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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE C.\NADIAN STATESMAN, BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSD.AY. OCTOBER l3TH, 1938 -i j k 1' t Nies. Gordons Powver and (kaIlgier v j.iteul lie mother ai Starekville. lt's "LAUNDERED" coal - washed free of dust and dr Ail coal - more heat We are agents for the well known Semet Solvay Coke J. J. FLETT FUELS Successor to Henry Latha-ope Phone 2695 or 2673 Res.: Ontario St. N., BowananviUle Harvest Specials AT FRED NELLES Red & WVhite Flour ................... 7-1b. bag 17c Chocolale Mïarshmallow Biscuits, Real value ......... 2 lbs. 29c Golden Banlam Corn, Choice quality ......... 2 tins 17c Tomalo Juice, Large size tins ......... 2 for 17c Gold Medai Strawberry Jam 3-z a 7 (with pectin).3-z a 7 Dited Beets and Carrots, special ... 2 tins 17c Gold Medal Pumpkin, large tins ......... 2 tins 17c (each tin makes 2 pies) Choice Yeliow Peaches ................... 2 tins 27c Jewel1 Shortening................. 2 Ibs. 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fe W. NELLES Phone 596 Bowmanville M. i euiietli, ,iuuî .au( Exereti cf Tourontoe. xisited ihei zrandparcrsts. Nie. atîd 'Nies. Ceo Nirs. Charles Cumîiîîgs aîd Nie Jack Rjckablv x-sited ai NieI. H.J Sonclî's ast xeeek takin(y bsck xvii theisi Nies. JchnîRickabsx shue xil srnci#i thie sinie in Toronto. Maple Grove Thaiiksgix'vigVîsitors : Nie, antI Nis. Hener' Swalloxs Rcwhey, .Xhîa., with their coussnn. Nie. and Nies. F. Swslhow. NIe. and NIes. John Munday, Mi. and Nies. E. W. Fohey weee guesis at Nie. snd Nies. Walte Siderus Couetice. Satueday evening ai Thanksziving dinnee. Nie. jack Symingion, Toronto su)ent thue weekend wiih Nie. Walace Niundav. Mr NI. Xalter Blackburn, 0O-ront, Nier. George Clemens. Torontoie. e Svisitors at Nie. E. \W. roley's due- use thue holiday. NI s. Ed. Wi lkins, Nlisses Bery ani Dorcen XWilkins, NMisses Loîii Kiîug aîîtî Xeliiia Lawi, Oshswa, xith .Nie. sîtaNie s. R. L. Woedeii. NI e. IDonaldî Ross with bis brui tîier. Gerne in Toroînto. NIe. aîîch Nies. Taylor, Toronto, NI... <va, NIe Donaltd Tuckeo Stiu. ai NI r. antI Nis. J. R. NMr.elf I edMs. XX. J. Sîstui xx il tIsei r .mmî, Na s i Torounto. NIi..sNullie Siuuîxel, Sciîguî Ilandu. Thieliia Freecînsi, Peteelucueu tliihujre-.n-tiv-hionies. NIr. aislnI ns- Il.- R. Fi i eu lier .i.tee. NIes. S. T. Bartîcti, of -NIe. and lNIes. A. Laird. NI. . Laird. Jr.. NMiss S'ssic Laird, New- îîîuke-t ..XMr. andtî Ni..Wi'nî. Lairt, te.NIr.. X'Pearsonu, Lskcficld. NIe. andiIurNs . LuieeiueStatulu-.. luthlaiv, xi uIluier iuaieeits, NIe. andu .\li... . 1). Trinihuhe. fi-r. anii\ Ires. Nourîuîaîi sNIre A~i1N i tliXiîîr lelhiîiu ... ui Purhhiiuaiu. lis-, (luara hieliîai. NMr. Dii c h.ialî Tuîssîu xxtIi Nr. andi XIr. V s, 1 Fi iîslle, Pourt hit usitlu NIir. ,iuî NI'uskN h). Trimuih NI: sic-r,. liiiruluIStevexcia.. ais l a uit lilisu'I s re uîïeratcul oiiilast usikI. f putitueiiuhti... in ii nI'5îaîî- t île Il "ijitaî, .uuiuhart- uhî'l,iiuc ux. i -tiv is't î , i'liii..Gla igsiit- i ,lllim - ii i cîuh. ti Ic' alsiu Oh- têsi a uuî;-d NI-1uîîhnal. Tlu c-vrjuita st-ves. cij uahletri. Mr niedsisNies. MNi.iiiitlsyl, Nies. X\'i.u.hf ferve. NIe. aîud Nies.iR. R . Steves it ejl relatives iii Couriojhît, 't.d ir eo. s. J. ih Ti Ioni r. vilk fan Meý fan Lari wýa' nice Ho' of Anr. lanc at lins 9.30 mci TVjmc- -u;% and M itts WHEELING YARN Guaranteed not to shrink. Ideal for ev'eryday socks and mitts. ANGORA WOOL Fuzzy Wuzzy and Kohinor The up-to-date wool for scarfs, gloves, sweaters, berets and evening wraps. Have vou seen the Penguin and Pelican Books? Ask about them at Je JWJEWELL Phone 556 - - avM andt atteîîded the xvedding of their niece. Niiss Lacuîtta Niunday. Rallv Day of the S.S. xvas lield Sîîndav with a zood aitendance. Rev. XW. C. Snmithî gax'e the address vhiich %vas appeciatcd bx- aIl. Ourf Tlîaîksgixiiîg service wiIl be givenf liext Sîîndav. The church xas beau- tifullv- decoeated for the occasion and xsill remain so for uîext Sunday. GladtIe, report Mes. Albert CraLro is mnuch improved. also «Me. Geo. \'an Dvke doing nicely after bis operation in Toronto General Hos- pitaI. T:yrone i reach herc ieý-t Snndayvat B r e take '.\r. Bechl's work at Newton- Miss Ethiel Partrier and I.\ie. Stan - ville.: , Service was conducted on Sun- le), Goble. Bowmanivillc, .\Ir. and Wjürk on tlhie cli sýteeple lias day mnoening bxy Rev. Me. Lackey Mes. Jas. Middlcton and familv, been completed. The stecple which 'W-ho delivered a rifle sermon on Orono. with Me. and N.Irs. Fred seas strtick bv liglitniiig earîv in thle !the topic of 'Prayer." Partner. siluiiiir lias heen t-ken dQvn. Burketon Thankoffeeing Se e- Mr. and M.\rs. Cecil Slenion with Youngz People's Union lîrocgraili vices Sunday evening. Oct. 16th. t Me. and Mes. C. Briggs, Toronto. was ini charge of NMrs. Ruissell '<jr- On Tuesday evening, Oct. lBth, at Mr n Ir.Jms lded ihtie isca eei_ sIv I.L 8 o'cîock. Ralph Gordon, enter- Mr.andMrs Jaes \llrea wih ue:mu~calselcflli5livMr.L ainer from Toronto, will put on Me. and 'Mes. Hars-ex Strong. Saleni Noïtson and MIr. G. Wellman ;rcad- apeogram that wiIl be both en- Mr. and 'Mrs. Theçtdore Do i and nie bv '.\r. Aldin Hoar: topic seasa Bilie it Re. ad es.Aw' e-taket hv \Mrs. R. GlaspelIllTe, tertaining and instructive. Bille wih Re. an Mrs A. c- JMe. Harold Wilson hias gone to0 Lauchlin. Havelock. - Kiingdoin of God; vocal solo bi Oshawa where he will attend 1 Me. and Mes. L. Robinson and Ie. Gordon Brent; readinz bl Niiss night school at Oshawa Vocation- Bernice. Mr. Robinson, Peterboro. at Edicha Canîeroîî. '.\r. Clintoi Bi 'gelcwv al Instîtute. Mie. F. L. Byam's. took cliarzce tf thc worship peeîod. Visitoes: Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Hampton. .\tteiîlancc tit-xo withMrs Rot. urgss. iiiik-iffriig an QiartýlvTea Mr. T. G. Breck %vas home feom wît N rtsoi. atreded. Taiikfferii oaîl QîrtrS TOttawa. Mr. L. . rsnatne Tahr'O ViS. %vas lîcld iii_.S. eoom Convention at Osl.ha\va acccmipaîîied Oct. (6îlî. Presiîlent Mrs1.. S. Hoar Me. B. Slingerland, Hamilton,W hv Me. G. 'Nellniai f Victoria called ti' werslîiip after ,quliet ,,,,sic a oe !içinarc. Thev spelut the wveekend ati nIas d liv Nrs. Flosd Dtidlev-; iMr. Fred Stevens, Toronto, with a Me. Mortson" lfoieue at Laîîgstaff. Iliiiuzhseii: praver I)v Nirs. \. CIe- Me. Wallace Beeck. 1 s Me. C. W. \\ odles j, aIle toe î'ecril)tutire as rcad b), Mrs. W. Mrs. M. McKechnie, Winnipeg, homte frointhe Griieral Hlospital, Mnit 'aI Nîrs.Ilv. Tlîoglts xith her daughtee, Mes. T. G. Toronto. MeIs. Ardue Virtiicis also 01ithtlicinieofthie iîîoitlî Thank- iBreck. c-onvalescinizý at Niej. S. lik it'.,fliiess' hv Nfrs.. S. Hoar. Prograni Mr. and Mrs. Duke Kay, To- oi Bownialiville, a.fter tlîeir retioel - teIisÀtcd of: vocal solo ".\I- ronlo, at hec mother's, Mes. C. ý atiens. Woî Id-li Ni rs.._\lex Col ville. Bse-Sandeeson. o Svnîipathiv o f the eoIiîîîîiîiitv is ianiileu..\X sfleiilid addres s b Me. and Mes. Heeb McLaughlin, sc exietîdei teNir E. Pi -albîîrîî in i t Ii.Ni. W. P'. RgrBexvîîanville. :Mr. and Mes. Harry Wright and al deathi of lis fatlier, Nie. 1). W. Brad- Thiiss, ea.. it tlîotilîifil anîd in- daughtee Joyce, Oshawa, with Me. re blin. Çart\îvrigzlîs. spiriiîg leadilis ruinieiihier as and Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Cý Rex. 1-îigeîîe Beach.,N\csvtollville, Ciri..iasiv. ec arc pictturiiîg Christ Mr. Jack Smith is at Beechin. ' ______________________________t' Hlie \worlîl in ii u dailv lives. N.ies. Me. and Mes. R. J. Luke, Me. Cîvlefavored witlî anollier sole, and Mes.- Howaed Hoskin anda NvTa.k.* accuîiîpaiiîiint Il\- Nie.. family. Kedron, Miss E. Laurence, lis..PooILes. Ànclî seas servedl hi Columbus, Me. and Mes. C. N. sis IcE Ni...X.XV..Anis anîd lier grotup. Stainton, Blackwatee, at Me. and RAD O S RV \tteIIudance 30. ýMes. W. N. Hoskin's.N Nir. Levi Skinnîer lîad thîeniisfor- Mr. and Mes. W. N. Hoskin and Ail Makes tiiînet, te fal wNhile picl4ing apples ýDorothy xith her paeents, Me. I,. l1asi xx eek xvheîî the linîh xvhicli tIe and Mes. R. H. Wood, Oeono. li 11ladder %vas leaning on gave îvay and li PH NM55 Nr. Skinner felI several feet. He is 14t] PHONE 57 on niiresatnded hcr Long Sault fatiier lasi xseek. C. S. M. Kincaid, Mes. J. Kin- N IR '*Q U INNcaid and daughtee Geace attend- r. ~ eç the annual banquet of the Ser- ilv King st. Bowmanville Efldi geants' mess, Midland Regiment, Si ______at Cobourg on Friday. H. Visilors Miss Marion Fraser and feîend 1 Me. and Mes. Harold Wiee,' Ot- spent Sunday in Oshawa. C. .tawa, at Mr. G. Bowman's and .Me. Walter Murphy, Miss Paul- M Me. T. Bowman's. ine Fraser, Miss Edith Murphy, Mr Mr. and Mes. F. T. Ashton To- and Me. Hugh Murphy visited fri-- Il D Dronto, at Me. George Ormist's, ends in Toronto. R ~ j ~ S Mre. and Mes. Thos. Whillier Mr. and Mes. Murreil Wood- S and Bobby Stinson, Toronto, aI ward and son Ronnie, Toronto, FO A LMes. H. Stinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. Joe Te FO FA LMiss Verna Orrniston, Oshawa Woodward, Bowmanville, withan and Me. and Mes. J. Smith, Bob:' Mr. and Mes. George Smith. aiho Special Iow prices for higli caygeon, at Me, Hosken Smith's. There was a fair attendance at d top and 6-eyelet rubbers. Me. and Mrs. Albert Niddery chue ch Sunday evening when a e and Messes. Calvin and Allun Nid- communion service was in charge dav This stock lias just arrived dery, Toronto, aI their cottage of Rçv. A. W. Maech. c anid im of the finest quality. here, , - a Me. and Mes. Harold King, Osh- S. Corne ini and see them. awa, aI Me. Oliver McCuiloch's. Clark e Union Su Mes. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Ida ____Bt SHOEREPARING McCulloch in Toronto on Tuesday. Faemees are busy barvesting their SHOEREPARING Me. and Mes. Wallace Pascoe rsoab e visiling at Brusselîs. arides and buckwbeat. Buckwheat Finest w o r k, raonbe Mr W. J. Ormiston is visiting is ahbiz crois. prices and fast service is in Bowmanville. There was no school oit Thursday SMr. Frank MeMullen attended aîîd Fridav on acceunit of Teachers' our motta and we live up to the Teachees' Convention at Osh- Convention in Toronto. it. Our customers must be awa. 'Nie. antI Niers. Alex Watsoni and à Me. Neil McCulloch has retuen- aîid 'ies. Haeev Baile and NMiss a satisfied. efomteGnaiHsiaatieciSouchi visited "Nie. .Archie Toeonto much impeoved. XXatstmn at Kingston, c1i Surnday. aln A-rchie eetuenied home tlîem for N thie holiday. JOHN LEZ Chuzz - Xhat was the resuit of Niss UAa 1IIoiliinffsortli xx li lias \vit Kîg tW owaniue the fight the Countess had with lîcîtengnaged txih Nies. H. j.* KigS. .Bwavle hee husband? Soticli for thie pasi vear lias gene Osl Biones - 1 undestand she ce- tu Toronto seiere sIte lias seccured and "Ceowniiîg the year xvith goodness" sas the subjeci cf Rcv. A. WV. .Niaecl's sermnn lîre on Suîîday aficrniioct X the close cf the ser- vic the saceamient xvas adnîinistered. Y,. PU. iiîcetitug on W'edîiesdav evciii Oct. 5th openied xvith the eresitleit iii the chair conducting the oiseiiîîî.r excecises antI praver ix' Rex'. Marcli. Tise peogeanîî xas iii charge of Nies. ý. Btitterv selie ead tbe crinure re ferences. Topie xvas veex' hIev teali xvith bhv NIes. . Squaie; eadinzs xvere gis-cii 1w Nies. P. aisti andt'.NIe. E. Doicîge ; a vocal soo lIv Nies. E. Dards. A hîvmn cistest %vas conductet l îx-tIse leader W the close. .\ttcndaîîce 26. Nlasîce IDouglas lPoltl aîad lus scer. NMiss Ruth xxere Thianksgiv- îciL visitors xvithî iîcir geaîîdpareîîîs, ler. atdtl NIes. C. Pollard. Svmpniathy- is extended te Mes. J. friviii antI family in the deatb cf er brother, Nie. W.Adams vho )assed axeax'ai Oshaxva on October Nie. aîd Nies. D. Hooper, Orono, ere holiday caîlees ai "The Nie. and Nies. F. Hiiesi and fam- ev anîd Nies. Moody, Toronto, xvere1 ýundav visitors with Me. and Mes. -.Gaud. Hl-oiday cuesis xvith Nie. and Mes. Collacuittxvere Miss Harbuen and Jr. Learson. Brantford, Mr. and .ers. N. Moyse, Me. and Mes. R. Joyse. Toronto. NMiss A. Silver. Town, spent the ;eekend with Me. and Mes. E.t iver. Nie. F. Blackburn attended tbe tachers' Convention on Thursdayt id Friday, wbio-b made quite at 'hidav for the scholars as it extend- don over the Thanksgiving boli- av. Me. and Mes. W. Lockhart and ildeen cf NiaRara, N.Y., and Me. d Mes. J. W. Lancaster and Me.t ,.Lancaster. Newtonville. spentç tnday with NMr. and Mrs. S. :ttery. Blackstock Haydon Rýeec lit N isîtors: Nie. and NIes. X. V.X'ight an famnilv. Mr. and NIes. E. Hunier an fainilv ai is S. Trewin's. Nie. andi Nis. C. Bradley, Tyrong at Nie. E. Beadicy's. Nie. Bihl Grant, Misses jea Mototue. Ursul and Ruth McNci Toronuto. at Nir. A. NýicNeil's. Nie. anîd Nis. C. J. Niointio3 [slinzton. Nie. and NIes. R. Gilberî Eniiiiskilletn. Nie. anîd Nies. J. Roger an(]i fainilv. Mr. WX. Thew, Toronic at Nie. Ni. Slemnon's. Mijss A,ýnne Trexsiiî, Toronto, tome. NIe. and Nies. L. Gealîamn and fae lv ai Nie. Cyrus Ashton's, Buel toit. Thankof feeiîîg serv'ices xvill b, licîl tiext Suindax- ai 2.30 antI 7.31 rii. Rev. E. L. Beecli cf Newvton ville. seill preach. NMiss Florence X'rr; Bossniai ille. NMiss E. Ni. erry, Toronto Mr. anidNies. G. XVeery anîd Boyd Miss Olive Broxwn, Orono. ai Ni -. shîtoî's. Nie. andtl Nies. S. ontioîjo- Haniv ton. aiNie. T. Nfouritjox"s. Cadmius Nie. NMelville WVright movcd to il( srm lie lias retitedî lîar Janex-ille Nie. anîd Nies. A. NVoIfe have re tiened to Toronto for the wintee. Nie. Gee. Start. Toro.Xo, spert he sveekeiîd xxith his dauighter, NI\rs, ce. Black. AX itinher feom hliere cîîjoved the oa.St ceose supper ai Yelverion. Nies. J. D. Carscaddeîî, NMiss Haztl -ascatîteii and Niiss Marion Nia- uod. Bownîianvilhe, spent Sunday th Nies. H. Galbraithî. NMiss A. Mountjoy. Hax-doîî, spenî le xveekend witlî ber sister. Mes. J. Ellioti. The Roasi Chicken Supper under he manag'ement cf the Cadmus W. se as a decided success. The .zaar anîd f ish pond also added to le amusement as well as the fund fthe society. .Aftee aIl had par- aken cf a mosi d&Iicious suppei ie Courtice Young People ppit on le islay "Basbfuî Me. Bobbs" witl isic between acis furnished by 155s Myrtie Wilson. Miss Annie anc .alvh Robinson, and Nie. S. Casile, Ilcf which were heartily encored. Me. and Mes. H. C. Muckhe, Be- mv. visited ohd feiends heee on undav. Enniskillen in id te. cil, ')Y, ,r ers at ýk- se 30 ,- e nti le ýy it 0 Is Rccît Visitors: Rccnî '<isitees: N.Ie. and Nies. Jas. Gregory, Oslî- NIe. andl Nis. E. Davis and Bert axeai NieM. XVm. iooee's. lamiltoîs xith Nies. J. Stron. Ni. snd Nies. Henry Avere. Nie. Hnev Gahiai, Toreie MeXX'ectsock. xeith ber sister. Nies. XW. ti Nies. R. Bees xeith Nie' and Oke. es. 0. Grsham. M Niss Junec Ashtont ai NieI. Ira Tra- Rev. anîdNies. XXalkee. Jaîuetx'ille, vchle's. Oshaxwa. itI Nie. aîîlNieMs. H. Hooex'. Nie. aîîd Nies. XX'îî. XX'ight xx'th NIe. atulnieMs. F. Hoskin aiscoilisNie. R. X'reiht, Tvroîîe. hsaxa. -NIe. andth Nis. L. Waniien Nie.,_Herheri 'Niglît, 1-hlîpiciî. id Duîiv. Kiebe, visitctî sith-.ierNiiss ElcîBaheNies. XXîî. Oke1 i'INies. N. Nicuntjov. - 'andth Nr. aîîtlNrs. Edtîr XX'iglst 'le. andtlrNIs. C. Ilxde andt Patsv. iseith Me. XX. E. Saîîdcese. rotl. Nie. l)ocule NieDosgle xwjîîî Nis(ciitIE. riv sehule r. nd Nies,. I.Argile,.il i'rtts in Lioun. Mle. anîd Nrs. Alviti Bell, Ottaxwa., NI e. arîI Gilbcrt. Niss XXinîîi- Xs V. Paîtersoti Tortonto, .\IrNi. fred Cole. NMiss Gilbîert, Toronsto, ai lt Lels. \ Ire. E. ..WNeeeys. Mr. andtl NIes. XX'. Laeiîice. To-i Ni. aindl Nis. Cecil Braîstoîî tf te. NIe. aidtl Nies. R. Larincerseus h 0iase-a. Niss Alîma JPage, NMiss raîd Nies. J. Larmer. Clara i'ac Nie. Osxeald Pethick. Mliss Stisie V'an Camp at hsule. Te)rcio, . i Nis. Etta Psge's. -iss Nîsegurite Adams, Newtonî- NIe, antI Niers. A. Brîtaîîd fain- e. seith Nie. aîîîNies. G. Boxees. is' v iîh MNi. XW. NMarks, Scsgrog les. Jchn Fice, Nies. Ed. Fice lIsland. s. Rex- Teexvihigae, Oshaws, vith NMiss '<erns Peihick, N.\ l loyd s. Ira Argile and Nies. EtI Dar- Pethsick. Tortonto, at Nief. S. Peilu- .Blackstock. ' ick's. Rev. E. L. and Nies. Beech snd Sundax- Scliocl nexi Sunidax' ai îihy. Nuewtoovjie, with Nie, ami1 a.m. foîlowed hx' chuech service s. Austin Laemee. ai Il shen Rev. H. Lsckey Me. snd Nies. John Larmier xvith r" ive a speciladest h s. nd Mrs. Q. R. Larmer, Niih- Youiç People. There will hbc ne ok. exeninz service.1 Me. and Nies. Austin I-armer and Ni s. J, H. Weeey, Nîiss Florence1 îihv with NMe. and Nies. Ijaeey Wceex'. Bowmsnvilhe, NMiss Emma mier. Cenîreville. XVeery, Toronto, vi -si -ted Nie. Franki ir. James Steong's finofer that Orchard's and attended the Harvesi ýceushed in a puîîey is impeoving Home seQrvices ai *Eîniskilhen. eIx-. Wednesdav evcîîing. Oct. Sti, En- îîiskilhen Y. P. U. heîd their open- PIowing School is being held at ing meeting. About 50 y-ounÉt people .vard AlIin's faem, just noeth zsiherecl. Our îîcw lst-'<ice-Pres., Newcastle, Tuesday, Oct. 18. Nies. Ni. Hohbs xvas in charge cf iual Dueham & Norîhumber- a sphenditl peogein: the stuccial fes- id Plowing Match wil] be held tutre was a tahk by Rev. H. Lackev Isaac Hardy's farm near So- oin "Youngc Porue's XVoek' whuich1 aWednesday, Oct. 26th. Houes seas vers- instructixve A social hllî ýa.m. 10 4.30 p.m. E. A. Sum- houe scas sveit iniiphaviîitr games, rs will be in charge. altcer wLjch apples sud catîdv e xe sereu. Nie. Lackcv is s-esv inii iuteresteti iinYuuiig l'eofe's sx-uk -naid oîîe vouiug, peiple ar~el'kii Y A R N j forseard tb a livelv Y.i'.lo fiethue Ynr An1R N coîuîiig vear. Ete ce eleuuilîe. Hampton Recent X'isiîuuue MNI e. Necxx't' îuXViii -hniNouniai. seithi NIes. K. XXinteburîeî. Nie, and NIrsex.1. Xilis andutgraild- suiR aI îîhfI ' vu ut, Tiru ui i hi',a, I e. I. Ctlwil 's. NMiss lIsie' h atîteî andtlNie. Iharre Ilanîlkite atteîîueth thie Tc-achîes' Conviientioni. Mr . I uli-lIandu h)uutthue siti tîrins iin Toonto. NIre. Franuk Nia su tIsuh.N. V X.. sitl ie. andîlNI s. C. Haýstiîigsý. Ni aster hi iii iii it X'ui II x.Txruuîc- -ithi Nie. aîîhnies\XX. Clîapîîîaîu js. NI iss R. Anîthixle, Toeoîîto, %vithi her parenîts, Nief. and NI e. ..Xi ilîisiîe andt sisie, Jeais. NIliss Silsie X'anîCamp, . Iiacksioe, (i'f NIiss Jessit' Knox. N I i eleîî Kitûx, Tuurtiito, ai ý iu ine. Nie. aîuhn ieM s S. Cruiahîthn u.11.1iii ie..,Tiruutit. tut NI r. F. J. Croat's. 1 N hi ..c s ,Xrle-î cat i iili xNourth- cuiti. is'uariilI. t. iiesis uf Nie. and \fXis. L.ascruie Clemens. INie. aitînI es. Franuk Hast iii il. snd Nie. aîulnieMs. Ni. Crydeeman, Osh- awa. ai Nie. C. lastings'. Mîiss Naîîcv Jolis wiîh ber moih- ce. NIes. C. Jolis. Me. and Mes. J. Williams, Osh- awa, wjds Me. gnd Mes. A. Peters. Mre. T. Brçowýn. Ottawa. witlî bis sisce. Nies. Esther Stevens. Nie. and Nies. T. Salter. Toronto, isitlî Ni. and Nies. Theo. Salter. Mef. andI Nies. Davies anîd childei, Oshaxwa. xvith Ni. and Nies. H. XVI cox. Nie. antI Nies. Ni. H. Hare, Ingle- xs'od, Calif., visited their cousins, Nie. antI Nis. A. E. Billett. Nie. A. NMartin, Port Perry. with lus brother. N.Ie. H. NMartin. NIe. Haery Xinteeburn, Toronto, xsitlî the Holxvell boys. Nir. and Nies. Ravmond Burnîs at Nies. Jas. Burns. Nies. Chas. Wood, Orono, with relatixves. Suinday services xveee very xvehl attended and aIl] are pleased to be back ini the basenii.l. agaiti for the Stîîdî'% Sehîol session after ithe re- cenît inîpeovenents whiclî hax'e beeîî mîade. Rex'. XX. E. Honey, -Nivetle, îîrcachied ini the x'ening and-the choie renteeed Thianksgivinq music. -Ne.xt Susîîî-the lîvpeachîing service seul lue iii tlîe mii ng coi accourît cf siuecial Harx-eet Homne cex-ices ai Zi 'n11 S.S. as sîsîtal ini tle afier- 11001. Hanirpton Y.P.U. re-opencîl tlieje meietinQs on Fridax- nizhît xxitlî Pre- sidelît NIes. Blanîchardî ii charge. NMiss Eleaîier Sykes iook clîarg'e of a slnz-seîig. Ted Keesey eead the caîl te wceshiip; Rez Rackh-jiîi ead the bible lesson; Rex'. Rackhanî led in rpraver. Pecgzrain xsas iiicharge cf Fellowsliip Coîivenor. Tîelma Rolibins anîd iiiclucîed : reading by Tlîelnîa Robbjns : Norali Horri fax'- cured xvith an instrumntîal; a x'ex- interestino. and lhelpfuil addeess on1 "Chioosiî,ztIhe eighit oads in .hife" xsas ipeesenitcd by Rev. Nie. Lackcy cf Enniskilîcn;Iîumoeous eeading liv Gaeîh Peerett; Eric Cockle plaved lus zîtitar and sang. A social lialf houe cf camnes seas conducted by Re-y Racklham after xthîich is-inces andt relIs and app)les xveee ser'ed.t Solina Yoting People's Union NioIîday 2eveningy was in charge of Mnr. WU. )ley V«lloxvIees, Christian FelIow- Sshiri Corîvenor. Miss Helen Baker eead the bible lesson and Miss Gladys Yellowîees gave the devotional stoey.ý Piano solo. Miss Ileen Baîson. Mes. Frank Gilbert cf Enfield, gavei an interesting îtalk on ThanksLrivinjg, mentioniniz cue many blessinRs for whicb we sbould be thankful. Miss Kathleen Baker gave a vocal solo and Miss Velma Gilbert a reading. Recreation was in charge cf Miss Ruth McKessock. Candy and apples were served. Suîîdav School next Sunday will be at 10.30 a.mi. There will bc no pereachinLg service. Rex'. Honey cf Niyetle, occupied the vutltuit hiere Suîîday and gave a sîîlcîdid Thianksgiviîig message. The choie gax'e special music, Recent Visitors : NMiss Lauira Caxxkee, Toronto, .Nies. Harex Caxeker. Bob and Dor- othy.- Oshaxwa, ai Niiss NMary Ho- carth's. De. andtlNies. L B. Williaîîis. To- ruot. atiNie. Noex'al XX'ottcn's. NI r. Keijueth Bracrg. St. Ma\frysý, is sn'"11iiic a mnoîh at N.Ie. J. Bakzer's Iieîniiic iarv11esi the apple crcp. NI[r n.dilNI ..Ianuce IPla ins .and IDuonaId.- Luiu cSau h, NIreaiilni es. Da.n XXoiîcii. i croti. at Nie I iv- iinc..t use NIlillure'.. .Nie. aîulnies. i are ice, Jcaiui anud IlAiii. Nus Eva XX'chh, ]Boxe- îîuaîvillc. NIr. Stuart IHougarth. H1antiptoui. at NIe. Thos. Bakee's. NI r. Cealiaus XiIIan, Toronîto, xviîhî N.\Ir eslcv XVervy. Nie.XX. J. Bragir andcîNii.s Irene Ilea", aîd faiîîil%, Peovideîice. at .Nie. Jack Bakee's. Nie.- and Nies. Chias. Hcwsam. Niarv and George x-isiteh NIe.. and NIes. N Wl.Xilliams, Hamilton, and at Niafrara FalIs. Nie. and Nies. Norman N.\intton, Oshaxwa, aiNie. Will Wcstlake's. Me. and Mes Buhlock, NMiss Pearl Bragg. Toronto, Me. and Nies. Iewin Hereon. Toronîto. Me. and Mes. Geo. Dax-idson and Harold. Nie. and Nies. Niiltonî Siecri and Barbara, Picker- me,. ai Me. Jas. Smaîes. Me. and Nies. Robi. White, Mes. Nioffat. Nies. Hughes. Me. and Mes. Nelson Rex'nolds and family, Me.1 and Nies. John Garwood and family, NIe. and NIes. WiII Caeeick, Mes. \Vhitton, Toronto. Me. Dunn. Me. anti Nies. Gleni Duns. Boxymanvilie, ai Nie. Jack Reynold's. Ne.R. J. Nî\cKessock and NMiss IRiitli ai Nie. Eveeît Elliott's. Osh- Rev.1 hncv. Nu tle, ai Nie.. AL. l'ascue's. .Nie. antI Nis. J. B. Cation. and Xera. NIe. aiu( NIris.XW. C. Cto andu Lasesou hranmptcii, Miss Jsi Cationi. Nie. A.. L Cationt. Nie. at Nr..Il. U. Ca.iioi aIit l ina is Ihîtklîs . i etîo. NIiss Tessie Ye,- l'sle. Oshiawa, at Ni r. N. C. Yel lcw ees. Zion 1,tcent XVisitors: NI r. Franîk Pascoe and ddurhLIters, Nll1..i: renc Pascoc at Nie. .Arthur .Nînures. Enîiskjillen. NI r. ai I'NI s. Shepphieed. Wîi thy, at Nfr. Harold Gifford's. MI r. las. 'McNMaster Toronto, at Mre. \.IX'.Mcaster's. NMr. Franîk Pasce and daughiters, anîd M\iss Iree Pascoc with Mi ss, \îîa lPascoc, To'ronto. Ni r. andi NI rs. I iohhs, Bowiman- ville. it NMr. Carnct Beckel's. NI r . Carnet I lekel still continîues vuers ill at\htl Iluia. NI r. Mf A\ s1-e atîeuded NId', T weeî a nd N ks r h irw i tI NIî . Il. J I it and ehilireii, ( h- .kw. t MIr. Rîsî 'îIî NI. î. uîîlN rG eorge SunIles am'In TItlli. Ir'iito., ,it Nîr. t( (îî NI r,. i rrv 1,islie-r. .Miss Ethel I( les. ()shawav, ît MIr. Ras Camer- Miss.5Rcuta Fîintoff, Ovono. at NMr. Wesîev Camieron's. Dont forzet the Roast Chicken Supper at Zion on Oct. I9th. Me. and Mes. Russell Perkins and COWLING'S DRUG STORE Nyal 2 for 1 Sale Thurs. - Fri. & Sat. of this Week OCTOBER 13 - 14 - 15 Buy One Article and get Another of Same Price FREE SEE THE BILL LEFT AT YOUR DOOR On this sale you are assured a supply of fresh, clean merchandise together with prompt, courteous service. Pho ne 695 We Deliver M\argaret at Mr. George Ormniston's, Nlrs. Chas. NaYlor sang "Give thanks En ficld. iiito the Lord." Rev. Honey gave a Zion W. A. met at the home of Takging sro whh Mrs. J1. Shackleton wvith a good at- i tendance. After ihe usual business1 was crcatlv cnjoyed. svas dispensed wjth a good program1 svas ziven after which Mfrs. Shackle- Gordon Drillon of the Toronto ton and her group served a bountif ni Maple Leaf hockey teamn and Samn- lunch, mie MeMaflus of the Boston Bruin Rev. HoheV, Myrtle, ývas the hockey club were in town Tues- vreacher at church on Sundav after- day and visited Mr. Maurice Bres- noon. There was a good attendance. lin, hockey enthusiast and pro- HUMBUGS SELI LIKE HOMCAES No sooner had we advertised our Home-miade Humbugs last week than we were flocked with custom- ers, and forced to rush more through our special process to supply the demand. If Vou haven 't already bought a Pound, ta-y them. this week end. But corne early. We are also featuring baked goods such' as cream puffs and other eream filled articles this week- end as well as pumpkin pies, niincemeat tur-novers and pies. And for dessert at meals or for that party lunch, take home a brick of Silverwood's Ice Cream. Many flavors to choose from. CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 DON'T FREEZE... IN A BREEZE Buy An Overcoat FROM COUCHIS With Winter corning on, with its coid days and colder nights, it's Urne to think about overcoats, and while you're in the rnood and before coid does hit, corne to Couch, Johnston & Cryderrnan's where there is the iargest stock of overcoats they have ever carried. There you wiii see snappy checks, Alpine fleeces, Obrien fleeces, Elysian s and dozens of other cloths. if you are too fussy to fit in a ready.rnade coat, thefr made- to-measure department wili he delighted to take your nieasurements and order a coat for you. Prices range from $14.50 up to $55.00 or even higher. While you are at the store, take time to look over the smart suits, hats, lies and socks, flot to forget the shirts. You'il enjoy seeing the latest thing in men's wear. LADIES! Shop At Couch's This Week In the Ladies' Department of Couch, Johnslon & Crycterman's the fealures for Ibis week are: Colorful Bedspreads to match any roomn color seheme. Priced from $1.49. Beautiful up-to-lhe-minute Coals with fur collars and attrac- tive lines. Each one different and exciting. They are priced as low as $9.95. They have just received a shipment of the Ladies' Dresses for Fail and Winter afternoon and evening w~ear thal is ,worth secing. In the Millinery Department iMiss' Lola Dow,.n is making and remodeling dozens or lbats for ber mnany customers. Busy as she is, she will be happy lu take care of your fali bat no,.. The newv styles are different indeed from last year and reasonable ton. See these many features at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 834 LTD. Bownianville 1% Y Salem - Pl, iSkb d PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESl'%fAN, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO Bowmanville THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 1938

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