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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESM.AN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. CTBI Local Rugby Teai St. Mike's Saturdi The r(d and black 41rterîca ,. Hizh Schc.ol Seniors zt.k a first- quarter drubbncz nn Sturdav and couidn't zCriC hback fas-t enctr n the last tbnee-quarters pi Win the ru2bv zamne. St. M 1.aels H igh School. Toronto. took the larze end cf the score 17-5. Bawmanviile in the p-T-iniii- teen minutes were aIl but backed off the field bv the viitrar- wba started stronz and in less than f:ve minutes sconed their first tauchdawn. The westernens were considenably beavier and slioved throuzb some disorgan- t-.:,k Lh,î}4ULu1:11 tJoilLi mi Defeated By T': amneswa- absent fnarn the lay Score 17-5'2: and cther alet eest atirc hý- rernaininz in bcd and ne- ('rtcneicld attenti- n. He was .n lf,: -t, cIi1 ctbalI p:a% -. that bas ..e4dbadiv on Satundav. <-n -- en in this section'. Otht.rz who were rizht in the ficht NI . -ot.k the ncxt teuch for , Sattrda. and sbowcd ta cac.,d St. MX' and iv:th a bIcckcd con- advantaze were "Ticker" Crambie. vert *}'>.- xi',d ended. %vbD vas inlured tnwand the end o' The B.w-ý nianville score camne in the came: W.isemnan. whose strenzth tht ;ecrnd quarter wben Lcw W\ise- and fleetness helpcd the bovz out ai nman ir.îercertcd a vass fnom Pandv mnanv tauzh spots : Rickard whoîe and tor'e aven the line after a thirtv tacklinc is a fine feature of any vard run. Laule was followed close- zamne: Owen Fazan. who was Iv Iv' severai of the St. Mikes bvz. -ma-bcd on the nose cari" in the ,,ii- ws- uýt toc fast. Tbe snai was 1 came. but dIdnt quit. and Detsew. iilcntv iaw for the convert kicker Bun Fazan. Mne and Casbourne. wbo iva; biocked before he coiuld go!ý the pili away. znc piax vcne e elocal; couia -The ;eond balf evened evervthinz realîx' wrm up. Stedman. the shiftv. licht weiRbtfiyino, wing taok pttt-ae h Qa etî~ thtenedit for the iirzt tojucb ibat az cor'd a; ibeir appanents and mter was converted. thuv evclved tht idea ai tbrowinz 'ý-rNard pas-es ta tht centre oi tht A few minutes laten Ed. Shuba. !;ne aîe than fan oui an thte nd-.* rlinc ict half. ;nagged tht pig thex. werc neailv mmcing up the -km fonraa30 yard gain ta zcore the .. :u i fne ;îvle. .nfortunmtelv. a -ecanId tnx and make the 'cane 11-0. of'i!eaifunble- robbed tbem ai The cap'.ert did fot quite mnakt tht Ch1-an cc, ic,r further ;cornn. Iack aoeUture between po-t;. Ci ' hrw 'e enct I.rwarr: Shuba wae tht outstandinz p:iaver for 4ilx ard- that fell inta) the xsmit fon the visitons. spaoilinz plmv iter :n' am -i Don 'Mason. piav witb hem'vsh"'uiden îackiirn Po, i-C.1v lle and Ma-a". xh-, troR that 'sas bard ta cet b'..Ht ai;, îturn-a uatran'àd'n h kntw the ules irQm stem ta item thrincoa e ea ootalCb- and severmi times cbecked up on b'. MeîIlveen. captain ai tht teair. Mickey Romcb w'bo hmd a taucb tiie rn~'i t.uhnci-e ta dri credit t . a a;refenet. Sevenal minute; "'f tbe fui eam. but kept tht bovsc,- came were spent in arzuments whicix thtir, toc; ail thet tue. .At the open- soupnded more like a court room and i , hi- effort; at snap). a new lob a couple af lawy'ers in action than f,,z bu. 'sert naîben feeble. but imn- a bail field. "Chubby MNcllveen held nrrûx t'eu as time wtnt on. His bra- -i hebloal ed fandth his taiedther Duzzan was definte1v cout- ther wasfitl ard feeling and enral shotstring tackles that stopped Shuba aLways concluded thie argu-' sure vains. Ht ai;o did somnefilet ment wth a cyood natured laugh. Ht bhail car'ing when Re bad a chance. was iust about the best natured and WXater "tht Great" Hall 'sas scen -__________________________ in action for tht finît time this '<'ar and canied bis 200 plus pounds a- round nicelv. His condition was riot ~ ___ta co ood at the stant and severai THEATRE OSHAWA Thurs. - Fni. - Sat., OCT. 11-14-15 "The Amazing Dr. Cliterho use" Starring -EDWARD G. ROBINSON- CLAIRE TREVOR and HtUM.ýPHREY BOGART Stars of Radios Great Show "BIic a. THIS IS A -MONIE QUIZ PICTURE Added Attraction "Purpie Vigilantes" with the Three Mesquiteers FOUR DAYS Commencing Sunday - Midnite OCTOBER 16 ON THE STAGE "THE STEPPING UP REVUE"Y Featurlng Alison De V*are*s Wlzards of Rhythm BLANCHE HARRIS Queen of Taps EDITH LIGGITT Acrobatic Sensation Selntliating - Dazzling - Girls. ON THE SCREEN WALTER CONNOLLY. JOHN HOWARD, JEAN PARKER Rn ",Penitentiary"y GARDENING UITLE BL LBS FOR FALL PLANTENG Everv zardener desires a beautiful -p)rinz zarden, The beautv of the earl" svrinz carden depends larizelv cn earlv fiowerinz sbrubs and buibz. A earden ýhould be zood to ioaik at about 365 davs of the vear and the verv earlv spring bulbs have much to do with makinz the zarden a lavelv place ail the vear round. SHE OUL NEIHER and paid a splendid tribute ta the~ SNE CO LD NEIHER me o!o the deceased. He %vas assisted by Rev. E. Beech. pastor WALK NOR SLEEP o! the charge. He was laid ta rest in Orono Cemeterv. Bearers were bis five sons and bis son-mn-law. Ai-ms and Feet Swollen Eber Luxon, Kendal. with Rheumatism Left to mourn bis loss are bis' Thzwoman suifered for mnanv wife: two daughters. Mirs. N. Pat-, Th.i ton and Mrs. E. Luxon. both of ~er.Pain sapped her strenczth un- Kendal: and five sans. John of t:shc la-t hope of recover.. Manv Garden Hill, Cecil G., Elizabeth- tmçndies were tried. blt notbing ville, wbo <s the local member for b' 'ke the izrip of her cripplinz the Provincial Legisiature, Roy rheurnati-m. At last her hu'.band and William of Kendal, and Harrv ',erýuaded ber ta try Kruschen o! Orono. **%--ans and feet werc swoller -,ith rheumatjsm.' she wsitez. "I Nestieton could n"t waik n c et recular sleeD, a: 4 n,-thir.z did me any lastinz good. ~chroQcees ".. enccti:Mis-e- Mamnie and NMay cKav. ýe-ter I%- mvood nature entire- Toronta. .%ere guests of Mr. andi l1.. Then mv hjusband pensuaded me MIr-. Ichn Dickevi t'1-V Krusçhen Saîts. .\fter twa Mr. and! Mns. joe Fonder and thein wtcekI,1 bezan ta feel better. I per- cust-. 'Mr. and MNrs. Palian mmoonc -c;ered. ar.d in -ix weeks. I wsasý do- tai St. Mfar-. .nz hot;e%%ork. Later. 1 was able Ladies- Aid of the Presbterian t- iritr a walk. Nowiv 1am rnne-,Clurch met at borne (À n- Harry, vrn ain and I feei cand:' Pîp huç with a larve Nr.F.W. lattendance. Meetinz opened bv Mnir. Rhe'jmatj-m ii; commronlv caused Sander-on, readinz 22 Psalm: Rev.1 <w' deposits af uric acid crystais . -H. V. Waiker offened prayer. -wbIich i ldze in the muscles and R'11 rail answered b'- a Thanksgiv- ,iÀntz. Knuscben heips ta break up :nzv un-e. A papen was given hv thc-e deposit; of troubling crvstaI- MIi- Marie Prout 'Making Others And ta corivert thenn into a harm- Thankful": Miss Pauline Fere-uson Ie;- solution. which is nemol-ed ,endered a 'olo: papen. Mrs ,.Hanry hrnuizh the natunal cbannel - thePji Gd ad Slec: slo kidne%-s. -Mns. Walken. Lunch was served by FATHER 0F LOCAL MEMBER DIES George Mercer, Kendal, Passes In His 85th Year bo-te;s and ber committee. MNis- Betty Warburton and Mir. Ras- Ta' Ion. Lindsav. witb lattenr Varents. Mn. and MNrs. Hugb Tavlor. Mir. Gea. W. Graham and sans..-;ited 'Mr. S. Giif. Mr. MNarwood Dickex'. Toronto, with bis Lparcnt-. NMr. and Mr-. Robt.- Dickcv,. The otbens were just as zood as Ibene iz *tbe iant Snwdrop (Ga- The village o! Kendal and sur- -Miss Betty Beaco'ck. Peterbtnco. thc-o bovs, but didnt have an op)- an-hus) commencinz ta bloom in rounding country- wil feel very with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beacack. nrtunit" ta show their wares t, ad- Febnuarv. The bu0 aio this Har- keenly the loss o! George Mercer M rs. Hunt. Tononto, îavoured v-artace. Tbe% mav taXe the orchids binzer af i Spingy are quite smaîl and who passed away on Tuesday, with a beautiful solo at the Sunday nz Xt camne. hundredL- ci tbem ma%. be tucked in Ck-taber 4th, after a brie! illness. nitzht service in the Prt.;bvterian St. Mikes kicked one more point iust an ondinarv sized garden. The i i 5hyar Churcb. Rev. W'alker preached a n the la-t quarter ta make it 17-5. thing for the earden becinner ta Te- Mr. Mercer was born in Wbite- sermion ai,roipriate ta Thank;givingz. .Afrtbe came. fod waz ;enved niember is tbat the soineri-bloomine 'church. Cheshire, England. but Smab ftecmuivcc il'.- -hc irls and a dance- ivas beld bulbs m'jýt be p)lantei in tbe fai!. left thie land of bis birth wbnt-u eaiesa r.R ' le in tne a--embiv hall. The returr. Tlit'. mai- be fflanted in October or just a lad ta settle dlown in Can- wav;e wyi oat.Fia Nn, vllb )a-e n_ývember and even in December ilaa rm httm iebssetnic-ht. She was-a former re-ident oi caméw jl b pived n \arst:"al bis life in this cornunity. > i' n a coupile a 'e~ h rin ~fo e rzn That Rie succeeded in bis adoptedth-xia. On: Sati'dav. cf thi- weck. Tnt'.- The Scilla- als corme verv carix- land is quite e-vident. He bad a Ot'der t.--da;. - Statesman will be il%- C' !cg-e. Port Hope. wili camneto, in the -a)rinctimne and should not bc large circle of friends and was sent to new sub-criber t.o end c,: B.nni!eta pilav an exhibition i!,rLt.tten in the fail plantings. A highly respected. AUl this was f.r2--c. zamn,- at c3 p ni.jI vou don't kno carp)et "f Scilla Sibtica alwavs mnaX' praved wben the Kendal churcb tî.- fa-cinating garne called rugby a plea-inc -how af the briche-t poc- was packed ta overfiowJng forW NT O BE zra"t abold aof some chai) who does. -ible blue. Now a croup af new scil- tbe funeral service. E T O B D n)ilnt hlm down ta the B.H.S. Stad- la; is (an the markeL among tbeni '.-Mr. Mercer was a quiet man. WITH BOOTS ON uni and cet h:m ta explain the pl1av a white farm ai Scilla siirica wbich and althougb he neyer took part bv tiain rm0vement;. It's great stufi "i; 'tO Anotler new anc is Sprinz in public life. bis judgment was There bas always been consîd- w h. n "au know what it'- ail about. Btaàut%. the saine bizht blue ai sound and many received help be- erable controversy as ta w ho built Scilla -ibirica but twice the size. cause o! bis clear and thie i.nst sleeping car. Records * * sincere advice. Those w-ho knew would seem ta show-tRia! the !inst Godya So s aeatrlv spnrinz garden should b, himi best will alw'assemember bis efforts were tRie adaptation of a GoderCo.Sh w withoutth Chionadoxas with their smilean cheery word. On Decemn- day coach ta sleeping car pur- Favorable Earnings[heavenlv. blue coiorinz. The Chiona- ber 6th, 1876, he married Jenny poses in 1836 on the Cumberland _____doxas belonz ta the Lily family and, Lowerv, who naw- survives. Thev VaIley Railroad o! Pennsylvania. Net for Nine Mqnths in Excess camne f nom the mauntairs ai Asia celebrated their diamond weddingi The f!irst "Pullmnan" is said ta of Dividends Mfinor. Thev are ver' ealfow- wayrsg. have made its appearance in 1859. In leterta harholerso! iz. perfectiv hardx' and need na pro- r Funeral services were held a! 'In thie irst make-shift sleeping In aleter o sareoldrs f 1tectin. The bulbs should b, planltedt the Kendal United Church, Thurs- cars, passengers went ta bed !ully tRie Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca.' two on, three inches deep and three day. October 6ti. This was fit- clothed and reclined on rough, o! Canada, Limited, accampany- a orice pr.Te r e-, ting for Rie had been a member mattresses with their own blan- ing dividend cheques for the third' ieDatdaog h -ubr ro! this church ever since he came kets or shawls drawn aver tRiem. quarter o! 1938, tRie President, A. ivn latd mn the rohubber3' anta Canada. Rev. Thos. Wallace, , lIn reierring ta tRie inaugural trip G. Partridge, says:- ta formner pastor and a !niend a! o! thie iirst "Pullman", tRie con- "Th eanîns o yar Cmp- Tht fragrance ai bvacinths in thet tRe iamily, conducted the serviceiductor J. L. Barnes said -there an.for thie !irst three-quarters garden in tht tariv rinn is a real o! tRie current fiscal year compare adn elzt Thhvctsar quite satisfactanily witl'i ose for Ioveliest imnted in croups af about thie sanie peniad last year. Divi- a- dozen in pockets alonz tht edges I dends have been fully earned on ai the shubberv' nunning tht length bath Preferred and Common aif tht garden. Thesc littie i-lands ai shares. a!ter ample provisions colon mnid fragrance witb the openinz have been made for depreciatian,' ýlilmo leaves and matuninz daffodih 3 obsolescence and thie usual re- mnak- a -ormez canden pictune wonth serves, p)lannint! f'rr in the fali. Same news During this period aur sales blue vmnîties afferme toda'. are volume bas been samnewhat lawer M1el2tiik. Skv and Royal Blue. The than last year, due ta general bus- Miue hvacinths are panticularîx pleas- iness conditions w'hich. we are '-c when blooaminz again-t a bmck- happy ta say. show signs afi îm- e[rrund ai daffodils. Amnonz the new bile manufactuners rapidly get- MI,"aame Kruger. Pink' bý-acinthi tîng inta productionaon their 1939 'are effective plmnted an r.d and' modeis. aur sales volume sbould a,ut bloting pluin and apricat keep up very w'ell during tRie iast trez-. Anabis and Phi .x subu!lata. quarter af the year." îh.j,ucb fiat bulbs. art: amonz tht; cýarlv spning carden desinabies and mav be p)lanted in the fali. SENT FOR TRIAL NosDiz are is quite complete AT FALL ASSIZES 'add kinds ai violets native ta Amner- ica alone it is flot difficuit ta find ai Frederick Pearson. alter a pre- violet suitable toamn'.' arden need. liminary Rearing on Monday at Fun the lance rock that needs a bit Police Court, was sent on for trial af dnapervy there is a 'Violet striata. on a charge a! manslaughter. He' It neauires no special soul conditionA T DN CR S wl perat thie Faîl A.Aizes in and blooms eciually well in sunitonr'A O HI Cobourg. sbmde. Its bandsome cneam-colo-red! TRie manslaughter charge arase fiowers bloom for six months ai the Once again we have purchased out o an accident in w'hich WiI- vear. Violet palmata witb its purple liamn Hicks, Toronto, was killed f lowers- is very desinable in samne Oshawa dealer discontinuing electri an Sept. 3rd. Pearson w-as drivmng kinds ai zarden work. Violet pedata.1 tecar in which Hicks w-as nid- th, bird's-foo.t violet require5 sun. a ators - Electric Ranges - Radios - 1 ing.It eftthe road a! Caurtîce welL-drained sandv siope anîd acid and overturned in the ditch. Bath. -il. Thein colors range f nom truest Ne M rh n iew l be odat es men were throw'n from thie car., white ta deepest purpie. For border N w M rh n iew l es l tls with Hicks receiving a broken u-c Violet papilionacea in white. nec ad Parona fw and p)urpie is zood. The,." make vveekend. An unusual condition is the ' 'rî.ilbander ail the spinfgsca- fac! that an inquest bas not been jn and an abundance ai orderi' held in tRie matten, but it will take' iciiaL7e the rest ai the season. BADN W13 O place an Friday nigbt at 8 p.m. BR NDNE*138NO in thie council room. Crow'n At- Ex env carl" spring canden -bould' Sparton Eleetrie Ie tanne:. F. D. Boggs bas been 50ba : husaivcecu;-- white, lc busy that he could flot attend 1aîdîrl -tlne the car- priar ta that Urne. Usualy tRih e r that d - ealîx iuhetzr ingtRe acien an smetirntear,,und the corner. There is iov in Deluxe Model wlth vegetable bin. before any charges arising out of t ht' cardene'; beant wben he secs AIl latest improvements - Auto- 54cbefe i tRi acidet re nîe R poicer ht ovev arm an clar comematie ck defrostlng. Regaular ish. Deluxe mode th acdetar tid npoic;th ovlvfrm ndcoos oiS 269.00. Sale Sale court. Pearson bas been released frai tue lutile bnown huibs he put on bail. ,nîo the zround in tbe fail before: Jack Frcst came alonz. Sally - Every tirne I wean thisî RGyal Winter Fair batbing suit I blusb. Is Stili Growing Ickv . Neyer mmnd. yau'll soon QUEBEC COOK STOVES tan.Brand new. Rer. S24.50. 16.95 "-î::liatnt unbreken rec'rrd ('li Business Man (in pool>: "For Sale----------------------- PR -t'ttn àtr- in the t,-f0l.fi1"l1,heaven's sake, can't you floatt Gurncy Combination U~.dna7Crl'lturt' and(]!ttr- alone?' osl ..: ~n .-eanh:î ~:f be'i:: Banker: "This is no tîrne ta talk COAL AND ELECTRIC RANGE 7ai'.-- ancer. wnbnertirR'x business:' Automatie controlLatest style, in k-ory. Deep RgM U:- rFa:r 'p"en- at T -r' Lt. ,-, _______(,r_______Quebec flre box. Waas$169.00. 145 eua Y .- lth xl1h a r ra-ý- m ni Sale ---- ------- ----- 1 4 5 - 'r rxat ar.etx itnan riaxu NOFFAYI' ELECTRIC RANGE Sl f Sllghtly used. lias $94.00. Sal ------- -- --59.00 .-r' ta b, î ii~.~ nd * .DON CHRISTIi arnr - %-ýade Pr spotrt ni n dt ."irln travelincin. 38 Simco. St. N., Oshawa Open Ev Pu.'tare tt t ir attention t antada thiz f11 T 1 f Or-, . t; agnriculttural ;ide similar! W b ta ca te to in jei or lir es lei a tr; a] wi il 2 Steel-Ribbed Firepot is duaran. 5 NEw LOW PR! CES due ta lowrer teed 20 year. Radiate 3 times material costs and eliniination of% thie heat of ordinary firepots. Sales Tax make HECLA thie maxi- 3 Fused joints positively prevent mumi turnace value ini Canada. escape of gas and dust, for ful]l your HECLA can easily bc con- life of furnace. 6verted ta a C lare Air Conditioning 4Automatic Humidifier assures unit-at smail cost. 4healtII!UJ, properly humnidified air 7 May be purchased on Home at all timms Improvement Plan. La A. PARKER King St., BowmanvMle Phone 2684 Clr rs . o,* ied rstoO t LAR ES [SI(N I £ L I. e M ANUAil 11E - £S F URNACES 'as no crowd and the car, lîgbted )y candies. moved away in soli- ary grandeur, if such it migbt be ,lled. I remember the first night had ta request the passengers o take their boots off before tbev 2t into their berths. The-,' ant- i ta keep them on, seemed afraîd otake them off." In Canada. the Grand Trunk ýailwvay. nowv part of the Cana- an National System. gave earlv ttention to the matte- af sicep'- ng cars. There was ztrang oh- 'ction at fîrst due ta sanie unfa. - -able experiences on Arnerîcan ines but the matter Settici or the time by introducing bench- ýor bunks running the oc ength of thie car and witbout an.' urtains or divisions. A rug and small pillow were thie only ex- ras furnisbed. Today thie modemn 1-steel sleeping cars on the Ca- iadian National System are last aord in cornfort. with air-condit- oning and other improvements. t1Why, the idea' The average man always kisses me on thie hand." "Maybe sa, but I'm aw'ay above average, baby." 'mr afraid aur son will be in thie Rospital a long time.- -Who, did you see thie doctor"' "NI saw son's nuise.- *'Your new little brother has just arri.-ed." "Wb&-ere d:d he corne frorn.'** -Oh. froni a farawa, country." -Another darnned aL:en.- Ever Wonder Why You'reConstipated? Do you ever have days when'?o just have ta drag yourself along, when you f eel tfred, sunk-be- cause of that constipation? Then why flot fl.nd out the real Cause of your tr'ouble? What have yau had to caf la! ely? Just thing like meat, bread and potatoes? If's it, you may flot have ta look any farther. It's likely your trouble Is yau don't get enough "bulk." And '"buk" doent mean alot of food- It means a kind of f ood that isnt consumed In thie body, but leaves a sot "buiky" m-- in thie intes- tin anazd aida eliminatian- If 'bu]k" la what you lack, your ticket ia a diah of crisp Crunichy KeUlo«daAll-Eran for breakfast evey ay.Itcantaina the "buIk" you need plus Naturesa pest In- testnal toni,, vitamin B,. Bt t evey day, drInk plecty af water, and join the *reguiais" I Made by Keflogin LSodn, Ont TIAN ELECTRIC the complete stock of a prominent ical appliances - Electric Refriger- Washers - Stoves - Etc. This Brand than cost price. Visit aur store this SPART ON Electrie ]Refrigerator 414 cubie feet. Brand new. Reg. price 3189.00. Sale $173e50 NIcClary Table Top Deluxe ELECTRIC RANGE Latest style. Brand new. Antomatie control. Ivory and black finish. 145 Ret. $169.00. Sale 145 M.%cCLARY ELECTRIC RANGE Brand new. Sîde aven. Automatic contrai. 4- borner. Jvory and black. Ret. $114. Sale 73-50 Assorted t'sed Quebec Cook SLaves. Gas Stoves and Electrie Ranges and Annex Heaters. AN ELECTRIC ývenings Phone 84 OSHAWA Wednes. - Thursday Friday - Saturday OCT. 12.15 "My Lucky Star" Starring - SOMJA HEXIE - RICHARD GREENE <A Movie Quiz Picture) Added - Color Cartoon "String Bean Jack" - Friday - REVIVAL 10.30 p.m. '50 Roads To Town' - witb DON AME CHE ANN SOTHERN Monday - Tuesday OCT. 17-18 Cowboy from Brooklyn Starring - DICK POWELL - PAT OBRIEN PRISCELLA LANE Wednes. - Thursday OCT. 19-20 "Racket Busters" Starring - HUMPHREY BOGART- GEORGE BRENT GLORIA DICKSON <A Movie Quiz P.ýture) ON THE STAGE (Evenings Only) 'Mile's Barijo Band~ Direct from the (anadtan National Exhibition. R etrie erator ze. Porcelain fin- del. Was S245.00. 44 MTON le Radio .ube ,$79.00 52-50 Z131H, 1938 -4 1 1

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