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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1938, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR DDOGTOR"#YR1 EHA e CHAPTER LII I ~olc soOpiîg to enter s>nle low , h.. car as. far as it woulcl go thronghi In the carléé fai of that ý ar Chri, ora. bi vas right. olle had thc carîtsfoWfah theit trui(ki! had a visit fron Ted Lawrence, He tItade hlint.el f a life out of wrck - n foot the rest of the wav. Whcn came uinannoninccd. to find Chris age: not the life lie lad 's.anted. but lie cnit a p)athb ow witbi a snlow busy in the office and a unle o f ve at least a tusefliiC. ne. lcwnl s is righ ard hicles of varions sorts outside. He Thiat nighît, liowever. îitlî the 1aio. altltontiI it svas stilak rd was sittinz coînplacently on the earlv darkness and the lanîipliglit,1 But tlle long evcnings were bad. Il, porch when Chris canne ont, and lie Ted began to finid the silence and re- vain lie read-tlîe papers, the mcdi-a gave bjmi a long look before Chrîs imioteness dcpressirff, and to under- cals.magazins e o the i a jour saw him. 1.stand wbat the long winters îîîus.t nI.Neubng ee nU0 vi 1GetSot e "bc to thte man quietlv smoking acrOISslie%% techiniues, new aniestîteties. "What a nernory 3on have for th hartlî front Iimi. The talk lbad Bttî oîias a ie im Hsr nae h ai edamiigl."Ynbeeti testiltory î rofessional talk. confidence. the essential iuality of r old scoundrel h It looks as if busi- thte Itspital. the uisual bits of iiedi- the suiriL.hdgn. Ie cr nîess is ffood, ancsi. al gossip. Already tîtere ivas talk tîouglit of once againi standing bv Tliv ver lapy t b toeterof state inedicitie, and Ted ivas in- a table aindl ricking tir a knife sent tl agan.ev een boisteo.bu t e r*a (ignant. hit into a Ihot sweat. He wondcred eyein. eCn ristpraisn. BHt e loo t 's the end of thte profession," iîow. sittinz tbere alone. at his owni ed better. altougli lie ivas stili lie ..aid. -It becomnes a mneclianized letemeitviii tHepate was riglît ma. carryinz his righlitl andadiiu as job. t3ood Lord. (b't Nwe treat te Btleoult.Hel vsta eteit inn. l if thev were useless. WVliat alarmied inoor now. XVlere's initiative akit i rn H-o-ndfe ts Ted ivas the look of quiet resigna- \liere's the humait element? Loaokxeîd i.tachn i i tion ini is face, the face of a de- at Barrett w~len lie got the citv muscle fiig t. begcinn ing toy feaed an. accptitg us cfet ~lt*blge. His hand. too. ivas definiitclv n with zalaitrv. but defeatcd itever- Theit lie f lusbied, reinenîbering better. Onec nierltt lie tried to writea theless. Katie. But Chris's face ini the fire- wtti îdfie tel.H ir The next day in Clîris's office, Ted Iiol),it vsas imipassive. It ivas after .ited. towavdr, aîd beis coolrdî- said: tlîat. comine ont of a silence. tîtat s ton impowvd. nd t ordla-s "Let'.s get titis straigbit. Do you Clîris askcd abruptly about Bevcrlv. tH e keirot evcvrgilvot f i meant savon here hrs sot" '-Have von scen bler"' bc asked. tlionglîts as mtcibas. lie could. But s "indaton t n w Tbe's logme r- Oneor twice." stroite as ivas bis conscious and iii-0 oeeti o ongt tedwiAh mab a n te nd-how is sIte ?" Itelligetit mmid, buried beiteatît it9 drvet Tor o uplong. T ed Amaî candt "How îdo you expect ber to be- 1soietcwlere uvas thîe blind force l drvotfracu lif e ars aiid be's loneîy and pretty lîopelcss. whicli activates and domninates ah, hnow ft ack wbsierele a. o And sbe's riot particularly well. That ie": the wîll to go oit, to persist and(l knW hat. ids" stiff-niecked pride of vours-" 1 to fulfill its purposes He could cut "IWhavea? ie er, .uh siti Did slîe telli onu tat site carnei lier ont of bis touglîts. but itot ont- "'n.d it's rot a bad life. I like these lieic? of hi.. dreains. Onue iiglît lie mnade ali ~ D le a n tl e y i k e m e. A n d Y e s . s ite lid te ll m e , C h r is . S lI e i rhis f ir s t a tt n t t a t a le tte r t o i r pa ve a ua n c e . atl ' m e verA n d I caille. an d vo n t rn ed lier o t. I S lo w lV lie uro te :) li r _.t fe noassuanc. 'e otat hand. burt dSuppose if didn't occur to von how *I have beccîi sucît a clunsv fool, ,'scnmsv aas thI'e gdcva . N grbto flat would burt hem Site bas lier niv darliîîg. waiitiiig bîtlî von anîd ilat aIl."owiî onde. Aren't- you ever goiî lt o v owiî ternis. Now- I kitow Ted examined both baud and armi to learn anything about woniefl? la at oro ivtrs n camfnlv.Thewrst ropba goe, "Do vou think lilI let any wom tîtat life witliout vont is not possible. and the fiuîgers were fairly mobile: port me?".I o a ogv îa ataî bt the bîand certainîy îacked "Exactly. So yon are noble anîd tter stupiditv ofI mutie- strenztb and grasp. Still holding it. beroic. You get the martyr's crowiih He sat back anîd looked at if. It loked at Chris's face. quiet but Y oure f ille. Yo've done the deceit uvas the sîîrawliiig baud of a sclîool- rnr, the deep ulnes of long traz- tiig-bv vorîrself 1 And she Lyoes boy. uncertain anîd stunîbliiig. He . awav feeling tawdryv and cbeap), like tore ilt D np d put it oi thte fire. 'It's jnst a band, Ted. That's S(tiiethinz von put in dnst cari. Bv There uvas only onie tbiîtg to (Io anid beaven. if I lîad youm chance-" iliat tuas to sec lier. She tuas eni- .t's a pretty grood band now "I couldn't sacrifice lier, Ted:*' titled to that. at least; to kîtow wlty hri 'Wbo'sanIhai xpctd taîking about sacrifice: ble bad sent lier awav. anîd that lie s. JiBettnerathan had bexprected.Site waiîted to do it V' uas still wlîoleliartedlu bters. Now -4 know it. man!"' \hien Chris spoke agaiîî, ift was lie niirltt go to, lier witlt sonîcrltiiig "Tht'sas t my b. I th iner-after a long silence. "Yon scec, lie to of fer. Not inucli as vet. bill:' "' r.That's aitayb." h itr sajd nain f uîîy "I knew whiat it beone. More ttaît a hope. rev made rounds og th r tîat nd b. She didn't. I'd secit But lie did not go. Amiiy had îot .ternoon ini Chris's mnddy car, atetrvitifanîd fait." lîcci well tlîat wiiter. and Clîris hallf< ioîtinir over back roads. tunrirg it "Coiifotitid Katie h' said Ted. beeti watchititg lier lîeart. 1 lic teke- this tarte or that. Once or twice iiit.O He lef t the îiext morning. He bad îhîoîîe ranîg. anîd I irani 'Mortimier ' took Ted in f0 sec a case or to belli sîeuttfhat iighf iii one of fleicmuper ..tîoke over ticeuire.p With soînething. and ever after Ted roomns. a laînp) and a book beside "Cali voir come over. Cliris? si 'Lawrence uas to remember those liiin but lie did riot read. He lav Atvprettu bad. I fotind lier on br %ram ouses. scattered and rmtf(or a long fime starirîg irto thîe thte kitcîtenitloor, aîîd-I think stes r -trees around themn draped inau darkiîess aftcr lie lîad put ont IltisdvýiiiLr."' 1 clorllé, ad Criswittan- lainp. Now' at last lie uiiderstood He foulid lier still oi thte fluor,a ol. hrs with that wiv Chris iad sent Bevcrly awa\ with li lrain on it t knccs beside lier si ~Iia fowar thusf of lîeand chioscît to go lus uai' al(>ie. lie anîd lier face grav. altbough site was P f, coiil(l nt coîîdeînîî ber to this life. no()%%c' ,nicious. Later lie and Hirania Anddlhe lhad already seei Katie try carried lier up the steelp farînhonsec it andfait. tairca..e andh laidI lier onllier lbcd.t M K E TFI The 1roor (levil." lie tloiglît. Ite did îlot sipeak iitil Hirai iad "*NIad abiout Beî'erly for vear... anîd left thte rooi oit sornie erraîîd or lA D ~flfl**thîcî sendirie lier awav.' otîter. 'lln iti le wltîstercd: EA D O U 'ut lie eteriied-that niiLht to 't'.. the end. Chris."e sa ohig about Bevcrlv's opera- Nontsentsec1 e'll hav'e von ti fter ail. Clîris had eiiouglt arotitd iniio iofinie." Y O R LE S tobar nd wvbat cotil(I lie dét)l)oi't seiid for NocI, Not tf TUUKlodan You'Ul Gelt he lien Ted left the next inoriite. Site lived for two inoiiths aftcrb $59P Se.nds You Bounding Up the Stairs however. it was oin a more clîcerful thta"t.Noel came home for thlee mal' who simother te, deatti die because tnte. thîe ouse briglit iii the inlorîl- Christmas lholiday... Site tuas clcer-a ,has been completely cut off front iîîg suritlight. \\'ithî Ted's ba(r iii lisi..fl litieuaabttakio it of .st a, surely you are slowlY smoth- ca-aîd Lîe- 1erilne Mii toe bn le Ibis out bers. everi t t] tiojý7your blood lacks red corpuscle. a n h niesiiin.Crst-ebn iso es vntvn mPuscles are Your oxygen-carriers: leaned over anîd 1,1f a batai on Iii,, té ca-t for lus bcnefit. Cliris. watch- S. rate-ry ftne oxygen you breathe in to ev- slionîder. îîg tîtat lieroic actinîg of tiers, was fj cf your system. Without enough oxy-' "Good-bve. old mni. I haite f0 sui iioved beyond words. 0 rati-ying corpuscles. your kidneys, iver,, 'iittgiiglakfscoo" ch and bowels slow down. Your skinvo g. reacome f itbby. offen ire. Yur nerves "Tîten et in anid comne aloit'ï. If I Iwant %von to go, Noei. Se who Ufl>coess teryyo trequ1 ky-vont let this beat vouiit ow-" 1 Ihave to 1ook after ime!*' U you need la Dr. williams Pink pilla. Bu Crssho lu ial "I 'Adlae'otsck Ntm. tordfamous Pis help make morenedB ere Oris somhi ed '1ni :'"Isoute gou irtgtoluea octor, t er red corituscles and thus increase eddhr.O oeod i.'Ivt'eLongoleadco, probefl-carryinx power of your btood. ****vonîl îîneed to go." P Wiliamis Pink Pilis foday af your Teuiie ai aî ha cr St tl ini iraîsa ies S See for Yoursetf how uuickly this Te%,ne aecrvta a.Site lcouh îtn lie im go. i of j ven bood-builder wilI heip give you and Ted's visit lad vaguchv iiit stcolntlehi g. '.r pep. Cop,. Ii85.O.T. FiItod C..LW. _-tle(l Clîris. HIe worked liard, pnishinig 'MV hou.'." she said. "N' owii w ____________- - box-. Dont worrya l'il be rigt bv dear. Alwavs be a good boy." OVER 'I dont waîift to !'o, Notlier." uat want vo to go. Plea.s." ual5 hbc ent. resnttfuil anîd surs-1 hum DRhIIisa Cliri.. and lHiraiitook iti hum the taini. and( as thev stood to- ren i ethr wtclîiîîutit pullI(oLut, H i rai' thane-, eretired anIduleak. Whogoe-,. li sai(l bea iv, th a o fl'l 'ot )el n b e lc ind i er, C îri, An ht'.. to becoîne if hiîn?" tnt let Anis' go, Hi. Not T %"t. anv o u. A nd vito ca ti trust the c0 o n. Voit kiosu'tîtat." Telad t, let Ailly Lu, hotu Cir. Crséilît hi:Lm( for lier, callIinîg ifor liciut f ront wlirever lie coui hIel ilt. svîeîdiîîg<avs andt(liîiglît.. bs lier lied. 'hteu onte iiortii g lie vices," he thiat le uill take came of he.' first rnust T luvur's later tîtet' laidi Anltutu sometluing EST HARDWROOD FLOORING ide D)avid anîd letitia. antd 'lin-. hind social» attuIg bu'flicgrave, rtealized l 1w are essential the finest Hlardwood Flooring available. iieuitabv h"fuaf bjg farnily of thcirs ma~iy Shepard &GIIXsyouof totuld mut flent, unfil at ast tltcy activitit's ay at ahpad&GU' o ire sure of ucvre al uunitcd once more. iii the know w'hethiquality produots. <nuief eartlî and perlaian i sonie far are mertius' kinîgdouuî offlic sotl. 'lherevsaa wiehtrer patfern. affer ahi. iest ppard & UilH LuIIIU Co Ltd. (Concluded next week) der WÎjE 715 BOWMANVILLE "Do you usc tooth paste?" action "'What for? None of my feetb Nurie.____________________________ are loose." THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Does YOUR System Make Excess Acid ? Acid Indigestion, Colds, Headaches, Bilious Attacks, Constipation OFTEN START THIS WAY Obituary Mrs. Alice Mary Jackson A resident of Peterboro for many years, and a member of Trinify United Church, Mrs. Alice Mary Jackson, widow of the late Robent Jackson, formerly of Ken- dal, died at ber home, 186 Stewart ,St,, Peterboro, on October 4th. She was in her 70th year, and had been ill only a short time. She is Soe eohear watar1k-w asanivnn rreaa t rois Lcid-makems. They can't help it--and L. E. Thornfon, Toronto, Mrs. S. often they dovn't lenow it. The resuîfs D. Haskill, Peterboro, and Miss of an excess of acid may seem just like Elva at home; also by two sisters, mrdinary stomnach trouble - but fhcy, Mrs. Robert Payne of Pontypool, can't be put rigbt by ordinary stomache and Mrs. J. C. Elliott, Peterboro; 'emnedies h Excess acid may be the one brother, Hugh Hanna, of Sas- 'cason uvhy you wake up flat, sour, katchewan, also survives. bleary-eyed, bilions - and the reason The funenal was held October u'hy fierce purgatives only leave you in 6th from the famiîy residence f0 the grip of a weakening habit and the Little Lake Cemeteny. Rev. Geo. saine nid sympfoms. S. Easton of Trinity United Chunch But fhere's one thing that acîd can't conducted the service. face. That's the neutraîizing power of1 lange Salis, the alkaline remnedy wif h Mrs. Weldon A. Neal the natural minerai spa action. A fea- spoonful in îvarm water surges fhrough On Sunday, Augpst 28tb, 1938, tour svstemn just like the mredicinal there passed away a young wife spring water far away in Enghand and mother in the person of Ma- where X'ange Salts corne from. Excess bel Viola Lytle Dowson, wife of rcid is neutralized quickly, painlcssly. Weldon Neal, of Victoria Road, Your biood is purified of poisons. Vour and only daughter of Mn. and sore sfomnacb wahls are sootbed. And Mns., Sewand Dowson, Bnwman- that mass of hard, poisonous wasf e ville. Mrs. Neal'had been a bed natter lying in your intestines is patient for over 3 years, of wbich softened gently, natually, and passed time 2 years anîd 3 months had out of vour body. Then do you feel been spent in the Sanitarium. good! If's mari-chions! But the most Duning that time, with the ex- narvellens thing is that Vange Salts ception of two Sundays when if une onlvy 60 cents a tin! At your drug- was impossible fer go. her hus- gist nous-but if you're wise, on yousr band neyer failed f0 visit ber batbroomn sheif tonighf h each Sunday. She graduafed from Peferboro Normal Sehool 8 years ago, and s taught in S, S. No. 6 Bexley, On eftoben lOth she and Weldon E yesîght Education Na eemridadstldi And cutionist, and gave freely of hen fi me and talent wheneven called Eff ciecy uon.She was a member ofth United Church and teacher in the BY Sunday sehool, and hen home af C.I-.Tuck Victoria Road was ever open feu any church gronps wbo wisbed f0 Opt. meef there. August 30th the funeral service Eye.right was held from the United Chuncb, Specialist following a short service at the Disny The churcb was filled f0 reine BIg.capacity by fhe many who came iopp. P. 0.) from fan and near f0 pay thein Oshawa, Phone 1516-* last fnibufe of love and respect _______for one wbose young life closedi in ber thinty-first year and sym- Number 55 pathy f0 the ones who mounber Our isua enegy i use up rly passing. Rev. P. Tiller of ast. Weua beergtire, ut en s Mo of Road, Rev. Mr. Wilkin- fas. W beometird, ut hensonofWarsaw, and Pasfor Aimas, 'se give way f0 this expression, Carson's Siding, were the minis- 'se generally mean mentally or fers faking part in the services. physically tired, but if is also Pos- The nemains were laid f0 rest in ible for us f0 become fafigued Lakeview Cemefery, beside little necause our eyes are tired, Don't Keith, ber 8 months son, who pre- nisunderstand this. If is a comn- deceased ber four years ugo. non thing f0 say that our eyes FIer life was s0 fully consecraf- une frred, but if us uncommon to ed fer ber Savioun, whom she 50 say thaf we are either menfally or Idearly loved, that beyond the sha- physically t ined because our eyes idow of a doubf, she conld dlaim ane f ired. Visual energy may be- i the promise "Be thon faifhfnl un- come exhausfed. Is it nof true f0 deafh and I will give the a bhat the eyes use about twenty- cnown of life." One of the nurses 'ive percenf of human energy for writing from the San said "If was normal seeing? Add f0 this a lit- an inspiration f0 go into ber tle of the excessive strain of mod- room," and one of the patients ern life and wbaf have you? wrofe, "We will miss Mrs. Neal The complefe picture may be very mueh, she.was dearly loved surmised but is bard to measure. by the nurses and many of the It takes only a very small amount patients, but the fragrance of ber of this enengy f0, see one objeef life will live on in the San." biut when you total up the rnnum- She leaves f0 mourn ber loss erable objeets seen voluntarily ber husband and wee daughter and then add f0 this the myriad of Ruth, not yef 3 years old; ber things involunfanily viewed or parents and one brother Alvin. coming into our indirect vision, Many beaufiful flowers sur- speedy, enflashing, glaring, ne- rounded the casket. Fniends were flecfed, ever-moving and really present from Ottawa, Belleville, our visual energy is used up fast. Millbrook, Peterboro, Omemee, (fo be confinued) Toronto, Janetville, C o b o c o n k, _______________________ Hartley, Peniel, Orono, Provi- Idence, Bowmanville, and many Business Director other places.____ 1 ory William James Todd, Oshawa LEGAL M.. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Nofary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvilîe W. R. STRI[KE Barister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Money to. Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Publie - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediateîy east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bîdg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 ar..f0 6 p.m. daily except Sun- riay. Phone 790 House phine 883. X-Ray Equipmenf in Office. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equîpment, Am- bulance and lnvalid Car. Cali Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Designe r anud i u. n Monuments, Tablets. Markers. etc. un Granite and Marbie, ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile e n t e r- talner, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated cIrcular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. Affer an illness extending over many years, William James Todd passed f0 bis reward af bis home in Oshawa October 14. Mr. Todd bas been a patient sufferer and in spite of bis long illness was al- ways cheerful and brighf. Me was of a refining nature, jDut neyer lost an opporfunity f0 do all he could f0 belp any ln need. For years be was a successful farmer and confinued in that occupation until bis bealfh failed. Me finat moved f0 Newtonville, but final- ly made bis home in Oshawa. For months he bas been bedridden and was fenderly cared for by bis wife and daugbfer. Me was born in Manvers Township on october 12, 1863. The funeral service was con- ducfed October i7fh by Rev. H. G. Crozier af bis home, and be was buried in Newtonville Ceme- tery. Rev. E. Beecb, Newtonville, conducted the service af the grave. The bearers were Messrs. Lot. Morton, and Kidd of Oshawa, Mn. McCartby of Beaton, J. H. Ban- nerman of Stouffville, and George MeLean of Toronfo. Me leaves f0 mourn bim, bis wife, two sons, Lorne and Fred of Sfarkville, and May (Mrs. R. McGaugbee), of Oshawa, fwo bro- thers, one in Los Angeles, and Jason on the farm at Sfarkville. Mrs. Albert Werry, Cartwright Agness Swain, eldesf daugbten of the late John and Ann Jane Swain, was born in the Township of Cavan, October 19, 1855, and camne f0 Cartwright wben a cbild wifb ber parents. She passed away affer several monfbs' îllness ut the family residence, in Cart- wright, in ber 83nd year. on March 5, 1885, Mrs. Wenry was united in mrrniage f0 Albert Werry, second son of the late Thomas and Eliza Werry, and set- tled on the furmi where tbey bave since lîved. Tbree years ugo fbey celebrated their golden wedding. Mrs. Werry in ber early life be- came a member of the Methodist Church, Blacksfock, and was keen- ly interested in the work of the cburch. For a number of yeans she taught the primary class in the Sunday sehool and lafer was very active in the W. M. S. and W. A. of the United Church, and was also very much inferested in community and charitable activi- fies, being a member of the Shir- ley and Victonian Women's Insti- tutes for many years. She was ever busy making comforts for those who required' fhem. Mer bu-s__ life- wa asplendid consecra- tion of whaf goes f0 make a home and the betterment of the com- munity and especially in sickness she cbeerfully rendered every as- stac The funeral service was held at the home September 26f h and was veny largely atfended. Rev. M. J. Bell, ber minister, and Dr. R.* P.» Bowles delivered very ap- propniaf e and impressive mes- sages. Pull bearers were six nepb- ews, Wilfred Powers, Sonya, Wil- bent Werry. Lewis and Herb. Swain, Harr3' and Perey Van- Camp, all of Blackstock. The in- ferment fcuok place in the family plot, Union Cemeteni', Cartwrigbt.! There are lef t f0 mourn ber; loss 'a loving hnsband and t'u'o: sons, Harold G., Toronto, and Ru- pert O., Blackstock, and f ive grandcbildren, Jack and Miriam,j Toronto, Roy, John and Murray,, Blackstock; one sister, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. Blackstock. and two' brothers, William J. and Herbent,i Grand View, Manitoba. One sis- fer Susan (Mrs. L. P. Wern'), and one brother Stanford, predeceas- ed. Many lovely floral tribufes testified f0 the love and esfepm in whicb she was beld in the cburcb and communify f0 wbich she had devoted ber life. Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep From wbich rfone ever wakcs te weep. A calmn and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the lasf of foe-3. Dependable As the Royal Mail Glen Rae Milk 'Cornes Without Fail Rest assured this coming winter that your most important foods will -get to you promptly every day. There '11 be daily delivery of your milk regardless of the ferocity of the weather. Our rout.emen are proud of their record - so are we. It 's a detail. typical of this Company. GLEN RAE DAIRY The locomotive wbistle c a nI dlaim a musical pedigree. If wjas invented by an E'uglisb onaanist _________________________________ more than a century ago follow- j ing a level crossing cn'sh b"tivc ýLecseradSwnigon Ral not know as a whistle but was a train and a farmer-s cant on the 'way. In ifs original form if was1 called a "steam trumpet", 0 Selecting an Irish Cobbler front the Fall Fair exhibit of a potato grower, Mr. Picobac beld forth ail and sundry. "Potaoes make men," said he. "Potatoes, butter- m ilk and tobacco." ,.. ~"t wasn't potatoes that made me," said Herb, hired man to the bighest bidder, "It wus pork and beans." "l'Il tell you aomething that niakes good Cana- dians better CanadLan," decared te Burley philosopher; "Canadian Burley-and Picobac, the pick of Canadas Burey Crop." It a miid . . . cool . . . sweet . . . sunole," agreed Herb. "Don't 1 know if?" HANDY SEAL-TlGHT POUCM -.I15c S1/2 LB. "LOK-TOP" TIN - 60e also Packedi in Pocicet Tins "It DOES faste qood in a pipe!» ?)icob&c L H Haa e..0 N IN SU NY,5IlUTHERN ONTAR.I A à, 1 i Phone 2665 Bowmanville

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