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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1938, p. 10

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s. . j ~ CARTER'S SPECIALS PUMPKIN PIES 30c Individual Size 5c RICK hALLOWEEN entre RW Phone the Store or Order from Driver Hallowe 'en KISSES 1b. iloc1 JelIy Beans Gum Drops 130c Tiny Puinpkins Pound Kalf Moons H allowe ýen LAYER CAKE 30c - Please Order Early - CRACKERS & NOVELTIE S Toys 50ec oz FOR YOUR PARTY Mottoes THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations Bowmanvile Ilj THV CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN H. S. LITERARY OFFICERS High School Literary Society elected these officers: President, The ewcstl ndpenent od Hoar; Secretary, Jean Bona- RtaCooe; VerDPrdnt, Ha- ......Phone CIarh<e 1114 itor of Buzzer, Edith Hendry; Irwin Colwill, Ross Dickinson Reita Cooke and Margaret Pearce; Asst. Editor, Pauline Deline; His- and Stanley Graham are leaving Social Committee, Jean Bonathan torian, Maurice Pedwell; Pelet,1 Nov. 4th for Haliburton on a deer an arcaPare Roy Murray; Pianist, Laurence hunt. adPtii ere Morton; Form Representatives: Mrs Pecy ar wet t Wid-Committee, Betty VanDusen and I - Doris Allun and Keith Branton; sor Thursday to see her sister, Grace Cotter. sIII a Gracel a Flo iii Mrs. L. J. Pierce who has been iii Work on remodelling the Unit- sn I and iV m arartB. for a long time. ed Church parsonage barn begananAriTos HarestSuper n S. Gorg'slast week. On Saturday there wasî The opposing parties on nomîn- Pars HallewcanSt.GThrday, a small bee with J. W. Glenney, ation day were named the Old November 10, from 5.30 to 8 p.m1., Norman Allun, J. E. W. Philp and 1od n h upe fe h Tickts 0c nd 5c.J. C. Hancock. Rex'. R. E. Mor- school colors, and thé two nomi- Tickts 0e ad 2c. ton and son Laurence ail helpinginees for every office (four for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grubbe and in the process of converting the form representatives) were mem- Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, \Veston, and grudpajf ang om bers of either one group or the Miss Reidhead, North Bay, were horse and cow stails and feedi other. The Old Golds won a ma- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. room into a double garage andi jority of the offices. Preceding the P. C. LeGresley. work room. A preîiminary step election under the guidance of Mrs. Wm. Smith, Toronto, who xvas the taking down of the hen PicplCob n isMr had corne to Newcastle to spend house attached to south side of ýgaret Sanderson the candidatesS the winter with her daughten, barn. 'deliveredi campaign speeches, the Mrs. Herb Toms, was taken to To- Anot!ehresigotileaders presenting their platforms ronto General Hospital for an op- tractor and combine, xith twoon hihtestdfreeco. eration. men operating if, were cutting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney vis- and threshing buckwheat on the For Sale ited his sister, Mrs. Bannerman. H. Littlefield farm Sunday, Oct. in Toronto, and Miss Edith Cowan, 23rd, in the interests of Clarke NIOTOR FOR SALE - 1-6 1hp. and October 18th attended the To- Township Council. This Sunday mnotor in good condition. Bargain ronto Star goodwill concert in!business of cutting and threshing fo uksae \pyCifMc Walmer Road Baptist Church. a f arm crop drew the attention of Nair. Statesman Office, Phone Executive of Durham County: quite a number of town and rural 663. B2 Liberal Association and Chairmen folk during the afternoon. Many of polling subdivisions met in the Newcastle people can remember FOR SALE - 200 STOOKS 0F counicil chamber October 24. Thelthe time when a prosecution fol- corntini field; also a quantity of Community Hall Man a g e m e n t; lowed the drawing in of a crop of good winter cabbage and potatoes. Comnmittee met in the Library at grain on a certain memorable' Phone 2406, Bowmanville. 41-3* C. the same time. Sunday. It was explained thatFO SAE- EVRLG D The services of a doctor and the the men on the job this past Sun-FO SAE- EVRLG D police were required on Sunday day were Seventh Day Adventists second hand stoves, camplete out- evening when a local business doing contract work with their fit of grocery fixtures and some Man beat up his wife. She, bleed- own outfit. nice vieces of furniture. J. B. G ing profusely, sought a doctor for Martyn. 42-2* her wounds, while he was taken Carl Fisher President of FOR SALE - 1937 CHEVROLET ta Bowmanville and locked up. Live Wires Coach; also Store Fixtures. Phone Mr. Jas. Haugh, Toronto, visited On the re-organization of the 870. 431 Mrs. Wm. Bonathan and returned Live Wires Sunday School Class to the city on Saturday. After a of United Church, Carl Fisher was FOR SALE - BABYS ENGLISH HlI pevrlnge p eriod of ii healhad elected president, with these of-1 pramn, mamaln, in good condition, sevra wek' es a Ms.Boa-ficers: Vice President, H a r o 1 d cheap). Mrs. A. Stacey, Liberty 1 than's this past summer he has Hoar; Secretary, Brenton Rick- St. North. Bowmanville. 43-1* i sufficiently recovered f0 resumne ard; Treasurer, Laurence Morton;1 his work in Toronto. Advisory Comm., Ross Allin and FOR SALE - A GAS ENGINE - Mrs. W. H. Gibson went t0 Donald Jose. Chas. Clemencelfor washîng machine, $40.00; or Meaford Bo Saturayf0 isit r. past president, conducted the elec: washing machine and gas engine- andMr. ookr.Mr. Gbsn e-tion and Joe Hockin and Roy Ash- together, $55.00 cash. Write to turned recently from Nova Scotia ton acted as serutineers. Stanley Box 450. Bowmanville. 43-1 B where she visited the famous ap- Rickard is teacher. It was decid -_ Bu ple growing section in the Anna- ed to entertain the C.G.I.T. this FOR SALE - TURNIPS, 5c -A ail towns oflSy dy, Cape Brtn. i riday evening. buisiiel at the f ield. Ready after sta townof ydny, apeBreon.November lst. Phone order to the Mrs. R. T. Rutherford had a nice picking of strawberries from NEWCASTLE TAX RATE 2311. 1. L. Mfetcalf, R. R. 2, illr her garden last weekend. Rasp- 13 MILLS LESS THAN IN 1929 Bowmanville. 43-1* 1 bernies have also been in season, ý -\UTO FOR SALE - PONTIAC tIi; several persons having reported, Newcastle tax bills are now be- ' sedan, 1932 model, new tires, mile- Gr, pickings during the past two 'ing made out for distribution be- 3500 Ingorear$ weeks. Ripe raspberries, both do- ýtween now and December lst, the Appl35,0a0.kInrohod eiott$50s ii mestic and wild, are not uncom- last day on which taxes are pay- Aplymbiack.Bomanvic/o l43-1' i mon in the month of October. able at par. _______________________43-1 Three car loads of gravel andj The general tax rate this year WANTED - HAY, CLOVER, vis sand came to the C.N.R. station is 39 mîlîs or 13 milîs less than Alfalfa o ie;as ie e last week from Fuller near Belle- i it was back in 1929 and 9 imillîs whafadoso r ryxe.C. J. Mit- ti ville, t0 be used in rebuilding the'less than the rate of 48 milîs a de-S cil.newcatstole. PoeC.lrke- fr culvr n asco of the ro.R bad- cade ago in 1928. 1914. 431* way ort ofthe .P.. sbwa Newcastle neyer bothers about on the Newcastle-Orono govern- decimal points, tenth of milîs or Auto Sae - ment highway. Several frucks 'haîf mills in striking its fax rate; uto Sae were used in conveying the ma- lit is always a whole mill or no- Fia.Ot 8hEns erle teinalfrm hecas 0 hee f 5hing. The rate this year is made Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9, Darlinerton, 1ay being used. ~~up as follows: wl ffrfrsl îihro Morning devof ions heard over ,County Rate 10 milîs wchoerefohredstoer attlme reef CFRB at 8.45 a.m. are a joy and 1VlaeRt 1mls coc efbedsokrctl.Fe inspiration f0 fhousands of listen- Vihllg Rate 18 milîs deli',erv of cattle. Terms cash. Ted c ers; but to radio owners of New- Sho1Rae18mlî ackson. Atnctioneer. H castle and vicinity they have a' aebe ttoie osl o o special appeal on Monday mnorn- Ttl3 il the late John Everest, Lot 17, Con. 1. 'is ings, for it is then Rev. F. H. Ma- The Provincial subsidy of 1 mill 1Catrzio enslyNv.2 son, formerly of St. George's on every dollar of assessment arEih.o ensa.Nv Church. but now Rector ofSt enabled the council to lower the i ail his farmn stock, impleménts, hay e; Monica's, Toronto, is heardcon rate by 1 mill. The collection of grain, poultry and some funiur ducting the devotions.. large amounts of arrears of taxes cerms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Elmer 81 C. G. I. T. re-officered itself for1 also confibuted to a lower rate jWilbur, Auictioneer. 42-2 8 ix 1938-39, on Friday, Oct. 2 1, under 1 this year, 2 milîs less than the i Mr. S. Hartwell will selI his the leadership of Mrs. A. W. Glen- 11937 rate, stock. implements, hay and furniture ney. President, Kathleen Toms; This is how the all time high 1- public auction on the premises, ver Vice President, Jean Holmes; Sec- rate of 1929 compares with this Lot 12, Con. 7, Darlington, (haîf ard, retary. Pauline Deline; Treasur- year's: County Rate, 9 milîs; Vil- mile west of Tyrone) on Thursday, at1 er, Ruth Bonathan; Pianist, Edith lage Rate, 20 milîs; Scho RtNovemnber 3, at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Hai Hendry: Programme Comrnitfee, 23 milîs; Total 52 milîs. Elmer Wilhur, Auctioneer. 43-1 Weý BELL - Iu Bowvinanville, October 22ud, 1938, James Clark Bell, M.D., F.R.C.S.. D.P.H. Itîtemmexît Bow- tîîatville Cetîîetery. RONKHITE - In the Township of Gratîtham n, i Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1938, Willet Durland Cronkhife, iii lus 73rd vean. Formemly of Orono. AY - In Oshawa, Octaber 23nd, 1938, Thomas Henîry Gay, beloved husband of Mary Ann Brock. iin lus 76t1î vear. Infermetît Unioti Cemtefenv. IONEYWELL - Iii Orono, Oct. 23md, 1938, Nancy McChesney, re- lief of the late John A. Honevwell, in ber 76th year. Interment New- totiville Cemeteny. CARDS 0OF THANKS lThe family of the lafe 'MI. James us svislî ta tbatk their frieîîds tId t;ighîborrs. and physiciatîs and îff of Bowmanville Hospital for ie kiîîdîess shown thein dîîng tîîe îiess aîîd death of their brother. Mn[. aînd Mrs. D. Bothwell wisb ta uik the many f niends of Maple rove aîîd Bowmanville for their îdîess ta their soîî, Wallace while tBowmai;vilîe Hospital. Mms. D. W. Bradbumn and famnily isîî fa thaîîk their frieîîds and ,igzlbouns for kindiiesaslîhown aîîd )r floral fnîbutes sentf durng thîeir tilnt sad bereaememit. COMUNG EVENTS ýoiucti s Itîstitute Bazaar ivill bc ld in the Panisu Hall on Thurs- l Novetuber 3rd, at 2 p.m. Affer- )n fea ssill be served. AIl welcome. Oddfellows Enclîre in I. O.O. F. al]. Friday, Oct. 28. at 8.15 p.m. aod Prizes. Refreshints. Ad- issiotî 25c. Dot;'t fonget Darlingfon Soffball agrie Get-Together at Pidduck's Ill. Couîrtice, Tuesday, Nov. 1sf at 1)iti. Gent s 25c. Ladies frmee with ic basket. Newcastle Uuited Church Anni- rsan senviceSý Rexv. Roy H. Rick- cpreaclier, ou Sunday, Oct. 3Oth, Ia.m. and 7 p.m.; and a Roast in Supper in the S. S. Hall on edtîesdav. Nov. 2nd. The f irsf meeting of the Courtice Men's Brotberhood will be held Fmi- day, November 4th, at 8 pin. in Mlaple Grove Church. Guest speaker Rev. Gardon Porter. M.A., B.D, me- freshuuents. A goad program. Ail met; are invited. The atînual meeting of Bowman- ville Hospital Board lias been called hy President Joc O'Neill for Mon- day, Nov. 7th, at the Nurses' Resi- (lence at 8 p.m. 'Niere will bc a business meetinîg atnd an election of of ficers. Public cordially îuîvited f0 attendt. 43-2 Kendal United Clburch Thaîîk-of- feritîg services Sunday, November 6. Rev. Lackev, Enniskilleui. coîducting the îuorniîîg service at Il a.m., Riev. Rackliaîu, Hamptotn, conducting the evening service at 7.30 p.m. Shiloh chair will furnish the music at both services. 43-2 Leslkard Clîurch will hold ifs An- nivemsamv Services on Oct. 30th. Rev. W. J. H. Smythe of Port Perry. candluctiiiLr the afterîîaon ser- vice at 3 p.m., and Rev. S. Little- wood of Orrîna. the evening service at 7.30 pin. Special music. On Oct. 31sf a Fowl Supper will be held. followed hy a f irst class prograin. Adults SOc, Childmen 25c. 41-2* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - ON HIGHWAY No. 2. iusf six minutes drive f0 Oshawa. one acre of land on which is erecfed a brick veneer house with 3-niece bath. aufomafic elec- fric pump. f umnace, hot wafer heafer. Iaundry tubs, electric ights, hardwood floors upstairs and down; double garage, modern hieuhouse equiPped wifh electricity; newly decomated inside and ouf. Nice lawî;s and flowers beds. Price $4500. or wifhout benhouse $4000. Applv f0 Mms. E. V. Scobell, In- sunance & Real Estate Agent, Bowmanville- Phone 474. 41-3t FýOR SALE - HOUSE FORMER- IV occuupied by Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Beech Ave.. Bowmanville. Apply W. N. Tilley, 80 King St., West, Toronto. 42-2* FOR SALE - HOUSE, EAST side Hunt, aile-quarter acre, 3 bedrooms; sacrifice for cash or sinaîl monfgage. Four other sinal bouses for sale, for cash, one brick $500 - $1,400. Apply to L. C. Mason. Barrister, Bowmanville. 43-1 BIRTHS CONNORS - Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Connors, (nee Dorothy Pritty) who were married last Noveniber, gave birth to a sont, on October 7th, 1938. PASCOE - Iii Bowmianville H-os- pital, Oct. 20th, 1938, to Mn. and Mrs. Harold A. Pascoe, Solina, a soi. MARRIAGE -IENDERSON -SWINTON - On Saturday. October 22nd, 1938, at St. Cuthibemt's Church, Leaside, Toronto. by the Rev. Morland Lamb. Annie Catherine, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Swinton, Toronîto. f0 John Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs W. J. Hendersoni, Boxymanville. ;P.\RROW-HALL-QuietIN- at St. John's Chutrch, Bowmanville, Fni- day, Oct. l4th, 1938, Doris Ger- truîde Hall. daughter of Mm. anîd Mrs. Walter Hall, fa George Heîir- Sparrow, bath of Bowrnan- ville. DEATHS FOR SALE-WHITE 'MINORCA roosters. R. G. Carnisîî, R.R. 5, Bowmaiîville. 43-1* FOR SALE - XXX SHEARLING raim. XX ramn laîub, Slîropshires; gaod work horse; sow due Dec. 1. :\pply Walter Parritîder, Hatnp- ftn. Phonie Bownianville 2470. 43-1* FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE SOW witîî elevemi pigs; spy apples; rul)býr-tired covercd 2>uggy, in good shape. Oliver McCullach, Lot 35. Cou. 8, Darlington, R.R. 2, Oshawa, Otît. 43-1* CATTLE FOR SALE - FEED- ers and stockers. Terms ta suit purchaser. Apply H. B. Foster, Bownianville, Phione 745. 42-3 FOR SALE - SHROPSHIRE, graded rain lamba. shears and two vears. MNark Hancock. Oshawa, R. R. 2. Telephone Oshîawa 1827r23.1 42-4* Work Wanted EIMPLOYMENT WANTED-GIRL wauts cmploymeîit as damestic or store clerk, f ull or part fime. Experieuced. Apply "A.L." c/o Statesmati %Jffice. 43-1* Notice to Creditors .Xll persans having any dlaim agaiust the cstate of the late William Brock. wha died an or about the 28th tlav of September, 1938, at the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durhiamu, are required f0 file the same witli proof thereof with the uttdersigned Execufons or their Sal- icitor,. tf later thati November 25, 1938. after whiclî date the Estate ivill be distributed atîd al daims of which Notice bas nat beeti received will l)e barred as agaiîîst the said Executtors. Dated at Bownîanville fuis 25th day of October. 1938. M. G. V. Gould, Bowmanville, Ouf taria., Solicitor for R. L. Mitchell aîîd Walter l-ately. Execuitors, Bowunan- ville. Otntario. 43-3 Notice to Creditors .\ll p)er saîls haviîîg any dlaim agaiusfthe etate of t he late William C. Lake. who died on or about tlie 29th day of Auguat, 1938, at the Townîship of Clarke, in the Counfy of Durhiam, arc required fa file the same with proaf- thereof with the tîtdensigiîed Execufors or their Sol- icitor, not later than November 15, 1938. affer which date the Estate will be distributed and all daims of which tnt ice bas îlot beet; received will be bamred as against fhe said Executors. I)ated at Bowtuaiîville this 21sf day af October, 1938. Mt. G. V. Gortld, Bowtnaiîville, Onîtario. Solicitor for Williamî T. Lake atnd Elizabet h E. Lake, Executors, New- castle, Ontario. 43-2- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 Wood Sale I have beeti authorized h3 MNr. R. Aunger ta seli on the property of Fred Needhani, Lot 10. Caoi. 10, Dalîngton (2i tmiles cast of Burke- taot) on Satitrday , Nov. 5, at 1 :30 pin. 12 acres, inore or lesa, of stanîdinîg tituber (sortie pine) ini aile- quarter acre lots, miore or less. l'ar-ties ta have uintil April 1, 1940, fa reniave tituber. Ternis Cash. llirWilbîtr, Auctioticer. 43-2 Livestock For Sale FOR SA\LE - BROOD SOWS, eligible f0 negister, 7 tuoths lsad. Wcerrv Bras., Roselatîdvale Farm, R.R. 1. Hamupton, Phione 2471. 43-1 FOR SA\LE - TWO WELL BRED Leister nain lamhs. Apply J. W. MeM.Naster. -Hampton, Ont. 43-1* Beauty Culture THE IRIS BEAUTY PARLOUR Matticures. facials, eyebrow arch- îîîg, shatupoo and f inger wayitig. Permanent wvavitîg. Phone 2601 for appoiiîtmeîît. 43-1* FINGER WAVING, 25c, DONE ii yaît awtî home or 'at Mi\rs. G. Yortngs. For appoiîîtmnît, phone 2694 or 532. Louise Hobbs. 43-1* Wanted \\ANTED - APARIMENT OR roottîs. siuall furîîisîîed and id îated apartntt or two rootus bv voung couple witl; no fatîîily. Apply "A. L. e/o Statestuati Office. 43-l* Dressmaking DRESSMAKING - MRS. FLOR- rie Robents. Ladies' tailor and (ressinaker xvould work ont or at home. Dresses from $2,50 up. Suifs or coats af reasonable prices. George St., Bowmanville. 40-4 M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop _ V/e specialize in machinerv repairs. general gar- age repairs, welding, fowîng ser- vice. J. L. Dememling. Propriefor, PERSONAL Men of 30, 40, 50, want vitn, envigar. 'for rundown body? Try OSTREX Tablets of raw oyster stimulants and general body builders. If not delighted with results of first package, malcer refunds its low price. Caîl, write 'Jury & LovelI, and aIl other good druggists. 40-tf AGENTS - SEND IN TODAY*for aur Profit Building Sales% Plan. Build your own business. Get f inancial independence by îvorking for yourself! Familex Products selI on sight. Repeat business sure. Start earning now. WVitlîort obligation, ask for cata- logite and prices. Familex Co . 1570 St. Clemenet, MiNontreal. 43-i', Formerly known as the Pegan Boys Home, Toronto. Note - CHANGE 0F ADDRESS Any FARMER deslring f0 hire a Bri- tish Farm Vouth either NOW, or for 1 he 1939 season, should make early application to the Superintendent, FEGAN LODGE 647 Broadview Avenue, Toronto Telephone Margrave 6743. (Cut this out for future reference) 43-2 THE ARCADE QUFers Striking Values! SMEN'S WARM OVERCOATS Now !-a Salefor men wh re lookcing for a good coat at a low price. - These coats would seli - at $19.50 in the regular way. Every Coat .Guaranteed Fleeces, MfitonsJ ted and Worsteds, Tweeds and in Senator, Raglan, Fit-I Belted styles. Sizes 36 to 44- $13.95 LADIES' FUR TRIMMED WINTER COATS A low price for smartly cut wool coats with attractive f ur trim- niing! - Wide variety of styles, colour, niateriai. Somewhere in our store is just the coat for you. Two-year guaranteed linings. Fur trim includes Opposum, French Beaver, Electric Seal, Sheared Snow Top. Sizes 14 to4. $13.95 Men 's Flannelette PYJAMAS These are the warm cosy pyjamas the men like so welI. Sizes 34 to 44. 98C ARCADE STORE Bowmanviile Ladies' & Objîdren 's PYJAM AS Made from heavy flannelette whth trimmlngs of contrastlng colors. Sizes 8 to 14 and 36 to 44. 98C - WINTER DRUG STORE &SÀ N 'ýj- The Rexail Store JURY & L'OVELL Bowmanville To Rent HOUSE TO RENT - 7 ROOMNS, stuall gzarden, just north of Boys' Traininty School. Rent $5 month. Ap)ply Mrs. John Luxton, Bow- manville. R.R. 4, Phone 2224. 41-tf TO RENT-6-ROOM.\ED HOUSE witlî aIl coriveîîietices an Concess- in St.. gyarage atnd small garden. Possessioti Nov. lst. Chas. Heal. Phonie 2622. 40-t TO RENT - 7-ROOM HOU.SE 5 nmiles from Bowmanville witlî 3 acres of sprayed orchard, will selI apples cheap for quick, sale. M. L. Clemens, Bowvmanville, R. R. 6. Phonie 2436. 40-tf TO RENT-TWO COSY APART- tiients for snuall families onlv; garage on Tetuperatîce St.; hause withi lialf-acre garden and ail con- vetiiemces otn corner Ontario and Albert Sts. J. B. Martyn. 42-2' FOR RENT - SIX-ROONIED brick liause oti Division St. Appfly Mrs. Henry Knight, Division St., Bowmaîiville. Photne 2106. -42-tf Readings READINGS - MRS. BRANTON, Oshawa. will be in Bowmanville, oti Fridav. Oct. 28th. For appoint- nient phone 574. 42-2 -tue WM FAL AT ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT THURSDAY m FRIDAY m SATURDAY October 27 - 28 - 29 Share in this Greatest Money-Saving Event of the Year 1 1 JREAD ;WUSE WANTuADS C.1 -4te

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