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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1938, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAX, OCTOBER l3TH, 1938 PAGE FOUIR IVVTC~l//,,MARY ROBERTS IlDoes YOUR System Id7rbC IAIYtÀ7R 1UN E H A RZT Make Excess Acid? CHAPTER XLIX front His great wvhite tlîrone and Ix to catch lîini to Iimi. to hold hin Hoacdchs, ilusn tCs, Chris ivas not entirelv cut off djd SO. 1oefroemnue nta i from his past. of course.- Now~ and It ivas sonie tillac be fore the box shook bîand .s grax ely, saving the Consipation then there ivas a letter froin Ted. mientioned Clriss band, and then lie o..dcivadlsonslfcn The gratis business Ivas great but did so delicatelv. trol. OFIEN START THIS WAY everybodv else ivas away. 'Youire -I dont suppose Mrs. Miller 15 *G((d-bve, old pal,"' lie said. "It onpeleaewtarkow u flot missînz anvýthing." muitch eood witb that bandage." won t be Ilongs until vou're back Soeppearwhtrekwa Tedwrte ha li hd Sesa'...a sait. Tlien1 we*ll avc sorelîigb acid-makers. 'I'ey can't help lt-ani On dv edwrtetht ielid Sh'saftl", adCrs vitb ailolten they doWi hnow fà. The resulta jOne day 01(1 t cinic"Alteeoutebs. dlies. of an excess of acid may seem just like Ioined alieiate c"Or nic. "AIfleei utI oTlircee ionitlîs." said NoeI in a ordinary stontach trouble - but they woks" e ai. Ou mtt i "If If on like, 1 could couic over fii voice. "And iavbe V-OU WOn t can't be put right by ordinary stomach one of lis can't soak you. aniother and liclp liiitlheiniorniugs. Id lîke will'." They bad taken a large suite to, i oîg ob oco oe be ire tdiu." remnedies! Excess acid maylbe thec of ni the uew medical bld- d 'ngon obcadctrsri "IIl be here, don't îvorry." reason why you wake up fiat, sour,t inf burooms ws uîla acn a v. Iv asfrnky ryngas the bleary-eyed, bilious - and the reasonr ing.butther ivs ~ill vaant Filîcîî corne aloîîg." . ri îoe u.and Hiranm ias why fierce purgatives only leave you int roomn or two. and %%-leu Clris canme \ oi vsfixd fe htaItrain ui o cofotle. Srl h the grip of a weakening habit and thef back. . . Ads i a ie.Atrta ttivn ocmotle. ueytesalie aid symptomns.s There were letters f roni Katie,""caille it into the open bcetweeii boy lîad love enlough - if Ursula But there's one thing that acid can't ther e for sletteas fraongtîîc us- iýtheilii could look doîvu front soîne heaveîî- face. That's the neutralizîng power o: F too Cherul etersf otalire nd How lis it todlay?" lv inounitaintov and sec hinli. But 'Ial at, h laie eeywt Ju~ tu sae.'tueliad lglî oftheantîni dy the naturel minerai spa action. A tes. ual surnier roundl. F1? , îs't it ? It look<s ail Clîris saw .tlîat botlî of them looked pofliwam atrsgethuht "I havent iritten for a wlule. riglit.' old - old and tircd. \Vîiatevcr Itie your system just like sures througbl There is s0 ntucb going oit. Every- -Its asîcepi 'on lok tlhe saine îîîî'%vas to be. they would not live spring water fa r away in Eiigiand body sceens gav and prosperous î.invuealedntyu' t c t n le kneîv it. He felt where Vange Sats corne from. Excess thee dvs.whilireîind ni tlat He could talk to tlîe boy about bis a va ve of pitV for hm ha hsail neutralized quickly, painlessly. l'Il need a little extra mny Chris. armî. T i hre were îno conno- voliîiîg f c had corne to themi too Vour blood is punified of poisons. Your Thnisa teepae arowdehow-lattons of tragedy. late. Whcîî thevý got into Hiram's sore stomach walls are soothed. Andf tating. Aiid do let ni -ovhw .I suppose lit iilI get well Somle- rattling car, Chris put bis aria that mass of bard, poisonous waste il vour arîn is. Evcrybody I asks. aîîd tinie.' around Atm"v. matter lying in your intestines isd 1 don't kîiow wliat to say. * MavMybe not. Tlîe tiiti Hs îî o. ivder o softened gently, naturally, and passed ii He sent lier motie',îritiîig is to do is to bc a sport about it, old Ilotof odl It ody.arvellousl u eeno f checks %with lus left hanîd aîd sîccar- chat)" ' aîîdHiramn have done a good job" gou t f yo rvod. utthe o o el f ing furiotuslv over is cluinsincss; He ivas not îaucb of a taîker. ',Aîd sortie day." said Amny. marvellous thing is that Vange Saîts tI but letters ivere too lnnch for him. votig NoeI. Vears with Hirami had drcarily, 'we'll bc going 011, Chris. are only 60 cents a tint At your drug- N;ow aiid tlien hie sent lier a iiglît made lim laconic. But ont otie sub- anîd lie will be left behinid." gist now-but if you're wlse, on yow f letter. dictatiîg lit ovor the teleplione. ject lie ivas loquacious eîîough. This . 'Not alone. Amny. Not whileI bathroom sbelf tonigtlV But she did not reîfly. ia th sud ofmdicine, and live. Tlîats a promise.t Nevertheless lie iîaprovedi during Clîris. delving deep inito his mem-b those first few weeks. There was onv. found himself back in the early Chris missed Noel even îiore thaîîI no visible chanîge in bis amni. He dais at medical ccllege. at the bas- hie had expccted. The days were f rom a window as tlîey came ac )s still wore -'bis splint or, wben bie pital. startinz out ou i ls own. There zrowing sliorter 110w. anid one nigbt tlîe f ields.n tired of lit. the sling - vich supportcd î'.as a certaini relcase in lit ; the boy tliere ivas a f rost, and Letitia's au- "Here cornes tlhe missionary so- t, it; hie still took a drink or tîvo at ierbaps gravely wittling on the tuiluu floîvers turîîed brown and ciety " ti night to enable lim to slcep. But step and Chris going back, goiug doovcd ontherspea t.s he "by be rtvaodt e eveîîîngs becamne intolerably lonig, "Probably laying up treasure litIl bis walk became sturdier; there ivas back.aîd Clîris. ligbtiiig bis fire in Ileaveni " even sorte of the aid eagerîîess in the -You didit get mntîcl slcep iniai forward thrust of is slionîders. And tbose days. did you?" David'.% studv after -Mrs. 'Miller bad Nevertheless she did lier best that hie was tisiug is left band îitlî "1Ivas yauug and stroig. caone. would rcad as long as lie day ta bie f rieuidly. and it ivas îîot greater cf ficieîîcy. He baad learîîed -Youlre not so old iow. At îeast con Id. aînd then sit for long hours eîtirelv her falt that she failed.b to filI is vipe and to ligbt it, to tic vou don't look old." stariig into biq fire. Now andîditeuîîThev sait there in Letitias1 stif f par- his necktie. aîîd even witb great care The boy ivas good for im. His lie would rub bis arm, îvorking lor, stariîîg at bier soft liair. bier to fasten is shoes. One day le world ivas expaîîdiîîg again. be g'citlv. There ivas vcrv little atro- cireful makeup. and lier painted too a îoeaud gong ut ntoLe-thagbtwit a airt gin. It n-pby, but the band stillIiuiig witbout fiîîgerîîails. aîîd fouuid little or iîotb- va titia's garden, viciously attacked tlîe cluded a boy anîd a dog now. But 1)pit edadhev hîg i osy ohr bylf vt weed tlere Sane f tîe loscusit vas~til vry mal, 5 smll e H wiouîd put cvcry ounlce iii him evidcîît relief, and Katie cllapsed went. too. in that assauît of Ilits; be couîd rcach out and eucompass ,. ita the ivilI ta move luis fiîîgers. unta a chair and liglited a cigarçtte. sweated profusely, lus back ached, Nevertbcless be wa'. better. The but tlîev il imn no response. And V'll"slîc said flippautly. "That's the uîîbea don o bi m~ci-tiglt bud rouîd us eadhadmc-lie ivas doiiig just that tate otie oîîe examiliatioti I didn't pass 1, - the un eatdow on im ýrc- tglitban aruii hishca ha re-iielît ivlen h lîglcard a car outside Oîîe day Katie camne home f romaa esslly. But at tlhe enîd be felt bet- laxed. and il no longer exhausted aind the clickiîîg of Iligh heels on the îvalk iti lier stockiing feet, carrviug I ter. as if once more hiebadl attacked bini to i'.ork in tlîe garden. p)orcli. It ivas Katie. lier shoes, and that ight she 'toldV and beatcîî somiethiug. and that ight '*Next year welIl put iii some vege- Slîe camîe iii, rosv '.ith Iîealth anîd Cliris she ivas coing. f hie slept and did liot dreamn. After table," saîd NocI. mature and prac- the frostc air. blitlîc aîîd cieerful. -Via lot mnade for this sort ofli that it %vas a daiy chore, anîd somne- tical. "Thats a real job." l " ste said. '0f aIl the places t siit le said. "I like lîgbts and tirnes NoeIlîelped him. -Noiv tîats ait idea" he i paveentts andc people, Chris. Aînd "Von dotit dig tileul out. You But is beart sank. Next year! conîît. Aid vlîat naplcevheîîvl o lttralyiattchr.d kili thein '\îîd the %vear aftcr tlîat. and 50 on do fiîî d t ta lae!" îyu oitîdntral atm e ot "Thats becanse I haie a buried ta tlîe end( of life. Chris fouud him- He stood there. stariîig lowt i at 'I ivant you if you want ta stav.a desire to murder any uumber of self starinz blankcintoth "fuurier. tr i ig to smile. tryi ig ta wel- She greîv slrewisli theti. You veople." loe Next i car. anîd tlîe uext. and the corne lier. "Von look as if y-ou've ivouit take aiîv of the repi siiiy uext. Katie IuJLdtita through lier -sosblt pnzzîke nizdbt h ing ais , eel.1Gdkii hrla agood stiulîer." will yoIIu ts p ta me. If I go,i eilg psychiatrv uoipzln vBvv, iid . . .re li catî't wait ta tell yan about it. desert von. That's wbat cvery onc over hliiel hwvehapn aii ýon briuîg inii mvbags. Cliris? ivilI sa'., isnt it? ndhfe wraen fthe utlofifra eans uiOr is there somebody here to, do it?" 'I)oes it matter s50 uch îvhat hie could uiot contraI, or bie himself tbat stumer. He definitey aban- "l'un alouie, as it liappetîs. but 1 tlîey say ?" CI determined it. He badl tbought ai- douîed au'.' idea of suicide. He ivas hisad NtoviIsupe.tnvr wavs of the buman body. Noîvlie seeiug the tbing tlîrough. NocI eau brinic, theun," Chi ad Nt a'iIspps.I ee beRgn ta wonder '.i'etber there wasi hellued im there. toa. He ivas uir-. He weut ont iltt the dark, glad dlid. It does ta me.", sometbiuc else. and if sol wbat it mal and bealtby. He wauld wander tor a momenît of readjustmeuit. He mai'ed iii bis chair. "Katie," a was. 'Rehieion caîls it God, phil- over. is feet bare. bis overalls ci lie came back. Katie had made hie said slowly. "wby did YOU take osopy clls t te qsolue, ioI faded and patcbed. ta look at Chris a oîick survev of lier surrouuîdings tbat letter of mine. vears ago? The 0 ospy aîsi te~Lsl 0e9baoY seriausl'.' m uuder is beavy anti îîas îvaitiuîg for Iim in the hall. anc front. Beverly Lewîis ?" Catis i ie scooyctslttac f arm She was aiu incongruons but at- Sitc looked ternified. The colaur si mind." IlLosasi h fs r rsn rctive figure stanuding there in bier draiiied ont of bier face. '"What let- "Dovot elev inGo, oe?" iii the creek if yon feel like .,mng'iart clothes, lier icb - heelcd ter? I dau't know îvhat you are talk-r "Sure. Dou't you?" trytng pntnps. Atnaziuug how yaung she ic about!d Asbmlea htt ol oeîng i'ltvayhizocsn lookcd. lue tîottgbt. A trifle îatbetic, 'Tlietuif doesi't inatter." bie said el wildly. lus fair liair noiîtanîd bs Atud the','.'otulîî go togetîier. tle too. iiitiihose surrotindinsis. Theme quetly. "'beu dioitanaut ta leave face mcd iitli effort. As simple a: iànadsh o. Chilo ing as a pflace for lier somcwlîere. She lîcre? Tomomroîv?' tl that. Yon cat inta trouble and asked ,mtbn îebc. Cîi,îoiclail souiethitue ta gi'.e: lier vitality. Slîe ivas still frigbitcned, lie kuiew. God a lilticon nd H bet dovuîdoîctiat the itdiaitable votuuîg hmcit.ce e heflicn hetsî vn pt c.aî Godtobeli ou;an Hçbet dwnfigre woldfefieiiisre.sragel lernldtv.efeelerchlîiîiico- weelfh wstmangelv.andsh strreil. \liv badi't leliîad a boy eîuieîice. But siue did tiot belong Ieft tlîe uext maruîiug. He knew tlîat likce tîis? \y nb. dcccl hadî't bel ir. tuar ta bîm. ____________________ lîad thus *bac - You itîst le tired." lhe said. "\Ve Yattnz NacI'el onld leave bjm cati talk totiaraiv. Noîv yau'd bet - Itl setld oiewieealouug the stream ter zct ta bcd." Business Directorv i Iandc then ivander off; and Chmis SIîe agrced. Thue cheerfultîess. lîad t]I '.otuld cast witlî bis left baud, jerk- cane ont af lier face- anîd she ivas I tic îtîe fisli ont)litta tle gass : but ilent as lie I_çd the ivav lt) thue ,oltmslie ivas tinahle ta release staurs. LEGALs Othîe hoak Iblnseîf, aîud Noel woîtld -'ini i ure.' bie told lier and t] find iun sitting quietle an tlîe batik, slioived lier tha roun aof Daî'id". M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. a snall dead trahI beside ai. uud Letitias îith lits braad bcd. BritSoctrN ay Cliis's face. tumuîed toîvard bim,, Voi cati sîeep lucre or - there arc Brîtr oiioNtr %vîl% estiii ut la. hm otluer raauns. l'un afraid tlîev're tiot Phone 351 acuhnt nake the grade, son.' ra(l for visitars.RoaBak lgBo anie "rry. Haie cati hiectu . ig Bîut sîue elected a oom of bier W. R. STRIKEa i'.autuigo wn. anîd he ivas aware of a certain Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 1 c va tminute or tva." relief. SlctrfrBn fMnra \Ved uîy keî cacb otlier a- SlcioiorBnko-onra Dentiste recommend Wrglys tuici wioîuld find the fishu verv iva e.'si saicl practicallv. "And Money to Loan. Phone 791.t Gum as anaid ta trong, healthy îlead inîleed. u;ud kîîw that Chris Id lke t seeniit (e ) - ng Lc Bowmanville, Ontario. teeth, cleanses them of food par- lad heeti sittinuc there, 5slet and dl uad otueseîhuitus eay.I siptiO5I L C ASN BA ticles, massages the gums. Aide di- ak-oie. for a lonigtline. ciai in be akfanio st nbc.darristeros 1-. C M Solicito. gestion, relieves stuffy feeling after It cm sabo hntesum- cai lae i s kac 'Lst .Niner cati mail-Solcitr meals. Helps keep you healthy! tmer ira., erand tihe oc bladtago " lr a r.Mle aimr-Ntr ule-Ec Take some home for the children hack tii scluol. lîris,.se inz bhini xîîii uicl.ta lier. Ntaryin Pbl itbce. too - they will love it! CS-35i îueand if. r I r1o iti thewstat i uiueui! îcc lusLw na isbanhs ~ tlui fnuu. fita suau> ontuîtu'î I lool two a sl tloa Scotch Office imtiNediately east of Royal àt ài,-vn iiii o leD tliiglut. and Phne: Theatre. tliilicart. hlie '.aîted altnîîst tierce- hue uuxt nioruiuiglue miiils lie PhnsOfie68Hoe53 'Iiavedl tat lis cxc, x'.ere çougestedl h hu' i'.'îîibacc ta watch hiuîself. lie DENTAL lators, Weil Curbing and Farm i ti thua t: uuandl 'iui tI ' i fa cle-aisI'i Entrance Culverts. Uj'VýLC id lelaiLci la s il neicr. wfrit/ofrpartiL'klars and prices. i lu-Iere un', uiaf?1" ENTERTAINER '-Bar ilurlîîr. Slie wii'i't gaiuîg Secure RALPH GORDON, the THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED oîut nîtehu. lîit takiuîg '.vs andî Estabiçhed 1861 t1iii's like tliat." wonderfuily versatile e n ter- HEAD OFFICE - OSHAWA, ONT. Sie îisiais5rîl Beveri'.' lieti, as il tainer, for your next entertain- Montreal Ottawa Toroit o Witnipeg Calgary Vancouver ,hîe didl uot coîtiut: luit slie cotîhlîlot limuiss tîîis hîtrial alivei'e vîihi.a, ment. Illustrated cîrcular free. ACliris's life îîow. She ketît oun trriine Address 628b Crawford Street, fuor a wlîile. Onie afteruioiiu . ia'.and arno ItIA tJFATURES FO FHEFARMFOR VER 5 YER tie ofher daugltcrs-iuî-laîv liaid] a,8 foruîîal cal. anîd Katie ivatclicil tlîeuîî the departure was finial, fhuat slie îî'as takiuue berself ont of luis hife for good. He f ricd ta feel some re- gret îîben bc kissed lier. Iii a scmusc hie did. at that. She ivas the hast tic be lîad ta bis former life. She bad destro'.ed bim, doubli destroycd bita ; but she ivas Kafie. and onuce shue luad loved bim. "Goad-bc-e, uiv dear; anîd lbe Iap- pv. She hoaked af bim. "Happy !" slue said. 'WVith my if e kmocked ta puecs I stuppose I j ust don't tîuder- stanîd ion. Chris. Maybc I neyer did." Shie î'euut a'..aî ouifhiat. uuot look- iug back, heaî'iuug bim alomue iu thuaf dyiuug garden. '.ifb bis îîscless hîand tuckcd iii bis pocket. ii theflic .vud mîtffliuug bis huair, and iih a strange toruuetited look iii fle 'cies '.hîicu folloi'.ed bier îuîtil shue '.as otut of siglit. Noai' f ast hie iras alone. sfripped ruare of everythiug. evetu lis ;iridc. That uigbf for tlue first anud auîlv hune since lue bad been appaitited tii lue baspifal staf f. lue dramîk bimseh f miita a stutuar. Thetuanud otilv thuei lie uîuauîaged ta sleep). Katie got huer divorce mn Remua that faîl. She ivrafe ta Chris asking for it. and bc dre'.vagainst bis rapidhc limimuiishimue batik balance ta finanîce it. He senît lue chîeck and theni ieuit for a lotig walk tbrough the bare famui lands. Lonîg aga be bad knoîvu huatn miarinancould fma'.el f'.varoads at aonce, yet bc bad triçd if and failed. And long ago alsa lue bad .calked thîrougb au autuin uday hike bhis. ivatchimue fhe leaves scurmying before bis feet and tbinkuug tluat Nature iveut about ber businîess mrosaicalhy. ansdivithout emnotional nonîsenuse; that onl'. uankind chut- ered lt) ifs life '.itli emotional dis- turhuatces - pitv. romanîce, grief anud passion. He ivas Younlg then, or bc îvouhd have added remnarse tQ the uist. He bad let Katie go ber bead- stromig 'îav, toa bus' anud fao self- 'uîgrossed ta check lier. Thuere bad emî cood stîtff iii ber, anud lue lîad let luer go. Faurtee %-cars. For foureeu 'cars Cbnis luad lo'.ed anceîîoman, anîd for uîuost of tluat time lue bah icet i namried to amuther onie. Tlue huuuamu hueamt was a stmatige tbiîg. le thluouglut. Lt coîuhd go flîrangh flue ,--sttires of laie îîitlî otie '.'ouîau anid i et hd the image of amuofler. t craced f recdouu amd ',et dreaded a hic ahotie; atd lie '.ha huad craî'ed freedoîn for so lonîg ni iavuad it, anîd it meaîît iatliiiu.g ta biuîî. "imothuer phase of Ilus hife begau bhat same uiglut. Le iras reatlc for bcd anud abott ao take thue finual drinuk wiliwionlî alloîr hiuîîta escan) enuîlue beard lie bauiuutýg of an aId car caunimug n) lis ueghecfed driveiva nmd vemît dîîî'î ta the door. Otue offlue village mntivîas tliere. a '.orried little mn a 4av that luis iabi' ad flue croîup, anud '.rajjd thie doctor look af flic :bild. 'NIv '.ife's scared. Doctor. I dontt like fa bother ion, but if yout'd cone and take a look-" "'m flnot omacticing; but l'Il came, of course." He ivemt upstaims ta fluro'.. oui some clathes. atid ou huis table sat bhat baffle of bis. He stood for a momenif sltrîeviug it. Tben hue îîeît dlihucratehc totahle witdo'.vanuudn- 'ndcd if. W\hep bc wetut dowimstairs agauu, lucre iras a grim suuuihc au huis face. "Ail igbf,' be said. 'L-et's go." I-Le picked tmpluis bac '.itbhuIis leff îamud anudiveuît ot into thue cool lamkness. He spetf osf of thuat nigbt by hie chuihd's bed iii a sinahl village bouse, contentut fahc there. ta bear bhe long crowiuîa imtakç of air graîr cîss stertomous and changz- inta nom- mal brcathing. tnitil finally the baby slept. \Xlieui at hast lue ememged iuîio lue dusk of a ivintri daî'.n, bis face ,luoiîed fatigue.,hbut theme was a tue'.. set ta bis sluoulders. Once miore lue îiad mîade a fighf - smalh as it was - and uu'ot it. He bîunied the emnît%' battle thuat dav iii Lefitia's garden. alonug îitb seceral of ils fehho'.îs. That pîhase %%as aver. îluauk Gad! 13"t if aoie îîas axer aiafhuer was îîeginnuing. Thue uîeîvs ieuf aromnd tbe coîîuufrysi<le thaf lue iras axail- ablc. amuI litthe b'.' itthe affer thiaf the cotiutrv people huegantu facaine iii. H-e lîad na huours. there îîas noî sugmu an tluaf door of Daîid's. But tue'. camîe. a fîu't. ii aîucienu îggies, mu tnmd-spattercd cars. Atf fimst lie made mua charges. Tbcuî fimîdiui thiat îlîis huurt thîcir timide. lic let tbeinî mav i' hitîu ad Daiid's prices: a dollar for aun office caîl. twui dol- lars for a visit. At thue enI of the first mauuitli lie fotumd lue huail tnkt'i. dem anid tdaced an ancieuît and di- hapidateu amîgel oui flictaoi). iVbuii at last lic caine dcuwni, e laokeé amonîd Ihua shuccîishl. 'The aId unan alwa'.s said 1 p)rai-er about ntuow." lie said. "W(V îîîigbt i ust be quiet for a mintin aiiýho." * * * * back ta schuool. But be was increas- inghi' bîsî. Thie coîutry' people came il, iucreasitue numbers. Sounetinues at uigbî a car or a buge'.' would stop zt aîde r siiio . a uîd bewoîîld fiopdrhisfiioltimîgaodîg flîouglu thie darkness. Sometluiug liard anîd tigbf in bis chîest begzan ta soften: bis staile iras mlore sPouîtauîeaus. bis îoice more gemîthe. Here agaitu weme the liti- mate contacts of bis camly davs iii p)ractice. It did not maffer that hue '.îas still cantine less than if cost binu ta live. Wh'at mattercd was fluaf be had faund a place far Ihua- self. small as it was. But be was lonely. louuly as lue bad tever been befome iii his i fe. Tluere ivere long liaurs eunptc çîctî of souiîd. for Mrs. Miller went homie after lus early supper. Snow canue agait iii Jatîuar',. cloggiuîg the mads, banking up against bis iii- do'.s and cîutfiuîg off înast of his oîutlciuîc cases. He eut a pathu ta the woodboîîse atîd otie ta Mrs. Miler's cottage, but '.iithu ancaria it uvas sloha.eaî'y '.ork. He '.otuld put fa foot against tbe shuaiel, pîtîhu ifunu- dem the snow, and loosen if. TVietn a littie at a timne bc coîîld lift it out of flue way. His hack aclîed at muziht withu ".'ariness. bis hand sbo'.ed blisters: but hue kept doggedîy oui. Tlueî iust as be had ftuislued. the snoîv nelted. Icaviuu his îîork for tothinz. Thue roads tîmned inta seas of uuud. the patbs becaine snuall streams of ivafer. Mrs. Miller, îilo'.ing alonug her road. caîîgbt a cold wbicli turned into peumnia. and be bad a long fight for ber life. If '.'as on a day '.ven Mrs. Miller ivas stihl sirk anud tbiugs bad gonue v.emy badlv imdeed tbat be opened the fronît door ta fiud the village taxi drivinz away and Bevcrhc on the porcb. 'I'm bere. Clris," shue said sim- pli. "\Vbat are yoîî going ta do wuthu me?" He stood still, looking at ber. "Do wtb yon. rny darling?" be said. "L'un going ta have '.011aIl mi' ife. and Fi goiuug fa scnd yaîi back by flic uîcxftraii."' But be opetîed thue door. anud she came in. She did not look abotut ber - ike Katie. She looked oîuly at huimuu anîd sîîddenly there in the hall she pttlher amms arouuîd humanamd laid lier head quietlv oui1 lis shounder. "NI'. poor Cliris." she said. 'Daîî't sciaituic av. I coîldn't hîcar if. Ist't it time I stax'ed. Chris? Isu't it timne. darliîg. (To be continued) Minister: "Really, you should wait more than four months after your husband's death before mar- ryîng again." "Yes, but you forget, Reverend, that he was paralyzed for eight mon ths." "' dlike somne insurance and I want t right away." "Ah, did my sales talk strike home." "No, but the lightning sure did!" TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY Sit iLs catchiU19 'heWatson . 0i»gsters are Dot ixerel Vlayflg telephofl -th'Yae 1ayil Long Distance; £or -Long D'stcia habit with the WatsonflfanulY - an inepenivehabit that saves an.%ietY n& expsve eep the faxni1Y together. Let the telephone 1iel orhrZf beyOId ouri,,nediate neighbour .oa. Let it keeP you n odi the arWYrelatives ana friendi ~O5 IS8~rrisinglY aSn'i -r" N . -' Eyestrain Days ARE HURE AGAIN .w JO/ . FOR SETTER LIGHT - BETTER SIGHT-US EDISO5QMAZDA CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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