Mlss Newcastle; 2nd, Bîliy Chillocute, Bread, Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Ceciu Mcîntosh Reds, W. G. Werry, G. Lorna Hoe;BaddForMt man for whom I had done some man I probabiy wouid have got human experiences. They say, Grace M.\ountjov ivas in charge of 3rd, Walter Stone, owned by Har- Doz. Cookies, Mrs. Stan Malcolm,' Fl erBatetCclWiî- bell;The OicohNvtes work summoned me to tell me drunk - which would be a queer too, there is a divinity shaping nL-etilg.1 alPrsBrtesCclM . that the bookiet which I had pro- way of thanking heaven for a-our ends even while we may Blackstock Fair was Oct. Sth. Ar Wlo, idsyers. es a mpbell Longrnaop 's hon, esCmpeii& Wnter Pea s r.W ebtr r a.Be duced for a f irm in Norway had ing escaped from a sort of bog seemingly be going astray or do- rainy day kept the attendance dovi Farmers' Race - lst, Orphan DtnMlo.Gnrnp, Mrs. G.he.donirBicCole&tSon ls - . sA rtcl ad fo afbu been approved. This was just be- 1 just before complete submerge- ing foolishiy. I know that in my but thcere was a larger exhibit o Annie. owned by Sam PalmerSa acl, Mrs. AtRa;Hl oG.h ard, C ,olleionofAleSs, G.W . G sc r. r edMs1I oe ofPort Hope; 2nd, Gentry Lad, own-Mr.AtRa;HfDo.Gaa WerGoBike&SnGH:esAtclmaero afou fore Christmas. This man - the i ment.CK own case I have been saved from both stock and domestic work than ed by C. N. Stainton, Black Gmat.Ws pell Lrn'Bir athen rgh, Mis Per Canadian aagentorforethe rNorwaCyKGemseMrs.reWesoCampbellor LornaeBaird.orsackheypgirlivunder t0 wyearsKMiss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T h e y s a y t h a t lif e is f u l l o f o m e tr e s s o r s o r o w rc i u m p is e v b e f o . T h e p l e iv n bth e 3 rV - o n k y w e y J c a - H o e , M s t n M l o m A I S E A T E TW r ig h t;e t T w e , M s r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fo tu n y sm e m e rcf uel h a - J et l e Y o n P op e n the Cl w ay , B eth an y . C o llectio n of C an n ed F ru it, M rs. A fg h a n , w o o , M rs. W ilso n L o w e , M s e r e o d r e troubles most of which do notengthtmd mfetat eninz was well attended and a dance CTL Jas. Boe, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Webster, Mrs. W. R. Stork; Baby'sToesfuhadinhdMs TA E T Ehappen. Ail of us know that this Heaven had been watching over wvas held after. CTL Lorna Hooper; Collection of Jel- Bone, . .Mis . Li alis owe saying is true. A month or so ago me ail the time. Rev. Mr. Wood took the service Shorthorns - Aged Bull, Frank lie.5, Mrs. Edgar Gibson, Lor n nekiMs ideFlia Mrs. W. Webster; BridgenntIa 0 Engiand which upset me not a as saying that one shouid not Monk of Bethany. preached at il, Bull, 1 year oid, T. Baker & Son;letoofPcesMr.J.B- crochet, Viola Butson, Mrs. Frank * Webtr EAD oiir i~ittle. I made myseif believe that worry over his plight or errors, Anglican Chiurchi. Aged Cow, T. Baker & Son, Frank Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Edgar GbS- sn Bb' otes nt i L A t it indicated dissatisfaction with convinced that Heaven will com ' . Innes;, Heifer, 2 years, T. Baker & sn oesrieMs r die Fallis, Mrs. Frank Stinson; Ba-FIEA S me in regard to some service I to his rescue before an abyss i Svinpthv ofthe commuLnîty ls Son, F. Ine;Hir,1ya Fs;Hoy tand .Ia by's Boottees, crochet,-Mrs. Geo. was rendering this firm. I could arrived at. Rather am I tyige tended to Mrs. D. W. Bradburn ,- ns efe,1yaF Lowe, Mrs. Norman Green, Mrs. Forder, Birdie Fallis; Baby's Dress Painin i iMs .R noOprsadYmsef ha IwaEtGsy.ha w ae g in an and familv in the sudden passing of Innes, T. Baker & Son; Heifer, Wilson Webster; Maple Syrup, fancy, Mrs. W. R. Stork, Mrs. Geo. Stork, Ms .C ep atn no erud mslfta Iws osy ht eae ginadunder 1 year, L. Richardson, F. Mrs. N. Green, Mrs. W. Campbell, Forder; Baby's Jacket, knit isiiwtrclrMs ei il Cet Ozygen in Your BIood abd Youfl et the guilty of a poor or a negligent ser- again made Heaven's debtors Mr. Bradburn. tMisn a PPptlit Sends You Bounding Up> the Stàu vice, yet the tenor of the cable even when we do not deserve Order to-day - Statesmnan wiIl be Ine, Jaies Rihrs.otr;Bl ner& JMsIra owe ; eoiMs .FiiM.FakSisn Mrs. H.C Km; ecl DrawingMs. People who amother to death die because suggested to me dissatisfaetion. Heaven's mercy. ît seems to me Sent to new subscriber to end of Sn .Rcado;Capo .Gen aysJcecoht il u-Ms oxygen han been completely eut off front When a fortnight later the ex- that again and again while we are 1938 for 25c. BSon, . ichrson; hamionN. ree. BsutBu ibnsn ideF .Cao th,,,n. .ust as surely you are siowly smoth- pîanatory letter came, there was on earth we are tercpet f Ms uuWih h pn the Bull, F. Innes.MEiHaîf Doz.rBiscuis, Blue Ritbon sn Bide Fali. dsG. raynDrwngtrslerp;Ms ern i ou lodlck e cruslsHerefords- Aged Bull, E & G. Baking Powder- Mrs. Cecil Hill adad e Lightutl; arigo*oo, Mrs. Red corpuscles are Your oxygen-carriers. nothing in it to, indicate impa- that divine merey which is ever summer in Midland. has secured a Whitson, Walter Lynde; Aged Mrs. Geo. Forder, Mrs. Jas. Boe. ' Forder, Mrs. F. Stinson; Bedroom L WhitfilMs ep anm They carry the oxygen you breathe in to ev- tience or disappointrnent. There toward sinners. This heavenly position in Toronto. Cow, E. & G. Whitson, J. H. Cor.- Institute Exhibit - S h i r i e y, W. J. Ruttie; Bedroorn Towels, Reed Wok'isVon opr ey art i orpsesour yte kithoueosghie ws. te plain staternent of a mercy rnay corne to us - is likely ?%r. and Mrs. Carl Breen, Mrs. W. nish, Hartland Junkin; Heifer, 2 Honeydale, Tyrone.crhe im dMsW. eb stomach and bowels slow down. Your akin situation which made it advisable to, corne to us - b ouhhurnan Breen, Mr. and Mrs. Loveil, luger- yaE. & G. htoJ.H. Cor- GRAIN AND SEEDS ctrce me, Mrs. W. Web- PLANTSaAND FLOWERS irets pale. flabby. often pimply. Your ne-ves to suspend ail activities pending beings whose lives toueh ours. sol. spent Suuday at Mr. W. A. nish 2 and 3; Heifer, 1 year, J. H. snay become jttery - you tire ýqulcklyfelder-ad the settlement of a certain prob- Sornetimes this merey is shown Van Camp's. Crih .JniE .Wi Faîl Wheat, red, Clareilce Parr, els, trimmed, Mrs. W. R. Stork, Bouque fAtrMs ae What you need ls Dr. Williams Pink Pills. lem. us through those whorn we love Miss Helen Waldon. Toronto, Mn. son; Caîf under 1 year, J. H. Cor- W. J. Leask, Jas. Boe; FaIl Wheat, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Tea Towels, 2 Boe, Mrs .S apr oqe and better red corpuscies and thus increase I suppose that aIl of us have, adwolv s oeie tadMs oadLm.Trno ih .Jni and3;Bs whiteoveuG. H. Baird, Stan MalconaldlLmbhandntfinished ygrl nde 20csfDalianMsd.Jas BoeLrn the oxygen-carryiniz Power of Your blood. many times, been nmade fearu cornes to, us from strangers. Those visited the Smith Bros. Thanks- Dairy Cow, Walter Lynde, Earlha Norm an Taylore ; S p r i n g atleenMisPe Wright , tnhl Ms F . tiso;Boqutofld Cet Dr. Williamns Pink Pills today a rfrapro ysm et r rcir who believe in and practise pray'- givjng. Dorrell 2 and 3. lhrN ma Tyo;S .9KtenWig;Buohl nMs F drtimeproeroo-uilder il he Piveyuerstnewihweeudnter will tell you that our boons Ms ae a ap uvriy Gae gdCw ee hasfE ilanLte finished garment, Mrs. W. J. Rut- joli, Mrs.Js oMs .Wb back yourpep. eop. 19U. ,T. sfOM understand - oniy to find out later and blessings and mercies and of Totr'onto. spent the holiday at VanCamp, Walter Lynde, H. Jun- Mountjoy, Malcolmn Elford; Peas, tie, Birdie Fallis; Collection Fancy ster; CoCtoCuFowrMs suecors frorn dangers are an ans-hoeacoane byMsJenk;Hir,2erP.V Cmp large, Ira Lowe; Peas, srnall, G. Work, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Wilson Jean WrgtVr. .Wbtr wer to prayer. Yet Heaven 1shoe copne Ms el i;Hfr,2yaP.V Cm, H. Baird, Harold Beacoek; Oats, Webster; Child's Play Rompers, Best arrne HghBstM. mercies and blessings are shower- 1rdea. loo heteUi er- , Norman Taylor, H. Junkinie white, early, Earl Dorreli, M. J. Birdie Fallis, Viola Butson; Cut- F. StinsoMs .Wese;Bs o fled on those who do not pray. sMt. 1yarNoran ayloHHrJukin Hepburn, W. J. Leask; Oats, white work Emb., Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. arranged o akt r.W Mr.andMrs HaoldWerry, jack Newton Taylor; Caîf under 1 year, late, Jas. Boe, W. J. Leask, Luther 'W.R. Stork; Centerpiece, ernb. WebsterMsia.Be oqe r oq ogJ CK and Miriam. Toronto. spent Suuda, H. Junkin. James Stark, Roy Fer- Mountjoy; Barley, six rouwed, white'linen, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. csf PhioxanaMs oMs Itisa ret yser -ths a- vih .\r.Aler Wrr.guson; Baby Beef under 1 year, Lewis Swain, W. J. Leask; Barley, W. R. Stork; Centerpiece, emb. G. H. Bid nprgnMs ter o ourrepettivesuceoing Ir. Harry Van Camp and fami L.yicadson & Son, F. Innes, H. 2-rowed, W. J. Leask, Jas. Stark; eolored linen, Mrs. F. Stinson, Jean WihMr.BeMZnis from our troubles and anxieties a r ibr er' nSna uni;Hr s ate .H o-White Beans, Howard Harris, Ed Miss Alice Johnston; Centerpiece, Miss JeanWihMs o;Pt and froni pits which our own sins Miss Hazel Mountiov, 13yonte, vis nish, F. Innes, E. & G. Whitson. Williamns, Ira Lowe.! knit, Mrs. Frank Stinson; Center- unias, MisJa3rgt r.W CA A I N fU N C S and failures have dug for us. We itC(l lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nor- SHEEP ROOTS AND VEGETABLÉS i piece, crochet, Mrs. Ira Lowe, A. VanCapatrimMs are saved again and again from nman Mouintjoy's. 'Miss Eva Brown Cotswoids - F. B. Glaspell woni Potatoes, Irish Cobbîer, Stan Mrs. W. Webster. A. S. HErMs oPnss Mthe due consequenees of our sp)ent Suîîdav at Mountjoy's. lst and 2nd in aged rani, shearling Malcolm, G. H. Baird, Clarence' Curtains, hand made, Mrs. C.- Miss Jea rgt Ms ec GiVi ~~~~wrongdoings by sorne interven- Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson, rami, rami lamb, aged ewe, shear-Pr;otoewi, anMlPrMs.H C.Km;F cyV Cn 9 4)M4r r tion whieh we may be inclined to W'indsor. are visitiniz Mr. aud Mrs. ling ewe, and ewe larnb. colarr, Isatoeswhitel,Stan Mal-Prr, Mrs. H. C. RKe, rp; Fy anCamp JEdescribe as providential. Itis Fred Bailev. little Miss Katherine Leicesters - Aged Ram, W. R. Swain; Potatoes, red, Malcolm El-'tno;Ldes mcMs W. notify teSceay riho easy enough to theorize on I this als ith hem Robbins, C. N. Stainton; Shearling fod J Ruam;Trnpfed tt;Lde s'Sok ford, dtWillams; Trnipsfeed e, Mrs. W. Webster; De- DevittBrtoP.On. rnystery and mercy. We cannot Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey ?and Ram, W. R. Robbins, C. N. Stain- ele'apbl, Mrnc a rs Gto-eo m. r.L onjy e explain our delivery frorn our familv visited on Sunday with Mr. ton, Ram Lamnb, W. R. Robbins Wse arpel Caec jarrRt-srb. Mrs. L. Modr Kthe ontio. le xhbior aeaeue1t C. N Stanton Age Ewe C. G. H. Baird; Turnips, table,Ja.FrdrKiceAposnalstsfrzwiinsote ianxietîes and plights by menit in and Mrs. Fred Bailey. . N. Btitn gd wC .moe, Lewis Swain, Harold Bea- plain, Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, Lorna secretarya oo sposbe ouseve. is RthMalo, ornt, petStainton, W. R. Robbins; Shear- ck; Carrots, white, Percy Van- Hooper; Knitted Sox, Mrs. W. J. __________ Iwie c~ ~~~~i lt has been said that the sword tîhe holidav with her mother, Mrs. ling Ewe, W. R. Robbilês, C. N.CmGo ike&SnRy utl MsIrLw;Kitd * ofHeavn isnot n hate o srite.lame Marow.Stainton; Ewe Lamb, C. N. Stain-CampGeso. Bickro le,SornRyMitts, men's, Viola Butson, Mrs. Teacher Jhnwyde j Ifid uchconfrtof mdin Mis Fornc MLauhln ndton, Jos. Forder.-FegsnCartabNom F. Stinson; Luncheon Cloth and Missouri sada h edi I6 u o idmc ofr fmn n Ms lrneMLuhi n Taylor, Edgar Gibson, Biekie & thiftut - for I regard the say- Miss P. Hooey, Toronto, with their Shropshlres - Aged Ram, Har- os abgwneEgrGb Serviettes, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. W. mule-raisn nteUie tts A in asbein a ruth Itseem toold Skinner, Grant C h r i s t i e n; RCabbage, winteres Edgar Gib paet.son, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, G. H.Str;Plo Caeeb.Mr. Jny:Bcusteoteed onrtake chances with unidentified fuels. Follow ing a ben rt.Itestarent. hering RamHarodenknner Baird; Hubbard Squash, Ed Wil-raLwMsW. estrPi-sdneou" meta w r eiggve n- Mrs. John Marlow and Doris vis- T. Baker & Son; Ram Lamb, H. liims, G. H. Baird, W. A. Van- But e mp.,Vil tho hxavpe of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners less opportunities for redeeming ited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook in Skinner, G. Christie; Aged Ewe, ap uoMs .C ep bluehave changed to better heating. Bura our own past - a past fulcf er- Toronto Thanksgiving. H. Skinner, G. Christie; Shearling Cam;we, H arE ilas Puthwrkpkins o, Mrs. Ira 'bu olfor the finest, most trouble-free rors and sins. Seventy years or Mr. Robert Smith of the Telegram Ewe, H. Skinner, G. Christie; Ew we G .Bid dWila acwrk Q.uiit, oo; is.Ir .~ eatng Ou'e eer n.jyed Oror to toay. more cannot be regarded as a very and Mr. Lorne Bradburn, Toronto, Lamnb, H. Skinner, G. Christie. e Tabl' BeettStanMaicol, Era Lowe, Mrs. tno;Pee long perîod, yet it is long enough J .Fse Dorreli, Lorna Hooper; Long ar WsstIr; ,aplowue, Mrs. to, provide us with innurnerable vsted with their parents. Oxford Downs - J.M Fs e n gMssW. Webster; Qultiaplqu, rs heppard & GUi Lumber Co. Ltd. potnte omn u as Mr. and Mr-.R. Heaslip, Toronto, won lst in aged rami, shearling Beets, Miss C oraCrozie; Ons H. C. Kemp, Mrs. W. Webster; King St.Eat Bowmanvllle Phone 715 J CK ltedMriing eweWalaeMa- a , ew lanb, al wso 2nd ions, yellow, Biekie & Sons, Mrs Bedspread, emb., Mrs. W. R. i 3Sornetirnes I fancy that rnany shearling rami. J. A. Johnston. down filled, Miss Lorna Hooper; of us deliberately leave the mend- Suffolks - Beath Farrns won Mangolds, red, Malcolm Elford, Cornforter, wool filled, Mrs. Ira ing of our ways until we are 0I. r i lst and Stewart Hall 2nd on aged Wes Campbell, Norman Taylor; Lowe, Mrs. W. Webster. or 60 or 70. We persuade or ~Eu C'ff rani, shearling rami, rami lamb, Mangoids. yellow, Lewis Swain, Set Table Mats, crochet, Lorna l» u o1 ý- selves in the days cf our sinning aged ewe, shearling ewe and ewe M. Elford, Robt. Hamilton; Man' Hooper, Mrs. F. Stinson; Buffet WRITE thtltro el els nlndAnd lamb; Market Lamb, H. Junkin, golds, any other variety, G. H. Set, Mrs. W. Webster, Mrs. W. J. NOW to, disregard the Ten Commrand- ~ Harold Skinner. Baird, Wes Camnpbell, Earl Dor- Ruttle; Table Scarf, white linen, ments - that after a period of sow- fp nii SWINE I reil; Tornatoes, Mrs. N. Green, Mrs. W. R. Stork, Mrs. W. J. Ru t- &d»t ing wild oats, or of cheating, or E. erfhles- BarcG tle; Table Scarf, colored linen, measure- of behaviour whieh adds to oth- ekhrs-BaG H. Mark Earl Dorreil, Biekie & Sons; Wat- Mrs. H. C. ep .IaLw;mn&o RED I P IN ULATNG W OL es' brdensor giefs we'l pach 'By lst and 2nd; Aged Sow, G. H. ermelons, Wes Campbell, Biekie ..aeirMr.«r Lwe oa @ ups'ourdew rgrwy ief e. tHe CHTc Mark, Howard Cryderman; Boar, & Sons; Citrons, Osmond Wright, Cushion, emb., Mrs. H. C. Kemrn fe HeadquarterG for the new Red Top Insulating WooI 1 arn reminded osf the small boy over 3 une1 mnh, .H Js tak d ilas;Yiowqite r. .Csho W who said, when he was asked ifO 7t* Mro nd 2; G owH.Mer 3 nder TableSorn MJ.EnilHeburn, BiokyeLowe; 'Boudoir Pillow, Mrs. Ira monu v.ment. which helpe save fuel and at the same tinie keeps your he always said his prayers, night Eyesiglzg 7 onthis. G. H. Mark and 2. & Son Seaf slagor, rod Lowe, Mrs. Luther Mountjoy; Sofa t Gi7Wte and rnorning, "I always say my . . Specialist Dorreli, Austin Larmer; Boar, Beacock. Iuhowocohto nt iehn- roomsmre omorealecomfortabwforwine. pPreparenigt, uowny forw owinter.r7, tprayersn Coleatonnightabls but. iany W.feiiowe, rs.IrCollet$ 0 who s an goo canlookafte Disey Bdg.Camp, Jas. Stark; Sow, over 3 Biekie & Sons, Earl Dorreil, Mrs. Swedish Emb. on a towei, Mrs. H. ou himseif during the day." Aiso,- (OPP. P. O.) under 7, Stanford VanCamp, Ear J. A. Johnston; Cabbage, fali, M. C. Kemnp, Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Prk»tIala aeloe rn " ae FINEST HARDWOOD FLOORING there is this story. A man who Oshawa, Phone 11 Dorreli. Elford, Mrs. Geo. Bowers, Mrs. J. knite r. A S. Harer, Bri -mt said that he owned a mine was 1516__ Tamworths - Boar, Newton A. Johnston; Parsnips, Biekie & Falis SwAteS rpoer style k"Bmetdea OSfZL Dealrs n th fiest ardoodFlooigavaiabl. b in rgd a tock brokd e toNumber 54 Taylor, James Wilson; Aged Sow, Sons, Norman Taylor, Eari Dor- crochet, knit, silk or wool, Mrs. When you buy at Sheppard & Gil's you axe sure of ' turn i intoha corpany and siel Jas. Wilson, Newt Taylor; Boar, reil. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Clarence Parr; shars inthecompny.The ine When we learn to train the over 3 ttnder 7 months, Jas. Wil- Halls Special, haif bus. PotatoesLdeScrrohtrknMr._______________ value and quality products. owner said, "To seil those shares eyes, we wili iearn to study their son, Newt Taylor; Sow, over 3 Stan Malcolmn. F.adisonaf coh rk, Mrs. W .Rtl;Tt I would have to lie like heul, and function, their limitations as ap- under 7 months, Jas. Wilson, Newt FRUIIT ting on finished article, Mrs. F. l 'mi getting a pretty old man!" plied to over work with themi ev- Taylor.a The iriference is: had he been a ery day.Wewlknwhwt Special - Three Bacon Hogs - Northern Spies, Biekle & Sons, Stinson, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Best La- S heppard &Gi Lumber Co. M*yuLtdman h wul have had work thernand a h samne time James E. Wilson, Newton Taylor. PHOE 15BO MAVILE shares in a "dud" mine, future work they have to do Wei -oULTRr PHOE 75 OWM NVILE There are men like John D. do not, in our every daIy 01vork, Barred Plymouth Rock-Cok Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie train our eyes as they might be iaying strain, Edgar Gibson; Hen, -two men who made themrselves trained. bred to lay, Edgar Gibson i and 2; ________________________________________________fabuiously rieh by tacties whieh There is much beg iere Coekerel, Edgar Gibson 1 and 2: v

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