PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 t, For Truc Coffee Freshness Wc Invite You To Trv A & P COFFEE A Blend To Suit Your Taste 181 o'clock Mild and Mellow 1-1lb Bag 23c Red Circle RIch & Ful-Bodied 1.1b. Bag 19C Grapefruit, Texas Seedless .. each Se Yams, Louisianna............... lb. 4c Pecans, paper sheli .............. lb. 21c LAMB choice quality LEGS ....... lb. 23e Loins ...... lb. 18e - Fronts ...... lb. 14e VEAL LEGS, boneless............ lb. 20c PORTER HOUSE ROAST, ........ lb. 24c (prime beef) BLADE ROAST................. lb. 16c Short 17c PORK SHOULDERS.............. lb. 15c (Fresh Shankless) Butts ............. ý. .......... lb. 19c BACON, sliced Breakfst ......... lb. 28c Pot Roast, boneless..............lfb. 14c IArthmur McKay atteîuded a gccse dinner given by lien sister, Nirs. R. Bouzeiu on Sunday evening at xvhiclu Mn. and Mrs. Roy McKay, we'st cf Toronto, aîîd Inshiector A. A. Mar- tin andI fainihy. Brigbton, aiud others wcee rreseiut. . . . Miss Nfyrtle Fan- ncw. Port i oe, and Mn. Raymond Farrow, 1'terboro, t Mn. Victor Fanrow's. . . . Mn. Richard Hallo- well %vithi Nrs. Chas. Reid, New- toîîville. ..Mn. aîud Mns. ilfned .NfcKay. Newtonville. t Nfrs. Johnî McKay's. . . . Mnr. andI Nf s. i erb Gilmer and famihy, t Mn. anud Mrs. Tiios. Sowdfeîî's, Eizabethliville.... Mns. I.ew Hlaliowcll anud faiiy t Mns. Thuos. FaI's. ..Mn. andI Mrs. J. J. Mellon. Orono. at NMr. anI Mns. Richard IIahioweIl's. Shihohu XV.A. met ini thue churehi on Tnesday. Mîrs. Bert Trimn ententaiîîed a numben cf frieuids to a ceîebnatioîî partv aîîd lEnnier Tuesday. Thie cool eveîiîugs arc with ns to rcînd us cf whiat is to come. sci let everytîne hbc prcipared for the frost aîud wiîter ilasts. Sonie froîn here attcîîced the iClarke chunrcu ainivesary wiile otluers frcuuî lure attendech thie an- nivrsany services at li.sahitlivihe. Hhlm o>f thuise aiiliversarys were ield on Stincalaxast. 'flire soheiiuaîîd sacrech services %vere huld at Shîilolu oni Snîîday shuen ', wcv Lcîiiise Smuythîc was haPtized. after whic1h Miss Hazel Falls and. Mfiss i'hiyîis Gilmer wene necivedj iuto thue chunrciu, foliowing Ibhis was heldth ie sacrament of thie Lords i Suppen. ' Zion Solinaat .Mrs. R. J. McKes.qock's. .. . Mr. îaiilv. 1-lilton, Mr. and N.Irs. E. and 'Mrs. :\. L. Pascoe, Mr. S. F.1 Briunuîuiel and( dalighter. Bowmail- Werrv at Mr. JA. \Verrv's;, En- Iville . Mr. and M,\rs. Frank Bray and Recent Visitors nliskillenl. - .- Miss Gladvs. Yellow - 1>s),,on Eneld, at Mr. NValter Par- Mr. Jimn Smales. Jr. iu Toronto. .Ices with Mi ss Jean YellOwlees. Col- 1 rinders. ..Miss iJean Scott. of Mrs. .1. R. Reynolds, Hampton, L umbus. Irs. Chris Cook, and 1Sitilbhatmr)on. at Mir. B. G. Stev- ____________________________________________________________________ nid 'Mî Nr. K. C. Scott s. ...Mr. a(l Nrs. Hlarrv Grounis, Toronto, t Mr. S.E. \Verrv's. 'Mr. W.' T. Tay lor celebrated is IT'S SOth irthdav Tiirsday witlî a famn- IV S j iv gathering eld i bis honour. Hý-ome and Scblool Club met Oct. lSth with President Mrs. jack Baker SGUARANTEED in charge. Election of officçrs re- siulted as follo',ws- Pres.-'SýValter FREE FROM DIRT Parrinser: Výicc-Pres.-'jack Rey- A garateek ive wih achdelver tcke fo Ild Sec-Miss Ruth \cKessock; A u rateadngi n threachdlrtitekCoaf.rTca .-Jack Kivell; Auitors- C. Readng Athraite oal.Shortridge and Isaac Hardy; Pianist We -Miss Ileen Bason; Progran Coin. Semet Solvay e-M,\iss Pearl Leach, Nirs. A. Potter, Se e ovyCoke Selling at $11.50 ton I MIrs. 1. Hardy. Harold Pascoe. Proiraini %as given by scool pu'Pils. th R vniolds. H elen Lang mnaid, we L E T \nna obs, Lloyd Ayre, Jim Potter, Dorcthiv Hardy. Evelyh arne Successor to Henry Lathrope and Annie Potter, who gave their Pho e 2 95 r 2 73 Res: O taro S. ., owm nvile speeches in the .Itiiatioli Series Phon 269 or2673 Res: OnarioSt.N., owmnvile r the public speaking coxnPetitiOll at Hampton iis week. The judges, __________________________________________________________ Nrs. W esley Yellowles, Bill Lycett, -,\aple Grove. and Hugh Smale, ______________________________________________________________ Iownialiville. Tbecy chose Lloyd Ayre as the winuier. Choruses were given by the senior and junior pupils after wiclh candy and apples were srved. W I* I A large nuiber of friends of Mr.i and N.Irs. Ernlest Hockadav gatbiered a t ibeir borne Friday evening to ex-t Ab tend congratulations and best wisb- £ * es on tbeir marriage. Mr. jack Rey- nolds called te gatering to order and Miss Ruth McKessock read an acdress. Mr. Tom Baker presented f .~ te bride and groom xitb a gif t of Prod cer of O nt rîo pro uct ~ elat. are. E rnest and N orm a re- â ave ter weekna ioA &Pr od t oresw plied tanking ail for the gifts and havether wek t A& PFoo Stres best wishes. Remainder of evening and at real Iow prices. was spent ini a social way and a dainty lunch was sred. SrE~. It oeMrs. Burney Hooey as in charged SPEIA PIC S P FEC RM C.27NV of Temperance Program at Sunday SPECAL RICS I EFFCT ROMOCT 27 NTE NO. 5 Scbool. Mfrs. A. L. Pacoe gave a PROD CEDIiiONTAIO TE ~reading; Miss Pearl Leacb and Mrs. * RD CDI NAI TM Wes Yellowlees gave a vocal duet PIII IAM Jacob's ~8 and 'Mrs. Hooey gave a story from * LU J "' 32o jar18 the temperance study book. 32-oz.A numnber of ladies from Bow- * & G OA 3 bars iO manville, and Hampton Institutes P & SO P 3 oc ere zuests of Solina brancb Wed- El lhl Mnarh 4b9 nesdav afternoon in S.S. room witb * ILUJII4-1b. Mrs. S. E. Werry peiig .Is FtnmIR 7-1b bag 22c bag 5 c Houck of Brampton, wbo kave a 7-b.'Ifine address on "ImProving Our Per-v * UUIVlLICSHORTE G Ibo. 9psonality," dealing witb ber sbetý NING2 c~~'J in a four-fold apyily mnn __________________________tally. socially and morally. Mrs. J. Reulr veydy Thickson. District President, spoke HALLOWEEN Low Prices on the work of the district. Misses SUGGSTINS Alme Tom & eg.Evelyn and Helen Baker f avoured SUGGETION Ayler Tm. &Veg.itîî a iano dcut and Mrs. \Vill *SOUPS - 2 tins 15C Leask verv pleasingly sang two I Molasses Aylmer Assorted - is1c olos witil Miss Helen Baker as ac-a *sOups - -2tn 7 comp)anist. Refresbments were served Quaker bv the Solina ladies and a social K 1 S S E S * as---Ie k.19C time e nioved. On, Insttut, are plan- c A * Pa pora-tle pg.ning to go by bus oTrnotr 2 h .1 cMilk- - 2 tail tins 15C UWintcr Rol *Jehly Beans, 2 lbs. 23e campbell's TomatoMisTa ecCtesipon *Gu Dops- lb 1e SoU - - 3tis 3c venor. xvas ini charge of Young1 PEANUTS - In Sheli Maple Leaf People'; meceting Monday niglbt. De- 2 lbs. 19c *Matche 3oes 19c votional storv was given hv Miss Po orDifBag Tomato - Ail ~brad o.esI 'c.irl Leach: reading, Miss Gladys Pop orn Bif Bng rans -No.l'a XelOwvles: guitar and vocal inusic Tin 10e Juice - 3 tins 14c lvNr rd MriZo.~a CIDER - Pure Apple OId English Paste iuchMr.loved Mrtin, m Dewel ave GaiWax - -1-b. tin 57C the topic and Miss Helen Baker had Old English icharze of recreation. Hampton Y. *No-Rub - pt. 59C I'.. will leicilvitcd 10 visit ils Nov. Classic 121st. *BAKED IN ONTARIO Cleanser 3 tins 13C Congrattulations tii Mr. nd Nrs. Heinz Tomato Lge. H-arold Pasce on the arrivai cf a A & P READ ahy boy. SLIEDOR NSICE * etchup - 2 btls. 35C Our choir provided music at the Ann Page W 2-z.4 Heinz Tomiato Med. Enfield Harvest Home service Sun- Vlhole Wheat2 £ Wrap 1 c "SOUP - -2 tins 23C sîav evenior. -Loaves nd B Cracked Wheat Heinz Assorted Med. Mr. M Nrs. . G. Stevens en- *Soup - 2 tins 25c 'tcrtaincd at a dinner party Satilrdv Swansdown Cake evenîng in bonour of NMr. 'and MIrs-. Flour - - - pkg. 27e Burnev Hooev who have juist re- Yukon Ginger- (Contents) turned from tlîeir wedding trip. Pbalmolive Soap 'Aie - - 2 qt. btls. 21C Mr. and MIrs. jack l3aker. Mr.; Special Old Towne Assorted and Mrs. Maurice Baker and Janicei 3 New Giant Sîze 25C~ *Pickles - - jar 25e enjoyed a niotor trip to Quehcc last Free: One bar Sig Bath Soap Dog Food week wvhere 'Mr. jack Baker ivas with each purchase of *Pard - - 2 tins 23e judging tock at Sherbîrooke Fai r. Princess Flakes Tollet Soap Mn. and MIrs. Walter Parninder Spectal 27 *Lux - - - Cake 6c attendcd the funeral of lier unicle, 2 gs. 27 Lu. Edward Brummiel, Wbithy. _____________ *Flakes - Ige. pikg. 23C Sunlight Soap - - - bar 6c Starkville CheeFlour 'hrisie's "B", Sodas Recent Vstors. OLDOVr Sunyflld P.tryMrs. jack Payden, \Vsesleyville. at OLD-Oer Snnyflld2PPkgyS2C 1Mr. Thos. Fall's. ..Miss Helena On. Vear lb. 2 c Hallowell bias ntunned t. the city. NE - 4b. 4 SGnger s 17c . . .. Mns. Hlarold B'anrowcloulglî MIW- b. agSnas~Weslyville. wih NMrs. John MC- _____________________________________________________________ Kay. She also witli lier brother. Mr. THEATRE OSHAWA Friday - Saturday OCT. 28-29 Scott Colton, Mary Russel in "EXTORTION - Added Hit - Bob Baker, Constance Moore, Fuzzy Night in "Border Wolves" FOUR DAYS Cosnmencing Sunday Midnite and Continuing Monday - Tuesday Wednes. - Thursday Exclusive showing in Ibis district "Adventures of Robin Hood l with Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland, Basil Rathbone, and Claude Raines Ablaze with the glory of Technicolor Plus Selected Shorts - COMING- Deanna Durbin and Jacki, Cooper in That Certain Age P Receîîî Visitons NMr. Livingstonie Miller, NMr. ail> Nirs. Ray Canienon.lIriez aîîd Bey- enlv at N.Ins. P. J. Gifford's, Os- aca. Nf s. Camenon aîîd cbildrn stayed for a week witli lber mother. ....Mn. Frank Pascoe in Toronto. Nir. and Mns. Russell Fer- kiîîs and Margaret at Mn. Gnant's, Coîbounne. . . . Mn. and Mrs. Mau- ride Mfallory. Trenton, Mfr. aîîd Mrs. Bateinan. Belleville, at Mn. John Cruickshank's. . . . Mn. and M ns. R. Stainton and family, Mns. Jas. Stain- toîî at Nf s. P. J. Gif fond's, Osaca. Mfr. and Nf s. Riussell Penkin. and Ruth at Mrs. Harny Allin's, Bowmanvîllc. . . . Mn. and Mrs. J. WV. MeNfaster, Messrs Alex and Jamues NfcMaster at Pickering. Nfr. anud Nfns. J. WV. Balson, Marion and Jean at Mn. Harvey Hagerman's, Oshawva. . . . NMr. Jas. NifcM.ýasten, Toronto, Rt Mn. J. W. \Ici\faster's. Nfiss Norma Glaspel witb Mn. and Nf ns. Raiiicy, Orono. . . . Mfiss Enîîîîa Kihhcîî, Oshiawa, at Mrn. Robt. Killen's. . .. Mrs. Robt. Killen and NI arie at Nfr. JohnxiKniox, Toronto. Nfr. Carl XVilbur met wvith a pain- fnl accident wbihe tbnesbing at Mn. T. C. Glaspel's. He had bis right band cnusbed hetween the chiain aiid the cogs on the side of the milI. Nirs. Herb Flintoff had a quilt. iîîg for XV.A. ladies on Thursday. Roast Fowl Stîpper was well at- tended considering rainy weather. The play "Mother's Moments" put on by Albert St., Oshawa, people was well given and greatly enjoyed. Proceeds aven $250. Hampton Recent Visitons : Nfr. and Mrs. Howard Nfoore and daughter, Nfr and Mns. Gea. Baker, Ronnie and Barbara, Toronto, witb NMn. and Mns. Harry Holwehl. Dr. Jabez H. Elliott, Toronto, witb bis sister. Mrs. Chas. J. Kersiake.. ..Mn. Bill Robinson, Donovan, Sask., with bis parents, M r. and Mns. Milton Robinson. . . . Mn. and Nf s. Nferwin Cryderman, Oshawa, NfMr. and Nf s. Lewis Cryderman and Doris at Mn. Percy Clarke's, of Greenwood. . .. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Hampton, Mns. Jobn Ah- lin and son Alfred, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouîh, Napanee. Tbey also inspected tbe new bridge at Thousand Islands... Nfiss Elena Niddery, Torontîo, with bier mother. Mns. L. Niddeny... NMisses jeanî and Jessie Hogarth, cf Bowmanvilîe, at home...Nfrns. G. V~ine aîd Nfiss Ruhv Clatwon-thy, Bowmanvilhe. xvith friends.Nf r. and Nirs. Norma> Clemens, Toronto, at Mn. and Nf\rs. L. Clemens'.... Nfrs. C..lara Jeifer., NMiss NI. Fair- cth. )fns. WVallace Jefferv, To- rnîtc. anI sister, Nirs. Doe, Jellico, with thieNMisses Ilor>. Nfns. Clara Jeffeny reunainiîîg for a wluile. Several XVoinen's Iîîstitute mcm- biens atteiuded Sol iîa braiicb Oct. 19. relatives in Toonîto. . '\I. and Nfns. C. Slcmoîî, Tynone, at Mn. J. A. Xerys. Mfr. anîd Nfrs. J. A. Vsenny enter- taiîued thîir iniiidate relatives to dinnen Friday evening. Chtuncli service îîext Suiudav at the usual iîoîr of 7 p.m. Ebenezer Mrn. aiilnd ns. \Vill Fcund, Han- mony. at FIl. H. Nichiols'. . . . Mrn. anîd Mrs. Esli Oke aîud hlsie at thue %Vhite's. Bethiesda. . . . Mn. aîîd .Nins. Smîith,. Jaîîetvihle, withu Rev. anud Nn..W\. C. Smîithî. Services oin Sunday wcne con- ducted by Rev. Il. J. Bell, Black- stock. withu Rev. W. C. Smith ccii- ducting annivensany services on a Biackstock apihointinent. C.G.I.T. met Satunday at Mns. WV. C. Smith's. Devotionai was given by Lucilie Xade anud hîayen by Mns. Smith; Study Book takeîî by Gentie Petit and Wihuna Down; piano solo, jean Gay. Thie new cf ficens wene apomutedi Pnesideut-Eileen Pickehi; Ist Vice-Muriel Found; 2nd Vice- Catharne Minto; 3rd Vice-Lucille Wade; Se.-Wilnia Down, Ass't. Sec.-i.ouise Pearce; Press Sec.- Kathieeîî Pidduck; Treas. - Annie Husbanci : îiaîist and Ass'ts-jean Gay, Ruthu Peiifotund, Muriel Fonnd and Louise Peance; Lookout Com. I -Catharine Mfinto aîud June Waiters. Mns. Smîithî served nefreshuments. Mtssicu Cinche met at Madeline Toolcy's. Mn,. Llovd Countice had change of Devctionah period. Study Bock %vas ziven by Mfrs. Cccil Rob- insonî. anud neadiîîgs by Edythe Bai- soûn and Norma McQuade. The ginls arne sponsoring a Lost Hein part" on Wednesday evening at Pidduck's Young People's Society met Mon- $1250 to $5500 A smarter group of new coats for fail and winter has neyer been offered at such reasonable prices. It will ........ pay you to look at the fine fabrics, the rich f urs and fine tailoring that make these coats a distinctive buy. Clearing Afternoon LINEN CLOTHS Dresses and Velvets LACE RUNNERS Drastie reductions have been Just arrlved. See these really made la our prices. Styles are the beautiful clothis, runners and latest. bridge sets. $1.50 to $13.95 65c to $7.50 Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Phone 834 LTD. Bownianville i. I BECOMES CANON day withi Miis Ada Annis, Vice- stu(ly class for youiîg people prior NEIVTONVIILLE President in the chair. Prayen was tc îlîin acceptance into churcb r d lthe n r i cf fered liv Aura Osborne; scripture nîcinbenslîip. Program was ini charge Ferys. ed erscerndMr.BF. neading 1w- Rogeîîa Edgar; tallk by cf Citizenshîip Vice. Mrs. E. Doidge: GîbbsMiss eggy Gîbstr vMssîtF. Mn. Evans: reading. Douglas Cour- bibîle readings, Mi\rs. L. Coombes; t'le home for a week. They also mo- tice; readinig. Lloyd Down and vocal topie 'Co-operative 'Movement and tored to Picton to visit her dau- solo. Flonabelle 'Marshiall. Christianitv' and the followng wir gtrMs .Wnh ýnMissE eOe~a o tes 1 sons described thie work of co-oper-_____________________ about 30 vouing frieîîds Friday even- atives ini the differeîît countries: ini for a niasquerade party wlven a 'Mrs. L. Squair, M.\rs. S. Buitteny anI mcost enlovable time wvas lîad. Mr. E. Doidge, after vhicl i \r. WM'. Several from here were at the Taylor rendered a violin solo; M\rs 9O00 honme of '.Ir. and Mrs. Aylmer Hez- F. Blackburn, a reading; Miss M.I Se.o.Trno n cpdcc Collacuitt. a piano solo, and Mr.1 1 f~L f' brate witb tbem tbeir 25tb wedding Taylor. Sr., Toronto, gave an imi ~ AAg~ annîvesarv. ronîptu talk on "Co-operation i n The immediate famile fM.Chînreli Work" whichî ias verv mni- is and Mîrs. H. F. Osborne met aItbeir pressive. A short guessing contest whîy not enjoy the hast word in home recently and celebratcd withb lrouglit the prognamn to a close. At- genuine eye comfort? Wear tbem tlîein 3tb wcdding anniversary. tendanice 19. C....Many social functions are being Siiiti setne o Ms C O R ECTA LU lîeld amonz the relatives of 'Mr. O. Clarke Bell and '.Ir. Ian. Bowmali nPickell, Edamn, Sask., to lionor his ville, iii the phassing of Dr. Bell wl o Wd vist n ntri ad wo il cle 1will be greatlv missed h)y a large ie-Vision Lenses 7, ~brate a bintlîday in Novemben witlî circle cf fniends, not onily for hIý the good age of 89. iiie(lical abilitv but also for lus frý They afford dlean, distinct and har. Rev. C. R. Spencer, M.A. endlv maîncr and benlevolent spirit monious vision throughout the entire Rectr o St Jon'sespcciallv- towand tlîe îess fortunate Iens surface. Over 100,000 satiafied s etro t onsAnglican C d~-u i eotbfine.patients bear testimony to their tChurch, Bowmanville, has been Ca mu himi oot eredd genuine value and comfort. oI Tpornto byatha rcnbof hDop of Rt Give your eyes the best -they are of aTointo a thCano fte ihoes e ce Viior:worth preserving, especially when thie -Toronto, the Most Reverend Der- Nîr. fns yp fless"orca" TM. n Ms.anonElot wt cost so littIe. Arrange ta have us [father, the late Rev. P. L. Spencer toxaamines. illSaîelî, Nstl of Hamilton, was also a Canon . i.adNrs. H. Galbraith 'Miss Corsiîîa Samis. Oshawa, a ~reyu in the Diocese of Niagara under and Mariorie witlî Nr. and Nirs. L. nr. Milton Samnis'. Ni'r. Ralîîl the jurisdiction of Archbishop Thîompson. Ormiston. Zion. and Mliss Grace D R O LN Owen when he was the Bishop of U' omitted to mention ini ast ITbaîe. Oshawa, at Nir. H osk-in m .CO LN Niagara Diocese. The congrega- week's account the presentation of Sinitlî's.N inM. and M.\rs. H.Eea- DRUGGIST -tion of St. John's feel highly hon- a cane to Mr. Elmen Nesbitt pior ton. Oshawa, at Mrs. J. Mýfcculloclî'S B1anil ored on their rector receiving this to bis Ieaving our community for -1 u Taksiin erie nSuî Phone 695 omnil tappointment. Nestleton. day evening Ivas wvell attended and - c Young People's Union opened for very successful. Rev. H. Lackey de- W lien thie government speai-er 'Mrs. the f aIl season on Tbursday evening ivered a splendid sermon and the Houck. Brampton, gave a fie ad- wlieîn Ibese officers were elected : selé-tions given bîy the Eldad choir dness on 'Personality" wbicb was Pres. - O. Anderson; Vice-Pres. - were lîighîly appreciated. Enfield f nIl of many belpf nI suggestions Mr. N.iclMillan; Sec-Miss Helen congregation-are very gratefuil to the wortb putting into practise anid well Fowîer; Ass't. Sec.-Mr. McMillan; choir wlîo so kindly assisted tus to wortlî bearing. Solina ladies served Treas-M'iss Anîîie Fallis; Organ- belp make our service sucb a suc- daint Gibson; Ass't. Organist- cess. daMyrefreL.Shmets.u M coin ârs. E. Gibson; lst Vice, Christian Y.P.U. of North Osbawa visited dnior. \V. L. ith purt acokn Endeavoun - Miss Mi\ari onie GaI- our societv Ttiesday and a ver,ý pro- deronsratouiin aseentof the bnaitb;- Assts.-Miss GWlda John- ftbeeeîgwsset cburcb Monday evenirig v;ben 45 lad- ston. Mrn. Jas. Fallis; 2nd Vice, Mis- Buckheat eiz s entsedwt ies and a few husbaîîds enjoyed an sionary-Miss Anniie Fallis; Ass'ts. Bkweti inthsedwh appetizinp diîîner. -Sydney Ferguson, Louis Stinson: excellent yieîds. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Armour and 3,d Vice. Citizensip-Beth Mc- M- family are maving int the bouse Quade; Ass'ts.-Miss Lyda Gitîn, at the soutb end of the village whicb NMn. Gerald Stinson; 4th Vice, Lib- a l Gr v they recently purcbased, it beling the nary and Social-Mns. C. Ferguson; apeG o eO H W propenty of the late J. L. Johns. Assts.-M,\r. 34cMillan, Mn. Eldon Rev. W. E. Honey, Myrtie, wîlO H W Mn\t. and Mrs. WV. E. Stevens hav- Tbompson: Sth Vice-Mn. Harny occupy the pulpit on Sunday. T us r.-S t ing àoId their fanm bave taken tip McKee; Ass'ts.-Mr. Merlin Philp, First meeting of Courtice Cir- Th s.-F .-St nesidei;ce wvth ins inother, Nf s. E. Miss Muriel McKee; Worship con- ýcuit Brotherhood will be heid No- OCT. 27-28-29 ste, enis.. venos-Mn. E. Gibson, Miss Helen vember 4 in Maple Grave Church Annual Halloween masquerade Fowîen. Mrs. H. Galbraith, Mns. J. when Rev. Gardon Porter, Can- Ginger Rogers and progrnm will lie held Friday .Iit.M.RoadTopo. ton wl be guest speaker. evnn.J .met at Mrs. Oscar Mc- iMn. George VanDyke is suffi- Fred Astaire .PU metn Oc.2ist wvas Quade's Thursday witb a good at- 'c ientiy recavered from his opera- in openied hy President Mir. Blanîchard. tendance. Devotional service wvas ably ýtian ta return home ta hîs daugh- Jessie Knox took change of wonship conducted by Mns. H. J. Bell, the ter's, Mrs. 'Cecil Jeffery. C RF E perod: caîl 10 voship was read by thieme being "Tbanksgiving.' Pres- I Miss Kathenine Ca mp belil, Ali Rundle; readîng Thelma Rob- ident Ns. C. Fenguson occupied tlie yaungest daughter of Mn. and with Ralph Bellamy and iîîs; Jessie Knox gave the devotioii- chair. This pnognam was given :-Mrs. A. J. Campbell, has not got Luella Gear aI storv: prayer, Doreeîî Penrett. neading. Nins. A. E. McGill; duel scanJet fever as at first reparted, Rubv Colwill. Citizenshîip çonvenor, 'Is abri1adNis el but had the germ in her car and~ QUIZ CONTEST PICTURE lîad change of prognam: neadîg bwlv NIrs. J. E. Elliott; a solo, tahirs. mc mrvd Dorcn Perett motth ogan eln. Visitons: Mn. Vernon Trimble - ADDED Donen erntt motlionaiisele-C. Fensiusoii. A short contest was*MsG.M agePotHpih atot. pi.\lRudl pitb peti entens eOii(lucted by Mns. Fred Dayes, aften ýMn. and Mrs. R. D. Timbie. Walt Disney Cartoon .t he iaiîo. Topic ivas pnsiiel b which she aîîd ber gnoup served a ýMn. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, M"1'The W'halers' ' Rcv.W. Rckhan. Hmonos ncd leicionis suppen of ponk and beans,i and Mrs. M. Munday, and Mrs_______ inz wvas gîven by MnI. C. Warren. scaîîoped potatoes, pickles, bnown Wm efey ae eure hm W.CT.U me at'.\rs.joeChah>- bnead and butter, sodas and cheese, 'after a pleasant visit with rela- E IA mans. October 20thî withi President aver cake and tants. W. A. will 'tives at Courtright. ..Mn. Don- .\lis Iatesti prcýidiîig. MNrs. J. meet Rt Mns. Galbraitlh's next week'aid Ross, Maple Grave, Mn. andi Friday 10:30 p.m. G. Burns conductcd the devotional, t ciuilt. ýMrs. Wm. Fee and family, Burke- the top)ie hciig "Tliat Peace Shaîl ton, at Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Arm- Rule thie lEartli." 'Miss Duff, To- stnong's. . . Mn. and Mrs R. L. 'SUULS at SE ncînto. Provincial Field Secretar, . Wondcn with Mns. Ed Wilkins, with Gary Cooper and gave a s0îenidd addness; pianoe solosSae Oshawa. . . . Mn. and Mns. M. George Raft were giveii by Nf ns. C. J. Kerslake Munday with thein son Elgin and ________________ aînd Miss Nora Horn. It was de- Recent Visitons : wife in Belleville on Sunday.... cided to hl a pbi pangccii- Mran IrsA.Plrdad r. Miss Miidned Snowden with Miss M na usa test~~ ý odpbi paiî n îc is .Phadaî fn.Doris Grooms, Toronto.. . . . Mna usa tsNo.21. \ext meeting a thte H. Baskenville, Miss Elva Gervais, in n.WhadSees n n OCT. 31 - NOV. 1 pansonge 'so 8thi.Tcronto with Mn. aîîd Mrs. E. Mns. E. J. Flatt, Mr. and Mns. J.nnat Silver. . rs. G. Pollard and L. Roak, Mn. and Mrs. Walter F U ' R ID Enniskillen N iss Ruthi. Oba, withi Nfr. aîîd Nis. Munday, Toronto, Mn. J. G. Cor 'O 7 AifuI C. Pollard. Miss Ruth is remaining neli, Scarboro, witb Mn. and Mrs. with Errol Flynn, Olivia de witîi lier gnandpancnts aîîd atteîîding F. Swailow. . . . Mrs. John San- Haviland, Rosalind Russell 'Recent \str:sehicol hene. and Mrn. anîd Nf ns. E. ders, Town, with ber brother, W. .\Ir. Howard Oke, Providenîce, Mn. Pollard anîd babe wenc Suinday J. Snowden, and ber niece. Mrs. QUIZ CONTEST PICTURE B. Piiigle, Bowvmanville, t fn. XW. guests with lus paneiîts.N f r. H. G. Freeman. . . . Miss Neihie, Oke's. . . . Mfr. aîîd Mns. C. Gra- aîîd Nirs. O. Hertzbung ententainied Snowden, Scugog Island, at home.CO IG4 AS bain and faîîîily, Countice, -t Nin. friend.. froîn Oakville..1 .Nfs.J.. .Mis hemaFremnPeer C. Boyd's. ..Nfiss Elva Onclîan< Inwiii and Miss Ni\ansiaret home fnoîîî bora Normai, aI home. . . . Mn. Wednes. - Thursday lias bccii visiting lien cousin, NMr. M". . . .il . Nrs. Nloody, Miss Fred Miller with Mn. Jordan G. Cowle. Naîîancec. . 'MNr. and F.. Moody and Mrs. F. Hunst. To-j Sharp, Toronto. . . . Miss Louise Friday - Saturday Nins. C. Bnantoîî, Miss Gladys Page, roîlto. îitb Mn. and Nîrs. H. Gasid. Foiey with Miss Bessie Blackburn, iN V --- Oshiawa, at Nf ns. Etta Pages... .. ...Mrr and MNs.F. Catonr t New Orono. . .. Mrs. R. H. Armstrong, OV 23-- Mnf. and Nf s. J. D. Brownî and Miss castle. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong vis StirrigRatD na Olive Brown, Orono, MnI. Douglas Rev. A. W. Nf arcl's sermonî Sun- 'Rthe frmoge Trog te r ieigHer-rm McKiîîîon. Oshawa, Mrn. and Nrs. J. dayxvas an earnest appeal in the Runth rsrngynTrot e 'BOYS TOWN' Brown, Earl Gerahd and Merrill iîterest of iMission Wonk.cety Brown, Bowmanville, with Mn. W. Y.P.U. Octoben i9tb was opened Teacher-Now, if I iay five eggs with Spencer Tracy and J. Stainton. . . . Mn. and Mns. J- bv Pnesideiit F. Blackburn anîd here and three eggs there, how Mickey Rooney Gordon. Beaventon. at Mn. R. Gon- îrav en hy Rev. A. W. Mardi, wbo many wiii I have, aitogether? don's. ..Mn. and Mrs. W. Wriglit also spfoke on chsînch membenshîî 1 Jimjny-I dont think you cani QUIZ CONTEST PICTURE with Nir. J. Bannie, Newtonville. . and bis intentions of condncting a-do I ________________________ Miss Eva Souchi, Nrs. J. Pye withu Bokar Vigoraus & Winey 1.1b. Bag 25c I f'4, I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1938 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO