THURSD.AY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 THE C.A NADIAN ST.ATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO PAGE FIVE 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN DRESSMAKER HAD TO QUIT SEWING Hands Swollen with Rheumatism - cc ____________ i vth-tis pont dressinaker! Niie- ________________________ Z4 ntlii of hur work consj.ts of sew- CHRC IVN i1 -and site %vas flot able 10 CHRC GVIGenough fresh things. We are hav- UNITED CHURCH Rlîeumnatisin in tthc hands I ogt * Iwn tei o * ng all kinds of companly. mostly: WM S ,O M Ehtruladsi iean 1 ogtgasoline, Iwn to te nftS Frnomebodies those we have met in the ldst few W. ..T E T ' trteiian h re n show; mnhswoare badngadare ,____________ nf îe iedies. Butnotîîngi I old radoenwtbsfrm rte o h ttsa thrilled at a home meal. We are TPeli Eleventh Aninuai M.\eeting of lui x lndi - until site came to Ioughtrady ndpant,;u by having a lot more fun with our: tie Oshawa Presbytcriai of the %,carsten Ibars t andyicedcrea; nt---essie Allen Brown--.. company, when we have to wash J Womenus's Missioniar%. Socicty of the lruad-lf'ar ago, she bhaemsla r atdlie ur a plate before they can go on with, United Churcli of Canada is to bc writus. «1 liad a violent attack of was a scream. Another Move the next course or maybe take lteild ini Trinity Churchi, Bwa-rlic-ninatic paîîîs. vftanhad Once again the Browns move. turns with a knife, than we do! iie. onri'ri(lav, October 28thi. There s wollin. ÏTu pain xvas ter- It takes careful planning to make This time to Ottawa. We îeaxve wn we arle inourtw hmerlnctgc esosjulo n ile ita ral nt cip n Mmoney go 'round; Hliand ougetbt eloksvr ablor es t wchsring tiratjon and interest. ritAnirv eieie %,tioi W One's method of finance must ai- Hfxwt egelu eloksle n urfns hn.'lite mornifle session opecrs at 9 :30. 'Itidnavrndesviot ways be sound. forward to living in Ottawa. Cit- A Lovely Bag 'Flic aftcrnoon pcriod. begins at >iiurt-,. 'Tii4n 1 starteti on Krus- With habits quite costlv its real ies are like people - some of them My' neighbour above (the one 2 mtin. alSt.. and a iter onte montlh. 1 hard to save. have distinct personalities. And who cut her bread with. the sci .s- Flic evenjig session, whichi openls c t11Ii 'tai:d tir aLaiiî. Tîteit, 1I walk- My wife spent "teln bucks- on a Halifax is one of the cities xvhich sors), is making a very lovely bag. at 7:30., till bc of speciai interest -l ri t t a cane. Ini tlirec niontîts, 1 permanent wavc. -bas a flavour aIl its own. It is It is made from a picce of an oid t CGI.T. nmembcrs and Mission %- nlitt e oel again. .As I am a Thechrc cme'rondbegig;s t e eped i n Spanishi shawl and she is outlin- Citceû. A pageant "Canadas Higli (5-, î.ker \ou caliimginev at it sure made me sore; ctoy n in isng the pattern in steel beads and .\Intr."1 St. Patl's. Bownîanl- i-, iat toIe tnt to Pc ablc to If they'd lot me alone. Id give a trto. and putting it into a siver top - silver- Ville CUGI.T., xiii bc prcsented init l ,\" iix cxinig machine. Whlat a lot more. timedit i.soane coùoured any how. Eeyn has rtlue ceein". Nliss Cora Kiiborn, tii*.t t- biu ubie t{i walk, to xvork. They have plenty of nerve; thcy exasperati i o h oeyodSais hw ozvt nadesdrii le;( ob ic ri forget ail th past: especaîîy wîien -o use but any piece of brocade xxlegvs nadrs nigte u ' For I gave them a quarter the one i d o i n g ' could be substituted successfully.athernoo. xiii b guesso t sa eTe a biee jrnî in. of rheuna year before last! :b usin ess. IThe colours are rich and lo for teevnie.sssot:,amesae ' ite tiig paisdof rheuma-t __________________ r tiks to t and the steel beads seemn to bring evrn.t'iterjtîctse b'neie osdic s t andhethemn out. That would make a Nirs. C. R. Carscaiicii, of ý\VhIitbv, , 'iitel cri stals of unec acid iodg- "Wealtb gotten by vanity shah wen-ou arepretty grand Christmas presenit. xiigveaS. rokRviwa t- 3ith 'iit.K~chnbir be diminished; but he that gath- used toanewerj Plenty' of work but not too high a the Inorino'i session. Other speakers relief Pecailse it lieips 10 dissolve1 ereh b laourshh icrese nd tdiffern cost for materials. dttring the dav wiil bc: ilse troliing crvstais and to cx- Proverbs 13:12. ways, you find ~Divided Honors Nrs.FRankJDa. jfojKington; t unttontt vtm ___________________________it trying. How.- Jessie Allen One of the difficulties in writ- Mr. . .Joife of ot.adKis;__________________ ever, if it were Brown ing a èolumn is to know what Cot'a Kiiborn, oni jnrlougli fromt litijeai reineît, e examinations, not for the retaining of the old people want. The usual letter I China. denttai trvatînents ec.,adifnc Gree mold seen ways, it would not be so igdivid- get says, 'I like your recipes be- cai gvn tmprand ishecte t ropF mro-o ual, so you cannot have it both cause I can use them every day.' titi otîgi tPe efforts cf he cit partîcîescflng nto ways. We xill miss the sea andi Then this week I get a letter ask- dtturu ito aedntos h Bn l arbage the ships. Du ring the winter theref ing for more party recipes. I try Great Fellowship and for titis îvork the Society 'Sr % poil@a ..apreade are several liners each week but' to give some party recipes be- Crusad Launc e H t ueprvaena btte ios .A * m. hroua*ito spoilJin the summer there is only an cause we ail like to have some- ________ t bd fovniidciaer tand terpax' for i rsh~ occasional one. But on the other thing a bit special when we en- obidcartethnopvfr hand, there are plenty of yachts tertain. However, I put the em- Toronto, October 25 - The Un- crrectioti, souîtetimes toc late. A V. t o see in the summer. They are ' phasis on the foods for every day r ited Church of Canada's Quarter litaltîts iîodv antd a heaithy mmnd is * *' i beautiful under sail and interest- bcuse after ahl, parties are only ! Million Fellowship Crusade was ~etisleiar niwe o n * VA ng to watch just riding at anchor once in a while but meals come launched last week and within a vestXnrmo- ii ai-ga cid ~r by the Yacht Squadron. Having three time a day. This time I wil few days 1000 pastoral charges von are building for eternity. rmarried a Nova Scotian and mak- divide the honors and have one of1 representing 3000 churches had ingman Noa Sotin fiens, eah.1 requested enrolment cards and T'le inîben of chldren the Soc- have heard a great deal about the jrhmLa literature from the Missionary and let% is able t10 heip is entireiy dc- beauties of the Province. I putGrhmLa Maintenance ComiTittee. t endent tipon the genlerosity of tie clr own at least some of it, to the' 1 pint cream From Newfoundland to Victoria citizens 0f titese Untited Cotunties natra prjuicefo thirnatve /2 lb. marshmallows Il Conferences and over 100 Pres- anid to carry ont tiis branch of the land. Buihydi2o eî h lb. dates 1 byteries are organizing meetings xvork I'e(Itiites annnaîiv Itrivate Sub-1 Mm ~ aîfofut t i se b elfl thet cup chopped walnuts that will result in visitations to scrpttîns of 1$80000. i aI %t times it is breath-taking. There t42 lb. graham crackerp more than a quarter of a million Xiiî %ouîlîc> the Society 10 iîring1 T H 1 *S 1f is such a variety of scenery. We Soak the marshmallows in the! homes of United Church members. sîreains of snnishlîe iitto the homes have only had two years in Nova cream until soft. Add the dates, 1, Families who have not attended of iîcgicctcd cliIdrcit? Xiii von ceotia and I am very thankful for ' eut in pieces, the walnuts and the, church for some time will be in- itelî)tot liLylIt 11) lite tear-staiîted facet d is g si-I lgIhem s I aidWe eae it graham crackers rolld i n t o1 vited to renew their fellowship < iteclidîihar Efflusi g ~~regrets and yet look forward. i crumbs. Mix thoroughly and pack Iwith the church. One of the first I o r nbet tedtet a m hoping Ottawa will provide into, a loaf tin. Chill for severalJ purposes of the crusade is to in- cI vson atton abiveatn ~~~ ~ some interesting material f or this h ours. Slce and serve with whip- crease the attendance at worship Soicx r Dnaio Dy.10wlîich a EI ~ IY I clun.pedi creamn. This dessert may be services fromt October 23rd tel the yert invitationi is extendcd to al KichneteLiin made the day before using. and of the year. iittetc-sted fil cliiid wcifate, vont Kiceet iigPenny Squaresf Second purpose of the Crusade, (inttatiuuti tiav lie addressed to TPe a kîthen o geseve one 1 cup brown sugar explaincd Rev. Denzil G. RdutEPide1' .iiSociety, Pont Hope.1 makes housework equWhat u ntofgeattkes cpladneutermxe!Assistant Secretary of the Mis- hJiO0117donation is ci a nature that 1 d rudgery earotsihtlu mre 1 cup sweet milk sioniary and Maintenance Com- caîiot Pc imaiied tlPe Society wiii bce 1________i____s smerre cp urat mittee, is to enlist at least a quar- lzIad lui arrange t0 have it calcd for.a sorts and se on. As this is writ- 1cpcrat ter of a million members who will Giliett's Lyeent. ere is a un eei ref prg- ! us u offer daily prayer for the work of Gilltt'sLyecuts through tmen. weare is n e furih eprtg- làteaspoons nutmeg ýh hrh einn coe gr.s nd.i> erator, a kitchenette and a mini- 1 teaspoon soda the church. Bpra eginingOc te LIFE MEMBERSHIP geiecn it. mum of dishes. We dccided we Cream the shortening and su- 2ra7-a ryrpre a wa[shes dirt awagy! would enjoy having our break - gar, add the milk, then the sifted ýbeen set aside when church mem- IS PRESENTED fssand an occasional other meal dry ingredients and the currants.,bers will be urged to pray for the ILLTTS PreFIek Lo ere, se started in to buy supplies. Bake in a buttered pan 10" by 10" work of the church at home and M~rs. M. J. Holman Presented With (3 maeTTs houeor4k easLy. There were, ne pots and pans so fo 4 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut _______f Mmbrsi G maes husewrk esy.those were our first purchase. A into squares when cool. Glaze Third purpose of the Crusade is Keepsgarbagepailssanitary.Freee sauce-pan, a frying pan and a with' cold water before cooking. te enrol as contributors for the Newtonvîlle Womcn's Institute clogeddran ppes clanstoielcofee erclatr hve uffced ~support of both the local church met October 2th in the United whggd riskis, lausoljýofe te-ba d khtv e tnea I and the Missionary and Mainten- Church basement with a number tohesogreaseercolatorrtquitg ancmac Nestleton W.M.S. ance Fund at least a quarter of a from Kendal and Orono branches perco an.(A ngi hatwo te o e hy._____ million members of the United present. Mrs. Hoock was guest potuy ansof(n Cnglisthema wrteheirtatn Sectional meeting of Peterboro Church. Members who enrol in speaker and spoke on "Ourselves" todaylthe bread, we had ne knife; and inl Nestîcton Presbyterian Church tribute regularly for at lcast the A unique part of the pregram toa!7I blithely bought a can of sa'hmon October 20. Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- last ten Sundays of this year. was the presentation of a Life for a salad and found we had no lin, Bowmanvillc, presided. Dele- Thousands of members of United Membership Certificate and Pin *Neer dissolve lys e >4I4 a pnrTewmn~ gates and members attended from Church Sunday Schools through- te Mrs. M. J. Holman. Mrs. J. C. lu bot wter 'Ih cawhopee.Tewm upstairs, owf" who i living similarly and takes Bowmanvilhe, Newtonvilhc, P o r t eut Canada are being provided Hancock, Newcastle, who was action c th.le .. rmal ucae Hope, Cobourg, Brighton, Janet- with a special literature intended president of Newtonville W. L. 'self heats the elsotcavdsome brown MAf bread, and having ne knife, she ville and Campbcllford. te increase interest in home and when it was first formed, read the MAEUNCNAAeut it wîth her scîssors. We are Rev. V. Walker, ministen at foreign missions and the other address and Mrs. Wm. Smith, who FREE UOOKLET-Glllett' y. nBoklet having quantities of sahads and Nestieton, opened the meeting work of the United Church. . was aise one of the eIder mem- gjives dozens of ways 10 mae housework 1 fruits as we ail craved them. with devotional exercises. Mrs. Mr. Ridout said that neyer since bers, made the presentation. Mrs. eaier. Write to: Standard Brands Lsd.,i Somehow hotels and boanding Hoocy, president of Nestîcton Union in 1925 has he witnessed Holma&n thankcd her feliow mcm- Fraser Ave. & Lberty St., Toronto, Ont 1 lcsgnrhh edm hv Auxiliany, welcomed the visiting such enthusiastie interest i a bers and told how much she had ___________________________________________________delegates. Follewing the ordinary country-wide effect te enlist the ejydtewr n xrse business haîf heur there was a full service of church members. the wish to still be with them round table conference and many __________ wheneven possible. notes of intcrest were discussed. Othen items on the pregramt Fo ieMsclTetB ueadMrs. G. Thompsen, President of wene: Solo, Miss Hazel Reid; roll Listen Each Sunday Afternoon toI Peterbero Presbyterial, repented D N TO A lEeya as oo r.A on Council meeting hpld in To- FOR CHILDREN'S Rediknapp. eonte in October. A solo was D O I y Anivtio waaceedo T HE LIPTON MELODY HOUR sweety sung by Mrs. Philp of ADS I TyrAne invitato was cceptd.t Nestlton.Lunch was served. Next regular WThe speaker was Mns. W. G. The Childnen's Aid Society, Pont meeting Nov. 15, in U. C. base- C B L ORONTODavis, retunned missienary from Hope, upon which falis the resPonl- ment. Every Sunday 4.30 p.m. Manchunia. She speke very earn- sibiiity for pnoviding chiid protec- F'eaturing estly of the great need ef spreadi- tion withîn the United Counties is John BiddleOgaBrzw k ing the gospel among these native making its animal appeai fer final,- Newtn il "Vour Lîpton Melody Singer" BrillPant Young Soprano wene when they leanned of Chris- lion Day ivili be obsenved at the Vstr:Ms .E ah n and tianity. Her hearers were deeply Children's Home, Hillcrest Lod _re, Vstr:Ms .E ah n impressed with the great work Port Hope fnom 3 te 5 Denise, Toronto, with Miss I. The Lipton Ensemble being carried en by Mn. and Mrs. An opinion that seems te be shaned Laing. . . . Mr. and Mns. Wilson, Davis in their mission field in by a lange number of citizens is tuaI Mr. and Mrs. M. Taylor, and Mr. Precented by 'mhos. J. Lipton Limted, Packers of Taonan. Wm. Taylor, Lindsay, Mrs. Pel- LIPT NS ULL- FAVOU ED EA estetonlades ervd a terhe Society is supponted eutinciy lard and sons, Newcastle, with nontea and a social haîf heur fti'pbi nd u hs ltMn. and Mrs. W. Milligan. . .. Mr. wa noo dthe case. At ieast half of the work R. Foster, Tononto, and Mns. wasenoyd.which the, Society is doing is Pre- Fowler, Whitby, with Mrs. John *'SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIAN WHEÂT reccîve onte pentny ftem public funds. Tue inioltey received f rom lte Un- ied Counties is for chiidren who are mnade wards cf lte Society tirougli te Coutrs. Titese chiidren are car- cd for iin the Chiidrens Home or tnt carefuiiy seiected jirivate homes until free foster homes, wagc hontes or adoption homes are foîîîd for titem. The Society is saving the taxpayers hundreds of dollars every month by finidiite f rce homes or adoptive homes for mniy children whuî îw'oild otiîerwise become charges tipoî tlie United Coumties. For the exptihse entaiied ini this work the Society lias to rely upon private donatiotns. The Societv is aiso dependent tupon private funds for the expeitie cf ivesigating the many cases o chidiidegecet. Titis is called Pre- veitive Work - heiping 't improve conîditions in the home to make tlxem proper Places for chiidren iii which to live; renderitiLp advicc and assist- anîce teo revent the homes beiitg brokeitni); prevcutîing parents froi siîirkiitg theit respomîsibilities t Ilîcir children ; titus makiitg it tnti- îîccessarv for ltme chiidren te lie seîtaratcd front their parnts, tlitir home anîd lte contmtîlity itn viiciî tiîcv luve. I)îînîg te past y'ear 78 îeîv coin- Plaitits of le2iect, imvolviiîg 123 children. were investigated, reqinr- ing over 800 visits and interviews antd over 70 attendances at court actions where children were invoived. Many children are clothed, given U.S., to sec his sisten, Mrs. Jas. Darch, Newtonville, and brether, Mn. Frank Peate, Orone. Miss Isabel Bruce has returned from Bancroft. On account ef the regular U. C. choir going te Clarke anniversary Sunday evcning, the junior choir assisted with the service and Miss Margaret Denauht phaycd the piano. Juniors are receiving a great deal of praise for doing se wehh. U. C. League will hohd thein an- nual Hallowe'en Masqucrade panty Monday, Oct. 3hst. Prizes wihl be given for costumes and contcsts. Mrs. Nancy Honeywell, Orone, was bunied in the cernetery here on Octoben 25. Mn. George Stapheton Sr. bas been quite ill. Mr. S. R. Joncs is in Port Hope hospital threatened mith pneu- mon ia. Mn. John Couch Pas been sony- ing as junyman in Cobourg. Cowanviller Anniversary services were wcll attended, the church was full in the afternoon and packed in the evening. Dahlias, cosmos. sweet! peas and marigohds were used in the deconations, as wcll as toma- tocs, grapes and cucumbers. Thisj is rather unusual for this ti me ef year. Rev. J. P. Joli, Brooklin, de- livered inspiring addrcsses. Spe- cial music by the choir in the af- ternoon, and Newtonville choir, unden the directien of Mrs. Lane, sang bcautifulhy in the evcning. A daughter was bern te Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coek (nec Hilda Perrin), Hamilton, October h7th. League membens werc disap- pointed whcn the pictures of the Passion Play faihed te arrive in Newcastle. Annivcrsary Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Russell McNcil and Phyllis, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Turncr and Sanmmy, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Payne, Miss Sybil Hood, Peter- bere, Mrs. Fred Graham and Mn. Alfred Graham, with Mn. T. J. Simpson and family. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Wilh Cowan, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Frank Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Os Cowan, Orno, Mrs. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. M. Os- bonne, Morrish, with Mn. and Mns. Brooks Cowan. . . . Mn. and Mrs. W. Waterson and Irene, on their way home te Welland from a trip te Scotland, and Mrs. Moses Heard with Mr. and Mns. Erwin Farrow. ..Mn. and Mrs. S. Smith, New- tenville, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan. . . . Mr. and Mns. Lewis Crossley, Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo and twe girls, Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Misses Rosaline and Helen Harncss, and the parson, Rev. Mr. Joîl and son, with Mn. and Mrs. Bert Crosshey. . . . Mn. and Mns. Wcs. Stningen, Mr. and Mns. Cecil Walkey. Mr. and Mns. Hcnb Hancock, with Mn. and Mrs. Gco. Henderson. JacKsn. . . M. adUIvrs. 5W. A. Wright, Enniskillcn, at Mr. J. A. Barrie's. . .. Mn. and Mrs. Chat- terton, Orono, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. . . . Mrs. Jack Glover, -Newcastle, with friends. ...Mrs. Hawkins and daughter, Port Hope, with Mrs. S. R. Joncs. ..Mrs. F. I. Moore and family, Castîcton, with Mrs. Jas. Stark.. Miss Gladys Pearce with Mrs. Chas. Smith, Cavanvihle. ., . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner and three children, Tyrone, Miss Edith Part- îier and friend, Mr. S. Globle, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Darch. Miss I. Laing, Miss Florence Burhey, Mrs. Willis Jones, Rev. E. L. Beech and Mn. R. J. Rowe at- tended the S. S. convention in Bowmanville, October 18. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Peate me- torcd from Baltimore, Maryland,f To KeepYounmg Sîceplessness and irritability corne eariy te rob one of youth and beauty. Wornen have found a great friend in Dr.* Chase's Nerve Food te keep them young, energetic and attractive. Dr. Cha8'u NERVE 1 00D Frank Williams, Mnaer THE BILUE BIRD BEAUTY PARLOR Wishes to announce to its patrons they are starting a SPECIAL From Nov. lst until Dec. l7th owing to the great demand of our patrons. Oil of Tulip and Charminol $5.00 Permanents for $2.50 Complete PHONE 339 - OPEN EVENINGS NEW LOW PRICIÈ ON âlm Good Morning Marmalade M 2 Ibs. 33e - 1llb. 19e Effective Oct. 27, 1938 Christie's Premium Soda Crackers 2 Regular Size Packages for 25c 1lM. boxl19e - 2 lb. box 35e Potatoes, bag 75e - Onions, 1 2-lb. 25e Maple Leaf Lard - - - 20-lb. pail $2-30 Hlllowe'en Candy Kisses - Jelly Beans - Gum Drops Brown Label 1BROWN LABEL lb. - » -73c YELLOWYellow Label 1/2 -1b. - - - 29e h~'very littie it couts to give your 1 hoFFme the daily convenience and protection of a telephone? It actually works out to only a few cents a day! "Shopping by telephone" saves time and energy. 'tVisiting by telephone" binds friends and relatives-local or distant-more closely to you. In case of emergency-fire, sickness, burglary-your telephone is a faithful, speedy messenger; the perfect, sleepless servant, giv- ing constant service for just afew cents a day! 1 -1 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE